Preventive social work. Preventive activities Principles of preventive social work

In conflict prevention, this type of activity should be understood as having a targeted nature of eliminating the conflict and having a direct or indirect influence on the factors preventing the occurrence of a conflict situation.

The most important point in the analysis should be the determination of the purpose and forms of the procedure. Its purpose must be operational in nature to reflect the essence of the situation or area of ​​activity. Thus, domestic political activity should be aimed at:

a) prevention of violent conflicts. A similar goal should be analogous in the social sphere, for example, an initial warning;

b) preventing the expansion of the conflict at its initial stage. Here we are talking about the use, first of all, of indirect methods of influence. Among them we can name the so-called. "Economic blockade" on different kinds goods and raw materials would make it possible to contain the transition of one or both sides of the political confrontation to a more active phase;

c) preventing new outbreaks of violence after the general cessation of the conflict. History knows many examples when the so-called. The “smoldering embers” of past conflicts became the foci of new confrontations and conflicts. Preventive activities should promote the same goal in relation to any sphere of public life. Such an identity consists of analyzing the emergence and deployment of a single model of conflict. Thus, in order to prevent crime, preventive goals can also be diversified into three groups:

a) general prevention, widespread use of social prevention of various social deformations;

b) localization of the conflict - direct balancing of interests due to the influence of government structures or the public, elimination of the basis for the initiation of offenses;

c) combating relapses.

The technology of preventive activities can be reduced to two types: operational and structural.

Operational technologies. The strategy of action unfolds in pre-conflict conditions, during the manifestation of a problematic situation that does not reveal specific signs of conflict. The situation itself requires urgent action, but the participants in the events are no longer able to find a way out on their own. There is a real need for the intervention of a “third force”. The criticality of the situation lies in the awareness by the participants in the confrontation of a solution to the conflict as a preventive measure; if this does not happen, the situation may worsen sharply. Thus, the operational technology of prevention should create conditions that would facilitate search for solutions to the problem, first of all, by the participants themselves. The technology itself includes four key elements:

♦ organization of prevention - identifying the subject of action initiating the organization of an act of prevention;

♦ the presence of an approach that could become the basis for a compromise interest;

♦ the availability of internal resources for possible balancing of the interests of the parties, as well as for a further transition to self-organization without the participation of a “third party”;

♦ the presence of a clear program of preventive actions that meets the requirements of the given situation, as well as appropriate measures in case of program failure.

The presence of events presented in their entirety adds integrity to the technology and provides the opportunity to influence the situation. In the field of political relations, the following technologies are considered the most effective:

a) early warning or early response;

b) preventive diplomacy;

c) economic measures, including sanctions, blockades, etc.;

d) use of armed forces. Early warning.

Majority political conflicts have a certain period of their maturation. As a result of the analysis, actions identified can be qualified as signs of an impending crisis. Confirmation of the increase in crisis phenomena, as a rule, should be declared by as many international actors as possible, including non-governmental organizations. These conditions must be observed to prevent accusations of interference in internal affairs. As a reaction to certain actions of the forces involved in the conflict, international organizations can use early response technology. The most rapid actions can be carried out by public organizations, since states must adhere to certain international legal procedures.

Preventive diplomacy

The trend towards increasing legitimate forms of international influence on various conflicts has led to the emergence of such a concept as preventive diplomacy. Traditional diplomacy has been supplemented with new functions. Interdependence modern world forced us to take a closer look at crisis phenomena, which previously concerned exclusively the internal problems of each country. Using the neutral status of diplomacy, the country had the opportunity to conduct a constructive dialogue with the conflicting parties, to identify political institutions within the state that were interested in ending the confrontation, but were able to resist it. The so-called strategy has become widespread, especially in recent decades. "Multi-level diplomacy", which involves combining the efforts of official diplomacy and the activity of civil society institutions.

Economic measures

The main goal of using economic measures is to limit as completely as possible the material base of the opposing parties, deprived of resource conflicts that arise.

It should be noted that economic sanctions are the most tangible of a number of measures. Among other activities, the following can be noted: economic boycotts, the establishment of quotas and restrictions, customs policy, etc. It must be remembered that in order to prevent interference in internal affairs, they cannot go beyond the legal framework of both international and national legislation of a particular state. The main condition for the measures taken should be the safety of the absolute majority of ordinary residents of problem areas. If negative consequences cannot be avoided, then any compensatory measures should be provided, for example, humanitarian programs. Use of armed forces.

