How to make a craft Christmas tree at home. Unusual Christmas trees from scrap materials

Despite the fact that it’s a month before the New Year, store windows and illumination are already “creating” us in a good mood.

Every year everything more people refuses a live Christmas tree in favor of an artificial one. But the main symbol of the holiday can be made not only from plastic. This review contains 20 creative Christmas trees that will keep the green beauty “life.”

1. Volumetric installation

Volumetric installation made of plywood and cardboard.
A delightful three-dimensional installation with a three-dimensional Christmas tree made of cardboard, mounted on a plywood board in a frame. A similar decoration can be used for festive decoration of the walls of an office, living room or hallway.

2. Glowing Christmas trees

Figures in the form of illuminated Christmas trees.
You can cut out original figures in the form of Christmas trees from cardboard or thin plywood. Complete the figures with LED lighting or garlands and place them along the wall in the living room or bedroom.

3. Minimalism

Christmas tree in minimalist style.
Sprigs of pine needles, mounted on the wall and decorated with small Christmas tree decorations, will become an exquisite decoration for the central wall of the room and a great alternative bulky tree.

4. Framed composition

New Year's composition in a frame.
A stunning composition in the form of a Christmas tree, assembled from paper balls and small figures attached to strings in a large wooden frame. Such an unusual decision will not only replace a real New Year tree, but will also become a highlight of the holiday decor.

5. Felt Christmas trees

Felt Christmas tree wall decoration.
An adorable wall hanging featuring a variety of miniature Christmas trees made from colored felt triangles and Popsicle sticks, perfect for nursery decor.

6. Christmas tree made of butterflies

Christmas tree made of wire and butterflies.
A huge butterfly tree will be a great decoration for your home, office or store and will allow all guests to demonstrate the creative side of their personality. To create such an unusual composition you will need a base in the form of a tall wire cone and a lot of paper butterflies.

7. Pine branches

Decoration made of pine branches.
Don't be discouraged if you don't have enough space in your home to install a full-sized Christmas tree. Simply decorate one of the walls with a Christmas tree composition made from pine branches. Complete the craft with shiny balls, rain showers and garlands, and New Year's Eve put gifts under it.

8. Plastic pipes

Christmas tree made of PVC pipes.
A bright composition on canvas with a Christmas tree made of pieces of PVC pipes of different diameters, decorated with small plastic toys and New Year's balls.

9. Eco-Christmas tree

Composition of dry branches.
An original eco-style Christmas tree made from dry branches attached to the wall and decorated with small toys and thin strings of garlands.

10. Bright solution

Small Christmas tree of balls corrugated paper.
A bright figurine in the form of a Christmas tree, which can be folded from bright balls of corrugated paper used to decorate straws.

11. Christmas tree decorations

Christmas decorations for wall decor.Advertising Relap
If you can’t get a real or artificial tree, use your imagination and simply decorate the wall creatively. For example, a figurine in the form of a Christmas tree, made of shiny New Year's balls, will become stylish decoration home or office.

12. Gift boxes

Gift boxes folded in the shape of a Christmas tree.
Small details, such as gift boxes of different sizes, stacked like a Christmas tree on a shelf, will help create a festive mood.

13. Fabric Christmas trees

Small Christmas trees made of fabric.
Circles of lightly gathered fabric make excellent small Christmas trees that can be used for kitchen decor or to decorate a holiday table.

14. Poster

Poster with a picture of a Christmas tree.
The easiest way to decorate your home with a Christmas tree without buying a real tree is to get a large painting or poster of it. Small Christmas tree decorations and real garlands will help complement the composition.

15. Thin branches

Christmas tree made of branches.
A voluminous Christmas tree that you can make with your own hands from thin tree branches. Just attach them to the wall, paint them with a spray can of artificial snow, add Christmas tree decorations, shiny rain showers and garlands.

16. Corner Christmas tree

Corner Christmas tree made of garland.
A creative Christmas tree made from a long garland fixed in the corner of the room is a simple and very original way to quickly create a festive mood in any room.

17. Upside down

Composition of fir branches and garlands.
An original corner composition of fir branches and garland will be an unusual alternative to a full-fledged tree and will remind you of a home with soft light and a magical aroma.

