Guide to the weak points of ground vehicles in War Thunder. Tanks in War Thunder - a detailed guide to tactics and choosing a nation War Thunder ground vehicles

Currently in the game there are two technological tank branches of two countries - the USSR and Germany. In the future it is planned to add the USA, Japan and the UK. Let's look at those already present in the game.

In total, the game provides five types of tank equipment:

  1. Lightweight - for reconnaissance and artillery support.
  2. Medium - for breaking through enemy flanks and destroying light ground vehicles.
  3. Heavy - used to protect the main forces.
  4. Anti-tank self-propelled artillery installations - for cover and protection from enemy attacks.
  5. Anti-aircraft installations - for countering aviation and destroying air targets.

Below are screenshots of the Soviet development branch. Click the mouse to enlarge the pictures.

The branches, in turn, are divided into ranks as they progress, of which there are only five. Let's look at the ground vehicles of the Soviets by rank in the game War Thunder:

  1. The entry level includes tanks BT-7, T-26, T-28, T-60, T-70 and ZIS-30. It is not necessary to open all the branches; first, you can upgrade the equipment that you think is more necessary at this stage of the game.
  2. The second rank already allows you to determine the further specifics of the equipment and your preferences for the type of game, and includes good intermediate samples, such as E-80, T-34 1941L11, T-34 1941, T-34 1942, KV-1, KV-1 ZIS-5 and SU-76M.
  3. The third rank can already be called “playable” for solid farming and further development your tanks (one KV-2 is worth something). T-34-57, T-34-85, KV-2 1939, IS-1, SU-85, SU-85M.
  4. In the fourth, the specifics and the best representatives, in our opinion, of tank destroyers are already visible. SU-100, T-44, T-34-85, IS-2, ISU-122 and ISU-122S.
  5. Well, the top of the military technological branch of the USSR is the reward for passing the previous ranks, the best representatives of that time - IS-3, ISU-152, IS-4M and T-54-1951.

German development branch in the game War Thunder The difficulty is almost the same as the Soviet one for completing and discovering new equipment.

By rank, German ground vehicles in the Var Thunder game are distributed as follows:

  1. The first initial rank includes - PzKpfw 38(t) Ausf.A, PzKpfw II Ausf.C, PzKpfw II Ausf.F, PzKpfw III Ausf.E, PzKpfw III Ausf.F, PzKpfw IV Ausf.C, StuG III Ausf. A.
  2. At the second rank, you should already decide on the priority of the development of the branch and the type of equipment. PzKpfw III Ausf.L, PzKpfw III Ausf.M, PzKpfw IV Ausf.F, PzKpfw IV Ausf.F2 and StuG III Ausf.F.
  3. The third rank is intermediate and the most interesting in it are the tank destroyers. Jagdpanzer IV, PzKpfw V Ausf.D, PzKpfw IV Ausf.H, PzKpfw IV Ausf.G and PzKpfw VI Ausf.H1.
  4. Those who reach the fourth rank become owners of good cars with excellent “killer” and dynamic characteristics. Includes Ferdinand, Jagdpanther, PzKpfw V Ausf.G, PzKpfw V Ausf.A and PzKpfw VI Ausf.B.
  5. Well, the top of the German tank branch includes some of the best representatives - Panther II, PzKpfw V Ausf.F and PzKpfw VI Ausf.B mit KwK46. The Maus line is not yet considered in the game.

Which country should you start with the ground vehicles branch? The balance of the game does not allow us to give precise recommendations on choosing a nation, and each player probably has his own preferences in technology, but we still dare to recommend pumping both branches in parallel to at least the third rank; someone will probably like the clumsy power of the advice, or maybe vice versa - more flexible tactically, but weaker in terms of fire, German technology on initial stage branch development. But the Soviet branch is still considered the easiest at the beginning of the game.

Types of ground combat in the game War Thunder.

