The largest terrorist attacks in France. Terrorist attacks in France, dozens of victims, several explosions Major terrorist attack in France

) there was an attack at a Christmas market. As a result of the shooting carried out by the attacker, three people were killed and 13 more were injured; the attacker fled the scene of the crime.

According to the country's Ministry of Internal Affairs, this is a 29-year-old native of Strasbourg named Cherif Sh. The man should have been detained earlier that day on suspicion of involvement in attempted murder and robberies. Strasbourg Mayor Roland Rees said the attack was "terrorist in nature." French law enforcement agencies decided to involve anti-terrorist police in the investigation.

The editors of TASS-DOSSIER have prepared information about terrorist attacks in France since 2012, in which more than one person became victims. There were eight such cases in total (excluding the emergency on December 11, 2018). The largest terrorist attack occurred in Paris on November 13, 2015.

In March 2012, a series of murders occurred in the south of France, in the cities of Toulouse and Montauban. On March 11, 15 and 19, seven people became victims of lone terrorist Mohammed Mer (a Frenchman of Algerian origin) - three military personnel, a teacher and students of a Jewish school. On March 22 of the same year, the terrorist was killed during a detention operation. Responsibility for the attacks was claimed by an Islamist group associated with the organization Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM, banned in the Russian Federation).

On January 7, 2015, a terrorist attack was committed in Paris against the editorial office of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, which had repeatedly published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. 12 magazine employees were shot and 11 people were injured. The terrorists - brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi (French of Algerian origin) - were eliminated as a result of a police special operation on January 9 of the same year in the town of Dammartin-en-Goel, 50 km north of Paris. According to Cherif Kouachi, he acted on behalf of and with the financial support of the Yemeni wing of the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda, banned in the Russian Federation.

On January 9, 2015, four people were killed and 15 others were taken hostage in a kosher grocery store near the Porte de Vincennes in Paris. During the special operation, the terrorist was killed. He turned out to be Amedy Coulibaly (French, born into a family of immigrants from Mali). Shortly before the assault began, he told the BFM TV channel that he was a member of the terrorist organization “Islamic State” (IS, banned in the Russian Federation). He demanded that the authorities release Said and Cherif Kouachi.

On November 13, 2015, a coordinated series of terrorist attacks occurred almost simultaneously in Paris and its suburb of Saint-Denis. Suicide bombers detonated explosive devices near the Stade de France football arena in Saint-Denis, where the French and German national teams were playing at that moment. French President François Hollande attended the match. On the Boulevard Charon, the Boulevard Voltaire, the streets Fontaine-au-Roi and Alibert, the criminals opened fire on people. The Bataclan concert hall, where the rock band Eagles of Death Metal was performing at that moment, was attacked.

The terrorists took visitors hostage, and after police special forces arrived, they began mass shooting people. As a result of the attacks, a total of 130 people were killed and 352 people were injured. The terrorist attacks of November 13, 2015 were the largest in terms of the number of victims in the history of France; IS claimed responsibility for them. On November 18, the alleged mastermind of the attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was killed during a police raid in Saint-Denis.

On March 18, 2016, a Frenchman of Moroccan origin, Salah Abdeslam, who, according to investigators, played a key role in preparing the attacks and was in Paris on the day of the attacks, was detained in Brussels. In April 2018, a Belgian court sentenced him to 20 years in prison for his role in a shootout with police during a 2016 arrest. The sentence has nothing to do with Abdeslam's involvement in the Paris attacks, for which he has yet to stand trial in France.

On June 13, 2016, in the Parisian suburb of Magnanville, 25-year-old Frenchman of Moroccan origin Larosie Abbala attacked a 42-year-old policeman, inflicting several fatal blows on him with a knife, after which he barricaded himself in the house of the murdered man. There he committed another murder, stabbing a policeman’s girlfriend, who also worked for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and threatened to detonate an explosive device. During the ensuing assault, special forces officers eliminated the killer and rescued the three-year-old child of the dead police officers.

French government spokesman Stephane Le Foll called the incident a terrorist attack and a “terrible drama.” IS claimed responsibility for the crime. On June 18, 2016, two of Aballa's likely accomplices, Sharaf-Din Aberuz and Saad Rajraji, were detained and detained and charged with links to a terrorist organization. In January 2017, the court released Rajraji and placed him under police surveillance.