18. Rain

Christmas tree made of rain.
A simple composition in the form of a Christmas tree that anyone can make from a long green rain and a small number of New Year's toys.

19. Rack

Wooden rack in the shape of a Christmas tree.
A fashionable wooden rack in the shape of a Christmas tree is a great purchase for New Year's Eve. Such a rack will become not only a relevant holiday decoration, but also a practical interior detail.

20. Stepladder

Christmas tree made from a wooden stepladder.
An authentic and very impressive craft in the form of a Christmas tree made from a wooden stepladder, garlands, cotton wool, candles and figurines.

DIY Christmas tree. Master class with step-by-step photos

Snow beauty. Master Class

Author: Elena Yuryevna Koroleva, teacher of vocational training, OGKOU Nikolskaya boarding school of VII - VIII type, Kostroma region, district.
The master class is designed for older children school age, teachers and parents.

A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:
If you touch a branch, it hurts your fingers,
The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,
The fly agaric is standing below.
That's when winter comes,
The tree seems to come to life:
It will fluff up in the cold,
Will straighten up under the winds,
Not prickly at all
Like a fragrant flower.
It doesn't smell like dew or honey,
The tree smells like New Year!

With the appearance of such a snowy beauty, you will immediately feel the approach of the New Year and a festive mood will come. During the Christmas holidays, my New Year's Snow Beauty decorates the houses of not only my loved ones, but also many of my friends. Everyone likes.
Purpose: The New Year tree is an integral attribute of the New Year and Christmas celebrations.
Target: Making a gift for loved ones for the holiday, with minimal material costs.
- correction of interpersonal relationships;
- development of creative abilities, imagination, taste;
- fostering interest in making crafts with your own hands.

For work we will need the following materials:

1. Backing (thickness for the lower branches is at least 2 mm) white or blue;
2. Beads white, can be brown, green 20-25 pcs;
3. Nylon lid on the jar;
4. 40 cm of wire with a diameter of at least 2 mm;
5. Sheet of cardboard diameter 150.
6. Glue moment crystal.
1. Scissors;
2. Shilo;
3. Pliers;
4. Pen with green paste.


1. Attach the wire to the lid
Use an awl to make a hole in the center of the lid. Use pliers to make a loop on one side of the wire. We insert another wire from the inside of the lid. We fix it with plasticine.

2. Templates No. 1 - No. 7 – tree branches, No. 8 – top

3. Draw a circle 200 mm in diameter on the substrate,
draw according to the templates with a ballpoint pen with a green tip
No. 1-7 for 10 parts,
part No. 8-2 parts,
on a sheet of cardboard circle 150mm diameter

4. Cut along the contour, arrange according to size.

5. Assembling a stand for our snowy beauty.
We fix the lid with wire on the cardboard in the center. We pierce the center of the circle from the backing with wire, lower it down - imitation of snow (the backing is visible, you can make a layer from a napkin or replace the backing with padding polyester). Glue the stand along the small diameter.

6. We begin to collect the Christmas tree. Put on 4 beads.

Pierce 5 branches of part No. 1. Spread the parts evenly in a circle. First row. To fix the branches, you can glue each row with glue at the “trunk”.

Put on 2 beads, the next 5 parts No. 1, distributing them between the branches of the first row. The second row is ready.
Put on 2 beads, pierce 5 branches of part No. 2, distributing them between the branches of the second row, etc. (If the Christmas tree becomes very thin or tall, reduce the number of beads to 1 between rows of parts No. 4.5)

7. Glue two parts No. 8 together at the top of the tree.
8. Decorate our snowy beauty with sparkles using hairspray.

9. Spray varnish on the Christmas tree and immediately sprinkle glitter.

10. If desired, the Christmas tree and stand can be decorated with rain, light toys, and confetti.

The Christmas tree is ready.
If you want to meet the Snow Beauty next year, you should not fix its branches with glue. It won’t be difficult to disassemble the tree into parts; all the parts will fit in a box of chocolates or New Year’s gifts.

