Pelageya's husband Ivan Telegin wedding. Pelageya’s personal life: photos with husbands and children

// Photo: Anna Salynskaya/

The engagement ring sparkling on the 29-year-old singer's ring finger has been the source of much controversy among her fans for several weeks now. Pelageya herself prefers not to talk about her relationship with 24-year-old hockey player, Russian national team player Ivan Telegin. Perhaps the reason for this is that for the sake of his new lover, the athlete left his wife Evgenia, who gave him a son, Mark, in February of this year.

The relationship between Ivan and Pelageya became known at the end of April, when photographers photographed the couple after dinner in one of the capital’s restaurants. It turned out that the hockey player’s intentions were serious – he recently proposed to the singer.

“The guys have just started preparing for the celebration; they haven’t decided on a specific date yet,” Ekaterina, the athlete’s sister, told StarHit.

This marriage is not the first for Pelageya, as well as for Ivan - in 2010 she married Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich, but two years later they divorced.

Two months ago, Ivan Telegin introduced the bride to his parents: Elena and Alexey are divorced, but have maintained friendly relations. In order to meet their son’s new beloved, they flew from Novokuznetsk to Moscow for several days. And, despite the scandal, Pelageya was received warmly.

“This is my son’s choice, my job is to love her the same way my child loves,” Elena Telegina told StarHit. – I often visit Vanya in the capital, as soon as his schedule allows. However, I wasn’t able to come to the recent World Championships, so I was worried about him at home.”

In the stands of the Ice Palace, Pelageya cheered for Ivan almost every game. And at the very beginning of the championship, the star sang the Russian anthem, thereby supporting not only her beloved, but the entire team. Pictures of the artist taken in the stands of the ice palace began to appear regularly on the Internet. Pelageya also made friends with the wives of other national team players, and they have fun together. Not long ago, the singer and her chosen one celebrated the final of the championship in the company of colleagues and their family members in one of the karaoke clubs in the capital.

She married hockey player Ivan Telegin. The couple keeps their personal life a secret, and even many of Pelageya and Ivan’s friends found out about their wedding some time after the celebration.

The fact that Pelageya was marrying hockey player Telegin became known in April. Polya wore her gorgeous diamond engagement ring without taking it off, but at the same time without commenting on her upcoming wedding.

Pelageya chose a not too fluffy dress for the wedding.

Pelageya and Ivan Telegin got married in the Kutuzovsky registry office in the presence of only a few guests. The guys arrived at the ceremony in two executive class cars. After painting at the registry office, Pelageya and Ivan went to a restaurant on the Rublyovka, where several more guests arrived. The wedding date of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin was not chosen by chance, because it has some magic of numbers - 06.16.2016.

In the photo: the secret wedding of Pelageya and Ivan Telegin.

Lately, Pelageya could be seen at CSKA matches; Ivan Telegin plays for this club. Pelageya met all the wives/girlfriends of the hockey players. Polya especially became friends with the daughter of actress Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia Shubskaya, the beloved girlfriend of Alexander Ovechkin, and Lera Kudryavtseva, the wife of hockey player Igor Makarov.

By the way, after the wedding, Pelageya and Ivan went to Greece with friends Ovechkin and Shubskaya. This photo is from Nastya’s Instagram:

In the photo: Pelageya, Nastya Shubskaya, Alexander Ovechkin and Ivan Telegin

For Ivan Telegin this is the first official marriage, for Polya the second. In 2010, Pelageya married Dmitry Efimovich, who worked on Comedy Woman and Our Russia, the marriage lasted two years.

In the photo: Plegea with ex-husband Dmitry Efimovich.

Ivan Urgant, of course, could not miss such an event and commented on the combination of the name Pelageya and the surname Telegin in “Evening Urgant”:

Not only the age difference (Pole - 29, Vanya - 24) did not bother the young people to link their destinies, but also the fact that in February Ivan Telegin’s son Mark was born.

For more than two years, Ivan Telegin lived with his beloved Evgenia Nour. When they first met, Evgenia was in a relationship with another young man, and they were even preparing for the wedding. But Ivan Telegin was very persistent, looked after him beautifully, convinced that he loved her and that Zhenya should only be with him. In the photo, Ivan Telegin proposes to Evgenia Nour.

The guys wanted a child, but it didn’t work out for them, then they decided to let go of the situation and plan a wedding. Zhenya even went to Ivan’s homeland in Novokuznetsk to prepare the wedding there, just as Ivan wanted.

But suddenly Zhenya became pregnant and, due to toxicosis, the guys decided to postpone the wedding.

The photo shows the once happy Evgenia Nour and Ivan Telegin.

A few weeks before the birth of her son, Zhenya learned from the media that Ivan was dating Pelageya. My wife had to register Mark with her last name - Nour, because... the child needed to fill out documents, but the father was at training camp and could not come.

