Tarot card priestess interpretation. Tarot card meaning - The High Priestess (Papess)


The moon as a symbol of our “lunar” consciousness, intuition and the power of our subconscious forces.

Straight position:

THE HIGH PRIESTESS symbolizes spiritual wisdom, patience, silence, deep knowledge and understanding of things visible and invisible; wisdom of feminine nature, strong intuition. The card means that you are trying to understand the higher meaning of something, looking for hidden factors influencing the situation. Feel free to reveal the secrets of the future, but remain silent regarding your intentions.

Reverse position:

Reversed card means: lack of insight, superficial knowledge, arrogance. It can also mean carnal passions.

2. Priestess (upright position)

General value:

Rival, witch, ill-wisher. A girl who is difficult to approach. It’s a matter that you don’t know how to approach. An unexpected, unforeseen solution to the issue is possible.

May indicate the presence (or need) of magical influence.


1. Ambiguity, uncertainty, duality. The question is not clearly asked or there are several possible solutions. We need to look at it in more detail.

2. The person is not healthy. Hidden or misidentified diseases. May indicate the effectiveness of magical diagnostics.

3. Suspiciousness, insincerity. Perhaps people cannot open up to each other because they are afraid of something. Jealousy.

Love spells and other magical effects on relationships are possible.

4. Secretiveness, suspicion, highly developed intuitiveness.

5. Advice: Trust your intuition, do not be guided by reason alone. Update information, clarify the situation.

Warning: The situation is not as simple as it seems. There are other solutions.

6. Unknown "Grandma said in two"(you need to look at additional cards or make an additional layout). There is information that the questioner hides or does not take into account.

2. Priestess (reversed position)

General value:

clarification of the situation. A situation when you need to make an independent decision (more precisely, choose from several decisions). Unlike direct – the situation is clear


1. Arrival of new information. Obliges you to make a decision. As for work, the paths have already been decided, you can choose.

2. A crisis, but not a dangerous situation. May indicate the presence of magical influence.

3. Secrets were revealed, the situation was clarified (You need to check, but usually everything is so clear that the questioner himself will understand what to do)

5. do what you do. Make decisions independently. Consider other options.

6. The outcome is not clear. It may include advice to consider several solution options in more detail.

General value:

The priestess personifies our unconscious forces - intuition, premonition, often inexplicable, but quite firm confidence in something. This is the key to that mysterious truth that eludes the logical mind. She knows that the truth that we can express in words is never eternal. Its bright side is an expression of patience, understanding, forbearance, kindness and the ability to forgive, the use of the powers of the subconscious for the benefit of people - for the sake of help, healing, clairvoyance. Her shadow side corresponds to the archetype of the “dark sister” who uses her spiritual powers to seduce others, lure them into traps, or otherwise harm them. In Tarot, however, its bright, kind side most often stands out. She is considered one of the three "guardian angels" because, according to Christian mythology, the Holy Virgin Virgin can make a person invulnerable.


Priestess means that either our occupation in one way or another relates to the sphere of her influence, that is, to a fairly wide range of healing or esoteric activities. Or we approach our work in the spirit of the principles of the Priestess: we approach our any tasks with an open soul, with patience, we are always ready to hear and perceive new things, we make decisions, obeying not only logic, but, above all, intuition. If such an attitude towards work is achieved and maintained by us consciously, we have a wonderful feeling of “guidance”, guidance from above. True, it should not, as they say, overflow its banks, so that we do not look capricious, or even dangerous, in the eyes of others.


This card means a period when we should devote maximum attention to our subconscious, those images, dreams and fantasies that arise in the very depths of our souls, in order to lift the veil under which the Priestess hides her knowledge - that very “Ancient Truth” that everyone time you have to open it again. Our dualistically structured mind denies us this journey, no longer allowing us to distinguish between good and evil. “The Wisdom of the Womb” hides the secret of the polarity inherent in everything, which makes us look with admiration and horror at the same time at the face of white and black Isis, because we never know whether evil or good is in front of us, whether healing or death awaits us. This archetype of the feminine, with all its beauty and danger, is described by many authors.

