Simple card games 36. What games can you play at home, in an apartment together?

Take one full deck And unfolds fans - three fans of eight kart and four fans of seven cards. Target solitaire- collect everything cards on one of the fans. Upper cards fans can be transferred to others - men...


From one deck to 52 cards There are nine cards, starting with ace, two, three and ending with nine. These nine cards, carefully shuffled, are laid out in 3 rows of 3 cards ...


From a full deck, 13 cards are set aside in a separate pile, the top one is opened - this will be a reserve. 4 face-up cards are placed next to the stack, starting the working columns, to the right of the row of these 4 kart put...


From one full deck, three rows of three are laid out cards as auxiliary. Basic aces are subsequently placed to the left of them, and basic twos to the right. All cards must be placed on the base suits in an ascending line in order:...


Classical solitaire with wide combination possibilities. Applies deck of 52 cards. First, four aces are laid out - one below the other in any order. To the right of each ace I leave...

King Albert

One full deck kart unfolds into 9 columns: in the first there are 9 cards, in the second - 8 and further until the ninth row, in which - 1 map. 7 kart reserve. All cards open. Target games- release aces and add ascending lines of the corresponding m...


The layout of this vintage solitaire for more than 100 years. Solitaire games of this type are distinguished by the fact that from the very beginning everything cards in plain sight and their solution depends mainly on the ability to calculate moves much ahead. Full deck out of 52 kart carefully...

Small piano

Solitaire is also known as Klondike. Lay out cards into seven vertical rows: the first has seven cards, the second - six, the third - five, etc. Bottom cards Each row is open. The rest...


Not very accurate historical sources connect this solitaire with the name Metternich. Kings are removed from a full deck, then seven open ones are placed kart in the form of a horseshoe. They are used as an auxiliary...


Deck of 52 kart mix thoroughly and begin to lay out one at a time map from left to right, pictures up. If they happen to be nearby cards one suits, then right map is removed from the series (in the example such cards marked with an asterisk). If this happens...

From apartment to apartment

From a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards put six on the table kart side up. Under this first row the second row is placed in the same way and, finally, one card under both rows. Then...


They take one deck at 52 cards and take out 1 ace, 2 twos, 1 three, 2 fours, 1 six and 1 eight. These cards placed on the table as follows: ace, two, three and four. For each of these four kart they put a card that has double value according to...

Sir Tommy

The oldest solitaire game is possibly the oldest known. It is sometimes called just that - old solitaire. One full deck is used, which is held closed in the hand, going through the cards one by one. When an Ace appears, it is set aside as a base card. Into the distance...


Lay out 51 cards in threes cards like a fan, the latter is placed separately. For permutations you can use the top cards each fan. They are transferred to each other according to rank: queen to queen, three...


One full deck must be divided into 17 open groups of three cards. One open map placed separately. Target games- releasing the aces and collecting on them in the ascending line kart given suits. Available aces immediately used as a base...


The layout of this simple old solitaire- The process is purely mechanical and does not require special skills. Deck of 52 kart shuffled and laid out into 13 groups, 4 each cards in each, a picture...

text: Dmitry Pryanik

We have a grand journey ahead of us - we are going on vacation to visit relatives in Feodosia. We will be on the road for almost two days. It’s not easy even for adults to withstand such a move, let alone the fidgety Styopka. What to do with him on the road? We take a few mini board games with us, but you won’t be playing them all day long!

I thought that the cards would save the situation. At Stepka’s age, I really loved playing “Akulina” with my grandmother, and “I Believe - I Don’t Believe” with my grandfather. I tried to remember all the childhood card games, and I came up with a pretty good list.

Bonjour, Madame!

This game has two options. First: the presenter throws out the cards one by one. Second: all cards are dealt to the players in equal numbers and each player puts one on the table on his turn.

Each card corresponds to a specific movement or word:

Ace - slam your palm on the table
King - salute
Lady - shout “Bonjour madam!”
Jack - shout “Sorry, monsieur!”
Ten - shout “Hurray!”
Nine - clap your hands
Eight - meow
Seven - crow
Six - grunt

The player who mixed up the words or movements is eliminated from the game.

I believe - I don't believe

If there are more than six players, then two decks are mixed. Cards are dealt two at a time (and one player may have fewer cards than the others - it doesn’t matter).

