Famous terrorist names. The most dangerous terrorists in the world

TASS DOSSIER. On November 17, the head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov, said that the A321 crash over the Sinai, where more than 220 people died, was a terrorist attack. According to him, traces of foreign-made explosives were found on the wreckage of the plane and things.

Less than two weeks after the events in Egypt, terrorists carried out a series of attacks in Paris. 129 people were killed and over 350 were injured. It is the second deadliest terrorist attack in Europe after Madrid, when 190 people were killed in train station bombings in 2004.

Listed below are the 10 largest terrorist attacks in the world by death toll, excluding attacks that occurred in countries where there was military conflict at the time. In eight cases, the attacks were carried out by radical Islamist groups.

The September 11 terrorist attacks in the USA. 2996 dead

On September 11, 2001, in the United States, suicide bombers from the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda hijacked passenger planes and crashed them into two towers of the World Trade Center (New York) and into the Pentagon building - the headquarters of the US Department of Defense (Arlington County). , Virginia). The fourth hijacked airliner crashed near Shanksville (Pennsylvania). As a result of this world's largest series of terrorist attacks, 2 thousand 996 people were killed and over 6 thousand people were injured. The organizer of the terrorist attack was the al-Qaeda group and its leader Osama bin Laden.

Beslan. Russia. 335 dead

On September 1, 2004, in Beslan (North Ossetia-Alania), militants led by Ruslan Khuchbarov (“Rasul”) captured more than 1 thousand 100 students from school number 1, their relatives and teachers. On September 2, after negotiations with the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, the bandits released 25 women and children. On September 3, shooting and explosions began at the school, which forced an assault. Most of the hostages were released, 335 people died. Among the dead were 186 children, 17 teachers and school staff, 10 employees of the Russian FSB, two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The militants were destroyed, only one survived - Nurpashi Kulaev (in 2006 he was sentenced to death, commuted to life imprisonment due to a moratorium on the execution of death sentences). International terrorist Shamil Basayev (liquidated in 2006) took responsibility for the terrorist attack.

Boeing 747 Air India. 329 dead

On June 23, 1985, an Air India Boeing 747 passenger plane, flying flight AI182 on the route Montreal (Canada) - London - Delhi, crashed in the waters Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Ireland. The cause of the disaster was the explosion of a bomb planted in luggage by Indian Sikh extremists. All 329 people on board (307 passengers and 22 crew members) were killed in the disaster. Canadian citizen Inderjit Singh Reyat was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of participating in the preparation of a terrorist attack in 2003. Prior to this, he served a 10-year prison sentence for preparing an explosion at Narita Airport (Japan), which occurred on the same day as the VT-EFO disaster. Reyat was later charged with perjury and sentenced to 9 years in prison in 2011.

Boko Haram attack in Nigeria. More than 300 dead

On May 5-6, 2014, gunmen killed over 300 residents in a night attack on the town of Gamboru, Borno State. Survivors fled to neighboring Cameroon. Most of the city was destroyed.

Lockerbie attack. 270 dead

On December 21, 1988, a Boeing 747 passenger plane of Pan Am (USA), operating scheduled flight 103 on the route Frankfurt am Main - London - New York - Detroit, crashed in the air over Lockerbie (Scotland). A bomb placed in luggage exploded on board. All 243 passengers and 16 crew members on board, as well as 11 people on the ground, were killed. In 1991, two Libyan citizens were accused of organizing an explosion. In 1999, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi agreed to hand over both suspects to a Dutch court. One of them, Abdelbasset Ali al-Megrahi, was found guilty on January 31, 2001 and sentenced to life imprisonment (released in 2009 due to a fatal illness diagnosed in him, died in 2012). In 2003, the Libyan authorities admitted responsibility for the terrorist attack and paid compensation in the total amount of 2.7 billion US dollars - 10 million dollars for each person killed.

Terrorist attacks in Bombay. India. 257 dead

On March 12, 1993, 13 car bombs were simultaneously detonated in crowded areas of Bombay (now Mumbai). The terrorist attack killed 257 people and injured over 700. The investigation established that the organizers of the explosions were Islamic terrorists. The attack was a response to earlier clashes between Muslims and Hindus in the city. One of the organizers, Yakub Memon, was sentenced to death, which was carried out on July 30, 2015. Two of his accomplices are wanted.

Airplane A321 "Kogalymavia". 224 dead

On October 31, 2015, a passenger aircraft Airbus A321-231 (registration number EI-ETJ) of the Russian airline Metrojet (Kogalymavia), flying flight 9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt) to St. Petersburg, crashed 100 km from El-Arish city in the north of the Sinai Peninsula. There were 224 people on board - 217 passengers and seven crew members, all of whom died.

