Everything died completely and wherever. Real Russian people did not surrender to the enemy, but fought to the last

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9 years later, people began to prepare for the end of the world in honor of the parade of planets. December 17, 1919 6 planets solar system lined up, and American meteorologist Albert Port immediately predicted that the Sun would explode and the Earth would suffer from the explosion. When no tragedy occurred, he came out and publicly apologized.

1936, 1943, 1972 and 1975

December 17, 1996

Millennium Armageddon was special because Nostradamus himself predicted it. Other predictors and even scientists also got involved. The program was big: nuclear war, an asteroid, a comet that will fall into Atlantic Ocean, a supernova explosion and a large-scale solar eclipse.

  • One of the major Armageddons was due to be caused by computers. The fact is that the technology of that time, when the year 2000 arrived, perceived it as the year 1900. Tens of thousands of people were waiting for the uprising of machines, the explosion of all power plants and the fall of all planes.
  • On May 5, another parade of planets took place. According to tradition, everyone was waiting for the tsunami and complete destruction.
  • But on September 26, it was expected that the real-life asteroid Tautatis would crash into the Earth. Moreover, after 4 years, the asteroid approached the planet so close that even scientists sounded the alarm. But the Earth was lucky and the asteroid flew past.


The official launch of the Large Hadron Collider caused a lot of noise. At the time, people were concerned that the launch would create a black hole that would swallow the entire planet. Hundreds of people sent petitions and organized rallies asking for the “doomsday machine” to be destroyed. But on September 10, the collider was launched and nothing happened.


. Weapons The devil names the resisting forces that gave him strength. Grads they are resistive forces that, like solid, walled cities, kept under their power those captured by their charm. And what cities should he talk about, besides those about which it is said elsewhere: Thou hast placed the hard cities in the dust, so that their foundations may fall into mouth(Isa. 25:2)? It is obvious that these, as explained above, are resistive forces. Perish their memory with noise, - their death became public. It means either final destruction, or the excessiveness of disasters, or the evidence of destruction.

Interpretation of the Psalms.

St. John Chrysostom

The enemy has run out of weapons to the end, and you have destroyed the cities: his memory perishes with noise

Another translator (Symmachus) says: ruins (eipia). In Hebrew: deserts (arvof). And destroyed the cities. What does it mean? Having destroyed, he says, the machinations and plans of the wicked, you have deprived him of his own weapons. Such is the wrath of God: it destroys and destroys everything. Or, as another interpreter teaches us, who said - deserts: you not only destroyed their cities, but also destroyed the deserts and destroyed the cities. This is how the righteous man waged war, this is how he defeated his enemies, not using weapons and spears, but having help from God. That is why his war is brilliant and glorious, and his victory is solemn. “The memory of him died noisily”. Another translator says (unknown translator, see Orig. Copy): with them. In Hebrew: with him (um). What means: "with noise"? It means either complete destruction or well-known disasters. And this is the work of God’s providence that He does not carry out judgment in secret, so that by the punishments of some, others are corrected. Thus, he expresses the clarity of death.

Conversations on the Psalms. On Psalm 9.

Blzh. Theodoret of Cyrus

Art. 7-9 “The enemy has run out of weapons to the end, and you have destroyed cities.”. The enemy has lost his own weapons, having no servants of wickedness. Those who betrayed themselves as instruments for him, those who have now gone over to the opposite side are waging war against him. And the cities, after the destruction of the ancient wickedness that had been installed in them, took upon themselves the work of edifying piety. For it was impossible to establish piety without first destroying wickedness. The divine Apostle also said this: “The grace of God, saving all mankind, appeared, punishing us, so that, having rejected ungodliness and worldly lusts, we may live chastely and piously in this present age” etc. (Titus 2:11). Thus, everyone is not resurrected with Christ until he has received fellowship in His death. Why does he say divine Paul: “If we are equipped with the likeness of His death, then we will also have a resurrection”(Rom.6:5); and further: “even if we die, we will live”. Thus, God, having crushed the wickedness of his enemies, created piety.

“His memory will perish with noise.” “And the Lord abides forever”. The enemy is plunged into visible and very obvious destruction for everyone. This is what the expression means: "with noise", taken from houses falling during an earthquake and making a great crash. Our God and Master, says the Prophet, has an eternal power and an undying kingdom.

