Wheel of fate tarot in love. Tarot Card Meaning - Wheel of Fortune

There comes a turning point in everyone's life when the past has truly become the past, and the future has not yet arrived. The person is confused, thoughts about making the right decision, about further actions they scare him. It would be wise to turn to Higher powers for help; it is not necessary to visit a psychic or magician; you can use a deck of Tarot cards to find out about your future or make the right decision to change the situation.

A large selection of Tarot cards makes it possible to choose a deck that is convenient for yourself, which not even a professional tarot reader can work with, but a person who wants to change his life for the better: by learning about certain events or avoiding them, listening to the advice given by the amrakhs.

A large selection of Tarot cards makes it possible to choose a deck that is convenient for you

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card

Working with Tarot cards becomes easier if you focus on the question and do the layout correctly. Among the Amrakhs they say about turning points in fate:

  • Tower;
  • Death;
  • Wheel of Fortune.

Unlike other cards, the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card shows prosperous and successful changes that cannot be controlled independently. Everything is in the power of the Higher powers, everything will be as destined by fate.

The Senior Arcana of the Tarot Wheel of Fortune is number 10 in the deck and has the most rich and complex symbolism. It symbolizes divine love, knowledge and wisdom, luck, which a person seeks in the movement of life.

The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes surprise and luck, the impermanence of life, when good is replaced by bad and vice versa. The background of the Arcana Universe shows an unlimited number of different situations encountered along the way. The outer red side of the Wheel of Fortune characterizes the material side of life. The seven colors represent the seven chakras, the seven spiritual stages of human development. The purple color of the center speaks of the need for everyone to move towards their spirit, the true Self. The center is the most impeccable point of the wheel, equivalent to the human spirit - its reliable support in life. For anyone, the Wheel of Happiness rotates at a speed that determines his karma and earthly affairs. When a person does good deeds (improving his karma), the wheel rewards him with good luck.

Features of the number 10

10 is an interesting number in numerology, the first two-digit number that consists of the digit one and zero. The number 1 is “I”, zero means the unknown and enormous abilities. In deck 10 completes the first circle of existence, from the first Arcana, where “I” learned wisdom, became acquainted with different people, faced problems, was a hermit and came to the end of the cycle, where there is the possibility of recovery. The tenth Arcana shows a new stage in human development, the main word is “cycle”, which is depicted in the form of a wheel.

For people who have 10 - this can be the day or month of birth, indicates that the person is lucky and can count on gifts from fate. If karmic numbers 13,14,16,19 indicate karma and unfavorable debts, then 10 means rebirth, victory. Ten is the first number that has duality. An even number characterizes feminine energy, but if you add one and zero, you get 1, and this is masculine energy. Therefore, 10 can have both a masculine and a feminine side.

The number ten indicates the current implementation of the assigned tasks. The duality of the Arcana also lies in the fact that it is associated with Jupiter - the planet of greater happiness, the element is fire. It is impossible to separate the Wheel of Fortune from the time cycles for which the planet Saturn is responsible - the planet of greater misfortune, mentor and lord of time. The Major Arcana belongs to the four elements.

What does the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card tell you about in readings?

The tenth Arcana of the Tarot is the Wheel of Fortune. keyword which is destiny. The peculiarity of the card is that it is the first among the amrahs of the Tarot that does not depict a person. Regardless of the deck, all Wheel of Fortune cards in their symbolism have a wheel, which shows that everything in the world is spinning and returning to its place. There is no constancy, everything changes, even the person himself over time, there is fate and the future, which cannot be changed.

In the layouts, amrakha appears in cases where a person is unsure of himself, he is frightened by the future and speaks about the following:

  • the presence of misunderstanding from current events;
  • the need to come to terms with what cannot be changed;
  • To find a solution, you need to look at the problems from the outside.

The tenth Arcana of the Tarot is the Wheel of Fortune, the key word of which is fate

Depending on which cards the Wheel of Fortune appears with in the layout, in addition to the interpretation, there is always advice: the main thing is to believe in yourself, your actions, thoughts, then everything will work out and any problem will be solved.

Reversing the meaning of the card does not change the meaning, since the wheel is round. In any situation, the point is that you need to be true to your principles and yourself, then good luck awaits you. The only thing about the reversed position is that changes and changes are coming. If the period is difficult, then soon everything will get better and the problems will be solved. If things are stable and successful, then the situation may worsen.

Fortune in relationships

Tarot cards are most often used to solve important life situations when a person sees the need for change, but does not know what to do; when there is a relationship, but there is no certainty whether the person who is the other half is really destined for fate.

When the layout is made on relationships and the Wheel of Fortune appears, then amrakha says that the connection between two is like a meeting that could not be avoided, a successfully developing romance. It may indicate a temporary crisis in the relationship that will be overcome.