July 14, 2016 in Nice during the festivities in honor of the National Day (also known as Bastille Day) on the Promenade des Anglais, a 19-ton freight car crashed into a crowd of people who came to watch the fireworks. The criminal, deliberately making zigzags, tried to crush as many as possible more people. He managed to drive about 2 km in the crowd. The attack killed 86 people (including Russians Victoria Savchenko and Alina Bogdanova) and injured more than 430 people.

The police shot and killed the truck driver, a Frenchman of Tunisian origin, Mohamed Lahuaiej Bouhlel. French President Francois Hollande, in his address to the people, called the incident a terrorist act. IS claimed responsibility for the attack.

On October 1, 2017, in Marseille, near the Gare Saint-Charles, illegal Tunisian immigrant Ahmed Hanachi fatally stabbed two women. Immediately after this, he was shot dead by soldiers patrolling the station area. The prosecutor's office regarded the attack as a "murder with terrorist motives." IS claimed responsibility for the attack.

On March 23, 2018, in the city of Carcassonne in the south of France, a 26-year-old Frenchman of Moroccan origin, Redouane Lakdim, attacked people in a car in order to steal it. The passenger was killed and the driver was wounded. Lakdim made a second attack on special forces training near the barracks, opening fire on them. The attacker launched a third attack in the neighboring town of Treb, taking hostages in a local supermarket. The criminal was eliminated during the assault on the store.

In total, the attacks killed four people, including a special forces officer, and injured 15 others. Media reported that IS claimed responsibility for the series of attacks. As it later turned out, the French intelligence services opened a dossier on Lakdim back in 2014 on suspicion of his involvement in radical Islamist circles. At the same time, it became known that during a search in his house, a note was found in which he declared his membership in ISIS.

On the evening of November 13, 2015, three coordinated groups of terrorists in Paris (France) and its nearby suburb of Saint-Denis. In total, 130 people became victims of the terrorist attacks, and more than 350 were injured.

French police riot police (BRI) officers work with officers from the French police special unit RAID to free hostages in a concert hall. According to the prefect's statement, all the hostages, whom the terrorists tried to place around them in order to set off an explosion and kill them, managed to escape while BRI officers provided security at the site. The assault lasted three minutes.

As a result of terrorist actions in the concert hall, 89 people were killed, including the band's music manager Nick Alexander.

Also killed in the Bataclan was a Russian woman, Natalya Muravyova (Bulygina-Lauren), who was taken hostage and had two citizenships - Russia and France. She was at the concert with her husband Serge Laurent, who survived but was wounded in the arm.

In total, 130 people became victims of the terrorist attacks, and more than 350 were injured. According to the French President, representatives of 19 nationalities were killed in the terrorist attacks in Paris.

Following a series of attacks, service has been suspended on Paris metro lines that pass through the districts where the attacks took place.

According to media reports, the Islamic State terrorist group, banned in Russia, took responsibility for the series of terrorist attacks that occurred in Paris. The day after Paris, she released an undated video in which she threatened to attack France if it did not stop bombing militants.

In connection with the current situation, on the night of November 14, French President Francois Hollande announced the introduction of a state of emergency throughout the country and the return of border control. To ensure security after the terrorist attacks in Paris, French law enforcement and military forces were at the highest level.

After the terrorist attacks, the Belgian government on the border with France, at all airports and on the railway.

The French President signed a decree declaring national mourning for three days. The mayor's office of Paris on the closure of administrative departments of all metropolitan districts, as well as schools, museums, libraries, swimming pools and food markets. In addition, on November 14, it was prohibited to hold any public events. One of the main attractions of France - the Eiffel Tower - was for the public.

The figure skating competition at the Trophee Eric Bompard Grand Prix stage in Bordeaux, which was to take place on November 14, was decided after a meeting of representatives of the International Skating Union (ISU), judges and athletes. Due to the tragic events in Paris, there was a friendly match between the football teams of England and France, which was supposed to take place on November 17th.

A service was held at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris for those killed in a series of terrorist attacks that occurred in France and their loved ones.

