The most basic rules for doing business. Three rules for running a successful business

If you have already decided that you need to get rich at all costs, and by this word I mean get an amount of money that significantly exceeds what you can earn by simply going to work every day and receiving a salary. If you need a lot of money, based on the average level of income of the population in our country, then you will have to change something greatly in your life, otherwise your level of income will not change.

There are twelve rules, following which you can achieve your goal. They can also be called “The Twelve Rules of Successful Business.”

Business rule 1. Set a clear goal for yourself. The fact is that almost all people, one way or another, some more, some less, want to be rich. But only a few achieve the level of income they strive for. And these are the people who not only wanted or dreamed of making a lot of money, but they had a clear goal.

This means that you must tell yourself exactly how much money you need. This may be a goal expressed not in the amount of money, but in the acquisition of some property, for example, a large private house. For someone it may be a car of a certain brand. And it’s better that you always imagine, even the color of this car, and direct your efforts to purchase just such a car.

Business rule 2. Be sociable. What is it for? In order to receive information. If there is information, there will be earnings. Both information and the money itself, because you are going to receive it from people. Communication is always necessary. You need to communicate with clients, with employees, and even with competitors, you need some communication.

Business rule 3. Communicate with the kind of people we want to become. One of my friends told me that when he imagined himself as a rich man, he saw himself sitting in a leather chair with a cigar in his mouth. Of course, I’m not in favor of you smoking, I’m categorically against it. And in general, this is an outdated idea of ​​rich people. But if you somehow see yourself as rich. Maybe you imagine yourself driving an expensive jeep, wearing a decent suit, a tie, and a beaming smile.

These are the people you need to communicate with now. If you need an income of $10,000 a month, then you need to communicate now with those who earn that much. There is a well-known proverb: “Whoever you mess with, you’ll get along with.” You need to start changing your social circle little by little.

Business rule 4. For successful entrepreneurship, not only information, not only knowledge is important, but specific actions are important. It won't do any good if you lie on the couch and read all day useful literature, about how to get rich. We need to get up and take action. Any newly received useful information will need to be implemented immediately. It will take courage and determination to do something to change the situation in better side. After all, an entrepreneur is someone who does not sit idly by, but does something. That’s why he’s called an entrepreneur.

Business rule 5. You should not put off your actions until tomorrow. The saying “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today” fits very well in this case. After all, tomorrow someone will simply bring to the market what you are just thinking about. While you are drawing a blueprint for a new hotel in your head, someone will already build it in the place where you were going to do it.

Business rule 6. There is no need to justify your inaction. There can be many excuses. You can always find them. The most common ones are: “I don’t have much knowledge and I don’t have much money to start with.” All you need to do to get started is take action.

Business rule 7. Solve any problems that arise as quickly as possible. Why is this necessary? When you think about a problem for a long time, during this time a lot of others manage to accumulate. To relieve yourself of problems, you need to solve them quickly.

Business rule 8. Don't work for a middleman. Have your own business where you can be directly connected with the client. You yourself must act as a mediator. Let others pay a percentage into your wallet for giving them work.

Business rule 10. Acquire assets. Before you buy a car, even if you have the necessary amount of money, buy at least a small ready business, for example a retail outlet. That is, something that will generate income without your participation. And only when your passive income allows you to buy a car, then do it. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to maintain it, because the car itself drains a lot of money from its owner. This includes gasoline, technical inspections, insurance, and repairs.

Business rule 11. You need to be responsible. An entrepreneur is someone who has taken responsibility for his life, so personal security services will not be superfluous. Once freed from your bosses, you may find that it is not so easy to force yourself to do anything. In addition, other people may now be under your responsibility. You must always remember about responsibility.

Rule 12. You don't have to depend on money. If the whole point of your life is to earn more money, then you are the most unhappy of all people. Because this race will never end, except perhaps with your death. That’s why it’s so important to set a goal for yourself at the very beginning, and stop when you reach it. Money should only be a means to fulfill lofty dreams, then dollars or rubles can bring happiness.

Happy business!

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First, you make a firm decision to open “your own business” or, as it is now commonly called, your own business. And not just any business, but a successful business. Then moving on to specifics, you are trying to comprehend the rules of running a successful business, summing up your personal experience, the experience of friends and acquaintances, gnawing on granite theoretical foundations. Then you create a scheme for constructing and implementing your creative plans or ideas that you consider as the basis for a future successful business. You are gradually immersed in the world of numbers and calculations, marketing, legal and business rules of doing business, and problems are already looming on the horizon interpersonal relationships, psychological problems.