It is necessary to take into account the combination of cards that appear during fortune telling:

  • Wheel of Fortune + Empress denotes the birth of a child;
  • Wheel of Fortune + Ace of Cups means a blissful period, pleasure;
  • Wheel of Fortune + Two of Cups speaks of an upcoming meeting with a person who is close in spirit;
  • In combination with the Three of Cups, it speaks of a wedding for love;
  • With the Six of Cups, it speaks of sexual activity, a time of sensitive pleasure.

When reversed, the Wheel of Fortune has the following card meanings:

  • The relationship became boring and reached a stage of stagnation.
  • The partner is accustomed to one behavior and is afraid to change it.
  • Problematic relationships that cannot come to an end for some reason.

In this situation, you should pay attention to the combination of cards:

  • The Wheel of Fortune in an inverted position + Two of Wands indicates that the partner sees in the other not an ally, but an enemy.
  • In combination with the Five of Cups, it speaks of the disappointment of one of the partners.
  • Seven of Coins + Wheel of Fortune in an inverted position speaks of old problems that partners cannot forgive each other; they do not see the prospects for a relationship.

Tarot cards have the greatest power, interesting symbolism, which carries a deep meaning, makes it possible to fully learn the interpretation of the card. When starting to work with amrakhs, you need to decide on a question, a problem, a situation that requires a solution or change. Layouts using Tarot cards can be done on any topic, relationships, work, health, in order to find out your future. Regardless of the topic of the question, if the Wheel of Fortune appears, you need to know that this is primarily change and change. There is nothing stable or permanent. There are moments that cannot be avoided, sometimes a meeting with a person is inevitable, he is destined by fate and that’s it, there are moments, even unpleasant ones, that must happen, no matter how hard you try, but they cannot be changed. If the card appears in combination with other amrahs and speaks of unpleasant changes, you should not be afraid and fall into despair, you need to take into account that the senior Arcanum indicates a temporary change that will return to its place and be as it should be.

The meaning of the Tarot card Wheel of Fortune in relationships is joy, luck, a positive charge of energy. It is often interpreted as maintaining stability between partners.

About the map

The 10th Arcana looks different in different decks. It always has a wheel, but other parts are different. Often winged figures are depicted in the corners: an angel, a griffin, a bull and a lion. The sphinx sits on top. Below is a creature with the head of a dog. Sometimes the picture includes a blind woman spinning a wheel. But mostly it moves on its own. Some are lifted to the top, others are lowered to the bottom. They also draw a snake, symbolizing evil.

General interpretation of the Tarot card Wheel of Fortune (Fate) in upright position positive. It enhances the good predictions of some Arcana and reduces the negative meaning of others. The reversed position gives the opposite meaning.

Direct position indicates the following events:

  • promotion of affairs;
  • sudden luck;
  • luck in endeavors;
  • guardianship of high-ranking people;
  • profit, find;
  • significant changes in life;
  • new opportunities.

Value in upright position

The Fate card in a love reading symbolizes a gifted chance for happiness.

But you need to be able to use it correctly. The 10th Major Arcana also makes it clear that not everything depends on the awareness of the goal. It is almost impossible to prepare for the unexpected in life.

The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card in relationships is the establishment of old relationships after a crisis or a new love affair that will grow stronger over the years. Personal life is slowly starting to improve. There is an opportunity to break out of the routine.

Arcanum Fate also gives the following predictions:

  • harmony in relationships, common interests;
  • unexpected meeting of a potential chosen one with a similar character;
  • promising acquaintances;
  • cyclicality (as an example - recurring conflicts and periods of peace and tranquility).

Some Tarologists interpret the appearance of the 10th Arcana in a different way:

  • untimeliness of actions;
  • lack of ability to change circumstances, even if they are unbearable;
  • an immature problem, so performing any manipulations to solve it is a waste of energy.

Reversed meaning

The interpretation changes in the opposite direction. An inverted Arcana of Fate foreshadows running in a circle.

The changes taking place will be unfavorable. Communication with a partner has no future. New relationships are also useless. Do not expect joy in the family. There will be no changes in the near future, neither for the better nor for the worse.

The Tarot card Wheel of Fortune in a relationship reading in an inverted position is interpreted as follows:

  • a break up;
  • unhappy love;
  • betrayal (treason, lies, etc.), which entails disappointment.

Combination with other cards

How successful or unsuccessful the relationship will be will be determined by the Arcana that fell nearby.

The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card in love changes depending on the combinations. For people who are married or have serious relationship, 10 Arcanum together with the Empress indicates the likelihood of having a child.