The use of the army should always be considered as a last resort, when other measures either do not achieve results, are ineffective, or are deliberately blocked by the participants in the conflict. Also, the reason for the introduction of the army may be the real possibility of a sharp escalation of the situation, which could cause a serious threat to the civilian population, and the escalation itself could spread to other regions.

Preventive social work and its essence

Note 1

Social work is characterized by activities aimed at harmonizing social relations and maintaining a decent standard and quality of life.

One of the functions of social work is the prevention of negative factors that influence social relationships.

Preventive social work makes it possible to influence the elimination or reduction of social problems of an individual or social group at the time of the formation of a social problem, which, in turn, makes it possible to reduce the growth rate of social problems.

Preventive social work consists of a system of state, social, medical, psychological, pedagogical and organizational measures that are aimed at preventing, eliminating or reducing the influence of the main factors and conditions that cause negative social deviations and other negative deviations in the behavior or status of an individual.

Note 2

The goal of preventive social work is to create socially acceptable human behavior that ensures harmonious and stable relationships between a person and society.

Preventive social work also includes timely measures that are aimed at preventing acceptable physical, psychological and sociocultural deviations in individuals and social groups exposed to social risks, as well as support normal level and quality of life and health and on the disclosure of inner life potential individuals.

Principles of preventive social work

Preventive social work carries out its activities in accordance with a number of principles:

  • the principle of consistency, which is characterized by identifying the totality of causes of social problems, forming a system necessary conditions to solve social problems, as well as using the entire system of methods and techniques of social work to prevent social problems and their negative consequences.
  • the principle of prevention, which consists in the preventive nature of the measures taken.
  • the principle of optimality, the essence of which is to objectively identify the relevance of the problem for an individual or social group.
  • the principle of activation, characterized by the implementation of the client’s own strengths, which allows us to note the subjective nature of preventive measures.

Problem field of preventive social work

The problem field of preventive social work includes the entire system of deviations and negative factors that influence society, including crime and delinquency, alcoholism, drug addiction and other forms of addiction, neglect of minors, all forms of domestic violence, and other negative factors.

Preventive social work to prevent processes of social ill-being and contain negative factors is carried out by social services that cooperate with social work clients in need of social services. Preventive social work involves the use of a complex of socio-economic, psychological, pedagogical, legal and other methods of social work.

Types of preventive social work

Depending on the scope of the problem and the depth of the methods and programs used, general and special preventive social work is distinguished, and it is also divided into primary, secondary and tertiary preventive work.

General preventive work is carried out on the basis of an integrated approach that organizes the actions of a prevention system and structure that has the ability to prevent the occurrence of probable social problems and their negative consequences.

General preventive social work is carried out at the state level through a system of measures aimed at improving the quality and standard of living of the population, reducing social risk factors, as well as creating a favorable environment for the implementation of the principle of social justice.

Special preventive work operates through measures aimed at solving specific social problems that have arisen in a particular person or social group.

As noted above, preventive work can be primary, secondary and tertiary:

  • Primary preventive work is work to prevent a social problem that has not yet arisen, that is, it is aimed at eliminating the negative factors leading to a social problem. Primary preventive work is widespread and non-specific, using mainly methods of pedagogy, psychology and management.
  • Secondary preventive work consists of carrying out a system of measures, the purpose of which is rehabilitation and adaptation of those who already have social deviations in behavior or who are affected by a social problem. The main goal of secondary preventive work is to create motivation aimed at changing behavior.
  • Tertiary preventive work consists of carrying out a set of measures that are aimed at the social adaptation of people who have pronounced social problems. The main goal of this type of work is to create conditions, an environment that supports the normal state of such people. Tertiary preventive work includes such activities as the creation of help and support clubs, the introduction and implementation of local social programs, the creation of self-help groups and therapeutic groups.

Depending on the implementation of preventive measures of preventive social work, we can also distinguish:

  • neutralizing prophylaxis
  • compensatory prevention
  • preventing the effect of adverse factors
  • eliminating the effect of unfavorable factors
  • controlled prevention

Activities aimed at preventing certain phenomena and processes. For example. Conducting vocational guidance for young people makes it possible to prevent their contacting the employment service and increase the level of employment of young people.

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