Great travelers. My reader's diary What was Stepka going to do to get fire Zoshchenko

Summary of the story "Great Travelers":

Zoshchenko's story "Great Travelers" is interesting story about three small children: Minka, 6 years old, his sister Lelya and their neighbor Stepka, with whose parents they all lived in the country. Styopka told Minka that the Earth is shaped like a ball and if you walk straight all the time, in one direction, you will end up back where you came from. And to prove his words, Styopka decided to take Lelya on a trip around the world; he didn’t want to take Minka, since it’s not interesting to travel with fools.

Minka really wanted to go on a trip around the world too, and he gave Styopka a penknife so that he could take it with him and Lelya. Styopka agreed and the children began to pack the bag for a long journey. The children took with them lard, bread, sugar, dishes, necessary items for the journey, such as a magnifying glass for starting a fire, a flashlight, pencils and even a washbasin. And for rest stops we took blankets and a pillow. Minka also took a fishing rod, a net and 3 slingshots to get food and catch butterflies.

The next day, when the parents left, the children set out on a hike. The dog Tuzik followed them. Soon Styopka got tired of dragging the bag and the children began to carry it in turns. When it was Minka’s turn, he fell under the weight of the bag into the ditch, breaking all the dishes and the washstand. While the children were laughing at this, Tuzik, taking advantage of the situation, ate all the lard. But these losses did not stop the children and they continued their journey.

A few hours later the children decided to take a break and ate bread with sugar. The smell of sugar attracted the wasps, and one of them stung Minka on the cheek, which immediately became swollen. But this incident did not turn the great travelers around, although thoughts of returning home began to creep into the children’s heads. Styopka promised to tie to a tree and leave to be eaten by the ants the one who refused to continue the journey.

So the travelers walked for quite some time and evening came. The children found a place to rest and tried to light a fire, but the Sun had already set and they were unsuccessful. Having become a little depressed and chewing bread and sugar in the dark, the travelers began to go to bed. Before going to bed, Styopka told everyone the trick of all the great travelers: in order not to go astray, you need to go to bed with your feet in the direction where you are heading. Which is what he did.

Minka and Lelya wanted to go home and in the morning, while Styopka was still sleeping, they turned him with their feet towards the house. Soon Stepka woke up, the travelers had breakfast and went to where Stepka’s feet pointed. The road seemed very familiar to Stepka, but he said that it should be so, because the earth is round. Soon they were caught up with an uncle in a cart, who agreed to give the great travelers a lift. Soon they reached a small village, which was very similar to the one in which they lived. And the pier was the same. Styopka was so surprised that he did not believe that it was possible to go around the earth so quickly.

And soon a steamer moored to the pier, from which Minka and Lelya’s parents got off. The parents scolded the children because they left without warning and the nanny thought they had drowned. And Styopka’s parents locked him in the bathhouse for the whole day. But the next day the prisoner was released and the children began to play together again.

Zoshchenko's story "Great Travelers" is included in



When I was six years old, I did not know that the Earth is spherical.

But Styopka, the owner’s son, with whose parents we lived at the dacha, explained to me what land was. He said:

The earth is a circle. And if you go straight, you can go around the entire Earth and still end up in the very place you came from.

And when I didn’t believe it, Styopka hit me on the back of the head and said:

I would rather go on a trip around the world with your sister Lelya than take you. I have no interest in traveling with fools.

But I wanted to travel, and I gave Styopka a penknife.

Styopka liked my knife and agreed to take me on a trip around the world.

In the garden, Stepka organized a general meeting of travelers. And there he told me and Lele:

Tomorrow, when your parents leave for the city, and my mother goes to the river to do laundry, we will do what we have planned. We will go straight and straight, crossing mountains and deserts. And we will go straight until we get back here, even if it took us a whole year.

Lelya said:

What if, Stepochka, we meet Indians?

“As for the Indians,” Styopa answered, “we will take the Indian tribes prisoner.

And who will not want to go into captivity? - I asked timidly.

“Those who don’t want to,” Styopa answered, “we won’t take them prisoner.”

Lelya said:

I will take three rubles from my piggy bank. I think this money will be enough for us.

