How to treat an old cat for urinary incontinence. Possible causes of urinary incontinence in cats and what to do about it

In this article I will talk about the types of urinary incontinence in cats and cats, and what to do first. I will list the causes and symptoms of a cat’s inability to hold urination. I will consider measures to prevent incontinence and talk about methods for eliminating symptoms at home.

Types of urinary incontinence in cats

The inability to hold urine is not an independent disease.

Incontinence is a symptom of a more serious illness affecting the pet. The characteristics of the symptoms will help the veterinarian find the root cause.

Types of incontinence:

  • Small amount of leakage. Small volumes of urine are released on the pet's path to the litter box. This symptom can only be noticed with careful observation. Signs include small, strong-smelling puddles on the floor, furniture, or carpet.
  • Regular leakage. The sphincter of the urethra loses its tightness, causing urine to constantly flow out in a thin stream, especially when the pet moves around the house.
  • Urgentnoe. The need to urinate occurs unexpectedly even for the pet itself. He relieves himself immediately, which can be scary. This sign can be observed in the behavior of the cat - she is constantly scared, goes to the toilet in different places, meowing and pressing her ears to her head.
  • Stressful. Overstimulation of a pet due to stress, fear or positive emotions can cause involuntary urination.

Regular monitoring of the quantity and quality of visits to the tray for minor needs will allow early stage determine deviations from the norm and diagnose diseases.

Limiting your pet's fluid intake is prohibited, as this will lead to dehydration, weakened immunity and possible death.

Urinary incontinence is a problem common in older cats.

Causes of incontinence

Factors that provoke the inability to retain urine in cats are divided into 3 large groups:

  1. Neurogenic – dysfunction of the nervous system. The impetus for the disorder can be injuries, neoplasms and hernias on the organs of the central nervous system. A pinched or ruptured nerve can also lead to uncontrolled urination.
  2. Abnormal structure of the organs of the genitourinary system. Congenital pathologies– hypoplasia and ectopia. Acquired anomalies - stone formations, urethral and vaginal fistulas.
  3. Functional disorders. They occur against the background of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, as well as with an unbalanced diet. The presence of excess fat and spices in the food leads to an increase in alkaline urine, resulting in irritation of the urethra.

Symptoms of incontinence

Signs of urinary incontinence are varied, but with proper attention to the animal, they are not difficult to notice. Symptoms manifest themselves in:

  • Regular moisture of the cat's coat in the area hind legs, belly and tail;
  • The presence of wet spots in the animal’s resting areas;
  • The consistency of urine changes - an unpleasant odor, mucus, blood, sand appears;
  • Unintentional urination. The animal begins to walk outside the tray, and there is obvious anxiety and fear;
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin in the area of ​​the urethra;
  • Damp fur around the area where urine is released.

Only a veterinarian can diagnose incontinence.

Self-medication for these symptoms can harm the animal, significantly compromising its health.

Treatment of a cat with urinary incontinence

Treatment measures aimed at the inability to hold urination are prescribed only by a veterinarian after a detailed examination and history. Diagnosis is carried out by several combined methods: visual examination, palpation, urine analysis, additional ultrasound examinations or x-ray.

Treatment depends on the nature of the incontinence:

  • In case of injury, medications and surgery are prescribed.
  • In case of anomalies in the structure of the urinary system, surgical intervention is prescribed, as well as a homeopathic course of treatment.
  • For functional disorders, treatment occurs through massage, medication and injections.

Strictly following the treatment instructions issued by the veterinarian will significantly increase the speed and chance of your pet’s recovery.

If new symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a veterinary clinic.

Prevention at home

Preventive actions to prevent urinary incontinence in cats are not clearly defined due to the wide range of causes of the symptom. However, veterinarians advise observing the following measures:

  • Balanced and measured nutrition for the cat.
  • Regular prevention of helminth infection.
  • Compliance with the vaccination schedule.
  • Reduce the likelihood of your cat contracting colds by minimizing exposure to the street during the cold season and drafts.
  • Eliminate situations that cause injury to your pet.
  • Control over your pets' walks on the street, as well as their interactions with other animals
  • Minimizing low and medium quality feed.

