Proverbs about the violin. Quotes and aphorisms about musical instruments

psychologists argue that music education should not be additional, but compulsory, it is so useful. It is widely known that music is one of the core subjects in Japanese elementary and middle schools. Moreover, music lessons there are of a very serious nature. Children are taught to play musical instruments, sing, and are introduced to national and world musical culture.

How right are the smartest people in the world in their approach to teaching music?

Musical instruments and fine motor skills

All literate parents know about the need to develop their child’s fine motor skills. This should be done from the age of eight months. The fact is that the motor and speech centers of the human brain are closely connected with each other. The projection of the hand occupies 1/3 of the entire area of ​​the brain responsible for movement. How better baby masters his fingers, the better his speech ability develops.

Almost all musical instruments use your fingers when playing them. No gymnastics can train your fingers so actively.

The most difficult instruments in this regard are the piano and accordion/accordion. When playing them, the fingers of both hands are actively involved. Moreover, if at the beginning of training a child plays with each hand in turn, then he later learns to play with both hands at once, and asynchronously (each hand moves differently).

How important this is for overall mental development can be understood if you think about what mechanisms control such a complex motor skill.

In humans, one hemisphere of the brain is dominant. Therefore, one of the hands is leading, and the second is “auxiliary”. By forcing the “weak” hand to work equally in the “strong” one, we give impetus to more active work of the corresponding hemisphere of the brain. It develops no worse than the “main” one (neural signals between the hemispheres are distributed evenly). A brain trained in this way processes information faster, which means it works better.

When playing the violin and guitar, the hands are used unevenly. If the musician is right-handed, the left (weak by nature!) hand works with the fingers more actively. This is especially true for the violin, because the right hand is only responsible for the movement of the bow. Picking and hitting the guitar strings is much easier to perform than left-hand movements.

When playing different wind instruments, the hands can also act unevenly, because some instruments use the fingers of only one hand. But children are taught to play the recorder first, where the fingers work equally actively, and it is recommended to switch to an “adult” instrument no earlier than the age of nine.

Wind instruments have another very useful property. It concerns health.

Music and child health

From the first minutes of classes, the child is taught proper breathing; breathing technique becomes the object of training for many years.

The so-called thoraco-abdominal or mixed type of breathing is used here. This means that the diaphragm and lungs, depending on the performing task (what sound needs to be produced), work alternately. Doctors recommend playing wind instruments for children suffering from chronic tonsillitis and asthma. There are cases where asthma subsided after several years of exercise.

Singing is no less useful for lung diseases. It develops the respiratory system and improves lung drainage. Singing is also recommended for asthmatics.

In professional terms, a distinction is made between academic and folk singing styles (the pop style is close to it). The academic style assumes a volumetric, “rounded” sound, the extraction of which, among other things, requires breathing based on the diaphragm. In the folk style of singing, the sound is open, “flat”, close to colloquial speech. When setting the voice, the natural type of breathing for each person is preserved: lower costal, chest or mixed. From a health point of view, both styles of singing are equally beneficial, but folk singing is more natural for a child.

Choral singing is used as a means of treating mild forms in children. A child who stutters usually cannot pronounce the first syllable of a word smoothly. When singing, the words “cling” to each other, and the emphasis on the first syllable is smoothed out. The child tries to adapt to other children, even if he makes a mistake, it will not be noticeable. This relieves psychological discomfort.

How else does music affect health?

  • Any type of music practice has a beneficial effect on posture. The position of the body, both when singing and when playing instruments, is always fixed. Stand (or sit) straight, do not slouch, strain your arms, neck or other parts of the body. The teacher will never begin classes until he gets the student to take the correct body position and relax. Throughout the lesson he will monitor his posture. A 45 minute lesson turns into a great workout.
  • It has been known since ancient times how music has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, and modern research confirms this. Music therapy is a recognized psychotherapeutic method that is used in the treatment and rehabilitation of children with somatic and mental disorders. Aggression or exhaustion of the nervous system is now not uncommon even in ordinary children. Listen to Mozart's music with such a child, and you will be surprised how much his behavior will change.

Interesting studies have been conducted with hearing-impaired children. It turned out that with the development of musical hearing (and this development is closely related to memory and thinking), physiological hearing also becomes more subtle. Music lessons help expand the brain's response to sound, so the child's normal hearing improves.

Music and speech

Do you know that music is very similar to speech? Listen, because the music doesn't flow continuous flow, but is divided into parts. It contains phrases, they can be affirmative, interrogative, exclamatory. There are also proposals. And the simplest musical form - the period - is nothing more than an elementary form of expression of a complete thought.

It is easy for an attentive listener to detect repeated fragments in a piece of music. These repetitions, firstly, make it easier for the listener to perceive the music, and secondly, enhance its expressiveness and emphasize main idea works (as well as in speech).

Music and speech are related; they even say that music preceded the appearance of speech. And this relationship is deep.

Intonation, one of the components of speech, is the basis of music. It contains the seed of all the expressiveness of the melody. Intonation can color a speech phrase in such a way that its meaning will completely contradict the words.

By studying music, the child comprehends these properties of music (at first unconsciously). His speech gradually becomes more literate, structured, and expressive. The child not only learns to control his own speech, but also distinguishes the nuances of other people’s speech more subtly, which means his communication skills improve.

What do the notes mean?

