Karmic lesson for those born on the 22nd. Karmic lesson for someone born on the 22nd People born on the 22nd numerology

Karmic lesson of the number 22

Symbol: Wind.

Symbolic meaning: Wind is a symbol of change, brings renewal of cycles.

The wind is a very powerful energy, it drives clouds across the sky and brings the healing moisture of rain to the earth. He can be a frantic destroyer, sweeping away everything in his path, and he can bring life by sowing the earth with seeds. The wind has the unconditional power of freedom, but it also needs to learn responsibility. This is his main task. After all, everything he carries, he will have to reap.

The key to solving the problem: Responsibility.

Life credo of the number 22: “What goes around comes around!”

Life scenarios for this lesson. The number 22 has a special energetic power. This is the so-called gate of karma through which souls are born. Very young souls who are just beginning their journey through the circles of karma can come with this karmic task. Life for them is a journey in which they begin to explore the world. Everything here is new to them, they want to try everything. Such people have freedom, but they should learn responsibility. That is why events and circumstances in their lives will direct them to fulfill this karmic task.

Fate this person can sometimes feel like a game of tug of war. In other words, he will constantly be tossed between freedom and non-freedom. Because karma will try to involve him in some circumstances, and he will try to avoid it by hook or by crook. For example, instead of an official marriage, a person will prefer a civil marriage. Or he will refuse to get married at all.

There is another option. Fate can push a person to work with children. And whether he wants it or not, he will have to learn it. Either fate will lead him to those areas of activity where he will have to help people. Or their lives will depend on it. It is very difficult for the wind, which does not tolerate restrictions, to stay in one place. For him, responsibility is a routine in which he will not see the point. Sometimes he will not understand why he is here and what he should do with all this. Therefore, at times he can leave everything behind him and go on trips for new experiences.

These people always have a fresh outlook on life, on the world, and original ideas, attracting those around you. But if a young soul, like a light wind, can captivate people with his new article, an original speech, or organize an unplanned party, then a more mature soul with the karmic lesson of the number 22 can spin a whole cyclone with his idea, involving masses of people in it.

Mature souls, as a rule, come to renew large karmic cycles that affect world processes. For example, sowing the seeds of a new faith (Prophet Muhammad), a new state (Founding Father of the USA - George Washington), new philosophical views(Max Scheler, Arthur Schopenhauer, Arthur Conan Doyle). All these people were born on the 22nd.

From the point of view of the Universe, to be free means to be responsible. That is why, despite the maturity or youth of the soul, people with the karmic task of the number 22 need to be more responsible about their words and actions, since they will still have to reap what they sow. They rarely have time to enjoy the fruits of their sowing, but karma always gives them the opportunity to harvest, and not in any future incarnations, but precisely here and now, in this life. Therefore, it is important to understand here: until a person realizes that freedom is impossible without responsibility, and responsibility without freedom, he cannot be happy.

The worked out karmic lesson of the number 22.

Gives a person internal balance, harmony, a feeling of happiness and understanding of his place in this world. Along with the acquisition of inner freedom, a sense of responsibility comes to him. He realizes that all events in his life are only a consequence of his choice and the actions he has taken, that is, all responsibility for his own life lies with him. A person understands that he himself has the right to direct his destiny and choose his future. He realizes that he is the master and creator of his life. Work, health, personal life and finances are just a response to his choice, and he himself has the right to decide what he wants to see his life like.

An unprocessed karmic lesson: a person becomes angry, aggressive, despotic, constantly provoking conflicts, arranging quarrels and showdowns.

He can also escape from reality into alcoholism or gambling addiction, become a victim of accidents, fraud or petty theft. Things will get worse in his life extreme situations, attacks, violence. Injuries, operations, accidents are possible, imbalance occurs in all areas of life.

In the area of ​​health, mental problems, neuroses, obsessive states, depression, possible diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, and hormonal systems. Men may be infertile. Women have problems conceiving. Miscarriages.

To work through a karmic lesson, you should not be afraid to take responsibility for your own life and the lives of other people. You need to learn to make serious, informed decisions. On which the flow and course will depend later life. You shouldn't run away from problems. They should be addressed as they come. There is no need to be lazy and afraid to plan and achieve your goals. Remember, hope and work will crush everything. Try to direct your energy only in a positive direction, if a person starts his day with positive attitudes and affirmations, before he has time to look back, his life will be filled with light and joy.

The sensitive point in the energy system that will be sensitive to which direction you are moving will be the chakra. Located in the pelvic area. If a person moves in the wrong direction, problems with the immune system, genitourinary system, kidneys, and legs may arise. When the lesson is worked out, this chakra bestows physical strength and longevity.