Security healthy eating and an active lifestyle for your pet, coupled with regular veterinary examinations, will reduce the risk of urinary incontinence in your pet.

Frequent urination, sometimes outside the litter box, is not always the pet’s fault or his attempt to misbehave. In most cases, this is a consequence of diseases that have affected the animal. The owner's attention to the process and frequency of urination of the pet will allow diagnosing the disease at an early stage and improve the health of representatives of the feline world.

Urinary incontinence in a cat is often perceived by the owner as a sign of disobedience. If treatment is not provided on time, it can lead to serious consequences. Sometimes, due to the lack of timely medical care, the animal cannot be saved.

The cat owner must understand that urinary incontinence can be a symptom of a serious infectious disease. The problem may indicate the course of such ailments as: panleukopenia, cystitis, nephritis, mycoplasmosis.

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    Types of pathology

    Urinary incontinence in cats manifests itself in several variations:

    • Digging in a small amount. It is quite difficult to detect the presence of the disease at an early stage based on this sign. Since the number of droplets is minimal, their release occurs unnoticeably.
    • Leakage. Urine comes out only when the cat is resting. It is not difficult to notice the pathology, since the animal, before reaching the tray, urinates on the floor. In case of untimely treatment, the cat develops a state where he cannot control the process at all.
    • Constant incontinence. Discharge observed large quantity liquids. The condition is characterized by the cat becoming suddenly restless. The beast itself is surprised at what happened to it.
    • Incontinence due to stress. As a result of emotional stress, a healthy cat defecates past the litter box. This situation will happen once and the problem will disappear (unless the animal lives in constant stress).


    Urinary incontinence most often indicates that the animal is seriously ill. Many owners believe that the cat is deliberately doing this at home, trying to annoy the owner. This is wrong. Some animals lose control of themselves and cannot restrain themselves when they urge.

    Spontaneous urination can be caused by dozens of diseases, various injuries, and the age of the cat. The animal needs to be provided with timely medical assistance and treated at home. Otherwise the animal dies.

    There are a number of possible reasons why the problem occurs:

    1. 1. Congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system. They appear from childhood. The little kitten does not go to the litter box on his own. The pet owner is trying to train him, but does not know that the animal cannot do this for objective reasons. It is impossible to determine the pathology on your own.
    2. 2. Infectious diseases. The most dangerous of them is mycoplasmosis. It affects not only the animal’s liver, but also other organs. Problems with urination can occur with cystitis, urocystitis, panleukopenia, nephritis and nephrosis.
    3. 3. Wrong diet. The use of low-quality feed and an unbalanced diet can lead to urolithiasis. It causes urinary incontinence.
    4. 4. Malfunctions of the central nervous system. Quite often they lead to incontinence. They can be caused by injuries and inflammatory processes in the brain.
    5. 5. Metabolic disorders in the animal’s body. Leads not only to malfunctions of the genitourinary system, but also to weight gain and diabetes.
    6. 6. Age of the animal. Often causes incontinence.
    7. 7. Childbirth. Uncontrolled urination often occurs as a result of labor. At this moment, the animal’s bladder is full, and puddles or drops of urine may appear. The pet owner must change the cat's bedding.
    8. 8. Paresis, paralysis, spasm, tumor, injury. These reasons can only be recognized by a veterinarian.

    The cat is sick: does not eat or drink, constant vomiting - possible causes


    Infectious gastritis (panleukopenia) is an acute disease, the symptom of which is urinary incontinence. Pathology occurs due to a virus that affects the bone marrow. Accompanied by fever, dehydration, and increasing intoxication.

    The virus is transmitted from an infected animal and through blood-sucking insects. Spread occurs through household items of sick animals. Panleukopenia is registered in the summer and autumn seasons. At this time, animals have weakened immunity.

