What foods are good for the female body? What is good for women? Folic acid-rich foods for women

What foods should women consume after 30–40 years of age to be healthy? Ten products will help protect a woman from breast cancer, heart disease, and nervous disorders. Proper nutrition will protect a woman from painful sensations during menopause. Of course, you need to eat not only these foods, but they should be mandatory in your daily diet.


In the list of the ten most useful foods that slow down aging, tomatoes took first place. Tomatoes contain many antioxidants. Thanks to the pigment lycopene, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is reduced. Tomatoes have a beneficial effect on women nervous system, improve mood. Tomatoes are antidepressants. Apparently, because of the consumption of tomatoes, Italians are considered the most smiling nation on the planet. Tomatoes are an excellent way to maintain normal weight. Tomatoes, especially the cherry variety, normalize metabolic processes. Eating tomatoes regularly reduces the risk of developing cervical and breast cancer.

Linseed oil

In the list of the most useful products for women's health are vegetable oils. Flaxseed oil relieves women of bad mood. According to scientific research, for this it is enough to consume 40 g of oil at night, and 1 tbsp. Take a spoonful of oil before bed with honey. The oil obtained from flax seeds contains B vitamins. Flaxseed oil is rich in potassium, magnesium, protein, zinc, and lecithin. The oil has a good effect on a woman’s immune and reproductive system. Its use improves digestion and metabolism. Oil can be used to partially replace animal fats. Its regular use reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.


The list of the healthiest foods for women continues with regular cabbage from the garden. White cabbage is a leader among dietary products. Only 20 kcal per 100 g of cabbage. You can eat it in kilograms. With the help of cabbage you can not only lose weight. The protein lutein strengthens vision, vitamin K and calcium make bones stronger. Cabbage contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system. In addition to cabbage, scientists advise women to include another salad in their daily diet. For example, broccoli contains vitamin A. It is called the beauty vitamin, which strengthens hair and nails. Brussels sprouts are a source of protein.


Seafood products are good for women. Pink salmon, salmon and salmon will help strengthen your nerves. Fish is an excellent remedy for autumn and postpartum depression. After 30 years, the production of hormones in a woman’s body decreases. Fish from the salmon family promote the production of the hormone estrogen. Fish - a traditional dish Norwegians, who are famous for their love of life. Fish contains healthy protein, which is easier and better digested than red meat protein. Fish is not as high in calories as meat. Fish oil is a source of linoleic and archidonic acids. Acids have a beneficial effect on cells. Fish is rich in phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.


Walnuts fill the stomach for a long time. It is for this quality that they are known. But walnuts are useful for women not only as a weight control. Including them in your diet reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. It is enough to consume 50 g of nuts per day. Gynecologists recommend them for infertility. To strengthen women's health, you need to eat four walnuts with honey after meals. They keep their valuable properties for several years thanks to its shell. Nuts are good for diabetes, high stomach acidity, and their oil is good for the liver.

Red meat

Red meat is essential for women's health. Therefore, it cannot be completely excluded from the diet. If you choose good meat and cook it correctly, the dish will be healthy. Meat must be present on the table of athletes. There is a known case when a young Englishwoman decided to lead a correct lifestyle. She gave up red meat, but still ate vegetables, fruits, bread and other foods. As a result, after three weeks she began to experience dizziness. After two months, my hair began to fall out. Meat is the main supplier of iron. It is enough to consume 500 g of red meat per week, otherwise cancer may occur.


Italian researchers have concluded that women may not give up alcohol. To minimize negative effects on the stomach alcoholic drinks, it is enough to eat strawberries. Dr. Sara Tulipani from the University of Barcelona believes that the positive effects of strawberries on the female body are due to the antioxidant content they contain. Including this berry in your diet will help avoid diseases associated with the digestive system. Alcohol can cause inflammation of the stomach lining. Experiments on mice showed the presence of stomach ulcers in mice that were not given strawberries.