The Paris prosecutor's office is investigating under the article "murder related to terrorism" in six incidents. The investigation made it possible to establish that a number of perpetrators and organizers of the terrorist attacks in Paris were connected with Belgium.

The Belgian Federal Prosecutor's Office has officially launched an investigation into the terrorist attack after the death of its fellow citizens in Paris and is carrying out four judicial requests from the French authorities. France's requests relate in particular to a car registered and rented in Belgium that was found near the Bataclan theater where the hostages were taken.

Two perpetrators of the Paris attacks in the Brussels region. Both were French citizens and were identified by French experts.

The investigation revealed that one of the three suicide bombers who blew themselves up near the Stade de France was 20-year-old French citizen Bilal Hadfi. He lived with his family in Belgium, in one of the Dutch-language institutes in Brussels, went to Syria in February 2015 and never returned home.

Another terrorist who blew himself up near the Stade de France stadium had a Syrian passport in the name of Ahmad Al Mohammad.

At the Bataclan theater, French citizen Samy Amimour, who in October 2012 was a defendant in the investigation into connections with other alleged terrorists, appeared. He had traveled to Syria two years earlier.

Among the suicide bombers is 29-year-old French citizen Ismael Omar Mostefai, who was identified as a result of an examination of the remains found in the Bataclan theater. He is in the French city of Chartres until about 2012. was convicted eight times for disorderly conduct, but was never sentenced to prison.

The third suicide bomber at the Bataclan was 23-year-old resident of Strasbourg, France, Foued Mohamed Aggad. At the end of 2013, he traveled to Syria with his brother and several friends.

Another terrorist, 31-year-old Ibrahim Abdeslam, "suicide vest" on the Boulevard Voltaire in Paris. He owned a bar in Brussels that was closed for drug trafficking.

The media name of another of the criminals is Abdulakbake B., but details about him were not provided.

The alleged organizer of the terrorist attacks in Paris was the Belgian Abdelhamid Aboud, who arrived in Europe as part of a group of refugees. He was present during an operation in Saint-Denis on November 18, 2015.

Ibrahim Abdeslam's brother Salah Abdeslam is considered the main suspect and was wanted by the Belgian and French police. Salah managed to leave Paris thanks to friends who came to pick him up from Brussels on the night of November 14th. Since then he has been on the run. Salah Abdeslam hid in an apartment in Brussels for about three weeks after the tragic events, from November 14 to December 4. On December 4, he hurriedly left his hideout due to police raids that were carried out in this area of ​​the city. On December 9, police officers searched the apartment, which was rented under a false name and where, according to the newspaper, the terrorist was hiding. During the search, explosives that could be used to create explosive devices, three homemade suicide belts, and Abdeslam's DNA were discovered.

In early December, Belgian authorities identified two alleged accomplices of Salah Abdeslam, the main suspect in the Paris terrorist attacks. The accomplices used fake Belgian ID cards in the names of Samir Bouzid and Soufian Kayal. The investigation was able to establish that the suspect Soufian Kayal is in fact Laachraoui Najim, born on May 18, 1991. Laachraoui's nationality was not disclosed. A fake ID in the name of Soufiane Kayal was used to rent a house in the Belgian town of Ovel (Namur province), which was used in preparation for the Paris terrorist attacks. Laachraoui's identity was determined from DNA samples remaining in the house.

The investigation also suspects that Laachraoui could have conducted telephone conversations with terrorists in Paris on the evening of November 13.

Abdeslama lasted four months. He and four others suspected of involvement in the November 13 terrorist attacks in Paris were arrested in the Brussels emigrant commune of Molenbeek during a large-scale special operation on March 18. The police hit him in the leg, Abdeslam was taken to the hospital.

The investigation established the fact that Salah Abdeslam was wearing a suicide vest on the day of the Paris attacks.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said that over 30 people are being investigated for the terrorist attacks on November 13, 2015 in the French capital region, of which 11 are dead, 12 are in prison, others are wanted.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

A series of bombings and attacks carried out by Islamists in Paris on November 13 killed at least 120 people.