Personal relationships:

Here the Priestess shows herself mainly from the bright side. It personifies mutual understanding, deep affection, closeness and kinship of souls, sensitivity, caring towards each other, and last but not least - the confidence that an invisible but strong thread connects us with our partner. If this card falls out during a period when we are left alone, then it means that this lifestyle is what we need now and gives us satisfaction. Or it means that we are waiting, in a state of openness and readiness for a new meeting, listening to our inner voice and not forcing ourselves into anything or allowing others to force us.

In a love relationship

The priestess is a homebody with a book in her hands, who can at the same time be able to lay out the cards, dream of a rich prince in a white Mercedes or an ideal bride, while maintaining a passive wait-and-see attitude. In general, if earlier the enlightened Priestess was drawn with a book in her hands, now she needs to be drawn with a laptop on her lap. At the same time, romantic dating on the Internet allows you to maintain the anonymity inherent in this card and have as many fans as your heart desires. One of the worst options, if you live and love, the Priestess will study from television series or romance novels, in every possible way being wary of everyday shocks and failures, while maintaining a very rosy idea of real life. In a relationship with a man, the Priestess who falls on his side will indicate that he has a secret lover or object of adoration, unless the man himself has an effeminate character and is not a homebody. In its turn, young man, who has a Priestess on the side of his girlfriend in the scenario, should ask how well his chosen one knows how to lead household and cook. A priestess who falls into a relationship will always speak of the presence of some secret that can be used as a magnet to retain a partner. However, together with the Devil or the Moon, the Priestess can be an indicator of insincere relationships, secret connections, love magic, as well as the intrigue present in them.

II. High Priestess in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - revealing a secret.

With the “Magic” card - blackmail; scientific approach.

With the “Empress” card - pregnancy or a result obtained with the help of knowledge.

With the “Emperor” card - competent business management.

With the “Hierophant” card - a revelation from above.

With the “Lovers” card there is a temptation: to remain silent or to tell a secret.

With the Chariot card - do not interfere in the course of events.

With the “Strength” card there is a need to keep your mouth shut.

With the Hermit card - possession of a secret.

With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - a passive response to change.

With the “Justice” card there is a secret plan that can be revealed using logic, discarding feelings.

With the Hanged Man card - distorted information.

With the “Death” card - information that should be reviewed.

With the “Moderation” card - easy adaptation to the situation.

With the “Devil” card - a cunning plan, fraud; witch.

With the “Tower” card there is a danger of miscarriage or premature birth.

With the Star card - foresight.

With the Moon card - deception; rival; absurd.

With the “Sun” card, everything secret becomes clear.

With the “Court” card, the situation improves.

With the “World” card - discovery; birth of a child; graduation.


With the Ace of Wands card - lift the veil of secrecy; clarify unclear points.

With the “Two of Wands” card - visualization.

With the “Three of Wands” card - the plan is not disclosed for the time being.

With the Four of Wands card - “skeleton in the closet”.

With the Five of Wands card - truth born in a dispute.

With the Six of Wands card - knowledge that leads us to the goal.

With the Seven of Wands card - blackmail.

With the Eight of Wands card - information that should spill out.

With the Nine of Wands card - information that is perceived with distrust.

With the Ten of Wands card - give in to the onslaught of arguments.

With the “Page of Wands” card - investigation.

With the “Knight of Wands” card - no resistance.

With the “Queen of Wands” card - professional secrets.

With the “King of Wands” card, you can already see the future of your business.


With the Ace of Cups card - keep your feelings secret.

With the “Two of Cups” card - a secret engagement.

With the Three of Cups card - a secret society; Society of Alcoholics Anonymous.

With the Four of Cups card - do not notice secret signs.

With the Five of Cups card - find out something unpleasant.

With the Six of Cups card - children's secrets.

With the Seven of Cups card - increasing indecision.