    At an early age, the disease is acute. The incubation period is no more than eight days. In the acute course of the disease, the first symptoms are:

    • frequent urination;
    • depressed state;
    • refusal of food;
    • increased body temperature to 40 degrees;
    • constant thirst.

    The urine produced becomes dark. The animal feels pain in the abdomen and groin.

    Cystitis and urocystitis

    Urinary incontinence in cats may be a consequence of cystitis. This is an inflammatory process that develops on the mucous membrane of the bladder. It occurs as a result of tissue damage from urinary stones.

    In cats, the disease occurs in parallel with urethritis. Males often suffer from cystitis, regardless of age.

    The disease occurs in those animals that sit for a long time on the windowsill with the window open. As a result of hypothermia, two diseases develop: pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

    Urocystitis is another common disease in cats. It is an inflammatory process of the bladder and urethra. It causes the development of bacterial pathology in the bladder and causes urolithiasis in cats.

    At inflammatory processes Diseases of the extremities occur, the symptom of which is urinary incontinence.

    Acute nephritis and nephrosis

    A common disease in cats that causes urinary incontinence is acute nephritis. This is an inflammatory process in the kidneys that affects the interstitial tissue. Pathology occurs against the background of infectious diseases and as a result of non-communicable diseases such as colds. During the illness, the entire body suffers, and the process of urination is disrupted. Untimely treatment leads to prolonged vasospasm.

    Nephrosis is a kidney disease that is non-inflammatory in nature. In case of poisoning and serious intoxication, nephrosis may occur, accompanied by incontinence. Symptoms may include: weakness, lack of appetite, rapid weight loss. The presence of nephrosis can be detected by performing a urine test.


    Mycoplasmosis is a serious disease. The causative agents of the disease cause the appearance of inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes and affect all organs. An animal can become infected through soil, water, or touching a plant.

    The incubation period lasts from three days to one and a half months. The signs of the disease are specific, so it is quite difficult to notice the disease. When bacteria multiply, the following occurs:

    • urinary incontinence;
    • conjunctivitis or rhinitis.

    During the acute stage of mycoplasmosis, the cat will constantly sneeze and there will be copious discharge from the nose.

    Often associated with mycoplasmosis are: urethritis, erosive lesions, influenza, and worms. Against this background, the cat may develop an allergic reaction.

    Age-related changes

    Urinary incontinence is a major problem faced by owners of older cats. There are many reasons for the formation of such an unpleasant symptom.

    An older animal may suffer from:

    • colitis;
    • diabetes;
    • pathology of the kidneys or intestines;
    • diseases of the lower urinary tract;
    • hyperthyroidism.

    With these diseases, it becomes difficult for the cat to defecate. The animal needs to be provided with the most comfortable conditions and treatment. It is recommended to use a tray with low sides and place it within easy reach of the animal.

    Incontinence can be caused by stress. The impetus for shock can be a move or a change in daily routine. To avoid increased arousal, you can purchase a pheromone regulator for your cat. The product has a calming effect on animals.

    Sometimes your pet has an aversion to the tray or litter. In this case, you should fill the container with sand, newspaper scraps, or leave it empty. The animal will choose what suits it best.

    Age-related changes can cause aggression. Sometimes the animal behaves inappropriately due to pain, the development of arthritis, loss of vision or hearing. A constant state of increased anxiety also leads to urinary incontinence.

    Diagnosis and prognosis

    It is not enough for a cat owner to detect urinary incontinence; it is necessary to establish its cause. To do this in veterinary clinic conduct research:

    • Analysis of urine. It will be performed to diagnose kidney function.
    • Blood analysis.
    • X-ray radiation with and without paint.
    • Urological ultrasound examination.

    Depending on the results obtained, the doctor makes an accurate diagnosis and prescribes the optimal treatment. It can be carried out both in the clinic and at home.

    Recovery prognosis may vary. If your cat's health is too damaged, it will be difficult to restore it, so frequent urination will be inevitable. Treatment depends on the cause of the problem.

