The use of triz technology (modeling by little men) in work with older preschoolers. Modeling by little men (MM)1 Use of modeling by little men in work with preschoolers

Description of the method of generating ideas.

The Little Man Method.

The little man method- fragmentation of the problem situation into many "little men".

The little men method was developed by G.S. Altshuller for solving inventive problems.

This method allows you to better understand the physical processes and phenomena occurring at the microlevel. The method of little people is that all molecules are depicted as little men, which differ in their state of aggregation. (see pic 1, 2,3)

Fig.1 Molecules of a solid body are depicted by little men who stand close and hold hands.

Fig. 2 Molecules of a liquid by little men who stand close, but do not hold hands.

Fig. 3 Gas molecules as little men who are far apart and do not hold hands

In his method of creative search - synectics, W. Gordon proposed such a technique as empathy, which consists in the fact that the inventor presents himself as a part of a machine and thinks what he needs to do in order to complete the task. This method has the disadvantage that a person has a well-defined shape, which does not always correspond to the optimal shape of the part, which greatly complicates the search for a solution.

G.S. Altshuller in his theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) proposed the modeling of little people (MMP), which is further development Gordon's empathy, but overcomes this contradiction, because in MMP, a detail is presented as a set of little people, which together can give any shape, which greatly expands the search possibilities. However, little people remain people, which means they do not have many properties available to technical objects, such as levitation - hovering in the air or electromagnetic fields, telekinesis using an electromagnetic field, ultrasound, etc.

With this method, it is easier to imagine a model of a system or process. Replacing the elements that are in the zone of the problem's origin with living creatures liberates thinking, makes it freer and makes it possible, at least mentally, to perform the most fantastic actions. Intuitively, this method has been used by many researchers and scientists.

Solving many problems, the famous physicist Maxwell imagined the process under study in the form of small gnomes who can do whatever is necessary. Such gnomes in the literature are called "Maxwell's gnomes". Maxwell, building his experiment in the development of the dynamic theory of gases. mentally placed in vessels with gases of demons that communicated with each other. These demons opened the door for hot, fast particles of gas and closed it in front of cool, slow ones.

Kekule saw the structural formula of benzene as a ring formed from a group of monkeys. who grabbed each other. Mikulin, an outstanding Russian aircraft engine designer, recalled: “Once I was listening to the opera The Queen of Spades. When Herman raised the pistol, I suddenly saw a shaft with a compressor in the bend of the arm with the pistol, and then it was clear: what I was looking for was a radiator. I immediately jumped out of the box and sketched a diagram on the program ... "

The figurative style of thinking is inherent in all people of creative professions. But not every image is effective. For example, a simple graphic representation of a part is also visual, but there is a drawback in it - it ties us to the prototype. Little men do not remind us of anything known, but they show the picture in full, and therefore we are free in our mental activity. For some, the process of drawing little people may seem too childish, frivolous, unscientific. Such an opinion is erroneous. The method affects the deepest and most intimate processes of thinking, causing vivid images and associations, leading away from stereotypes and habitual actions.

Purpose of MCM- increase the efficiency of the search for ideas, using not only psychological activation creative thinking, but also a heuristic (search) mechanism for solving the problem. Facilitate work on the algorithm for solving inventive problems.

The method is used when difficulties arise in the implementation of the chosen principle of resolving a physical contradiction.

Where to start using the little man modeling method?

First: identify the operational zone of the problem, i.e., the place where a physical contradiction has arisen.

Second: identify an element that experiences conflicting demands on its physical state when the requirements of ideality are imposed on it.

Third: Launch little people into this element or depict it as a crowd of little people. There should be two drawings - the initial state and the required one. When drawing little men, do not spare the pencil and time. There should be many people, and remember that they can do everything (!), even the most fantastic, the most incredible. For them, there is nothing impossible, there are no prohibitions, they are omnipotent and fulfill your every desire. No need to think yet how they will do it, it is important to find out what they should do. Later, according to your knowledge, you will find a way to achieve what the little men showed. Most often you have to change the elements adjacent to the operational zone, but you already know how to do it, because the little men helped you with this.

Now let's see the work of little men on a small example.