American scientists have made an interesting conclusion that cranberries protect the body from free radicals. Vitamin C and antioxidants, which cranberries are rich in, strengthen the immune system. Eating this berry helps a woman prolong her youth. Antioxidants fight unstable oxygen molecules and prolong youth. Cranberry juice and fruit drinks are used as a diuretic. Cranberry infusion is useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. It's amazing that cranberries retain their beneficial features and after freezing. Cranberry juice gives energy, helps with colds, and reduces fever. Cranberries are an excellent remedy for strengthening the cardiovascular system.


In addition to the carbohydrates that everyone talks about, potatoes contain a lot useful substances. Potatoes are rich in mineral salts, microelements and vitamins PP, K and C. It is recommended to be used for gastritis and stomach ulcers. Baked potatoes are good for cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to potato starch, blood cholesterol levels are reduced. It is better to consume this vegetable boiled. Contraindications to its use are diabetes and obesity. Most useful vitamins in young potatoes. Those women who fear for their figure can be advised to drink potato juice.


IN Lately It has become popular to add spices to different dishes. Cinnamon, ginger, turmeric and other Indian spices reduce the risk of chronic diseases. University of Pennsylvania researcher Sheila West believes that fatty foods raise triglyceride levels in the blood. This can lead to heart disease. By adding spices to fatty foods, triglyceride levels are reduced by 30%. Experiments were conducted in which dishes were prepared. The study involved women aged 30 to 65 years. They all suffered from obesity. Consumption of spices has shown an increase in antioxidant activity levels in the blood. Scientists used paprika, cloves, pepper, garlic, rosemary, turmeric, and cinnamon.


Series of messages "

Don't be neat

Hygiene is, of course, important. Failure to comply with such simple rules, such as washing your hands before eating, can cause serious infectious diseases. However, excessive cleanliness is also not the best path to ideal health.

According to research by British doctors, women who use special antibacterial agents instead of ordinary soap get sick more often than others. Because strong antiseptics, even when used exclusively externally, can disrupt the natural bacterial balance of your body - weaker but beneficial bacteria will die, and strong pathogens, on the contrary, will survive and begin to multiply.

Protect yourself

Many gynecologists agree that oral contraception, that is, taking pills, is The best way protection from unwanted pregnancy. And recently, scientists have discovered that taking these drugs also strengthens women's health. Namely, it reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 20%, and for as much as 30 (!) years after the course of treatment.

Drink tea...

Do you think the healthiest tea in the world is green? It turns out not. American researchers have discovered that it is black tea that prevents the proliferation of bacteria that form plaque and cause caries. Moreover, it protects your heart too. According to researchers, bacterial infection of the oral cavity leads to the formation of microthrombi in the blood vessels, which can subsequently lead to a heart attack. Substances contained in black tea interfere with this process.

Don't drink cola...

Drink only Diet Coke and sleep soundly? Not worth it. Research has shown that almost all drinks of this type contain a flavor enhancer such as phosphoric acid (indicated on the label as E338). Meanwhile, this element can literally wash calcium out of your body, thereby reducing bone mass. The existence of a connection between the consumption of carbonated drinks (particularly cola) and bone degeneration was confirmed by an independent study of British doctors. By the way, women are already more susceptible to various “skeletal” problems than men.

...and alcohol

Some narcologists claim that alcohol is even beneficial in small doses. However, oncologists do not agree with them. Recent studies have shown that even a drop of alcohol increases the risk of cancer of any type. And red wine, praised by nutritionists, contributes to the development of breast cancer.

Don't forget about folic acid

We have already written about the fact that. Let us remind you again: firstly, the lack of this element in the mother is considered one of the causes of birth defects in her children. Second, a good supply of folic acid can prevent age-related retinal degeneration, the most common reason blindness among the elderly. And if you take it along with vitamins B6 and B12, the risk of disease will drop by as much as 41%.

Don't get thin

The recent Million Women Study in Britain found that women with a BMI (body mass index) below 18.5 often have difficulty conceiving and are more likely to develop osteoporosis. And the average optimal weight for a woman about 30 years old and older is 63-65 kg (with a height of 165 cm). That is, the ideal BMI is approximately 24. Don’t know yours? It is very easy to calculate. Divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared. For example: 70 (kg) : 1.7×1.7 (m) = 24.2.