“His throne is prepared for judgment.” “And He should judge the universe in truth, and judge people in truth”. For not only in this life does He reveal His power, but also in the future He will open His terrible judgment seat, judging all people in it, and rewarding everyone what they deserve.

Evfimy Zigaben

The enemy will run out of weapons to the end(there are no enemy swords at all) , and you destroyed the cities.

By weapons or swords of the enemy we should here understand those unclean passions, struck by which our soul then becomes dead to good deeds and seems, as it were, buried in our body, as in a grave. But when the wickedness of the pagans was destroyed and piety was planted and established in its place, then at the same time their very cities seemed to have fallen. Or also: by cities we can mean people in which demons have their home. It will also not be inappropriate if by cities we begin to understand wicked temples of idols.

Perish his memory(their) with noise.

For no one knew how to make a sacrifice to him (the devil), or even how to call upon him in prayer. Expression with noise means the same thing as a cry, for the demonic cries among people have completely disappeared. Or also: with noise, that is, the enemy died along with his pride, or with the cry of sacrificial songs. The speech here refers specifically to Satan, he is called here both the wicked and the enemy, which of course means to defeat the actual leader of the hostile forces, as he was guilty of indignation of these very forces. But going against him, she strikes these latter ones too.

There is a unique monument in Cherkasy region 150 border dogs, who “torn” the fascist regiment in hand-to-hand combat. This unique battle between people and dogs in the entire history of world wars and conflicts took place in the very center of Ukraine many years ago, and it was like this...

It was the third month of the war, or rather, it had just begun, when at the end of July events occurred that for the first time changed the course of the Great Patriotic War, or the entire course of the “Eastern Company,” as the war was called at headquarters. Few people know that by his own order, Kyiv was supposed to fall by August 3, and on the 8th he was going to come to the “victory parade” in the capital of Ukraine himself, and not alone, but with the leader of Italy Mussolini and the dictator of Slovakia Tisso.

It was not possible to take Kyiv head-on, and an order was received to bypass it from the south... So a terrible word appeared in people’s rumors "Green Brama", an area not shown on any maps of great battles Great War. This wooded and hilly area on the right bank of the Sinyukha River, near the villages of Podvysokoe in the Novoarkhangelsk district of the Kirovograd region and Legezino Talnovsky district of the Cherkassy region is only known today as one of the most tragic events of the first months. And even then, thanks to the fact that he was a participant in fierce battles during the Uman defensive operation was a famous songwriter Evgeny Aronovich Dolmatovsky. With the release of his book “Green Brahma” (full format) in 1985, the secret of “Green Brahma” was revealed...

In these places, the 6th and 12th armies of the Southwestern Front of Generals Muzychenko and Ponedelin, departing from the western border, were surrounded and almost completely destroyed. By the beginning of August they numbered 130 thousand people, from Brama 11 thousand came to their own soldiers and officers, mainly from the rear units. The rest were either captured or remained forever in the Green Brama tract...

IN separate battalion border guard detachment for the rear of the Southwestern Front, which was created on the basis of the Separate Kolomiysk border commandant's office and the border detachment of the same name, retreating from the border with heavy fighting, were service dogs. They, together with the fighters of the border detachment, steadfastly endured all the hardships of the harsh times.

The battalion commander, who is also the deputy chief of staff of the Kolomiysk border detachment, Major Lopatin (according to other sources, the combined detachment was commanded by Major Filippov), despite the extremely poor conditions of detention, the lack of proper food and the command’s proposals to release the dogs, did not do this. Near the village of Legedzino, the battalion, covering the withdrawal of the headquarters units of the command of the Uman army group, received its last Stand...

The forces were too unequal: against half a thousand border guards there was a regiment of fascists. And at a critical moment, when the Germans launched another attack, Major Lopatin gave the order to send border guards and service dogs with the Nazis. This was the last reserve.

The spectacle was terrible: 150 (various data - from 115 to 150 border dogs, including those from the Lviv border service dog breeding school) trained, half-starved shepherd dogs, against the Nazis pouring machine-gun fire on them. Shepherd dogs dug into the throats of the Nazis even in their death throes.