    Treatment at home

    It is not recommended to deal with urinary incontinence on your own. Self-medication will only worsen the animal’s condition. Its consequences can be dire. Conduct effective treatment at home you can only after consulting a doctor:

    • For inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, cats are treated with Cyston, Canephron and Papaverine. These medications are antibiotics. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. All of the medications listed are intended for humans, so it is important to calculate the correct dosage for the animal. The weight of the cat and the type of disease are taken into account.
    • Injuries and tumors are removed through surgery.
    • To cure urolithiasis, drugs are used to restore urethral patency. Prescribed agents that dissolve sediment and help the body cope with intoxication.

    The animal’s recovery depends not only on the doctor, but also on the owner. The main task of a pet owner is to surround the cat with attention and care. Even a sick animal needs games and affection.

    Injured cats will take longer to recover, so the owner will play a major role in the animal's rehabilitation. You need to understand that the cat must have an incentive. A paralyzed animal may suffer mentally due to its physiological state. The owner needs to provide the most comfortable conditions for him.

    While treating a cat, the owner must manually empty the animal's bladder daily. The procedure must be carried out three times a day. This will help prevent the risk of bacterial growth, the development of which can worsen the pet’s condition.

    Physiotherapeutic treatment is of no small importance for the animal’s recovery. The cat needs to have a massage and take care of its skin.

    Particular attention should be paid to the constant release of urine, which causes burns.

    It is important to stimulate the animal's appetite. Sometimes a cat may completely refuse to eat. The owner must be able to feed both a mobile and an immobile pet. Only with adequate nutrition can a cat recover quickly.

Owners often mistake cat urinary incontinence for a sign of disobedience, some kind of protest, or even revenge for certain actions that the independent animal does not like.

However, experienced cat owners are well aware that uncontrolled urine production can be not only a manifestation of the character of a wayward pet, but also a symptom of a dangerous disease developing in its body.

If measures are taken in a timely manner, the cat has a high chance of recovery, while negligent treatment is fraught with irreversible health consequences.

Types of enuresis in cats

In cats, urinary incontinence can have several types:

  1. Undermining. Urine is released in droplets; you can notice the phenomenon by the smell that comes from the carpet, bedding, and tiny puddles.
  2. Leakage. When the bladder is full, urine is constantly released, even during the animal’s physical activity. The cat cannot control the sphincter and “carry” urine to the tray.
  3. Urgentnaya. It is easiest to recognize, since a puddle appears completely unexpectedly for both the cat and the owner. Urine is released before the cat can make an attempt to run to the toilet.
  4. Stressful. Uncontrolled urine output can occur in nervous situations or fear.

To make it easier for the veterinarian to make a diagnosis, it is advisable for the owner to observe the behavior of the animal and determine the severity of urine separation - whether it is released dropwise or flows in a trickle.

Some owners, having noticed that the cat is peeing in its sleep, try to solve this problem, limiting your pet's fluid intake. This cannot be done, since a lack of water can cause dehydration, which, in turn, will lead to the development of no less serious diseases.


There are many factors contributing to uncontrolled urine output. In cats, urinary incontinence can be caused by:

  • infections of the genitourinary system (nephrosis, nephritis, etc.);
  • general infections in the body;
  • genetically determined pathologies of the genitourinary system, which manifest themselves in the kitten from birth;
  • , developing against the background of an incorrect nutrition system, most often a combination of natural and dry food;
  • problems in the central nervous system;
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body, accompanied not only by the release of urine, but also by weight gain and the development of diabetes;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • frequent childbirth;
  • paresis;
  • malignant and benign tumors, edema, hematomas;
  • injuries (concussions, blows), especially in;
  • bladder spasms;
  • surgery during which nerves were damaged.

Often, urinary problems can be caused by the cat's sterilization or the fact that the cat has been neutered.

Symptoms of urinary incontinence in cats

Signs of uncontrolled urination in cats are easy to spot. They are directly related to the reasons why the cat began to urinate more often than usual. As a rule, this is constantly wet fur on the inside of the thighs, on the stomach and under the tail, wet spots in the places where the pet has just sat or stood.