A brightly decorated Christmas tree is the most important symbol of the New Year. That is why, on the eve of the holiday, we will be making a New Year tree in various versions.

A DIY Christmas tree can be made in or at home.

Craft Christmas tree from plasticine

We make the first Christmas tree from plasticine - the most popular material for creativity in kindergarten. Make three green balls and one brown ball from plasticine.

We turn two green balls into flat cakes with wavy edges. From the third ball we make a cone with wavy edges. Roll two small balls from green plasticine of a different shade.

Flatten the green ball and place it on a wavy cake. Using the same principle, we connect the green ball and the cone.

Roll a brown ball into a small cylinder. Attach it to the second cake. This is the future trunk of the Christmas tree.

We combine all the plasticine blanks. We should get a Christmas tree with fluffy branches.

Look at the video - how to make a Christmas tree from plasticine:

Christmas tree made from salt dough

New Year tree in kindergarten can be made from salt dough. Even the smallest children can do this craft.

Materials for crafting “Christmas tree made from salt dough”

Cooking salty dough with the addition of green paint and glitter. Roll it out into a flat cake no more than 0.5 centimeters thick. We put a thick film so that the dough does not stick to the rolling pin.

Cut out a Christmas tree from the dough using a special baking dish. You can cut out the Christmas tree using a regular plasticine stack.

We decorate the Christmas tree by pressing decorative beads and rhinestones into it.

Let the craft dry. Christmas tree made from dough - ready!

You can decorate a Christmas tree made from salt dough with sparkles and colored sprinkles.

Christmas tree made of threads and cardboard

A spectacular New Year's souvenir can be made from cardboard, thread and beads. Cut out a Christmas tree from thick cardboard and paint it green.

We rewind the Christmas tree with threads and beads.

Decorate the Christmas tree with a star. All that remains is to fasten the loop at the top and our New Year's souvenir is ready!

You can use rhinestones or sequins to decorate such a Christmas tree - the craft will turn out to be very bright and festive.

Christmas tree made of corrugated paper

You can make a very impressive Christmas tree from corrugated paper. We will need a base - a cardboard cone. We cut the green corrugated paper into strips 2-3 cm wide. Take the first strip and, collecting it like an accordion, glue it to the cone.

We continue to fix the strips of corrugated paper on the cone. We should get fluffy spruce branches.

We twist the top of the Christmas tree out of paper and fix it on the top of the cone. We decorate the Christmas tree with beads.

Decorate the top of the Christmas tree with a small star. An easy-to-make and elegant Christmas tree craft - ready!

Herringbone applique from a disposable plate

A beautiful Christmas tree craft is made from a disposable plate. We paint it green in advance, cut it into three parts, and glue it to a winter landscape drawn on a sheet of paper.

Creating a landscape can be a preparatory stage: first we fill the background of the sheet with blue,

and then, when the paint has dried, we glue snowdrifts of white paper to the bottom.

You can draw or glue ready-made decorative falling snowflakes and a paper star onto the main background.

All that remains is to decorate the Christmas tree with a star and beads made from multi-colored balls. Beads can be made in advance by stringing beads onto chenille wire.

Herringbone lace applique

A Christmas tree using the applique technique can be made from lace. Cut the lace into small pieces. Glue the lace onto the base, matching it with folds.

One by one, glue the pieces of lace onto the base. Towards the top of the tree the pieces become smaller and smaller.

We decorate the Christmas tree with beads, buttons and a ribbon bow.

We place the Christmas tree on a sheet of paper folded in half and we will get a stunning New Year card!

Herringbone applique

Felt herringbone applique

Children will also love felt appliqués. To make an interesting New Year's craft, we bring pieces of green and brown felt, as well as small multi-colored pom-poms, to the kindergarten.

We cut out a triangular crown from green fabric, and a rectangular Christmas tree trunk from brown fabric.

Decorate with pom-poms like Christmas balls.

Glue the felt trunk.

Christmas tree decoration “Felt Christmas tree”

You can make a charming Christmas tree from green felt. We cut green circles of different diameters from felt. We make a hole in the central part of the circles.

Glue colored rhinestones onto the circles.

We make a loop from chenille wire.

