Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Presentation "Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" (9th grade) on life safety - project, report Armed Forces of the Russian Federation ready presentation

for logistics services and technical support of troops (forces). Acts as a link between the country's economy and troops (forces). Performs the following main tasks: receiving supplies of logistics supplies and equipment from the country's economic complex, storing and providing them to troops (forces); planning and organizing, together with transport ministries and departments, the preparation, operation, technical cover and restoration of communication routes and vehicles; supply of all types of material resources to troops (forces); provision of military transportation, basing of aviation and naval forces; medical, veterinary and sanitary, trade and household, housing and maintenance support (in wartime), etc.

The rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation includes: central military command and control bodies; special troops (automobile, road, railway, pipeline); formations, military units and units of material, transport, engineering, airfield, airfield technical support and rear security; medical units, military units and institutions; organization of rear services (bases, warehouses, factories, workshops, detachments, trains, laboratories, etc.). Organizationally, the forces and means of the Logistics of the Armed Forces are part of all associations, formations, military units and subunits, and are also directly subordinate to the central governing bodies.

The presentation was prepared by Diana Bondarenko, a student of grade 10-B at school No. 173. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Armed Forces of Russia Study questions: 1. Purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 2. History of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 3. Structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation The Armed Forces of the state are intended to solve foreign policy and internal problems through armed struggle

Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation performs military service in accordance with Federal Law, Article 59 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Decree “On the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”; Law “On Security”; Law “On Defense”; Law “On Military Duty and Military Service; Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”; Law “On the State Border of the Russian Federation”; Law “On pension provision for persons who served in military service, service in internal affairs bodies and their families”; military doctrine; "National Security Concept"; general military regulations, etc. Legislative acts and documents of the Russian Federation

History of the Russian Army The regular army of Russia was created by Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century. The names of A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, P.A. Rumyantsev are inextricably linked with the history of the Russian army.

Great commanders Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1730-1800)

Great commanders Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev (1725-1796)

Great commanders Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1747-1813)

During this period, the Russian Navy was also created. Victories at Gangut, Grengam, Chesma Proved the combat effectiveness of the young fleet

In the second half of the 19th century, as a result of the military reform of Alexander II, a large army was created on the basis of universal conscription

The Soviet (Red) Army began its history on February 23, 1918. The Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) became a heroic page.

From the taiga to the British fields, the Red Army is the strongest

Structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Ground Forces Ground Forces are the most numerous branch of the Russian Armed Forces. A type of troops intended primarily for conducting operations on land. Consists of: motorized rifle, tank troops, missile troops, artillery, army aviation, air defense troops.

Ground forces today Iskander-M missile system Tornado-G multiple launch rocket system

Air Force The Air Force is designed to strike at enemy aviation, land, sea and other groups. The Air Force consists of bomber, fighter-bomber, fighter, attack, reconnaissance, anti-submarine, military transport, special aviation

Air Force today Fifth generation fighters Russian bomber

Navy Designed to solve problems in maritime and oceanic theaters of military operations. Consists of: submarine, surface forces, naval aviation, coastal missile and artillery forces, marine corps

Navy today Next generation ship Large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Chabanenko"

Problems of reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation The main task of reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the creation of a modern, mobile, professional army based on the contract method of recruitment. Directions for reform of the RF Armed Forces: Creation of a regulatory framework for the new army. Technical re-equipment of the army Increasing the prestige of military service Increasing the professionalism of military personnel

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Purpose of the Russian Armed Forces

The Armed Forces of the state are intended to solve foreign policy and internal problems through armed struggle

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Constitution of the Russian Federation

Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. A citizen of the Russian Federation performs military service in accordance with federal law. Article 59.

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History of the Russian Army

1st period Since the beginning of the 18th century, the creation regular army based on recruitment. This stage is associated with the names of Peter I, A.V. Suvorova, M.I. Kutuzova.

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During this period, the Russian fleet was also created. The battles of Gangut, Grengam, and Chesme proved the combat power of the young fleet.

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Stage 2

In the second half of the 19th century, as a result of the military reform of Alexander II, a larger army was created on the basis of universal conscription.

