Genrikh Sapgir presentation for a lesson in fiction (senior, preparatory group) on the topic. Genrikh Sapgir - biography, photographs Fragments to the biography of the poet

Today we will tell you who Genrikh Sapgir is. Poems for children brought this author the greatest fame. We are talking about a Russian writer, poet, screenwriter and translator. He was born in 1928, November 20, in Biysk (Altai Territory).


Genrikh Sapgir is the son of a Moscow engineer. His father was on a business trip in Altai. Soon he returned to Moscow with his family. Since 1944, our hero became a member of the literary studio of the artist and poet Yevgeny Kropivnitsky. The organization worked at the Moscow House of Pioneers. Since the late fifties, a circle of like-minded artists and poets has formed around Yevgeny Kropivnitsky and Oscar Rabin, his student. Subsequently, this association was called the Lianozov school. It was precisely children’s creativity that Genrikh Sapgir took up in the Soviet years. His tales were loved by young readers. In addition, during this period he created scripts for classic cartoons, in particular, “The Little Engine from Romashkov”. As a children's writer, our hero traveled a lot. In 1979, he took part in the work on the uncensored almanac Metropol. The first publication of more “adult” poems abroad occurred in 1968. They were published in the USSR in 1989, during perestroika. He also acted as a translator. First of all, in this capacity he manifested himself in his work with the works of Ovsey Driz, Jim Cates and German concrete poetry. Participated in the creation of the anthology “Samizdat of the Century”. He is the compiler of the poetry section. During the period of perestroika, he became a member of the Moscow Writers' Union. Was a member of the PEN club. Joined the DOOS association. Died of a heart attack. He was on his way to the presentation of the anthology “Poetry of Silence.” His performance was planned there. Wife - Sapgir Kira Alexandrovna - writer. She was born in 1937. Maiden name Gurevich.


Genrikh Sapgir belonged to a rare type of authors of a protean type. Throughout its creative path he was constantly changing and constantly looking for new forms of expression. In his early works he often turned to social satire. The author was distinguished by its elegant playful forms. Next you can trace how the poet Genrikh Sapgir gradually changed. His poems began to fill landscape lyrics and even citizenship. The author had an impeccable command of traditional methods of creating poetry, in particular, sonnets, but he developed experimental forms. Critics called him a classic of the Russian avant-garde of our time. He is the author of many books. If we consider the late period of the author’s work, he organically combines a variety of expressive means with laconicism. Also in the works of our hero there is a desire for an ecstatic state of mind, sincere unexpected pathos, irony, grotesque, precision of detail, reckless experimentation. The poet is a follower of such geniuses as Vladimir Mayakovsky and Velimir Khlebnikov.


Genrikh Sapgir is a laureate of the Pushkin Prize of the Russian Federation. He was awarded at the Turgenev Short Prose Festival. He also received awards from the magazines “Sagittarius” and “Znamya”.


In 1962, the author’s book “The Tale of the Star Map” was published. In 1970, the work “Animals on Exercise” appeared. In 1993, the “Library of New Russian Poetry” was published. In 1995, “The Laughers” was published. In 1997, the book “Flying and Sleeping” was published. In 1999, the work “Armageddon” appeared, as well as a collection of works. The following works belong to the pen of our hero: “Losharik”, “Summer with Angels”, “Unfinished Sonnet”, “Book of ABCs, Counting Counts, Riddles and Poems”, “Planet of Childhood”, “Folding House”, “Forests-Wonders”, “Four envelope." The writer is the author of the translation of the book “White Flame” (Ovsey Driz). His poems are also mentioned in music publications. He is the author of the lyrics of the songs: “The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase”, “Visiting the Dwarves”, “Blue Elephant”, “Father Frost and the Gray Wolf”, “Cinderella”, “The Princess and the Ogre”, “Flashball”, “Not at all” scary”, “The Mystery of the Yellow Bush”, “Snake in the Attic”, “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, ordinary and incredible”, “Laughter and grief at the White Sea”.