We string a star-shaped bead onto the chenille wire.

We begin to string felt circles onto the chenille wire, starting with the smallest ones.

The last circle will be the largest. We tie a knot on the chenille wire so that the circles stay tight.

A lovely felt Christmas tree - ready!

A felt Christmas tree turns out incredibly cute and homey. Using the paper template, cut out two identical pieces of thick felt. We sew them on a machine, leaving a small hole. Don't forget to sew a ribbon at the top of the Christmas tree. We stuff the Christmas tree with cotton wool through the hole. Sew up the hole. We can decorate such a Christmas tree with beads, sequins, beads, rhinestones, pompoms - any available material.

Volumetric Christmas tree made of cardboard

But the children will make voluminous crafts with even greater interest. They can also be quite simple. For example, by folding a piece of unusual green paper into a cone, we get a real spruce.

If you glue the bottom to the cone, it can be used as packaging for a small sweet surprise, which we place inside in advance.

All that remains is to place the traditional star on its top.

You can do without the star, replacing it with a pompom.

DIY tinsel Christmas tree

Another version of the New Year's beauty is made using tinsel. For this craft we will need long green tinsel. We make a cone base out of cardboard.

We wrap the cone with tinsel, fixing it with glue.

We wrap the entire cone to the base. The tinsel Christmas tree is ready!

To decorate the Christmas tree, you can use candies, beads or small Christmas tree decorations.

Watch how to make a tinsel Christmas tree in the video:

A Christmas tree made from pasta is incredibly beautiful and original. To make it, we will need to make a cone out of paper. Then we put the cone on the stand and start gluing the pasta from the bottom row.

We try to use pasta at the top smaller in size. Fill the entire cone.

We paint the Christmas tree. If we use gouache for coloring, we try to use as little water as possible.

Coat the edges of the Christmas tree branches with silver gel. Glue decorations to the Christmas tree - bows and bells. Pasta Christmas tree - ready!

Watch how to make a Christmas tree from pasta in the video: Add a bend using an iron Christmas tree made of foamiran with a red star

We give the Christmas tree a festive look by gluing multi-colored beads and bells. Crafted Christmas tree from foamiran for kindergarten - ready!

Craft Christmas tree made of organza

Green organza makes a very beautiful Christmas tree. We will need to cut the organza into strips of different widths. Fold the strips in half and pull them from one side in the center. We should have at least five round blanks.

String organza onto the base

Upper part We decorate the bases with a green ribbon and a bow. We fix the lower part of the Christmas tree using plasticine in a glass or other decorative container. All that remains is to decorate our Christmas tree! Glue delicate sequins onto its branches. Organza Christmas tree craft - ready!

Topiary - DIY Christmas tree

Topiary is a tree of happiness. Came to us interesting idea make a topiary in the shape of a Christmas tree. This will be a wonderful New Year wish for happiness. We make a cone out of foam plastic.

Wrap the cone in foil.

We twist one of the ends of the copper wire into a spiral. Attach double-sided tape to the cone. We begin to wrap the cone with green yarn different shades. The tape will hold the strings on the cone well.

Decorating the bottom of the Christmas tree

When the entire cone is wrapped with threads, we tie their ends and decorate them with beads. Glue beads onto the Christmas tree. We fix the Christmas tree in a decorative bucket using plaster or plasticine. We use wool to frame the bottom of the Christmas tree and the space inside the bucket. Christmas tree topiary - ready!

Glue a cone out of cardboard.

Cover the entire cone with cones

We decorate the Christmas tree with tinsel and beads. Great New Year's craft - ready!

Christmas tree made from napkins (video)

Look at the video for another version of a Christmas tree made from napkins.

On the eve of New Year's celebrations, the traditional Christmas tree becomes the most popular holiday attribute. However, in cases where decorating the interior with the world’s favorite Christmas tree is impossible, you can create its original alternative with your own hands, especially since it can be made from anything. Mini Christmas trees made from scrap materials will not take up much space and will help to recreate a full-fledged holiday atmosphere no worse than a natural forest beauty.

The crafts presented in our selection are suitable for decorating your home, office space and will be a good option for joint creativity with children.