The enemy, literally bitten and hacked to pieces with bayonets, retreated, but tanks came to help. The bitten German infantrymen, with lacerated wounds and screams of horror, jumped onto the armor of the tanks and shot the poor dogs. In this fight All 500 border guards died, not one of them surrendered.

And the surviving dogs, according to eyewitnesses - residents of the village of Legedzino, remained faithful to their handlers to the end. Each of those who survived in that meat grinder lay down next to their owner and did not let anyone near him. The German animals shot every shepherd dog, and those of them who were not shot by the Germans refused food and died of hunger in the field...

Even the village dogs got it - the Germans shot them large dogs villagers, even those who were on a leash. Only one shepherd was able to crawl to the hut and fell at the door. They sheltered their devoted four-legged friend, went out, and the villagers learned from the collar on her that they were border dogs not only the Kolomiya Border Commandant's Office, but also special school service dog breeding captain M.E. Kozlova.

After that battle, when the Germans collected their dead, according to the recollections of the village residents (unfortunately there are few left in this world) it was allowed to bury the Soviet border guards. Everyone who was found was gathered in the center of the field and buried along with their faithful four-legged helpers, and the secret of the burial was hidden for many years...

Researcher of that memorable battle Alexander Fuka says that the memory of the heroism of the border guards and their assistants among the village residents was so great that, despite the presence of the German occupation administration and a detachment of policemen, half the village boys proudly wore the green caps of the dead. And the local residents who were burying the border guards, hiding from the Nazis, tore out photographs of the dead from the Red Army books and officer’s ID cards in order to later send them for identification (keeping such documents was a mortal danger, so it was not possible to establish the names of the heroes).

And the planned triumphal meeting between Mussolini and Mussolini took place on August 18, but, of course, not in Kyiv, but there, near Legedzino, on the road that led to Talny and which the Soviet border guards held as their border. Only in 1955, the residents of Legedzino were able to collect the remains of almost all 500 border guards and move them to the village school, near which there is a mass grave.

And on the outskirts of the village, where the only hand-to-hand fight in the world between people and dogs and the Nazis took place, on May 9, 2003, a the only monument in the world to a man with a gun and his faithful friend - a dog. There is no such monument anywhere else.

“Stop and bow. Here, in July 1941, soldiers of the separate Kolomyia border commandant’s office launched their final attack on the enemy. 500 border guards and 150 their service dogs died the death of the brave in that battle. They remained forever faithful to their oath and their native land.”

Today the names of only two dead border guards are known...

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Choose your friends wisely.
When self-interest covers itself in the guise of friendship, -
She's only digging a hole for you.
To understand this truth even more clearly,
Listen to my fable.
In winter, the Light smoldered under the Grove;
Apparently, here he was forgotten by the road.
Hour by hour the Fire became weaker;
There is no new firewood; My fire burns a little
And, seeing his end, Rosche says:
“Tell me, dear Grove!
Why is your fate so cruel,
That you can’t see a single leaf,
And you’re freezing completely naked?” -
“Then, all covered in snow,
In winter I can neither turn green nor bloom,”
This is how the Grove responds to fire.
"Trifle!" Fire continues to her:
“Just make friends with me; I'll help you.
I am the brother of the sun, and in winter
I build miracles no less than the sun.
Ask in greenhouses about Fire:
In winter, when snow and blizzards are blowing all around,
Everything is either blooming or ripening there:
And thank you for everything.
At least it’s not appropriate to praise yourself,
And I don't like boasting
But I will not yield to the sun in power.
No matter how arrogantly it shone here,
But without harm to the snow, they descended for the night;
And around me, look how the snow melts,
So if you want to be green in winter,
Like in summer and spring,
Give me a corner!”
Now the matter has been coordinated: already in Ogonyok Grove
Becomes Fire, Fire does not sleep:
Runs along branches, along twigs;
Black smoke rushes towards the clouds in clouds,
And a fierce flame suddenly engulfs the entire Grove.
Everything completely perished, and where on hot days
A passerby took refuge in the shade,
Only charred stumps stand alone,
And there is nothing to marvel at:
How can a tree make friends with fire?