Genrikh Sapgir actively worked in this capacity. In particular, he authored the script for the following works: “Little Frog is Looking for Dad”, “Little Bear on the Road”, “Chief Star”, “My Green Crocodile”, “How to Become Big”, “The Legend of Grieg”, “Locomotive from Romashkov” , “Happiness is not in the hat”, “Nothing is forgotten”, “Scarecrow”, “Sunny grain”, “Sweet fairy tale”, “I will draw the sun”, “Edge of the earth”, “Donkey Plush”, “Amazing whale”, “ In the thirtieth century”, “Breeze”, “The most respected”, “Magic lanterns”, “Fables in faces”, “First meetings”, “Thank you”, “How the goat held the earth”, “Morning music”, “And my mother will forgive”, “Our Nanny”, “Bird Festival”, “A Tale of Greed”, “Churidilo”, “If you don’t like it, don’t listen”, “ Silver hoof", "My friend is a traffic light", "The Princess and the Ogre", "Pie with Smeyanika", "Moroz Ivanovich", "Sweet Spring".

Genrikh Veniaminovich was not distinguished by great health. My heart has been naughty for a long time. He suffered a heart attack in the early 90s, doctors and friends warned him more than once: “It’s time to think about yourself, to love yourself.” But he took it all as a joke. I thought it wasn’t about him, it has nothing to do with him, but:

When I was a soldier, I was always hungry - that’s me. The rest, I thought it wasn’t with me - how I was wounded, and how I died in the hospital, covered in bandages and blood.

Genrikh Sapgir was born in Biysk, Altai. This fact is no less original than his work. He said more than once jokingly: “There are Bukharian and Siberian Jews, but Altai Jews - I’m probably the only one.” It so happened that in 1928, Sapgir’s parents, who had previously lived in the famous Vitebsk, found themselves on a long business trip in Biysk. There, in this center of Altai, Henry was born. Soon after little Heinrich was born, his mother went to Moscow with him, and the rest of his life was spent - with departures and departures - in this city. But both in Vitebsk and Moscow, Henry’s parents spoke Yiddish, and this language always remained in his memory: Jewish words, phrases, and sayings often interspersed in his speech with Russian ones.

The first buzz around Sapgir's name arose when the famous literary almanac "Metropol" (1979) appeared. In it, along with the poems of E. Yevtushenko, A. Voznesensky, poems by G. Sapgir and E. Rein were published. Then both he and Rain “got away with it” - against the backdrop of celebrities, their names were not given attention. But, at the same time, the collection “Metropol” marked the first publication of Sapgir’s “adult” poems in the USSR.

The first book of children's poems by G. Sapgir was published in the USSR in 1960, the second - already solid, "Favorites", was published in 1993 in Moscow. This book became evidence that a master had entered Russian literature. Who is he? Poet? Prose writer? An experimenter writing for a trained reader? One thing was clear - the name of Genrikh Sapgir broke into Russian literature firmly and for a long time.

My acquaintance with Genrikh Veniaminovich took place by telephone; in the fall of 1991 he called me. I remember his voice, his accent in particular. It seemed a bit shtetl-Jewish to me. But this is over the phone. In life, both the voice and the accent were completely different. Why did you call me at home? I was glad that in my book I mentioned the name of his beloved poet and friend Ovsey Ovseevich Driz. At that time, not only did I not know him personally, but I was not familiar with his work, except for translations from Ovsey Driz.

IN last years We met often and talked for a long time. I remember the meeting at the end of December 1995 at the anniversary of Evgeniy Borisovich Rein. Genrikh Veniaminovich read poetry. I immediately realized that these poems had something to do with the hero of the day, as well as with most true poets. Sapgir published them in full in his book “Flying and Sleeping,” dedicating them to Evgeniy Rein and entitled “Untitled.”