Paradox: music is similar to speech and fundamentally different from language. That's right, the structural connections are the same, the intonation and rhythmic components are in place, but there are no words in the usual sense. And when to an ordinary person they say that Grieg's play tells about the sunrise in the mountains, he will throw up his hands because he may not notice either the mountains or the sun.

Music differs from language in that it does not explain certain objects and phenomena, but helps the listener to feel their emotional impact. Even an ignorant listener of Grieg’s “Morning” will share the enthusiastic feeling of the fullness of life, and the clear mountain air, the first rays of the sun, shepherd’s tunes, bright and pure harmonic comparisons, and orchestral colors are means that help to understand the meaning of the music.

Music can not only reveal the content of an emotion, it embodies mood - the most non-objective type of emotion - better than other arts. Moreover, it is able to show emotions and moods in development, in dynamics.

This appeal of music to the concrete sensory sphere of thinking is priceless. To make up for the lack of emotional component in modern life, teach a child, make him more sensitive towards other people - music can do all this.

Music and mathematics

And at the same time, music is almost a science. Look at the notes, each of them accurately denotes not only a separate sound and its properties, but also the connections between sounds. All components of music - melody, rhythm, harmony, mode - have a clear structural organization. In this it is similar to mathematics.

Music actually develops math skills. There are many concepts common to music and mathematics. Eg:

  • Rhythm. Numbers also obey him. For example, the concept of multiplicity is rhythmic: numbers that are multiples of three fit into ¾ time.
  • Fractions. Sound durations are based on fractions and can be easily converted to numbers.
  • Proportions. Here is one of them: if the duration of sounds is doubled, the music will sound twice as slow.
  • Variations. Numbers, like the theme song, can be written/displayed in a variety of ways.
  • Parallel. In musical notation, five lines never intersect, just as different voices in a choir and parts of different instruments in an orchestra “do not intersect.”
  • Opposites. High and low, fast and slow, polyphonic and monophonic - music is built on opposites, just like mathematics.

Truly, there is no other area of ​​human activity that would combine such contradictory properties: to be both untranslatable and highest degree logical and knowable!

Development of the mind

This paradox of music in the best possible way affects the mental development of the child.

Many studies have been conducted abroad to study the influence of music on IQ. The so-called “Mozart Effect” is widely known (this is the name of the popular science book by Don Campbell, published in 1997). According to Campbell, in one experiment, after 10 minutes of passive listening to Mozart sonatas, a group of students' test scores improved by 62%. The control group, which sat in silence for 10 minutes, managed to improve the result by only 14%

The scientific credibility of such studies may be questionable. At the same time, teachers and psychologists agree that music lessons strengthen the structure of the brain and develop intelligence.

  1. Music lessons develop spatial thinking, because the hands perform different functions when playing.
  2. Structural thinking is necessary to understand the laws of music structure.
  3. Each is associated with different mental processes: absolute pitch – with memory, relative – with thinking, internal – with imagination. By developing our hearing, we improve these qualities.
  4. Music lessons involve all types of perception (auditory, visual, sensory) and all types of memory (auditory, visual, motor, associative, figurative).
  5. Musicians are better than others at multitasking. When reading notes from a sheet, you need to remember the past (what has already been played), control the present (what you are playing now), and think about the future (what to play next).
  6. Playing a musical instrument simultaneously uses the auditory, motor and visual areas of the brain; the combination of creative and mathematical components in music makes both hemispheres of the brain work as actively as possible.


Even if a child learns music “for general development,” it will not be possible to do without daily lessons (including independent ones). Any performance of music (singing included) requires skill, and it is formed only by repeated repetitions of the same action.

Many children drop out of music school after several years of study. As is customary in elementary school, beginners are given little homework; it is not difficult. The child is high cognitive interest, and he easily overcomes small difficulties.

Later, when performance progress begins to directly depend on the work put in, and there is often little new and interesting in the exercises, the child feels the desire to stop practicing.

It is very important at this moment to understand the child’s motivation. If such a desire is associated with laziness, you should insist on continuing your studies. The habit of daily activities, not always exciting, but mandatory, is necessary for a person if he wants to succeed in life. In this regard, music develops character and willpower just as well as sports.

Public speaking and self-confidence

Performing on stage requires precision, order and responsibility, because the concert cannot be postponed or canceled, and you need to be prepared for it.

Including psychologically. Not all people are naturally endowed with a love for the stage. Stage fright, according to psychiatrists, is experienced by 95% of people. It is not necessarily associated with characteristics of temperament and character.

Agree that mastering public speaking techniques is useful for people of any profession. Little musicians take part in concerts several times a year. They learn to manage emotions, direct attention to the content of the music they perform, and captivate listeners with them.

Constant training will strengthen nervous system, the child will gain self-confidence and learn to quickly adapt to any life situations.

Harmony and education of taste

The comparison of the harmonious structure of the world (cosmos) with the structure of a musical scale has been known to us since the time of Pythagoras. The expression “harmony of the spheres” refers to the relative positions of the Earth, the Sun, the planets and the starry sky. Plato developed the teaching of Pythagoras: the luminaries each occupy their own sphere in space (the highest is the star-bearing celestial circle, the lowest is the Moon), and, moving within this sphere, they emit one of the tones of the gamut.

These seven sounds of the scale are the basis of the world, “world music.” According to legend, by playing them on the strings, a person opens the way to return to heaven.

Despite all the naivety of the ideas of the ancient Greeks, they were right in one thing - music cannot be compared with anything in its ennobling effect on a person. She embodies the very concept of beauty.

