How to open a portal in the game world of cubes. We open the portal to the end, without any problems

A gloomy and desolate dimension in which a Minecraft player spends the least amount of time. All this is about the world of Ender or the world of the Edge, which appeared in Minecraft 1.0.0 for Android.

The player enters it at the very end of the game, it is in it that the player will have to kill the Ender Dragon (Ender Dragon), thereby completing the passage of Minecraft. On my own Ender World is a deserted island, no more than 300 blocks in diameter.. But in the latest updates, this world has been significantly updated. So now, at a distance of 700-900 blocks from the main island, additional islands will appear on which the Edge Fortresses will be located, but let's talk about everything in more detail.

Traveling to the Ender World is no easy task, especially when it comes to survival.

First we need to collect 12 Ender Pearls. They drop from , but the chance of dropping is extremely low, so it is worth enchanting the sword for luck 3 (Looting III), this way you will collect these pearls much faster.

After you have collected 12 pearls, you will need to go to hell, where you will need to find a fortress. In the fortress there is an Ifrit spawner, which we have to find.

They do not spawn in every fortress, so you may need to find several fortresses. We will need to knock out 6 fire rods from the efreets, which we convert into 12 fire powders. Now we combine the edge pearls with fire powders and get the Eye of Ender. The most difficult part of the cooking process was successfully completed.
Now we need to prepare for slaying the dragon. Remember: after you get to the world of End, you can only get back by dying or killing a dragon.

Take diamond armor, a diamond sword enchanted with sharpness, a bow, food, snowballs. A bucket of water and a pumpkin will be a useful addition. They will help you in the fight against endermen, which the Ender World is simply teeming with. After all this preparation, we have to head to the fortress where it is located.

Hint: if you don't know where the fortress is, the eye of ender will help you. Just throw it in the air and it will fly towards the nearest fortress, thus finding the nearest portal to the ender world in a short time. Now let's figure out what to do in the Ender World and how to kill the Ender Dragon.


Slaying a dragon is a unique process that marks the logical end of the game in Minecraft. But for this you will still need to defeat the dragon. First you will need to destroy the edge crystals that are located on the obsidian towers. We can destroy some of them that are not protected by bars with the snowballs that we took earlier, and those that are protected by bars can only be broken with a pickaxe or sword by climbing the tower.

But you need to be careful; when destroyed, the edge crystal explodes and throws the player back. Be careful and don't fall down, otherwise it will be the stupidest death of your life.

After you have destroyed all the crystals, you can start killing the dragon itself. He has 100HP, which is quite a lot for a vanilla one, but you won’t have too many problems with him, he is easily killed both by shooting with a bow and by hitting with a sword in those moments when he attacks you at close range.

Thus, killing a dragon is not a particularly difficult process, which will end very easily. As a reward, you will receive such a souvenir as a dragon egg and a huge amount of experience. Personally, when I was writing this article, I decided to check how much experience you can get from experience and leveled up from 0 LVL to 102.

Not a bad boost, would you agree? These are 3 things enchanted for 30 LVL. Roughly speaking, killing a dragon will allow you to make your armor as enchanted and indestructible as possible. In this you will be able to survive an explosion at point-blank range, not to mention other mobs.

But is this really where the full potential of the Ender World ends? Yes, that was the case a few years ago, but now Ender World has a sequel. Start building in either direction and at a distance of about 800 blocks you can find several other Islands containing unusual plants, as well as Dungeons inhabited by Shulkers.

Shulkers in Minecraft

Shulker is a unique and interesting in its mechanics mob that shoots unique balls that, when they hit you, will give a levitation effect. You will start flying up and will not be able to stop, and after the effect passes you will fall down and die.

However, when you kill a shulker, it will drop a unique drop. This is a kind of analogue of a chest, with the exception that if you break this one, then all the things will remain in it. This is a cross between a regular chest and.

In addition, in such dungeons you can find Elitras. Elitras are extremely quick way movement. You put them on your back and you can fly safely. So you can see that the Ender World is not as empty as it was before.


If for some reason you wanted to kill another edge dragon, then you can do it easily. To do this you will need to make 4 Ender crystals. They are crafted quite simply: each requires seven glasses, an eye of Ender and a tear. After this, simply place them on the sides of the portal in the Ender World and the process of restoring the remaining crystals and resurrecting the dragon will begin.

Attention: do not forget to pick up the dragon egg, as it will disappear from its place on the portal as soon as you begin the process of summoning a new dragon.

Also, after summoning a new dragon, the portal to the ordinary world will not work until you kill the new one. However, this dragon, unlike the previous one, will give much less experience. So on GamePedia it is said that it will drop only 500 experience points, while the first dragon dropped 12 thousand experience points.