With the Eight of Cups card - do not disclose your true motives.

With the Nine of Cups card - a carefully guarded recipe.

With the “Ten of Cups” card - comprehend the recipe for happiness.

With the “Page of Cups” card there is a surprise.

With the card "Knight of Cups" - a secret mission.

With the Queen of Cups card - hide your feelings; protect your inner world.

With the “King of Cups” card - working with the subconscious.


With the Ace of Swords card - reveal the secret; disrupt other people's plans.

With the “Two of Swords” card - knowing does not mean wanting - an overly passive position.

With the Three of Swords card - information that deprives you of strength.

With the Four of Swords card - information that requires careful consideration.

With the Five of Swords card - reveal an insidious plan.

With the Six of Swords card - information that will serve you well.

With the Seven of Swords card - a cunning plan.

With the Eight of Swords card - information that will confuse you.

With the card “Nine of Swords” there is a mystery that deprives you of peace and sleep.

With the “Ten of Swords” card - understand how to live further.

With the “Page of Swords” card - an attempt to find out secrets; caution in decision making.

With the Knight of Swords card - suppression of attempts to achieve clarity.

With the card “Queen of Swords” - a rival who broke up a family.

With the “King of Swords” card - hidden control; total check.


With the Ace of Pentacles card there is hidden income.

With the Two of Pentacles card - financial fraud.

With the Three of Pentacles card - the secret of the deposit.

With the Four of Pentacles card - concealment of income.

With the Five of Pentacles card - hide shame.

With the Six of Pentacles card - anonymous virtue; secret patron.

With the Seven of Pentacles card, you have no idea about the future.

With the Eight of Pentacles card - the secret of mastery.

With the Nine of Pentacles card - take into account all the nuances.

With the Ten of Pentacles card - build a family tree; reveal the origin of the family; face a family secret; read out the will.

With the “Page of Pentacles” card - wait in the wings.

With the Knight of Pentacles card - hide.

With the Queen of Pentacles card - hidden abilities; unused resources.

With the King of Pentacles card - prosperity achieved through knowledge.

Papess (II)


Obtaining objective, true information about yourself, about other people, about the world, about circumstances, about the past, present and future. Clairvoyance, revelations, insights. Revealing secrets, previously hidden information.


Passive observation, relaxation, detachment from the situation. An accepting attitude, an open mind, a sincere desire to know the truth, the truth, despite the fact that it may turn out to be unpleasant, frightening, inappropriate, and so on. Trust yourself, your vision, your insight. Unconditional acceptance of information, without necessarily trying to prove it right away or expecting others to confirm it. Emotionless assessment, pure perception. The desire to live in the real world, to get rid of illusions.

Bonuses and skills

Pure vision, clairvoyance. The ability to look at the world soberly, assessing yourself and the people around you as they are. Increasing the adequacy, and therefore the efficiency of life. Calmness and confidence in yourself, in the world, in the future. Preserving resources and using them wisely. The ability to make the “right” wishes. Guaranteed fulfillment of desires. Constantly reducing the percentage of failures and failures in any area of ​​life. There is less disappointment, suffering and fear - a cause-and-effect relationship is understood and a choice appears that can now be made consciously.