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Stage 3

The Soviet (Red) Army dates back to February 23, 1918. The heroic page of Soviet soldiers is their feat during the Great Patriotic War.

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3 (modern) stage

On May 5, 1992, a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation was issued on the creation of the Russian Army. A modern army must become mobile, professional, equipped with modern weapons.

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Composition of the Russian Armed Forces.

Depending on the tasks being solved, the state creates the following armed structures.

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Strategic Missile Forces

They are the most powerful and combat-ready type of army. They are armed with heavy ballistic intercontinental complexes.

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Ground troops

Ground forces are the most numerous branch of the Armed Forces. Consists of motorized rifle, tank troops, missile troops and artillery, engineering troops.

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Air Force and Air Defense.

They include: Long-Range Aviation, Frontline Aviation, Assault Aviation, Fighter Aviation, Military Transport Aviation.

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Designed to solve combat missions in sea and ocean theaters of military operations. Consists of a submarine fleet, surface ships of various classes, naval aviation, coastal artillery and marines.

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Problems of reforming the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The main task of the reform of the RF Armed Forces is the creation of a mobile, modern, professional army based on the contract method of recruitment. Directions for reform of the RF Armed Forces: 1. Creation of a regulatory framework for a new army 2. Technical re-equipment of the Armed Forces 3. Increasing the standard of living and social security of military personnel 4. Improving the moral and psychological climate in military groups 5. Increasing the prestige of military service.

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Tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

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Teacher of the discipline "Fundamentals of Life Safety" State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow ETC No. 22 Leonid Evgenievich Kedrov

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The most unusual decree. Order: Sew buttons on the front side of the sleeve of a soldier's uniform. The purpose of the decree: to wean soldiers, most of whom were recruited from the peasantry, from wiping their mouths with their sleeves after eating, so that expensive cloth would last longer

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The most unusual maneuver before an attack. During the Russian war against the Bukhara Emirate in 1868, the infantry, right in front of the enemy’s eyes, crossed the river in chest-deep water and occupied the heights of Chapan-Ata in a bayonet attack. The maneuver was swift, there was no time to take off shoes and pour out water. Therefore, the soldiers stood on their hands, while their comrades shook their legs. A month later, in battle, the Bukharans in the front rows, approaching a rifle shot, stood on their hands, and the rear ones began to conscientiously shake their legs. They were firmly convinced that they had unraveled the Russian ritual that brought victory

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Military organization of the state. The military organization of the state is a set of state and military control bodies, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies that form its basis and carry out their activities by military methods, as well as parts of the country’s production and scientific complexes, the joint activities of which are aimed at preparing for armed defense and armed defense of the Russian Federation.

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The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is a state military organization of the Russian Federation, designed to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation - Russia, for the armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of its territory, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of power. ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION

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Fundamental requirements for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which determine the main parameters of military development: - the ability to implement strategic deterrence; - high combat and mobilization readiness; - strategic mobility; - high degree staffing with well-trained and prepared personnel; - high technical equipment and resource availability. Priorities for reforming and strengthening the RF Armed Forces: Preserving the potential of the Strategic Deterrence Forces; increasing the number of formations and units of permanent readiness and forming groupings of troops on their basis; improvement of operational (combat) training of troops (forces); improving the recruitment system of the Armed Forces; implementation of the program for modernizing weapons, military and special equipment and maintaining them in a state of combat readiness; improvement of military science and military education; improvement of social security systems for military personnel, education and moral and psychological training.

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Modern Russian military planning for the Armed Forces is based on a realistic understanding of Russia's available resources and capabilities. In peacetime and in emergency situations, the RF Armed Forces, together with other troops, must be ready to repel an attack and defeat the aggressor, to conduct both defensive and offensive active actions in any variant of the outbreak and conduct of wars (armed conflicts). The RF Armed Forces must be able to successfully solve problems simultaneously in two armed conflicts without additional mobilization measures. In addition, the RF Armed Forces must carry out peacekeeping operations - independently and as part of multinational contingents. In the event of an aggravation of the military-political and military-strategic situation, the Russian Armed Forces must ensure the strategic deployment of troops and contain the aggravation of the situation through strategic deterrence forces and constant readiness forces. The tasks of the Armed Forces in wartime are to repel the enemy’s aerospace attack with available forces, and after a full-scale strategic deployment, solve problems simultaneously in two local wars.