Stepka said:

Three rubles will certainly be enough for us, because we only need money to buy seeds and sweets. As for food, we will kill small animals along the way, and we will fry their tender meat over a fire.

Styopka ran to the barn and brought out a large sack of flour. And in this bag we began to collect things needed for long journeys. We put bread and sugar and a piece of lard into the bag, then we put various dishes - plates, glasses, forks and knives. Then, after thinking, they put in colored pencils, a magic lantern, a clay washstand and a magnifying glass for lighting fires. And, in addition, they stuffed two blankets and a pillow from the ottoman into the bag.

In addition, I prepared three slingshots, a fishing rod and a net for catching tropical butterflies.

And the next day, when our parents left for the city, and Stepka’s mother went to the river to rinse clothes, we left our village of Peski.

We followed the road through the forest.

Stepka’s dog Tuzik ran ahead. Styopka walked behind her with a huge bag on his head. Lelya followed Styopka with a skipping rope. And I followed Lelya with three slingshots, a net and a fishing rod.

We walked for about an hour.

Finally Styopa said:

The bag is devilishly heavy. And I won’t carry it alone. Let everyone take turns carrying this bag.

Then Lelya took this bag and carried it.

But she didn’t carry it for long because she was exhausted.

She threw the bag on the ground and said:

Now let Minka carry it.

When they put this bag on me, I gasped in surprise, this bag was so heavy.

But I was even more surprised when I walked along the road with this bag. I was bent to the ground, and like a pendulum, I swung from side to side, until finally, after walking about ten steps, I fell into a ditch with this bag.

And I fell into a ditch in a strange way. First, a bag fell into the ditch, and after the bag, right on top of all these things, I dived too. And although I was light, I nevertheless managed to break all the glasses, almost all the plates and the clay washstand.

Lelya and Styopka were dying of laughter, watching me flounder in the ditch. And so they were not angry with me when they learned what damage I had caused by my fall.

Styopka whistled for the dog and wanted to adapt it to carry weights. But nothing came of it, because Tuzik did not understand what we wanted from him. And we had trouble figuring out how to adapt Tuzik to this.

Taking advantage of our thoughts, Tuzik gnawed through the bag and in an instant ate all the lard.

Then Styopka ordered us all to carry this bag together.

Grabbing the corners, we carried the bag. But it was awkward and difficult to carry. Nevertheless, we walked for another two hours. And finally they came out of the forest onto the lawn.

Here Styopka decided to take a break. He said:

Whenever we rest or when we go to bed, I will stretch my legs in the direction in which we need to go. All great travelers did this and thanks to this they did not stray from their straight path.

And Styopka sat down by the road, stretching his legs forward.

We untied the bag and started snacking.

We ate bread sprinkled with granulated sugar.

Suddenly, wasps began to circle above us. And one of them, apparently wanting to taste my sugar, stung me on the cheek. Soon my cheek was swollen like a pie. And I, on Styopka’s advice, began to apply moss, damp earth and leaves to it.

I walked behind everyone, whining and whining. My cheek burned and ached.

Lelya was also not happy about the trip. She sighed and dreamed of returning home, saying that home can be good too.

But Styopka forbade us to even think about it. He said:

I will tie anyone who wants to return home to a tree and leave it to be eaten by the ants.

We continued walking in a bad mood.

And only Tuzik was in a wow mood.

With his tail raised, he rushed after the birds and with his barking brought unnecessary noise into our journey.

Finally it began to get dark.

Styopka threw the bag on the ground. And we decided to spend the night here.

We collected brushwood for the fire. And Styopka took a magnifying glass out of the bag to light a fire.

But not finding the sun in the sky, Styopka became depressed. And we were upset too.

And, having eaten bread, they lay down in the dark.

Styopka solemnly lay down feet first, saying that in the morning it would be clear to us which way to go.

Styopka immediately began snoring. And Tuzik also began to sniffle. But Lelya and I couldn’t fall asleep for a long time. Scared us dark forest and the noise of the trees.

Lelya suddenly mistook a dry branch under her head for a snake and screamed in horror.

And a falling cone from a tree scared me so much that I jumped on the ground like a ball.

Finally we dozed off.

I woke up to Lelya tugging at my shoulders. It was an early morning. And the sun hasn't risen yet.