Witch, clairvoyant, oracle. Keen eye, x-ray vision. A sorceress who sees to the root, disarming with truth. Unsympathetic, ruthless, cold, not allowing for discrepancies. Always concise.
Reading in layouts
“How does it feel...”
"I see you through. You are such and such, and I am sure of it. I have x-ray vision, I know the truth! Another reading option is “You see the situation as it is, you see the truth.” This option can be used if the question was “How does someone evaluate me, who does he think I am?” That is, then we see not his own experiences from communicating with you, but our assessments of your personality. In any case, the choice of option always depends on the subtleties of a particular request and on how the Pope is “beaten” by neighboring cards, which is already a matter of skill.
“See the truth! Face reality, be adequate to it! A revelation (information) has come to you, so be brave and accept it.”
“Something will be revealed to you in the future. It’s been around for a long time, but only then will it become obvious.” What exactly the Pope will reveal can only be understood from the surrounding cards.
Reversed Popess
Refusal of information, disagreement with it. Negative experiences, denial. Strengthening events that are designed to give the truth. Sometimes to caricature sizes and shapes. The event is persistently knocking on life, with different sides. Life literally rubs your nose into what you need to realize.
The process is not constructive. Reluctance to accept the truth. She doesn't like it. The desire to continue to remain in one’s own illusory world, the reluctance to “be friends” with reality. An attempt to actively intervene in the vision process, a constant need for evidence, mistrust. Rigid ego position, pride. Stubborn retention of illusions, fantasies, glitches. Reluctance to take responsibility for one's events, for one's life.
Avoidance of reality, head in the clouds, inadequacy. Sooner or later, the situation reaches its limit and it is impossible to remain in it any longer without accepting the truth. Loss of control over yourself and the situation. Progression of fears, stress, neurosis. Distrust of the world, loss of self-esteem, increasing anger towards oneself and towards the world.
Reading in layouts
“How does it feel...”
“I know (see) something, but I don’t like it at all, I don’t want to accept it! This truth is out of time and out of place.”
Don't do that. “Accept the truth, agree with it! There is no point in resisting, you know that yourself. No matter how much you close yourself off from her, intrusive thoughts and the images still won’t leave you alone.”
“In the future the truth will be revealed to you (or has already been revealed). You won’t like this information, and you’ll try to turn away from it, pretend it didn’t exist.”

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Image of the Pope from the classic Rider-White Tarot deck

She is also called the High Priestess.

This is the second arcana in the Tarot deck, it is assigned the number two, symbolizing the feminine principle. This card corresponds to the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet - Beth, which personifies the first test a person must go through in order to achieve knowledge.

The Popess Tarot card encapsulates the past, present and future.

On the map you can see the Pope sitting on a throne. She is dispassionate, silent, calm and mysterious. She keeps knowledge, but dedicates it only to those who ask her for it.

On her shoulders are two robes: the upper mantle is blue, a symbol of spirituality, hides the red mantle - a symbol vital energy and strength.

The head of the High Priestess is crowned papal tiara with three crowns. In her hands is the Book of Wisdom, which contains the secrets of Occult science, inaccessible to those who are not ready to hear them.

The curtain behind the Pope hides the entrance to the sacred space, and the path there is closed to the uninitiated, the curious and the ignorant - a person must independently seek the truth.

To the right of the High Priestess is a white column representing the day, the power of pure mind over the world of matter. On the left is a black column, which symbolizes night and the power of matter over mind.

The Pope can be compared to the Sphinx, who knows the answers to all questions.

Meaning and interpretation of the Popess Tarot card:

This card signifies mastery of knowledge, wisdom and clairvoyance, intuition, conscience, goodwill, understanding, rigor and a sense of duty, even severity.

It also means a young woman. The pope is a mentor, mother, a symbol of fertile nature. She is in charge of literature, writing, reading and the occult.

Its main meaning indicates the subconscious and intuition of a person, the thirst to gain knowledge and discover secrets. The card advises listening to your inner self to find answers to questions. She also reminds us that the processes required to renew and improve can be painful so that life lessons can be better learned. The Popess Tarot card also advises remaining silent about your goals and intentions, so as not to cause opposition from those around you, and not to encounter obstacles on your path to the Truth.

In an unfavorable environment and in an inverted position, the High Priestess has the following meaning - limitation, inner emptiness, excessive severity, hidden illnesses.