The one who sits to the left of the one who dealt the cards starts the game. He lays out three cards face up and names the value of the cards. The game starts with aces. That is, the player can actually put down aces and call them, or he can put down any other cards, but also call them aces. The second player places kings (again also - either puts correct cards, or deceives). The third player places queens and so on downwards.

If someone has doubts during the game, he says: “I doubt it.” Then all the cards laid out on the table are turned face up. If at least one card is “fake” (that is, it was not called, but it ended up on the table), then the player takes all the cards for himself. If there was no cheating, then the player who cheated takes the cards.

The game is won by the one who gets rid of his cards first.


The game can be played by four to ten people. At the beginning, choose one suit - it will become the main one.

Each player is dealt three cards. He places one of them face down on the table and exchanges it with another player. Continuing the game in this way, you need to collect three cards of the same suit, agreed upon at the beginning of the game. The one who collects is eliminated from the game.

The last player remaining is considered the loser and receives the nickname Eroshka.


If there are more than six players, then take a deck of 52 cards. All cards are dealt equally to players, from right to left.

Each player looks at his cards. If there are pairs (two deuces, two jacks...), then he folds them. He holds the rest of the cards in his hands in a fan so that no one can see which cards he has left.

Players take turns, from right to left, starting to draw one card from each other. They do the same again, if they come across paired cards, they are discarded. You just can’t throw away Akulina, the Queen of Spades. During the exchange of cards, it passes from one player to another and the one who ends up with it in his hands is considered the loser.


This game is like Akulina. The presenter randomly pulls out one card from the deck and hides it. Then the remaining cards are dealt to all participants in the game. They reveal their cards and discard their paired cards. Then, one by one, they draw cards from each other from right to left. As soon as paired cards are encountered, they are discarded again. The game continues until one of the players has the last card left, matching the one that the leader hid.


This is a game of attentiveness. Because you need to monitor not only your cards, but also the behavior of other players.

So, aces, kings, queens, jacks and tens are selected from the deck.

The presenter shuffles the cards and distributes them equally to all players. The host starts the game - he exchanges one card with his neighbor (they exchange at random, they do not show cards to each other). The goal is to collect four cards (aces, or kings, or queens...)

The game takes place in complete silence. The player who collects four cards raises thumb. As soon as other players notice this, they also give a thumbs up. The last one to notice and raise a finger becomes the donkey. He must shout “ey-ey” three times.


This is a game for two. The cards are shuffled and laid out on two decks (pictures down).

One at a time, players place their cards on the table. If the first player has the highest card, he takes both cards for himself and places them at the bottom of his deck.

If both players lay out cards of the same rank, or one an ace and the other a six, then the cards are argued. This means that each player places another one on his card (picture down), and another one on top - face up. And already on the third card they judge who won the dispute. The winner (that is, the one whose third card turns out to be the highest) takes all the cards involved in the dispute.

The game continues until one player has no cards left. He loses and is called a drunkard.


The game is played by three or more players.

Each player is given seven cards. The remaining cards lie in the deck, from which the leader takes the top card and places it face up on the table.

On this card, the second player places three cards from his cards - either descending or ascending. For example, the driver laid out the lady. The second player places a jack, ten and nine on it. Or king, ace and deuce. The suit doesn't matter.

When all possibilities have been exhausted and there are no more cards to put down from those in hand, the player can take the top card from the deck. If it is suitable to make the next three cards, then the game continues. If not, then the turn goes to the third player.

When the deck is exhausted, players continue the game. The one who does not have three cards folds, passes (says “pass” and skips the move).

The goal of the game is to be the first to get rid of all your cards.

Since ancient times, people began to come up with different games and charades in order to somehow entertain themselves and have fun. free time. They were helped in this by small multi-colored leaves, which were later called playing cards. But often people don’t know what card games they can play for one.

Collectible card entertainment will also be appropriate entertainment

Collectible games have become an excellent solution for those who are looking for ways to spend their leisure time alone. These entertainments are based on an interesting plot, and the gameplay is also exciting, as it makes you “strain” your brain. In addition, such games have a touch of excitement, which further attracts participants with different interests.

IN Lately The collectible card game Hearthstone is becoming increasingly popular. It differs from its analogues in that this game has an element of chance. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. After all, you can try, try to somehow outwit your opponent, use some strong tactics, but lose a previously won game due to chance. Just because the coin fell that way.