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Changed foreign policy situation recent years, new priorities in the field of national security have set completely different tasks for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces), which can be structured in four main areas: containing military and military-political threats to security or attacks on the interests of the Russian Federation; protection of economic and political interests of the Russian Federation; carrying out power operations in peacetime; use of military force. The peculiarities of the development of the military-political situation in the world determine the possibility of one task developing into another, since the most problematic military-political situations are complex and multifaceted in nature.

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Containment of military and military-political threats to the security of the Russian Federation (encroachments on the interests of the Russian Federation) means the following actions of the RF Armed Forces: timely identification of threatening developments in the military-political situation or preparation of an armed attack on the Russian Federation and (or) its allies; maintaining a state of combat and mobilization readiness countries, strategic nuclear forces, forces and means ensuring their functioning and use, as well as control systems in order, if necessary, to inflict specified damage on the aggressor; maintaining the combat potential and mobilization readiness of general purpose troops (forces) at a level that ensures the reflection of aggression on a local scale; maintaining readiness to strategic deployment when transferring the country to wartime conditions; organization of territorial defense.

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Ensuring the economic and political interests of the Russian Federation includes the following components: maintaining safe living conditions for Russian citizens in zones of armed conflicts and political or other instability; creating conditions for the security of economic activities of Russia or economic structures representing it; protecting national interests in territorial waters, on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of Russia, as well as in the World Ocean; carrying out, by decision of the President of the Russian Federation, operations using the forces and means of the Armed Forces in regions that are the sphere of vital economic and political interests of the Russian Federation; organizing and conducting information warfare.

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Forceful operations of the RF Armed Forces in peacetime are possible in the following cases: fulfillment by Russia of allied obligations in accordance with international treaties or other interstate agreements; the fight against international terrorism, political extremism and separatism, as well as the prevention of sabotage and terrorist acts; partial or complete strategic deployment, maintaining readiness to use and using nuclear deterrence potential; conducting peacekeeping operations as part of coalitions created within the framework of international organizations in which Russia is a member or has joined on a temporary basis; ensuring a military (emergency) regime in one or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with solutions higher authorities state power; protection of the state border of the Russian Federation in the airspace and underwater environment; enforcement of the regime of international sanctions imposed on the basis of a decision of the UN Security Council; prevention of environmental disasters and other emergency situations, as well as the elimination of their consequences.

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Military force is used directly to ensure the security of the country in the following cases: armed conflict; local war; regional war; large-scale war.

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An armed conflict is one of the forms of resolving political, national-ethnic, religious, territorial and other contradictions using means of armed struggle. Moreover, the conduct of such hostilities does not imply the transition of relations between the state (states) into a special state called war. In an armed conflict, the parties, as a rule, pursue private military-political goals. An armed conflict may result from an escalation of an armed incident, a border conflict, or other limited-scale clashes in which weapons are used to resolve differences. An armed conflict can be international in nature (involving two or more states) or internal in nature (involving armed confrontation within the territory of one state).

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A local war is a war between two or more states, limited by political goals. Military actions are carried out, as a rule, within the borders of opposing states, and primarily affect the interests of only these states (territorial, economic, political and others). A local war can be waged by groups of troops (forces) deployed in the conflict area, with their possible strengthening through the transfer of additional forces and assets from other directions and the partial strategic deployment of armed forces. At certain conditions local wars can escalate into regional or large-scale wars.

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A regional war is a war involving two or more states (groups of states) in the region. It is carried out by national or coalition armed forces using both conventional and nuclear weapons. During hostilities, the parties pursue important military-political goals. Regional wars take place on the territory limited by the boundaries of one region, as well as in the adjacent waters, airspace and space. To wage a regional war requires the full deployment of the armed forces and the economy, and high tension of all the forces of the participating states. If nuclear-weapon states or their allies participate in this war, there may be a threat of the use of nuclear weapons.