And already at this stage you may have the feeling that a successful business is the lot of a select few, because... With the current exorbitant taxes, frequent changes in business rules, in conditions when all sectors of the market are divided and developed, people who received this talent at birth can survive and even develop. Yes, such a phenomenon exists - some are talented in sports, some in painting, and some in business.

But the rules of doing business can be learned. Moreover, a successful business is impossible without a certain amount of knowledge and its improvement. Figuratively speaking, using only the accumulated knowledge, you can survive, but in order to develop and have a successful business, you must constantly improve your knowledge. It turns out that deep, comprehensive knowledge is a guarantee of a successful business? – It’s not that simple.

I would venture to express a seditious thought: “Without experience, desire and ability to act, consistency and perseverance in achieving goals, academic knowledge, even the deepest, will be counterproductive in any of your business projects, not to mention a successful business.” And this is almost a formula for a successful business, and if you add luck and high spirituality to this, then your knowledge, supported by experience, thirst for activity and perseverance, will become the basic basis of a successful business.

Without luck, it will be very difficult for you to realize your plans for organizing a successful business. But if it’s hard without luck, then without your personal spirituality, spirituality in your affairs, this is impossible. Why? – Because a successful business is not only about financial achievements, expensive real estate, personal yachts and airplanes. Alas, if at the same time as these assets you have health problems, family problems, your friends and acquaintances no longer understand you, then there is hardly a place for well-being and success, which means a successful business is not only external attributes.

Read the biographies of rich and very rich people - many of them are hopelessly ill and deprived of the basic joys of life that are available to ordinary people, children are drug addicts or criminals, friends in the distant past. Is this the lot of all rich people? – No - this is the price for lack of spirituality, when a person sacrifices spirituality in the name of material goods. If, while building a successful business, in pursuit of profit, a person cripples souls, breaks the destinies of people, ignoring the laws and Divine commandments, he violates the laws of the Universe and the Universe deprives him of the joy of life. You have probably noticed that many very wealthy people in Lately did you do charity work? – This is a good sign, you can be happy for the poor and for the oligarchs, as long as this is not an attempt to pay off, spiritual growth is important. The Universe considers this problem comprehensively, endowing those worthy with the joys of life and successful business (read the articles in more detail:,).

Why is academic knowledge counterproductive? – For example, if two people decided to create a successful business - open a store or service station. One of them is erudite and well-read, the second does not have such baggage. An intellectual, meticulously, step by step, assessing the prospects, will find a lot of obstacles due to which a successful business will be impossible, and a dropout who does not know these wisdoms will enthusiastically roll up his sleeves and get down to business. And he will emerge victorious - he will open a store, build a service station, and then another successful business. Each of you will have a couple of examples from personal experience, when the hopelessly stupid prosper and the intellectuals vegetate.

What is the reason? – There are several reasons – the absence or presence of faith; a person himself shapes his reality with his thoughts and emotions; the ability to act, implementing one’s knowledge in organizing a successful business. How strong your faith is, the more successful your business will be. You’ve probably heard: “If you don’t believe in the success of a business, it’s better not to start it.” It is not simple beautiful words– the success of a business is directly proportional to faith in it. There is no mysticism in this; it has already been scientifically proven (read the article) that our thoughts and emotions are material. If you are sure that on the path to a successful business you will encounter only problems and failures, then you will receive them in full. This is the reality that each person creates for himself, giving an “order” to the Universe, which will fulfill all this with scrupulous accuracy.

Yes, you thought correctly - you can order and receive a complete set with which you identify well-being and a successful business. But..., you will be able to order a copy of Abramovich’s yacht without doubting for a second that it will happen, that you are worthy of it? – It’s unlikely, it won’t work out right away. There are subtleties, read on our website.

Why is academic knowledge not a guarantee of a successful business? – Because every successful business has as its goal development, increasing efficiency, and you, as its owner, must also develop as a person. The beginning of this process is when you begin to act purposefully; you are in the process, a participant, and not an observer or arbiter. To achieve some goals, you change your views, approaches, gain experience, develop, creating the basis of a successful business, while “pure” academic knowledge is unproductive for promoting a successful business without specific actions ().