French security services evacuate people from the Bataclan concert hall in Paris (Photo: REUTERS 2015)

Late on the evening of Friday, November 13, a series of terrorist attacks occurred in Paris, resulting in the deaths of at least 120 people. The targets of the attacks were places of mass gatherings of people: suicide bombers carried out explosions near the Stade de France stadium in the northern suburb of Saint-Denis, where at that time there was a match between the teams of France and Germany, popular cafes in the eastern part of central Paris were fired from machine guns, The Bataclan concert hall was also captured there, where up to 1.5 thousand people came to a rock concert. In total, French law enforcement officials are talking about eight coordinated attacks.

Black Friday

The first attacks occurred at approximately 21:30 Paris time (23:30 Moscow time): patrons of the Le Petit Cambodge ("Little Cambodia") and Le Carillon restaurants were shot with automatic weapons. Both establishments were located in the 11th district of Paris and were popular with local residents. According to eyewitnesses, there were few attackers, perhaps a lone terrorist was operating, but, as one of the survivors said, “the shooting continued for about half an hour.” According to the newspaper Le Monde, between 12 and 14 people became victims of this attack, and several dozen visitors were injured.

Almost simultaneously, in another part of Greater Paris - in the northern suburb of Saint-Denis - three explosions occurred near the Stade de France stadium. Those present at the stadium at the time of the attack included French President Francois Hollande, Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. One of the explosions was so strong that it was heard in the stadium itself - the moment was captured on television broadcasts. The head of state and high-ranking officials were immediately taken to a safe place, and the evacuation of spectators immediately began. As a result of these explosions, in addition to the three suicide bombers, two people were killed and nine others were injured.

About half an hour later, the attacks continued in the 11th arrondissement of Paris: a lone terrorist opened fire on the Rue de Charonne. He was aiming at visitors to the La Belle Equipe cafe. At least 18 people died as a result. Witnesses told Le Monde that the shooter got out of the car, walked up to the restaurant terrace and fired several bursts. After that, he got into the car and drove away.

Less than an hour after the first attacks, at 22:22 Paris time (00:22 Moscow time), police were first informed of a shooting near the Bataclan cultural center. The scale of the attacks has already become clear to the authorities - police special forces in full equipment were sent to the concert hall. On the spot, it became clear that the terrorists had taken hostage those who came to the concert of the American rock band The Eagles of the Death Metal. A Europe 1 radio journalist who was in the hall spoke about two or three attackers: they burst into the hall without masks, armed with Kalashnikovs, and opened random fire on the crowd, panic began, people rushed to the stage, the fire on them did not stop for about half an hour.

One of the survivors told Le Figaro: . He and several others managed to escape - after waiting for a pause in the shooting (obviously, the criminals needed to reload their weapons, the eyewitness said), they managed to run to the exit. According to eyewitnesses, the terrorists shouted during the attack that they were taking revenge on France for its actions in Syria. Shortly after the first reports of the attack on the Bataclan, information appeared in the media that spectators had been taken hostage. The reports were confirmed: out of one and a half thousand who were in the concert hall that evening, over 100 people remained in the room by the time the police arrived.

The operation to free them began at 00:25 Paris time (02:25 Moscow time). One of the witnesses told France Info that the terrorists shouted “Allahu Akbar!” during the assault. They tried to throw hand grenades at the police and the remaining hostages. The operation was completed thirty minutes later - by 01:00 Paris time (03:00 Moscow time). The invaders were killed. Journalists and eyewitnesses reported numerous casualties.

By 08:00 Moscow time, the total number of deaths, according to Reuters, was at least 120 people. At least 87 of them were shot dead in the concert hall, and about 40 people were killed in different areas of Paris, officials said.

White plan

By 22:00 Paris time (midnight in Moscow), the authorities realized that they were dealing with a large-scale terrorist attack. At 23:00, an emergency meeting chaired by Prime Minister Manuel Valls began in the building of the French Ministry of Internal Affairs. The authorities' first steps were to cordon off the 10th and 11th quarters of Paris, the police ordered all citizens to leave crowded places, and the Paris mayor's office called on all citizens not to leave their homes. The five Paris metro lines passing through the cordoned off area were suspended. At 23:55 (01:55 Moscow time), President Hollande made an emergency address to the nation. He announced that in the very minutes that he was speaking on air, the capital was under terrorist attack. Hollande announced a state of emergency in the country and the closure of borders. In Paris, the “white plan” came into force - a set of measures in case of the highest level of terrorist threat: all emergency services in the capital were put on full alert, troops were deployed to the capital - by the morning the number of military police reinforcements reached 1.5 thousand military personnel.