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A large-scale war is a war between coalitions of states or the largest states of the world community. It may result from the expansion of an armed conflict, local or regional war by involving a significant number of states. In a large-scale war, the parties will pursue radical military-political goals. It will require the mobilization of all available material resources and spiritual forces of the participating states.

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The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the President of the Russian Federation. Management of the Armed Forces is carried out by the Minister of Defense through the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The RF Armed Forces began to be created in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/92 on the basis of the USSR Armed Forces, which were stationed on the territory of the RSFSR at the time of the collapse of the USSR. The Armed Forces consist of three branches of the Armed Forces, two separate branches of the military and special forces that are not included in the branches of the Armed Forces and the branch of the military. Front side. Reverse side. Banner of the Armed Forces

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STRUCTURE OF THE RF AF Main functions of the Ministry of Defense: The Ministry of Defense, as a government body, participates in the development of issues of military policy, the construction of the Armed Forces, prepares the state program of weapons and military equipment, forms defense orders, etc. Main functions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces: The General Staff is the main body of operational control of the Armed Forces, it provides leadership on planning the use of troops for defense purposes, manages them during military operations and in peacetime, improves the operational equipment of theaters of military operations, and develops mobilization plans. Determines quantitative standards for conscription for military service, organizes military registration, military training, etc.

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STRUCTURE OF THE RF AF A type of armed forces is a part of the state’s armed forces designed to conduct combat operations in a certain area (on land, at sea, in the air and in space). Each type of armed forces has its own specific organizational structure, weapons, control system, combat training and logistics. The branch of the military is component type of aircraft, subunits, units, formations that have weapons, combat and other equipment unique to them, apply their own tactics when conducting combat operations and are intended to perform certain tactical and operational-tactical tasks. In addition, there are branches of the military that are not part of the armed forces, but are directly subordinate to the Minister of Defense.

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STRUCTURE OF THE RF Armed Forces Currently, the RF Armed Forces consist of central command bodies, branches of the Armed Forces, branches of the military subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, special forces, logistics, which are organizationally consolidated into associations, formations, military units, subdivisions, as well as institutions and military training establishments. Organizationally, the Armed Forces consist of central military command bodies, associations, formations, units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense. Associations are military formations that include several formations (smaller-scale associations) and units various types Armed Forces, military branches, special troops and services. Their composition is not constant. They can be territorial, for example, a military district, fleet, or operational - front, army, squadron. A formation is a military formation consisting of several units or formations of a smaller scale, various branches of troops (forces), special troops (services), as well as support and service units. For example, corps, squadron, division, brigade.

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STRUCTURE OF THE RF AF A military unit is an organizationally independent combat and administrative economic unit in all types of the Armed Forces and branches of the military. A military unit, as a rule, is awarded the Battle Banner (Naval Flag); it has official seals with a conventional and full name. Institutions of the Ministry of Defense are structures that solve the problems of supporting the activities of troops, for example, military medical, research, educational institutions, Officers' Houses, sports clubs, etc. Geographically, the Armed Forces are united into military districts (separate groupings of troops) and fleets (flotillas), headed by commanders with their own headquarters.

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Western Military District - located within the administrative boundaries of the Republic of Karelia, the Komi Republic, Arkhangelsk, Belgorod, Bryansk, Vladimir, Vologda, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kostroma, Kursk, Leningrad, Lipetsk, Moscow, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Oryol, Pskov, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl regions, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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Southern Military District - located within the administrative boundaries of the Republic of Adygea, the Republic of Dagestan, the Republic of Ingushetia, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Republic of Kalmykia, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Chechen Republic, Krasnodar, Stavropol territories, Astrakhan, Volgograd and Rostov regions.