Russian President Vladimir Putin promised that those responsible and those involved in the terrorist attack on the plane would be found and punished. “We must do this without a statute of limitations, know them all by name. We will look for them wherever they are hiding. We will find them anywhere on the planet and punish them,” Putin assured.

Bombing of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. 224 dead

On August 7, 1998, two simultaneous terrorist attacks occurred in Nairobi (the capital of Kenya) and Dar es Salaam (the former capital of Tanzania), targeting the US embassies in these countries. Parked trucks filled with explosives exploded near the embassies. A total of 224 people died, of which 12 were US citizens, the rest were local residents. The organizer of the explosions was the al-Qaeda group.

Terrorist attacks in Mumbai. India. 209 dead

On July 11, 2006, Islamic terrorists detonated explosive devices hidden in pressure cookers in the carriages of seven local trains in the suburbs of Mumbai (Khar Road, Bandra, Jogeshwari, Mahim, Borivli, Matunga stations " and "Mira Road"). The attack occurred during the evening rush hour. 209 people were killed and more than 700 were injured. At the end of the investigation into the crime, the court sentenced 12 people to various prison terms, 5 of them were sentenced to death.

Terrorist attack in Bali. Indonesia. 202 dead

On October 12, 2002, a suicide attack and car bomb explosion near nightclubs in the resort town of Kuta (Bali) killed 202 people, 164 of them foreign tourists. 209 people were injured. About 30 people were arrested in connection with the terrorist attack. In 2003, an Indonesian court recognized a number of members of the Jamaah Islamiyah organization as the organizers of the terrorist attack. In 2008, three of them - Abdul Aziz, also known as Imam Samudra, Amrozi bin Nurhasim and Ali (Muklas) Gurfon - were executed by court. Muklas' brother Ali Imron was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Al-Qaeda mentioned in the material is included in the Unified Federal List of Organizations Recognized in accordance with the Law Russian Federation terrorist. Their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation are prohibited.

What is a terrorist attack? In other words, this is the commission of an explosion, shooting, arson or other similar actions that frighten the population and necessarily create a danger of human death.

This article will talk about the terrible world tragedies that were a consequence of the actions of bandit groups and led to numerous losses among the population. The article provides a list of the largest terrorist attacks in the world.

Responsibility for such disasters, as a rule, is taken by groups hiding behind Islam.

Top 10 loudest of the 21st century

Here is a list of the world's largest tragedies by number of victims.

1. September terrorist attack in 2004 in Beslan, North Ossetia. As a result, 335 people were killed (including 186 children), 2000 were injured.

2. March 2004 - the largest terrorist attack in Europe since the 2nd World War, committed in 4 Madrid trains (Spain). A total of 192 people were killed and 2,000 were injured.

4. One of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in Pakistan occurred in October 2007. The result was 140 dead and 500 wounded.

5. In October 2002, on Dubrovka in Moscow, during a performance of a musical called “Nord-Ost,” a group of armed militants killed 130 people. More than 900 people became hostages.

6. The world's largest terrorist attack occurred in the United States of America in 2001 on September 11th. From the actions of militants (4 were captured passenger aircraft) 2973 people became victims.

7. In September 1999, an explosion occurred on the street. Guryanov in a 9-story building in Moscow. As a result, 92 people were killed and 264 were injured.

Another explosion 3 days later, also in a residential building, claimed 124 lives and injured 9 people.

8. As a result of the militant attack in June 1995 on the city of Budenovsk, 129 people were killed and 415 were injured. More than 1,600 hostages were taken to hospitals.

9. The explosion of a Boeing 747 flight from London to New York over Scotland in December 1988 killed 270 passengers and crew members.

10. The crash of a Russian passenger plane over the Sinai Peninsula in 2015 killed 224 people.

Below are more detailed description some of the most tragic terrorist attacks.

Twin Towers

Let's look at the largest terrorist attacks abroad using the example of 2 events that brought a huge number of victims, especially among American citizens.

The day of September 11th became a mourning day for all residents of this country and people around the world. Terrorists numbering 11 (the international territorial organization Al-Qaeda), divided into 4 groups, hijacked four passenger airliners in the United States and sent 2 of them to the New York Twin Towers of a large shopping center.

Both towers were collapsed along with adjacent buildings. The 3rd plane was directed towards the Pentagon building (not far from Washington). The crew of the 4th plane, together with the passengers of the flight, tried to escape by seizing control of the airliner from the terrorists. However, it crashed in Pennsylvania (Shanksville).

The worst terrorist attack in history killed a total of 2,973 human lives(including 60 police officers and 343 firefighters). The exact amount of damage caused is unknown (about $500 billion).

Boeing 747

As a result of the Boeing 747 crash over Scotland in 1988, 259 passengers and crew members and 11 residents of the town were killed.