The game provides three types of battles for tanks in Var Thunder:

  1. Arcade.
  2. Realistic.
  3. Simulator.

To begin with, we advise you to choose the option of arcade battles, since in them you have the opportunity to see the impact location of a projectile fired by your tank, which in turn makes it possible to “get your teeth into” accurately hitting the weakest modules of enemy tanks. If your tank is hit at the beginning of the battle, then the arcade version provides the opportunity to continue the battle for the selected country by transferring to another tank from the hangar. The mode is good for earning silver, although it gives less experience points than in other modes.

The more complex and “expensive” type of combat in War Thunder in terms of gaining combat experience is realistic. Here you need to use all your gaming skills and the skills of your crew. There is no possibility of changing the vehicle selected before the battle and re-entering after the destruction of your tank. The controls are complicated - there are no markers or distance indicators to the target. Increased experience is given for destroying enemy equipment, but a lot of money is taken to repair your own. As a rule, they participate in Battles at more “mature” ranks and top tanks. The battles have a historical basis and involve the battle of one nation against another.

Tank crew in War Thunder. Upgrading combat skills.

The crew of ground vehicles in the game always consists of five people: a tank commander, a gunner, a driver, a gunner-radio operator and a loader. Each one here has its own combat characteristics that increase the overall combat damage from your vehicle. Let's take a closer look at the specialties of each.

Tank commander. There are five skills to learn - survivability, leadership, machine gun shooting, vigilance and field repair. You can choose leadership as a priority to study, which improves the characteristics of the crew as a whole.

Gunner. The five combat characteristics for the gunner are survivability, vigilance, field repair, ranging and guidance. Here the recommendations depend on your preferences for the battle mode in the game - if you mainly play or plan to participate in arcade battles on this machine, then you should improve the range detection, since it is most important in this mode. And if you are a supporter of realistic or simulator battles, then you should pay attention to guidance.

Driver mechanic. There are four combat skills: driving, vitality, vigilance and field repair. The absolute first characteristic here is to improve driving, which increases the combat vehicle’s maneuverability and braking speed.

Charging. There are also four combat characteristics: vigilance, survivability, field repair and gun loading. Here, of course, we first pump up the loading of the gun, which will increase the rate of fire of our gun.

Gunner-radio operator. It is possible to upgrade as many as six perks: survivability, vigilance, field repair, radio communications, shooting from a course machine gun and reloading a course machine gun. First of all, we download the specialized skill - radio communications.

It is noticeable that in addition to the basic characteristics of the military specialty, there are also general ones that increase the skills of the crew - survivability and field repair.

In addition to pumping up the crew's combat skills, the Var Thunder game has an additional feature for a general increase in performance - this is qualification.

It should be remembered that in order to gain qualification, the crew must be pumped up to one hundred percent level.

Modules and improvements for tanks in War Thunder.

Modules and additional equipment of tanks in the game are divided into three types:

  1. Mobility.
  2. Firepower.
  3. Security and camouflage.

The mobility section includes all maneuverability and speed of movement of the vehicle. Includes the ability to pump up the tracks to improve traction and ability to overcome various obstacles on the maps. The suspension and braking system improve the handling and overall dynamics of the tank in the game War Thunder. The transmission is responsible for the gearbox and control rods, which has a positive effect on control.

Firepower modules are responsible for tank improvements related to weapons; the turret drive adjusts and lubricates the vehicle's turret rotation mechanism itself and slightly increases the speed and smoothness of rotation. Artillery support allows you to call in artillery fire at a specified point, but it should be remembered that only light and medium tanks have this ability.

Security and camouflage allows you to install modules that improve additional protection for the vehicle using padded armor and reduce visibility for enemy tanks and aircraft. We hope our guide to tanks and crew skills in the game Var Thunder will help you quickly upgrade your combat vehicles and defeat more opponents in the vastness of the game.

Good morning, afternoon, evening or night - depending on what time of day you are faced with a choice in the game War Thunder, the most difficult choice, namely, which tank to play. Because there are a lot of them in the game. Today we will give a general overview of tanks in the game War Thunder.