The Fate card in combination with other arcana has the following interpretation:

  • with Lovers - a romantic adventure, change;
  • with the Moon - betrayal;
  • with the Three of Swords - you should be careful in your feelings.

Combinations with Cups will tell the most about love relationships:

  • with Ace - a strong, irresistible attraction;
  • with a Two - stability in relationships, mutual understanding and respect;
  • with Three - harmony, tenderness, happiness, heir;
  • with a Four - jealousy, resentment, stubbornness;
  • with a Five - a break in relationships, disappointment;
  • with a Six - idealization of a love affair;
  • with the Seven of Cups - idealization of the partner, which will lead to problems;
  • with the Eight - differences of interests;
  • with Nine - a dream come true, but with a sense of proportion;
  • with the Ten - legitimizing relations;
  • with the Page - strengthening old relationships or starting new ones;
  • with the Knight - the emergence of strong feelings;
  • with the Queen - a devoted relationship that is worth protecting because it is short-lived;
  • with the King - a romantic period.


There are many cards in the deck that promise change. But, unlike others, the Arcana Wheel of Fortune more often foreshadows good events. Great importance has a person's relationship to fate. The wheel can encourage him to grow and take active action, or it can make the fortuneteller dependent and helpless.

If the same situation is constantly repeated with different partners, you should think about and understand why the cyclicality appears. The faster a person realizes the reason, the greater the chances of a good relationship.

Tarot cards have a very strong energy. When studying them, you should try to feel them, to let them pass through yourself. One of the most important cards in the Tarot is the Wheel of Fortune. Let's look at it in more detail.

The Wheel of Fortune is one of the most important tarot cards

When the Tarot card Wheel of Fortune appears in a reading, it indicates that everything that happens around a person depends not on himself, but on fate. It doesn't matter whether a person is in a good environment or a bad one. All the same, fate will slowly change.

Direct meaning

The Wheel of Happiness in the upright scenario says that a person will have a lucky streak, a successful start and a successful outcome in any business. The appearance of the 10th lasso indicates the impossibility of controlling fate, so any incidents should be perceived with humility.

Fortune is very ambiguous; it can give a person undeserved luck or punish him for an insignificant act.

When this card fell out, the ancient sages always insisted that everything in life happens for a reason.

This card has strong karma. Its occurrence in the scenario promises the successful overcoming of any barriers and the appearance of fateful turns. The main thing to remember is that when fate gives us a chance, we should not miss it. This card should only be interpreted in combination with other Tarot cards.

Fortune can both bring good luck and punish a person

Inverted position

The inverted position of this card is not very positive. Most magicians claim that the loss of this card indicates the emergence of various obstacles, obstacles, and enemies. Fate has prepared a cruel joke.

The card may also say that fate has not yet prepared any changes for a person. Improvement will not come soon, you will have to wait a very long time for it.

But not everyone thinks the card is too bad. Some magicians are confident that in an inverted state, Fortune predicts not only negative events. She says that for now a person has a bad streak that should be waited out. As soon as the negativity ends, luck begins.

Career and money

There was a chance to do what I loved. And no matter what industry it is in, success will still be achieved. New opportunities will appear for the development of one’s business, and luck will accompany a person in any endeavor. There will be profitable sponsors on the horizon, a large number of clients and partners. High probability of receiving vital information, which can easily be sold for a significant amount. With a persistent and responsible approach to your work, the reward will not be long in coming.

The Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune also indicates the right moment to start climbing the career ladder. There will be enough energy to pour into a new living environment. On initial stages You will have to work hard, but you won’t have to wait long for the result. The result will exceed all expectations. Job satisfaction and good finances can be obtained from activities that are seasonal or repeating figures.

There will be an opportunity to improve your financial situation. Ideas for business expansion will arise. It is possible that a person will have to move to a new place of residence. You can take the risk of buying a lottery ticket, luck is with you, there is a high probability of winning a large sum.

The card promises a good moment for a successful career


The Wheel of Fortune in relationships is ambiguous. For some, this arrangement will not bring any life changes. If a person is happy, then happiness will continue to surround him. Single people will not be able to find their soulmate yet. This interpretation applies only to the relationship between a man and a woman.

If the question is asked about attitudes in society, then there is a high probability of making new acquaintances and attracting interesting personalities.

When it comes to legalized relationships, the card promises a stable future, a good financial atmosphere and well-being. Sometimes the Wheel of Fortune can mean that the relationship in the present time is very similar to the past, if all the mistakes are not taken into account. If the Lovers card appears nearby, a successful marriage and subsequently a strong family are possible. And Moderation does not advise legalizing relations yet, everything should go slowly but surely,


When wishing for health, the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card promises a favorable outcome to any situation. You can definitely count on a complete recovery if positive cards appear nearby. There will be no health problems in the near future. But life is very cyclical, so at times there will be a loss of strength or a sudden change in mood.