Running away from jealous depression

Best of the day

and yearning like Faust for youth

lay around all day - lay on the beach

shrunk to black

poet - roach of imagination

and yet she overtook you

cornered like a woman

threw it into the pillow -

and you saw yourself from behind

through upside-down binoculars:

don't imagine that you are all alone

you hear crunching and rustling -

steps on the pebbles behind you

a whole crowd of living and dead

enters the eyes and ears

like in your own home

perhaps they will fly with you to Paris

and to America - in the porthole

nice company in the clouds - still the same -

sometimes green, sometimes red -

on the blinking wing of a Boeing

Genrikh Sapgir is an amazing storyteller. Perhaps, of the people I met, only Evgeniy Rein could “compete” with him in this skill. One day, in a taxi, Heinrich forgot a folder with other people’s manuscripts that he was given to read. Rising home and ringing the doorbell, he remembered what he had forgotten and immediately rushed downstairs in the hope of returning the papers. Of course, that taxi was no longer there, but he got into another and caught up with the manuscripts “close to his house, near the Novoslobodskaya metro station. Luckily there was a traffic jam.” Having not paid the “new” driver, he generously thanked the first taxi driver, and when he came home, he remembered that he had offended his savior. Fortunately, he remembered the car number. He had to find the person he needed through a taxi company in order to pay him. So I did.

In one of our conversations, Heinrich said: “Ask me whatever questions you want. You will find answers to any of your questions in my books. I think I gave you my last book. Now let’s raise another kosyu (glass - Heb.)" .

If Sapgir had only translated “The Wise Men of Cholem” by Driz, making them part of Russian literature, then this alone would be enough to classify him as a Russian-Jewish writer. But he also wrote wonderful poems on biblical subjects, in particular “Psalms of David” and “Three Hebrew Lessons.”

what are you worried about

what does it matter!

What is it? What's the matter?

it stinks in here

This is true?

is it true that you:

what a truth!

stay calm

Trust me

give it up

I am still waiting


relatives most likely

Hard to say

do me a favour

sit quietly don't interfere

Go to hell!

hi goodbye

Take care

nigmar hainyan

Literary critic Andrei Ranchin was right when he wrote about Sapgir’s work: “Probably the main property of Genrikh Sapgir’s poetic gift is freedom from any canons and frameworks. Sapgir often writes as if there was not a single poet or a single poetic text before him. He remains himself themselves in “imitation” of poets of different eras.”

“I had a chance to hear the poems of Ovsey Driz, from the long cycle “The Wise Men of Khelom”, performed by a translator at what seems to be the last evening of the poet’s lifetime. Ovsey read his poems: he sang in the original language. Even now, a quarter of a century later, the impression remains enormous: Driz Sapgir was not the only one who translated, but today only these translations can and should be re-read - masterpieces worthy of Sholom Aleichem,” this is written in the “Anthology of World Poetry in Russian Translations of the 20th Century.” Here are excerpts from the brilliant “Khelom” poetic duet Sapgir-Driz:

Hard to believe,

I'm not arguing with you

But in the city of Helom,

There was no bathhouse.

From the poorest

To the richest

Everyone washed in troughs,

Basins and tubs.

Haven't gotten there yet

Good news to Helom,

What's beyond the sea

There are Turkish baths.

Turkish baths

From pure marble:

Do you want to wash yourself?

Go overseas.

And somehow they came

To the wise men of the towns:

It's time for us to build

Turkish baths,

Turkish baths

From pure marble,

So as not to travel

Hard to believe

I'm not arguing with you

But the wisest

Sparkling eyes,

I gave it to the carpenter

The wisest advice

Which one haven't you heard?

A thousand years:

Plane the boards!

Be strict, don't be lazy.

But just put them down

Planed down.

Hard to believe,

But in the Turkish bath

People wash

Since then in Turkish.

With gangs of iron,

Like in the clouds.

They are sitting in felt boots

And in shoes.

Genrikh Sapgir translated several dozen poems by Driz. Their creative collaboration was a continuation of personal friendship. Distant in age (Henrikh was twenty years younger than Ovsei), who received different upbringings (Ovsei Driz, who grew up in the town of “Krasnoe” in Podolia, knew Jewish traditions and Yiddish from childhood, Heinrich, as already said, grew up in Moscow), they supported each other both bad and bad Good times. Driz's poems have not been published in his native language for a long time, since 1934. But in 1959, his collection “The Cheerful Baker” was published in Russian. It contained many translations by G. Sapgir, however, as well as in the following collections of Driz “The Top of Summer” (1961), “The Tree Has Arrived (1966).