Beware of hormones

After menopause, the amount of hormones in the female body drops sharply, which often leads to the development of diseases such as osteoporosis, ulcers, intestinal cancer and various cardiovascular disorders. Therefore, doctors recommend hormonal therapy to many of their patients. However, the combination of some hormones - for example, estrogen and progestogen - will not strengthen, but, on the contrary, will undermine your health, researchers say. For example, it is this cocktail that promotes the development of breast cancer and increases the risk of ovarian cancer. In turn, too much estrogen alone can increase your chances of endometrial cancer.

Do not smoke

This advice, in general, could be left without comment. Let us only add that, according to the latest medical news, smoking women 2 times more likely to suffer from cervical cancer.

If you want children, go to the solarium

The most common cause of female infertility is now considered to be polycystic ovary syndrome and other conditions that suppress ovulation. Most women with such problems are deficient in vitamin D. In turn, a Yale University study showed that treatment with vitamin D reduces the risk of developing polycystic disease by 93-99%.

However, the main source of this vitamin still remains sunlight. If you are afraid of skin cancer, you don't have to sunbathe - just walk more and spend at least 20 minutes a day in the sun.

Be careful with pills

Vitamin D, as we found out, is good, but before your next sunbath, it’s better to go over in your head what pills you’ve taken recently. Some medications sensitize your skin and, therefore, make you more vulnerable to cancer and burns, which means you will have to either wait to tan or apply a thicker protective cream. Those at risk include antibiotics, hypertension medications, cholesterol-lowering medications, some birth control pills, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (including ibuprofen), and even some acne creams.

Chew bananas

According to the International Society for Mental Health, one in four middle-aged women suffers from depression or some other disorder. One of the reasons is a lack of the amino acid tryptophan, the only source of which is food. In particular - turkey meat, cottage cheese, plums and bananas.

Give birth to two before 30

The point of this advice is not to keep up with the so-called “biological clock”, with the striking of which a woman’s ability to become a mother allegedly decreases. It turns out that giving birth between 20 and 30, as well as breastfeeding, reduces the risk of breast cancer. A study by Swedish scientists showed that nursing mothers are 50% less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than others.

Grab the dumbbells

According to statistics, about 70% of women have suffered from prolonged back and lower back pain at least once in their lives. Regular strength training that strengthens the core muscles, including regular dumbbell lifts, can help solve this problem. By the way, these same exercises will help you make your tummy flatter, so that along with your health you will get a slim figure.

Watch your stomach

Normal bloating can be a symptom of ovarian cancer, which, before it was diagnosed, managed to metastasize to the digestive tract. Therefore, even such seemingly insignificant and transitory problems should be paid the closest attention. Regular bloating was observed in 86% of patients in whom doctors diagnosed this cancer.

In addition, persistent stomach discomfort may indicate so-called irritable bowel syndrome. The exact causes of this disease are unknown, but the manifestations are extremely unpleasant. Up to sharp pain and increased gas formation. Sometimes treatment of the syndrome even requires surgical intervention.

Don't neglect your bed

Regular sex can literally rejuvenate a woman. 200 orgasms a year - and you will look about 6 years younger than your age, say American doctors. In addition, sex is a natural way to boost immunity.

Based on the Daily Mail

Women's health and beauty require special attention and worries. Products that are good for you will help protect them from negative influences and preserve them for many years. female body.

Fish for hormones

Fatty fish top our ranking, and the reason for this is omega-3 acids. They stimulate brain activity and strengthen blood vessels, preventing the development of atherosclerosis. They also have a beneficial effect on the course of pregnancy. In addition, fatty fish increases the production of the hormone estrogen, which is extremely important for women after 30 years of age. It is best to eat salmon, salmon or pink salmon at least twice a week.

Broccoli against cancer

Broccoli is very beneficial for the female body. The combination of nutrients in this cabbage has been scientifically proven to prevent the development of breast cancer. In addition, broccoli is rich in valuable fiber, folic acid, vegetable protein, potassium, iron, vitamins A and C. And all this wealth is preserved in full during any type of heat treatment. Nutritionists recommend eating broccoli 3-4 times a week.