Housing workers public utilities in the autumn-spring periods, work is added to repair drainpipes. The fact is that during these periods, snow accumulates in the upper part of the drainpipes, which, thawing and freezing many times, turns into ice plugs. With the next warming, this ice plug, having melted, falls like a bomb down the pipe, breaking and crushing it. You yourself have probably seen the dangling ends of drainpipes more than once.

We go to the operational zone, that is, the beginning of the problem - the upper part of the pipe. We find the element that causes the problem - an ice plug.

Compiling the IFR - The ice plug itself does not fall down until it melts completely. This is possible if the ice is held by the pipe walls. but in this case, he can not .., melt.

A physical contradiction arose: - the ice must melt and must not melt ... How to be?

We launch into the ice cork, as on the battlefield, little men.

There are many of them, they grapple with each other and try their best to hold the cork, not letting it fall until it melts completely.

The eighth-graders who “drew” this task and admired the little men exclaimed: “We need to replace the little men with a chain or, even more simply, with a wire. On this wire, the ice plug will hold on until it melts completely!

That's it, task solved! And it seems to be good. Implementing this solution will not be difficult. At a cost, it is equal to the cost of two meters of wire. The solution found by the guys should have been filed with an application for an invention. But the patent search only confirmed the correctness of Stanislav Lem, who said: "The universe is so big that there is nothing in it that would not exist." Indeed, just a year earlier, adult inventors working at the Research Institute of Public Utilities proposed a similar solution. But even in this case, it was worth thanking the little men for the big clue.

Plaksin Mikhail Alexandrovich

Permian State University(PSU), Computer School of PSU, Perm

The report discusses the use of informatics in the classroom in primary school"Method of little men" - one of the methods of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) - for mastering the concept of "modeling" and studying physical properties and processes.

The "Perm version" of the computer science course proceeds from the fact that the basics of system analysis and the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) should be studied at school.

The "Little Men Method" (MMM) is one of the TRIZ methods. It is offered for study in the second half of the 1st grade.

The essence of the method of little men is as follows. Imagine that all the surrounding objects consist of little men. There are three types of little people: solids, hydrators and pneumatics. The hardies stand next to each other and hold hands tightly. Hydratics also stand next to each other, but do not hold hands. Pneumatics cannot stand still and run all the time.

With the help of these little men, the objects and processes around us are modeled. For example, a glass of tea will look like this: the bottom and walls are made of solids, inside - hydration. If the tea is hot, then it will be necessary to draw steam over it - several pneumatics. If you draw an empty glass instead of a glass with tea, then you will need to draw air inside the shell of solids, i.e. several pneumatics. If instead of tea we draw soda, then pneumatics, i.e. gas must be placed inside the liquid. Etc.

When using MMP, the concept of "modeling" is introduced in a completely natural way. We MODEL objects with the help of little people. Children are well aware that little men are a way to express quite specific properties of objects. Other properties (which we this moment are not important) are not visible in this image (in this MODEL). For example, the model (image) of a glass of tea will not change if tea is replaced with milk or juice, a glass glass with a plastic one or a metal pan. In this model, we reflect only one important property: liquid is poured into a vessel with solid walls. We abstract from the rest of the properties.

Models from PM can be used in two ways: to depict an object with the help of PM or to guess which object corresponds to a particular model. It is convenient to join both directions: the construction of models is given at home, and the lesson begins with the fact that several people draw on the board the models they invented, and the rest must guess what exactly is modeled. For the same picture, as a rule, you can come up with several CORRECT explanations. This means that we abstract from the differences that these objects have, and pay attention only to what they have in common.

Another direction of using MMPs is understanding the properties of the objects around us and physical processes. When building models, children will act as MCs.

For example, what is the difference between a solid and a liquid? Why is it that if you squeeze your fingers in a bath of water, only one drop will rise, but if you squeeze a pencil, the whole pencil will rise? To explain this situation, let us model it with the help of MCH. The pencil is modeled from 10-12 "hards" that hold each other by the shoulders. If you move one person, the whole row will move. The row can be broken (break the pencil), but both halves of it will remain solid. If the solids are replaced with hydrates (let go of the hands), then any of them can be easily separated from the rest.

Another experiment on the same topic is the passage of a solid and a liquid through a hole. A line of solids can only go through the door sideways, and hydrants will pass freely each on its own.

