General work experience for women. What is included in the length of service for a pension?

In this article we will talk about how the procedure for calculating pensions will change from January 1, 2015 and what is important to pay attention to today.

From January 1, 2015, Russia plans to introduce a new procedure for the formation of pension rights of citizens and the appointment labor pension by old age.

According to representatives of the pension fund, today the size of the old-age labor pension depends primarily on the volume of insurance contributions that employers make during labor activity are paid for the employee into the compulsory pension insurance system. At the same time, the length of insurance (work) experience has practically no effect on the size of the pension.

The equalizing principle of calculating pensions leads to the fact that pension payments to citizens with little insurance (work) experience are made in approximately the same amount as to citizens with a long work experience.

Therefore, representatives of the Pension Fund propose for the economically active population, that is, for those who plan to lead a long and active working life, to increase the role of length of service in the formation of pension rights and calculation of the pension amount.

What will change from January 1, 2015?

1. For the first time, the concept of “annual pension coefficient” is introduced, which will evaluate each year of a citizen’s work activity. The annual pension coefficient is equal to the ratio of a person’s official salary with which they were paid this year insurance premiums into the compulsory pension insurance system, and the maximum salary from which employers legally pay insurance contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system. That is, the higher the salary, the higher the annual pension coefficient.

If a citizen’s total insurance experience (periods for which insurance contributions to the pension system were paid) by the date of assignment of a labor pension is more than 35 years, then, according to the new rules, the labor pension will be assigned in an increased amount.

For each year of work experience from 30 to 40 years for women and from 35 to 45 years for men, one additional pension coefficient is accrued. For 35 years of service for women and 40 years for men, an additional 5 pension coefficients are accrued.

2. In the new rules for calculating labor pensions, such significant periods of a person’s life as emergency service in the army and parental leave for up to three years. For these so-called “non-insurance periods” special coefficients are assigned.

3. By 2025, minimum total experience to receive an old-age labor pension will reach 15 years. It will increase annually for 10 years, starting in 2015. Women whose pension experience is less than 15 years will be able to apply to the Pension Fund for a social pension upon reaching 60 years of age, men - 65 years of age. In addition, there will be a social supplement to pensions up to living wage pensioner in the region of his residence.

4. According to the new rules, it will be beneficial to retire later. Every year the insurance pension will increase by the corresponding premium coefficients. For example, if a citizen works after achieving retirement age three years without applying for a labor pension, then the fixed payment will be increased by 19%, and the insurance pension by 24%. And if the length of service beyond retirement age without applying for a pension is 8 years, then fixed payment will be increased by 73%, and the insurance part - by 90%.

Practical advice

In light of the latest changes in legislation, which come into force on January 1, 2014 (Federal Law No. 243-FZ dated December 3, 2012), many today are asking how an employee of an enterprise can formalize and where to send the funded part, and transfer it to the employer, and report on -new. Experts answered these and other questions reference and legal service Standard:

According to the new rules, persons born in 1967 and younger must make a decision by December 31, 2013: transfer their savings portion to a non-state pension fund or management company, or leave it under state management in Vnesheconombank. Those who transferred earlier or will transfer the savings part to a non-state pension fund or management company in 2013 will automatically be left with a 6% tariff for this part of contributions.

The so-called “silent ones”, whose savings part is managed by Vnesheconombank, have two options. If they want to leave the tariff at 6%, then they must submit an application to the Pension Fund for choice investment portfolio indicating this tariff. If there is no such statement, then from 2014 the funded portion will be 2%. By the way, the issue is now being discussed about making the tariff for the funded part 0% for silent people.

Such an application cannot be submitted through the employer; the employee must personally come to the Pension Fund office and fill out an application for choosing an investment portfolio using a special form. If an employee wants to transfer the funded part to a non-state pension fund or a management company, he must come to the branch of these organizations and draw up an agreement. There, as a rule, an application for transfer of the funded part is immediately filled out, which the NPF itself sends to the Pension Fund.

The employer's responsibilities remain the same for now. It is unlikely that personalized accounting will be abolished in the future, since the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is entrusted with the responsibility for calculating pensions, as well as for issuing certificates of the amount wages to calculate benefits from the Federal Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation in the event that the insured person cannot provide this certificate.

As Elena Kulakova, an expert in the technical support department at SKB Kontur, notes, accountants are not required to conduct explanatory work regarding the choice of insurance premium rate among employees of their organizations. However, the FIU welcomes this activity. In addition, it may happen that at the end of the year the Pension Fund will impose the obligation to charge 2% or 6% on accountants, although today it is not spelled out how the accountant should find out which employee has submitted an application to the Pension Fund. Lawmakers may amend the regulations at the end of the year.

Are you interested in other issues related to pension legislation? Ask them to the Standardization experts!

Due to constant changes in legislation, it remains open question on the minimum length of service for granting a pension. Taking into account the latest innovations, up-to-date information will help you take into account all the data when calculating. Often, future retirees want to independently check the rules for calculating seniority.

Features of pension reform in 2015

Came into force on January 1 new law regulating the updating of the procedure for calculating pensions and the minimum length of service. Until recently, the latter indicator had virtually no influence on the formation of the amount of payments and retirement.

In 2015, the retirement age was 55 years for women and 60 years for men. In the same time seniority must be 20 years old for women and 25 for men. But this has lost its relevance since new regulations came into force.

Currently, it is possible to independently determine the procedure for forming a future pension. You can choose one or two options:

  • Insurance is a fixed amount, which is indexed annually. Does not depend on contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Cumulative - formed from insurance premiums paid by the employer from wages.