Embarrassment can happen at any time: both in a dream and during wakefulness, when the pet does not have time to run to the toilet. In this regard, the behavior of the animal changes. A cat, which is naturally clean, realizes that it has peed in the wrong place and becomes depressed and frightened. And if the owner also begins to violently express indignation at what happened or punish the pet, then another problem will be added to one problem - a stressful state.

When the disease is infectious, the cat urinates and experiences pain. The pet begins to meow pitifully. And a paralyzed cat, which walks on its own, does not even understand that its urine is released voluntarily.

What to do

Enuresis in cats is a complex disease that needs to be treated only after identifying the causes that caused it.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor based on medical history, clinical, laboratory, and instrumental studies. Often, ultrasound, x-ray of the pelvic area, and biochemical blood tests are prescribed for diagnosis.

Some owners give their pets medications designed to treat incontinence in humans. This is strictly prohibited! Such a decision will only worsen the cat’s condition.

There is no single treatment regimen for enuresis in cats; therapy is complex and is developed individually for each case. The doctor determines the dosage and duration of taking specific medications.

Depending on the stage of the disease and the cause of the pathology, the following are prescribed:

  • antibiotics, antimicrobial agents - for infectious disease;
  • nutrition adjustments, provision physical activity– when gaining weight;
  • restorative drugs;
  • painkillers and antispasmodics - for urolithiasis;
  • drugs that increase the tone of the bladder walls and improve sphincter function, but they give a temporary effect.

It is not uncommon for cats to be catheterized for enuresis. The choice of catheter is carried out in strict accordance with individual characteristics animal (each breed has its own nuances).

If a tumor is detected, treatment is surgical followed by rehabilitation.

It should be noted that problems with urination can go away on their own if the factors contributing to their occurrence are eliminated. For example, if enuresis occurred in a cat after giving birth or was the result of severe stress, then with good care it will go away without the prescription of medications. During treatment, it is recommended to cover upholstered furniture and carpets with oilcloth.

If urinary incontinence in cats is associated with old age, then it is hardly possible to correct it. There is nothing you can do, the most you can do is put a diaper on the animal or place trays throughout the apartment.

The owner must be patient and provide the patient with the best possible, high-quality care so that he feels comfortable at home. If a cat pees in the wrong place, this is not a reason to punish him or kick him out of the house; on the contrary, the patient must understand that he is safe.


Preventive measures come down to preventing provoking factors. These include:

  1. Systematic examinations by a veterinarian so that the disease can be detected at an early stage.
  2. Providing comfortable conditions for the cat: suitable temperature conditions, absence of drafts, safe space so that the pet cannot get injured.
  3. Balanced nutrition, mainly premium food. Mixing natural products and industrial feeds is unacceptable.
  4. Vitamin and mineral complexes (after consultation with a veterinarian).
  5. Exclusion from the diet of economy-class feed (Whiskas, Friskas, etc.).
  6. Using bottled water.

Old age is an irreversible phenomenon, and no matter how much you take care of your cat, who has already become a member of the family, he cannot avoid it. It is in old age that a four-legged pet needs affection and care.

Informed in such a delicate issue as urinary incontinence in cats, the causes and treatment of enuresis, owners treat their pets more carefully, because, as we know, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Incontinence is an animal's involuntary, uncontrollable urination. When making a diagnosis, it is important to separate this disease from similar ones. For example, from increased excretion syndrome (polyuria) or from dysuria, when a very frequent urge to pee is accompanied by pain. Behavioral factors such as territory marking should also be excluded.

The cat stopped going to the litter box, what should I do?

Urinary incontinence in cats is divided into several types, according to the nature of the manifestations:

  1. The cat's urine is constantly flowing in small drops. The cause of this disease is a weakening of the muscles that control the sphincter. Another reason - weak muscles bladder, unable to stretch and contract.
  2. The inability to tolerate is called urge incontinence. Urine excretion occurs spontaneously as soon as the pet feels the urge. Such animals do not have time to reach the tray, but strive towards it.
  3. Stress incontinence has nothing to do with psychological stress. This refers to a sharp increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, which leads to urination. In such animals, discharge can occur, for example, from a sharp jump.
  4. Reflex discharge occurs when the pet does not feel the urge to pee. Emptying occurs reflexively.
  5. Nocturnal inability to hold urine, as the name suggests, occurs at night when the pet is sleeping and cannot control the urge to pee.

