The most useful women's health products. Food for the lady

And the vagina, as well as the clitoris, pubis, large and small labia and the female breast, perform three main functions in the body. Namely, reproductive, feeding function and synthesizing hormones. Very important for health female body hormones produced by the ovaries that improve vitality and prolong youth.

In 1827, a man saw the egg for the first time. This lucky man turned out to be K.M. Baer is an academician from St. Petersburg, who received honors and commemorative medal with engraving.

Useful products for the female reproductive system

For the female reproductive system, antioxidants (vitamins,), folic acid, iodine, magnesium, vitamins and, omega 3, iron, copper, proteins, the amino acid arginine, lecithin and calcium, which are contained in such products, are very important:

, citrus fruits, onion. They contain vitamin C, which is a good antioxidant. Protects, restores, strengthens women's health. They are good cancer prevention.

Greens and leafy vegetables. Rich source of folic acid and magnesium. Leafy vegetables are good for cleansing the body. Also, they are necessary for the full functioning nervous system mother and fetus. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Seaweed, feijoa. Contain a large number of iodine. They are primary oncoprophylaxis, suppress the symptoms of PMS, improve metabolic processes in the body.

Stevia. It is a natural sweetener. It cleanses the body, heals the microflora of the genital organs, activates the metabolism. Brewed like tea.

. Successfully fights with women inflammatory diseases. Due to the presence of sulfur compounds, it improves immunity.

Kefir and yogurt on natural sourdough. Rich in B vitamins, protein and calcium. Stimulate the immune system. Useful for inflammatory tendencies.

, butter, carrots with butter. They contain vitamin A, which is necessary for the full functioning of the ovaries.

Whole grain bread, unrefined cereals, crispbread, bran. Thanks to the B vitamins they contain, they are very important for revitalizing the digestive tract. Essential for the nervous system. Participate in the restoration of sexual desire.

Beekeeping products. Rich in trace elements and vitamins B and C. Strengthen the immune system, participate in the synthesis of prolactin.

. Due to the high content of copper, iodine and complete protein, they are very necessary for the reproductive system.

For the health of the reproductive system, the female body needs a complete protein (meat, fish, cottage cheese), vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. Whole-grain cereals and vegetable soups, salads with oysters, mussels, rapans and squids, cottage cheese with dried fruits, steam fish cakes - this is just what is needed for the full functioning of the reproductive system.

Do not forget about soy, wheat, oats, lentils, as well as apples, carrots, pomegranates, which are full sources of phytoestrogens responsible for normalizing hormonal levels.

Both prolonged fasting and unbalanced diets, as well as overeating, are very harmful to women's health.

Lack of weight 3 times reduces the chances of having a baby! Long-term mono-diets disrupt the production of sex hormones, and also cause the “falling off” of the breast.

Excess weight reduces the chances of having a healthy child by 2 times, and causes passivity in intimate relationships.

Folk methods for normalizing the work and cleaning the female reproductive system

The article has already mentioned sources of phytoestrogens that help normalize the hormonal background of the female body. In some cases, phytoestrogens not only improve a woman's well-being, but also contribute to the resorption of tumors caused by improper functioning of the ovaries.

  • Red clover, for example, is very useful for menopause. Restores hormonal levels and even "removes" early gray hair.
  • Sweet clover. Improves blood circulation in the chest, restores its tone. Promotes milk production.
  • Lungwort contains a large amount of phytoestrogens. Suppresses excess hair growth on the female body (

Men and women differ physiologically, and therefore, the metabolic processes in our bodies also occur differently. For most of a woman's life, she goes through a menstrual cycle, which each month prepares her for conception and then menopause. All this means that women's nutrition must be carefully planned and thought out. We talk about products that you definitely need to include in your diet for the beautiful half of humanity.


Iron-rich greens are also a natural and natural source of calcium to help our bones. In addition, greens are high in magnesium, vitamin K, vitamin C, and phytonutrients that support bone health. Eat more spinach, kale, parsley, cilantro, dill.

Whole grains

Brown rice, buckwheat, quinoa, whole grain bread bring more fiber to our body. Another reason to add whole grains to your diet is that they improve digestion. When the digestive system is clean and running like clockwork, you won't experience flatulence, constipation, and may even avoid colon cancer.


It’s not just that nutritionists advise us to take nuts with us as a snack! Nuts are a source of essential vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, they are good for bone health and improve brain function and memory. For example, almonds contain magnesium and calcium for strong bones, while walnuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acids. So feel free to throw a bag of unsalted, unroasted nuts into your purse!

