Do-it-yourself modern Krupenichka doll. Do-it-yourself rag doll-amulet Krupenichka

The amulet doll Krupenichka and Bogach have been considered a talisman for married couples since ancient times. These home talismans not only bring material wealth to the house and allow you to preserve and increase what you have accumulated, but also give warmth and improve relationships in the family. If you feel that for some reason your partner has become colder, that there is barely enough money for basic necessities and food, then urgently purchase or make an amulet doll yourself.

Couple-amulet: dolls Krupenichka and Bogach

Krupenichka and Bogach are considered one of the first dolls that appeared among the Slavic peoples. The fact is that since ancient times, the people of our country made a living by breeding household, in particular, they grew wheat and other cereals in the garden. There is even a proverb that says “without bread and without porridge our labors are insignificant.” It is clear that grain production was necessary, and if for some reason the harvest was smaller, then for the family it was a real disaster. That is why the rag dolls Krupenichka and Bogach were filled with grain, which means that it symbolizes that the family will always have prosperity, that they will be rich.

The grain is a female figure, symbolizing the feminine principle. It is filled with buckwheat, pearl barley or oats - which was most commonly grown in the region. The male version is the Rich Man, that is, a male figure. In any case, there are no faces in the design, since since ancient times it was believed that an evil spirit could enter a person through the image of eyes. Therefore, under no circumstances purchase dolls with images, even animalistic ones, of caricatured faces, although these are often found in online stores. They are made by unprofessional magicians who understand little about esotericism and are simply aimed at making the amulet as attractive as possible. Krupenichka and Bogach must stand side by side to achieve harmony in the family. Just as the masculine cannot exist without the feminine, so the feminine cannot exist without the masculine. In Slavic culture, Krupenichka and Bogach symbolize something like the more well-known and understandable Yin and Yang.

Krupenichka doll: appearance, features, meaning, application

Women began making krupenichka during the buckwheat harvest. Traditionally, it was filled only with this grain, although now there are variations not only with pearl barley or wheat, but even with risk, bulgur and the like. The bag was sewn in advance, and the doll was dressed and filled during the middle of the harvest. Then it was placed in a prominent place, and in the spring the ribbons holding the amulet were untied, and the stored cereal was added to the new crop. It was believed that this contributed to the germination of large sprouts and an increase in yield.

Krupenichka can be distinguished by the following appearance features:

  • many aprons - a symbol of thriftiness and homeliness;
  • straightened arms - in some dolls they are gathered on the stomach;
  • two scarves - caring grain.

The value is determined by what kind of cereal is poured into Krupenichka. In particular it symbolizes:

  • buckwheat - wealth and satiety;
  • oats - strength and endurance;
  • pearl barley - satiety and prosperity;
  • rice - success and benefit.

Often, wanting to attract several positive changes, women mixed cereals. To enhance the effect, several coins were placed at the bottom of the doll. Of course, Krupenichka was used more often in the past. It was in it that a small part of the harvest was stored, which in winter was charged with power, and in the spring it served as a kind of amulet for new sowings - grains were added to new ones. The filling was replaced annually, immediately after harvest. Of course, no one uses the figurine in this way these days. But it is necessary to put it in the house, and also to replace it annually (even with cereal purchased at the market or in a supermarket).

Rich doll: appearance, features, meaning, application

The rich man is an amulet that is almost the same in meaning, features and appearance as Krupenichka. True, this is a male character who has several additional features. The rich man is called to bring wealth, money to the house, and protect the home from evil spirits. It looks like a bag of grain, classic embroidery is worn, arms are spread out or lowered, but not crossed. The rich man is not only a symbol of material wealth. This doll also symbolizes the spiritual principle. It says that a person gets what he wants only if all his thoughts and actions are regulated by Divine laws. The rich man is placed near the icons or under them; they enhance the magical effect.

From time immemorial, the figurine of the Rich Man began to be made on the holiday of Autumn - when the harvest was final. The end of the harvest is an important period, which was especially celebrated among the Slavs. In Oseniny people were in a positive mood and discussed new sowing. The rich man symbolizes:

  • wealth;
  • prosperity;
  • generosity;
  • good luck;
  • ability to sacrifice;
  • love and patience;
  • faith in God.

It should be noted that during the production of the Rich Man, as a rule, the family discussed spiritual issues. They remembered the greats of their family, told what they were grateful for and why they loved their own ancestors. There is also another feature of Bogach - it was not always filled new cereal. This was done only if the year was relatively successful. If the year turned out to be bad and the family was worried about their well-being, then the bag and clothes were burned. The doll had to be made again.