What united these two most of all? different people? Love for children, for their imagination; faith in the reality of fantasy and, of course, humor. G. Sapgir called O. Driz “the main pioneer of the country” because Ovsey’s birthday - May 19 - coincided with the birthday of the pioneer organization named after. V.I.Lenin. All this is true, but most of all they were united by respect for the Talmud.

Oh, how beautifully the leaves are born!

Like the fists of a newborn,

Still compressed

Still closed

But they are already aimed at the sky:

All is mine!

Oh, how beautifully the leaves die!

Like open wax palms

Who goes to another world:


We didn't take anything with us

This poem testifies that both Ovsey Driz and Genrikh Sapgir knew the Talmud. It says: “A person comes into the world with clenched palms, and as if he says: the whole world is mine, and leaves it with open palms, and as if he says: look, I take nothing with me.”

I think that the top of the mountain, whose name is “Sapgir-Driz”, became the poem “Violet Day”.

Many memoirs and poems have been written about Mikhoels’ funeral. The unforgettable lines of Peretz Markish from his poem “Mikhoelsu is an unquenchable lamp” even today, more than half a century after the actor’s funeral, cannot leave anyone indifferent. And even against the backdrop of this majestic poem “Purple Day” by Driz, translated by G. Sapgir, remains a symphony of memory and sorrow that has entered eternity.

The day was purple

Cloudy sky - fish scales

Somewhere trams and cars were noisy,

And here on Malaya Bronnaya,

There was silence

And in a strange procession

Yellow - red - green

The jesters walked in silence.

It was gloomy and damp

The jesters carried on their shoulders

Walk carefully

Like on the edge of an abyss,

In its solemn absurdity

Magnificent Jesters

They mourned him in silence

Only the bells jingled,

Sewn onto jester's hats:

Ding - ding, ding - ding.

The day was purple.

The sky swam like a big fish.

The trumpets did not cry.

And the flutes did not squeal.

Only the bells cried

They jingled: ding - ding,

ding - ding.

The day was like night.

The comedian's mask was distorted by flour.

Look, there on the roof of the house

A gray-haired violinist appeared.

And a blue flame of hair rose up!

And the violin sang -

Gold fish!

Cry, little fish, cry.

Above the face of the king - a secret of secrets:

This old violinist.

There was the great Einstein.

But the jesters did not know this.

And the day was purple

It was damp.

“Having entered the “strange country of Sapgir”, you soon feel natural, as if in reality. The world itself slipped him a pattern for bending his own idea of ​​​​the structure of the world.

But the truth sparkles in this poetry not only from the clashes of incompatible concepts and shifts in meaning, but also from the very construction of the verse. Sapgir is masterful in all areas of poetic form-making,” one of the most outstanding writers of our time, Andrei Bitov, said about him.

One of his best books, “Flying and Sleeping,” was published in 1997. While reading this book, I more than once recalled the paintings of early Chagall. There is something in common between these two artists (in fact, the title of the book “Flying:” already has something Chagallian, Vitebsk). I think, most likely, these two artists are united by the desire to bring joy to themselves with their creations, joy that overflows their own hearts. They acted as the Baal Shem Tov advised: “Whoever lives in joy does the will of the Creator.” I believe that both Chagall and Sapgir, when creating their creations, thought least of all about admirers and admirers. Although they understood that they exist and, of course, will exist later. The fantasies they created will live forever. Einstein said: “To someone who creates, the fruits of his own imagination seem so necessary and natural that he himself considers them not images of thinking, but given realities, and he wants everyone to think so.”

Here is one of G. Sapgir’s very characteristic short stories:


It's strange, this girl remembered herself as a princess.

When I was a princess, she said.

What did you eat then? - I ask.

Fricassee and blancmange.

I don’t know what it is. Apparently, he was not a prince in a past life.

tata 25.09.2006 04:32:50

I really want to find the book "Flum-Pum-Pum". I don't remember exactly the author. In the 1990s. was on sale at bookstores. It turned out to be lost by all my friends. The book is wonderful! It seems to me that the author is G. Sapgir.

Genrikh Veniaminovich Sapgir(11/20/1928) – Russian poet. The boy began to read very early and a lot, not always understanding what he read about. Young Henry also tried to write as a child, in the first grades of school. He studied in the literary studio of the poet Arseny Alving.