Unexpected, right? It turns out that onions have amazing bone-building properties, as they contain a certain type of polyphenol that boosts bone health. Researchers have tested and found that eating onions daily can help increase bone mass by as much as 5%. The researchers also studied the effect of onions on women over 50 and found that those who regularly consume onions have a 20% lower risk of hip fracture than those who do not eat them.


Almost every woman wants to keep her youth. If you want to slow down the aging process, add blueberries to your diet. This berry contains a unique anti-aging substance, but in addition, it also prevents memory deterioration, maintains blood pressure levels and improves the musculoskeletal system. And the antioxidants found in blueberries fight free radicals.

tofu and soy milk

Tofu is a highly nutritious food that is enriched with protein and iron. It also contains minerals such as manganese, phosphorus, and selenium, which strengthen bones. You can also include soy milk in your diet, as this product is a good source of calcium.


Start your day with oatmeal! The only condition is that it must be prepared from whole grains. Oats help maintain normal level cholesterol, because it is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. Weight loss, improved digestion, and maintenance of blood cholesterol levels are just some of the benefits that can be obtained from eating oats.


Tomatoes help prevent breast and cervical cancer. In addition, they also promote heart health and protect against cardiovascular disease.


This sweet fruit is rich in potassium, which supports the body's cardiovascular system. Bananas are also an excellent source of natural energy, as they contain various vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. Bananas promote intestinal health and relieve stool problems.


Cranberries contain compounds called proanthocyanides. They possess big amount properties, one of which is preventing the growth of bacteria in the walls of the bladder. Thus, eating cranberries prevents urinary tract infections. The berry also helps in promoting heart health.


Broccoli has become a real superfood among healthy lifestyle adherents. And not just like that! Broccoli contains compounds that help prevent breast cancer. This superfood is also high in vitamins C and A, fiber, potassium, iron, and very few calories.


Apples, especially seasonal ones, contain quercetin, an antioxidant that helps boost the body's ability to fight disease. These ruddy fruits also help to improve brain function, lose weight, and normalize blood cholesterol levels. By the way, those who want to lose weight should include apples in their diet, as they help satisfy hunger.


Flax contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, lignans (an anti-tuberculosis compound) and is considered one of the best products for women's health. The use of flaxseed helps to reduce pain during menstruation, improve reproductive function, reduce the manifestations of PMS and is also a prevention of breast cancer.


Orange root vegetable is an excellent source of complex carbohydrates that provide energy to the body. And the potassium contained in carrots controls blood pressure. Also, carrots are fortified with vitamin A and literally make your skin glow.


Another superfood that we have been singing an ode to for a very long time! Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that help reduce fat mass. In addition, it has a lot of potassium, magnesium, protein, vitamins B6, E and K.

Dark chocolate

This is not about industrial chocolate with a huge amount of sugar, but about natural and healthy chocolate, the content of cocoa beans in which is more than 55%. Such chocolate cannot be cheap, but its beauty is that one bar will last you for a long time to maintain health! Dark chocolate contains antioxidants that protect the heart and help reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease. It is also rich in bone-strengthening compounds, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, and phosphorus, helps in skin hydration, lowers blood pressure, and improves memory.

Green tea

This drink helps in the fight against cancer and cardiovascular disease, prevents dementia (dementia), diabetes and stroke. Green tea also helps fight fatigue.


You can not even talk about it, but, as they say, repetition ... Water is our best friend. It should become a daily ritual! It helps keep our skin radiant and healthy, remove toxins from the body and increase energy. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of pure water a day.

Ekaterina Romanova

Do women need to eat differently than men, because we are all human? While this is certainly true, women's nutritional needs are more specific.

Pamela Peake, author of "Fighting Overweight After 40," MD, and faculty member at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, explains this fact. Women have individual needs for certain foods to stay healthy, energetic and slim, especially given the aging process, which begins after 30 years.

Dr. Pamela Pick - physician, scientist, internationally recognized expert and author in the field of nutrition, fitness and public health offers the following list , which should be present in their weekly diet.

1. Calcium-Rich Foods for Women

Leafy vegetables help cleanse and detoxify the body. Dark green color indicates a higher content of vitamins and phytochemicals valuable for the body. For example, the green pigment chlorophyll helps to eliminate toxins and toxins, cleansing the liver and other organs.

Dark green leafy vegetables are a source of:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotenoids;
  • folic acid;
  • gland;
  • omega-3 fatty acids.