Lelya whispered to me:

Minka, while Styopka is sleeping, let's turn his legs in reverse side. Otherwise he will lead us where Makar never drove his calves.

We looked at Styopka. He slept with a blissful smile.

Lelya and I grabbed his legs and in an instant turned them in the opposite direction, so that Stepka’s head described a semicircle.

But Styopka did not wake up from this.

He just groaned in his sleep and waved his arms, muttering: “Hey, here, to me...”

He probably dreamed that he was attacked by Indians and he was calling us for help.

We began to wait for Styopka to wake up.

He woke up with the first rays of the sun and, looking at his feet, said:

We would be fine if I lay down with my feet anywhere. So we wouldn’t know which way to go. And now, thanks to my legs, it’s clear to all of us that we need to go there.

And Styopka waved his hand in the direction of the road along which we walked yesterday.

We ate some bread and hit the road.

The road was familiar. And Styopka kept opening his mouth in surprise. Nevertheless he said:

A trip around the world differs from other trips in that everything repeats itself, since the Earth is a circle.

The creaking of wheels was heard behind me. It was some guy riding in an empty cart. Stepka said:

For the speed of travel and to quickly circle the Earth, it wouldn’t be a bad idea for us to sit in this cart.

We started asking for a ride. A good-natured man stopped the cart and allowed us to get into it.

We drove quickly. And the drive took no more than an hour. Suddenly our village of Peski appeared ahead. Styopka, his mouth open in amazement, said:

Here is a village exactly similar to our village of Peski. This happens when traveling around the world.

But Styopka was even more amazed when we approached the pier.

We got out of the cart.

There was no doubt - this was our pier, and a steamer had just approached it.

Styopka whispered:

Have we really circled the earth?

Lelya snorted, and I laughed too.

But then we saw our parents and our grandmother on the pier - they had just gotten off the ship.

And next to them we saw our nanny, who was crying and saying something.

We ran up to our parents.

And the parents laughed with joy that they saw us.

Nanny said:

Oh, children, I thought you drowned yesterday.

Lelya said:

If we had drowned yesterday, we would not have been able to go around the world.

Mom exclaimed:

What do I hear! They need to be punished.

Dad said:

All is well that ends well.

Grandmother, tearing off a branch, said:

I suggest flogging the children. Let Minka be spanked by her mother. And I’ll take Lelya on myself.

Dad said:

Spanking is an old method of raising children. And it doesn't do any good. The children probably realized without spanking what a stupid thing they had done.

Mom sighed and said:

I have stupid children. Going on a trip around the world without knowing the multiplication tables and geography - well, what is this!

Dad said:

It’s not enough to know geography and the multiplication tables. To go on a trip around the world, you must have higher education in the amount of five courses. You need to know everything they teach there, including cosmography. And those who set off on a long journey without this knowledge come to sad results that are worthy of regret.

With these words we came home. And they sat down to dinner. And our parents laughed and gasped as they listened to our stories about yesterday's adventure.

As for Styopka, his mother locked him in the bathhouse, and there our great traveler sat there all day.

And the next day his mother let him out. And we started playing with him as if nothing had happened.

It remains to say a few words about Tuzik.

Tuzik ran after the cart for an hour and became very tired. Having run home, he climbed into the barn and slept there until the evening. And in the evening, after eating, he fell asleep again, and what he saw in his dream remains shrouded in the darkness of the unknown. As for me, in a dream I saw a tiger, which I killed with a slingshot.


Year of first publication: 1940

Genre: story

Main characters: Stepan, Lelya, Minka and the dog Tuzik

Understand the main idea of ​​this funny story A brief summary of the story “Great Travelers” for a reader’s diary will help you learn about youthful maximalism.


Styopka shares information that the Earth is round with Lelya and her brother Minka, but they do not believe him. The guys are going on a trip around the world. According to Stepan's theory, having circled the Earth, they should return to the village.

Early in the morning, the children prepare themselves for the journey with everything they think is necessary and take the dog with them. There turned out to be a lot of things needed; it was not easy for the boys to carry the bag. Minka fell into a ditch and broke all the glass in his equipment. But the bag became lighter.

When darkness falls, the friends stop and fall asleep without even lighting a fire. Stepan goes to bed with his head towards the abandoned village, and his feet in the direction of the further path, so as not to get lost.