If there is any suspicion of a disease, the owner should contact a veterinarian.

Causes of urinary incontinence


Caused by a malfunction of the nervous system, which can occur from injuries, tumors and hernias in the spine or brain. Nerve endings are pinched or ruptured, so their conductivity is disrupted.

Structural anomalies

They can be congenital (hypoplasia, ectopia), acquired (urethral and bladder stones, formation of urethrovaginal fistulas, etc.).

Functional disorders

Occur due to diseases affecting the functions of the excretory system. So, with urinary tract infections, inflammation of the walls of the bladder and urethra occurs, so the contractile activity of the bladder is disrupted, it becomes hyperactive.

With stones, tumors of the bladder, kidneys, adrenal glands, acute urinary retention may occur in a cat. Cystitis and nephritis are also accompanied by urination problems.

Factors such as proper pet maintenance, feeding regimen, and lack of stress are very important. Too fatty or spicy foods make the urine more alkaline, which can lead to itching, burning of the urethra, and inflammation of the upper parts of the urinary system. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to feed an animal with food from our table.


With night incontinence, the pet wakes up “in a puddle”; with urgent incontinence, the pet does not have time to run to the litter box. Reflex voiding is the most noticeable: the animal can urinate anywhere at any time.

The owner needs to analyze the general condition of the animal, for example, lethargy, drowsiness, aggressiveness or irritability. Other behavioral disorders: anxiety, refusal to go to the litter box or, conversely, frequent visits to the toilet, also require attention. Pink urine in a cat, the presence of mucus and impurities in it, is an important “bell” to immediately consult a doctor. Do not try to treat the animal yourself. Only after a complete examination and passing all tests can treatment be prescribed.

Examination by a veterinarian

The doctor needs to tell all the symptoms that the owner noticed. During the examination, the veterinarian will perform palpation, which can be used to identify large tumors and organ development abnormalities.

In case of incontinence and other urological disorders, a urine test will be prescribed, most often microscopy of the sediment will be required. We have already given detailed information earlier. If necessary, ultrasound and x-rays are also performed.

Additional studies may be needed, such as a blood test, microflora culture, and analysis of renal epithelium in the cat’s urine.

Important: obvious neurogenic disorders such as injuries, tumors, spinal hernias, and urinary disorders are treated by eliminating these factors.

In cases of functional disorders, a complete and comprehensive examination cannot be avoided. Only a complete collection of all indicators will make it possible to correctly diagnose and correctly prescribe treatment.

During the examination, the veterinarian will recommend using special diapers for animals. There should always be a clean, absorbent diaper on the sleeping area. These care items are sold at any pet store.

Important: do not scold your pet for its inability to tolerate, do not punish it under any circumstances. Stressful situation will only harm the animal, but affection and care, on the contrary, will help cope with the disease.

We get tested

It is better to take any tests in the morning on an empty stomach. The only exceptions are emergency cases, if the pet suddenly becomes ill and needs emergency hospitalization.

Donating blood is easy: the veterinary nurse will find a vein and take a portion of blood without any problems.

Many owners are concerned about the question of how to collect urine from a cat for analysis. To do this, prepare a tray: remove the filling, wash it, and pour boiling water over it. There is no need to use aggressive detergents such as bleach. Even if the pet doesn’t like the empty tray, sooner or later he will go into it. Drain the liquid into a jar and take it to the clinic.

If your pet does not have time to reach the tray, put a diaper on it. Later, squeeze the diaper into a jar for analysis. But this option is not very good, since the composition of the diaper can change the composition of the urine.