The technique varies

Sounds like Captain Obvious. As for Var Thunder, the equipment varies in three parameters - depending on the country of origin (USA, USSR, Germany), on the combat characteristics (light, medium, heavy tanks and other equipment) and on the rank, of which in the game, as known, five.

It’s not enough to be able to drive a car; you need, figuratively speaking, to understand its soul. For some it comes easy, for others it takes a long time to figure everything out. But don’t worry, if you are with us, you will definitely understand everything, because we will only cover the most important things. Of course, there are always nuances, however, in most cases they are individual, that is, you will have to fill your own bumps with your own forehead. But bumps are nonsense, the main thing is to avoid choosing the “wrong” tank, and we will help you with this.

So, the first, most important and eye-catching classification of tanks is the classification by country of origin. At the initial stage of the game, Soviet and German tanks are available, so we’ll start with them.


BT-7. Created in 1937. Easy. 45 mm gun, 188 rounds of ammunition. “Flies” for your dear soul, much faster than in reality (although the speed is still a maximum of 50 km/h). Everything is complicated with armor, but the combat tactics on this tank do not involve direct clashes - it is better to shoot “on the move” or from cover.

T-60. Model 1941, 20 mm cannon, 754 ammunition. Light tank. The battle tactics are approximately the same as those of the BT-7 - move more quickly and not expose yourself to gunfire. The armor of the T-60 is, to put it mildly, weak - a kind of “paper” tank. But in terms of speed and maneuverability, it will still give everyone a head start.

T-28. Model from the early 30s of the last century. Caliber 76, small ammunition - 69 shells. But if he does hit you, it’s worthy. Refers to medium tanks. Its main advantage is its “thick” armor; with the right skill, you can get under bullets. But the turret turns very lazily, so aim better.

T-26. Model 1939. Caliber 45, ammunition 205. Frankly speaking, it’s a brake, it drives very slowly. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to pumping the tracks and suspension. You don’t have to upgrade the armor, it’s already quite good.

T-70. Light tank 1942. Caliber 45, ammunition 90. The armor is good, the speed is also good, and in general, the tank is quite powerful - it goes up the hill for dear souls. The bad thing is that by the time the turret turns, the target will have already jumped over the horizon.

T-80. Also from the light models of 1942, caliber 45, ammunition 94. What’s good is that the turret has simply excellent aiming, you can shoot, in general, from any position.

T-34. The most famous model of all Soviet tanks. The first release took place in 1940. Gun 86.2, ammunition 77. The armor, in addition to being durable, is also made in such a way that shells from the tank often ricochet and therefore in many situations the T-34 can get away with it. It hits seriously, but the rate of fire is not so great, so don’t try too hard on planes and other fast-moving targets.

ZIS-30. This is no longer a tank, but a self-propelled artillery unit (SPG). Caliber 57, ammunition 20. Armor - hug and cry, there is practically none. However, in order to destroy the ZIS-30, you must first hit it, and this is not so easy - it is a very nimble machine. What’s also pleasing is that it’s a very powerful gun, capable of tickling the nerves of even heavy tanks.

SU-76M. Self-propelled gun, 1942 release. Caliber 76.2. Ammunition 60. It hits very powerfully, but you need to choose a position - the vertical aiming is not very wide, so it won’t be possible to aim from elevated places. Another disadvantage is that the armor is completely “paper”. And, accordingly, in addition to weak armor, it provides amazing maneuverability and speed; ideally, such a machine is good for attacking from the side or from the rear.

SU-122. Self-propelled guns with 122 caliber and 40 rounds of ammunition. A serious howitzer, a threat to everyone on the battlefield. True, quite slow.

KV-1, model 1939. Caliber 76.2, ammunition 116. Heavy tank with good armor and low maneuverability. Moreover, maneuverability is so low that it is better to think through the route of movement in advance, even before the start of the battle. Well, there’s one more minus - the armor is, of course, good, but if they sneak up on you from the rear, it won’t seem like much.

KV-85. A heavy tank with 85 caliber and 70 ammunition. In some ways, this is the same KV-1, whose armor was reduced in favor of speed.