How to make Krupenichka and Bogach dolls with your own hands?

Krupenichka and Bogach dolls are easy to make with your own hands. To do this you will need to collect the necessary materials. Please note that the size of the dolls may vary; some will suit small figures of 4-5 centimeters, while others will be delighted with 20-centimeter products. The size of the figures does not affect the magical power in any way. The dimensions given are for standard-looking figures, up to 6-7 centimeters high. Collect:

  • a piece of light linen fabric 15 by 15 centimeters for one doll;
  • flap for a skirt or shirt 5 by 15 centimeters;
  • a flap for a scarf 25 by 10 centimeters (for men too);
  • square 7 by 7 centimeters for Krupenichka’s apron.

Be sure to choose different and bright fabrics to make the doll beautiful and elegant. Cereals are used for stuffing; its symbolism was described above in the article. Small strips of light linen fabric are needed to make the hands. You will need strong threads for tying. Please note that all presented elements will be required in duplicate, since there are two figures. Master class on making Krupenichka:

  • pour cereal into the center of the first flap and shape the head;
  • we apply a flap for the head and tie it like a scarf;
  • we gather the skirt with a thread so that it has waves;
  • prepare shreds for hands;
  • we tie the skirt, having previously stuffed the middle with cereal, and tie a thread at the back, and also add hands there;
  • we tie an apron - there can be several of them;
  • we tie the skirt around the edge;
  • we connect all the details.

The Krupenichka amulet doll can be made in a master class in a matter of minutes. The rich man is absolutely the same, but you will need to remove the scarf, fasten the fabric differently, and use a shirt instead of an apron. It is important to find the right place for the figurine. As a rule, she moves around the house and spends a long time looking for her place. You can put it on the refrigerator, near the TV, in a bookcase or sideboard - there is absolutely no difference. But if you want to rearrange the piece or if for some unknown reason it falls on its side, then it’s better to look for a new place. When you cannot remember where your home amulet is, it will mean that Krupenichka and Bogach have finally found their place and are reliably protecting family members.

Where can I buy Krupenichka and Bogach dolls?

Knowing what the figures mean makes it easy to complete them. But if you don’t want to do it yourself, you understand that you obviously don’t understand matters of needlework, then it’s better to buy an amulet in online stores. Make sure to charge it properly. It is best to do this on the waxing Moon, at the time when the first harvest is being harvested from the fields in your region. It wouldn’t hurt to fill the figurines with at least purchased cereal yourself - this will give magical power. Reading a prayer while charging is not necessary, but it is better to place the figures under the icons. The amulets dolls Krupenichka and Bogach are the most ancient Slavic symbols. But not only Orthodox Christians, but also people of other faiths can use them.

“Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless!”

Russian proverb

According to the traditions of the Slavic peoples, in every house there should be a rag doll filled with any of the cereals - this was a talisman of prosperity and wealth in the family.

There were two types of dolls - Krupenichka, which was filled with buckwheat, and Zernovushka, which could be filled with rice, oats or pearl barley. There was also a male version of the cereal doll - the Bogach.

It is worth considering that not a single master class involves designing a face for a doll - the Slavs traditionally have it that all ritual dolls are made faceless.

Krupenichka (Zernovushka) and Bogach are amulets of wealth and prosperity in the family, and it is desirable that they stand side by side in a pair. Krupenichka is filled with buckwheat, and Zernovushka is filled with any other grain - millet or peas. The rich man can fill himself with either the same grain or some other type of grain.

Previously, such dolls were made during the buckwheat harvest.

A bag was sewn in advance, and during the harvest it was filled and then dressed up as a doll. And in the spring, with new sowings, they removed the scarves from the pupa, untied the ribbons, and poured out all the cereals and added them to the new sowing. These grains sprouted and, as it were, communicated to other grains: “We are growing up in a rich family, they are thrifty, they love cereals, they dress us up in beautiful clothes, put them in a prominent place and admire us. They value us!” So the grains tried to germinate with all their hearts, giving the owners generous harvests.

Make yourself such dolls, and your wealth will begin to grow and nothing will threaten it - in a house where the gifts of nature are valued and respected, there will always be material well-being. Simple on appearance

The doll is Krupenichka, but made with great love, it has a deep symbolic meaning. It was usually given as a gift for Kolyada, Christmas and holidays associated with the harvest.