For example, I, being a co-founder of an enterprise that was engaged in the design, production and construction installation of equipment, once was forced to leave my office job and go “to the field” to organize work as a foreman, who did not exist at that time. A simple question - you need to dig a pit for equipment and trenches for various communications. There is a project, the necessary approvals, permits, an excavator is available, all that remains is to dig a pit. But this is a view from the office, but in reality we had to bring representatives of “interested” organizations to the site, persuade, prove the obvious, and, in despair, “stimulate”. Then I had to discuss with the experienced Uncle Vasya, an excavator operator, who, apparently, also prepared the ground for “stimulation”. It turned out okay, he started work without wanting to discuss the burning topic of marketing theory. After this business trip, I experienced a change in priorities in the logical chain when constructing a decision-making scheme. Having changed approaches, taking into account experience, I resolved such organizational issues with less losses.

This is approximately the scheme and conditions for implementing your knowledge when organizing a successful business. But once again I want to emphasize that for personal development it is necessary to constantly improve your knowledge, i.e. Simply put, you need to study all your life. This process can be compared to riding a bicycle - while you are pedaling, you are moving, you reduce your efforts or stop - you lose speed, and then fall. Those. A successful business is possible only by using the full power of your mind, which is like a muscle, it strengthens with constant use and regular training.

If you dedicate yourself to continuous improvement of your knowledge, the more you will be able to learn the secrets of a successful business - it is like specializing in sports, where intense training leads to the pinnacle of success. This statement is supported by the fact that most people with successful businesses are a thing of the past. ordinary people with average abilities, opportunities, education, but they had enough intelligence or had the common sense idea that it is necessary to understand the rules of running a successful business, the result of the work of all successful people. When you begin to act, think like a successful person, learn the rules of running a successful business, you will be able to achieve tangible results.

But... there is one significant clarification - a successful business is impossible without creativity. Having understood the rules of doing business for successful people, you have organized your own business, gained experience, acquired certain skills and have a stable growth of 15-20% per year - this is just a business that will help you survive. A successful business means 100-150% growth and is impossible without creativity. Moving on to specifics, these are unique ideas, inventions and innovations as the basic foundations of your successful business.

And for this it is necessary to understand one thing simple truth– without forgetting the importance of personal involvement and awareness in financial and production matters, your main task is to work on yourself. The main sources of your successful business are not assets, financial turnover, but your ability to achieve creative achievements in your business. Stop doing routine work, even if it brings in a stable income (as long as it does). The development of a highly profitable successful business is only possible on the basis of creativity - this is truly profitable. From all of the above, I would draw the following conclusion: success is predictable and can be planned, and in order to achieve it, to make life better, business more successful, you yourself must become better, more perfect.

Now, from the narrative with some philosophical slant, let’s move on to the more ordinary, down-to-earth rules of running a successful business.

If you think that all sectors of the market are divided, the most successful ideas have been implemented and the opportunities for implementing a successful business are negligible, then you are deeply mistaken. Life does not stand still, production is also developing, the number of services, opportunities and ways to establish new business connections is growing, new opportunities for creating a successful business are emerging, and many people, getting down to business, have good ideas in their assets. So what's the deal? But the fact is that if you get a chance to create a successful business, then, as a rule, the first time you will not get what you had in mind, or even nothing at all.

This may require many attempts, not two or five, many stop there. But to create a successful business, you need to put in a lot of effort, duplicated many times, like in a research laboratory where thousands of experiments are carried out until the desired result is obtained. Why do you think it should be different in business? Many American, famous millionaires have repeatedly gone bankrupt, losing everything, but after failure they recovered and achieved impressive results. What's the secret? The secret is that they adhered to two rules in building a successful business. They sound simple and unpretentious, but are very difficult to implement.

Rule one. You give yourself the attitude that you will implement your idea until you achieve the planned result, creating your own successful business - this should become your life credo. And when you achieve your first successes, you will have original ideas to develop your business, improve the rules of doing business, because the experience gained, skills, and broad outlook will allow you to see a lot of opportunities to accomplish your plans.

Rule two. Do not be afraid of failures, but learn from them, considering the next failure as an event that brings you closer to your intended goal. How many failures can you survive? How much do you need? – Until the expected result is achieved!

A small lyrical digression. Even at a young age, I read an article by a famous writer, which was called something like this: “An appeal to the Jews of Russia.”, and the leitmotif of the article is: “Help the Russians, the Russian people - after all, you are strong.” To put it mildly, this article seemed incorrect to me, because... A Russian person is prowess, breadth of soul, strength of spirit and the ability to act, I thought. I still think so and am convinced of it, but much later, I understood what was being said. From a young age, Jewish children are ingrained in their consciousness that their destiny is success and luck in matters that are shaped by their faith and will. B. Berezovsky calls this phenomenon “volpinism” (will and mountaineering). Volpinism is the force that the author wrote about. It is the ability to volpinism, as a component of mentality, that helps Jews achieve impressive success, putting into practice the two rules that we talked about.