Beans for slimness

Legumes should be a must in a woman's diet. Natural soy actively fights the symptoms of menopause and relieves nervous tension. Red beans stabilize blood sugar levels. Lentils replenish iron reserves in the body, preventing the development of anemia. And they all contribute correct reduction weight. Three servings of beans in any form over the course of a week will allow you to feel this effect very soon.

Oats for energy

Oats are an important product for women's health. Firstly, it normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood. Secondly, it keeps you feeling full for a long time, making it easier to fight extra pounds. Thirdly, oats contain a lot of magnesium and silicon, which improve the condition of hair, skin and nails. And thanks to its vegetable fats, vitamin D and carotene are better absorbed. So oatmeal for breakfast is the best way to always stay in good shape.

Avocado for procreation

Among the healthy foods for women is listed. This South American fruit is considered the most high-calorie fruit on the planet. However, its monounsaturated fats are extremely healthy. Not only do they not accumulate in the form of depressing centimeters at the waist, but they also actively destroy existing fat. Scientists claim that when consumed regularly, avocado improves the functioning of the reproductive system. They recommend eating half of this wonderful fruit per day.

Beauty oil

It is no coincidence that olive oil is called the elixir of health. Polyunsaturated fatty acids activate metabolism and improve intestinal function, and antioxidants slow down the aging process. Vitamin E stimulates the production of hormones and serves as a prevention of mastopathy. In addition, the active substances of olive oil nourish the skin and hair, making them more beautiful and well-groomed. Therefore, not only salads, but also cosmetic masks become useful with it.

Yogurt for digestion

Dairy products are one of the key elements of women's nutrition. Particular attention should be paid to natural bio-yogurts. The live bacteria they contain strengthen the body's immune defense and form a favorable microflora. In addition, they help with irritable bowel syndrome, which, according to doctors, is much more common in women. You can and should eat small portions of yogurt every day.

Cranberry for youth

Among the abundance of berries, the most important for women's health is. It contains special compounds that prevent the development of infections in the bladder. Cranberry juices and fruit drinks serve as an effective diuretic. An infusion of this berry is used to treat hypertension. Cranberries contain a lot of antioxidants that destroy free radicals, maintaining the youth of cells throughout the body. A handful of fresh berries or a glass of natural juice every day is excellent vitamin therapy.

Nuts for the mind

Walnuts contain everything essential for the female body. Gynecologists recommend them as a prevention of breast cancer and infertility. For these purposes, you need to eat 25 g of ground nuts with honey after meals. Walnuts also fight increased acidity stomach, liver problems and diabetes mellitus. Just 2-3 kernels of these nuts per day will improve thought processes and normalize heart function.

Chocolate for love

Dark chocolate in a woman’s diet is needed not only for joy, but also for benefit. According to recent studies, it alleviates premenstrual syndrome. In addition, chocolate is a very effective aphrodisiac. Magnesium improves memory and increases stress resistance. And tryptophan gives you the feeling of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. The main thing is to eat no more than 25 g of chocolate per day, and then you will have an excellent mood and a slim body guaranteed.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Each of us, of course, at least once in our lives, has heard the phrases: “If you want to be beautiful, you have to endure,” “Healthy things are not tasty.” But are they really that true? Are there really no products that are not only tasty, but also very healthy for a woman? We hasten to please you - such products exist! Of course, there is no arguing about tastes, but the benefits listed below quite rightly deserve the fame of goodies.

List of the healthiest foods for women's health

  • Avocado
    First on our list is avocado. Not only is this fruit deservedly popular among chefs, it is also included in the most popular salads in the world. Among other things, this fruit consists of a huge number of advantages, since it contains:
    • The pulp contains many vital vitamins and minerals;
    • A huge amount of antioxidants that help stop the work of free radicals - unstable molecules that accelerate the aging process;
    • The necessary supply of substances that restore the energy balance of cells;
    • Tryptophan (derivative) is the so-called “mood hormone”.
  • Cabbage – broccoli and white cabbage.
    Both of these varieties contain a huge amount of useful substances.
    White cabbage
    • Rich in vitamin C;
    • Contains the required amount of proteins, fiber, organic acids;
    • Useful for various diseases, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, diabetes, etc.;
    • Removes cholesterol from the body;
    • A good preventative against obesity and atherosclerosis.