SU-152. Self-propelled guns with very sad armor that hits very powerfully. This technique was also called "St. John's wort" because it was created in order to beat the German Panthers and Tigers. The battle tactic is to hit, because if you don’t hit, you’ll be crushed in the blink of an eye.


Flakpanzer I Ausf.A - self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. The ammunition is small, but if you do not reveal your position completely (hiding in the bushes, for example), it is very helpful in the battle against aircraft.

Jagdpanzer 38 (t) Hetzer. It's quite a bending self-propelled gun, and it holds up well to a blow to the forehead. But to fill it up from the side - there’s nothing to be done, alas. It shoots well and quickly, but the horizontal aiming is small.

Panzerbefehlswagen IV. The main battle tactics on this tank is to make short dashes (because the armor leaves much to be desired) to reach the battlefield and kill everyone from cover, not allowing them to sneak up to the sides.

Panzerjäger Tiger (P) Ferdinand. It hits very well and drives smartly backwards. But it’s very easy to topple it from the sides or the stern. Another serious disadvantage is that aircraft love these tanks and are able to shoot them down.

Sturmgeschutz III Ausf.A. Nimble, allows you to take good aim and quickly “twist your head.” The armor is average, and the ammunition is small.


American tanks appeared in War Thunder relatively recently. And it’s very good that they showed up - everyone in the game immediately perked up, there was variety after all.

3-inch Gun Motor Carriage M10. It's a great thing - it runs quickly, shoots powerfully, and even has a machine gun on the turret, which allows you to keep aircraft at bay. It's a pity that the armor is low and the turret turns slowly. Advice - try not to “collect” all the stones and trees on this tank, you can damage the crew.

120 mm Gun Tank M103. A miracle, not a machine - mobile, maneuverable, large turret rotation angles, serious firepower - it would seem, what else is needed for happiness? But there are also disadvantages - the armor leaves much to be desired, and the tower is so huge that it just begs to be shot at. In general, this tank is a very good target for the enemy.

90 mm Gun Tank M47 Patton II. The armor is relatively good. Speed ​​too - a tank can quickly repel an attack or just as quickly overthrow, or even slip behind enemy lines. The ammunition is large, but shells rarely penetrate armor. In addition, the tank is an excellent target, so rushing in an open field is not recommended. Plus, the ammunition constantly threatens to explode.

Assault Tank M4A3E2 76 (W) Jumbo. Without good team play, this tank is of little use, but if you are lucky with a squad, rush forward and destroy everything, this is an excellent breakthrough tank.

Cruiser Tank Grant I. A distinctive feature of this model is the presence of two towers, so you can throw a lot of punch at your enemies. But before fighting with real players, it is recommended to practice on bots in order to figure out exactly how to shoot from two towers at once. By the way, with such shooting there will be many misses from the second tower, since it is considered additional.

Heavy Tank T32. The tank is heavy, but quite fast - the speed is 35 km/h, and it picks it up almost from a standstill. A very solid weapon. The downside is the long reload time.

M18 Gun Motor Carriage. As in that joke - powerful, but light. The gun is very solid, it rushes around the field like crazy, but once you hit it once, that’s it, screw it. Perhaps the most effective battle tactic on this tank is to quickly capture a position, but this can only be done if you are playing in a link. You can also shoot on the move, supporting your own fire, and try not to stand still. For beginners, we can offer this option: you simply choose a convenient position and hit the enemy from afar, periodically changing your location.

Medium Tank M46 Patton. It has good speed and can one-shot almost any tank into the side. So your appearance in the enemy’s camp will always be a surprise.

Rocket Launcher T34 Calliope. Compared to any other ground vehicle in the game, this is a very unusual thing - a multiple launch rocket system, which is a launcher on a Sherman chassis. It hits very well, it’s a pity it’s only close – at a maximum of 600 m. The armor is low, the visibility is high. In general, it is very interesting to play with her, but also very dangerous.

