Presentation for P.P. Bazhov’s lesson “Silver Hoof” presentation for a reading lesson (4th grade) on the topic. Bazhov silver hoof Presentation silver hoof fairy tale with your own hands

literary reading

in 4th grade.

So the bell rang, Let's start our lesson. You sit down very quietly, and don’t be lazy to work!

Lesson topic:

Pyotr Petrovich Bazhov.

"Silver Hoof".

Lesson problem:





life case,

episode from life





Literary genre,

describing real

life of heroes,

in which they take place


fantastic, magical

events. Test. 1-group

1. How old was Daryonka?

A) 8 B) 6 C) 7

2. What color was it?

cat Murenka?

3. On which leg did the goat have a silver hoof?

A) on the left front B) on the right front C) on the rear right

4. How many branches did the goat’s horns come from?

Test. 2-group 2. How many times Silver Did Kopytse appear to Darenka?

1. Which

full name

the girl?

A) Daryonka Grigorievna

B) Daria Grigorievna

B) Dasha Grigorievna

3. Who was Kokovan’s grandfather?

3. Who was Kokovan’s grandfather?

A) forester B) hunter C) hunter and gold digger

4. How many bags of crackers did Kokovanya take with him to the booth?

Restore the text.

  • So grandfather ________, ______ Daryonka and the cat ________ began to live together.
  • They lived - __________, they didn’t make a lot of good, but they didn’t cry about living, and everyone had something to do.
  • Kokovanya left in the morning on ________, Daryonka was in the hut __________, cooking stew and ______, and the cat Muryonka went hunting for mice _______. By evening they will gather, and _______ them.
  • Kokovanya
  • how were you doing?
  • cleaned up
A special goat... In the area described in the tale, roe deer and deer were called wild goats, since both of them had horns.

3. Who was Kokovan’s grandfather?

Lesson problem:

Lesson problem:

Who is Silver Hoof?

Siberian roe deer Red deer

Size: small deer

Siberian roe deer Red deer

Horns: no more than 2-3 shoots

Sheds antlers in autumn

Curious, cheerful, brave, affectionate, hardworking, loves nature, appreciates beauty.

Sheds antlers in autumn

Cheerful, affectionate, kind, hardworking, inquisitive, loves nature, appreciates beauty.

4. What does he do?

She cleaned the hut, cooked stew and porridge, sewed a dress for a doll, and loved to listen to fairy tales.

4. What does he do?

Hunter. In the summer he washes the sands, mines gold, and in the winter he runs through the forests after a goat. Master of fairy tales.

Why did Kokovanya and Daryonka so want to see the silver hoof?
  • Maybe each of the heroes believed in fairy tales and wanted to see a miracle.
  • or
  • The heroes were poor, hoping to sell precious stones and live richly?
  • I knew …
  • I found out today...
  • I studied...
  • I like it ….
  • I have a desire...
Homework (optional).
  • Read another work by P.P. Bazhov and tell it in the next lesson.
  • 2. Retell this tale and prepare a drawing of the most interesting passage from the tale in your opinion.
Those same peridots... Unprocessed peridot Peridots, after cutting

Processed peridots in jewelry

Bazhov was first published in 1936, and in 1939 the first collection of tales, “The Malachite Box,” was published in the magazine “Svedlgiz.” Subsequently, this collection was reprinted several times and was translated into 100 languages ​​of the world. One of the most entertaining tales that Bazhov placed in his magic box is “The Silver Hoof.”

The main characters of the tale are grandfather Kokovanya, orphan Darenka and cat Murenka. The old man was a hunter and knew how to tell interesting tales. Darenka loved her grandfather’s tales very much, but most of all she was most curious to hear about the wonderful goat with a silver hoof. Silver Hoof - a magical goat. Wherever he hits the ground with his right foot, a precious stone will appear. The number of times he knocks, the number of expensive stones he will hit. Darenka became very curious to look at this goat.