If the card falls upside down, then the likelihood of getting cyclical diseases. This may include seasonal allergies, various exacerbations, remissions or relapses. If the alignment is made for female energy, then the value indicates PMS, delay, change in weight category, etc.

Wheel of Fortune card is good for health

Interpretation when appearing with other main cards

Let's consider the meaning of the Wheel of Fortune in Tarot when combined with other main cards. The main interaction that indicates a positive outcome of any situation:

  • Jester - a change in events that are usually met with an open heart, but in fact do not guarantee a good turn of fate;
  • Magician - the occurrence of circumstances that will force action;
  • High Priestess- constant changes, chaos, which will involve the fortuneteller;
  • Empress - someone or something is about to be born; the time for fulfilling obligations has expired;
  • Hierophant - changes concerning family or worldview;
  • Lovers - relationships will become different;
  • Chariot - chaotic events are approaching;
  • Sun - the likelihood of receiving recognition and success;
  • Court - fate smiles, everything will be fine;
  • Peace - a person will be rewarded for his actions.

Unfavorable combinations of the Wheel of Fortune card with other main cards:

  • Hanged Man - a crisis may occur in any field of activity;
  • Death - the card enhances the meaning of any combination;
  • Moderation - just wait a little, fate itself will decide everything;
  • Devil - decline on the career ladder; any plans will fail;
  • Tower - it’s time to pay for your deeds;
  • Star - a way out of a difficult situation will appear;
  • Moon - there are no specific actions to resolve plans;
  • Strength - fate will make adjustments to life that a person will have difficulty accepting;
  • Hermit - receiving pension benefits; finding loneliness or poverty;
  • Justice - events regarding legislation will arise.

Whether Fortune is favorable to the fortuneteller depends on the surrounding cards

Interpretation when falling out with wands

First, let's look at the meaning of the senior wands:

  • Ace - the sudden appearance of a solution to a problem;
  • King - receiving new position; gaining recognition;
  • Queen - it’s worth being optimistic;
  • Knight - acceleration of all events;
  • Page is a bargain.

The wands of the lower rank are also worth paying attention to:

  • Two - moving to a new place of residence;
  • Three - speaks of improvement in any circumstances;
  • Four - buying a new home; major repairs; moving to a new office;
  • Five - change of mood;
  • Six - obtaining a new status; career growth;
  • Seven - the results achieved will be difficult to maintain;
  • Eight - unexpected news will come;
  • Nine is a warning sign;
  • Ten - fate will present a strong blow.

Feature of the number 10

It’s not for nothing that the Tarot card Fate is number 10. One means personality, zero speaks of uncertainty and enormous abilities. In the Tarot deck, the tenth Arcana completes the circle begun by wisdom. In this cycle, the individual will have to be a hermit before ascending to the present.

People who have the number ten at birth are blessed with extraordinary luck. Ten is considered a dual symbol. In even form it indicates feminine energy. But when adding simple numbers, the result is a unit, which indicates masculine energy.

The dual meaning of the card comes from its close connection with Jupiter. And as you know, this planet is a symbol of great happiness. His conqueror is the element - fire. This combination attracts good luck in any area.

Senior Arcana Tarot Wheel of Fortune (Fate, Happiness) predicts good events. The situation is changing in better side, but cannot be controlled. The card carries a positive charge of energy. Even if life is not at all rosy at the moment, the Wheel is spinning, changes are coming.

About the map

In the center of the lasso there is a circle with 8 symbols. On top sits a blue sphinx with a sword, whose task is to maintain balance. Below is a creature with the head of a dog. Also on the map are an angel, a griffin, a lion and a bull. All characters have wings, an open book and a golden color. On the left is a snake, which symbolizes evil.

The wheel rotates spontaneously. Sometimes a blind woman is depicted twirling it. It brings joy and tears, good and evil. Makes it clear that there are 2 sides in life: positive and negative. Symbolizes the eternal movement up and down. Fate changes regardless of a person's desires.

General value

The Tarot Wheel of Fortune often falls on people who are unsure of themselves. Makes it clear that you need to be more decisive and bolder.

Straight position

The card foreshadows the beginning of a bright streak in life, dramatic changes. Some events can be cyclical: something that has already happened once will happen.

The main interpretations of the meaning of the 10th Arcana of the Tarot include:

  • promotion of affairs;
  • sudden success, smile of fate;
  • luck, a chance that comes once in a lifetime;
  • profit, gift;
  • complicity of high-ranking people;
  • inner strength.