Ivan Telegin’s son Mark is very similar to his dad.

Ivan has already introduced his parents and Polya. Elena Telegina, Ivan’s mother, commented on the wedding situation like this: “It’s my son’s choice, it’s my job to love her the same way my child loves.” At the same time, Elena calls Evgenia and inquires about the health of Zhenya and the baby.

The photo shows Pelageya in Greece on her honeymoon.

Evgenia Nour was invited to the “Live Broadcast” program to find out what really happened.

  • Ivan Telegin turned out to be a scoundrel who abandoned his wife and child, or did their relationship with Zhenya fall apart long ago?
  • Did Pelageya stole someone else’s husband or was she herself deceived by Vanya?
  • Did Evgenia Nour (former striptease dancer) seduce a rich athlete as a child or was she a victim of circumstances?

Judge for yourself - watch the online episode “Live” with Evgenia Nour.

The rival of the singer who recently gave birth hoped to the last that hockey player Telegin would return to her

The rival of the singer who recently gave birth hoped until the last that hockey player Telegin would return to her

On January 21, the popular singer PELAGEYA became a mother for the first time. Her fans learned about this during the KHL hockey “star match” in Ufa, where her husband, 24-year-old CSKA and Russian national team forward Ivan TELEGIN, was given a tumbler with a congratulatory inscription. The happy dad literally hovered above the ice, every now and then swinging his stick like a baby, apparently saying hello to his beloved, who this time could not attend the game. And then he couldn’t stand it and admitted: a daughter was born, they named her Taisiya. He didn't say another word. But Ivan’s former common-law wife, whom he abandoned with their child for the sake of Pelageya, did not remain silent and spoke about how their relationship is now.

A scandalous story in which, unexpectedly for everyone, the ex-mentor of the shows “The Voice” and “The Voice” got involved. Children,” is still being teased by all and sundry: the charming Polya (real name Pelagia) took the hockey player away Ivan Telegina from a family where a baby had just been born.

Hoping to return common-law husband 26 year old Evgenia Nour I even decided to make a public confession on one of the talk shows, but in the end I was still left with nothing.

If I had known that after that program so much criticism would fall on me, I would never have gone there,” Zhenya sighs. - Even Native sister Ivana, with whom we communicated very closely, suddenly began writing on social networks that she couldn’t trust me. I don’t understand why she’s interfering. Moreover, she herself has not communicated with her brother for two years - they had a serious conflict. By the way, I tried to reconcile them with Vanya, because Katya, like no one else, knows who Telegin really is. He is a strange person: today he says one thing, and tomorrow he says something completely different.

- I know that some even doubted that you really gave birth to a baby from Telegin. Isn't it offensive?

Yes, some crazy people study the photo of my son almost under a microscope, and then send their conclusions. Like, why doesn’t the boy’s eyes look like Ivan’s? But I don’t pay attention to this - I myself know the truth, and Telegin has no doubts about this. Otherwise he wouldn’t have given me a penny.

Previously, you complained that the money that Ivan allocates to you is sorely lacking. Has the situation changed now?

Initially, he gave 50 thousand a month, sometimes less. I thought that this was enough to rent an apartment and maintain small child. This did not suit me, but Ivan refused to discuss it with me. Even after the television broadcast, he was in no hurry to solve the problem, he only wrote angry text messages to me: they say, well, have you disgraced the whole country? Fortunately, my lawyer managed to come to an agreement with him, and now Telegin pays my son and me an amount on which we can normally live. Naturally, when Mark grows up a little, I plan to go to work. I don't intend to be a kept woman.

- Does the father even see the child?

I don’t want to offend anyone, so I’ll answer this: extremely rarely. Telegin’s parents do not communicate with Mark either. In fact, I myself would like to look into Ivan’s eyes and ask why he did this to us? But he simply avoids it. I think he is ashamed for cheating and living with two women at the same time. After all, it turns out that Pelageya became pregnant just a month after I gave birth to Ivana Mark. Is it normal?

- Didn’t you even suspect that your husband was having an affair?

- We were together for 3.5 years, we had a good time, and suddenly everything ends abruptly. A month before Mark was born, I started having contractions. The doctors insisted that I go to the hospital. While I was in custody, I thought that they were waiting for us at home and loved us, but when our son was born, everything changed dramatically. Ivan left, saying nasty things to me, without really explaining anything. I think that all this month he was thoroughly “treated” by his godmother - he himself would not have thought of such a thing. It was she who brought Telegin together with Pelageya, because she herself is from the world of show business and has been friends with Polina for a long time. Apparently, at some point this woman stopped liking me, so she decided to introduce her godson to someone else. Nobody even thought about me. When all this happened, I almost went crazy. I was so worried that I could neither eat nor sleep. She even began to faint. It’s good that I had friends nearby who supported me. Of course, there were also those who did not spare my nerves, and every now and then they reported: “Your one is now rocking the club with Pelageya.” Until the last moment I hoped that he would take a walk and return. But this did not happen.