Hollande reappeared before the public two hours later, at 2:01 (04:01 Moscow time) - together with Valls and Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, he arrived at the Bataclan, which had just been liberated from terrorists. Hollande promised to continue the fight against terrorists. “We will fight. Our fight will be merciless,” he said.

By early morning, police were reporting their response. According to Police Prefect Michel Cadot, it is highly likely that all the terrorists are dead. In particular, the Bataclan who seized the center activated their suicide vests. The organizers of the bombings near the Stade de France also blew themselves up. According to current information, out of a total of eight militants killed, seven blew themselves up, and one was shot dead by the police. Earlier, Fox News reported that the police managed to capture one of the terrorists alive. He stated that he belongs to the followers of the Islamic State organization banned in Russia. No terrorist group has yet officially claimed responsibility for the attacks.

World help

The scale of the attacks in Paris - they were the deadliest in Europe since the bombings on commuter trains in Madrid in 2004 - stunned the world community. British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama, among others, offered condolences and offers of assistance. The latter spoke to reporters, calling the terrorist attacks “an attack on all humanity, a threat to universal values.” Obama, like Chinese President Xi Jinping, spoke to Hollande by phone, offering help.

As after the attack on the editorial office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in January of this year, the Internet community showed solidarity, including in social networks The tag #PrayForParis (pray for Paris) and mourning images went viral: the Eiffel Tower, stylized as a peace symbol, and the symbol of France - Marianne with a tear on her cheek. The lights on the Eiffel Tower were turned off in memory of the victims. Illumination of the New York skyscraper Freedom Tower, erected on the site of the World shopping center, was changed to the colors of the French flag. Flowers are being brought to French embassies around the world; the first flowers and candles appeared in front of the French diplomatic mission in Moscow by four o'clock in the morning.

Along with gestures of sympathy and solidarity, messages began to appear on social networks expressing support for the attackers. It comes from supporters of the Islamic State banned in Russia. They spread messages on Twitter tagged with Arabic, which translates to “Burn, Paris.”

unknown evil

Contrary to the first reports and statements of IS supporters on social networks, this organization has not yet confirmed its involvement in the attacks. In January of this year, the attack on Charlie Hebdo was organized by Islamists, but they called themselves adherents not of IS, but of one of the al-Qaeda cells. The murder of the French journalists, experts argued, was supposed to return media attention to this jihadist organization, which competes with IS for leadership among Islamic radicals.

It is known that the Bataclan invaders spoke about Syria. France is an active participant in actions against the Islamic State in Syria, helping the anti-Assad opposition, but it began carrying out airstrikes against Islamist positions only at the end of September - a few days before Russia intervened in the Syrian conflict. The United States said Friday it is confident of killing “Jihadi John,” an Islamic State leader known for his role as executioner in public executions, in the Syrian city of Raqqa.

The director of the Cross-State Threat Project, Thomas Sanderson, told Bloomberg that France is the most obvious and accessible target for terrorists. He named IS or al-Qaeda as the most likely organizers and perpetrators of terrorist attacks. “France’s current actions in Syria and its past policies make it an obvious target,” the expert said.

The French media have so far refrained from assessing the effectiveness of the intelligence services. Analyzing the possibility of countering large-scale terrorist attacks, the French publication Le Point recalled that the police and intelligence services have been preparing for this type of attack since 2009. Law enforcement stepped up anti-terrorism training after the 2008 Mumbai hotel attack that killed 166 people. After the 2009 exercise, Le Figaro concluded that “no unity, no coherence can guarantee security.” Increased level The terrorist threat has persisted in France since the January attack on the Charlie Hebdo editorial office.

Speaking about the operation to free the hostages, Le Point also reminded readers of two unsuccessful, in its opinion, similar cases. We are talking about Russia: the 2002 terrorist attack in the theater center on Dubrovka - then 129 hostages were killed, and the attack on Beslan, during which 350 people were killed, of which 190 were children.