Music educates a person.

Music is the most miraculous, most subtle means of attracting to goodness, beauty, and humanity. The feeling of the beauty of a musical melody reveals to the child his own beauty - small man realizes his dignity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Making music is not just useful, but necessary. The purpose of these classes is not at all to educate a musician. It is about nurturing a harmonious human personality.

I'll take the violin in my hands
And I will hold the bow.
The sound is wonderful, simply amazing.
The violin sounds so beautiful.

Putting the violin to your chin
The violinist plays us a nocturne,
Rocking slightly, as if in a boat,
Floating on the sea on the waves.

Excitedly, the song of the violin flows,
Inspiring a reverent mood,
And we splash in it like fish,
And enjoy the game.

I'm not bored at all now.
The violin and I are inseparable.
All day, cheek to cheek,
We play in the corner.

Simbirskaya Yu.

Hello little violin!
You're like a goldfish
The bow touches the strings:
- Play, drink some more!

Kabanova S., Chekalova L.

I missed school today
I was late for all my classes,
And even a football coach
I waited an hour in vain.

No, no accidents with me
It didn’t happen halfway -
I listened to the violin on the boulevard
And time flew by like a whirlwind!

She sounded so happy
It feels like hundreds of years
I was bored in the locked case
And again she burst into the light.

And I stood petrified
On the sidewalk next to her
Until it suddenly got dark
And the boulevard of lights did not turn on.

Uncle G.

In native untouched forests
The spruce stood as if on watch;
She was taller than everyone, slimmer than everyone,
Buran loved to argue with her.
Beneath her, an elk fought with wolves,
Shielding the elk calf;
In winter it's frosty, scaring the animals,
It crackled and chilled right through her.
In the spring the capercaillie sang at dawn,
The dawns were blazing like fires...
Summer passed in festive attire,
There were thunderstorms, thunder roared...
And the spruce grew stronger, and the trunk darkened.
In the south, with the sea next door,
Among the fragrant wild roses
The curly maple grew carelessly,
Cheerful and noisy since childhood.
Lover of the nightingale's song,
It bloomed leaves in the spring.
Cheerful shower in the summer heat
An avalanche fell on him.
Maple trunk over many years
It was thoroughly warmed by the sun.
He grew and grew strong in dense foliage,
He himself is like the sun, golden!
The master took the Christmas tree, and took the maple:
He is in love with his skill.
He sawed them neatly
Cut it lengthwise and crosswise,
Stripes, gold spots
I carefully saved it in the cuts.
Worked long and patiently
And he made a violin that amazed everyone:
There is no gentler voice in the world!
It's like her heart is beating inside her...
Our forests were given to her
Your own living voices.

Trutneva E.

The sounds of a sad violin were heard,
She played tenderly in the distance.
It remains an exciting mystery for me,
What violinist was holding it in his hand...

Smooth bow movements
The strings make you tremble.
The motive sounds from afar,
Sings about a moonlit evening.
How clear the sounds are overflowing,
There is joy and a smile in them,
It sounds like a dreamy tune.
I call myself...

It creaks in the hands of incompetent people,
He is sad about the old master.
Enchants, excites, sparkles,
The sorceress sings...

I grew up in the forest,
I came home
Dried on the stove
She cried without tears.

It's like the girl started singing
And the room seemed to brighten.
The melody glides so flexibly.
Everything is quiet: it’s playing...

Violin and a little nervously

The violin twitched, begging,
and suddenly burst into tears
so childish
that the drum could not stand it:
“Okay, okay, okay!”
And I'm tired,
didn’t listen to the end of the violin’s speech,
rushed towards the burning Kuznetsky and left.
The orchestra looked like someone else's
the violin cried
without words,
without tact,
and only somewhere
stupid plate
"What is this?"
"Like this?"
And when the helicon -
wipe it!” -
I wake up,
staggeringly climbed through the notes,
music stands bending under horror,
for some reason he shouted:
He threw himself on the wooden neck:
“You know what, violin?
We are awfully similar:
me too
yell -
but I can’t prove anything!”
The musicians laugh:
“How stuck!
Came to the wooden bride!
And I don't care!
I'm good.
“You know what, violin?
Let's -
Let's live together!

Vladimir Mayakovsky

The violin groans under the mountain.
In a sleepy park the evening is long,
The evening is long - Innocent Face,
Image of a girl with me.

The violins moan tirelessly
Sings to me: “Live…”
The image of a beloved girl -
A Tale of Tender Love.

Alexander Blok

Magic violin

Dear boy, you are so cheerful, your smile is so bright,
Don't ask for this happiness that poisons the worlds,
You don't know, you don't know what this violin is,
What is the dark horror of the game starter!

The one who once took her into commanding hands,
The serene light of his eyes disappeared forever,
The spirits of hell love to listen to these royal sounds,
Mad wolves roam along the violinists' road.

We must forever sing and cry to these strings, ringing strings,
The maddened bow must forever beat, curl,
And under the sun, and under the blizzard, under the whitening breaker,
And when the west burns and when the east burns.

You will get tired and slow down, and the singing will stop for a moment,
And you won’t be able to scream, move or breathe, -
Immediately the rabid wolves in a bloodthirsty frenzy
They will grab your throat with their teeth and put their paws on your chest.

Then you will understand how viciously everything that sang laughed,
A belated but powerful fear will look into your eyes.
And the melancholy mortal cold will wrap around the body like a cloth,
And the bride will cry, and the friend will think.