Each grain has its own meaning, so buckwheat brings satiety and wealth to the house, oats - strength, pearl barley - satiety. Rice was considered the most expensive grain, and promised wealth to the house. You can make a talisman using several cereals at once; sometimes a coin is placed at the bottom of the bag. When sowing, the first handful of grain was taken from this bag. After harvesting, the doll was filled with grains from the new harvest.
A BEAUTIFUL princess captured by the evil Tatars. Wanting to escape from the Golden Horde, even after death, the girl asked the wise old woman for help - and the sorceress turned her into a buckwheat grain.

The old woman hid him and went to Rus'. She buried a buckwheat grain in an open field - and that grain began to grow, and from that grain of buckwheat grew about seventy-seven grains. The winds blew from all four sides and carried those seventy-seven grains to seventy-seven fields... From that time on, buckwheat multiplied in Holy Rus'.
Krupenichka is a doll that plays the role of the main amulet of the family, based on a bag of cereals decorated with fabrics and threads. It is because of its composition that the doll received the name Krupenichka. Since ancient times, the pupa was made after harvesting buckwheat, wheat, and peas. However, later, by the end of the 19th century, other cereals, herbs, seeds, sometimes even combining them, began to be used to fill home amulet. Since then you can meet Krupenich pupae
Whatever the grain is filled with, at its base there is always a small canvas bag with grain. The doll was dressed up in a traditional Russian folk women's costume, and the craftswomen who made such a talisman always sang songs or read a prayer. Unfortunately, by the beginning of the 20th century, the original methods of making krupenichki were distorted, so in those days, village children played with dolls, the outfit of which was less thoughtful and elegant.
Initially, krupenichka was made only from buckwheat grains; this crop was considered quite capricious to grow, which is why it was especially honorable. The doll, dressed in elegant clothes with magical ornaments, was placed next to the icons in the red corner of the hut and stood there until the next sowing. In times of famine, they took grain from the pupa and cooked porridge from it. In Rus', porridge has always been the main dish, since the grain gives a large number of vital energy and adds physical strength, it is easily digestible and easily grown in the territory of the Slavs.
The grain in it symbolized the saved strength of the Earth's Nurse.
According to tradition, the first handfuls of grain for sowing were taken from the amulet doll, and after harvesting, the grain was filled with selected grains of the new harvest.
It was believed that a folk rag doll lured wealth into the house, promised a good future harvest and an addition to the family. She helped to believe in a successful year and prosperity in the house.

You can give the ladies a krupenichka as a gift, and the men a doll - a rich man or just a rich bag, or you can just give each a couple of krupenichkas with a rich man.

The holiday of "Autumn" is a harvest festival - one of the four most important Holy days of the Wheel of the Year, dedicated to the days autumn equinox September 22 is the largest autumn holiday.

This is a holiday of the Family (relatives) and family, the harvest and home well-being.

Time to sum up. Meeting autumn.

At this time, the harvest was ending, which was supposed to ensure the well-being of the family for the next year. The main harvest was already in the barns.

On the eve of the holiday, dolls were made as amulets. The Krupenik doll (Zernovushka) is widely known, but it also has a male form. Women of the Moscow region made a talisman - the Bogach's doll.

Bogach looks like a simple bag, but in reality he is a faithful assistant. When creating the Rich Man, we thought about our family and ancestors with love and gratitude. Like any amulet, it was given a clear task, for example: profit and prosperity for the next year, protecting the well-being of the family, etc.

As a rule, after making it, the Rich Man travels around the house and chooses a place for himself. It has been noticed that after a place is found, the rich man becomes unnoticed, “invisible”.

A rich man - a peasant - a couple of grains - Krupenichki.

Krupenichka was also a “litmus test” for material well-being. After all, the grain from the amulet was used for food in difficult times. Accordingly, the slimmer Krupenichka was, the poorer the family lived.

A doll in Slavic culture is an integral attribute of traditions and rituals. In Rus' they were given great importance. Dolls acted as amulets and symbolized happiness and success. Ritual dolls were intended to protect the house from evil spirits, illnesses and adversities, and to bring good luck in all endeavors. One of these traditional Slavic dolls is the doll Krupenichka or Zernovushka. This faceless doll is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. The Krupenichka doll, a master class for which is given below, attracts prosperity to the house.