It was an American PanAmerican plane flying from London to New York. This terrible disaster turned out to be tragic for some residents of Lockerbie, due to the destruction of the liner on the ground. Among the dead were mainly citizens of Great Britain and the United States.

Charges were brought against 2 Libyans, although the state itself did not officially admit guilt. However, it paid compensation to the families of the victims of this tragedy (Lockerbie).

In connection with the events that took place, in 1992 the UN Security Council imposed international sanctions against the regime of M. Gaddafi, which were subsequently lifted.

During all this time, many assumptions have been made about the involvement of senior representatives of the Libyan leadership in organizing that disaster, but none of them (except for the guilt of former intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi) was proven by the court.

These two cases represent the largest terrorist attacks in the world.

Tragedy in Beslan

Russia has suffered a huge number of terrorist attacks, which resulted in many casualties among innocent civilians, including children.

The terrible tragedy in Beslan (North Ossetia) is the world's largest terrorist attack, which claimed the lives of a huge number of children.

On September 1, a detachment of terrorists (30 people) under the leadership of R. Khachbarov seized the building of school No. 1, where he held 1,128 people hostage (mostly children). The next day (September 2), the ex-president of the Republic of Ingushetia, Ruslan Aushev, whom the bandits allowed into the school building, managed to persuade the invaders to release about 25 women with small children and release with him.

Everything happened spontaneously. When in the middle of the day a car drove into the school site with the aim of picking up the corpses of people killed by bandits, several explosions were suddenly heard in the building itself, after which shooting began from all sides. Women and children began to jump out of the opening in the wall and out of the windows. At that time, all the men in the school had already been killed by terrorists.

The surviving children and women were released.


Many of the world's largest terrorist attacks involved the taking of huge numbers of hostages. This happened in Moscow on October 23, 2002 (21:15).

Militants led by M. Baraev broke into the Theater Center, located on Dubrovka (Melnikova Street), during the performance of “Nord-Ost”. There were only 916 people in the building at that time (including approximately 100 children).

The room was completely mined by the militants. Attempts to establish contact with them were successful, and after a certain time, State Duma deputy I. Kobzon, journalist M. Franchetti and 2 doctors from the Red Cross were able to enter the seized building. Thanks to their actions, 1 woman and three children were taken out of the building.

On the evening of October 24, the Al-Jazeera TV channel showed Barayev. This video was recorded before the theater center was captured. In it, the terrorists presented themselves as suicide bombers, and their demand was to withdraw Russian troops from Chechnya.

On October 26, special forces carried out an assault using nerve gas, after which they captured the building, and the terrorists, along with the leader, were completely destroyed (50 people). Among them were women (18). Three bandits were detained.

A total of 130 people died.

Statistics on victims of terrorist attacks over the past 10 years

Over the past 10 years, more than 6 thousand terrorist attacks have occurred worldwide. More than 25 thousand people became their victims.

Currently, according to various expert estimates, there are approximately 500 extremist groups and terrorist organizations. The worrying fact is that in Lately More and more often, the targets of these gangster formations are places of mass gathering of citizens (remember the largest terrorist attack in the world).

Also, so-called “technological terrorism” is increasingly taking place, where the latest developments and technologies are used. In addition, recently there has been an increase in extremism among young people. Foreign citizens of different ethnic backgrounds are increasingly becoming targets of attacks.

2015 terrorist attack

The world's largest terrorist attack in the air occurred recently - in 2015 in the skies over Egypt.

The terrible accident with the Airbus-A321 aircraft (Russian airline Kogalymavia) was a shock for the entire society.

During the flight, an explosive device went off on board the aircraft. homemade device, amounting to a power of up to 1 kg. into TNT. equivalent. This happened on October 31st. A total of 224 people died. After this tragedy, the Federal Air Transport Agency suspended regular, transit and charter passenger flights to Egypt from November 6.

A group from the Sinai wilayat (province) of the banned “Islamic State” (IS) in Russia took responsibility for the crime.

What happened on the peninsula is one of the bloodiest in the world.


In the 21st century, terrorism has become quite active and more sophisticated. Numerous news about tragedies fill the press and television channels. Almost every month (or even more often) terrible attacks are committed all over the planet, claiming the lives of civilians. This kind of action is a disease of the earth. Attempts by some authorities to protect the population from such disasters have so far been unsuccessful.

The leadership of the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (activities are prohibited in Russia) published a statement in which they confirmed the death of the group's leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. About the circumstances under which the most dangerous terrorists in Russia and the world were destroyed - in the RBC photo gallery

Dzhokhar Dudayev, first president of Ichkeria

Photo: Andrey Babushkin and Gennady Khamelyanin / TASS

On April 21, 1996, near the village of Gekhi-Chu in Chechnya, Russian intelligence services picked up a signal from the satellite phone of the leader of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, Dzhokhar Dudayev. Planes with homing missiles tuned to the frequency were lifted into the air mobile phone Dudaeva.