You should eat at least 3 servings of these vegetables every day.

5. Nuts - products for women

  • (arginine - an amino acid derived from nuts, helps maintain the flexibility of arterial vessels, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis);
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • Selene;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin A.

For the most part, nuts are low, for this reason they are recommended for people with diabetes.

Nuts are quite high in calories, so their consumption should be limited: 14 halves of a walnut, 7 Brazil nuts or 28 pieces of peanuts per day.

6. Water

Of 100% of the total mass of the human body is 65 - 75%, regulating all functions.

Water is not food, but it is important for all metabolic processes and is one of the main ones. It helps digestion, promotes weight loss and improves appearance skin.

The lack of water in the body is attributed to the main causes of aging, and chronic dehydration is the primary source of most diseases.

You should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day, but it also makes sense to eat foods that are high in water, such as fruits and some vegetables.

Most best mode- Equal intake of water throughout the day.

7. Cranberries and cranberry juice - products for women

Proanthocyanidins found in cranberries prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall, helping to prevent infection. urinary tract. Due to its antimicrobial and diuretic properties, cranberries are successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

Cranberries are a source of:

  • flavonoids;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C, B vitamins;
  • potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, copper, molybdenum, etc.
  • organic acids (benzoic, quinic, malic, uric, citric).

New research suggests that cranberries may also help prevent cardiovascular disease.

8. Folate-Rich Foods for Women

Whole grains are rich and therefore able to prevent digestive problems that are quite common among the female half of the population.

Include more whole grains in your diet, such as brown rice, bran cereal, whole grain bread, barley groats and a swan.

10. Soy protein products for women

Soy protein is found in foods such as tofu, soy milk and butter, and soy grains.

Heart health

According to research, soy protein lowers low-density LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases high-density cholesterol (HDL). Soy isoflavones also have antioxidant properties. Soy isoflavone genistein is able to increase the flexibility of blood vessels, reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis.

Bone health

Soy consumption reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

Health during menopause

Soy consumption has been shown to reduce symptoms in premenopausal and postmenopausal periods. Epidemiological studies report lower levels of hot flashes and night sweats in Asian women compared to Western women. One recent study found that adding 60 grams of soy protein to the diet significantly reduced the frequency of hot flashes in a number of post-menopausal women.

That is, you can take a soy drink for breakfast, or add soy milk to coffee, eat a handful of roasted soy nuts as a snack. These options involve 10 to 30 grams of soy protein and 20 to 60 milligrams of isoflavones.

Thus, as the most healthy foods for women can be called:

  1. Foods rich in calcium.
  2. Foods rich in iron.
  3. Foods rich in vitamin C.
  4. Green leafy vegetables.
  5. Nuts.
  6. Water.
  7. Cranberry.
  8. Foods rich in folic acid.
  9. Whole grains.
  10. Soy protein.

Sourced from

Many women sometimes think about whether they need to eat in some special way, not like the stronger sex eats. And there is nothing strange in this, because a woman's body is radically different from a man's, which means that some of the elements that we get from food, she needs some to a greater extent, and some to a lesser extent. Proper nutrition can protect a woman from many problems, such as the possibility of heart complications, breast cancer, nervous disorders. The modern fast pace of life, poor ecology - all this negatively affects not only women's health, but also attractiveness. But the desire to like is fundamentally embedded in the female mind. But, nature has taken care of everything, including creating healthy food products for women that can help her be healthy and beautiful. This does not mean at all that it is worth eating only them, it is enough just to introduce these products into your diet on an ongoing basis. So what foods are good for women's health?

First of all, it should be noted that for any person, both for a woman and for a man, the main thing is to eat right, maintain balance, and supply your body with all the necessary elements. Therefore, useful products for women's health can be divided into several groups, because they give the body different elements.

10 Calcium Rich Foods for Women

calcium is very important element, necessary for our body, because it is thanks to him that teeth and bones remain strong. In addition, calcium has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, blood supply, and the nervous system. If there is not enough calcium in the body, a person can get osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and pain in the bones and muscles may appear.

  • The first place, without a doubt, is occupied by dairy products. After all, cream, cottage cheese, milk and cheese contain a huge amount of calcium;
  • Cauliflower and broccoli are also very high in calcium;
  • Soy products, such as tofu, also boast a high content of this element;
  • It is worth paying attention to such a pleasant delicacy as nuts;
  • Fish, especially marine;
  • Calcium is also found in fruits such as figs or apricots;
  • Refreshing orange or grapefruit juices;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Legumes such as beans or peas;
  • Not everyone's favorite, but such a useful garlic.