A little history

Doll Krupenichka (Zernovushka) is an ancient bulk doll-amulet. It served as a guarantee of fertility and a rich harvest among the Slavs. Traditionally, it was filled with buckwheat. After the harvest season, the best buckwheat grains were selected and filled into a bag, which was then transformed into a doll. Krupenichka carefully kept the unique grains of this valuable, capricious crop in her bag and took pride of place in the red corner of the hut, next to the icons. It was believed that if such a ritual was carried out, the next year would be full and fruitful. In the spring, a handful was taken from the bag for sowing, and then, during the harvest, the pupa was again filled with new selected grain.

Thus, buckwheat grains were stored in doll bags until the end of the 19th century. Later they began to be filled with millet, peas and wheat. By the appearance of Zernovushki it was possible to identify financial situation families. The leaner the bag, the poorer the family.

Today, there is a tradition of filling Krupenichka with several types of grain crops at the same time in order to enhance its protective properties. Grain is a symbol of prosperity, fertility and life. Thus, buckwheat is a symbol of wealth, rice represents well-being, oats symbolize strength, peas symbolize peace and friendship, harmony in the home, wheat symbolizes life. Burlap, a sack, is a symbol of abundance, filling the family cup with wealth and prosperity. It is allowed to put a coin at the bottom of the bag as a symbol of success in business.

Simple doll

Needles and scissors were never used to make ritual dolls in Rus'. The fabrics were torn, and the parts were fastened with threads. It was possible to prepare and sew in advance any parts of clothing or, as in our case, a bag for cereals. They carefully prepared for the process of making the amulet, washed in a bathhouse, combed their hair, read incantations, and tuned into a positive mood.

They made the amulet in complete solitude and silence; the presence of men was not allowed. While working, the needlewoman imagined what she had planned, as if programming the doll to help her achieve what she wanted.

Dolls were always made faceless so that evil spirits could not move into them. They have never been played with.

Let's start making a traditional Krupenichka doll. We will need:

  • natural fabrics (linen, burlap, cotton);
  • lace, braid, colored pieces of fabric;
  • buckwheat grain;
  • needle, thread, scissors.

  1. We sew a bag for cereals. We take burlap, sew it with a simple seam, top part leave for later filling the bag with grain.

  1. We fill the bag with buckwheat, first turning it inside out and sewing it up. You can pour several types of cereal into it at once of your choice.

  1. Let's get to the outfit. We start with the undershirt. We take the lace and tie it over the body, as shown in the photo, and secure it with thread.

We put on a bright shirt over the shirt and secure it with thread.

  1. We are preparing the headdress. We put on a scarf - a warrior. Povoinik – traditional headdress married women in Rus', which was a lower cap or scarf wrapped around the head, completely covering the hair.

  1. Let's start shaping the hands. We are preparing zipun - a peasant caftan without a collar, made of coarse cloth. We twist the edges of the caftan into tubes and secure them with clothespins; the tubes are Krupenichka’s future hands. Then we attach the zipun threads to the doll’s body. We act in accordance with the photo illustrations.

  1. We continue to dress up the doll. We are preparing zipun - a peasant caftan without a collar, made of coarse cloth. We twist the edges of the caftan into tubes and secure them with clothespins; the tubes are Krupenichka’s future hands. Then we attach the zipun to the doll’s body with threads. We act in accordance with the photo illustrations.

The Krupenichka doll protected the wealth of our ancestors, protecting them from hunger and crop failure. The Slavs made this ritual doll by filling the doll's secret bag with grain. This helped attract wealth, ensure a well-fed table and joy in the house.

Slavic traditions have not lost their relevance even now. Knowing the rules for creating a rag amulet, you can make a Krupenichka doll with your own hands. We will tell you how to choose material for a reel, what to fill it with and where to put it so that it helps feed your family.

The ancient Slavs had many customs related to the creation and use. They were used to strengthen family ties and to attract joy, as well as Krupenichka’s amulet. The latter symbolized wealth and prosperity. Krupenichka’s main concern was to provide a rich table - so that each family member was well-fed, satisfied and happy.

The doll Krupenichka-Zernovushka, or Pea, symbolizes wealth and prosperity.

The Zernovushka doll not only attracted well-being on an energetic level, but also helped to avoid real hunger. The Slavs filled the pupa with grain at the beginning of autumn, after the harvest, using these reserves when there was nothing to eat.

Guests coming to the house could understand at first glance how poor or rich the family was. If Krupenichka is curvy, it means the family is not starving. A baby who has lost weight indicates that difficult times have come.