On the other hand, you can win because of the same element of chance. That’s why there are a lot of fun and funny moments in “Hearthstone,” as shown in a bunch of videos on the Internet. No wonder veterans of collectibles card games They call this game “MTG for casuals.” Hearthstone is suitable for killing time, for example, in line or in the park. It is easy to learn, interesting and extremely exciting! Once you start playing it, it will be difficult to tear you away from your computer or phone. In general, suitable for most.

Another collectible card game. Unlike Hearthstone, this collection is not as fun, and there is no element of chance here, but it is undoubtedly a leader of its kind. A huge number of mechanics and thousands of cards are the main advantage of MTG over its analogues. With so many cards and mechanics, you can come up with an immeasurable number of tactics, strategies and options for developing the party. However, it is worth noting that not everyone will be able to play this game.

To win, you need to have some experience in the field of card games, and in general the game is more for people who like to stretch their brains. You won’t be able to play a game while studying; you need to give yourself completely to this game. As card game veterans say, “MTG is for the smart, Harstone is for the fun.” It is the opportunity to show your mental capabilities this game attracts so much a large number of of people.

Standard card games

When talking about standard card games, I mean solitaire, solitaire, spider, solitaire and others. These games are not so much fun as they are simply addictive. Simple, but at the same time exciting gameplay will not make you bored, and after playing just one game, it will be difficult to tear you away from them. These games can be used to kill your free time at work or school.

Don't forget about the well-known game "Fool"

Good old fool! There are a great many sites and variations of the fool on the Internet. For stripping, for money, regular, transferable, whatever! This game became popular a long time ago, winning the hearts of a huge number of people. But this does not mean that now it is irrelevant and not so interesting. Again, simple, but at the same time interesting and exciting gameplay will not let you get bored. You can spend whole hours “sticking to” a fool. A lot of positive emotions and laughter - that's what you'll definitely get from playing the fool. You can find out more about the game site map - it is very convenient and understandable.

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How to play cards with friends

Playing cards has long become one of the most popular methods of spending leisure time, both alone, for example, visiting a website page, and in a large company. Often, a gameplay where participants see no reward is usually less exciting than a game with a tempting prize. But if you are not playing in a casino or in the company of experienced gamblers, but simply met with friends in a card competition, then something attractive and not too expensive should be at stake.

Now let’s decide what you can use to play cards with friends.

Game of wishes

One of the most simple options What makes the game fun is putting the wish on the line. In this case, desire can be of a material or immaterial nature. What to play cards with depends on the imagination of the participants.

We can offer several wish options that will certainly help make the game more fun. The losing player can be given one of the following penalties:

  1. Sing a song in public place or recite a nursery rhyme.
  2. Complete the standard for push-ups, squats or running.
  3. Clean the room after a gathering of friends.
  4. Run to the store to do some shopping for the whole group.
  5. Eat a salted apple or herring sprinkled with sugar.
  6. Buy drinks or treats for the whole group.
  7. Walk down the street in a bathrobe or a towel on your head.
  8. Tell a joke to strangers.
  9. Give 10 girls on the street a balloon or a flower.
  10. Shout to the whole street about how much he loves his friends.
  11. Shave half of the beard, etc. See the full set here:

The choice of punishment depends on the imagination and sense of humor of all participants and the place where the cards are played, because if you go too far, the entertainment will not bring pleasure and may even lead to litter. And it is very important to remember that the loser needs to voice his wish quickly, immediately after the game, before the gambling mood has passed. And it is very important to remember that you can always find yourself in the place of the loser, so make wishes that you could fulfill yourself.

If we talk about young gamblers, then children play cards for candies, wishes, but less sophisticated ones, etc.

Financial interest

In the company of friends, of course, you shouldn’t bet large sums of money during the game, but for some people that’s all - it’s the financial reward that can fuel interest in the game. In such cases, there are 2 options:

  1. Placing a certain amount of money at stake.
  2. The use of chips that have a nominal value and at the end of the game they can be converted into real money.

Without a financial prize it is almost impossible to play a game like Poker and similar gambling even in the company of friends, because they are built on the principle of achieving financial gain. In such games you need to place bets and raise them, and doing this with candy, to put it mildly, is not very interesting. Here you shouldn’t be offended by defeats, you just need to bet a symbolic amount on the line.