Crafts from beads

Stylish golden Christmas tree made of beads

In order to make a spectacular Christmas tree from beads, you need the simplest set of materials and a minimum of time:

1. It is necessary to prepare a cone shape, wrapping paper, beaded garlands and hot glue in advance;

2. If there is no ready-made frame made of wood or foam plastic, you can make it yourself by rolling a sheet of cardboard into a cone and securing it in this state. The base is then covered with wrapping paper;

A thread of beads is glued in a spiral from bottom to top

4. At the top of the head, excess beads are cut off and fixed, covering the top of the form.

Glowing Christmas tree made of garlands

Glowing Christmas tree made of garlands

A Christmas tree made of garlands, complemented with toys, looks interesting and modern in any lighting. However, such decoration will manifest itself most effectively in the dark when connected to the electrical network.

In order to make a glowing Christmas tree, you need to secure the wire of the garland on the wall with double-sided tape, creating an elongated triangular silhouette. In the same way, several Christmas tree decorations are fixed within the resulting figure.

Aerial Christmas tree made of threads

Light and airy Christmas tree made of threads

A Christmas tree made of threads looks light and airy. By varying the size of the cone, you can create a Christmas tree of any height. And if you put an LED garland inside the resulting craft, the idea will become even more spectacular and magical.

In order to make a Christmas tree, you need any thread or yarn, PVA glue, water, starch, packaging film, a cone or a piece of cardboard with tape.

Master class on creating a thread Christmas tree

1. If there is no ready-made frame, a sheet of cardboard is rolled into a cone shape and secured with tape, and then the finished base is wrapped in cling film or packaging film.

2. In order to prepare the fixing mixture, you need to mix PVA glue, 1 tbsp. l. starch and 4 tbsp. l. water.

3. In the resulting composition, threads of the desired color are soaked for several minutes.

4. The wet thread is slightly wrung out from excess glue and glued in random order onto the cone.

5. To prevent the tree from becoming deformed, you need to let it dry thoroughly and only then remove the frame and film.

6. If desired, the surface can be decorated by gluing sparkles, beads, buttons and toys.

How to make a Christmas tree from pine cones with your own hands

Christmas tree made of pine cones

For such a Christmas tree, pine cones are best suited, although spruce ones can look original and interesting. If desired, the craft can be made from cones bleached in a “Whiteness” solution or simply painted with gold or silver paint.

Step-by-step instructions for making a Christmas tree

1. As materials for New Year's crafts, you need to take a cone shape, hot glue, dried pine cones, and toys.

2. It is advisable to paint the frame of the Christmas tree in the color of the cones or cover it with paper of the desired shade.

3. Then, one by one, starting from the bottom, pine cones and small Christmas tree decorations are glued in rows onto the base.

The trunk of the Christmas tree should not contrast with the cones

4. You can place a toy in the shape of a star on the top of your head or simply glue a pine cone there.

New Year's candy tree

New Year's craft - tree made from candies

A sweet Christmas tree made from candies can become not only an original craft, but also an excellent gift or decoration New Year's table. Since the procedure for making it is simple, you can make such a beauty in a matter of minutes. To do this you will need a cone shape, double-sided tape, candy and a garland of beads.

1. The first stage of creation is to cover the cardboard or foam base with double-sided tape. Since the candies will occupy the entire area of ​​the Christmas tree, it is important to avoid empty, unpasted areas.

2. Starting from the bottom, sweets are glued onto the tape in rows.

3. Transitions and empty spaces between rows are masked with tinsel or garlands in the form of beads.

Herringbone lamp

The Christmas tree lamp will decorate the room and will be a good option for a night light

In order to make a safe Christmas tree lamp, it is not advisable to use candles and other flammable materials, especially in combination with paper or cardboard. The best option there will be an LED garland hidden in the base.

1. To work, you need a cone-shaped form made of thick cardboard or papier-mâché, a shaped hole punch for cardboard or a drill with drills of different diameters, sandpaper (when working with a drill), spray paint and a garland.

2. Many holes are made in a random order on the cone. If you don’t have a shaped cardboard punch, this can be done with a regular electric drill. It is advisable to make holes of a larger diameter at the bottom of the mold than at the top.