And she began to ask her grandfather: “Take me with you to the forest, maybe I’ll see the Silver Hoof!” Persuaded. I took Kokovan to a winter hut in the Darenka forest. And the cat followed them. So the grandfather goes hunting, and Darenka and Murenka are waiting for him in the forest hut. Kokovanya does not return for a long time. Darenka is sad. Suddenly something seemed to flash behind the window.

The girl looks, and this is a magical goat, Silver Hoof! Darenka jumped out onto the porch. He looks at the goat with all his eyes, and cannot get enough of such a miracle. And the goat hit the ground with his right leg, and the gems flew out from under his hoof! Then Silver Hoof jumped out to the hut and let’s knock out the precious stones! He beat and beat with his hoof and covered the entire hut with precious stones.

Gems sparkle, sparkle and shimmer with red, blue and green sparks. And the cat suddenly jumped onto the roof of the goat, and they both disappeared immediately. Here Kokovanya returned. I collected a full cap of stones. The only pity is that they no longer saw either the magic goat or Murenka.

The work "Silver Hoof" is made in the fairy tale genre. A tale is a folklore narrative written in common language using specific turns of speech. It differs from a fairy tale in the truthfulness of the stories; there are folk beliefs and legends. There are no fantastic creatures or magical household items (Baba Yaga or self-assembled tablecloths) here.

The tale “The Silver Hoof” has become a classic of Russian literature. It has been translated into many languages ​​of the world. Reprinted several times.

The gems that, according to folk legend, were knocked out of the ground by a magic goat are chrysolites. The Urals are rich in green stones.

All kinds of jewelry are decorated with processed chrysolites - rings, earrings, brooches, hairpins.

The image of the red deer from the tale “The Silver Hoof” has become very popular. The hero and his name are widely used in the names of brands and brands, in cinema, animation, and fine arts.

In the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof,” a red deer appears in the form of a magical goat. Find evidence of this in the text.

Moral of the story: mercy, hard work and modesty are always rewarded.

Answer the questions:

Name the main characters of the tale “The Silver Hoof.”

Why did the magic goat appear to Darenka?

In what genre was “The Silver Hoof” written?

How is a tale different from a fairy tale?

What stones did the goat knock out with his hoof?

What did you like most about the story?

Rosa Gubaidulina
Presentation “Cycle of classes based on P. Bazhov’s tale “The Silver Hoof”

A series of lessons based on P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”

Target: introducing children to reading fiction.


Development of literary speech; ability to master children's creativity in visual, speech and theatrical activities.

Cultivating an emotional and conscious attitude towards verbal art, the ability to hear, see, feel and experience various emotional states proposed in literary works.

Direct educational activity “Reading fiction”

Target: formation of interest and increased need for reading books, familiarization with aesthetic culture by means of developing creative abilities through reading fiction.

Conversation based on P. Bazhov’s fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”

Using video material (episodic viewing of a cartoon)

Target: introduce children to everyday and fairy tales. Learn to determine and motivate your attitude towards heroes, noticing some expressive similarities. To cultivate kindness in children, the ability to imitate the good deeds of fairy tale heroes.

Interaction with families of pupils

Target: increasing the competence of parents in joint activities with children in the OO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”. Involving parents in holding group thematic exhibitions of children's creativity.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the holiday “Ural Gems” based on P. Bazhov’s tale “Silver Hoof”“Ural Gems” Holiday Scenario Objectives: - To promote the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality based on the work.

For older children preschool age reflection of poetic images in drawings is available. It has great importance for their moral and aesthetic.

Goal: Ability to illustrate literary works. Objectives: - improve the skills of creating an expressive image; - develop skills.

Abstract of GCD for children of the senior group. Reading the tale of P. P. Bazhov “The Silver Hoof” Summary of GCD for children senior group on speech and artistic-aesthetic development using gaming and information and communication.

Goal: consolidation of creative skills. Objectives: educational: - continue to teach how to create an expressive image of a fairy-tale animal:.