In the morning, Lyolya and Minka conspire and, while Styopka is sleeping, turn him over with his feet backwards. The children get home safely, and Styopka is confident that they have circled the Earth.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Any planned business must be supported by knowledge.

Year of publication: 1940 Genre: story

Main characters: Stepan, Lelya, Minka, dog Tuzik

Zoshchenko's story "Great Travelers" is written about the adventure of children. It is written in a light, humorous manner, which allows children to read such stories quickly and with interest. We are talking about the boys, Stepka, Minka and the girl Lela. Styopka probably read a lot about travel and decided to tell his friend that the earth is round. That if you leave one point and go straight all the time, you will definitely come back. But Minka didn’t believe it.

And then Styopka suggested that they go on a trip around the world and check this version. They agreed to go out the next day, when the parents of one boy would leave for the city, and the mother of the other would go to the river to do laundry. Lelya said that she had three rubles and she would take them. Everyone decided that this was enough, since they would only buy candy and take everything else with them.

They collected their things in a bag. Some bread, lard, sugar and a bunch of unnecessary things, such as pillows, but they considered them necessary. The next day they went hiking with a dog named Tuzik. Styopka, having read books, took a slingshot and a net to catch small animals and cook them over a fire. They walked for a long time through the forest.

The bag turned out to be heavy, and it was decided to carry it one by one. Lelya carried a little, and Styopka just a little. He simply collapsed from the weight of the bag straight into the ditch. And even though it wasn’t heavy, it broke all the dishes. Everyone was tired, and only the little one was cheerfully wagging his tail. He quickly chewed a hole in the bag and ate the lard.

Soon they came to the edge of the forest and decided to spend the night there. Styopka learned from books that if you go to bed with your feet in one direction, you will always walk in the same direction. But Lelya, having not slept all night, in fear that Styopka would lead them somewhere, suggested turning Styopka’s legs in the opposite direction. On the way, they met a cart and asked to drive up.

To Styopka’s surprise, they very quickly returned to their native village of Peski, where their worried parents were waiting for them. And their father told them that before going on a hike, they need to learn and gain knowledge and education. The writer delicately tells children not who to be, but what to be.

Picture or drawing Great travelers

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Fast passage:

A very brief summary (in a nutshell)

Styopka decided to go around the world. He knew that the earth was round, which meant that if you left one end of the village, you could come from the other. He took with him his friend Minka and his sister, Lelya. Having collected a whole bag of all sorts of things, they hit the road. Minka and her sister quickly got tired, but Styopka threatened that anyone who wanted to turn would be tied to a tree to be eaten by ants. At night, he went to sleep with his feet facing the further road, but Minka and Lelya turned him sleeping towards their village, and the next day they returned home safely.

Summary (details)

Minka did not know that the Earth is spherical. When Styopka found out about this, he didn’t even want to take him on a trip around the world, but Minka gave him a penknife and he changed his mind. Styopka argued that if they only go straight, they will be able to go around the Earth and come out again to their village, but from the other side.

Styopka brought a large bag, and they filled it with everything necessary and not so much: bread, lard, sugar, a flashlight, plates, two blankets, a pillow and many other things. They also took a fishing rod, a net and three slingshots. In addition, they decided to take Lelya, Minka’s sister, on this trip.

The next day they left their village and walked through the forest. A dog named Tuzik also went with them. The bag turned out to be very heavy, and Styopka offered to take turns carrying it, but no one else could carry it. Then they threw almost all the things out of it and went light. But even without the bag, Minka and her sister were very tired, and they even wanted to turn back, but Styopka said that he would tie to a tree and leave the one who wanted to return to be eaten by the ants.

When it got dark, they were unable to light a fire and went to bed in the dark. Styopka said that he would lay his feet in the direction where they would have to go tomorrow, so as not to go astray. Styopka immediately fell asleep, but Minka and Lelya were very afraid to sleep, any rustling noises frightened them so much. In the morning, Lelya suggested turning Styopka’s feet towards the house, since she really didn’t want to go further. They did just that. But Styopka didn’t notice this in the morning, and they returned safely to their village. They locked him in the bathhouse for the whole day, and they wanted to flog them, but his father interceded.