The leader of Ichkeria was destroyed on the night of April 21-22. All details of the operation to eliminate Dudayev are still classified. It is assumed that it was destroyed during a telephone conversation with State Duma deputy Konstantin Borov.

Aslan Maskhadov, President of Ichkeria in 1997 - 2005

Photo: Alexander Polyakov / RIA Novosti

On March 8, 2005, during a special operation by the Russian FSB in the village of Tolstoy-Yurt in the Chechen Republic, militant leader and President of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov.

Two years earlier, the Chechen authorities announced their intention to pay a reward for information about Maskhadov’s whereabouts. In 2004, after the May 9 explosion at the Dynamo stadium in Grozny, the Russian FSB made a similar statement. After the liquidation of the leader of Ichkeria, the FSB public relations center reported that “citizens who provided information about the whereabouts of Aslan Maskhadov to the special services received the promised reward in full” of $10 million.

Ramzan Kadyrov, who in 2005 held the position of first deputy chairman of the government of Chechnya, that “they wanted to take Maskhadov alive, but he died as a result of careless handling of the weapon of the bodyguard who was next to him.”

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization in Iraq

In June 2006, as a result of an airstrike carried out by American planes, the leader of the Al-Qaeda terrorist group in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. During the special operation, which took place 50 km northeast of Baghdad, seven of his assistants were also killed.

The leader of Iraqi al-Qaeda was known for the brutal murders of CIA employees and representatives of American companies working in the Middle East. Al-Zarqawi was considered one of the most notorious terrorists in the world.

Shamil Basayev, one of the leaders of Ichkeria

Shamil Basayev, who was elected commander of the military formations of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic of Ichkeria after the death of Dudayev, was killed on the night of July 10, 2006 as a result of a special operation by the FSB on the territory of Ingushetia. Together with him, 12 more terrorists who were near the exploded KamAZ truck were eliminated.

Basayev is the organizer of the largest terrorist attacks in Russia, including the seizure of school No. 1 in Beslan in September 2004.

Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leaders of the Iraqi al-Qaeda network

In April 2010, during a joint Iraqi-American operation, the leader of Iraqi al-Qaeda, Abu Ayyub al-Masri (pictured left), and the commander of the al-Qaeda affiliated group, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, were killed. The Iraqi Prime Minister and representatives of the US administration announced the liquidation of two high-ranking commanders, and al-Qaeda later confirmed the information.

The militants were killed during a special operation in the province of Salaheddin, located west of Baghdad.

Osama bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda

The founder of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and one of the most famous terrorists in the world, Osama bin Laden, was killed on May 2, 2011 in Pakistan as a result of an operation by the US military. US President Barack Obama announced the elimination of Bin Laden, calling this event “the most significant achievement” among those that were accomplished during the US fight against al-Qaeda.

Bin Laden's body was buried at sea within 24 hours of his death.

Akhtar Mansour, leader of the Islamist Taliban movement

In May 2016, American authorities killed Taliban leader Akhtar Mansoor with a drone attack in Pakistan. The strike was carried out with the consent of US President Barack Obama.

Mansour was elected leader of the Taliban in July 2015, after the death of the organization's founder, Mullah Omar. He was on the international wanted list. According to the UN, in the 2000s he was imprisoned in Pakistan, and in 2006 he returned to Afghanistan, where he took the post of governor of Kandahar province and at the same time organized drug trafficking in three Afghan provinces.

Abu Umar al-Shishani, one of the leaders of the Islamic State

In mid-July 2016, about the death of the Chechen leader of the Islamic State group Abu Umar al-Shishani. The IS defense minister was killed in fighting near the town of Shirkat, south of Mosul. The United States offered a reward of up to $5 million for information about his whereabouts.

Before this, the media had repeatedly reported the death of one of the leaders of the terrorist organization, but this information was not confirmed. This happened in 2014, when the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced the death of al-Shishani on his Instagram.

Qari Yassin, one of the leaders of al-Qaeda

On March 19, 2017, as a result of American airstrikes in the Afghan province of Paktika, one of the leaders of the al-Qaeda terrorist organization, Qari Yassin.

A post on the Pentagon's website called him "a known terrorist leader responsible for the deaths of dozens of innocent victims, including two US military personnel."

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State

Photo: Social Media Website / Reuters

On June 16, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced an airstrike Russian army at a facility of extremist formations near Syrian Raqqa. According to him, the strike killed more than a hundred terrorists, including members of the IS leadership, including al-Baghdadi.

On June 30, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Ali Shirazi, announced the death of al-Baghdadi as a result of a Russian airstrike.

On July 11, the leadership of the terrorist organization "Islamic State" (activities are prohibited in Russia) published a statement in which al-Baghdadi had died and announced that a successor would soon be appointed in his place.