Boy, move on! You won't find any fun or treasures here!
But I see you laughing, these eyes are two rays.
Here, wield a magic violin, look into the eyes of monsters
And die a glorious death, the terrible death of a violinist!

Nikolay Gumilyov

Play me, violin, tenderly about love,
Play with hope about the long road,
Remember the trouble with an alarming note,
Well, separation is a note of sadness.
Play for me so that in your music
My soul lived and died.
Burned in the flames of violent passions
And she cooled down in the ice bath.
Quickly touch the magic strings, bow,
Dispel the melancholy, tired and angry.
With you I'm not so alone
And without you I miss you.

Some ancestor of mine was a violinist,
A rider and a thief at that.
Isn't that why my character is wandering?
And your hair smells like the wind!

Isn't it he, the dark one, who steals from the cart?
Apricots with my hand,
The culprit of my passionate fate,
Curly-haired and hook-nosed.

Marveling at the plowman behind the plow,
Spit between lips - rosehip.
He was a bad comrade - dashing
And he was an affectionate lover!

Lover of pipe, moon and beads,
And all the young neighbors...
I also think that he is a coward
There was my yellow-eyed ancestor.

What, having sold my soul to the devil for a penny,
He didn't walk into the cemetery at midnight!
I also think that the knife
He wore it behind his boot.

That more than once around the corner
He jumped - like a cat - flexible...
And for some reason I realized
Why didn't he play the violin?

And he didn’t care at all, -
Like last year's snow - in summer!
My ancestor was such a violinist.
I became such a poet.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Sorceress violin, I love your voice,
He cries, he laughs, you sing, violin, sing!
About the sun, about the wind, about the house in the distance,
About how far the ships sail,
About how a dove builds its nest,
About the fact that a wave will wash us onto the shore.
You have the voice of the wind, you have the light of the sun,
You have a fairy tale of truth and answers to questions.
How young are you in the world, how old are you in the world,
I will listen to you from morning to morning.

For Paganini long-fingered
They run like a gypsy crowd -
Some with a Czech choke, some with a Polish ball,
And who is with the Hungarian nemchura?

Girl, upstart, proud,
Whose sound is wide, like the Yenisei, -
Comfort me with your play:
On your head, Polish girl,
Marina Mnishek hill of curls,
Your bow is suspicious, violinist.

Comfort me with roan Chopin,
Serious Brahms, no, wait:
Paris powerfully wild,
A floury and sweaty carnival
Or the young brother of Vienna -

Fidgety, in conductor's tailcoats.
In the Danube fireworks, horse races
And a waltz from the coffin to the cradle
Overflowing like hops.

Play for aortic rupture
With a cat's head in my mouth,
There were three devils - you are the fourth,
The last wonderful devil is in bloom.

Osip Mandelstam

The words fell silent on my lips,
The bow flashed, the violin sobbed,
And arose in two hearts
Crazy-light mistake.

And the greedy gazes merged
In a dream that has no name
And intertwined with an unsteady thread,
Yearning, and not afraid of confession.

Among the crowd, among the lights
Love grew and grew
And the violin, as if merging with her,
She trembled, sang and sobbed.

Konstantin Balmont

What heavy, dark nonsense!
How cloudy and lunar these heights are!
Touching the violin for so many years
And you won’t recognize the strings in the light!

Who needs us? Who lit it
Two yellow faces, two sad ones...
And suddenly I felt a bow,
That someone took them and someone leaked them.

“Oh, how long ago! Through this darkness
Tell me one thing, are you the one?”
And the strings caressed him,
Ringing, but caressingly, they trembled.

“Isn’t it true, never again
Will we not part? enough…"
And the violin answered yes,
But the violin's heart was hurting.

The bow understood everything, he fell silent,
And in the violin the echo was still there...
And it was torment for them,
What people thought was music.

But the man did not extinguish
Until the morning candles... And the strings sang...
Only the sun found them exhausted
On a black velvet bed.

Innokenty Annensky

The music played in silence
She whispered, sang and breathed,
Repeating the music of the river,
And the water walked to the beat of the melody.
The sounds of sweet, gentle simplicity,
The violin made a soft sound,
They came from the depths of my soul,
The wave calmed down importantly.
You play, play violinist,
In the evening summer darkness,
Calm your bitter cry,
Don't blame yourself for someone else's fault.
Give joy instead of tears,
Let the river sparkle more
Frost will run down your hand,
The pain slowly subsides.

The bow began to sing. And the clouds are stuffy
He stood over us. And nightingales
We dreamed about it. And the camp is obedient
Slipped into my arms...
It was not the nightingale that sang,
When the string broke,
All around she sobbed and rang,
Like in a spring grove, silence...
How is it, in the sobbing sounds
The May thunderstorm was approaching...
Shy hands came closer,
And the closed eyes burned...

Alexander Blok

A violin sobs in a dark hall,
Squeezing hearts, pours melancholy,
And sounds full of sadness
Everything gets thicker, like a smear to a smear.

The souls of the abyss are opened with sounds,
And the bright spirit is in contrition,
But the tears of complaint are shed,
A new sound illuminates the ear.

The mysterious power of Light...,
Hope blue star...
Happiness is available in this life!
You can always feel the light!

The sound floated life-giving, wondrous.
He encouraged, he elevated,
Pulled to where there are light showers,
Where is what everyone here was looking for.

Makeeva E.