Let's look at the far from idle question of what you expect to get by creating your own successful business. First of all, as is commonly thought, this is independence and money, which imply personal freedom, guaranteed well-being and the exclusion of many problems from your life. Is it so? It is generally accepted that having your own successful business, a person is free to manage himself, his time, gets rid of many bosses, the need to carry out someone else’s orders, commands, and plans his own working day. But, as a rule, a person who has opened his own business often stays late in the office; weekends and vacations are no longer for you. And if you are the owner of a successful business, then you will have to frequently communicate with the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire control, tax authorities, and officials of all levels and ranks. And if you don’t want to ruin your business in the bud, you must be able to negotiate and obey. Are you ready for this? What does it mean? As a presentation of a romantic view and the realities of life, which must be prepared for and perceived as part of the process. Do not wage exhausting wars with competitors and officials for independence, the ability to negotiate, the ability to compromise is much more productive and economically profitable.

A successful business exists in the legal field, and this is already one degree or another of subordination. Your successful business in such conditions will also largely depend on a “strong rear” in the form of understanding and support of your family, and on your health.

Now about the money. Yes, with their help you can solve many problems. Contrary to popular proverbs, they will help you restore and maintain your health, improve spiritually and physically. But... if you know how to use them. Therefore, you should know that the more money you have, the more often, as a rule, more worries appear in your life. And these are concerns of a completely different level, which go beyond creating a comfortable living environment for yourself - these are already concerns about preserving your successful business. Money management requires a professional approach, a restructuring of the level of self-awareness in proportion to the increase in income level.

Big money means new worries that were previously unknown to you, and if you are ready for them, then success and prosperity await you. Do not equate the concepts of success, happiness, achievements and money. Money is just a tool to achieve your goals. This is not enough for happiness and well-being. Do not agree? Try to feel happy, sitting on a pile of money, having lost your health, mutual understanding in your family. Do not take this as an attempt to sow doubts in you, I only want to warn you - choose a burden according to your strength, prepare yourself in order to meet big money fully armed with knowledge, skills, moral-volitional, spiritual qualities. May your business be successful!

A successful business is impossible without your personal qualities such as the ability to quickly accept complex decisions, accepting full responsibility for your actions, their consequences, results.

For clarity, we will consider two options for making difficult decisions that radically change your life.

First option– a person repeatedly calculates, weighs one of the options, doubting something, sometimes hoping for a chance that will significantly advance him on the path to a successful business. This process can continue for weeks, months.

Second option– a person in two to three weeks already tests one of several options, changing the conditions, rules of doing business, and empirically becomes convinced of its inexpediency, or vice versa, moving forward, gaining experience in developing a successful business. It is the ability to act quickly when making difficult decisions that distinguishes these two options.

Do not rely on a lucky break; a combination of favorable factors is a passive position. Take control of your business and take responsibility for the decisions you make and their results. This means that success and failure are the result only of your actions. After all, the easiest way to justify your failures is by blaming others, the government, laws, etc. It’s easier this way, but it will not contribute to your development as an individual or the development of a successful business. When in every failure you look for dependence on your mistakes and unproductive actions, you develop, grow, reaching new heights in your business.

In conclusion. I hope that there is no particular need to argue and convince you that without health, your achievements in achieving your goals will be very modest. But if there is such a need, you can find out how a successful business depends on your health and spirituality in the sections.

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Seven rules for running a successful business Do you know what the main component of a successful business is? Competent management of your own business.

When working on the development of an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account all the rules necessary to build an effective business. Otherwise, success simply cannot be achieved.

Of course, we are not talking about those well-known rules that all private entrepreneurs must adhere to as law-abiding citizens - this is a self-evident fact.

We are talking about unwritten laws that bring success to any type of business.

What principles of building a successful business are we talking about? They are quite simple, we will talk about them now.

Your task is to remember these principles firmly and constantly apply them in practice. For what? The answer to this question will come by itself when the income of your enterprise begins to grow.

So remember first rule: When making decisions regarding a business, take into account the prospects for its development. That is, when faced with a choice - a lot of money at once, but uncertainty in the future, or a small income, but a serious prospect for growth - follow the second path. This is the only way you will achieve real success and lead your business to prosperity.