Logorhythmic lesson in the speech therapy group “Silver Hoof” based on the fairy tale by P. Bazhov Logorhythmic lesson in speech therapy group“Silver Hoof” Based on the fairy tale by P. Bazhov (1 slide) Children enter the hall to the music.

Silver hoof They say that in the Ural Mountains a goat roams, quite unusual, and on thin, slender legs it GOLD and sparkles.

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The presentation on the topic “Silver Hoof” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Subject of the project: Literature. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

Presentation slides" alt="Wild goat. The Siberian roe deer is a medium-sized animal from the deer family. Another name: wild goat. U males have fork-like horns with no more than 2-3 shoots on each horn. They shed their horns in October." title="Wild goat. The Siberian roe deer is a medium-sized animal from the deer family. Another name: wild goat. Males have fork-like horns. Each horn has no more than 2-3 processes. They shed their antlers in October.">!}

Slide 2

Wild goat

The Siberian roe deer is a medium-sized animal from the deer family. Another name: wild goat. Males have fork-like horns. Each horn has no more than 2-3 processes. They shed their antlers in October.

Slide 3

Red deer

The name unites several subspecies of deer that have common exterior features: Branched antlers on males: from 5 or more branches. Antlers are shed in the spring. They wear antlers all winter Thick hair on the neck Thin long legs Medium and large sizes (the size depends on the habitat, for example, mountain deer are larger than forest deer) Subspecies of red deer: maral and wapiti - Siberian deer; wapiti - American deer; red – European deer, Caucasian deer.

Slide 4

Who is Silver Hoof?

Size: small deer Horns: no more than 2-3 shoots Sheds antlers in autumn

Size: medium to large deer Antlers: 5 or more branches Wears antlers all winter, sheds antlers in spring

Siberian roe deer

Noble deer

Slide 5

A special goat...

In the area described in the tale, both roe deer and deer were called wild goats, since both of them had horns. Find the description of the Silver Hoof in the text. How was Silver Hoof different from other goats?

Slide 6

Checking homework

Working with illustrations and text

Selective reading Look at the illustrations in the text. What moments did the artist depict in the illustrations? Select and read the corresponding fragments of the text.

Slide 7

Genre of the work

Fairy tale Fairy tale

A fairy tale is an entertaining story about extraordinary events and adventures (in fairy tales, good triumphs over evil). Fictional characters, unreal events, magical objects. A fairy tale is unreal; the events of a fairy tale could never happen in real life.

A tale is a genre of epic based on folk tales and legends, a narration told on behalf of the narrator (the tale is based on events that really happened once upon a time). The narration of the tale mentions objects with magical properties. Magic is used in the tale to enhance emotions.

What genre does “The Silver Hoof” belong to?

Slide 8

Independent work

7. What are the names of the gemstones that P.P. spoke about? Bazhov in the tale “The Silver Hoof”? A) rock crystal B) chrysolite C) malachite 8. What genre does the work “Silver Hoof” belong to? A) fairy tale B) story C) tale 9. What kind of character were Kokovanya and Daryonka? Write down: hardworking, sincere, caring, selfish, selfish, greedy, selfless. 10. Why did the Silver Hoof appear specifically to Kokovana and Daryonka? Answer in writing in your own words. 11. How did we know that Silverhoof was a deer? Answer in writing in your own words.

1. What was the name of Daryonka’s father? A) Gregory B) George I) Gavrila 2. What kind of beast was the Silver Hoof? A) roe deer B) red deer C) elk 3. On which leg did Silver Hoof have a magic hoof? A) on the front left B) on the back right C) on the front right 4. What color was the cat Muryonka? A) white B) brown C) red 5. How many times did the Silver Hoof appear to Daryonka? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 6. People found stones on the mowing bed for a long time. What color are most stones? A) green B) blue C) pink

Slide 9

What does P.P.’s tale teach us? Bazhov's "Silver Hoof"? Choose the most accurate wording

1) A person must love animals. 2) It is very important to be modest. 3) Hard work, selflessness and kindness will definitely be rewarded.

Slide 10

Those same chrysolites...

Raw peridot

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.