- Recently, Ivan became a dad for the second time...

Well what can I say? I'm very glad that it was born new person. In fact, I try to stay away from their family - it’s all been too hard for me. Although, of course, it’s impossible to completely distance myself: every now and then I receive insults and even threats from Pelageya’s fans. For some reason they think that I somehow offended her. On that program, they made me out to be almost a fallen woman who deliberately became pregnant by Telegin, gave birth to his son and is forcibly trying to keep him, while destroying the happiness of the great singer. But no one knows that Ivan was having a wild night while I was in conservancy. He always loved fun, noisy parties, clubs. We actually met there. At that moment I was not free - I had serious relationship with another man. But Ivan courted and wooed me so persistently for almost six months that I gave up. And what's the result? He was fine with me until I “fell out of the picture” due to pregnancy. I know Ivan very well - everyone should live by his rules: if he is having fun, everyone around him should also smile and light up. He's just young, he hasn't worked up yet. I’m sure even now he doesn’t realize what he’s done.

- And you weren’t able to explain yourself to Pelageya herself? Didn't she understand that she was breaking up her family?

- I asked myself this question a million times and couldn’t understand why she decided to do this, because outwardly she seems very decent and kind. I don’t think Ivan was able to pull the wool over the eyes of an adult woman. I think she just fell head over heels in love with him. Ivan knows how to achieve, knows how to seduce a girl. If he likes someone, he will do everything to attract attention to himself. So he seemed to be able to charm Pelageya’s strict mother. Although in fact, I think she accepted her daughter’s choice philosophically: he is young, strong, healthy, promising - you can give birth to such a man. There have been no men left in show business for a long time, and a woman’s biological clock is ticking. Apparently, my mother weighed everything and realized: she had to take it. So in our situation, it’s not me, not Pelageya, but only Ivan who is to blame. We can only hope that he lost his temper and calmed down. Although, to be honest, it’s hard to believe - Telegin is not that person.

Journalists found out how much it cost the singer Pelageya to give birth, and how she plans to raise the child.

Seven months after the wedding, on January 21, Pelageya gave birth to a daughter, Taisiya. The birth took place on time and without complications, the singer is already at home surrounded by her family and enjoying motherhood to the fullest. Husband Ivan Telegin took time off from work (the hockey player missed one game) to meet his wife from the maternity hospital. Pelageya is helped by her mother Svetlana and mother-in-law Elena, who flew to Moscow from Novokuznetsk. In addition, the pediatrician from the clinic where Taisiya Telegina was born is always in touch with the star.

Pelageya gave birth in an atmosphere of total secrecy: loved ones, relatives, friends were warned - no comments to anyone. As we managed to find out, the newlyweds moved from Pelageya’s Moscow apartment to a new country house in the Moscow region. The couple’s first child was born at the “Mother and Child” clinical hospital in Lapin. By the way, Ksenia Sobchak gave birth here last fall. Conducting a “VIP” category childbirth here costs 930 thousand rubles.

For this money, in addition to qualified medical care, comfort and food, as in a five-star hotel, the singer received reliable security. The hospital has a protected area that is impossible for outsiders to enter: people and cars are allowed into the clinic territory only with passes.

While 30-year-old Pelageya was supported by her mother in the maternity hospital (she was even present at the birth), TV Program magazine managed to talk with the happy father. They waylaid Ivan Telegin in Ufa during the KHL All-Star Game.

At first, Ivan denied: “I don’t like talking about my personal life! I can only say that the wedding with Pelageya cheered me up. Everything has become much better. This is an important moment for me from a psychological point of view.”

And when the next day the team won with a crushing score of 6:2, the CSKA player’s mood rose. But 24-year-old Telegin was beaming with happiness not only because of the victory.

“Late Saturday evening. They called her Taisiya. Haven't you heard? This was announced to the entire stadium! And they also gave me a gift. Such an interesting doll,” said Telegin.

Friends, hockey players, clapped their comrade on the shoulder every now and then. “We have known each other since the days of the junior team. I congratulated Vanya on becoming a dad. And he said that the girl was born tall and will be beautiful!” shared the defender of the Ufa “Salavat Yulaev” Zakhar Arzamastsev.

Among Pelageya’s friends for a long time there are no longer singers, but the wives of hockey players: Ekaterina Lyubimova, Elena Belova, Olga Bobrovskaya. Together with Anastasia Ovechkina and the wives of CSKA players, Pelageya already participated in charity events in the last months of pregnancy. Quickly becoming part of the hockey community, she received many gifts from new friends even before giving birth. The singer speaks very warmly about her new social circle, in which she was well received: “The wives and girlfriends of hockey players are real Decembrists who help them, pray and are with them on the field.”