Second Law: You must be constantly aware of all the developments in your business. A bad business owner is one who does not know what the main trends in the development of the business in which he is employed are. By taking an interest in business, you can prevent possible problems from arising.

Third rule: do not produce more goods than required, avoid overproduction. If there is no buyer for the products, you will work “for the warehouse” and, of course, this will not bring profit.

Principle Four orders to stop production if the quality of the product is not at the proper level. If a product does not meet quality standards, it is better to pause, find out what the problem is and correct the situation, rather than risk the reputation of your company.

Fifth rule relates to the ethical side of the matter. May your relationships with partners, suppliers and employees always be based on mutual respect. Only relationships modeled in this way can serve as the key to a successful enterprise.

Sixth principle successful - a properly selected team of employees. The company's team should consist of people interested in the prospects for its development. Create personal interest for employees: this will greatly increase the efficiency and effectiveness of work.

Rule seven: trust your company’s employees with responsible assignments without fear. After all, it often happens that an ordinary team member understands some issues better than the leader. Those decisions that can be entrusted to employees, feel free to entrust them with them: people, having realized their importance, work much more effectively.

These principles are fundamental for an entrepreneur who wants to become successful. By following them, you will undoubtedly be able to properly organize a profitable business.

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One of the most important personality characteristics of a business owner or manager is readiness for failure. Typically, textbooks and practical guides on organizing and managing a business do not mention this concept, bringing to the fore other personality traits of an entrepreneur - energy, perseverance, the will to win, the desire to prove to oneself and others one’s worth and success.

At the same time, other, no less important personality traits of a business organizer, including resistance to stress, positive thinking, willingness to fail, the ability to take a hit and work on mistakes, fade into the background or even the background. And even in the framework of training managers for MBA programs, if this aspect of the problem of doing business is touched upon, it is mainly in passing, from a general perspective.

But the theory of entrepreneurship is one thing, another thing is real life and the day-to-day business itself. Here, as in sports, there are no continuous victories without defeats. Is it worth grieving over this? Apparently not. Moreover, defeats are a necessary element of business improvement, a reason to rethink some values ​​and ways of interacting with the outside world.

A successful restart in the event of business failures forces an entrepreneur to look at things with different eyes. Research conducted in different time specialists in psychology and management, give us interesting results that can be formulated in the form of some empirical rules, following which invariably leads to success. They are simple, clear and require only consistent application. They allow, as Dale Carnegie aptly noted, “to make lemonade out of lemons.” Let's call these rules:

  1. Determining priorities in work and personal life. Very often, business failures begin to haunt those people who try to act in many directions at once. You can act as an athlete, the ringleader and the life of the party, a lover and a heartthrob. You can simultaneously write a PhD thesis, go to resorts, run a business and play on the stock exchange. Practice shows that you shouldn’t be scattered – you need to focus on one or two areas. People who fail are those who are unfocused and lose sight of important details that are often decisive. You always need to understand what is more important to you.
  2. Clarity of purpose. You should not set yourself vague and too distant goals that resemble more dreams than realistically achievable goals. Your current and future goals should be written down on paper, supplemented with specific plans for achievement.
  3. You need to develop your best qualities. You don’t need to wait patiently for someone to “discover” you, notice you, and invite you to become a partner. You need to tell yourself: I want, I can, I will do. Success comes to those who achieve it.
  4. The methods of successful people should be adapted to suit you, adopted, and incorporated into your habits. We must try to understand what successful people do differently from ordinary workers. Understanding our own mistakes and steadily eradicating them brings us closer to our goal.
  5. You should learn to say “no”. This is not always convenient and often causes discomfort. But psychologically this is the right move, which immediately relieves us of a number of problems. This is the only way to earn a reputation as a firm person who is not afraid to refuse.
  6. You need to like yourself. You should understand your best qualities and cultivate them. In this case, it is advisable to honestly name out loud or write down your weaknesses, then you should gradually get rid of them. It is not recommended to cheat with yourself. Attempts to deceive yourself end in failure.
  7. You need to keep track of time. Each of us has our own biorhythms, preferences, habits. We should not waste our most productive time on food, unimportant conversations, or empty time. You should definitely set aside time for reflection, thinking about plans, rest, sex.
  8. Physical form and movement. Anyone who wants to achieve something must be in shape. It is necessary to walk, swim, jog, go to the gym, play sports games. You cannot let your spirit and body stagnate.
  9. Positive thinking should be developed. Optimism and the absence of caustic criticism will help you avoid many troubles. Positive thinking generates a good mood, attracts like-minded people, and creates a creative atmosphere.
  10. Separation of responsibilities and duties. A business owner should not be responsible for all management, production, financial and marketing operations. It is necessary to delimit duties and areas of responsibility between partners and employees of the company. It is advisable to use the energy and intelligence of other people to achieve common goals.
  11. It is advisable to encourage staff and inspire employees to high goals. Recognition of the merits of other people creates an appropriate atmosphere in the work team and creates a desire in people to work together. Work shouldn't be a burden.
  12. A business owner needs to be decisive. First you need to understand what the problem is and how to tackle it. Then check what funds the company has and determine whether they are sufficient. Everyone involved in solving this problem should be consulted. When making a final decision, you need to take into account all the pros and cons.
  13. You should trust your own feelings and intuition. The mind is not omnipotent. But intuitive clues and solutions come to us in the form of weak signals, clues of fate, and symbolic signs. To recognize these signals that are drowned out by emotions and external influences, you need time for calm reflection, as we talked about in rule No. 7.
  14. We must be perspicacious and prudent. You should consider in advance what obstacles may arise. This will save time, money and resources. Considering future risks and possible outcomes will create an atmosphere of confidence and certainty.