10 Healthiest Iron-Rich Foods for Women

Iron is an essential element for a woman, because every month, during critical days, together with blood, we lose a large amount of it irretrievably. And iron is required by our body for good hemoglobin and metabolism, hormonal levels and the immune system.

  • The first on this list will be chickpeas or Turkish peas, because it is not for nothing that this legume is so popular in the East, although it has not really taken root in Russia;
  • Beef is the highest iron-containing meat;
  • Leaf beet;
  • Again, "hello" from the East - tofu;
  • Dried apricots and compote from it, familiar to all of us since childhood;
  • Wheat bread;
  • Among the vegetables, the leader is potatoes, onion and tomatoes;
  • And among the fruits - bananas, plums and apples;
  • Berries that will please us with iron are cranberries, blackcurrants and strawberries;
  • Do not forget about such a delicacy as dried mushrooms.

Top 10 Vitamin C Rich Foods for Women's Health

No doubt everyone has heard about how important Vitamin C is. It affects three hundred processes in our body, amazing, isn't it? Vitamin C is simply necessary for such systems as the immune, digestive, nervous. This vitamin synthesizes hormones and produces collagen.

  • Without a doubt, all citrus fruits will be in the first place here - oranges, lemons, grapefruits - choose to taste;
  • The queen of summer country beds is strawberries;
  • Bulgarian pepper also carries Vitamin C;
  • We are all familiar and beloved - potatoes;
  • Ripe red tomatoes;
  • Delicious foreign guest - kiwi;
  • Painfully native Russian parsley;
  • A rarity on domestic shelves - guava;
  • Rosehip and sea buckthorn, and decoctions from them;
  • The guest from the south is wild garlic.

Top 10 Folic Acid Rich Foods in the World for Any Woman

Folic acid or Vitamin B1 needs to be replenished every day, the situation is aggravated by the fact that this acid is easily lost during cooking. Vitamin B1 affects metabolism, cell division, the creation of leukocytes and erythrocytes.

  • In the first place is the product, which for some reason also did not find much distribution - these are asparagus shoots;
  • Orange and orange juice will also give your body Vitamin B1;
  • Beef liver;
  • Spinach, which should not be thermally processed for a long time;
  • Rice familiar to all of us;
  • Fresh green peas;
  • Raw eggs, which of course should be consumed with caution;
  • Broccoli;
  • roasted peanuts;
  • Popular in Lately avocado.

Products useful for the female body, also include vegetable oils . Flaxseed oil contains a huge amount of potassium and magnesium, zinc and lecithin, and also significantly improves mood. It is enough just to drink one tablespoon every day before going to bed, so that the body receives all the necessary elements that linseed oil provides.

The most useful women's products are also ordinary white cabbage and salads. Cabbage is not only a very dietary product, it has a great effect on vision, and strengthens the immune system, contains calcium and helps to lose weight. Green salads are also very beneficial for the body, they contain a large amount of phytochemicals and promote detoxification.

Speaking about what are the most useful products for the female body, do not forget about ordinary water. After all, everyone knows that there is more than seventy percent of water in the human body, it regulates all metabolic processes. Lack of water in the body leads to early aging, as well as to a whole bunch of diseases. It is vital for any adult to drink at least eight glasses of fluid a day.

Speaking of liquids, it is worth noting that drinks such as green tea and cocoa are also very useful for women. Green tea slows down aging, because it is a source of antioxidants. Tea can also prevent cancer, preserve youth and skin, and improve overall tone.

In addition to the fact that, as we all remember from childhood, cocoa is very tasty, and like any sweet, it perfectly cheers up, cocoa has a number of other useful benefits. Cocoa slows down the onset of menopause, keeps beautiful hair and nails, improves skin, has a good effect on the speed of thought and performance.

Another product that should definitely be included in your diet for all women is broccoli. We can say that this vegetable is the winner among the products that protect our body from possible cancer. In addition, broccoli is a natural diuretic, which is very important for cleansing the body. Broccoli contains a huge amount of fiber and vitamins, potassium and protein. For pregnant women, broccoli is also indispensable, since it contains such a component as folate, which favorably affects the development of the child.

While menopause begins, many women wonder if they should change their eating habits, What foods are good for menopause? For all women, this period begins at different ages, sometimes it happens quite early due to heredity or past illnesses. But, useful products for early menopause are no different from the list of products for those who have this period on time, because the processes in the body, despite the time difference, are about the same for all people.