Color: all shades of red-brown.

Help in the energy of stones.


Helping Archangels.

The vibration of the number 22 (2 + 2 = 4) gives a person a rich imagination and the desire to make dreams come true. He always has a clear idea of ​​what he wants and moves towards his goal step by step. The bearer of this numerical combination is far from an idealist and usually carefully weighs all the pros and cons before embarking on the implementation of his plans. Sometimes a person born on the 22nd is simply confident that he is obliged to make this world better than it was before he was born. But, unfortunately, the combination of two twos, giving a total of four, symbolizes pessimism. The sensitivity and uncertainty of the bearer of these numbers doubles. He can be knocked out of the saddle quite easily. And the goals that you set for yourself are often unrealistic, unviable from the start, without taking into account your true capabilities, making it difficult to achieve a successful result and thereby making you feel despondent.
Confidence and a sense of security from adversity comes from following a once and for all established life routine. Every day at 7.45 - leave home for work, exactly as scheduled at 8.05 - arrival of the regular bus; on Wednesdays - a visit to a club of interests, and on Saturdays, as usual, the whole family goes shopping for provisions for the week. Such a measured life, when you can just go with the flow, suits him quite well. The house is truly his fortress, a kind of cornerstone on the basis of which the entire way of life is built. The interior of the home is replete with cheerful tones with a predominance of green shades, and all family members are distinguished by their sensitivity and respect for each other. In any case, he really wants it.
A person who came into this world on the 22nd is generally peaceful and tries to achieve harmony in everything. By nature, he is caring and good-natured, it gives him pleasure to please and give people joy. A person whose birthday number is 22 will willingly help everyone cope with pressing problems, being able to listen patiently, understand people with their soul and not only give sensible advice, but also assist in business. But sometimes like this good man capable of unseemly acts, trying (usually clumsily) to manipulate others. He is pushed to such actions either by the inability to clearly explain his own intentions, or by the fear of being refused. He is so sensitive that he sometimes goes on the defensive, trying to hide his vulnerability even from close friends. Such vulnerability, combined with frequent bouts of despondency, make this person an undesirable interlocutor for others. But being friends with him, and just being around him, is always comfortable. WITH for years a man, born on the 22nd, will learn to cope with his weaknesses and hide a pessimistic attitude and true feelings in the depths of his soul.
In business, the owner of the 22nd is both reliable and clean. It is difficult to find a more faithful and decent partner in business or in personal relationships. He always has a serious and responsible approach to his obligations, which he fulfills slowly and consistently. It is unlikely that such a person will take on a load beyond measure, but there is no doubt that he will fulfill what he promised with brilliance and on time. He is very hardworking and disciplined, and these qualities allow him to achieve the desired financial independence. True, he is often overcome by the fear of losing his livelihood. Even with a very decent bank account, he still does not feel safe and is very afraid of losing everything. And indeed, he has to experience financial difficulties more than once during his life. But reasonable practical actions always help to overcome unfavorable circumstances.
Intelligence and high spirituality, characteristic of all owners of the number 22, often help out. But excessive pragmatism can play a bad joke on a person born on the 22nd, as it overshadows others life goals. It happens, and not rarely, that the bearer of the 22nd does not seem to want to notice the feelings of others, and does this quite consciously. Of course, sometimes it is useful to take care of your psyche and completely abstract yourself from any emotions (both your own and those of others). Otherwise, sometimes he is unable to overcome the feeling of resentment that has developed and becomes unlike himself, vindictive and rude. At such moments, he is unable to control outbursts of negative emotions. Fortunately, his innate prudence does not allow him to accumulate evil for a long time, and the person releases the situation on the brakes.
The vibration of the number 22 (4) endows a person with a not very good quality: sometimes it is more pleasant for him to give than to receive; but the exact opposite picture is also possible. Harmony in the soul can be achieved by those representatives of the 22nd who comprehend the joy of their own giving and learn to gratefully accept help and gifts from people.
When looking for a partner, a person with the number 22 in their birthday is very picky and tries to find a soul mate. As a pragmatic and loving person financial independence, he is looking for an ally for a serious relationship, reliable, responsible and capable of ensuring the material well-being of their future family. As a rule, he himself makes enough efforts in this direction, but his half must fully share this point of view. It is desirable that the chosen one of the carrier of vibration of the number 22 be, in addition, sensitive and caring, since emotional security also occupies not the last place in the scale of his values. In personal relationships, he is attentive and gentle, and is ready to share his life, money and feelings with his loved one. In his affections and love, a person born on the 22nd is usually constant, reliable and faithful and expects mutual fidelity on the part of his chosen one. Having failed to establish spiritual contact, he does not break off the relationship, but prefers to limit himself to physical intimacy, although in some cases emotional intimacy means no less to him than bed pleasures. Sometimes his dreaminess, which a person with the 22nd birthday has in abundance, can serve him well: he endows his betrothed with qualities that in reality are not there at all. But he is “glad to be deceived” and feels quite happy at the same time.