Combinations of the Tarot card The High Priestess (Papess) with the Major Arcana

With “The Jester”, the secret will become known to everyone;

With the “Magician” - dishonest business practices, the discovery of unusual abilities in oneself;

With “Empress” - experience and skills will bear fruit;

With "Emperor" - good leadership;

With “Papa” - enrich yourself spiritually, gain new knowledge;

With “Lovers” - a choice concerning mystery;

With "Chariot" - training;

With “Strength” - forced silence;

With “The Hermit” - this combination suggests that you will have to keep some secret;

With the “Wheel of Fortune” - observe the changes, understand their meaning;

With “Justice” - the truth will be revealed;

With The Hanged Man, the truth is distorted;

With “Death” - receive useless information;

With “Moderation” - the difficult path will lead to comprehension;

With the “Devil” - a scam, fraud;

With “Tower” - feel the approach of troubles;

With “Star” - predict events;

With “Moon” - lies, rivalry;

With the “Sun” - to discover the truth, to suddenly understand something;

With “Judgment” the path to knowledge will not be easy;

With "Mir" - successful completion of training.

Combinations of the Tarot card The High Priestess (Papess) with some of the minor arcana

With the “Ace of Wands” the situation will become clearer;

With the Five of Wands - this combination of cards warns that there will be a struggle for truth;

With the “Six of Wands” - go to the goal, having all the necessary information;

With the “Seven of Wands” - dishonest ways of getting what you want;

With the “Nine of Wands” - doubts about the veracity of the knowledge gained;

With the Ten of Wands - lose in a discussion;

With the “Knight of Wands” - to be inspired by an idea;

With the “Queen of Wands” - keep the secrets of your successes;

With the “King of Wands” - anticipate the development of the situation.

With the “Ace of Cups” - remain silent about your feelings;

With the “Two of Cups” - this combination with the Tarot card The High Priestess predicts a love union concluded in secret;

With the “Three of Cups” - a group of people united by one secret;

With the “Five of Cups” - an unpleasant discovery;

With the Eight of Cups - keep your real goals secret;

With the “Ten of Cups” - to fully experience happiness in a relationship;

With the “Knight of Cups” - secret affairs;

With the “Queen of Cups” - keep your feelings secret;

With the “King of Cups” - self-knowledge.

With the “Ace of Swords” - reveal the truth;

With the “Two of Swords” - deliberately ignore the truth;

With the Three of Swords - a bitter discovery;

With the “Six of Swords” - obtain information that will be needed in the future;

With the “Seven of Swords” - falsification, passing off false as true;

With the “Nine of Swords” - discovery will deprive you of peace;

With the “Ten of Swords” - awareness of the end of the situation;

With the “Queen of Swords” there is a dangerous rivalry;

With the "King of Swords" - secret guidance.

With the “Ace of Pentacles” - secret income;

With the Five of Pentacles - remain silent about shame;

With the “Six of Pentacles” - help from an unknown patron;

With the “Seven of Pentacles” - prepare for events;

With the “Ten of Pentacles” - reveal family secrets, gain knowledge about your origin;

With the “Page of Pentacles” - be able to use your abilities at the right moment;

With the “Queen of Pentacles” - a combination that speaks of hidden potential;

With the "King of Pentacles" - knowledge will lead to long-term success.

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning in Relationships

The direct position of this card in the layout of existing relationships indicates a strong spiritual connection between two people. These are strong and deep feelings. However, in some cases they may be unrequited.

The reversed position of this card indicates emotional dependence. In addition, the High Priestess Tarot card can indicate unfounded anxieties and false ideas about relationships. In a reading for a certain person, the inverted Popess reports that he adheres to the tactics of passive waiting, preferring to observe from the side, waiting for the right moment to act.

If the lasso means a person:

In the Animal Kingdom Tarot deck, the Pope is represented by the Elephant, a symbol of calm and wisdom.

This is a young and very independent woman who never indulges a man. She has suffered more than one emotional trauma, so she has difficult relationships with the people around her. Behind her independence she hides her anxieties, worries and fears. She craves intimacy, but fear prevents her. She doesn't trust anyone, relying only on herself, because she has been betrayed too often by the people she trusted.

The planet of the card is the opposite, invisible side of the Moon, called Lilith (this is the dark side of the feminine essence). Apparent emotionlessness, coldness and indifference symbolize that knowledge is indifferent. Another meaning of the Popess Tarot card is a single woman, or a woman who is divorced.
The color of the lasso is turquoise.