History has brought to us information about the doll that traditionally accompanies Zernovushka. This doll was called the Rich Man. She represented a male figure, and her goal was to ensure financial prosperity.

What does the amulet symbolize?

Most Slavic Motankas helped their owners on an energetic level. Some attracted love, others protected from diseases, the machinations of evil spirits, and still others brought good mood to the house.

Among all the other dolls, Krupenichka was special, because she helped feed the family. The doll attracted the energy of prosperity, expressed in a festively laid table, and also played another important role. Namely, it served as a repository for the best grain collected this year. The next year, a handful of grain was taken out from Zernovushka and sown again. Our ancestors believed that in this way they improved the harvest.

The meaning of grains and seeds

Traditionally, a grain bag hidden under the hem of the Krupenichka was filled with buckwheat. But other grain crops are also allowed.

The motanka should be filled only with seeds and grain suitable for sowing. After all, the main meaning of the Krupenichka doll is not to serve as a storage bag, but to ensure future harvest and prosperity.

To fill the Krupenichka doll, choose grains and cereals suitable for sowing.

Each of the cereals has its own meaning for Zernovushka:

  • buckwheat means prosperity on the table, abundance in the house;
  • oats help maintain strength and improve health;
  • pearl barley symbolizes satiety;
  • Rice in those days was considered the most expensive cereal, so its meaning is wealth.

You can choose one of them or add several, or even fill the doll with all of them at once.

Master class on making a Krupenichka doll

Krupenichka is easy to make yourself. Anyone who has done at least a little handicraft can do this. The most difficult thing in making a talisman is the selection of materials. All of them must be natural. The rest will require patience and free time.

Use only natural materials to make the Zernovushka doll.

For work take:

  • White fabric for a 26x65 cm grain bag.
  • The material is red - suitable for a shirt. Size 30x10 cm.
  • Orange fabric with patterns for poneva. Traditionally, wool is used for it, but it can be replaced with something else. Format as in the previous paragraph.
  • Burgundy fabric for zipun. 29x9 cm.
  • 3 strips of fabric for a headband with a scarf 20x4 cm. Each strip should have its own color.
  • Pieces of fabric for an apron: 10x8.5 cm, 9x7.5 cm, 8.6.5 cm.
  • Red triangle for a scarf with a base of 58 cm and a height of 14 cm.
  • Green buckwheat for filling - about 500 g.
  • Red thread for fastening fabrics.
  • Lace, beads for a belt.
  • Cardboard - to give the shape of the bag.
  • Double-sided tape.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Make a tube out of a sheet of cardboard, securing it with double-sided tape. It will help shape the grain bag.
  2. Next, wrap the roll with white cloth several times, and then tie it on one side with thread, like candy. You need to twist the thread to the right, making an even number of knots. Do not cut the thread with scissors - tear it off or leave it as is.
  3. Remove the cardboard insert by turning the bag inside out. This is done in order to hide the knot. Now you can fill it with buckwheat or any other cereal.
  4. When about 3-4 cm remains to the edge, gather the fabric again with candy, repeating the manipulations with the knotted threads.
  5. Take the red cloth and then attach it to the top of the pouch. The fabric should be placed wrong side up. After this, tie it from below with a thread, turning it outward.
  6. Attach the blanket fabric in the same way. Important nuance: The edges should be folded in on each side so that the material does not meet at the front, leaving a red gap from the bottom material. You will need to tuck the zipun in the same way - just secure it a little higher.
  7. When the caftan is ready, start making aprons. First the largest piece of fabric, then the smaller one and finally the smallest one. We do it according to the already familiar principle - we apply it inside out, tie it with thread, and unfold it.
  8. After this, attach a headband to the doll’s head, and put a scarf on her head. You need to secure it so that everything looks neat and symmetrical. Hide the remaining ends inside.
  9. The krupenichka is almost ready. The very last element remains - to make her a belt, decorate it with beads, and tie it under the scarf.

Your grain is ready. Now you can put it in a place of honor or give it to the person for whom it was intended.

Taking these dimensions as a basis, you can change them - increase or decrease if you want to make a grain of a different size.

Features of using Zernovushka

Krupenichka dolls require special treatment. You need to be able to make them correctly, as well as know the rules of use. Rag amulets in the form of dolls practically cannot harm a person. But ignorance of the traditions of their use can lead to the fact that the amulet will not be able to fulfill its functions.