People born on the 22nd are the most attractive to other people. This is a person - for people, with communication talents, a large amount of energy brought in order to nourish and fill those whom he (she) chooses as partners.

This is an inexhaustible energizer battery for your loved ones, capable of powerful dedication. And this is a huge spiritual potential.

The date of birth 22 is converted into meaning in several ways:

2 and 2

– energy of partnership for exchange with another person – on two “floors”: the physical body (that is, in the ordinary material world) and at the level of the Soul (heart, emotional).

Another aspect of twos is that it gives information richness to the life of those born on the 22nd: they easily absorb and attract information, and are well versed in the information field. Also in the emotional field - emotions, as a means of exchange between people, need to be transmitted.

2 + 2 = 4

– the sum of numbers 4 gives stability to the feelings and affections of these people. They are very loyal, but their loyalty does not have its source in morality or certain social rules. It comes from within, from the soul level.

One of the tasks of such people is to open their hearts, develop a feeling of love and broadcast its flow. Often they are helped in this by certain religions, esoteric schools and movements.

11 x 2

– if those born 11 are individualistic mystics, then 22 are collective people, collecting huge amounts of information from the general field and capable of sponsoring others with their energy.

If there is a splitting of human development into 2 rays and a constant choice.

Then a person, with the day of manifestation on the 22nd, is able to be in connections (deep, high-quality, equivalent) - with several people, groups, egregors at once. He has enough energy, emotions, and information for everyone.

Often, “obsession” with partnership distracts those born on the 22nd day of the month from feeling themselves, their Self.

Then it is the 11th day, coming into their lives, that reminds them of the presence of their individual spiritual Axis. Reminds us of the ability to develop not only horizontally (between I and YOU), but also vertically.

The 22nd element of the periodic table is Titan, named after the Greek Titans who were conquered by their own children. What does this tell us? And that those born on the 22nd produce strong and talented children who are capable of surpassing their own parents in success.

Karma of the number 22

As a karmic number, 22 takes us into history - to the structure of the organization of Egyptian hierophants, of whom there were 22 (11 in Lower and 11 in Upper Egypt).

And this common karma of such collective communities, possessing knowledge and using it for themselves, can be stored on the hard drive of the memory of those born on the 22nd.

For example, as an option: once upon a time in past incarnations there was an abuse of secret knowledge for the elite, protecting their borders from strangers and from the people. There was an appropriation of cosmic flows, and a certain debt arose. And now these people need to give and give, work with others, share with them everything they have.

22 Tarot Arcana – Jester or Fool

This Tarot card has an interesting program, when a person is returned to the previous circle of experience - so that he goes through it more efficiently, consciously.

Likewise, the karmic program of those born on the 22nd is love, giving, nourishing others until it becomes natural. And not interfering with your own realization.

Then giving of oneself will no longer be perceived as a duty, but will be perceived as an opportunity for self-realization and Service.

22.25072014 From the archives of the large Sataront library (data obtained in the underground libraries of Al-Cairo. AzTaro)

On our website the number of entries dedicated to the number 22 is constantly growing. I myself don’t know how many there are. Here are a few:

This entry is the main and first one. The second entry is a direct descendant and continuation of this entry

The fourth entry dedicated to the number 22 is hidden behind a screen, but we know how to find it

There is one more entry, which is the progenitor of all entries about the number 22. It tells about the beginning of the Author’s Path. and it begins with the activation of the forces inherent in this number. The Author's road looks like a severe test.

22 is a difficult number. It has a dual nature. It can either help or repel. How to make the magical power of this number work? How to become immune to failure? How to attract good luck?

This entry has been updated in a way that is incomprehensible to me. I didn't even think about updating it. But the history of the update itself is essentially mysterious. The esotericism of this number emerged. For me, this number - 22 - has become the most powerful talisman. Why? I gave the answer in this entry on my blog Pofantasy.ru

Good luck to all! Well-being! Intuition! Abundance!