And responsive like a heart,
the violin cries and sings,
and dances in a light scherzo,
dances a polite gavotte.

Notes airy pages -
the sails are flying into the fog.
Graceful trough -
the violin went out into the ocean.

In the symphonic abyss
The violin is the first to go out.
Behind myself, like a goddess,
withdraw the orchestra fleet.

The violin distracts the soul
from doubts and worries.
Listening to the light violin,
Even God will smile!..

Zhigalin S.

I am your thin waist
I touch you tenderly and passionately:
The bow clings to the strings, and I agree
You answer my passion.

Are you ready to sing love,
And you will voice the pain of loss.
You, caressing the ear, teach the soul,
And you refresh my blood.

Bow and violin. Spirit and flesh.
And a sweet moment of connection!
...Melody - from the world of creation -
The sleep of reason can be overcome.

Vytyazhkova L.

The violin reveals the soul to the subtle listener -
Sometimes it rumbles like a wave, sometimes like a ringing bell!
Then the oblique, as in the dewy grass, will whistle along the outer strings,
Then with a prayer and a tearful request it hurts a pitiful heart.

With a dying staccato the herd will gallop into the fields,
Or the deceived girl will burst into tears in grief.
It will make you think in deep registers...
Then, in childish fun, he bursts out with silvery laughter.

And having accidentally fallen in love, he starts singing in false hope.
Then, as a lonely widow, she groans hopelessly.
Now far away, then suddenly nearby he will howl like a wounded beast,
Playing tremolando will fill you with eerie trepidation.

And sometimes the violin beckons you to sweep away your worries at once -
He will give the rowdy one a drink of hops, suddenly throwing notes into an allegro!
And it can be painful to understand - at the risk of breaking a string at once,
Does the bow draw sounds? or whether he himself dances to them!

Alla Pritz

The musician was playing the violin - I looked into his eyes.
It wasn’t that I was curious - I was flying through the sky.
It's not just out of boredom - I was hoping to understand
How can these hands make these sounds?
from some kind of wood, from some rough veins,
from some fantasy that he served?
Moreover, you need to know where to press your fingers when,
so that the series of proud sounds does not get lost in the darkness.
Moreover, we need to penetrate into our souls and ignite...
Why stand on ceremony with her? Why take care of her?

Happy is the home where the sound of the violin guides us on the path
and give us hope... The rest will happen somehow.
Happy is the instrument pressed to the angular shoulder,
by whose blessing I fly across the sky.
Happy is he whose journey is short, whose fingers are angry, whose bow is sharp,
the musician who built a fire from my soul.
And the soul, that’s for sure, if it’s burned,
she is fairer, more merciful and righteous.

Bulat Okudzhava

From thin slabs of rare wood,
Among the sawdust, in a wretched workshop,
A violin with an aspen waist was born,
Child of the talent of the Master and God.

And the smell of varnish is cloying and bitter
I hid great secrets within myself,
In old Antonio's closet
A violin was born... And it was born at dawn

The Great Master brought it out onto the terrace,
So that the child dries out from birth,
And he himself, who had not slept even an hour that night,
He lay down and fell into dreams...

And he saw in a dream how all of Cremona
I applauded this new violin,
Like the fingers of a musician skillfully
Trembling wandered her flexible body.

The bow touched the virgin body,
With a triad he tore off her clothes
And the violin sang amazingly,
Like none of those who sang before...

She cried in a sweet undertone,
The sounds merged in two-voices of passion,
The bow flies up and sinks smoothly...
And he says to her: God! You are beautiful!!!

Her supple body sounds
She cries and sings and moans!
From the sounds of low, viscous, black and white
To the highest - in a bright red tone...

The master woke up. Without opening my eyes,
He said quietly: you sang beautifully...
And if you sang, it means you are alive.
And he stood up. The old body ached...

Cremona lived in everyday life,
Sellers of fruit water were shouting...
The maestro was cleaning his abode,
To begin the birth of a new violin.

And three hundred years later, in a huge hall,
As part of the famous orchestra
Two violins sang. The audience didn't know
What did these violins sing for the Maestro...

Violin and the development of a child’s abilities It is very important to develop not only the intellectual, but also the creative abilities of a child from an early age. It is no coincidence that since ancient times, every pedagogical system has not been imagined without the study of a foreign language, music, and drawing. As a rule, these disciplines were even considered mandatory. More recently, scientists, according to their latest research, have proven that music lessons have a stimulating effect on brain development, which means that the child has stronger connections of nerve endings in the brain. Scientists from Concordia University and the Montreal Neurological Institute were able to prove that those people who attended music classes from childhood have significantly stronger connections between nerve endings in the brain. The age that is most recommended for music lessons, according to scientists, is from six to eight years, also called the “sensitive period”. Scientists conducted a brain scan, which showed certain results: those who started playing music since childhood showed noticeable advantages, and the area that is responsible for the musculoskeletal system was especially distinguished. Their brain scans showed the following: the white matter of the corpus callosum had greater volume. According to the results of the test, scientists were able to conclude the following: regular music lessons in childhood generally improve the development of connections between the sensory and motor areas of the brain, which creates the basis on which the entire subsequent learning process rests. Let's take a closer look at how learning to play the violin develops a child's abilities. Practicing this instrument is a great way to stimulate a child's fingers. This helps to activate the language zone, in other words, the development of speech. Practice shows that, than earlier child With such problems, I started playing the violin, the more effectively and quickly my speech was corrected. And what? older child, the more effort will be required. Developing fine motor skills

, the bones of the hands acquire greater mobility, stiffness of movements disappears, and it will be easier for the child to learn to write.