Even before the end of the assault on the Bataclan, the American television channel CNBC, citing sources in the US intelligence community, reported that the terrorist attacks in Paris were “most likely coordinated.” In Washington, however, they did not take the attacks as a reason to strengthen security measures: US Department of Homeland Security officials interviewed by the TV channel said that there were no threats to the United States. However, as Reuters reports, security measures have been strengthened in New York. American Airlines later warned of delays to its flights to Paris due to the attacks, but soon confirmed that they would be carried out.

In France, a state of emergency remains in force, which means that a curfew may be introduced in the country or part of its territory, authorities are given the right to unlimited access to residential premises day and night, and any public events are prohibited. Those who oppose these security measures can be arrested for up to two months or face a fine of up to 3,750 euros. All schools, lyceums, universities will stop working on Saturday, all school trips are cancelled.

0:43 Explosions occurred in Paris near the Stade de France stadium, there were casualties.
According to BFM TV, French President Francois Hollande watched the match.

0:47 In Paris, an unknown person opened fire on visitors to a restaurant near the Charlie Ebdo editorial office.
At least two people were killed and more than seven were injured in a shooting at a restaurant in northern Paris. This was reported by BFM TV.

1:30 There are at least about 100 hostages in the Bataclan concert hall. Anti-terrorism units from all over the country are being brought into the city.

Places of terrorist attacks in Paris (Stadium, Restaurant, Bataclan Concert Hall):

1:52 “Simultaneous explosions” occurred at the Stade de France stadium - this happened in the middle of a friendly match between France and Germany. According to preliminary information, the suicide bombers committed suicide bombings. Hollande, who was evacuated from the match, went to an emergency meeting with the government and security forces. There were 80,000 spectators in the stadium.

1:55 A colleague urges you not to behave like Charlie. I support!

I, addressing all my colleagues - authors of personal online magazines, members of the press, and simply patriots of their country, ask - before you write a barb, before you create a drawing, before you pour salt into a bleeding wound, think - at what moral level do we stand? Near Charlie's?

2:01 Hollande declared a state of emergency in France. All Parisians were banned from leaving their homes. Army armored cars appeared on the streets.
Hollande ordered the closure of all country borders.

2:08 Official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova expressed sympathy for the people of France in connection with the terrorist attacks in the capital. “I’m reading terrible news from Paris. The number of victims of explosions and shootings is growing. The hostage-taking in a theater, as reported by the media, is monstrous! Parisians, France, we are with you! Hold on!!! Your pain is our pain,” she wrote in Facebook.

US President Barack Obama called the terrorist attacks in Paris "an attack on all humanity."

US President Barack Obama said the US has offered to help France in connection with the Paris attacks. “We are in contact with the French authorities... we have offered them our full support,” Obama said, speaking at the White House, RIA Novosti reported.

Fans are taken to the outskirts of the city.

2:10 Russia-24 reports that special forces stormed the Bataclan concert hall, where unknown persons took hostages.

Hollande said that special forces began an assault on the facility held by terrorists.

2:12 Parisians are using the hashtag #Porteouverte on Twitter to offer shelter to those stranded in dangerous areas.

2:13 Russian President Vladimir Putin offered deep condolences in connection with a series of terrorist attacks in France.

“Russia strongly condemns these inhumane murders and is ready to provide any assistance in the investigation of these terrorist crimes,” Putin’s press secretary Dmitry Peskov said.

2:14 Army in Paris. In total, there were 6 coordinated attacks in Paris.

2:18 Francois Hollande: “Terrorist attacks on an unprecedented scale have occurred. Dozens of dead, many injured, this is a nightmare. We have decided to mobilize all forces to neutralize the terrorists.

I asked for military support and convened the government. A state of emergency is declared in France. This means that many public places will be closed and traffic will be limited.

I also decided to close the borders until the terrorists are identified and neutralized."

2:20 The metro was closed in Paris.

2:23 It became known that shortly before the match at which explosions occurred, the German national team was evacuated from the hotel where they were staying due to reports of a bomb.

2:24 Planes flying to Paris began to turn around.

2:27 Paris police asked citizens to stay home on their official Twitter account. “Following a number of serious incidents, the police prefecture recommends that those at home, with loved ones or at work in the Ile-de-France region not to go out unnecessarily in the coming hours. Institutions that receive the population should strengthen surveillance of entrances and admit everyone who needs it. Stop street events,” RIA Novosti quotes as saying.