Light Tank M22 Locust. A very nimble machine, capable of “sneaking up” on enemies from the rear or from the side without any problems. And she is a bad target; she successfully uses the terrain for camouflage. True, the armor is no good - even a banal encounter with a tree can become a problem.

Super Heavy Tank T28. Well, a very powerful tank, it is simply impossible to penetrate it head-on. But good armor has its price - the tank's movement speed is only 12 km/h, and reloading is very long. Although in duels over long distances he simply has no equal.

All of the above are the most popular models, and they are also the most studied. But the list, unfortunately, is not exhaustive. If we had to write a detailed review of all the tanks available to choose from in War Thunder, we would have to publish a small encyclopedia of about six hundred pages. However, we hope that this short guide will allow you to do right choice tank in the game, and we’ll read about it in our next article.

That's all for today. Bye everyone and see you soon.

The creators of the multiplayer simulator of historical military equipment War Thunder constantly delight fans of the game with various additions.

Tanks are a relatively new type of vehicle in War Thunder. The ability to play with ground combat vehicles appeared in the game in 2014. Currently there are about 200 models of tanks and other armored vehicles in the game.

Which countries' tanks are represented in War Thunder?

At first, armored vehicle branches of only two countries were available: the USSR and Germany. Later they were joined by US and British tanks. The main emphasis when creating all types of equipment in War Thunder is on historical accuracy.

Let's take a quick look at all four countries:

Tank classes inWar Thunder

In addition to being divided by country, armored vehicles in War Thunder are divided into 5 ranks, or 5 “eras of development”. They reflect the real process of development of ground combat equipment in the 40s - 50s, when vehicles created with an interval of several years could seriously differ in combat characteristics.

According to their purpose, equipment in War Thunder is divided into:

  • Self-propelled guns (self-propelled guns).
  • Medium tanks.
  • Light tanks.
  • Heavy and assault tanks.
  • Self-propelled anti-aircraft guns (ZSU).

There is another type of armored vehicle, “young”, but already considered by some to be a separate class. We are talking about vehicles with missile weapons.

Rocket tanks in War Thunder

So far there are only eight cars of this class in the game.

These are 4 tanks with MLRS, equipped with unguided rockets:

BM-8-24- Soviet light tank of the first rank, equipped with a Katyusha rocket launcher. The missiles have a deadly range and high destructive power, but other than them the tank has no weapons. So in close combat and on reload he is very vulnerable.

"Panzerwerfer-42"- a German half-track vehicle, almost unarmored, but with twelve 158 mm rockets. A hit from such ammunition can send even the heaviest tank into the hangar.

T34 "Calliope"- American Sherman tank with an additionally installed MLRS for 60 missiles.

Pershing M26 T99- a British tank with two additional missile launchers on the sides of the turret. The tank is equipped with a powerful weapon, so missiles are just an addition to its firepower.

And after the release of the recent addition "Fire Arrows" 4 tanks with ATGMs appeared in the game:

  • "Raketenyagdpanzer-22"- a German self-propelled gun armed with the same ATGMs as the previous tank.
  • IT-1- Soviet tank destroyer based on the T-54, the world's first and only purely missile tank with ATGM.
  • STRV-81- British Centurion-3, additionally equipped with SS-11 missiles.
  • "Sheridan"- a light and very mobile American tank from the Vietnam War. It is equipped with a 152 mm cannon that fires both conventional shells and guided missiles.

ComparisonWar Thunder andWorld of Tanks

Massively multiplayer tank battles there are in both games, but this does not mean that they repeat each other.

World of Tanks is primarily an arcade shooter with historical elements, and War Thunder is a military simulator. When creating technology in the latter, the main attention is paid to historical accuracy. Therefore, while WoT developers can often afford to change the actual characteristics of tanks in favor of balance, this is not welcome in War Thunder. Even the models for dealing damage in the games are very different: if in “Tanks” health is simply taken away when armor is penetrated, then in War Thunder everything is much more complicated - when calculating the consequences of a hit, the speed of the projectile, the affected area and other parameters are taken into account.