Coordination of movements develops. The violin is a wonderful educational toy for improving coordination: a variety of hand movements. This means that all brain centers are actively stimulated.

The ability to combine auditory, visual perception and motor coordination improves, and this helps to be attentive and patient.

The violin develops the multi-channel ability to hear what is said to him while performing the desired actions. Both hemispheres of the brain develop. Based on the above, we can say that learning to play the violin holistically develops human abilities and is of great importance for the entire development of a child’s personality. Vladimir Mityuk About the benefits of playing the violin

A violin is a small musical instrument made of wood, varnished and with a bow. With the help of this musical instrument, particularly zealous and talented boys, as legends say, became great musicians and conquered the whole world. Time has passed, but the violin, as a sophisticated instrument of torture, is still used by kind and sweet parents.

Among other things, it was necessary to prepare for tests, exams, and reporting concerts. Then mom would iron a black suit, starch his shirt, he would put on a bow tie and go on stage. He screamed with all his might, received his dose of applause, bowed and ran away, happy that he had finally shot back. And he hurried to the toilet - he always wanted to pee before a performance, even if he didn’t drink tea at home, but he endured it, hoping that it would end soon.

I accidentally watched the funny film “Shirley Myrli”, laughed at the funny adventures - but only half of the film, then it was uninteresting, but I did not envy Schnipperson, because I had no intention of becoming either a musician or a conductor. But, having become a little older, he was pleased to catch the approving glances of the girls sitting in the hall, and he realized that he looked quite good in war paint, and, one day, unexpectedly for himself, he felt that his game was even I like it, especially when he performed solo, proudly standing in front of the orchestra.

At one time, he could, of course, give up his music lessons and resist, but he was too young to resist and did not want to upset his mother. She had a hard time with him because her father was away for most of the year, spending time on expeditions. But when I returned...

That's who you could talk about football with, go to the stadium, kick the ball around. And trips out of town, on skis! Dark forest surrounding on all sides, sparkling ski tracks, incredible sun. This is not a dacha, but something that defies description.

One day Vova spoke to his father that he was sick of both this music and this violin. But he just laughed, saying that mom knows better. Yes, mom always knew better, it’s not appropriate for a boy to run around in the yard, God forbid he gets involved with bad company. Father and mother didn’t argue, of course, the deputy chief accountant, but he didn’t force them to speak to the guests like “Pava, pretend!”

Then he left again, and the grueling classes continued. Vova stood at the music stand again and again, leafing through the notes, and my mother shared her impressions with Olga Petrovna, Bertha’s mother. She sat by the phone and spent hours discussing with her the children’s successes and plans for the future, especially since this year the damned Bertochka was graduating from music school, and she was going to enter a music school in order to continue her education. Why did I take extra lessons, and in general, I wondered terribly. Vova hated Bertochka instinctively, almost from the day they met in absentia. “Bertochka this, Bertochka that – an excellent student, and a winner of some crap competition, and in a regular school too.”

He greeted her gloomily, she was still familiar, but he didn’t do anything nasty. Didn't bully, didn't tease. He also didn’t like the fact that Bertochka was a head taller and treated him patronizingly, like a junior. She waved, the pole, he thought angrily, nothing, wait a little longer. But she didn’t want to wait - he noticed that more and more boys were hovering around her, offering to carry her violin and briefcase. She just coyly shook her long black braids and looked contemptuously at the gentlemen with her blue eyes, like Malvina’s.

Sometimes Vova thought, well, let this music be, he wanted to study the piano, but his mother said that when playing the violin, his hearing develops better, and for a musician this is the main thing. They had an old broken-down piano, which even the tuners refused to approach. Mom, on the other hand, never agreed to purchase a new instrument, although there was such an opportunity.

But when dad brought a synthesizer - a simple one, five octaves, with a set of melodies, several dozen rhythms, a USB input for inputting plywood, or recording, Vova really had a blast. He felt that in the music school, where the majority were girls, the attitude towards him was somewhat special, and when his mother was not at home, she worked and could not watch him around the clock, he sat at the synthesizer, and it even worked out! The violin really developed his ear, and he easily picked out melodies. And even Hera, a friend and inveterate football player - he played in a club under the mysterious name “Zastava”, listened to him with pleasure, and said that he belonged in the star factory.

Then, if they didn’t have to go to classes or training, they went into the yard, Gera stood at the goal, and Vova hammered ball after ball into him with desperate effort. And one day a man passing by - just diagonally across the site was the most convenient road to the neighboring house, looking at his desperate efforts and dexterity, said that if he wanted, he could come to the stadium on Tuesdays and Fridays to find Viktor Evgenievich, that is, him. And then we'll see.

Vovochka stupidly and obediently nodded his head, increasingly hating both school and Bertochka, who was subtly connected with him. The same one had absolutely nothing to do with it - in their family, too, mom decided everything, dad, a builder, had no hearing at all, but who wants to argue with his wife! If only she, this school, burned down, Vova thought in his hearts, with all her violins, violas and cellos, and the hated solfeggio and choir!

As luck would have it, it was on this day, after school on the trolleybus, that he met Bertochka - she got on at the stop earlier; she didn’t feel like walking at all in the fall.

“Hello,” he muttered, “after all, he kept decorum.”