2:31 Explosions are heard during the storming of the concert hall. Hostages on social networks reported that the militants were killing one hostage after another.

2:43 More than 10 thousand military personnel were alerted. Data on attacks in Paris as of 2:00 (Moscow time): Stade de France: 4 dead, 50 injured; Bisha Street: 14 dead, 20 injured; Republic Avenue: 4 dead, 21 injured; Charonne quarter: 19 dead, 23 injured; Beaumarchais: 7 wounded; Bataclan Concert Hall: 2 dead, 11 injured.

2:49 Seven terrorist attacks occurred in different places in Paris, police say. There is a staircase at the front of the Bataclan Hall. People began to descend along it.

2:51 A new terrorist attack occurred on Faubourg Saint Antoine Street. Shooting. Another explosion occurred in the concert hall.

People are being taken out of the hall. The assault ended successfully.

2:58 During the assault, 10 people were killed, 2 terrorists were killed.

Witness to the events in the Bataclan hall: “The music was playing very loudly, I heard a sound like a firecracker exploding. I turned and saw the silhouette of a man in a cap walking from the door, he was shooting in my direction. People started falling to the floor. There were dead people next to me. I ran to the emergency exit and found myself on the street. There were bloodied and wounded people nearby. We ran into the cafe opposite and barricaded the door.”

3:01 Francois Hollande canceled his trip to the G20 summit in Turkey.

3:12 Supporters of the terrorist organization ISIS, banned in Russia, are spreading jubilant news on social networks about terrorist attacks in the French capital.

3:14 They write on Twitter that a fire has started in a refugee camp in Calais, France.

3:15 According to the latest data, about 100 people died inside the concert hall.

3:22 Those who seized the theater were young people, they did not hide their faces and spoke French without an accent - Euronews.

3:30 ISIS claimed responsibility for the attacks in France.

3:31 A refugee camp was set on fire in France. Confirmed.

3:34 Paris airports began accepting planes - French Foreign Ministry. The total number of victims in Paris exceeded 150 people.

3:38 This photo hung at the entrance to the concert hall:

3:48 Britain has suspended civil aviation flights to Paris.
Reuters: American Airlines has stopped sending flights to Paris.

4:09 During the storming of the Balaklan concert hall, two terrorists blew themselves up, RIA Novosti reports with reference to French TV.

05:00 From the series #getting out of France

07:30 Security measures have been strengthened at the Russian Embassy in the United States, the Sputnik agency writes, citing a representative of the diplomatic mission. Previously, similar steps were taken at the Russian Embassy in France.

07:50 Kadyrov commented on the terrorist attacks in Paris

“Now no one doubts that the Iblis state is behind the events in Paris. This is a terrorist international that threatens the entire world and all of humanity. Tens of thousands of people from all countries have been trained in the ranks of IS. This evil must be destroyed in the bud. Otherwise, hordes of terrorists, like mudflows, will pour across all countries and cities of the earth,” Kadyrov said.

“Russian President Vladimir Putin, clearly realizing the threat to humanity posed by IS, began a decisive struggle against the gangs of international terrorism. We are sincerely grateful to him for this, as we survived the horrors of terrorist attacks that lasted for years,” the message says.

“We once again call on the leaders of Arab and Muslim countries to join forces against the Iblis state. There is no other way out of this situation. “I, as a person who has dedicated my life to the fight against terrorism, want to tell everyone on whom the decision depends that terrorists are not good or bad,” Kadyrov said.

“Their goal is to destroy humanity! If we do not defeat terrorism together, the whole world will plunge into chaos, there will be no end to such bloody events! Let justice prevail!” - the message said.

08:00 CNN: A total of 153 people were killed in the Paris attacks, 112 of whom died at the Bataclan concert hall.

08:10 Semyon Bagdasarov: After the Paris terrorist attacks, Schengen must cease to exist!

Director of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies and Central Asia Semyon Bagdasarov believes that it is time for Europe to stop being a passing yard and pay serious attention to Turkey.