That's all the rules. The German magazine "Bunte" claims that they are guided not only by successful managers, but also by Martin Luther, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, singer Madonna, and many prominent political figures.

Every entrepreneur wants to succeed in their business. However, not everyone succeeds. Here are 10 rules for a successful business, following which an entrepreneur can achieve good business results.

Failures in business occur much more often than victories, and each entrepreneur has his own reasons for failure, unlike others. However, if we talk about success, the vast majority of entrepreneurs who have reached certain heights in business are similar in certain actions that contributed to them achieving good results.

1. Find a niche

For a small business, the best thing to do is find a niche. A small firm with limited resources can operate effectively in a niche market. Concentrate your efforts on a fairly narrow offer. Stick to what you do best and you will become an expert in that field.

Understand that it is impossible to be good at everything. By concentrating on a narrow market, you avoid going head-to-head with larger competitors. If your hardware store sells everything from paint to lumber, it won't be able to compete with the big chain stores.

However, you can try to limit the range of products, for example, to varnishes and paints, and become the best retailer in this segment.

2. Be small, but think big.

The most frequently asked question from people starting a small business is “How will I compete with large companies?. Small businesses have inherent advantages over larger ones, including flexibility, the ability to respond quickly, and the ability to provide more personalized services. Make sure your business makes the most of small business opportunities.

3. Emphasize your product's differences

Present the benefits of using your product or service to the buyer, highlighting the uniqueness of the solution to their problems. Avoid simple copying. Imitators rarely succeed in the marketplace. Research, but don't copy competitors.

4. Make a great first impression

Strive for accuracy and quality. You often don't get a second chance to make a first impression. This means having a tidy store, polite staff, and so on.

However, if you work from home alone, remember that you are the point of marketing efforts. Everyone you come into contact with is potentially your client or someone who will recommend your services. Make sure you are presentable, professional and knowledgeable about your business at all times.

5. Good reputation

Your business is built on reputation. It is extremely important that you have a good reputation for quality products and excellent service. It is these two things that guarantee success. Always strive for quality.

6. Continuous improvement

Entrepreneurs know not to think conservatively when improving your products and services. You risk falling behind your competitors if you have a “we’ve always done it this way” mentality. Today's business requires new solutions.

7. Listen to your customers

Follow the market: listen and respond to customer needs. They need to feel like they are important, and they really are!

When you focus on your customers and earn their trust, they will not only recommend you, but they will also remain loyal to you. Remember that personal recommendation through word of mouth is the cheapest and most effective form of advertising for your business.

8. Plan for success

An entrepreneur must understand the power of planning. Good plan will increase the chances of success and can help define business concepts, estimate costs, predict sales and control risks. It shows where you are going and how you will get there. Running a business without a plan is like driving a car in a foreign country without a map.

9. Innovate

Constantly innovate and keep up with technological changes. Use innovation as a springboard to improve products, procedures and reputation. They should be used everywhere: in pricing, in product promotion, in service, in distribution, and so on.

Keep your eyes open to new ways of doing things and embrace innovations that can improve product quality and business performance.

10. Work smart

As an entrepreneur, you need to have the self-confidence and endless persistence to develop your ideas. Research has shown that people who are successful as entrepreneurs are proactive, can accept things as they come, and act accordingly.