“Hello,” she answered, moving in her seat, “at that time, for some reason, the activity of pensioners subsided, and there were empty seats in the transport,” “why are you so gloomy?” – she asked. She took a small earphone out of her ear and switched to her colleague in misfortune.

- So, little things, what do you have?

- This is a player.

- Yes, I see, but what?

- Ah... listen. And she stuck the earphone into his ear, painfully catching his lobe.

He heard a dialogue reminiscent of an English lesson, but did not understand anything, - foreign language He still perceived it as something completely abstract, and looked questioningly at Bertha:

- Berka, what are you doing?

– I’m learning English.

Vova was surprised, looked at her respectfully, and the girl continued:

– I won’t always play the violin. It will be useful, everyone needs it.

- And I thought that...

– That I want to spend my whole life playing in an orchestra? Pilik-pilik...

This made Vova laugh; he imagined how Bertha, who had become fat and ugly, was sitting in the front row of the orchestra and sadly watching the pointer. And all the violinists he had seen at concerts, well, almost all of them, were distinguished by their immense size and persistent melancholy in their eyes, in front of her was a music stand with hateful notes, a conductor with a sadistic baton. He thought that he absolutely didn’t want to see Bertha fat and ugly; it seemed to him that, even though she was tall, she was a pretty girl who didn’t deserve such a fate.

-What are you laughing at, huh?

- So, I was wondering how you were in the orchestra...

- And I don’t want to... Here's mom...

Yes, that was the argument.

– But you can, like Vanessa Mae, be a soloist, tour there all over the world, play what you want.

-Are you kidding? For this, talent, God's gift, is needed. Or sponsors. But I know my capabilities, and sponsors don’t come for free,” she sighed sadly, “here you are... they say that you have real talent...

- What about me? - and he, completely unexpectedly for himself, began to tell her about playing music, and about football, and about his grandiose plans...

The girl listened attentively, and it so happened that they entered the music school almost as friends.

There were fifteen minutes left before orchestra practice, and Berta suggested:

- Let's improvise a duet? – Who would object! They were located at the back of the stage, next to the black concert grand piano.

And, in violation of all the rules - only classics were allowed, no liberties, Vova began to play ...., and Berta, to his surprise, successfully picked up the melody, not soloing, but playing along with him. And something extraordinary happened. The girl even twirled with the violin like a real superstar. They were so carried away that they did not notice how the hall gradually began to fill with students who had come to the rehearsal; someone sat down at the piano.

– A real jam session! – Berta said excitedly, throwing her long braids back, and Vova nodded, without ceasing to play. Applause was heard, and they, like true luminaries, bowed to the audience.

But the idyll did not last long.

- You, you, what do you allow yourself! In... the temple of music... this! – Boris Zakharych is full of righteous anger and even began to stutter. However, they were saved by a sudden remark in the deathly silence that reigned:

“In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall...” then everyone started laughing.

- Who, who said that? - Well, of course, there were no people willing to repent.

The rehearsal was not disrupted, but the spirit of fun and contradiction hovered over the hall, even if it did not remotely resemble a Greek one. And no one gave anyone away. In order not to run into questions and not to appear before the stern eyes of the head teacher, after finishing classes, Vovka and Berta quickly got ready, grabbed their violins, jackets and rushed to the trolleybus, because they could easily hear: “Everyone is free, but you, Selivanov and Lipina, stay.” .

Bertha, as always, was waiting near the school, but she just waved it off, excited by the sudden prank, and Vova thought that she was not such a bad and harmful girl, and you could even talk to her and eat ice cream together.

On Friday there were no classes in the specialty, only solfeggio, and Vova, taking his uniform with him, went to “Zastava” - five stops on the trolleybus, and found Viktor Evgenievich. For an hour and a half he warmed up, kicked the ball with the boys who were unyielding and not too friendly towards the newcomer. They tried to chase him around the square, did not share the ball too much, having discovered an unwanted competitor. In general, it was far from the same as in the yard. But Vova was helped by his persistence and patience acquired over the years. And the field was light, not yet sour from the autumn rains. When the shots on goal began - one rolls and the other shoots, he did not allow himself to miss even once, and in a two-way game he did not spare himself.

And at the end of the training, when they were changing clothes after a shower - it’s good that they won’t have to explain to their mother at home why he was dirty and where he was, the coach said: “That’s it, on Sunday we’re playing with Voskhod, we’ll meet there at the stadium.” , and you,” he separately addressed Vova, “come too, and bring two photographs and a birth certificate.” Vova heard this and became sad - the Voskhod stadium is in the middle of nowhere, on the other side of the city, ten stops on the metro, and in the morning, at ten - a rehearsal - well, there is no peace for the poor child, but he could not refuse such an honor. And who will rescue him? It’s funny to drag yourself to a violin game, they’ll generally laugh, and I trudged home, thinking hard about how to get out of such a difficult situation. And anyway, how can I explain to my mother that he was so late at the rehearsal!

The fact that he went to football was out of the question - how could a child hurt his hand, and he has classes, performances..., and in general he is jeopardizing his future.

Vova trudged to the stop, absorbed in sad thoughts. Then two guys from the team caught up with him.

- Where are you going? - he replied that he was going to the Cosmonauts, - okay, we’ll go together. Questions immediately poured in about whether he had played somewhere and how he came here - the usual ones asked out of purely human interest. They met. She called one Seryozha, and the other Oleg, as it turned out, even from the same school.