Another option: go to the clinic. To take the test, the doctor will insert a catheter. Catheterization is not very comfortable for the furry patient, but is completely painless. The most accurate and pure material is considered to be obtained by a-puncture of the bladder. The needle is inserted through the abdomen into the bladder, then the required amount of liquid is sucked out. The procedure is easily tolerated by animals; anesthesia or freezing is not required.

Urinary incontinence in cats: treatment

Treatment is prescribed by the doctor after a complete history collection. Based on the results of tests and studies, the veterinarian determines the exact cause of the disease. If the inability to endure is caused by trauma, then all efforts are directed towards treating the trauma. The same applies to hernias and tumors: by getting rid of them, it is most often possible to normalize urination. If spinal cord injuries cannot be completely cured, and the inability to control the desire to pee persists, palliative measures are prescribed: homeopathy, physiotherapy, massage, and the use of special rehabilitation means.

If a cat has bloody urine, what should owners do?

It is necessary to bring your pet to a veterinarian as soon as possible, since blood in the urine is a possible sign of many diseases:

  1. Infections of the genitourinary system. Treatment is usually medication. A course of antibiotics, immunomodulators, and vitamins will put your pet back on its feet and relieve problems with urination.
  2. Blood impurities in the analysis occur in the presence of stones in the kidneys and/or bladder. Only after curing ICD ( urolithiasis), if necessary, by operating on the animal, you can get rid of blood impurities and incontinence.
  3. Structural anomalies are subject to surgery. For example, suturing a vesicovaginal fistula will prevent vaginal exudate from entering the urine, and vice versa. By isolating the bladder from the constant causative agent of inflammation, it will be possible to cope with incontinence.

Prevention of recurrence of incontinence in a pet is compliance with proper diet nutrition, hygiene and anti-stress environment at home.

Urinary incontinence in a cat, which owners often perceive as hooliganism on the part of the animal, is actually a sign of a health problem in a furry or hairless pet. To eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon, the cat must receive high-quality medical care, for which it should be shown to a veterinarian. If this is not done, the disease that caused the incontinence will continue to progress and may lead to the death of the sick cat. Provided that therapy begins in a timely manner, the likelihood that the problem will be eliminated completely is very high.

Forms of incontinence

In cats, urinary incontinence can take various forms. They are classified according to the degree of urine leakage.

The classification of the disease is as follows:

  • undermining– with this phenomenon, urine leaks from the pet in a small amount. It is released involuntarily in the form of drops and most often if the cat has experienced significant physical exertion. Constant dripping of urine is not common, but in this case the general condition of the animal, as a rule, suffers greatly. Even if a cat who suffered from incontinence has undergone the necessary treatment, its condition remains unsatisfactory;
  • constant flow of urine– this phenomenon is diagnosed if the cat produces urine every time it changes body position and makes any movements. The back of the cat's body is constantly wet, and his bed is saturated with urine, and he emits an extremely unpleasant, pungent odor. The cat, as a rule, is very worried about this phenomenon, tries not to rub itself on the owner’s clothes and constantly washes itself;
  • Urgenic form– with this disorder, the cat often does not feel the urge to urinate, which is why, when the bladder is full, urine flows out sharply, which greatly frightens the animal. The pet is immediately lost and cannot quickly understand what happened to it. The owner should under no circumstances scold his pet. He must be immediately reassured and consoled.
  • stress form– incontinence occurs due to the fact that the cat is experiencing severe stress or fear. At the same time, urine is released sharply and in varying volumes - from small to copious;
  • Sometimes a cat may experience urinary incontinence after catheterization. There is no need to treat the cat; the consequences of installing a catheter go away on their own within a few days.

Depending on what form of pathology occurs in the animal, it is determined what kind of therapy will be carried out in a particular case. All treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian, and a visit to him should not be postponed if a problem is detected. When urinary incontinence occurs in a neutered cat, treatment can be especially difficult.