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If the Magician is the personification of the active solar principle. On the contrary, the Priestess personifies the passive receiving principle of the Moon, this is the embodiment of Yin. Both principles, active and passive, are equally sources of life. The priestess is the female hypostasis of God. On the map we see a woman. Which sits at the entrance to the temple of the goddess Isis, between two columns, black and white. The columns bear the Hebrew letters Yod and Beit, meaning Jachin and Boaz, the Sun and the Moon. King Solomon ordered to decorate two columns in his temple built in Jerusalem with these letters. Hence the name: “Gate of the Sanctuary.” Jachin and Boaz symbolize the unity of opposites - day and night, man and woman, life and death.

The woman’s face and very image express detachment from the world; she is immersed in a trance. The columns are like the entrance to a portal, to another dimension, and the Priestess sits like a guard. And in order to pass through the gate, you yourself need to become like the Priestess. Columns can also be seen as day and night, consciousness and subconscious, truth and lies, light and darkness. And the Priestess sits between them. She is absolutely impartial and may be in a borderline state of consciousness. Neutrality between negative and positive, refusal and consent. And although the Priestess sits between the pillars, separating one from the other, she does not give priority to any of them. Knowing that only together they make up a single whole. If we consider them as opposites, then integrity is lost, and instead one-sidedness and subjectivity appear.

If the Magician in the Greek tradition is associated with Hermes, then the Priestess is associated with Hecate, the patron goddess of witchcraft and magic, who sent people visions and gave the gift of divination. Hecate is a lunar female goddess. The Priestess's connection with the Moon is also reflected in the image of her crown. In almost all decks, this is a variation of the phases of the Moon: waxing, full and waning. Youth, maturity and decline, as well as the menstrual cycle, ebb and flow.

On the Priestess’s lap lies a scroll or book, which symbolizes the Supreme Divine Law, which governs the order of the universe.

The meaning of the Arcana Priestess is associated with knowledge. The desire to understand the world and oneself in this world, as well as the desire to acquire new knowledge and understanding of the structure of the world - why everything goes exactly the way it does. But, unlike the Magician, the Priestess, having knowledge, cannot apply it in everyday life to achieve her goals. She is the keeper of Wisdom, as well as a Teacher who transmits knowledge to other people.

This card is literally wrapped in matter. The Priestess herself has closed clothes, a curtain in the background covers the view of the sea. But we see an endless expanse of water. It can only be fully known by a trained adept.

If, not being seduced by power and vanity at the level of the Magician, you decide to go further along the path of spiritual improvement, then you find yourself at the level of the Priestess - she is the embodiment of the divine law, or rather that part of it that is accessible to people. The Priestess teaches that everything you are looking for, all knowledge is in your subconscious. You already have them. And all that is required is not to succumb to the temptation of your vain, sensual human nature, and to heed it. By silently contemplating the depths of your nature, you can intuitively understand the secrets of life. In her book, Mary Greer says that if the Magician = it is me.

And the Priestess is knowledge, then together they are self-knowledge. The Priestess embodies inductive reason, which is associated with knowing the truth within oneself. The determination and activity expressed in the Magician card must be balanced with deep reflection.

For the success of any enterprise, it is important to be able to connect your activities with reason, not emotions. Remember that to affirm and desire the opposite is to doom yourself to destruction.

Therefore, at this stage it is worth taking a break from your journey and immersing yourself in self-contemplation. But the passivity of the Priestess should not be confused with weakness and inertia. Her activity is directed not outward, but inward. By stopping the vain movement of the world, we can open the inner urge of our intuition and dreams. So we get to " Great Road“subconscious” - this term was introduced by Sigmund Freud, he believed that the analysis of dreams leads us to a more complete awareness and understanding of our own Self. The book “The Interpretation of Dreams” - 1900. Open yourself to dreams, visions and intuition, and let the Mysteries unfold within you.