Thus, we have sorted out everything related to the world of Ender, which is otherwise called the World of End. Now you know how to make a portal to the ender world and you can easily find, activate it and destroy the dragon, thereby finishing story walkthrough Minecraft.

Why did I think this was the end of the game? Because after killing the dragon and returning to the ordinary world, the credits will turn on! However, the ender dragon is the first, but not the only boss. There is more, but more about that another time!

When you become an experienced player in the world of Minecraft and have already visited all other dimensions and worlds, you should think about visiting the world of Ender, which is famous for its strongest dragon. To go on a trip to the portal, gather your acquaintances and friends of the server, who must have good experience and the best armor. Read about crafting a portal to this world, its location and activation in this article.

Is it possible to build a portal to the Ender world?

Prior to game version 1.9.2, players could build the Ender Portal themselves with enough fire powder and ender pearls. But after this version of the patch, the developers removed this feature from the game. Unfortunately, on this moment there is no way to build your own portal and activate it.

The Ender World has become the most difficult of all the dimensions, not only due to the difficulty of killing the dragon, but also the process of finding the location of the portal. If you still haven’t changed your mind about entering this world, read the article below.

How to find Ender's Portal

When you have gathered a small group of people with good armor, you need to get weapons. Ideally, it will be a diamond sword, a bow and a lot of arrows: the more, the better. After that, stock up on provisions, for example, fried pork - it replenishes as many as four hunger charges. Also take torches.

You will carry out your search for the portal using the Eye of Ender. This item is crafted from fire powder and ender pearls. You will need many of these spheres. Launch it from your inventory and continue moving - the sphere will show you the way. It will fly in the desired direction for about three seconds, after which it will disappear. Repeat the launch and follow the Eye until you find a temple with Ender portals.

Along the way you will encounter many enemy mobs, for this you will need good armor and weapons, as well as food to restore health.

Having found the portal, you need to activate it. To do this, launch the spheres next to him. The twelve spheres will find their place on their own, thereby opening up the world of Ender to you.

Ender, or, as it is also called, the Edge, is the third and last existing world available in the game. It consists of a main island, home to the Ender Dragon, and many outlying islands of varying sizes, rich in Endstone and Corus Plants. Actually, next you will learn how to make a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft and return back. It is important to understand that such a trip should be well prepared.

The first priority of the player who finds himself there for the first time is to eliminate the dragon. He is born in a random location on the map at the same time the character first visits the dimension. It is not easy to defeat such a boss - the dragon destroys any block alien to the world, and its health is restored thanks to the Edge Crystals located on the obsidian towers.

Therefore, there is only one rational way to win the battle: before the attack, you should, for example, climb onto the pillars and destroy all the existing crystals. Be careful: when nearby Edge Crystals explode, they cause damage to the character. In addition to receiving an impressive amount of experience points, the death of the dragon is marked by the activation of an exit portal. At the top of such a teleport there is now a Dragon Egg, which has no practical application(serves only as a trophy).

The dragon itself no longer appears after death, but there is a possibility of its revival, which is accompanied by the reconstruction of the towers and contributes to the collection of Obsidian and Dragon Breath. True, the Minecraft player will not receive the same amount of experience as the first time - its value will decrease tenfold.

How to get to the Land in Minecraft?

In most cases, you just need to find a portal, the activation of which will take the player to Ender. Such teleports can be found in fortresses: they consist of 12 frames, in each of which an Eye of the End should be installed. It is noteworthy that some of them already contain these materials, and in order to use the portal, you need to add the missing ones.

The eye itself will help you identify the fortress containing the required teleport: after use, it flies up and flies for several seconds towards the nearest portal. But it’s too early to relax - during such a search there is a very real threat of losing such rare material, so it is undoubtedly worth stocking up on it.

For playing in the "Creative" mode, you can create a teleport yourself from inventory items, which this time may contain portal frame blocks. You should build it around yourself, being in the improvised center of the structure, and all the frame blocks should be directed strictly in one direction.

How to exit the Ender world in Minecraft?

Before visiting the End, it is important to understand that there are only two ways for the player to exit Ender:

  1. die;
  2. use the portal that activates after the death of the dragon.

The first option is undesirable, primarily due to the fact that the death of a character is accompanied by the loss of all his accumulated inventory (of course, if you did not enter the appropriate command, which, by the way, is not always available). In this regard, the second method is much preferable, especially considering the fact that after the defeat of the boss, travel through his former possessions will be carried out without any restrictions.



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How to build a portal to the Ender world?

Ender World attracts many Minecraft players. After all, it is there that you can fight the Dragon and become the owner of numerous treasures. Therefore, the question of how to build a portal to the Ender world does not lose its relevance.