Fortune can both bring good luck and punish a person

The meaning of the Tarot Wheel of Fate in the reversed position is negative. There are many obstacles on the way to achieving your goal: enemies, envious people, various circumstances. The Major Arcana advises not to rely on fate in everything, because it can turn away at the most inopportune moment. The time has not yet come for positive changes.

Tarot Fortune in an inverted position also has the following interpretation:

  • stagnation in business;
  • difficulties;
  • inability to use your advantages;
  • Unexpected expenses;
  • unstable position;
  • unexpected blow.

Meaning in relationships

The Tarot Wheel of Fate often signifies the status quo: everything will remain the same. If a person is happy, he will continue to feel the same way. Singles are not predicted to meet their soulmate anytime soon.

Straight position

Also, the 10th Arcanum foreshadows a fateful meeting, a successful romantic relationship. For people who are married, this indicates a revival of feelings after a crisis in love. Mutual understanding and harmony will reign in the family.

Your personal life will improve on its own. If a person does not change his principles, happiness will find him. In combination with the Lovers, the card foretells a successful marriage. Neighborhood with Temperance advises not to rush into legitimizing relationships. They must develop slowly but surely.

Fortune can both bring good luck and punish a person

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card has the opposite meaning if it appears in a reversed position in a love reading. Arkan gives the following characterization of relationships:

  • routine;
  • stagnation;
  • boredom.

There is no way to break the connection. Problems often arise. If your partner leaves, there is no chance of getting him back. A person does not know what went wrong in life, it is difficult for him to calm down. Because of this, the mood is constantly at zero. The union is on the verge of breaking.

Meaning at work

The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card indicates to a person a unique opportunity to do what he loves.

Straight position

The fortune teller will be able to achieve great success in his career thanks to this influence of the lasso:

  • new opportunities;
  • luck, favorable developments;
  • good partners, clients;
  • obtaining important information;
  • successful promotion of the project.

It's worth upgrading your skills. It will take a lot of time and effort, but the income will not keep you waiting.

Fortune can both bring good luck and punish a person

The interpretation of the 10th Arcana of the Tarot is changing. Business will become stagnant. There will be no favorable conditions for business development. A person will face losses and unexpected waste of funds. The card also indicates a person who relies too much on luck and does not take any action to progress.

Importance in health matters

The interpretation of the card is favorable, especially if it is in combination with Arcana that carry a positive meaning.

Straight position

The meaning of the Wheel of Fortune card in the Tarot in a health reading is the absence of serious problems. If a person feels a loss of strength, this is a temporary symptom. After a good rest everything will be fine. The main thing is not to abuse alcoholic beverages.

Fortune can both bring good luck and punish a person

The card talks about possible health problems. It is worth getting examined at the hospital. Old ailments return, remission occurs, relapse occurs. A person is susceptible to frequent mood swings, and depression is possible. We need to take care of the liver. The Tarot of Fate warns women about delayed periods, hormonal changes, and weight problems.

The meaning of the card of the day

The meaning of the Wheel of Happiness in the Tarot reading indicates what behavior should be at a particular moment.

Straight position

Luck will smile on the person. The forecast for this day is positive. There will be an opportunity to do a lot and get things done, but you need to take the initiative. It’s worth taking advantage of this chance quickly; there may not be a second opportunity like this. There is a possibility that something will happen that the fortuneteller has already encountered before.

Today will be a day full of surprises. In business you can rely on luck. Everything that happens is not an accident, so it’s worth taking a closer look at the signs of fate. They will tell you how to behave so that everything is successful.

Fortune can both bring good luck and punish a person

The best thing for a person at this moment is to stay away. The card advises not to interfere with the course of circumstances, otherwise fate will play a cruel joke on him.

Wheel + Jester (X + 0)
Fools are lucky.
Danger on or from water.
Unpredictable changes that are met with an open heart, although they do not guarantee anything.

Wheel + Mage (X + I)
Changes that force you to take action.
A good time to start a project.
There will be a change in your usual environment.

Wheel + High Priestess (X + II)
A whirlpool of events that pulls you along.
The situation will change and you along with it.
Changes that will be very easy for you.
Have a nice trip.

Wheel + Empress (X + III)
Something new will come into your life.
It's time for something or someone to be born; the deadline is approaching.
The long-awaited birth of a child or project.
Change will come easily.

Wheel + Emperor (X + IV)
Changes that bring new order and new rules.
Important changes, but still your position on this moment stable.
The emergence of a new business manager
Changes in the family.

Wheel + Hierophant (X + V)
Change of faith, outlook on life, social status.
Reflections and teachings in a particular area.
Changes will affect the family or worldview.
A profitable change of location.

Wheel + Lovers (X + VI)
Changes in relationships.
Changes will affect matters of the heart.
Worry and anxiety will pass. New forces are on the way.