“Pola is not superstitious, so we gave gifts for the baby in advance so as not to disturb her in the first month, when there is already enough trouble,” say the wives of CSKA players.

The PR director of a famous brand of goods for children said that stars, taking care of a dowry for children, can forget about some little things - especially when they become mothers for the first time: “We give the singer’s daughter pacifiers and bottles from one famous company, as well as diapers as a gift and vests."

Even during pregnancy, Pelageya approached her future role as a mother very responsibly: she watched video lessons from the famous Dr. Komarovsky, attended childbirth preparation courses, and read a lot of literature. For example, friends who are experienced mothers recommended her the book “What Does Your Baby Want?” by Tracy Hogg.

Pelageya's acquaintances said that she decided not to use the services of a nanny. Having studied the theory in advance, in the maternity hospital the star, with the help of experienced medical staff, learned to handle the baby. And at home, Svetlana’s mother will always help. In addition, a pediatrician is always available and ready to answer questions at any time of the day.

By the way, an annual VIP contract for monitoring a child in a clinic in Lapino costs 500 thousand rubles. And there is absolutely no need to take your baby to the clinic for mandatory examinations - doctors with all the necessary equipment will be able to come to the star’s house themselves.

It is no coincidence that Pelageya spent the entire nine months of her pregnancy communicating with friends who had children. Everyone is sure that the singer will become an ideal mother, as she has been dreaming of giving birth for the last ten years.

“It’s difficult to meet a person who would love me, tolerate me, and who would be interesting to me. But as soon as I find my prince, I’m going to give birth right away! It seems to me that we need to have a lot of children and as early as possible!” Pelageya shared even before meeting Telegin.

The singer met the hockey player in the company of mutual friends - it was love at first sight. According to Telegin’s colleagues, he is truly in love and happy. Now Pelageya is refusing even lucrative contracts. Can afford it: my husband earns well. According to some reports, Ivan Telegin’s annual contract implies an income of 200 million rubles. Despite the fact that the hockey player pays alimony to his former common-law wife for their son Mark (the boy turns one in February), he will be able to provide a comfortable existence for his wife and daughter.

We didn’t immediately understand why Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova, a famous folk singer, mentor of children’s and, in the past, adult “Voices”, often attended CSKA matches in the Gagarin Cup playoffs.

We didn’t immediately understand why Pelageya Sergeevna Khanova, a famous folk singer, mentor of children’s and, in the past, adult “Voices,” often attended CSKA matches in the Gagarin Cup playoffs.

Ivan Telegin: “Only you can compare with the beauty of hockey, Pelageya!” Photo: Elena RUSKO/TASS

— CSKA will always be first! - Pelageya shouted excitedly into the TV camera, although in fact she was born in Novosibirsk.

— Maybe she’s a fan of the army team’s coach Dmitry Kvartalnov, who previously coached Sibir? - we thought.

Everything turned out to be much more interesting. It turns out that with the 24-year-old red-bearded CSKA forward Ivan Telegin. Recently, they were caught by paparazzi at a Moscow restaurant having dinner with a hookah. Vanya carefully fed Pelageya from his hands, she gently stroked his shoulders. The couple spent about four hours in the restaurant and left the establishment at three in the morning. Telegin got behind the wheel of Pelageya’s car, and the lovers drove off together.

It turns out that in order for Pelageya to choose you, you don’t have to sing well, but throw accurately. Photo:

It is interesting that Ivan became a father this year: in February, CSKA on the official website congratulated him and his common-law wife Evgenia on the birth of their son: “The child, whom the parents decided to name Mark, was born on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. The baby’s height was 52 cm, weight – 3 kg 750 g.” I met three years ago in a club where she was dancing a striptease. The couple almost immediately began living together.

Well, it’s worth recalling that Pelageya herself divorced Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich in 2012 after two years of marriage. But now there is a ring on the ring finger of the singer’s right hand. Is it Vanya's gift? They come to Russia together and go to hockey games together. But they categorically refuse to advertise their relationship. They will open, perhaps, only after the hockey season.

Telegin was once happy with the beautiful Evgenia... Photo:

However, now on Pelageya’s official website, her representatives allowed themselves to make one clarification: “Vanya was not married. When they met Polya, he was no longer in a relationship.”

And this year Telegin was called up to the Russian senior national team for the first time. And now head coach Oleg Znarok invited Ivan to prepare for the World Championship. A versatile forward, fast, with a good shot. There are hockey players who play “on the piano”. And the hard worker Telegin, as they say, drags this piano around the stage.