Sapgir was one of those who brought poetry back into poems for children. In the 1960s, there was a publishing house in Moscow that published books for children. It was called “Baby”. In this publishing house there lived a chief editor named Uncle Yura, or, in an adult way, Yuri Pavlovich Timofeev. It was he who once asked the poet Genrikh Sapgir: “Write some poetry for us!”

- About what? – asked Sapgir.

- About anything. Well, for example, about the fact that it’s April.

– And if it’s April, can I write about cats?

“Okay,” said Uncle Yura.

And the following verses came out:

Meow! It's finally warm. Spring.

In April, cats have no time to sleep.

I don’t understand how in April

The boys can sleep in bed.

We would walk on the rooftops

Under the moon, big and red.

And after that, children's poems fell from Sapgir like apples from an apple tree if you shake it. The heroes of the poet's poetic fairy tales - Losharik, the Ogre and the Princess, laughers from the land of Laughter, and the little engine from Romashkov - became widely known. Sapgir’s work with the wonderful storyteller G. Tsyferov on the scripts for the cartoons “Losharik”, The Little Engine from Romashkov”, “My Green Crocodile”, “Little Frog is Looking for Dad” was fruitful.

Genrikh Sapgir wrote children's poems in such a way that it would be interesting for himself, so that adults would like it, so that children would be happy. This proves that the poems he wrote work 365 days a year. Every day. And even in the evening, and even at night...





"Painted Sun"

"My friend the umbrella"

"Riddles from the garden"


“How a donkey fell ill with sadness and other fairy tales”

The second wife of the sixties poet, writer Kira Sapgir, together with her lawyer Yulia Verbitskaya, will hold a press conference on the situation with the sale of items from her archive ex-husband

A press conference is scheduled for Friday, October 20, 2017, at 12:00. It will be held in the premises of the Arbitration Court on Gilyarovsky Street, building 7.

The discussion at the meeting with journalists will be about the scandalous dispute surrounding the archive of the sixties poet Genrikh Sapgir, which, in addition to books, documents and photographs, includes works of nonconformist artists donated and purchased by him - paintings and graphics. There are, or at least used to be, works by Oscar Rabin, Vladimir Nemukhin, Erik Bulatov and many other now famous artist friends whose works are expensive on the market. At current prices, the bill amounts to many millions of rubles.

The reason for bringing the dispute about the inheritance into the public space was that Kira Sapgir unexpectedly discovered at a Moscow auction items from her ex-husband’s archive, some of which belonged to her. They were exhibited without her knowledge or consent.

Previously, the archive was kept in an apartment on Akademika Abrikosova Street in Moscow, part of which was inherited by Kira Sapgir. But when she tried to get into the apartment, she couldn’t do it. The plaintiff's side describes what happened as follows: “The man in the apartment, who introduced himself as Alexander Gribov, said through the door that he was also the heir, but he would not and did not intend to open the door and return any property to Kira, including property acquired jointly in marriage with Genrikh Sapgir. Apparently, the result of Gribov’s actions is the sale of the joint archive, which will certainly become the subject of litigation. Moreover, the case regarding the apartment is already in court and the first hearing in the Tverskoy court will take place on October 19, 2017.”

Now restore your rights ex-wife the poet will be in court. And lawyer Yulia Verbitskaya (Linnik) will help her.

Genrikh Sapgir (1928–1999) - a famous poet of the sixties, one of the figures of unofficial art, a samizdat writer, a student of Evgeniy Kropivnitsky, a friend of Rabin, Nemukhin, Kholin, other artists and poets of the Lianozov group and others. In the USSR, he was the author of dozens of books of children's poems, performed translations, and wrote scripts for cartoons. For example, based on his poems and music by Tatyana Ostrovskaya, song "About a red mouse and a green horse" in the wonderful film “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin.” Sapgir died 18 years ago. According to information from open sources, he had three wives: Rimma Iosifovna Sapgir (daughter - Elena), Kira Aleksandrovna Sapgir (daughter - Maria) and Lyudmila Stanislavovna Rodovskaya.