Source: historicalwallpapers.blogspot.com

This terrorist attack was a series of coordinated attacks that resulted in the hijacking of four passenger planes. Two of the planes were sent to the World Trade Center towers, the third - to the US Pentagon building, the fourth fell in one of the fields in Pennsylvania.

The tragedy claimed the lives of 2,977 people; the bodies of some victims have still not been found. According to the BBC, about 10 thousand bones and human tissue were discovered. The remains of victims were found even in 2006, when the Deutsche Bank building in New York was being prepared for demolition.

Responsibility for the attacks lies with the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda. But we know that this large radical international organization is far from the only one in the whole world. Therefore, MPORT has compiled a list of the ten most dangerous and wanted terrorists. Look at the photos, maybe you can recognize your neighbor in them.

Osama bin Laden

US President George W. Bush offered a reward of $50 million for bin Laden's head. Therefore, the al-Qaeda leader was searched for by all and sundry. The result - the planet's main terrorist was killed on May 2, 2011 in a villa near the capital of Pakistan. True, the massacre of Osama was carried out by Navy SEALs from the SEAL BMC unit, and not civilians.

Source: sodahead.com

Ayman al-Zawahiri

Ayman al-Zawahiri was bin Laden's right-hand man. After the death of the head of al-Qaeda, leadership automatically passed to Ayman. Therefore, the US government values ​​Zawahiri's head at $25 million.

Source: jerrybrice.wordpress.com

Adam Gadan

Although Adam Gadahn was born in California, this did not stop the guy from taking third place on our list of the most dangerous inhabitants of the planet. The terrorist is considered one of the most ardent preachers of al-Qaeda. Therefore, the US government promised one million dollars for Adam's capture. In response to America, Pakistani authorities arrested the preacher on March 8, 2010. Apparently, the reward for the residents of the Islamic Republic was more valuable than the ideas of their compatriot.

Source: affairesdacarla.blogspot.com

Daniel Andreas San Diego

California is a major center for terrorist attacks. In addition to Gadahn, Daniel Andreas San Diego also made his mark in the state, blowing up two office buildings in San Francisco (2003). Therefore, American officials are ready to pay 250 thousand dollars for information about the location of the terrorist.

Source: zeitpunkt.ch

Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al-Kuso

On October 12, 2000, the American destroyer Cole moored in the waters of the Aden naval base. The goal is to replenish fuel, food and water supplies. While the sailors were having lunch, an unknown motor boat with two suicide bombers and 300 kilograms of TNT crashed directly into the side of the destroyer. The result was the death of 17 sailors. Fahd Mohammed is believed to be involved in the attack. The price for information about the location of the criminal is $5 million.

Source: alislove.over-blog.de

Jamel Ahmed Mohammed Ali Al-Badawi

Jamel Mohammed is another of those involved in the terrorist attack in the port of Aden. Badawi differs from the rest in that he knows how to penetrate walls: the Aden authorities detained the terrorist, but in April 2003 he escaped from prison. He was detained again in 2004, and escaped again (February 3, 2006). The price for information about the fugitive is $5 million.

Source: tasosv.blogspot.com

Abdulah Ahmed Abdulah

August 1998 turned out to be a hot month: the US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were bombed. The American government accuses Abdul Ahmed of being behind the acts. Therefore, we are ready to pay five million dollars for any information about the location of the terrorist.

The terrorist group "Islamic State" (formerly the "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant", ISIS) released a video showing James Foley, who disappeared in Syria two years ago. The authenticity of the video was confirmed by US authorities on August 19. In it, the terrorists also warned that if the United States did not stop bombing Iraq, they would execute another American journalist, also in captivity - Stephen Joel Soltoff.

The Islamic State launched an offensive in northern and western Iraq in June 2014. The US military came to the aid of the Iraqi authorities.

Read about what the “Islamic State” and other international Islamist terrorist organizations are in the AiF.ru help.


Al-Qaeda (from Arabic: “base”, “foundation”, “principle”) is one of the largest ultra-radical international terrorist organizations of the Wahhabi branch of Islam. Created in 1988. After the bombing of the US embassies in the capitals of Kenya and Tanzania in 1998, al-Qaeda acquired the status of the No. 1 terrorist organization in the world. Leader and ideological inspirer Al-Qaeda has become the most dangerous terrorist in the world Osama bin Laden.

The size of the organization before the terrorist attacks of 2001: 5000-6000 people, after the terrorist attacks - about 1000 people.

Goals of the organization:

  • the fight against the USA, the countries of the “Western world” and their supporters in Islamic countries;
  • overthrow of secular regimes in Islamic countries;
  • the creation of an “Islamic caliphate” - a global Islamic state.