Construction of the portal

To build a portal to the Ender World, you must have 12 Eye of Ender artifacts and 12 blocks in your hands. The latter need to be installed on the ground in the form of a 4x4 frame. An Eye of Ender is placed on each block. After which a portal will open, through which you can get to the treasured world of Ender.

Finding a portal to the world of Ender

To get to the Ender World, it is absolutely not necessary to build a portal; it can be found. For this you will also need the Eye of Ender. It is this artifact that will act as a compass that will show you the right path. To do this, take the Eye of Ender and throw it up. After this, the artifact will determine the desired direction and begin to fly to the nearest portal to the Ender World. All you have to do is follow him. When the artifact falls to the ground, you will need to find a labyrinth underneath it, where there will be a portal frame with cells, in each of which you need to install an artifact. After this you will be taken to the world of Ender.

In the Minecraft universe there are many locations and areas where players can demonstrate their skills. But the Edge is one of the best and most complex worlds. After all, here you have to meet the highest Dragon of this location and engage in battle with him. In order to get to this area of ​​the game you will need to build a portal to the Ender world. If you don't know how to do this, then the following material will be useful for you.

What is Ender World

You've probably met black creatures more than once in your journey through the Minecraft universe - they are the inhabitants of the Ender world. What is this strange land? Ender World is a floating island. There is no day or night here and the sky is always painted with dark purple colors. This location looks quite impressive, especially if you look at it from the place you reach through the portal. Quite often, the spawn takes you some distance from the island, so before traveling to this magical and gloomy land, it is better to stock up on blocks.

During your first trip to the Ender world, you will meet the boss of this location - the High Dragon of the Land. This monster is capable of destroying blocks, so you need to run from the site to the island very quickly. In the location itself, you will often meet endermen, and if you want to avoid conflict with them, then try not to look them in the eye. But if you came for pearls, then feel free to go on the attack.

There are only four buildings in the Ender World - obsidian towers with crystals on top. In the event of a battle with a dragon, it is from them that the monster will restore health. So before or during the battle it is better to destroy these crystals with a bow. But, remember that crystals explode when destroyed, and if you are close to them at this moment, you can receive quite impressive damage.

The location itself may interest you as an endless source of pearls that will fall from the corpse of an enderman. In addition, here you can engage in battle with the largest monster in the Minecraft universe – the Ender Dragon. And the battle with this boss has long been the subject of dreams of many players.

How to make a portal to the Ender world

Construction plays a special role in this game, and it is not surprising that you need to create any device or quest item yourself. In order to build a portal to the Ender world in Minecraft you will need the following materials:

  • 12 blocks of the Ender world.
  • 12 Eye of Ender artifacts.

You are unlikely to have any problems finding blocks, because you can find them in any fortress. Please note that the material you need has a gray-green tint.

How to create the Eye of Ender

There may be problems with finding artifacts, because they are not so easy to get. First of all, you can buy the Eye of Ender found in the fortress, but the chance of this is slim. You can also try to buy this artifact from the villagers. Of course, such a purchase will cost you quite a significant amount, but if you don’t want to bother with searching or crafting, then this method is quite acceptable. In addition, you can make this artifact yourself. To do this you will need the following items:

  • Ender Pearls.
  • Fire powder.

Quite rare materials, but they can be found in the Minecraft universe. You will get pearls from the inhabitants of the Ender region, who can be found in any area of ​​the game. Be careful when fighting this enemy, because the creature can teleport and can end up behind you at any moment.

Fire Powder can only be obtained from the Ifrit Rod, but it can only be obtained in the Infernal Fortress. So get ready to build a portal to Hell, as well as fight with dangerous local residents.

Open the door

After you get all the necessary materials, you can make a portal to the Ender world. To do this, create a square of blocks. In this case, there should be three blocks on each side of the portal. After this, you need to place an artifact in each cell so that the black eye of the magic object looks inside the portal. Place the Eye of Ender on the outside of the entire structure, because if you are inside the portal, you will immediately find yourself in this world. And it’s better not to go there without preparation.

If the interior space turns black, it means that everything was done correctly and the passage to this location is open. All that remains is to prepare for the trip, and to do this, put a bed nearby and get some sleep, and also build a chest and put all your things in it. For the first trip, it is better to take only a stone sword. This will allow you not only to find your way around the new location, but also not to lose all the necessary and rare items.

How to find a portal to the Ender world

If you don’t want to do construction, you can find ready-made gates to this location. To search you will need the Eye of Ender artifact. Take the magic item in your right hand and interact with it using the right mouse button. In this case, the artifact should take off and, emitting violet light, head towards the desired portal. Follow him until his eye drops to the ground. After that, we take out a pickaxe and dig until we get into the cave. We activate the eye again and get to the portal. All that remains is to insert an artifact into each block, after which the passage to the Ender world will be open.

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