  • The first step is to take care of the level of calcium in the body, and these are all the same dairy products, legumes and nuts;
  • You should also try to reduce cholesterol, seafood, nuts and high-quality vegetable oil will help you with this;
  • Choose vegetables and fruits that are especially saturated with useful elements. This is easy enough to do, because often they have the brightest color - cherry, carrot, grapefruit;
  • During this period, vitamin E is very necessary, which is abundant in rice, peas, potatoes and avocados;
  • Do not forget about immunity, which will be helped by onions and garlic.

Products useful for menopause also include cashews, dried apricots, kiwi, melon and seaweed.

And young girls who are only at the beginning of their journey, and often think only about problems excess weight, should also think about proper nutrition. After all, a young body should develop normally and prepare for a possible future pregnancy. The most useful products for girls can be easily found on the shelves of any store.

  • First of all, it is, of course, calcium-rich milk. It can be replaced with natural yogurt without preservatives;
  • Meat, which is a source of protein and iron;
  • Legumes, which will saturate the body with a huge amount useful substances, such as magnesium and copper;
  • Berries are a source of vitamin C with natural bactericidal properties.

With monthly blood loss, and related processes, many girls do not feel very well, so it is important to know what foods are good for menstruation.

  • If you are not a fan of fish oil, which has a great effect on blood circulation, then you need to include as many fish as possible in your diet;
  • You should eat as much protein as possible - cottage cheese, eggs, cheese and nuts.

In addition, products useful for menstruation are dark chocolate, which contains flavonoids, and sunlight which provides the body with Vitamin D.

If you ask yourself what products are good for the female genital organs, the answer is not difficult. Colored products are useful for female genital organs, because nature provides that natural products are often not white. Therefore, you should avoid flour, sugar, white bread in your diet.

Being at one of the most important stages of their lives, many people think about what foods are good for pregnant women.

  • It is, of course, dairy products;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Vegetables and fruits, and juices from them;
  • Lean meats;
  • Mushrooms containing nicotinic acid.

If we have the opportunity to give some product a palm and choose the most useful product for women, it will be an ordinary tomato. It is tomatoes that contain a huge amount of antioxidants and locopene. It affects the work of the heart, nervous system, and simply improves mood. Scientists have recently found that tomatoes can reduce the risk of breast or cervical cancer.

The most useful products for women's health are also cranberries and, not surprisingly, spices. Cranberries are a source of proanthocyanidins, which protect the bladder and kidneys, and the cardiovascular system. And, in addition, it is a source of calcium, phosphorus, copper and iron, as well as vitamins C and B.

Centenarians live in the east, and it is not for nothing that spices are actively used there. Cinnamon, ginger, turmeric can affect and prevent the development of many chronic diseases. When these spices are added to not very correct, fatty foods, its harm, as scientists have calculated, is reduced by thirty percent.

Summing up, we found out that the most useful foods for women are completely ordinary hot products that can be found on the shelves of any stores. Useful products for women, exactly as for men, and, of course, for children, are, first of all, healthy, fresh food, endowed with vitamins and microelements. Now, knowing what foods are good for the female body, you will surely include them in your diet, and this will help you stay young, beautiful and happy for many years.

The health of a woman is very fragile, because it is the female sex that undergoes many changes in the body during life. Doctors and scientists are constantly looking for ways to preserve the health of women. This time they have identified 16 rules that are necessary to maintain and even strengthen women's health.

1. Don't be clean.

Naturally, it is necessary to keep your body clean, but you can’t get carried away with it too much. In Britain, scientists conducted a series of studies that showed a big minus of excessive cleanliness. Women who use antibacterial agents instead of ordinary soap get sick much more often. This is due to the fact that antiseptic substances can disrupt the bacterial balance. Moreover, antiseptics are able to kill beneficial bacteria necessary to maintain a woman's health. That is why gynecologists do not recommend using intimate antiseptics for daily use.

2. Protect yourself.

In addition, discomfort in the stomach may indicate irritable bowel syndrome. Little is known about the causes of this disease, but it can be painful. Sometimes the syndrome requires treatment with surgery.

16. Have more sex.

According to American doctors, good sex can rejuvenate the body. About two hundred is necessary in order to look 5-6 years younger. Sex also. In addition, lovemaking is essential for a woman's health. Sex improves overall well-being, and reduces the risk of developing various gynecological diseases.