What are teenage registrations? What is “on the list”? Rules for staying on the list

Vpiska is a place where a hitchhiker can spend the night, wash, eat and, having rested, hit the road again. True, the same term also applies to apartments where young people gather in a familiar or unfamiliar company for a party and hang out until the morning. That is, as you understand, registration means the opportunity to be a guest at some address, to temporarily “fit in.”

Today we will clarify with you how and why they organize different kinds entries. Probably, information about the rules of behavior on the territory provided by the hospitable host will also be of interest to the reader.

Where did the new meaning of the word “inscription” come from?

History says that the term mentioned appeared in the Soviet Union, when the hippie movement became fashionable. It was then that free youth looked for a place where they could all get together and have fun. Moreover, hippies never had money, and they always loved to travel around the vast country - and in such situations, their registration helped them out, allowing them to spend the night and relax for free.

It is very important to have mailing addresses

Perhaps not everyone understands what to do during registration. After all, this is, basically, not an invited visit (although today this is increasingly the case), but a forced stop along the way, which for hippies and similar representatives of other youth movements almost never ends. Therefore, the masters keep precious notebooks in which not surnames are written in alphabet, but the names of cities with the addresses of those who can provide an entry, and therefore the opportunity to spend the night under a roof, wash and eat.

Features of life on registration

For a beginner, his first entry (you can see photos of such apartments in this article) is the entrance to special world open and sometimes very strange relationships. After all, most often those who come have no idea who from this colorful crowd located on every centimeter of the apartment is the owner. But he cannot always answer how many people (“people”) there are in this moment lives on its territory.

And although the rules that all guests in the house try to follow are usually dictated by the owner, how the next entry will end largely depends on the company gathered at the moment under one roof.

Usually, the conditions of stay at the registration are far from those of a hotel: there are much fewer beds in the apartment than there are people willing to spend the night, so guests sleep 3-4 people on a single bed or even on the floor. If one of the experienced ones has his own, then they look at him as a master of survival, and they are not mistaken - he will not be lost anywhere!

And what do you feel like in the morning?

Yes, for many people the word “incorporation” sounds magical and romantic! What does this noisy, motley group, a bunch of new acquaintances and prospects mean for a newcomer? Probably some kind of initiation into a special world, unlike the boring and ordinary one that is observed around.

True, in the morning from fatigue and an uncomfortable position during sleep, which, alas, there is no way to change, because everyone is lying like sprats in a jar! My head aches, heavy from tobacco (and other) smoke, through which I had to look at my roommates. And the check-in visitor himself looks very shabby, because he has to sleep in clothes.

You must follow the rules of residence at the registration

Registration is, in spite of everything, an opportunity to feel freedom, allowing you to break free at any moment and go wherever your heart desires. And in order to get on the list again and again, in order to please experienced travelers who can give you new addresses, try to follow the generally accepted rules:

  • the host dictates conditions that are unconditionally fulfilled by all guests (if he goes to bed early, you do the same, and if he hangs out until the morning, no sleep is expected);
  • Be polite;
  • cleanliness should be your credo (wash the dishes not only for yourself and be sure to take out the trash);
  • you cannot touch other people's things;
  • a landline telephone can only be used with the owner’s permission and within the city limits (it’s unlikely that anyone would like to pay for other people’s long-distance calls);
  • bathroom and kitchen are amenities that are used only with the permission of the owner;
  • When going on a trip, take some goodies with you to say thank you kind person for hospitality.

Be friendly and sociable, get to know your neighbors - this can always come in handy.

Why is registration useful?

If, by all means, you want to watch the sunrise on the St. Petersburg embankment or walk along the Black Sea beach, but you don’t have the money for it, then register - what you need. She will help your dream come true, however, for this you need to find a person who will let you in.

By the way, do not think that every apartment where registration is practiced is always something similar to a brothel and a drug den at the same time. No, not always! After all, it is often organized by lonely people in need of communication, for whom new acquaintances are much more valuable than any monetary equivalent. This is how registrations appear, which are more like hostels for those who have no funds at all, but in the means mass media You can read advertisements inviting those wishing to spend the night at the registration.

True, in large cities there are much more such addresses than in small ones. And experienced travelers keep the best of them in their treasured notebooks and share them only within their own circle. But if you set a goal, you can find such an entry in any geographical location.

Remember that, once you have received the required phone number, you should not delay calling: make arrangements in advance, because the owner may have other plans or an excessive number of guests at the time of your arrival.

Be sure to introduce yourself to the owner by phone and explain how you found out your registration number, when you are arriving and how long you want to stay. By the way, you may be refused without even explaining the reasons. Well, keep searching, call other numbers, someone will definitely take you. Know that if you have any acquaintances with the intended owner (this means those who have visited him before), then the chance of arranging registration is much higher than in other cases.