The option with a funded system can only be chosen by citizens born in 1967 and later. In other cases, a funded pension can be formed only through voluntary contributions.

Taking into account recent changes, the following conditions for retirement can be determined:

  • Reaching retirement age – 55 and 60 years;
  • The minimum insurance period is 6 years in 2015, 7 years in 2017, etc. Increase by 1 year to 15 years in 2024;
  • The required number of pension points in 2015 is 7.39.

The latter indicator directly depends on past contributions to the Pension Fund. It is he who will most influence the size of the future pension. If, upon reaching the required age, the remaining conditions are not met, you can only count on fixed insurance payments. In 2015 they amounted to 3,935 rubles.

What is included in work experience?

The term “work experience” was replaced by “insurance”. But this does not change its meaning. In fact, this is the total time of work during which contributions to the Pension Fund were made.

Federal Law No. 400-F3 describes in detail the types of activities that can be included in the insurance period:

  • Military service;
  • Temporary loss of ability to work. This only applies if payments under the social insurance program have not been made;
  • Baby care. This applies to one of the parents. The total time cannot exceed 6 years;
  • Receiving unemployment benefits. Participation in government relocation or resettlement programs is also taken into account;
  • Unreasonable detention, if such a fact was recorded in court;
  • Caring for a disabled person.

Is not full list, therefore, for the correct calculation of the insurance period, it is recommended to save all documents. They will help resolve controversial issues in the event of disagreements within the Pension Fund.

The new legislation also describes periods that cannot be counted towards the total length of service:

  • Training time, regardless of institution. The exception is the correspondence form;
  • Stay in custody.

It is important for employees to know the amount of actual insurance contributions to the Pension Fund. It depends on the employer. Their declaration of the minimum wage in the future will affect the amount of their pension.

Insurance experience- this is the total duration of periods of work and other activities for which insurance premiums were accrued and paid in Pension Fund. This definition is given by the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”. Law “On the Fundamentals of Compulsory social insurance» defines it as the total duration of payment of insurance premiums or taxes, without linking it to work activity.

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The question is often asked what is included in the insurance period. In addition to the period of work under the contract, there are other included periods(according to the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”):

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  • Military service or equivalent to it;
  • Receiving temporary disability benefits;
  • Child care up to 1.5 years (no more than 4.5 years in total);
  • Receiving unemployment benefits;
  • Participation in paid public works;
  • Relocation to another region in the direction of the Employment Center in order to find a job;
  • Stay in prison if innocence is subsequently proven;
  • Caring for old people over 80 years old, disabled people, including those from childhood;
  • Military spouses are located in an area where it is impossible to find employment (no more than 5 years);
  • Spouses of citizens working in consulates and diplomatic missions staying abroad.

After reading this list it becomes clear differences between work and insurance experience: insurance is a broader concept; it includes the entire working period and several other periods. That is, the total length of service is usually less than the insurance period.

Types of insurance experience

Experience is taken into account not only when assigning a pension - it is necessary insurance experience for sick leave . The calculation of benefits depends on the length of service: it can be either 60 or 100% of earnings.

The insurance period for both benefits and pensions is divided into: general and special. The first is the period when insurance premiums were paid. Special insurance experience- these are periods of work in unfavorable conditions (harmful, difficult), in territories with a special status for paying insurance premiums or in special natural conditions.

The procedure for calculating the insurance period

Rules calculation of insurance period are established by federal laws. According to them, calculations are made according to calendar periods. If a person works in a seasonal job, then one season is counted as a calendar year. It also includes those years when a person received royalties and paid insurance premiums, if these were not less than the minimum established by law. If the periods coincide (for example, an individual entrepreneur is employed), it is necessary to write an application for crediting one of these two periods to the insurance period.

How to find out your insurance experience? First of all, look at the entries in work book. Next, you need to add to them those periods when you were an individual entrepreneur, a notary, a lawyer, a security guard, worked on a collective farm, received unemployment benefits, etc. Calculation formula does not contain any actions other than addition. An online calculator will help you with your calculations.

Duly executed entries in work books, as well as certificates from the place of work (sample certificate of employment) are accepted as supporting documents. insurance experience Any personnel officer has it). If the documents were lost due to force majeure or without the employee’s fault, then confirmation of the fact of work activity can be established by the testimony of two or more witnesses.

According to the pension formula, the length of service required to give rise to the right to insurance pension for old age, will increase annually from 6 years in 2015 to 15 years in 2024. In 2017 it will be 8 years. The longer the period during which insurance premiums were paid, the larger the amount reflected in your individual personal account in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the higher your pension will be.

Points for socially significant periods of life that are included in the length of service (non-insurance periods)

  • One year of care for a citizen who has reached the age of 80, a disabled person of group I, a disabled child - 1.8 points;
  • One year of conscript military service - 1.8 points;
  • One year of leave to care for the first child - 1.8 points;
  • One year of leave to care for a second child - 3.6 points;
  • One year of leave to care for the third and fourth child - 5.4 points.

Important: periods of caring for the 5th and subsequent children are not included in the insurance period.

According to latest news , since May 2017, there is no need to provide various supporting documents that would prove that a citizen is really caring for a sick person. This entire period will be included in the pension insurance period. All information, including length of service and points, will be reflected in the citizen’s personal account in the Pension Fund database, which will be taken into account in the future to assign the amount of the pension.

Example of calculation of insurance period

Let's see how to calculate the insurance period to receive a pension. Let's say we have a woman who has two children. She was on maternity leave with each of them for up to three years. According to the work book, 25 years passed between hiring and dismissal. For another 10 years she was an individual entrepreneur, and worked for the first two years.