- No, only in the yard, and at school during physical education.

- Well, since Evgenich didn’t kick you out right away (just like at the music school, the coaches called each other by your patronymic), then maybe he’ll put you in the game or let you out as a replacement. Just bring photos, don’t forget. He will say it directly. Where do you play?

Vova realized that he was not playing the violin, but he couldn’t imagine the role:

“Well, not at the gate,” which caused loud laughter, considering his height!

It turned out that getting to know the guys was not so scary; all that remained was to solve the main problem - what to do with the violin, where to get photographs, a certificate. Not an easy task. And in the evening he had to explain to his mother why he washed his tracksuit and cleaned his low-top sneakers himself. But my mother just liked it, that the son did not throw the uniform into the corner, but showed independence. Still, she asked:

- Where have you been fussing about like that?

– Yes, physical education was on the street.

– Do you remember that you have to be careful?

“Yes, mom,” he answered obediently, “and,” “Take care of your hand, Senya,” in the voice of Andrei Mironov.

Mom laughed, called for dinner and began calling Olga Petrovna.

And he was pleased that everything worked out, and an amazing plan began to mature in his head.

The girl Bertha studied at a different school, her interests were in accordance with her age. In addition to the obligatory violin, English, lessons, conversations with friends, the eternal competition between girls, which became especially acute in the eighth grade. You have to be an excellent student, smile, and generally be the best.

She knew that she was smarter and better, and therefore could easily accept and reject advances, date, and at the same time obediently play the violin, knowing that she would soon have to endure a difficult struggle with her mother, who certainly wanted to see her as a professional musician, like Uncle Osya. And the fact that he was vegetating in the Zhitomir Philharmonic Society did not interest her at all, nor did her father’s opinion. It’s good that one problem was solved by itself. It turned out that the hated Vova, whom she set as an example, even though he was a year younger, was not a little asshole at all, but a normal boy, also suffering from coercion. But it’s great that they gave it to rehearsals! Maybe something could really work out for her?

No, Bertha was a smart girl and a realist, and did not want to spend her whole life in the first, or even in the second row, among the second violins, in a black oversized dress of fake velvet, looking at the hated conductor. So, for yourself, for the soul. Taking advantage of the fact that mom was on the phone, she put on her headphones and turned on Aerosmith, took a textbook...

After some time, my mother, entering the room, tore her away from such an intellectual thing and called her to the phone - “You are Vova Selivanov.”

There was nothing unusual in this call, although until now they had not called back for obvious reasons. She grinned to herself, but politely answered the phone - she had her own phone in her room:

- Berka, is that you?

“Well,” she drawled, as if she could hear something else.

- Berka, it’s me, Vova. Listen, I have this problem,” and he briefly outlined his idea.

“Of course, I’ll help,” she responded readily, “but you need to think everything through so that it doesn’t go wrong.”
- And you come to us tomorrow, okay? Let's play, well, like then. Let's say that we are preparing for a concert...

Bertha began to think - it was an obvious mistake on the part of the teachers, how could it be that there were no violinist classes at the music school on Saturday? The girl must have personal matters, we cut them out. Mom resigned herself, realizing that the girl was big, and reluctantly, but still went to meet her, not forgetting to reproach the father for allegedly indulging her daughter. And Bertha had her own plans for Saturday, corresponding to her appearance, age and... what worries a girl at such a young age, and which Vova could not even imagine. She was planning a trip to the Crystal Palace to see a new film that had just started showing around the city. She was invited by Kostya, from the ninth grade, who was officially considered her boyfriend, which in some way saved her from the courtship of her classmates, while he was blissfully unaware.

Bertha skillfully made eyes, but she was beautiful and unapproachable. However, even just walking next to such a girl was considered an honor by many. And she decided that, firstly, it would be harmless for Kostya to suffer for a day, so as not to get too high up, and, secondly, she considered herself a little obliged to Vovik, whom, although mostly in absentia, she unreasonably could not stand for several years. But it turned out that he was her brother in misfortune. And finally, thirdly, he was younger, and the little ones need to be helped. However, any woman, girl, since childhood has become accustomed to easily finding hundreds of reasons not to do something. And if she did, it was for no reason at all, but on a whim.

So, poor Kostya was put aside for a day for preventive purposes (at least, he would invite someone, Bertha was not jealous, but for natural reasons she did not want to show it, she would arrange a showdown for preventive purposes again), and dad already brought the film on DVD, will look at home. But Vova intrigued her, and not at all.

- Mom, I’ll go to Vovik tomorrow. We agreed to prepare for the concert together. “And I’ll also help you with English,” the girl said innocently, covering the receiver with her hand. Having received the go-ahead, she said seriously:

“Okay, Vova, I’ll come tomorrow at five o’clock, we’ll work out,” he almost burst out laughing. And, louder for my mother, for now, I still have English. And her occupation was a fascinating novel in English, good for reading at night. Of course, the book was about love, in an inconspicuous cover, but mother, who knows!

Gradually, secret cooperation - why, mom, dad, no football, meetings, expectations, turned into friendship, which no one was surprised at, and no one even laughed from around the corner.

The violin and music in general were a unifying thing, but not the only one. That's how it happened. At least in the present. It is premature to dream about the future, but it is coming at an ever-increasing speed. One touch and they are already holding hands. And genes, and desires, and crazy testosterone, the existence of which they do not suspect, will inevitably play their role, but for now they are dormant, and we can only guess...