And finally, the WoT engine is somewhat older than the War Thunder engine - therefore both the physics and graphics in Tanks are less realistic.

However, it is impossible to say for sure whose model of tank battles is better. It all depends on the player's goals. If you want realistic control of steel monsters, then War Thunder is better. If you consider multiplayer tank battles as an eSport, choose World of Tanks.

One thing is clear - with the advent armored vehicles in War Thunder The “tank monopoly” of WoT has come to an end. Now there are two serious online games on the market dedicated to multiplayer tank battles.

A game



Year of issue


War Thunder

MMO sim.




A couple of weeks ago, ground vehicles were released in the game War Thunder and this innovation took this MMO to a new level of development.
Now you can find a lot of debate on the Internet about what is better, “World of Tanks or War Thunder". To be honest, it is impossible to compare these games, since the only thing they have in common is the genre.

I don’t want to start a debate between our readers, but at the same time we already have a review on WOT, but about ground equipment in War Thunder We haven’t talked about it yet and I think it’s time to fix this problem.

Let's start with the fact that tanks from the Gaijin studio have good graphics and detail not only of the surrounding world, but also of combat vehicles. All this beauty makes battles even more realistic and exciting. I think there is no need to explain that such beautiful graphics consume a lot of system resources, and therefore not everyone will be able to play at the “Cinema” quality settings, but only owners of powerful computers.

When you enter this game for the first time, you will definitely encounter the following problem: “How to choose a tank and start fighting on it.” Some people, having never figured it out, left the game cursing. In truth, the selection menu in War Thunder It’s really not the most convenient and in this regard WOT is definitely the leader.

IN War Thunder At this stage, only tanks of two nations are available: the USSR and Germany. In turn, all cars are divided into levels and classes. As in WOT, the game under review has tank destroyers, heavy, medium, light tanks and anti-aircraft guns. The latter class, by the way, is intended primarily for destroying aircraft, but it can also destroy tanks. As for vehicle levels, there are currently 5 of them in this game.

Team selection

In this project, teams are recruited randomly, that is, in each battle there can be 10, 15, 18 players on each side + bots. Bots often travel along standard routes and do not particularly pose a threat to players. In other words, bots are free experience points and “silver lions” - the in-game currency.

Difficulty modes

You can play in three different difficulty modes: Arcade battles, Realistic and Simulator battles. If in Arcade battles enemies are highlighted and they show you the point and trajectory where you need to shoot - in order for the projectile to hit the target, then in simulator battles you have to calculate everything yourself: the distance to the target, correction for the flight of the projectile, and of course determine who you shoot - at an ally or an enemy, since there are no lights. Also, in simulation and realistic battles, players are divided by nation.


It’s also good that in this game there is no such thing as “invisible people in the bushes.” As you remember, in WOT, after a tank stood in the bushes, it disappeared after a couple of seconds and enemy players, without getting too close, could not detect it. In the WT game, all tanks never disappear anywhere, they are always visible, but it’s hard to spot an enemy vehicle standing in the bushes. War Thunder It’s hellishly hard, because the realism of textures and cars is very high.

The second positive aspect of the game under review is the lack of a life scale for vehicles, that is, in order to destroy a vehicle, one shot at a critical point is often enough, as in reality. At the same time, the damage model for tanks is simply impressive, because you don’t always die from one shell. IN War Thunder You can knock down not only the caterpillar, but also break the muzzle, set fire to the tank, explode the ammunition rack, jam the turret (both horizontal and vertical rotation), knock off the protective armor plates, damage the vertical aiming of the gun, break the gas tank and engine, injure or kill crew members and etc.

Damage system

If the tank personnel cannot be cured, then you can always repair broken modules. But note that the repair is not carried out instantly, but over a certain period of time - from several tens of seconds to 5-10 minutes, depending on parameters such as: the complexity of the breakdown, the surviving personnel and, of course, the level of skills of your brave tank crews.