Other questions that are very well modeled by little people:

  • what is soft: solids mixed with pneumatics, for example, a snowflake;
  • phase transitions: when a piece of ice is heated in a frying pan, the solids begin to bounce and at the same time they first unhook their hands, and then they start running; when cooled, in order to keep warm, they press against each other;
  • gas pressure: pneumatics run inside the shell and knock on it;
  • the relationship between the amount of gas, volume, temperature and pressure: children, holding hands, form a shell inside which pneumatics move; change the size of the shell, the number of pneumatics and the speed of their movement.

Empathy and associative series

empathy conscious empathy with the current emotional state another person without losing the sense of the external origin of this experience.

An associative series is a series of concepts or definitions, when the next member of the series "pops up" in connection with what is remembered about the previous one.

1. Make an abstract portrait of the interlocutor, describe the picture.

2. Draw an abstract portrait of a person using an associative series of images subordinate to him, describe the drawing.

Focal object method

The focal object method (FOM) is a method of searching for new ideas and characteristics of an object based on the addition of properties of other randomly selected objects to the original object. Hence the other name - the method of random objects.

Theoretical basis MFI is an algorithm of 6 steps performed sequentially:

1. A focal object is selected - what needs to be improved.

2. Random objects are selected (3-5 concepts, from an encyclopedia, books, newspapers, necessarily nouns, of different subjects, different from the original object).

3. The properties of random objects are recorded.

4. The found properties are attached to the original object.

5. The resulting options are developed through associations.

6. Options are evaluated in terms of effectiveness, interestingness and viability of the solutions obtained.

The transfer of the properties of other objects that are in no way related to the original object to the object under study often gives strong ideas, since it allows you to look at the object from a different, non-obvious angle. The application technique is simple and invariant. Another advantage of MFIs is the promotion of associative thinking. But it is not without its shortcomings. When applying the method, there is no guarantee that the resulting solution will be strong. Also, the weaknesses of the method are unsuitability in working with complex technical problems and the lack of clarity when choosing criteria for evaluating the ideas received.


FO - saucepan.

The goal is to expand the range and demand for products.

Random objects: tree, lamp, cat, cigarette.

Their properties: the tree is tall, green, with thick roots; lamp - electric, luminous, broken, matte; cat - playful, fluffy, meowing; cigarette - smoking, with a filter, thrown, damp.

We alternately attach the obtained properties to the pan and develop.

Weak combinations can be immediately discarded.

Strong solutions are given by: a pot with roots - a pot with a heat-insulating bottom; broken pan - divided into sections for simultaneous cooking of several dishes; meowing pan - gives a signal when the dish is ready.

Apply the focal objects method to:

1. desktop;

2. random object;

3. subject related to the topic of the dissertation.

Synectics method

The term "synectics" means the combination in the process of finding a solution to the problem of heterogeneous, sometimes even incompatible elements. Criticism is welcomed in the method, and various kinds of comparisons and analogies are also actively used. In the process of solving the task, a group of people (synectics) takes part, all members of the group must know each other well so as not to feel awkward expressing absurd ideas and belong to different psychotypes, which will ensure a variety of approaches and put forward ideas. In essence, the task of synectics is to turn the unfamiliar into the familiar and determine the solution, or, on the contrary, turn the familiar into the unfamiliar, thereby opening up the horizons of development.

The synectics discussion consists of the following main steps:

1. The available information on the problem under discussion is heard.

2. The customer defines the problem and the desired goal.

3. A list is generated keywords characterizing the problem.

4. Based on this list using four methods of synectics the first level of absurd ideas is generated, directly related to the desires of the customer.

4 methods of synectics:

Direct analogy - external, structural or functional analogues that exist in the outside world.

Subjective (personal) analogies are personal representations, representations of one's own body as part of the problem.

Symbolic analogy - comparisons, allegories, metaphors, identification of the properties of one thing with the properties of something else.

A fantastic analogy is the presentation of things as fantastic and impossible, the intervention of miraculous fairy-tale forces that can solve the problem under consideration.

5. On the basis of the first level, the second level of ideas is formed, which are as practical as possible, but at the same time, do not lose their originality.

6. From the generated options, the client selects the most interesting version.

7. As a result of a joint discussion, the idea is brought to the stage of practical implementation.

1. As a problem, it is proposed to develop a brand name for IzhGTU named after M.T. Kalashnikov in which you will feel the weapons theme.