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Central Military District - within the administrative boundaries of the Republic of Altai, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Republic of Mari El, the Republic of Mordovia, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Tyva, the Udmurt Republic, the Republic of Khakassia, the Chuvash Republic, Altai, Krasnoyarsk, Perm Territories, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Kirov, Kurgan, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg, Penza, Samara, Saratov, Sverdlovsk, Tomsk, Tyumen, Ulyanovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

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Eastern Military District - within the administrative boundaries of the Republic of Buryatia, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Transbaikal, Kamchatka, Primorsky, Khabarovsk territories, Amur, Magadan, Sakhatin regions. Jewish Autonomous Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

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Association of the Russian Navy. Baltic Fleet (Kaliningrad) Baltic and Leningrad naval bases Brigades of surface, landing (2), missile boats, water area security ships (2), submarines, marines, motorized rifle, missile and artillery and other regiments and battalions. Northern Fleet (Severomorsk) It is based on nuclear missile and torpedo submarines, missile-carrying and anti-submarine aircraft, missile, aircraft-carrying and anti-submarine ships. The fleet is home to Russia's only heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser, the Admiral of the Fleet. Soviet Union Kuznetsov" and a carrier-based aviation regiment, as well as today the world's only surface cruisers with a nuclear power plant. Coastal troops (MS brigades, missile artillery brigades, marine regiment, electronic warfare regiment, naval engineering battalion) Black Sea Fleet (Sevastopol) Sevastopol and Novorossiysk Naval Marine Divisions of surface ships, brigades of anti-submarine ships, landing, missile boats, water area security ships, divisions of small missile ships, missile boats, submarines, anti-submarine ships, hydrographic vessels, missile and artillery brigade, marine brigade, marine battalion, anti-aircraft missile regiment, mixed air base of the Russian Black Sea Fleet Caspian flotilla (Astrakhan) Currently part of the flotilla includes missile patrol boats (URO corvettes), small missile and artillery ships, missile and artillery boats, landing ships on air cushion, base and raid minesweepers, units of the marine corps, coastal artillery troops. Pacific Fleet (Vladivostok) In service there are three strategic missile submarines, 11 multi-purpose nuclear submarines, 8 diesel-electric submarines, 10 surface combat ships of the ocean and sea zone and 30 ships of the near sea zone.

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Ground troops. Ground forces, ground forces - the most numerous type of armed forces in terms of combat strength. Ground forces are intended to conduct an offensive in order to defeat the enemy group, seize and hold its territories, regions and borders, deliver fire strikes to great depths, and repel enemy incursions and large airborne assaults. The ground forces of the Russian Federation, in turn, include the following types of troops: - Motorized rifle troops, MSV - the largest branch of the ground forces, is a motorized infantry equipped with infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, trucks They consist of motorized rifle formations, units and subunits, which include motorized rifle, artillery, tank and other units and subunits. - Tank troops, TV - the main striking force of the ground forces, maneuverable, highly mobile and resistant to the effects of nuclear weapons, troops designed to carry out deep breakthroughs and develop operational success, are capable of immediately overcoming water obstacles for fording and on crossing facilities. Tank troops consist of tank, motorized rifle (mechanized, motorized infantry), missile, artillery and other units and units. - Missile troops and artillery, missile forces and artillery are designed for fire and nuclear destruction of the enemy. They are armed with cannon and rocket artillery. They consist of formations of units and units of howitzer, cannon, rocket, anti-tank artillery, mortars, as well as artillery reconnaissance, control and support. - Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces, Air Defense of the Ground Forces - a branch of the ground forces designed to protect ground forces from enemy air attack weapons, to defeat them, as well as to prevent its aerial reconnaissance. Air defense of the ground forces are armed with mobile, towed and portable anti-aircraft missile and anti-aircraft gun systems. - Special troops and services - a set of troops and services of the ground forces designed to carry out highly specialized activities to support the combat and daily activities of the armed forces. Special troops consist of radiation, chemical and biological defense troops, engineering troops, communications troops, electronic warfare troops, automobile troops, etc.