« Al Qaeda"was created towards the end of the war in Afghanistan in 1988. The US assessed the input Soviet troops to Afghanistan as a blatant case of Soviet aggression. America supported and began to sponsor Al-Qaeda, whose goal at that moment was to organize communications between the Arab Mujahideen who were fighting the Soviet troops. Thus the States, as expressed Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto, “created Frankenstein” with their own hands.

After the withdrawal of Soviet troops, al-Qaeda leaders decided that their next enemy was the United States, which lay claim to global political and economic dominance.

Leaders of the organization:

  • Ayman al-Zawahiri;
  • Abu Dua;
  • Omar Abdel Rahman.

Al-Qaeda is politically active in the following countries:

  • Iraq;
  • Yemen;
  • Algeria;
  • Sahel;
  • Morocco;
  • Tunisia;
  • Mali;
  • Niger.

Major terrorist attacks for which al-Qaeda claimed responsibility:

  • On August 7, 1998, an explosion occurred near the American embassy in Nairobi, Kenya. 254 people were killed and more than 5,000 were injured.
  • On August 7, 1998, a car bomb exploded near the American Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 10 people were killed and 77 were injured.
  • On September 11, 2001, in the United States, Boeing aircraft captured by terrorists destroyed the skyscrapers of the World War II Shopping Center in New York and a wing of the Pentagon in Washington. 2974 people were killed (not counting 19 terrorists), 24 were missing.
  • On March 11, 2004, four trains were bombed in Madrid, Spain. 191 people were killed and about 2,000 were injured.

"Muslim Brotherhood"

The Muslim Brotherhood is an international religious and political association founded in March 1928 Hassan al-Banna in Egypt.

Since 1933, the headquarters of the organization was moved to Cairo. By the end of World War II, the organization numbered about 500 thousand people. The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recognized the organization as terrorist and banned its activities on Russian territory.

In December 2013, the organization was designated as a terrorist organization by the Egyptian government. The Muslim Brotherhood has strong influence in Tunisia, Libya, Syria and many other Arab countries.

Goals of the organization:

Leaders of the organization:

  • Mohamed Badi- Egyptian branch.
  • Mohamed Riad al-Shayafeh- Syrian branch.
  • in the Islamist uprising in Syria (1976-1982);
  • in the revolution in Egypt (2011) - as a result of it, the candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood won the 2012 presidential elections Mohammed Morsi;
  • in the unrest in Egypt (2012-2013) - then protesters demanded the resignation of the recently elected Mohammed Morsi, because, in their opinion, he had betrayed the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood is politically active in the following countries:

  • Egypt;
  • Jordan;
  • Syria;
  • Palestine.

Allies of the organization: Hamas.


The Taliban is an Islamist movement that originated in Afghanistan among students of Islamic religious schools in 1994. Representatives of the Taliban were in power:

  • in Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 (“Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan”);
  • in the Waziristan region of northern Pakistan (“Islamic State of Waziristan”) from 2004 to 2006.

The organization's membership is 27,000 people.

It was diplomatically recognized by three states:

  • United Arab Emirates;
  • Pakistan;
  • Saudi Arabia.

The UN Security Council has recognized it as a terrorist organization.

Goals of the organization:

  • coming to power in Afghanistan;
  • establishment of Islamic rules in Afghanistan for all residents.

Leaders of the organization:

  • Muhammad Omar;
  • Abdul Ghani Baradar.

The largest terrorist actions of the organization:

Allies of the organization:

  • Al-Qaeda;
  • Waziristan (Pakistan);
  • Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan;
  • Islamic Movement of East Turkestan;
  • Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan is a radical Islamic group in Pakistan;
  • Ittihad of Islamic Jihad is an Islamic militant organization based in Waziristan;
  • Lashkar-Taiba is a known terrorist organization in South Asia;
  • Pakistan (1996-2001).

Opponents of the organization:

  • Northern Alliance.

Since 2001:

  • Afghanistan;
  • NATO;
  • Pakistan.


Hamas (an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement) is a Palestinian Islamist movement and political party that has ruled the Gaza Strip since July 2007.

The size of the organization is 20,000 people.

The movement was founded in December 1987 shortly after the outbreak of the First Palestinian Intifada, based on the Gaza Strip branch of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Hamas is designated a terrorist organization by the European Union, Israel, Canada, the United States and Japan, and is also banned in Jordan and Egypt. The organization has a "military wing" and an "executive force" - a unit that performed police functions in the Gaza Strip. In Australia and the UK, only the military wing of Hamas is recognized as terrorist.

The purpose of the organization: the liberation of Palestine from the Zionists.

Leader of the organization: Ismail Hania.

Hamas has carried out numerous attacks on Israeli civilian and military targets, as well as on Palestinians suspected of collaborating with Israel. Terrorist attacks are carried out in Israel and the Gaza Strip.