Causes of pathology

In order to carry out the correct treatment, it is important to accurately determine the reason why the cat does not hold urine. It is not uncommon for incontinence to occur as one of the symptoms of an underlying disease. Can cause disturbances in the animal's body:

  1. infectious lesions of the urinary system in any of its parts;
  2. congenital pathologies of the genitourinary system - in such a situation, the cat suffers from a problem from birth, which is clearly visible as the kitten grows. Incontinence in a very young child may not always be noticeable, since the cat is careful to maintain cleanliness in its den;
  3. Urolithiasis is the most common cause of incontinence in cats. Due to the presence of factions various sizes in the bladder and ureters there is constant irritation of the sphincter of the bladder, as a result of which urine is not retained;
  4. disturbances in the functioning of the spinal cord or brain due to inflammatory pathologies, injuries and high blood pressure. In such a situation, there is a disruption in the conduct nerve impulses and changes in the contractility of the bladder sphincter muscles. Because of this, incontinence of various types appears;
  5. metabolic disturbances - with this phenomenon, incontinence is combined with obesity and the appearance diabetes mellitus. Most often, with such a disorder, urine only drips in with greater or less intensity;
  6. age-related changes in a cat’s body - when a pet ages, the functioning of systems and organs in its body is somewhat disrupted, and urine leaks due to muscle weakness. Incontinence is often permanent due to the inability of the sphincter to withstand the pressure exerted by urine;
  7. frequent births - if a cat gives birth more than once a year, its urinary system does not have time to recover, which is why the normal functioning of the bladder is seriously disrupted and persistent incontinence develops;
  8. spasm of the bladder muscles - most often urine involuntarily leaks out once;
  9. paralysis of the lower parts of the body, in which urine leaks constantly;
  10. traumatic injuries to the bladder - urine leaks to varying degrees;
  11. tumors in the urinary system, especially in the urethra and bladder.

Typically, urine is tested to make a diagnosis. It must be collected in compliance with the rules, otherwise the feces that get into it will change the indicators. It is better if not only the analysis, but also the collection of material is done by a veterinarian. Sometimes additional research may be required. Elimination of the cause that caused incontinence in the animal, depending on its type and general condition, in which the cat is located, may be more difficult or easier.

It is important to remember that the earlier therapy is started, the higher the likelihood of complete elimination of urinary incontinence in a cat. By triggering the illness of his pet, the owner increases his costs for treating the cat and reduces the likelihood of a favorable outcome. It is especially important to provide timely help to the kitten, since for him incontinence is a very alarming symptom, which is why a visit to the veterinarian cannot be postponed even for one day.


Treatment is prescribed by a veterinarian after the reason why the cat’s urine is leaking is determined. The main methods of therapy are as follows:

  • antibiotics - if a bacterial cause of the problem is detected. They are selected depending on the general condition of the animal and what bacteria caused the problem. Most often they are administered by injection subcutaneously or intramuscularly;
  • the use of drugs to restore metabolic processes in the body and a special diet for weight loss are prescribed when it is discovered that urine is leaking due to obesity. In this case, the cat, having lost weight, restores its normal state;
  • complex therapy in identifying pathology due to disorders of the nervous system - first of all, it is determined what caused the malfunction of the brain or spinal cord, and all therapy is based on this.

In some cases, therapy turns out to be useless. This situation most often occurs when a problem arises in an old cat, which, due to the general weakness of the body, no longer responds well enough to therapy. In addition, the tissues can no longer rejuvenate and restore, which causes urine to leak more and more intensely.


Preventing urinary incontinence in a cat is quite a difficult task due to the fact that urine can leak due to many factors. However, veterinarians still give some recommendations to prevent the problem.:

  • high-quality pet feeding;
  • timely treatment for worms;
  • prevention of uncontrolled presence of a cat on the street;
  • refusal of cheap ready-made economy-class feed.

By providing the pet with quality living conditions, the owner reliably protects the cat from pathologies and injuries that cause urine leakage.

When, for some reason, a cat’s incontinence is discovered unexpectedly, and when it arose is unknown, it is necessary to show her to a specialist as soon as possible. Her health cannot be ignored because of the risk of dangerous and serious complications of the condition.