Let us separately remember what it means to register with friends

There are also types of entries that have special names. For example, “Legion”: it is considered one of the safest, because everyone gathered in one apartment knows each other and comes together not only to drink alcoholic drinks, but also for communication.

Guys, as a rule, bring girls with them, sometimes those they met through correspondence. This brings an element of adventure to the meetings. Although, unfortunately, after only five or six meetings, the “legionnaires” begin to look for places to sign up on the side...

An entry called “Flet” is considered even safer. Friends and acquaintances gather there to do what they love, for example, listening to music, watching a match or playing on the computer. By the way, such “congresses” were especially honored by the informals under the Soviet Union: dissidents gathered here.

Is it dangerous to spend the night on the premises?

Let's not hide it, for beginners going to strangers in a strange city is a fairly big risk of running into a psychopath or maniac. But this is not what you should be most afraid of. After all, registration is very often a place for cheerful parties, with drinking and more. And only in the morning, the one who has taken the excess suddenly finds himself robbed, and it’s good, if only that!

In this case, there is only one conclusion: don’t get carried away with alcohol! Do not use suspicious potions, be careful and prudent if there are strangers around you! Good luck with your registration!

Modern youth big cities communicates in a language that is incomprehensible and increasingly uses slang expressions in his speech, the meaning of which is incomprehensible to most adults. To become a little closer to the younger generation and better understand their worldview without using an explanatory dictionary, let’s figure out what it means youth slang the word "inscription".


What is a registration?

This is slang for an invitation to a place where you can have fun in the company of like-minded people or, if necessary, spend the night for free. This is a specific address of an apartment or house where a large number of young people gather to discuss current topics and issues and exchange personal impressions and experiences related to some important event or event. What does spending time on the register give you:

  • Cheering up from various parties and themed evenings;
  • Help in finding new friends and making new acquaintances;
  • Provides relaxation after a long journey.

Registration involves organizing entertainment events in someone else's, temporarily empty apartment, house or cottage when the homeowners leave for a while on a business trip or vacation.

This jargon dates back to Soviet times, when teenagers were preoccupied with finding a free apartment to relax and have a good time. The history of the origin of this unusual word is associated with representatives of the hippie subculture, who often hitchhiked and, due to lack of financial resources, looked for apartments or houses of their relatives, acquaintances or friends in order to spend the night with them for free. Places for such overnight stays began to be called vpiskis.

Currently, another meaning of this word is temporary residence in someone else's apartment for several days.

What is the purpose of the event?

The eternal problem of fathers and children leads to the fact that teenagers, in order to avoid misunderstanding on the part of adults and their constant moralizing, advice and instructions, try to retire to a safe place in order to have fun. The list also includes cases of a simple overnight stay at the owner’s apartment, when a person arrives in a foreign city and there is not enough money to rent a house or hotel. It also happens that after staying at a party for a long time, a person is late for the last train, and the owner, out of politeness, leaves him to spend the night.

Types of entries

The search for like-minded people is carried out using special Internet sites or social networks. You can come to a meeting with complete strangers or gather with friends with similar interests. The only condition is the fact that the meeting will take place in an unfamiliar place - someone else's house or apartment.

What do they do at these very registrations? It all depends on their type. Let's look at the main ones.


It's a pastime small company people to have fun and have fun with like-minded people. Very often this type involves a meeting to listen to your favorite genre of music. Flat means direct live communication between ordinary people without any rules or conventions.



This type involves a break from reality for several days: young people gather in a remote unfamiliar place, turn off Cell phones so that no one will disturb them. They want to take a mental break from hard everyday life and relax. Before this, you need to prepare a large supply of food and drinks so that it lasts for a long time, and nothing distracts your friends from dancing, drinking and nightly socializing.

Hustle (from English - hustle)

This is a place that is so crowded with people that there is nowhere for an apple to fall. The location of the party is not suitable for living, but for a free snack, a fun time and an overnight stay, it is just what you need. This is an unsafe type of registration, since neighbors may get tired of the endless noise, and they will simply call the police.

Road party

Gathering random fellow travelers in any type of transport (bus cabin, ship cabin, train compartment, etc.) so that the time on the road will be fun and not boring.

Such travelers constitute a separate community and can find a roof over their heads anywhere in the world.

On the side

Another unsafe type, since people who are completely unfamiliar to each other meet in the apartment.

There are no girls at such a party.

How to get registered?

First you need to find organizers of such an event, whose task is to:

  • Searching for a vacant suitable apartment or secluded place;
  • Providing participants with exciting leisure time and unbridled fun.

If the result of their actions is successful, they will create an excellent reputation for themselves and make new friends.