Crew abilities, experience and currency

As for the crew’s abilities, everyone who sits in the tank has several parameters that you upgrade yourself. At the end of the battle, you are awarded not only the in-game currency - silver lions, but also given four types of experience:

For the crew.
To learn new technology.
To open modules on the tank.
Free experience that can be used for real money and open any car.

Each tank can be upgraded by installing slightly improved spare parts on it: engine, tracks, installing fire extinguishers in the interior, learning artillery support, etc.

By the way, artillery support is a kind of skill that allows you to order art. strike the selected area. Such attacks are very effective in driving the enemy out of an ambush.

As we said earlier, there are only 5 levels of vehicles in this game and in order to gain access to the vehicles of the next lvl you will need to buy 6 vehicles of the previous level. In WOT everything is simpler, there we select a branch and study it to the end, then we are forced to upgrade several branches of tanks at the same time.
There are only 4 maps in the game so far: three are available in arcade and realistic difficulties, and the 4th appears in simulator battles.

Another feature of the game War Thunder is that after battles, each tank has 10 free repairs, that is, 10 times, having lost the equipment, you will not pay for its restoration. Free repairs are restored on their own, and if for level 1-2 vehicles this process takes from 30 minutes to a couple of days, then for high-level tanks the restoration of free repairs can take up to 10-15 days.

Let us remind you that in addition to PvP battles, the game contains PvE missions and aircraft.

In conclusion, I want to say one thing: WOT and War Thunder very different games and “which one is better” is up to you to decide, to each his own. I don’t want to promote any of the projects, but I always try to remain objective. If anyone is interested in my opinion, read the last paragraph.

Author's opinion: I played more than 24,000 battles in WOT from the closed beta stage, bought hangars and premium tanks, played every day for several hours and was happy with the game, since there was no alternative at that time. Now ground equipment has come out in War Thunder, and after reviewing it, I decided that it was better than WOT, since this game is more dynamic, more realistic, visually more beautiful and more hardcore.

Official website of the game -
Steam -

) are most in demand and should be upgraded first, and which ones can be postponed until later? Which nations are at what ranks? In this guide you will find out the answers to all these questions.

Rules for upgrading vehicles in War Thunder

When leveling up vehicles in the game War Thunder, the following rules apply:

  • To open equipment of the next rank, you need to research and buy 6 units of equipment of the previous rank.
  • To research a tank, it is not necessary to accumulate research points on the previous tank. You can accumulate research points (RP) on any tank of the same nation, but the efficiency of accumulating RP is not always the same.
  • To start researching a tank, you must first research and buy the previous tank.

What vehicle classes should I download?

The War Thunder game has its own characteristics, and not all classes of ground vehicles in the game are equally useful.

The most useful class of ground vehicles are medium tanks(in the early stages of the game their place is taken by light tanks). This is a universal class of equipment that has some kind of armor, good guns and performance characteristics sufficient to perform basic combat missions, such as capturing points and shooting down a captured enemy. Exactly competent game on a medium tank allows you to win battles. Do you want to more actively influence the results of the battle? Upgrade medium tanks.

Due to not always adequate driving characteristics heavy tanks never as useful as average. It is recommended to add no more than one heavy tank to a tank set and take it first. By the time you get to the combat zone, your allies will be there. If you take the heavy tank second, the battle may well end without your active participation.

Light tanks minimally useful mainly in the RB game mode, where you can take an unexpected position and throw enemy tanks into the sides and stern. In AB mode with permanently lit markers, light tanks are not particularly relevant.

Utility turret self-propelled guns strongly depends on their tactical and technical characteristics. Depending on the performance characteristics, they can be played as medium, heavy or light tanks, with all the ensuing consequences in terms of their usefulness.

Crazy self-propelled guns in AB mode they are practically useless due to constantly burning markers. By the time you take an advantageous position, half the team will chip in on your self-propelled guns. The exception is some vehicles that have imbalanced armor, for example, German mid-level and high-level self-propelled guns.