    Broccoli is also rich in vitamins and nutrients. Besides, in broccoli :

    • Contains more protein than other varieties of cabbage, which in its qualities and properties is comparable to meat protein;
    • There are a huge number of amino acids that prevent the development of many diseases, including atherosclerosis;
    • Contains vitamins A, E, C, group B, group PP;
    • Contains minerals such as iodine, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, copper, chromium, necessary for the normal functioning of the body;
    • Contains fiber that removes toxins and waste from the body;
    • There is a substance called sulforaphane, which helps destroy cancer cells. The experiments carried out prove that the development of breast cancer in women is stopped;
    • Contains phytoncides, substances that do not allow bacteria and fungi to multiply.
  • Carrot
    Carrots are also tasty and healthy, however, only if they are grown without various growth accelerators.
    Carrots have a number of very important qualities:
    • Helps reduce blood cholesterol levels;
    • Can be used to prevent cancer and heart disease;
    • Saturated with antioxidants, beneficial substances - such as potassium, beta-carotene, etc., vitamins (in particular A, C, K);
    • Good for the skin - regular consumption of carrot juice helps smooth and strengthen the skin;
    • Excellent effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Berries and fruits: citrus fruits, apricots, blueberries, strawberries, wild strawberries, cranberries, grapes
    Citrus , of which a huge variety grows on the planet and suits the most demanding tastes, are useful primarily because:
    • Contain a large number of vitamin C;
    • They are a “storehouse” of antioxidants;
    • Contains aromatic oils;
    • Have an ideal balance of potassium and sodium;
    • They contain folic acid, which helps maintain the elasticity of blood vessels (oranges are especially rich in it).

    Apricots – another storehouse of substances useful for women. However, apricots are contraindicated for diabetics because they contain a lot of sugar (10.5%). In addition to sugar, apricots contain many useful substances:

    • Inulin,
    • Acids – malic, tartaric, citric;
    • Pectin is a substance that helps remove toxins from the body;
    • And many other substances beneficial to the body.

    In addition, apricots contain:

    • Vitamins (A, B, C, etc.), which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and cardiovascular system, nervous system, immunity, gastrointestinal tract, etc.;
    • Mineral salts of iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, which help bring the acid-base balance to normal;

    Berries growing in our strip , contain all the necessary supplies of vitamins and nutrients. They are simply a storehouse of antioxidants. In addition, they are very useful for women’s health, maintaining the hormonal balance of the body, helping to eliminate toxins and harmful substances, and practically do not cause allergic reactions.
    Grape. Its benefit lies in a large supply of vitamins and minerals. By the way, the brighter the color of the grapes, the more benefits they contain. Grapes “supply” our body:

    • Vitamins A, C, B6 – vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin, immunity, and metabolism;
    • Folates are a derivative of folic acid, which is an integral component of the processes that prepare the biosynthesis and duplication of the famous DNA and RNA nucleic acids responsible for the transmission and storage of hereditary characteristics, which is very important for women, and especially for expectant mothers;
    • The most important minerals for life are phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium.

    The last component is selenium - deserves special attention. It affects all significant processes in the body:

    • Improves body resistance viral infections, protecting the immune system;
    • Strengthens the nervous system;
    • Removes heavy metal ions from the body;
    • Stops the processes of formation and development of cancer cells;
    • Rejuvenates all tissues of the body;
    • Supports hormonal levels;
    • It is the most effective preventive remedy for combating gynecological problems, osteoporosis, cellulite;
    • Delays the onset of menopause - the so-called “delayed old age”, which is very important for a woman.

    Selenium is found not only in grapes, but also in other foods: onions and garlic, in some types of fish (for example, tuna, herring), broccoli, white cabbage, seaweed, in rye bread, tomatoes, molasses, eggs, beer, shellfish, etc.

  • It is also very useful to include the following foods in your diet::

    Of course, this list does not include all healthy and tasty products. Here we tried to collect only those whose benefits are enormous and obvious.
    However, it should be remembered that any even the most useful product can be harmful if abused , eliminating other foods from the daily diet. A balanced diet is the main basis healthy image life. In addition, remember that any product can cause individual intolerance.