Store Krupenichka closer to the refrigerator or near the cereal cabinet. This way it will interact with the energy of food, increasing the food on the table.

To avoid this, ensure that the following conditions are met:

  • Make Krupenichka for the waxing moon so that the energy of the night light increases satiety and prosperity in the house.
  • Place the doll closer to the refrigerator or near the cabinet where cereals are stored. So it will interact with the energy of food, strengthening it - that is, increasing the food on the table.
  • When giving the amulet to your loved ones, do not forget to fill it with cereal. Giving this empty doll means wishing for poverty and difficulties.

A traditional folk amulet doll, used according to all the rules, will fill the family’s life with joy and ensure that there is always food on the table.

Among the ancient ancestors of the Slavs, there was a powerful belief - the more amulets you create, the more you will attract goodness into your home and protect yourself from negativity. One of these sacred things was Krupenichka doll. You can also find such names as Zernushka, Zernovushka and Pea. The Krupenichka doll was intended to attract wealth to the family. Craftswomen and housewives always made the Krupenichka doll with their own hands, using only natural materials.

The Krupenichka doll had the following significance in Slavic life and magical practice - it brought to the house not only wealth and abundance in food, but also a wealth of grains and other fruits. The grains of the first sheaf, the first harvest, were placed in it.

According to Slavic beliefs, the Krupenichka doll was made to:

  • multiply the grain harvest many times over;
  • preserve collected items from mice and other pests;
  • drive away evil forces;
  • store grain from rot and other damage;
  • bring the offspring of pregnancy and a successful birth.

The grains were not ground, fried or specially dried. The task was to preserve living grains until the next sowing, because they were taken from the doll first for sowing.

Important points about making a Krupenichka doll with your own hands

Grains of various cereals were placed in the amulet's cereal bag, but they must be whole, not ground or crushed. Most often used for grain:

It is extremely important to make the amulet right away, without abandoning the manufacturing process halfway or postponing it until later. No faces are painted on Krupenichki or made in any other way.

Features of doll parts:

  • bright colors of scraps;
  • You can choose any colors;
  • it is allowed to use lace and braid;
  • the apron can be decorated with handmade embroidery;
  • it is advisable to put a warrior on the doll’s head (a headdress that covers the hair in front) under a scarf;
  • The bag should be stitched only with red thread made from natural fibers;
  • let the bag be made of canvas or linen;
  • You should definitely put any coin at the bottom of the bag.

The assembled Krupenichka was not standing in the house all year round. Grains were taken out of it for sowing in the spring, and the doll was prepared in the fall, when the first grain harvest was harvested. All elements of the doll could be stored and then used again. But they could remove the old bag, disassemble the doll with gratitude, and burn all its parts. Or they could pour new grain into the same bag and reassemble and decorate the doll.

Special points in using Krupenichka

Such a doll was usually placed in the kitchen, or in a common room where food was prepared and the family could relax. Some families had huts or houses where there was only one large room, and in more spacious houses one large room could be used, in which food was prepared and people could sleep.

After the advent of Christianity, the Slavs continued to maintain the traditions of their ancestors, so they placed the doll near Orthodox icons. In a word, it is best to keep Zernushka near food products in a place in the kitchen where there is decorative decoration or where there is a small “red corner”, that is, a small altar place.

From time to time, several grains were obtained from Krupenichka to add to the porridge. The ancestors of the Slavs believed that such porridges would bring more health and satiety.

Children are not only allowed to play with Zernovushka, but it was even considered obligatory. Therefore, you have to make such a talisman using threads and a needle in order to more reliably strengthen all the details of the product.

When the grain was taken out of the doll’s bag for sowing, fresh grain was put into it, and the doll itself was again dressed up in new beautiful sundresses, scarves and all sorts of beads.

This amulet served as an excellent gift for relatives and close friends. They always give Krupenichka with good wishes for wealth in the family and home. Before placing the accepted gift in a place of honor, you must also introduce him to Father Domov, saying:

Accept, furry grandfather (Domovoy's name, if you have one), a new owner. With her we will have both prosperity and offspring.

There is also a male prototype of such a doll, whose name is Bogach. The appearance might be slightly different, but the principle remained the same - to store a little grain, whole grain, inside the rag figurine. You should not make the Krupenichka doll skinny; its body bag should be filled to capacity. This is done to increase wealth. It was believed that when such a talisman doll is in the house, then the household will always be fed with porridge, and the bins will always have full boxes.