Hezbollah (Arabic for “Party of Allah”) is a paramilitary Lebanese Shiite organization and political party operating in Lebanon and Syria.

It is recognized as a terrorist organization in Canada, the USA, Israel and Egypt, the Gulf countries, and also partially in the EU, Australia and the UK. Enjoys financial and military support from Iran and Syria. Created in 1982 in the wake of anti-American and anti-Israeli sentiment to combat the Israeli military presence in Southern Lebanon.

The size of the organization, according to various estimates, is from 10 to 20 thousand people.

Goals of the organization:

Leaders of the organization: Hassan Nasrallah.

Hezbollah has carried out many terrorist attacks in Lebanon and Syria, and the organization also took part in:

Allies of the organization: Amal, Iran, Syria.

Opponents of the organization: Israel.

Islamic State

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) is the parent organization of some Islamic insurgent groups in the Middle East, created on October 15, 2006.

ISIS claims power in 8 of Iraq's 18 governorates: Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuk, Salah al-Din, Ninewa, Baghdad, Babil and Wasit. The organization is active in Syria, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon.

The size of the organization is from 6,000 to 15,000 people.

Al-Qaeda took part in the creation of the group, which, through an international terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi first organized the “Mujahideen Shura Council” (2006), which was then joined by other groups.

On October 15, 2006, the creation of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) was announced. Subsequently, small Islamist groups joined this organization.

Leaders of the organization:

  • Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (2004- 2006);
  • Abu Ayub al-Masri (2006- 2010);
  • Abu Umar al-Baghdadi (2006- 2010);
  • Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi(2010 - present).

Major terrorist activities of the organization:

October 25, 2009 - two car bombs were blown up in the center of Baghdad (near the buildings of the governor’s office and the Ministry of Justice): 155 people were killed.

October 31, 2010 - hostage taking in the Baghdad Cathedral, owned by the Syrian catholic church: 58 people died.

Military operation 2014:

The armed conflict in northern Iraq began on June 10, 2014, after a week-long offensive by units of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on the second largest city in Iraq, Mosul. According to some estimates, 1,300 armed militants seized government offices in Ninewa province, army installations and Mosul International Airport. Approximately 500 thousand residents fled the city.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki called for the introduction of a state of emergency throughout the country.

The next day, the city of Tikrit was taken by militants, who burned government buildings and freed hundreds of prisoners from the local prison. The militants announced their intention to capture the capital of Iraq, Baghdad.

As of August 20, 2014, the cities of Ramadi, Fallujah, Suleiman Beg in the governorates of Ninewa, Salah ad-Din, and Anbar are under the complete control of militants. Fighting is underway for the city of Tal Afar, and the city of Mosul, according to the US Department of Defense, has been cleared of militants. Now together with the Kurdish armed forces The military is expanding control over the territory.

Opponents of the organization:

  • Iraq;
  • Syria.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad

"Palestinian Islamic Jihad" ("Islamic Jihad of Palestine", "Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine") is a Palestinian paramilitary Islamist organization that is active in the Gaza Strip. It was founded in the late 1970s by Palestinians from the Muslim Brotherhood movement.

The size of the organization is 5000-8000 people.

Goals of the organization:

  • the creation of an independent Palestinian Islamic state;
  • destruction of Israel through jihad.

Recognized as a terrorist organization in the US, European Union, UK, Japan, Canada, Australia and Israel. The group is hostile to most modern Arab governments because they maintain ties to the West and are heavily influenced by it.

Leaders of the organization:

in Syria: Ramadan Abdullah Salah- general secretary of the movement;

in USA: Sami al-Arian;

in the Gaza Strip: Dr. Mahmoud Al-Handi And Sheikh Abdullah al-Shami.

The main form of activity of Palestinian Islamic Jihad is the preparation and execution of terrorist attacks against Israeli military personnel and civilians. The organization takes an active part in the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Allies of the organization: Hamas and other Islamist terrorist groups.

Opponents: Israel.

Caucasus Emirate

The Caucasian Emirate (Caucasus Emirate) is a separatist-terrorist radical-Islamist movement covering Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, Tatarstan and the Urals, as well as armed groups operating in these republics. The Caucasus Emirate was proclaimed on October 7, 2007 by the president of the unrecognized Chechen Republic Ichkeria (ChRI) Doku Umarov.

The size of the organization is, according to various sources, from 100 to 1500 people.

Also, the Caucasus Emirate is the concept of creating an Islamist (Sharia) state on the territory of the North Caucasus. As noted by American military researchers (2012), the formation of the Caucasus Emirate in 2007 marked the completion of the process of transformation of the Chechen nationalist resistance into Islamist insurgency throughout the North Caucasus region.

On February 8, 2010, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, banned the activities of the Caucasus Emirate in Russia, recognizing the organization as terrorist. On May 26, 2011, the US State Department designated the Caucasus Emirate as a terrorist organization.