Main meaning of the card

Straight position

The priestess symbolizes developed intuition, a sense of the urges of the inner voice. The Priestess in the reading reminds you of the need to act slowly, take a wait-and-see attitude and let events take their course.

This Arcanum in certain situations quite definitely indicates developed extrasensory abilities (with the Hierophant or the Hermit) and the ability to see pictures of the future (especially if the Star Arcanum falls nearby). However, this does not always mean that they are conscious and clearly felt.

The priestess is also a deep understanding of the fact that not everything can be understood and accepted from the standpoint of logic and the notorious common sense. Such a card speaks of a correct understanding of the relativity and absoluteness of truths and the fact that ordinary people considered unshakable.

And, in addition, this Arcanum can be proof that there is some secret or classified information, which can be revealed or obtained in this moment does not seem possible. With the Sun, this means that subsequently everything will open up and become clear.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the Priestess can mean unfounded fantasies, unwillingness to make decisions and a tendency towards fatalism. If a person gets this Arcana upside down, it means that he is inclined to rely too much on the mercy of fate, to hope for a miracle.

A priestess in an inverted position can also indicate the danger of temptation. For example, together with the Seven of Cups, this card symbolizes an interest in perverted forms of pleasure; with the Jester - talkativeness and inability to keep secrets.

Love and relationships

Straight position

When divining relationships, the priestess says that between the people on whom the alignment is being made there is a very deep emotional connection (for example, with the Ace of Cups), a strong attachment (especially with the Nine of Cups). However, depending on the specifics of the alignment, this Arcanum may imply one-sided direction, that is, only one person is attached to another.

When divining love, the priestess indicates mutual trust between partners. In addition: A Priestess with the Three of Cups means a long-awaited explanation or proposal of marriage, with a Six of Cups - an irresistible physical attraction to a partner.

Inverted position

The inverted Priestess indicates too much emotionality or, on the contrary, emotions suppressed for various reasons, as well as unfounded fears and uncertainty about the promising future of existing or about to arise relationships. Very typically, this situation manifests itself in combination with the Page of Cups. The priestess inverted can also mean the fact that a person is not going to take a single step towards his partner, preferring to simply wait. The Four of Swords especially accurately indicates a wait-and-see attitude.


Straight position

In occupational charts, the Priestess symbolizes a talented person with a subtle artistic taste (which can be indicated, say, by the presence of the Knight of Cups nearby). Such people usually solve any problems patiently, putting their soul into them and listening to advice from others and their own intuition.

And also, if the Priestess appears in the reading, this most likely means that the one for whom they are guessing will manage to end up in in the right place at the right moment.

Inverted position

The priestess in an inverted position in such scenarios is evidence that the situation is full of hidden motives and circumstances that are not possible to judge objectively, at least at the time of fortune telling. At the same time, the nearby Two of Wands will indicate the machinations of competitors, the Five of Wands will indicate that they are trying to “hook” you.

A person who has an inverted Priestess is probably experiencing (has experienced or will experience) problems due to whims, uncertainty, doubts of his own or those of others.

Observe yourself, those around you, and the situation. You know exactly what and when to do. But perhaps you don’t realize this yet. Until you understand your own feelings, do not allow yourself to act rashly, fuss or rush things. Even if it begins to seem to you that everything has finally fallen into place and fell into place, act without haste and judiciously. In short, hurry slowly.

This card is called the Priestess or Empress, and it personifies a certain woman, as well as the female part of the essence of the Questioner. In general, it indicates developed intuition or, in general, the subconscious, instead of all hidden knowledge, skills, or even simply repressed feelings.

From the point of view of the mood conveyed by the card, the High Priestess lasso means trust in intuition itself and knowledge of it. The Priestess represents the repository of wisdom, which appears to be a secret. The planet that rules this card is the Moon, and it indicates that revealing secret knowledge to undeveloped beings is dangerous. This planet accepts dreams and shows the inevitability of the natural cycles of Nature’s movement affecting a person and all situations around him.