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Aerospace Forces. Aerospace Forces (VKS) is a branch of the Russian armed forces that has existed since August 1, 2015 in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation. Air Force. Air Force, Air Force - a branch of forces designed to conduct reconnaissance of enemy groups, ensure the conquest of air superiority (deterrence), protection from air strikes of important military-economic regions and objects of the country and groupings of troops, warning of air attack, destruction of objects , forming the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential, air support for ground forces and naval forces, airborne landings, transportation of troops and materiel by air. The Russian Air Force includes: - Long-range aviation - the main strike weapon of the Air Force, designed to destroy (including nuclear) groups of troops, aviation, and naval forces of the enemy and the destruction of its important military, military-industrial, and energy facilities, communication nodes in strategic and operational depth. It can also be used for aerial reconnaissance and mining from the air. - Front-line aviation is the main striking force of the Air Force, solves problems in combined arms, joint and independent operations, and is designed to destroy enemy troops and targets in operational depth in the air, on land and at sea. Can be used for aerial reconnaissance and mining from the air. - Army aviation is intended for air support of the Ground Forces by destroying enemy ground armored mobile objects at the front line and in tactical depth, as well as to ensure combined arms combat and increase the mobility of troops. Units and divisions of army aviation perform fire, airborne transport, reconnaissance and special combat missions. - Military transport aviation is one of the types of military aviation that is part of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. It provides air transportation of troops, military equipment and cargo, as well as airborne assault forces. Performs sudden tasks in peacetime in the event of both natural and man-made emergencies and conflict situations in a particular region that pose a threat to the security of the state. The main purpose of military transport aviation is to ensure the strategic mobility of the Russian Armed Forces, and in peacetime, to ensure the livelihoods of troops in various regions. - Special aviation is designed to solve a wide range of tasks: long-range radar detection and control, electronic warfare, reconnaissance and target designation, control and communications, refueling aircraft in the air, conducting radiation, chemical and engineering reconnaissance, evacuation of the wounded and sick, search and rescue flight crews, etc. - Anti-aircraft missile forces, anti-aircraft missile forces are designed to protect important administrative and economic regions and objects of Russia from air attacks.

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Radio technical troops, RTV are designed to conduct radar reconnaissance, issue information for radar support of units of anti-aircraft missile forces and aviation, as well as to control the use of air and missile defense troops. Air Defense Troops - Air Defense and Missile Defense Troops - a branch of the military designed to convey warning information about a missile attack, Moscow's missile defense, the creation, deployment, maintenance and management of an orbital constellation of spacecraft for military, dual, socio-economic and scientific purposes. The complexes and systems of the Aerospace Defense Forces solve problems of a national strategic scale not only in the interests of the Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies, but also of most ministries and departments, the economy, and the social sphere. The structure of the Aerospace Defense Forces includes: The First State Test Cosmodrome "Plesetsk" (until 2007, the Second State Test Cosmodrome "Svobodny" also functioned, until 2008 - the Fifth State Test Cosmodrome "Baikonur", which later became only a civilian cosmodrome) -Launch spacecraft for military purposes - Launch of dual-use spacecraft - 153rd Main Test Space Center named after G. S. Titov - Directorate for the introduction of RKO facilities - Support parts. Space Forces. Space Forces, KV - a branch of the military as part of the Aerospace Forces (VKS). As a separate branch of the military, it existed in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2001-2011. The Space Forces were intended to ensure Russia's security in the space sector. On December 1, 2011, they ceased to exist independently, becoming part of the Aerospace Defense Forces. Since August 1, 2015, they have been recreated as a branch of the military within the Aerospace Forces.

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Navy. The Navy is a branch of the armed forces designed to conduct search and rescue operations, protect the economic interests of Russia, and conduct combat operations in sea and ocean theaters of military operations. The Navy is capable of delivering conventional and nuclear strikes against enemy sea and coastal forces, disrupting its sea communications, landing amphibious assault forces, etc. The Navy consists of four fleets and one flotilla: the Baltic, Northern, Pacific and Black Sea and Caspian Flotilla. The Navy consists of: - Submarine forces - the main striking force of the fleet. Submarine forces are capable of secretly entering the ocean, approaching the enemy and delivering a sudden and powerful strike against him using conventional and nuclear means. Submarine forces include multipurpose/torpedo ships and missile cruisers. - Surface forces provide covert access to the ocean and the deployment of submarine forces and their return. Surface forces are capable of transporting and covering landings, laying and removing minefields, disrupting enemy communications and protecting their own. - Naval aviation is the aviation component of the Navy. There are strategic, tactical, carrier-based and coastal aviation. Naval aviation is designed to carry out bombing and missile attacks on enemy ships and coastal forces, conduct radar reconnaissance, search for submarines and destroy them.