Every city has the practice of organizing registrations. Despite the fact that it is quite easy to fail to register, the appearances and passwords for such events are encrypted from the leading part of society. Such meetings of like-minded people are imbued with secrecy, and any information can only be obtained from good friends and acquaintances who have connections with the organizers. The main options by which you can get registered:

  • Through groups on social networks;
  • Through youth websites and online forums;
  • Having received information from advanced teenagers or recognized partygoers who are part of a close social circle.

Party Rules

In order to be one of your own and not accidentally offend the organizers of the event, you need to know the basic rules of entries.

Among them:

  • Polite attitude towards all those present;
  • It is indecent to find out where you can spend the night if the owner does not indicate a sleeping place; everyone settles down to rest on the floor;
  • You cannot take the owner's things without asking first. You can use a landline telephone (long-distance calls or calls abroad are taboo) or the bathroom only with the consent of the apartment owner;
  • It is best to bring your own food and drinks;
  • Washing the dishes after yourself, making the bed, putting things in order, being clean and taking out the trash is a prerequisite for each participant in the meeting;
  • You cannot stay in public places for a long time.

Important! If you decide to visit the registration, be very careful and careful, follow all the rules and get real pleasure from a pleasant time with old and new friends.

0 The world is so arranged that teenagers want to temporarily separate themselves from the gaze of adults and stay with their peers to spend unforgettable hours. Therefore, relatively long ago, young people came up with a meeting format that began to be called “Vpiska”. What does Vpiska mean?? Moreover, there are several subtypes of Vpiska, which we will discuss below. Before we start, I would like to recommend a few more informative articles that will be of interest to you, for example, who is called Celebrity, what does it mean to Make Dark, how to understand Spocky Noki, what is a Spoiler, etc.

IN USSR It was very fashionable to consider yourself a hippie culture. This is a very bright and rebellious movement that is distinguished by freedom of thought and freedom of morality. There is an opinion that hippies used drugs and led an antisocial lifestyle. Since people were overly prejudiced towards them, informals began to gather for communication in different places where adults were prohibited from entering.

Listing- this is a place where you can spend the night and find like-minded people. As a rule, registration takes place in the apartment from which the parents left. Those interested in spending time in various activities are invited to this living space. And what teenagers will do, either a simple party or listening to musical compositions, or maybe group love, only they will decide

Types of registration

Flat - This is one of the simplest entries. Although the name sounds strange and incomprehensible, it is just a small party among like-minded people.

Legion- this is the safest type of registration, since only good friends meet. The number of boys should be equal to the number of girls. Although over time, such registration begins to get boring and the guys begin to look for something fresher.

Signing up on the side- This is a place where strangers meet, so going there alone is strictly not recommended.

Shuffle- this is a list of a small number of like-minded people who discuss the problems of art, science, and in general what humanity lives and breathes.

Submarine- this is an entry that is planned ahead of time. The name is quite justified, since the owner of such a registration buys alcoholic drinks and food so that there is enough for everyone for several days. Such registration is carried out in a place remote from people, far from civilization. People close themselves for several days and cut off all contact with the outside world.

Vpiska-sausage- this is a registration for which not a single girl showed up.

Road party- this is the name for registration that occurs on the road, for example in a train, car, cruise ship and so on.

In addition, entries can be divided into planned and unplanned.

After reading this short but extremely informative article, you learned what is Vpiska, and now you won’t get caught

Not every person can understand the slang of modern youth. For example, what is a registration? Let's figure it out.

The word “registration” means to stay overnight, to “register” with someone for one night. As a rule, such pastime is associated with drinking alcohol, sex, loud music, smoking cigarettes, etc. Previously, this word was used by representatives of hippies who gathered in whole groups in someone’s apartment. Today, registration is characterized as a large-scale get-together in the apartment of a person who is ready to accept a large number of visitors and provide them with proper fun.

It would seem that everything is clear: teenagers gather at their friend’s place, get drunk, get corrupted, get high and turn the whole apartment upside down. It's actually not all that sad. The entries have a small set of rules that each participant in the event must adhere to. These include:

  • Politeness to everyone present at the registration;
  • No questions about sleeping space. Typically, most guests sleep on the floor;
  • You cannot touch the apartment owner’s things and take them outside the home;
  • Use of the bathroom and landline telephone is only possible with the consent of the owner.

Also, registration organizers can establish additional rules that are needed to exercise control over the party.

Stills from the film “Project X got the hang of it”

Types of entries

The most interesting thing is that there are several types of entries, each of which has its own name.