In the drawing of the Arcana Priestess card, the main figure of the initiated woman occupies a place at the threshold of the temple, where she is ready to allow entry to those striving to get there. Water and the Moon depicted side by side support the symbolism of the feminine principle and intuition. In the hands of the priestess is a scroll, symbolizing the memory that we carry from the past and what will happen in the future.

This scroll is often associated with the so-called Akashic Chronicles - a record in the information field of everything that is, what was, and what should be. Behind the priestess are two pillars that symbolize the duality of everything that exists, corresponding to the aspects of Chinese natural philosophy - yin and yang, and the cross, which is depicted on the priestess’s clothes, symbolizes the unity of the main four elements.

This card has many interpretations or meanings that intersect with a number of other Major Arcana. The meaning of the Priestess concerns precisely the discovery of the most mystical spiritual aspects, while they are opposite to the deep, esoteric aspects of orthodox religions. The Priest is responsible for the latter.

The Magician should represent activity and strength, and the Priestess should be its opposite, a readiness to passively perceive; The magician is the mind that creates, the Priestess is the subconscious, invisible to the eye, work.

The meaning of the Priestess is also mixed with a shade of closeness with the Hermit, only the latter is looking for what is not needed by the public consciousness, while the High Priestess finds the background needed to understand this at the level of the personal psyche. If the Empress carries a pronounced meaning of sexuality, then the Priestess symbolizes virginity and even rejection of sexuality.

Priestess (pope) in an inverted position.

A reversed card indicates that a person does not grasp the meaning of life, his ignorance, in particular, of how to improve or develop his relationships. Thoughts this person are unchanged and their character is rigid. There may also be a lot of fear about fulfilling your business obligations.

The Pope shows a decline in vitality and mood of emotions, and in addition, the Questioner, or the person to whom the card points, is not able to analyze and is trying to find a teacher, but at the same time ignores intuition. If there was important news, especially business news, the person will ignore it.

Staying in the plane of illusions and superficial thinking. The card also denotes a lack of insight and rigidity of thinking. In a love relationship, it shows that the man is dissatisfied with the woman precisely as a wife and mother. Also, the card can sometimes indicate the presence of harmful magical effects.

Basic values:

  • Lack of determination, fear of responsibility
  • Passive role in life
  • No magical abilities
  • Missed chances
  • Inconsistency in the sphere of emotions
  • Ignorance
  • Rashness in actions
  • Knowledge is superficial, one-sided

Priestess (popess) in an upright position.

This card in the Tarot indicates the presence of strong intuition, great spiritual knowledge or psychic abilities. There is also an understanding of nature through the intellectual component, which may indicate knowledge of the mathematical complex of sciences or, in general, a scientific education or degree.

In relation to action, it means the transition of the one who inquires to learning, a manifestation of interest in esotericism, or a meeting with a person who has such knowledge. In the love sphere, the card indicates the need to get out of relationships and self-confidence.

For a man, a direct card indicates that he has a desire to get a spouse - an intellectual and an assistant. The card also indicates a wise and balanced, masterful application of known information.

Basic values:

  • Secrets, mystery, uncertainty
  • Superpowers, intuition
  • Wisdom, clear vision of the situation
  • A woman who has an interest in the questioners
  • Thirst for knowledge, abilities in the educational field, science
  • Direct Priestess: deep connection, trust
  • Reversed: position of waiting, uncertainty about the future

In business

  • Direct position of talent, opportunities will open up for a person.
  • Reverse position: difficulties associated with uncertainty, hidden motives

The High Priestess card draws attention to the need to look for factors that were previously hidden. You need to contact a fortuneteller or a light magician. It is advisable to study the hidden, esoteric and unknown, to strive for purity of spirit. Under no circumstances should you resort to the dark aspects of magic or conspiracies.

You should not show tough character traits or your coldness. First you need to understand your own motives and needs, and then start acting, because you can make a mistake. You should more carefully observe both yourself and those around you and the general situation.