    Eat varied and healthy - and be healthy and happy!


These popular fruits contain quercetin, a natural flavonoid that can protect brain cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Apples are an excellent source of fiber, which helps you feel full quickly and promotes weight loss. One medium apple contains about 16% of your daily fiber intake. Another one good news: fruits with white flesh (including pears) can reduce the risk of heart attack by 50% - this is the conclusion reached by scientists from the Netherlands.


Many women refuse bananas, considering them too high in calories. But these are very healthy fruits! An average banana contains about 100 kcal, 3 g of fiber and a large amount of potassium, which helps keep blood pressure under control. Give your kids bananas: A British study last year confirmed that eating bananas daily may protect your child from asthma symptoms.


It's impossible not to love blueberries - these berries are rich in antioxidants more than any other. They help fight cancer, increase brain activity and support heart health. Like all berries, blueberries can be stored in the freezer. Don't forget about blackberries, raspberries and currants - these healthy foods for women are rich in ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that is essential for heart function.


What foods are good for women? 150 g of the pulp of this tropical fruit will give you a daily dose of vitamin C, which, firstly, will help resist infections, and Secondly, indispensable for active collagen synthesis. It is this protein that is responsible for keeping the skin young and elastic.


It's nice when one vegetable can become a source of several important vitamins at once. Spinach contains vitamins A, C, K and folic acid, which stimulates the production of substances that affect a good mood. But doctors have long associated low levels of folic acid with depression.


When making sandwiches, add crispy fresh kale instead of lettuce, which will quickly turn into a lump. One cup of chopped cabbage contains only 20 kcal and an amazing amount of glucosinolates - substances that help the body resist the effects of free radicals. Keep in mind that broccoli and Brussels sprouts also contain these important elements.


This cabbage is not as widely known as broccoli or kohlrabi, but it is a true champion in terms of nutritional content. Half a cup of ground kale contains 420% of the daily dose of vitamin K, which plays a vital role in the body, affecting bone health.


Fatty fish ranks first in the content of omega-3 acids, which will help you reduce your chances of developing cardiovascular diseases and even a heart attack. In addition, these acids increase the level of serotonin, better known as the hormone of happiness. Canned salmon typically has lower mercury levels than tuna, which is often used in appetizers and salads.


Cereals rich in fiber, which lowers cholesterol - this ability makes oatmeal indispensable if you want to get rid of fat deposits around the waist. Large flakes that require long-term cooking (at least 10 minutes) are the healthiest. Eat porridge by adding berries, a spoonful of honey and flax seeds.


People who regularly eat whole grains find it easier to lose belly fat. Brown rice and pasta durum varieties wheat should appear on your table as often as possible. Another important product is pearl barley; it contains not only fiber, but even vegetable protein. Cook pearl barley with vegetables and you will get the perfect healthy dinner for women.


The main source of fiber and vegetable protein, as well as B vitamins, zinc, iron and magnesium. Black beans are a storehouse of antioxidants that increase the body's defenses. Japanese adzuki beans (look for them in vegetarian grocery stores) are suitable for those who experience increased gas formation from legumes. And don't forget about garbanzo beans—one recent study found that people who include them in their diet are less likely to snack on unhealthy foods.


These foods provide quick satiety and help keep weight under control due to their high protein content. Natural yogurt has even more protein than chicken - about 20 g per cup. In addition, natural yogurt and kefir contain probiotics - “good” bacteria that boost immunity.


You've probably heard that dark chocolate reduces the risk of developing hypertension and even heart attacks due to its high content of flavonoids. A new study from the University of Cambridge has found that people who love chocolate (dark or milk) are 37% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular disease than those who do not allow themselves a single slice.


Give up sugar in favor of honey. Instead of white refined sugar, add a spoonful of honey to your porridge, tea or even coffee. This substitution may well affect your appetite. Compared to sugar, honey slows down the synthesis of the hormone ghrelin, known as the hunger hormone. It is he who gives the brain a signal that it is time to eat. But still honey is enough high-calorie product. In 1 tsp. contains 22 kcal, so be careful.