About: TokiAden

I keep chronicles of the inhabitants of the worlds of our galaxy on my blog, Polygon Fantasy. The author's blog was opened in 2013. And in 2014, he opened the esoteric website Edge of Reality. Because my home, my homeland is the whole galaxy. How the subtle worlds work. How the laws of the universe work. What is spirituality, the Creator, the meaning of Existence... He will share with the reader his spiritual experience and knowledge about the world. These are my goals.

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Each person is individual by nature. However, all people want to understand themselves better. You can use many different methods for this, one of which is to find out your own characteristics based on your zodiac sign. This article will be of interest to those who were born on August 22, whose zodiac sign is Leo.

About dates

Before you figure out who a person is by zodiac sign, you need to understand that everything is determined by the date of birth. So, those who were born on August 22 still belong to Leo; this zodiac sign, it is worth remembering, ends on this date. Next comes Virgo, who will characterize a person in a completely different way.

general characteristics

What are people born on August 22, whose zodiac sign is Leo? So, the main thing that can be said about such people is that they are most often leaders by nature. Leo is strength of body and spirit, power, power. Leo perfectly combines royal grandeur and passionate ardor, calmness and emotionality.

About character

What kind of character will those born on August 22 have? The zodiac sign suggests that these people are, first of all, very ambitious by nature. They strive to be the best even in their surroundings, constantly surprising their family and friends with new skills, abilities or achievements. It should be noted that Leos always feel like the central figure, so sometimes they behave too arrogantly. It is worth saying that the disease and weakness All Leos have vanity, thanks to this trait they can even lose a lot and find themselves at the very bottom of social life. Strengths include openness and self-confidence. In order to achieve the desired result, Leo will do everything, but at the same time he can even be cunning, lie and dodge. It is also important to say that Leos often do not have a sense of proportion; they often cross the line into both worse and worse. the best side. It is also important to note that Leos are very generous by nature and can give even their last shirt to a stranger.

About career

Those born on August 22, whose zodiac sign is Leo, will definitely try to reach heights in their labor activity. To tell the truth, Leos make excellent leaders and directors and very bad subordinates, and even more so assistants. People of this sign are called upon to lead those around them. And if they fail to do this, they will try to lead an active social life, show initiative, work overtime - do everything to be noticed, praised, and later, maybe even promoted. However, it is also in Leo’s nature to help others and often this becomes the main criterion for choosing future profession. Such people make excellent doctors, social workers and even educators. Leo is also capable of opening his own business. It is worth saying that representatives of this zodiac sign also have creative abilities. Leo risks succeeding in everything he takes seriously. The most successful areas of activity for representatives of this zodiac sign are: show business, politics, charity.


Leos are good friends. They will never betray a comrade, leave him in trouble or abandon him to the mercy of fate. Leos are fun and interesting, they are like lighters - they always try to surprise and encourage their loved ones. However, if a representative of this zodiac sign is betrayed, he will never forget and will not forgive. Although he will not take revenge, this is not a royal matter. Leo's enemies are afraid, because they know that he can grind them into powder, using a variety of methods and means. As for love, Leo will be faithful to his soul mate. Such people know how to love, but they demand the same attitude towards themselves. Leo will be happy with the person who will adore, extol, and praise him. Leos born on August 22 (zodiac sign): what signs will be compatible for them? the best option? Okay, start it up serious relationship Representatives of this group do well with Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra. An alliance with Taurus and Aquarius will be less successful.

Leo Man

What are men born on August 22nd, Zodiac sign Leo? These are excellent artists who are looking for a good viewer for a relationship. If a woman agrees to such a role, you can live with a Leo man for a long time in peace and harmony. However, it is worth remembering that men who represent this zodiac sign are jealous and terrible owners. However, they will always radiate warmth and positivity, which will please every woman who is nearby. Leo dad will adore his children, delight them and spoil them.

Leo Woman

Representatives of this zodiac sign will definitely know their worth. So, men will have to fight for the Lioness woman. And even conquered, she will attract the eyes of the surrounding guys, which will provoke the continuation of the war for her royal majesty. In a family, a Lioness woman often becomes submissive to her husband, but only if he often praises and extols her. This is the one who will try to give all the best to the children, but the Lioness will never forget about herself, even being the mother of five kids.


Having figured out what zodiac sign (Leo) is on August 22, it’s worth saying a few words about the health of such people. They will never complain about their condition, even if something really hurts them. Leo will never admit that he is weak or vulnerable. Such people endure all diseases easily and quickly, often enjoying simply excellent health.