Wheel + Chariot (X + VII)
If the goal is determined, then it’s time to hit the road. There could not be a better time. However, keep a firm grip on the steering wheel. The road will wind and shake violently over potholes.
A trip, a journey in good company.

Wheel + Strength (X + VIII)
Changes that are difficult to accept.
The situation will change. Obstacles may occur. Strength will be needed to overcome them.
Love connection, harmony, which leads to success and good luck.
The need for movement is very great.
With such energy you can confidently move forward.

Wheel + Hermit (X + IX)
Changes leading to loneliness or poverty.
Retirement. Wisdom, old age.
Late actions.

Wheel + Justice (X + XI)
Changes related to legislation.
Resolving issues legally.
Fair decision. Justice will prevail.
A way out of a difficult situation.
The trip is delayed.
Restoring balance after illness.

Wheel + Hanged Man (X + XII)
The expected changes in fate do not occur.
Delay in changes.
Losing your bearings. Deviation from course.
You should give clarity to your thoughts.
Illusions take possession of you, pull yourself together and everything will work out.
Changes that bring crisis.
Treason of a person, a situation.
Chance of payback.

Wheel + Death (X + XIII)
Difficult changes in life and destiny.
You can’t change anything, you can’t put it off.
What has already begun cannot be stopped.
A chance to start a new life.
Personality transformation.
Intensifying change.
Changes in the body are not for the better.
Unexpected obstacles, delay.

Wheel + Temperance (X + XIV)
Lightning-fast movement.
Act quickly. Don't miss the moment.
Let's go quickly. They quickly changed the car.
New Horizons. New chances.
Pay attention to health.
Make a quick decision.
The desire for freedom.
But to gain independence you will need quick reactions.
Events that promote healing.

Wheel + Devil (X + XV)
Luck was so close, but it was not destiny to take advantage of it.
Decline in status.
Plans go to hell.
Time to pay.
Obstacles. Interference in fate.
No trust. Dependence on fate and environment.
Something is being forced on you.
Liberation from bad habits.
The presence of magical influence.

Wheel + Tower (X + XVI)
The collapse of expected changes for the better.
Hit. Discomfort.
There is no development in the relationship.
Danger while moving or traveling.
My health is bad.

Wheel + Star (X + XVII)
Hope for saving changes.
You are not hoping in vain. The reward will be adequate.
The star of happiness will open to you when you find your calling.
Passion for magic and astronomy.
A man was born under a lucky star.
Trip abroad.

Wheel + Moon (X + XVIII)
The prospects are vague. Uncertain plans. Changeable desire.
In occult sciences, a cosmic signal.
Gives in to changeable moods.
A trip to visit parents and elderly people.
Joy on the water.

Wheel + Sun (X + XIX)
Changes that promise fame and success.
Clear prospects.
New opportunities. New place.
Relaxation in pleasant company.
It all ended in marriage.

Wheel + Court (X + XX)
The need for a change of place.
It's time to go.
You can win this case. Luck is on your side.
Fortune has turned to face you.
Fateful decision.
They push for change.
If you don't make a decision, fate will decide for you.

Wheel + World (X + XXI)
Your hopes are coming true. Getting the result.
Reaching the top in something.
Change that brings reward.
Exceptional case.
A lot of joy awaits you.

With the Ace of Wands card there is light at the end of the tunnel.
With the “Two of Wands” card - change of place of residence.
With the Three of Wands card, the situation improves.
With the Four of Wands card - housewarming; change of office; changes in the house.
With the Five of Wands card - a change of mood.
With the Six of Wands card - change in status; promotion.
With the Seven of Wands card - desperate attempts to maintain what has been achieved.
With the Eight of Wands card - unexpected news.
With the Nine of Wands card - a warning.
With the Ten of Wands card - a blow of fate.
With the “Page of Wands” card - an interesting proposal.
With the “Knight of Wands” card, events will spin even stronger.
With the Queen of Wands card, time will bring optimism.
With the “King of Wands” card - growth of authority.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Wheel of Fortune upright with Major Arcana