3. If unevenness and roughness appear, you need to use fine sandpaper to polish them.

4. Then the future lamp is coated with paint in several stages. The paint color can be white, green, silver, gold or any other that harmonizes with the interior of the room.

5. After the paint has dried, a garland is placed into the base.

Volumetric paper Christmas tree

Christmas tree made of colored paper

To make a three-dimensional Christmas tree, you will have to stock up on green colored paper and patience. The technique of creating it is called “papercraft” and consists of stringing sheets of paper folded in the form of needles onto a rod.

1. In order to get a small tabletop Christmas tree, you need to take metal wire, a compass, a ruler, a simple pencil, colored paper (10-12 A4 sheets), and glue.

2. Using a compass, you need to draw circles of different diameters on each sheet.

3. On each circle, cut lines should be marked at the same distance.

4. Having made cuts at the designated points, each strip must be folded into a funnel and glued on the bottom side.

5. Dried sheets of paper are strung on a wire from larger to smaller diameter.

6. The top of the tree is hidden with a paper star or a piece of paper rolled into a small cone.

New Year's craft made from felt

Stylish felt Christmas trees

Felt is a soft and pleasant material to work with. Thanks to its pliability and aesthetics, you can use it to make three-dimensional compositions on the wall, miniature crafts from scraps and unnecessary pieces, or multi-layered multi-colored Christmas trees.

To sew a small three-dimensional tree, you need:

1. Take several pieces of felt of different colors, thread with a needle, safety pins, scissors, pencil, paper and decor (colored buttons or beads);

2. Using paper and pencil, it is advisable to draw a pattern for the future craft in advance;

Pattern option for a felt Christmas tree

3. You need to cut out parts from pieces of felt of different colors according to the resulting patterns. The bottom edge of the products can be processed with curly scissors;

4. Then the cut out parts are placed on top of each other with a slight overlap and fastened together with safety pins;

Blank for future Christmas tree made of felt

5. The properly folded workpiece is rolled into a cone shape and stitched with matching threads. The pins are removed;

6. The resulting Christmas tree can be decorated with bright buttons or beads, and for stability and better preservation of its shape, put a cardboard frame inside or stuff it tightly with cotton wool.

Vintage lace Christmas tree

Lace New Year's craft

A vintage shabi-nick style Christmas tree looks like a miniature work of art, but it is as easy to make as possible. Original craft will decorate the space and create a festive mood. You can make a tree in two versions: with a leg and without it.

Lacy Christmas tree on a “leg”

1. Materials for a Christmas tree with a “leg”: cardboard, a plastic, wooden or metal stick 30-40 cm long, several options for lace and braid, beautiful buttons and beads, unnecessary brooches, rhinestones and jewelry, beads, a glass, glue, scissors.

2. In order to make a trunk for the Christmas tree, you need to wrap a stick greased with glue with braid.

3. Before you start decorating the tree, a finished cone or a homemade paper cap shape is attached to the trunk with glue.

4. The resulting paper base must be covered with several layers of lace and braid, and after it has dried, generously decorate it as desired.

5. In order for the tree to stand steadily, the trunk holding it must be installed in a glass filled with glue or filled with plasticine, and then fixed in this form until the gluing mass hardens. The top of the glass can be filled with white beads and decorated with pieces of lace, ribbons and jewelry.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Christmas tree made from buttons

A beautiful Christmas tree will turn out if there are unnecessary buttons in the house. You can make it using pins or glue. In the first case, after the holidays the tree can be dismantled until the next celebrations.

In order to make a Christmas tree from buttons and pins, it is advisable to take a ready-made foam cone. This frame will hold the pins tightly and prevent them from falling out. To make the tree look more interesting, it is advisable to wrap it in a fabric that matches the color of the accessories. Then, using pins, each button is threaded onto the base in turn.

The option with glue does not require a thick base, so in this case you can resort to a form made of cardboard or thick paper, folding it into the shape of a cap. Next, the cone must be coated with paints of the desired color or covered with wrapping paper. Once dry, use hot glue to just glue the buttons tightly together.