Anti-aircraft self-propelled guns(ZSU) are useful only in RB mode. First of all, because to travel to the ZSU you need only 150 revival points. So, if you decide to “play with realism”, it is recommended to at least explore the ZSU. In AB mode there is no special sense in the ZSU. As a rule, in AB mode the team that wins is the one that more actively takes points, not the one that shoots down more planes.

Soviet tanks are quite interesting, but in general they are not without their shortcomings. The main drawback of the advice is the lack of comfortable playing conditions for the player. Disgusting on most tanks, on some tanks it is only 3 degrees. Many guns also have a long reload time. In general, the ballistics are unimportant, which makes aiming difficult in RB and SB modes. A small crew on high-level vehicles negatively affects the survivability of tanks in the game War Thunder.

The Soviets have the advantage of extremely powerful chamber shells. A successful hit breaks modules well and turns the crew of an enemy tank into mincemeat. In addition, only by playing for the USSR can you create a full-fledged set of equipment at the maximum battle rating. If your goal is to bend over the tops, the USSR simply has no competitors. Although in the distant future this injustice will certainly be corrected.

Soviet tanks that are definitely worth upgrading: BT-5 and BT-7, T-34-76, T-34-85 (D-5T), T-34-85, T-54, KV-1 ZiS-5, KV-2, IS-2, IS-4M, T-10M.

German ground vehicles

German tanks, on the contrary, are very comfortable. When the gun goes down well and penetration by armor-piercing chamber shells exceeds all conceivable and inconceivable limits, it is really very convenient to play. Well, to make it even easier to play as the Germans, almost all tanks have sub-caliber shells with completely unrealistic armor penetration. So if you are tired of the Soviets and the Americans with their eternal “failure to penetrate” and ricochets, the German ground equipment team is your choice!

Another thing is that the armor effect of chamber shells is not as pleasing as that of the Soviets and Americans. And at high levels, the Germans simply lack good top-end tanks. Is it worth researching and rolling out German tanks above BR=6.7 is a complex philosophical question.

German tanks that are definitely worth upgrading: Pz. II C and F, Pz. III J1, L and M, Pz. IV F2, G and H, Tiger H1 and E, Tiger II (H), Panther II, Leopard 1, Jagdpanzer 38(t), Jagdpanzer IV, Panzer IV/70(V).

American ground equipment

Low-level American tanks for the most part lack chamber shells, and therefore the sooner you get to the Shermans, the better. True, not everything is smooth there either; a feature of the Shermans is a very low speed in reverse, which negatively affects the comfort of the game. By the way, it is low for absolutely all Shermans, that is, up to rank 4 inclusive.

In general, American medium and conventionally heavy tanks up to rank 4 are of little interest, but at ranks 4-5 the bending extravaganza begins. Unlike the Soviets, who have a terrible shortage of armor penetration, the Americans are not particularly offended, and they are given high-penetration shells where necessary. Even to places where there was no trace of them. Suffice it to remember how a heavy American T32 tank was suddenly “found” first with a sub-caliber shell and then with a chambered shell.

Is it worth upgrading American tanks? Some definitely. Ideally, you should buy a premium M26E1 or M26-T99 and upgrade your tanks to rank 4.

American tanks that are definitely worth upgrading: M4A3 (105), M24 Chaffee, T25, M26 Pershing, M46 Patton, M60, M4A3E2 (76) W Jumbo, T32, M18 Hellcat, M36 Slugger.

British ground vehicles

Trying to give British technology some general characteristics, first of all, it should be noted that the British did not have chamber shells. The lack of explosives in the chamber is compensated by its high armor penetration and rate of fire. In general, British tanks are designed to destroy enemy crews.

The second thing to note is the uniquely British tank classification system until the end of World War II. The British divided tanks into infantry and cruising, with the former being incredibly slow and well-armored, and the latter, on the contrary, very, very fast. All this makes British tanks, to put it mildly, “unusual”. For consistency, the War Thunder developers divided them into standard classes: light, medium and heavy tanks.

Already at the third rank, guns with truly outstanding ballistics appear, also thanks to the appearance on some vehicles