The magician is Autolycus, an unsurpassed thief. Success in dubious undertakings
Magician (trans) - Incredible luck
Priestess - Advances in the occult and similar sciences
Priestess (trans) - Change of supervisor
Empress - Prosperity in the material sense
Empress (trans) - Successful treatment of infertility
Emperor - Governing Power
Emperor (trans) - Reinstatement to previous position
Priest - Marriage for great love
Priest (trans) - Deceiving a business partner
Lovers - The High Road of Fate. Choosing a path, a milestone
Lovers (trans) - Throwing from side to side
Chariot - Advances in Underwater Research (Cousteau)
The Chariot (trans) - Order restored with the help of law enforcement
Justice - Fame in jurisprudence. Famous prosecutors (Vyshinsky, Rudenko)
Justice (trans) - Appeal is appropriate, the case will be reviewed in favor of the accused
The Hermit - Success in Detection (Sherlock Holmes)
Hermit (trans) - Refuse from rent, from premises
Strength - Successes in law enforcement agencies
Strength (trans) - Hard-hearted
Hanged Man - Inexplicable healings. Miracle in the world
Hanged Man (trans) - Misunderstanding of the situation
Death - Transfiguration. Gender reassignment, surgery
Death (trans) - Unwanted Changes
Moderation - Observance of all four (according to Aristotle) ​​virtues
Temperance (trans) - Conversion to religion
Devil - Parting with loved ones
Devil (trans) - Vices, possibly substance abuse
Tower - Moving abroad
Tower (trans) - Actually, taking into custody (here you need to change the meaning to suit the situation)
Star - Star of Bethlehem. That which leads to the most precious
Star (transl.) - An unexpected “epiphany”
Moon - A look into the hidden
Moon (trans) - Robbery. The thief is close, dear person, perhaps a son or daughter, or the robbery was committed on their tip
Sun - Quiet family happiness
The Sun (trans) - An action that did not bring results
Court - Revival of previous desires or projects
Court (trans) - The requirement to be decisive when making a decision
Peace - Fulfillment of plans to the fullest
World (transl.) - Advances in philosophy
Jester - Ephemeral happiness, fiction
Jester (transl.) - "Abuse of authority"

Wheel of Fortune upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - The vicissitudes of fate
2 of Wands (transl.) - Animalization, humiliation
2 of Cups - Friendship, intimacy
2 of Cups (trans.) - Misunderstanding, stupidity
2 of Swords - Successful deal
2 of Swords (transl.) - Malicious deception
2 of Pentacles - Concern about marital status
2 of Pentacles (per) - Bill. Working with bills

3 of Wands - Flirting with fate
3 of Wands (trans) - Sustained negativity
3 of Cups - Success in creativity
3 of Cups (trans) - The Pursuit of Pleasure
3 of Swords - Increasing hostility
3 of Swords (trans) - Obscenity, extravagance
3 of Pentacles - Orphanhood
3 of Pentacles (per) - Poor quality of work (any)

4 of Wands - Wonderful company, relaxation
4 of Wands (trans) - Does not change the meaning in an inverted position
4 of Cups - Heaviness, boredom, sadness as a temporary phenomenon
4 of Cups (trans) - New knowledge
4 of Swords - Hospital
4 of Swords (trans) - Smart balancing on the brink
4 of Pentacles - A messy environment for the better
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Extreme measures

5 of Wands - Sustainable income
5 Zhezlov (transl.) - A lawsuit is possible, the case has been sent to court
5 of Cups - Past omissions that have now resulted in serious obstacles
5 of Cups (trans) - Encouraging news
5 of Swords - Depraved acts
5 of Swords (trans) - Unbearable suffering
5 of Pentacles - Happy Marriage
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Discord in the family due to children

6 of Wands - Path to recognition
6 of Wands (trans) - Fear of losing your bearings
6 of Cups - A Call to Be a Good Samaritan for You
6 of Cups (per) - Play, resume
6 of Swords - The Right Remedy
6 of Swords (trans) - Misconceptions Explained
6 of Pentacles - Be vigilant
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Unworthy object of passion

7 of Wands - Empty gossip, bickering
7 of Wands (trans) - Many ideas, inability to apply any
7 of Cups - Unanimous opinion
7 Cups (trans.) - Hysteria
7 of Swords - Turning things around for the better
7 of Swords (trans) - Powerless Arguments
7 of Pentacles - Resumption of work of the enterprise
7 of Pentacles (trans.) - Partner - a quitter and a parasite

8 of Wands - Social growth
8 of Wands (trans) - Clamps, persecution
8 of Cups - Knowledge of social ritual. Compliance with the rules of society
8 of Cups (trans) - Inability to take for granted
8 of Swords - Temptation. Accident, but no injuries
8 of Swords (transl.) - Exposing the Tormentor
8 of Pentacles - Reasonable restraint
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Fear the vain man

9 of Wands - Growing troubles. Snowball of failures
9 of Wands (trans) - Disappointment, additional difficulties
9 of Cups - Recovery, recovery
9 of Cups (trans) - Cheerfulness fades, unbelief, poverty
9 of Swords - Uncertainty in actions. Uncertainty about the future
9 of Swords (transl.) - Maniac, killer
9 of Pentacles - Large family
9 of Pentacles (trans) - Painful chores