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Coastal troops are designed to protect naval bases and fleet bases, ports, important sections of the coast, islands and straits from attacks by enemy ships and amphibious assault forces. The basis of their weapons are coastal missile systems and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships. To ensure defense by troops on the coast, coastal fortifications are created. Includes two types of forces: - Marine Corps; - Coastal Missile and Artillery Forces - Navy Special Forces - formations, units and units of the Navy, designed to carry out special events on the territory of enemy naval bases and in coastal areas, conducting reconnaissance.

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Separate types of troops Strategic Missile Forces. The Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) are a branch of the Armed Forces, the main component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces. The Strategic Missile Forces are designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction as part of strategic nuclear forces or independently by massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes of strategic targets located in one or more strategic aerospace directions and forming the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential. The Strategic Missile Forces are armed with ground-based intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads. - RT-2 PM "Topol" from the 54th Guards Regiment - three missile armies (headquarters in the cities of Vladimir, Orenburg, Omsk) - 4th State Central Interspecific Kapustin Yar testing ground (which also includes the former 10th Sary-Shagan Test Site in Kazakhstan) - 4th Central Research Institute (Yubileiny, Moscow Region) - educational institutions (Peter the Great Military Academy in Moscow, military Institute in the city of Serpukhov) - arsenals and central repair plants, storage bases for weapons and military equipment.

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Special troops. Special troops are an integral part of the armed forces; a set of military formations, units, divisions, institutions providing logistics support and technical support for troops and forces (navy and aviation) for logistics services. Consists of the rear of the Armed Forces: railway, pipeline, automobile, engineering, road, reconnaissance troops, radiation, chemical and biological defense troops, communications troops, medical service, rear of the Army, Airborne Forces, Strategic Missile Forces, Navy, Aerospace Forces; topographic service, GRU special forces units.

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Rear. Armed. Strength The rear of the armed forces is an integral part of the armed forces; a set of military formations, units, divisions, institutions providing logistics support and technical support for troops and forces (navy and aviation) for logistics services. The rear of the Armed Forces includes: arsenals, bases, warehouses with supplies of material resources. It has special troops (automobile, railway, road, pipeline, engineering and airfield and others), as well as repair, medical, rear security and other units and units. Subordinate bodies of military command: 1. Headquarters for logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.2. Department of Transport Support of the Russian Ministry of Defense. 3. Department of operational maintenance and support utilities military units and organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense.4. Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense5. Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense6. Main Directorate of the Chief of the Railway Troops of the Russian Ministry of Defense7. Department of Metrology of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation8. Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland

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STRUCTURE OF THE RF AF Troops not included in the branches of the RF Armed Forces: - Courier - postal service; - National Guard; - Government Communications Troops; - Civil Defense Troops; - Border Troops.

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The numerical composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation the staffing strength of the Armed Forces includes privates and junior command personnel (sergeants and petty officers) and officers serving in military units and central, district and local military command and control bodies in military positions provided for by the staff of certain units, in commandant's offices, military commissariats, military missions abroad, as well as cadets of higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense and military training centers. In 2011, the number of personnel in the RF Armed Forces was about 1 million people. The army of millions was the result of a gradual multi-year reduction from the 2880 thousand numbered in the armed forces in 1992 (−65.3%). By 2008, almost half of the personnel were officers, warrant officers and midshipmen. During the military reform of 2008, the positions of warrant officers and midshipmen were reduced, about 170 thousand officer positions were also eliminated, whereby the share of officers in the states was about 15%, but later, by decree of the President, the established number of officers was increased to 220 thousand people. These actions to optimize management led to insoluble problems in the troops: the professional part of the junior officers in the army was practically destroyed. Experts admitted that the program to create an alternative to warrant officers - the institution of sergeants - has completely failed. About 80% of contract sergeants do not want to sign contracts for the next term. It is planned that 55 thousand warrant officers will return to serve in military units.