The purpose of the organization: the separation of the North Caucasus from Russia and the creation of an independent Sharia state in this region.

Leaders of the organization:

  • Doku Umarov (2007- 2013/2014);
  • Aliaskhab Kebekov(since 2014);
  • Ali Taziev (2007- 2010);
  • Supyan Abdullaev(2007- 2011)

and others.

The organization took an active part in:

  • in the second Chechen war (2007-2009);
  • V terrorist acts Islamist terrorism in the North Caucasus.

Allies of the organization:

  • terrorist group Caucasian Front;
  • terrorist group Jamaat "Yarmouk";
  • terrorist group Jamaat Sharia;
  • terrorist group Jamaat Galgayche;
  • terrorist group Kataib al-Haul;
  • terrorist group Karachay Jamaat;
  • terrorist group Nogai battalion.

Opponents of the organization: Russian Federation.

Boko Haram

Boko Haram is a radical Islamist sect in Nigeria. Known since 2002. Listed as a terrorist organization by the UN Security Council in May 2014.

The organization's goal is to introduce Sharia law throughout Nigeria and eradicate the Western way of life.

Boko Haram opposes Western education Western culture and science. According to members of the sect, any public and political activity ties associated with Western values ​​should be prohibited, including: voting in elections, wearing shirts and trousers, secular education.

The government of Nigeria, from Boko Haram's point of view, is "corrupted" by Western ideas and consists of "non-believers", even if the president is technically Muslim, so it must be overthrown and the country must be governed by Sharia law, stricter than what is in force in the northern states of Nigeria.

Leaders of the organization:

  • Mohammed Yusuf;
  • Mallam Sunny Umaru;
  • Abubakar Shekau.

Participation in conflicts:

  • religious clashes in Nigeria;
  • riots in northern Nigeria (2009);
  • Tuareg uprising for the independence of Azawad, a territory in northern Mali (2012).


  • Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (allegedly);
  • Jamaat Al-Shabaab (presumably).

Opponents: Nigeria.

* Wahhabisfollowers of the religious and political movement in Islam, formed in the 18th century. The movement is named after the father of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab al-Tamimi. As a rule, supporters of his ideas call themselves Salafis. Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab believed that true Islam was practiced only by the first three generations of the followers of the Prophet Muhammad (Al-Salaf al-Salih) and protested against all subsequent innovations, considering them brought from outside.

From the point of view of some ethnographers, the Wahhabis are a relatively new movement, caused by the aggravation of socio-economic and political contradictions between part of the Bedouin population, as well as some religious leaders, expressed as a protest against the wealth of some urban residents. The movement played a significant role in the war of liberation against Turkey. The movement was adopted by Prince Abdulaziz ibn Saud, later the founder and first king of Saudi Arabia (1932- 1953).

** Afghan Mujahideen are members of irregular armed forces motivated by radical Islamic ideology, organized into a single rebel force during the period civil war in Afghanistan in 1979- 1992 They were recruited from the local population since 1979 with the aim of waging an armed struggle against the military presence of the USSR and the Afghan governments of Babrak Karmal and Najibullah. After the end of the war in the mid-1990s, some of the Afghan Mujahideen joined the ranks of the Taliban.

*** Caliphatea feudal Arab-Muslim state created by the prophet Muhammad and subsequently led by caliphs (the people with the highest title in Islam).

**** Shiitesa branch of Islam that unites various communities that recognized Ali ibn Abu Talib and his descendants as the only legitimate heirs and spiritual successors of the Prophet Muhammad. In a narrow sense, the term generally refers to Twelver Shia, the predominant denomination of Shiism that is predominantly found in Iran, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Iraq and Lebanon.

***** AshuraShia Muslims commemorate Imam Hussein, who died a martyr in 680 in Karbala. Funeral ceremonies are held in Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Bahrain and other Gulf countries, as well as in other countries where there are Shia Muslim communities.

****** The First Palestinian Intifada was a Palestinian uprising from 1987 to 1991, the declared purpose of which was to fight against the Israeli occupation of territories conquered during the Six-Day War (1967). Sometimes the date for the end of the first intifada is September 1993, in which the Oslo Accords were signed.

******* Zionisma political movement whose goal is the unification and revival of the Jewish people in their historical homeland - Israel (Eretz Israel).

******** PhalangistsLebanese right-wing political party mainly representing Christian interests.

********* The Arab-Israeli conflict is a confrontation between a number of Arab countries, as well as Arab paramilitary radical groups supported by part of the indigenous Arab population of the Palestinian territories controlled by Israel, on the one hand, and the Zionist movement, and then the State of Israel , with another.

********** Jihad (from Arabic “effort”) is a concept in Islam that means zeal in the path of Allah. Typically, jihad is associated with armed struggle.