10 of Wands - Difficulties in moving cases through the authorities
10 of Wands (trans) - Resistance to difficulties that pass over time
10 of Cups - Artistry, desire to shine in society
10 of Cups (trans) - Poverty of means to support the spirit and flesh
10 of Swords - Test of Glory
10 of Swords (trans) - Bad luck, catastrophic
10 of Pentacles - Winning the next lottery round
10 of Pentacles (trans) - Sublime impulses

Ace of Wands - Creative Forces
Ace of Wands (trans) - Ruin, shame, inventory of property
Ace of Cups - Stability, income
Ace of Cups (trans) - Change in material condition for the worse
Ace of Swords - Honor
Ace of Swords (trans) - Multiplication, set
Ace of Pentacles - Perfection
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Opening of another charity fund

King of Wands - Wealth, rich man
King of Wands (trans) - Morality, elevation of qualities
King of Cups - Moderate generosity, prosperity
King of Cups (transl.) - Brawler, debauchery
King of Swords - Arbitrator. Solomon's solution
King of Swords (transl.) - Inability to separate the wheat from the chaff
King of Pentacles - Current Process. Accounting
King of Pentacles (trans) - Tartuffe

Queen of Wands - A woman with charm, voluptuousness and ambition in pairs
Queen of Wands (trans) - Discrediting you as a person
Queen of Cups - Beautiful Stranger
Queen of Cups (trans) - Fall, fallen woman. Sin
Queen of Swords - Vacancy. Widow with fortune
Queen of Swords (trans) - Unjustified Effort
Queen of Pentacles - Luxurious brunette, “on her mind”
Queen of Pentacles (trans) - "Withdrawal", difficulties

Knight of Wands - Knight of cloak and sword, secret Romeo. Secret admirer
Knight of Wands (trans) - Plans fail
Knight of Cups - Money offer, bargain / Generous admirer
Knight of Cups (trans) - Showing off
Knight of Swords - Aggression. Success in karate. Black belt
Knight of Swords (transl.) - “Incompetence,” the uselessness of “effort.” Pug barking at an elephant
Knight of Pentacles - Big win in life
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - Nihilism. Negation

Page of Wands - Joy, fulfillment of what was planned at the first stage
Page of Wands (trans) - The bearer of bad news. Bad news
Page of Cups - Professional Achievements
Page of Cups (trans) - Trouble, ruin, poverty of spirit
Page of Swords - Columnist, success on TV, in the press
Page of Swords (translation) - Improvisation, imitator (Peskov)
Page of Pentacles - Scholarship, award, diploma, end of stage
Page of Pentacles (trans) - Pomp, splendor, sometimes inappropriate

Wheel of Fortune reversed with Major Arcana

Mage - Theft in the house
Magician (trans) - Bold experiments
Priestess - False Witchcraft
Priestess (transl.) - Women's happiness
Empress - Voodoo
Empress (trans) - Impossibility of pregnancy for medical reasons
Emperor - Unnecessary guardianship
Emperor (transl.) - Success in material terms, real estate
Priest - Betrayal of a loved one
Priest (trans) - Incorrect offsets, deception
Lovers - Scandalous path, odious situation in the family
Lovers (transl.) - The collapse of love plans
Chariot - Ban on travel (any)
Chariot (trans) - Cruise gone wrong
Justice - Failure in civil cases. Change of investigator or lawyer shown
Justice (trans) - Mental instability. Psychotherapy
Hermit - Detection of theft
Hermit (trans) - Solitude required
Force - Danger of force
Strength (per) - Certification, reduction possible
Hanged Man - Unconventional methods of treatment
The Hanged Man (trans) - Breaking the thread of fate
Death - Change for the worse
Death (transl.) - Powerlessness before circumstances
Moderation - False virtues, masking the true position
Moderation (trans) - The beginning of a new period in life
Devil - Loss loved one. Narcolepsy
Devil (trans) - Agreement with the Devil. Theophilus's renunciation
Tower - Severe illness
Tower (trans) - Loss of fortune due to stupidity, for example, lost at cards
Star - Unattainable Goals
Star (trans) - Hatred towards people around you. Psychoneuroses, Haloperidol
Moon - The search for the meaning of life, which, as always, hides in the dark
Moon (trans) - Uncertainty, loneliness, hopelessness. Psychosis
Sun - Struggle, excitement
Sun (trans) - Generosity
Court - Self-deception
Court (trans) - Rethinking the situation
Peace - Good luck in love - bad luck in money, and vice versa. You will be lucky in some ways, some will be taken away right away...
Peace (transl.) - Liberation from influence
Jester - Darkened mind. Arachnaiditis, inflammation of the arachnoid membrane of the brain. Neurosurgery
Jester (transl.) - Statement from Above

Wheel of Fortune reversed with Minor Arcana

Page of Wands - Not everything planned comes true