  • Legion. It is considered the safest type of registration due to the fact that all those present know each other and gather not so much to drink alcoholic beverages, but, for example, to communicate about interests. It’s interesting that initially guys gather at the legions, who then invite girls to visit, often strangers, for example, from VKontakte. Legions are held about 3-5 times, after which the guys begin to get bored with this situation.
  • Flat. Also a registration, but much more secure. As a rule, young people gather on the flat to do what they love, which can be listening to music. It is noteworthy that in the language of informals, the word “flat” means a “hard” party with the most unfavorable conditions for a party.
  • On the side. An unsafe registration for the reason that complete strangers gather on it, gathered in social network. The problem may also be that at the very last moment the registration may simply be cancelled.
  • Submarine. It would seem that this is a completely customary registration, during which the company gets together and locks itself in an apartment or goes to the country for several days in order to have a good time. However, during the entire “submarine” you cannot leave the apartment (dacha), and all electrical appliances are completely ignored. Phones are also not allowed. In this way, the effect of complete distance from the familiar world is achieved.
  • Hustle. Translated from English, this word means hustle and bustle. As you might have guessed, hustle refers to those registrations where such a huge number of people gather that the apartment simply cannot be crowded. Not everyone likes such registrations, but at the same time it is much easier to meet people with whom you can hang out next time.
  • Road party. As you might guess, this is a party that takes place on the way somewhere. Most often, road parties can be observed in the compartment of a sleeping car.
  • Sausage entry. This funny name was given to a party where there were not a single girl who had promised to attend this event.

And finally, it’s worth telling that registrations on VKontakte are popular today. A certain user gathers complete strangers at his place, who party all night long, or even several. Finding such entries is not difficult - just use the search in VK. Just remember that such events can end in disaster!

Have you come across the slang word “incorporation” often, but don’t know what it means? We will tell you where it came from, what registration is and what young people actually do on it.

What is entry in youth slang?

Vpiska is a party at the apartment. Fitting in with someone means coming to visit, receiving an invitation.

Although the word is indeed slang, it did not appear recently. It was used back in the USSR. The meaning was the same - a free holiday apartment for the company.

The first entries are overnight stays among members of the hippie subculture. It was difficult to find available housing, and many groups huddled in one apartment for several days without stopping the fun.

Modern registrations also involve an overnight party. The get-together turns out to be noisy and long-lasting. It can't be done without alcoholic drinks.

Teenagers organize such parties in the absence of their parents. Sometimes registration lasts a couple of days, or even a week, depending on the period when the apartment, country house or dacha is available.

Entries: types, rules, how to get in

There are several types of entries:

1. Unexpected entry.

The most innocent type of registration. It's not even a party, but rather an unplanned sleepover. If a person has nowhere to stay for the night, he “fits in” with one of his friends for the night.

Sometimes you can find advertisements of this kind (invitations and requests for an overnight stay) in various groups on social networks, but this is not safe.

2. Legion.

A group of friends gets together and then invites girls over. Most often - through social networks.

It can also be the other way around: a group of girls invites guys to their party.

A harmless club party with similar interests. The guys listen to their favorite music together, play video games and chat. This option does not exclude alcohol, but is not fixated on its presence either.

Participants in such a list are people who know each other or online interlocutors who are members of the same thematic groups on social networks.

4. Submarine.

A kind of game for the company.

A certain number of friends gather in an apartment, house or country house, stock up on food, drink and everything necessary, and lock themselves in for several days. The bottom line is that you cannot leave your living space and use gadgets.

Submarine participants communicate with each other, get to know each other and have fun. A closed space does not exclude conflicts, but any other party also does not protect against possible quarrels.

Participants should be minimally familiar with each other, otherwise everyone will scatter in the corners and the party will not work.

5. On the side.

An unsafe type of registration that gathers strangers. As a rule, this happens on the Internet.

6. Road party.

One of the most problematic parties in terms of organization and the reaction of others. A party on the way somewhere: to another city, to a music festival.

Many companies organize such registration right on the train, in a separate compartment. Some do this in open compartments of reserved seat carriages, which disturbs other passengers.

7. Hustle.

The expression “there is nowhere for the apple to fall” is precisely about this inclusion. The party involves such an incredible crowd of people that there is literally nowhere to sit.

The main audience is friends, friends of friends, and so on. Some people like such crowds, others prefer to run away from such parties or not come at all.

8. Sausage party.

This is what they jokingly call a party to which none of the invited girls came. The essence of the name is not worth explaining.

There are basic unspoken rules for any listing:

  • respect the personal space of other party participants;
  • do not take the sleeping place you like: the owner of the house must first offer you an overnight stay, and then a place for it;
  • do not touch, try on or take away personal belongings of the owner of the apartment without permission;
  • Bring some drinks or food with you to the communal table, especially if you plan to drink and eat what you like.

They say that the registration was a success when all the party participants had a good time. Each company understands this concept differently: some drink alcohol, others have fun dancing and fooling around with their peers.

Memo for parents: due to the scandals of the past year related to youth parties, registration has become associated with something immoral and unhealthy. However, this is just a name for a youth party.

If you are worried about your child, then first of all think about the company he is going to, and not about the sensational slang name for the party.