The terrorist attacks in Paris were carried out by people who clearly had combat experience, because it all looks like a well-planned combat operation. The European Union needs to think very seriously about its own security, about migration policy, which has turned the EU into a gateway. After this, I think Schengen should cease to exist. We need to bring back the strict visa regime. It's time to take a serious look at Turkey - everyone knows that terrorists move through it. Plus, the people who went to join the “Islamic State,” if you can call them that, will now begin to return back (the peak of IS’s “successes” has already passed). Well trained, knowing how to fight. And the terrorist danger will increase sharply,” the expert said.

09:00 It's time to remember. On the issue of morality.

09:30 A few hours before the tragedy in Paris, the French Embassy warned about the threat of terrorist attacks in Russia

On the night of November 13-14, 7 or 8 planned terrorist attacks occurred in France. On this moment 150 victims are known. The terrorists held about 100 hostages. The assault was successful.

Latest Terrorist Attack Map:

Emmanuel Macron should be committed to the complete eradication of terrorism in the country. The murder of a policeman on the Champs-Elysees shortly before the first round once again reminded the French that the level of terrorist threat in their country is extremely high.

The last one was committed on one of the central streets of Paris. Responsibility for it was taken by someone who had sympathies for the terrorist group “Islamic State” (banned in Russia). This was not the first militant attack on Paris in 2017. Before this, terrorists attacked the French military twice: in February near the Louvre, and then in March at Orly airport.

The media constantly appears with reports of prevented terrorist attacks in various regions of the Fifth Republic. For example, on April 18, the local press wrote about two men who were just preparing a terrorist attack. It is not at all surprising that such reports come with such frequency: today in France about two thousand people are in one way or another connected with terrorist cells in Iraq and Syria. These are official data published by the French National Directorate of the Interior. The real numbers could be much higher.

The situation in France is such that the intelligence services are simply not able to monitor all the radicals and determine in a timely manner whether they are going to commit terrorist attacks or not. For example, the terrorist who killed a policeman on the Champs-Elysees became radicalized in a very short time. He first came to the attention of the police in December 2016. Then he tried to get in touch with an IS militant and purchase weapons, but was detained. When his apartment was searched, the police did not find anything concrete there that would indicate that he belonged to terrorist groups. Law enforcement officials decided not to assign him “S” status, which applies to particularly dangerous radicals and allows authorities to track their movements. Meanwhile, he attacked a police car in the very center of Paris.

ISIS retreats, militants return

Paradoxical as it may seem, the constant weakening of terrorists in Iraq and Syria does not mean at all that the risk of terrorist attacks in France is decreasing. The IS retreat only means that hundreds of fighters with French passports will return to Europe. Since 2012, more than a thousand French have gone to fight on the side of terrorists. The return of some of them does not at all prove that they abandoned the attacks and repented. French journalist David Thomson came to this conclusion in his book “The Returned”.

Added to the terrorist threat is recruitment and propaganda of jihad: radicals are constantly doing this, for example, in the same French prisons. At the end of 2016, about one and a half thousand prisoners were recognized by the French prison service as “in the process of radicalization.” Here again it is worth remembering the terrorist from the Champs-Elysees: he spent a total of 14 years in prison. The first time he was sent to prison for attempting to attack police officers, and four years ago he was jailed again, but this time for theft.

Religious justification

Many of the jihadists are former criminals who have passed through French prisons. The two people who were detained in Marseille met in a prison cell. As David Thomson writes, “radicalism is mainly carried out by people who hate the French political system and government institutions. Prison circles contribute to the spread and strengthening of this ideology based on hatred." This is exactly what happened to the terrorist from the Champs-Elysees, who hated the police long before his radicalization.

What should I do?

Now Emmanuel Macron will first of all have to look for a solution to the problem of prisons, which not only do not force the majority of prisoners to reform and take the right path, but only complicate the fight against crime and terrorism. He should use all possible means to increase the effectiveness of the intelligence services and prevent the recruitment of the poorest segments of the population, who, due to dissatisfaction with what society offers them today, turn to militant religious movements. Do not forget that the majority of French terrorists come from disadvantaged areas throughout the Fifth Republic and have no education.

Even if these measures are taken, rapid improvements should not be expected. To understand and destroy the problem of terrorism at its roots, the French need much more time than one presidential term of five years.