2. At the initial stage, you need to offer 12 analogies - 3 for each of the 4 synectics methods (you need to work in a group - you can do it with family or friends).

3. On the basis of the resulting analogies, propose ideas for the design of the sign in the form of 2-5 sketches.

4. One idea to design as a working version of the sign.

The little man method

The essence of the Little People Method is to replace some complex systems with groups of little people acting in a specific way - in accordance with the properties of the system under study. For example, if we talk about different states of matter, then they can be expressed as follows:

A solid is a group of people who stand close to each other and hold hands tightly.

Liquid is a group of people who always stand close to each other, but do not hold hands.

Gaseous - the little men are sufficiently distant from each other and do not hold hands.

As a result, it becomes clear that the first group will only move as a whole. Otherwise, you will have to come up with a way to separate friendly little men. But with the third group, this will not be a problem, here you still have to try to collect all the little men in one pile, because they are always trying to scatter to the sides.

1. Make 5 ornaments from little men holding each other (pairs, triples, fours), giving them specific qualities - gender, age, maybe. these are families, maybe. friends.

2. On the basis of two ornaments, come up with two forged fences, the principle of connecting the sections of which should be determined by the way the little men hold hands.

Report requirements:

1. The presence of a standard title page.

2. For each method, briefly describe the task and the result of its implementation, provide the necessary drawings and explanations for them.

3. Draw conclusions.

Imagine that all objects, substances, everything living and non-living around us consists of little, little people. Humans behave differently. Little men of solid bodies (stone, wood) hold hands tightly. Their hands are strong - neither unclench nor bend. This is why a rigid body does not change shape. The liquid people do not hold hands: they stand tightly next to each other, shifting from foot to foot. That's why liquid doesn't hold its shape. But if you fill a glass with “liquid” little men, then you won’t be able to add new tenants there: the little men are standing close to each other, there is no free space between them.

The "Little Men Method" (MMM) is one of the TRIZ methods. It is offered for study in the second half of the 1st grade.

The essence of the method of little men is as follows. Imagine that all the surrounding objects consist of little men. There are three types of little people: solids, hydrators and pneumatics. The hardies stand next to each other and hold hands tightly. Hydratics also stand next to each other, but do not hold hands. Pneumatics cannot stand still and run all the time.

With the help of these little men, the objects and processes around us are modeled. For example, a glass of tea will look like this: the bottom and walls are made of solids, inside - hydration. If the tea is hot, then it will be necessary to draw steam over it - several pneumatics. If you draw an empty glass instead of a glass with tea, then you will need to draw air inside the shell of solids, i.e. several pneumatics. If instead of tea we draw soda, then pneumatics, i.e. gas must be placed inside the liquid. Etc.

When using MMP, the concept of "modeling" is introduced in a completely natural way. We MODEL objects with the help of little men. Children are well aware that little men are a way to express quite specific properties of objects. Other properties (which are not important to us at the moment) are not visible in this image (in this MODEL). For example, the model (image) of a glass of tea will not change if tea is replaced with milk or juice, a glass glass with a plastic one or a metal pan. In this model, we reflect only one important property: a liquid is poured into a vessel with solid walls. We abstract from the rest of the properties.

Models from PM can be used in two ways: to depict an object with the help of PM or to guess which object corresponds to a particular model. It is convenient to join both directions: the construction of models is given at home, and the lesson begins with the fact that several people draw on the board the models they invented, and the rest must guess what exactly is modeled. For the same picture, as a rule, you can come up with several CORRECT explanations. This means that we abstract from the differences that these objects have, and pay attention only to what they have in common.

Another direction of using MMPs is understanding the properties of the objects around us and physical processes. When building models, children will act as MCs.

For example, what is the difference between a solid and a liquid? Why is it that if you squeeze your fingers in a bath of water, only one drop will rise, but if you squeeze a pencil, the whole pencil will rise? To explain this situation, let us model it with the help of MCH. The pencil is modeled from 10-12 "hards" that hold each other by the shoulders. If you move one person, the whole row will move. The row can be broken (break the pencil), but both halves of it will remain solid. If the solids are replaced with hydrates (let go of the hands), then any of them can be easily separated from the rest.

Another experiment on the same topic is the passage of a solid and a liquid through a hole. A line of solids can only go through the door sideways, and hydrants will pass freely each on its own.

Other questions that are very well modeled by little people: