Summary of all paired sounds preparatory group. Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy in the preparatory group

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution. Kindergarten No. 32 combined type.

Speech therapist teacher: Kuznetsova Valentina Nikolaevna.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Reinforce the concept of vowel sounds and letters; continue to develop the ability to identify vowel sounds in words and denote them with the appropriate letters; form phonemic analysis and synthesis; formation of correct speech breathing. Develop auditory memory and attention. Exercise in correlating sounds with letters, develop auditory and visual attention. Develop spelling vigilance and spelling memory. Continue to work on developing coherent speech in students. Develop fine motor skills in children.
  2. Development of cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking, imagination). To develop students’ thinking through analysis, generalization, and reasoning.
  3. To cultivate in children decency, kindness, responsiveness, a sense of mutual assistance, respect for the opinions of others; – continue to work on instilling respect for the native language.

Equipment: computer, cards, pictures, printed letters, mirrors, soap bubbles, sand + plates.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Be diligent in class
Be calm and attentive.
Write everything without falling behind,
Listen without interrupting.

Speak clearly, clearly,
To make everything clear.
If a friend began to answer,
Don't rush to interrupt.

II. Repetition of what has been covered.

What sounds and letters are there in the Russian language? (Vowels and consonants)

How do vowels differ from consonants?

Children: When pronouncing consonants, sounds encounter barriers in the mouth, but when pronouncing vowels there are no barriers.

What sounds did we learn about in the last lesson?

Why are they called vowels?

This sound is always sung
This sound flows like a song.
Sound, fly freely
There is no obstacle on the way!

How many vowel sounds are there in Russian? 6

– How many vowels are there in the Russian alphabet? (10)

What color are they indicated by? red

III. Articulation and breathing exercises.

In order to pronounce all sounds correctly: clearly and beautifully. We will perform articulation exercises with you. And Masha will help you with this, she silently shows you articulation, and you do it, accompanied by sound.

And now guys, we will do a breathing exercise with you, since speech sounds are formed when you exhale. Who will once again remind everyone how correct speech breathing is formed? (With proper breathing, inhalation should be silent, short and fast, and exhalation should be long, economical and smooth) (Bubble)

IV. Working at the sound level.

1. Game "Vowel Song"

What sounds did you hear and pronounce? (Vowel sounds)

Air flows freely through the mouth,
There are no different obstacles
The voice is involved, the voice is calling,
The sound comes out... (vowel)

The vowels stretch out in a ringing song,
They may cry and scream
They can cradle a child in a crib,
But they don’t want to creak and grumble.

And now our sounds and letters wanted to play with us.

2. Didactic exercise: “Find out the letter.”

Goal: Develop memory, attention and tactile perception.

The child must identify the letter with his eyes closed. The speech therapist gives the child a card with the printed letter b on it: A, O, U, I, Y. And the child draws it on the back of another child.

VI. Finger gymnastics. "SU-Jock"

Children alternately put massage rings on each finger, reciting a finger gymnastics poem

One - two - three - four - five, /extend fingers one at a time/
The fingers went out for a walk,
This finger is the strongest, thickest and largest.
This finger is for showing it.

This finger is the longest and stands in the middle.
This ring finger is the most spoiled one.
And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.

1. Didactic exercise "Magic plate"

Goal: Exercise in correlating sounds with letters, develop auditory and visual attention.

Guys, you have magic plates with sand on your tables. I will name the words, and you will draw in the sand the vowel letter that is in this word.


VII Physical exercise is mobile

VIII. Lesson work: fill in the missing letter.

1. The letter is lost!

The speech therapist distributes cards, the children must insert the missing letter into the square (card with pictures).

2. Work at the word level.

3. Computer game "LOGOSHA" choose words with the sound A at the beginning, middle, end of the word.

X. Exercise for the eyes

XI. Graphic dictation of phrases and sentences in a notebook and on the board. Write only vowels.

Tom is glad. We washed our hands. Buy fish. Second floor.

(oaaa. yiui. uiu. ooea.). We read, we check.

Summary of the lesson: what sounds did we talk about today?

D/ exercise "Find the encrypted vowels" .


XII. Summary of the lesson.

What topic did we work on today?

What did you like about the lesson?

What was difficult for you to cope with?

Thanks everyone for the classes.

Lesson summary on the topic: “Vowels are beautiful.”
(preparatory group)

Target: summarize children’s ideas about vowel sounds and letters

improving the ability to distinguish sounds of the native language by ear and pronunciation.

development of elementary awareness of linguistic reality, consolidation with children of the terms “sound” and “letter”.

developing the ability to divide two- and three-syllable words with open syllables into parts.

development of tactile sensations.

development of dynamic spatial representations: the ability to mentally change spatial position object, imagine what position it will take after the change.

developing the ability to identify the sequence of sounds in simple words.

development of a musical-rhythmic sense and, in connection with this, the rhythm of movements.

improving phonemic awareness: determining the place of sound in a word.

Progress of the lesson

Stage nameActivities of a speech therapistChildren's activities
1. Organizational momentIn one magical country there lived sounds, this country was very tiny. No one had ever seen the inhabitants of this country, since they were invisible, but they could be heard. For their melodiousness and vocality they were nicknamed vowels. They were very friendly. These sounds sang magical songs.
There are six of these sounds, let's remember what sounds they are?
What was their nickname for such melodiousness and vocality?
Children sing the sounds: A, U, O, I, E, Y.
These sounds were called vowels.
2. Consolidation of the terms “sound”, “letter”One day a wizard from another kingdom appeared in this country. He liked the singing so much that he wanted to get to know the sounds better. And when he found out that all the sounds were invisible, he was very upset and decided to give everyone a magical dress, unlike the others. As soon as you put it on, the sound became visible and turned into a letter.
Guys, why did the wizard give each letter an outfit?
The wizard gave each letter an outfit so that we could see and read them.
3. Development of fine motor skills; preventing unfavorable and dangerous situationsLet's, together with the wizard, dress our sounds in beautiful outfits so that everyone can see them.
Speech therapist distributes to children black and white templates vowels, square pieces 20*20 red corrugated paper.
Now you need to prepare outfits for the letters by tearing them off, and I will smear a letter with glue for each of you.
While the children tear off pieces of paper, the speech therapist talks about safety precautions when working with glue and getting it into the eyes or mouth.
Children tear the paper into pieces, then glue them onto the letter templates.
4.Development of dynamic spatial representationsWhich beautiful letters we got it. When our sounds became so elegant, they decided to go for a walk. We went for a walk in the forest and started playing hide and seek.
Now I will tell you where our letters went for a walk, and you need to determine which Christmas tree they hid behind.
Children take turns hiding their letters, determining the location of the Christmas tree using spatial orientation on the sheet.
5. Improving the ability to distinguish sounds of the native language by ear and pronunciationWhat can happen to the letters that go for a walk in the forest all alone? Yes, guys, they are lost.
The wizard was very upset... let's help him find the letters and return them back to the house!
First, we will show the wizard that we can help him, because we know all the vowels and know how to distinguish them from other sounds.
I will tell you the sounds: if you hear a vowel, we clap our hands, and if we hear a consonant, we stomp our feet. I name the sounds: R, O, L, P, A, U, Sh, I, T, E, K, S, Y
Children perform the speech therapist’s task while sitting in their seats.
Physical education minute
That's how well our ears hear! Now show me what kind of legs you have. Game of “stomp” stand near your seats and try to repeat the rhythm after me.
Well done! Now reach up, show that you can reach the letter if it climbed up the tree out of fear, and stretch to the side. Well done. Sit down.
Children doing physical education
7. Determining the place of a sound in a wordNow we are definitely ready to look for lost letters. I suggest going straight to the castle. We'll go by train. While we are driving, we will try to determine where sounds may be hidden in words: at the beginning, middle, end. Or on different cars. If the sound is hidden at the beginning of a word, then we put it in the first carriage of our train, if in the middle of the word, then in the second carriage, and if at the end, then in the third.
Be careful there may be several vowel sounds in one word.
The words popsicle, emu, cheese, hoop, pumpkin, saw, beetle, house, clock, whale.
Children take the pictures, determine which vowel(s) sound(s) is hidden in the word, take the picture of the sound and put them in the correct carriage(s).
8. Formation of the ability to divide two- and three-syllable words with open syllables into partsSo we arrived at our castle. What do you guys think is scary in the forest? No matter what they are afraid of, we will now give them a signal that it is close. Let's divide the words that helped us get here into parts! And don’t forget, there are as many parts to a word as there are vowel sounds! We divide words into syllables.Children again take the pictures and clap off the number of syllables in each word.
9.Development of tactile sensationsWhile you and I were walking into the forest, it became completely dark. We blindfold. Let's look for letters in the dark. Each of you needs to determine by touch which letter he found.Blindfolded children identify the letter and name it, the rest of the children check.
10. Summary of the lessonHurray, we did it. We have found vowels with you, it's time to take them home. And the wizard was very happy about the return of his friends, and thanks you for it! And he wants to reward the same wizards like him among you! To reward those children who took part in our exhibition of vowel letters “Vowels are beautiful”. You guys can also be called wizards, because... you yourself created outfits for the letters and look at which ones various materials.
The children received diplomas for participating in the exhibition, and everyone went to the exhibition to see how different our “Beautiful Vowels” are.

Title: Summary of a general lesson in preparatory group"Vowels are beautiful"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, ECD, speech therapist classes, Preparatory group

Position: speech therapist teacher
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten №37
Location: Ekaterinburg, st. Academician Bardina 25 a

Target: systematize children's knowledge about vowel sounds using the example of the sounds A, I, U.



  • Strengthen the ability to clearly articulate the vowel sounds A, U, I and make their auditory-pronunciation differentiation;
  • Learn to divide words into syllables and identify the stressed vowel sound in a word;
  • Improve the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis.
  • Fix graphic images of the letters A, U, I.
  • Reinforce the concepts of “wild” and “domestic” animals and practice their differentiation.

Correctional and developmental:

  • Develop phonemic awareness and hearing;
  • Develop facial, articulatory and general motor skills.


  • To instill in children self-confidence and a desire to speak in front of an audience;

Equipment: mitten dog, “zvukariki”, symbolic designations of three little pigs, “owl” badge, three paths for steps, screen with 9 pockets, letters of vowel sounds; demonstration pictures: lynx, squirrel, bunny, badger, fox, elk; plot picture (a wolf lies by a tree stump in the foreground, and in the background a little hare, a hedgehog and a little squirrel go to school); handout pictures: fox, fox, little fox, cat, she-cat, kitten, wolf, she-wolf, cub, horse, horse, foal; material for each child: three rhythmic patterns of three elements, a ring pointer, the letters A, U, I, bags of colored candies hidden in a collapsible white ball.

Progress of the lesson

Children stand in front of the puppet theater screen. Guys, look, we have guests today. Be surprised by such an event - U, be happy - A, smile at them - I. try not to be distracted anymore, do a good job so as not to upset the guests.

Once upon a time there lived three little pigs in the forest...

Do you think this is how a fairy tale or true story can begin?

Why do you think so? (Piglets do not live in the forest, because they are domestic animals, not wild animals or animals that live in the forest).

This is how the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” begins. Do you like to make up fairy tales? Let's write a fairy tale about how young domestic and wild animals studied together at the same school.

Where could such a school be located? At the edge of the forest, the animals set up a school for their young.

Which pet is not afraid to go into the forest? (dog) A brave dog ran through the forest in the morning and invited animals to school. He tried so hard that one day he lost his voice. Maybe you can help him call the animals loudly? The child, putting a dog-mitten on his hand, goes behind the screen and pronounces the word loudly, opening the dog’s mouth to the shock sound: - Z A Yika!

Which vowel sound sounded louder and longer than the others in the word? (A)

Yes, the bunny was scared at first when he heard the dog and opened his mouth wide, but then he realized that he was being called to school and, having calmed down, said: A.

L O He was delighted, opened his mouth, rounded, and said: Oh!

Leopard at was surprised and, stretching out his lips, said: Ooh!

B e Luka, sitting high on a tree branch, slightly teased the dog, saying: Eh!

R s So, she jumped from the branch at the dog’s feet and almost scared him: Y!

The fox smiled slyly, pulling the corners of his lips to his ears and said: And!

The dog remembered that the three little pigs were afraid to oversleep the first lesson, and rushed to their houses. Remember the names of the piglets and help them call them by their nicknames. (children say: Naf!, Nuf! Nif!) The piglets ran out of the houses. (symbolic piglets are displayed) How do you find out what someone’s name is? (Piglets have different mouth openings, just like sound animals).

The piglets squealed with joy when they learned that the animals were going to learn the vowel sounds in their names at school. What sounds are these? (A, U, I) Children choose sound symbols. Let's go to school with them for lessons. The children come to their desks and sit down. - Sit nicely, keep your back straight, listen carefully, continue to compose our fairy tale.

The lesson at school was taught by a wise owl: Lisa, let’s start teaching the lesson for the owl. (put on a badge) Tell me what sounds these are.

The sounds A, U, I are vowel sounds. They are sung with a voice, the air stream, without meeting any obstacles, passes freely through the mouth.

The owl, Arina, will continue teaching the lesson. (wear a badge)

Words are made of sounds. The sound in a word can be at the beginning, middle or end of the word. Which of these sounds is in the word books? Where is he located? (lesson, school).

The sounds A, U, I, like all vowels, can be drawn out and pronounced briefly. Move the same paths closer to you. Put a red ring on your index finger and draw the sound A along the top track, the sound U along the middle track, and the sound I along the bottom track. Children complete the task by moving their finger along the diagrams.

Nikita, continue the lesson, tell us what the diagrams in this cell tell us?

Words are divided into parts (syllables). There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowel sounds.

The vowel sound in a word is important -

Everyone around knows this.

He plays with consonants,

They are united into syllables.

We divide words into syllables

Let's walk along the paths together!

Pick up pictures with portraits of animals (fox, fox, little fox, cat, she-cat, kitten, horse, horse, foal, wolf, she-wolf, cub) and go to the paths.

We stand near the carpet, spread paths with cages on the carpet.

Moms and dads decided to take their kids to school. The baby walked along the central path, his father walked to his left, and his mother to his right. Representatives of the fox family approach the beginning of the paths, walk along the path: father is a fox, mother is a fox, cub is a fox. Place the picture to the right of the track.

Representatives of the wolf family approach the paths, walk along the path, put down pictures. Loan for cat and horse families.

Who is bigger than a fox or a little fox?

Which word is longer than fox or little fox?

Which word has more syllables than the others?

Collect, Maxim, pictures with domestic animals, and Dasha, with wild ones.

The bell rang in the classroom and called the animals to class.

One, two, three, four - the animals were taught to read and write.

Read the letter with the intonation that the sign after the letter tells us about. Uh! A? AND.

The exclamation point is a loud, joyful scream! (read Dasha (Ilya) U!)

He bent interrogatively - would you like to ask about something? (read Maxim (Arkasha) A?)

If the sound calmly says something, that means the dot is here. (let's read it all together AND.)

Three little pigs sat in a row to study their letters. (Put on masks)

And the owl said to them very wise words:

These are the children of the letter I, you, Nif-Nif, take it. (a child comes out with a Nif-Nif mask and takes the letter I)

Everyone knows this - Ah, she, Naf-Naf, is yours. (a child comes out with a Naf-Naf mask and takes the letter A)

Nuf-Nuf said: “There is U left, I’ll take it for myself!” (a child comes out with a Nuf-Nuf mask and takes the letter U)

If the letters are in a row, you can read the word.

Those piglets stand in a row whose sounds are heard in the word Eeyore. (Nif and Naf stand up holding the letters. Children check whether the word is spelled correctly).

Everyone in the forest AU is shouting, put the letters in a new row. (Naf and Nuf stand up. Children read the resulting word.)

Turn. (conducted by Sonya, showing movements according to the text)

Three brave little pigs are swimming in a pond:

Three plump piglets play leapfrog.

Three clever little pigs dig with their little snouts,

Then they wag their hooked tail.

Three smart piglets go to class

They walk merrily and sing a song:

We are not afraid of the gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf...

The bell rang again, we need to teach the animals how to make sentences.

The vowels A, I, U can be separate words, albeit small, but very necessary helpers for unification meaningful words into the proposal.

The gnome word U will help us tell which mother has which baby. Children make up sentences according to the scheme with the preposition U at the beginning of the sentence. ( The fox has a fox cub.)

The word gnome I helps us make words in a sentence.

Children make a sentence based on the picture, answering the question:

Who's going to school? ( The little hare and the hedgehog go to school.)

Word-gnome A, on the contrary, likes to compare. Look at the picture and tell me what the little squirrel is doing and what the wolf is doing?

(The little squirrel goes to school, and the wolf lies under a tree.) Piglets want to learn, but the wolf loves... (to be lazy)

Let's make a wolf from our fingers. The wolf got angry: I am an angry and terrible gray wolf, teeth clicking!

The lessons ended, the piglets ran home, singing their song: We are not afraid of the gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf...” On the way they decided to play snowballs. And they threw one snowball at you and me, let's see what's inside. (bags of candy: 2 blue, 1 red, 1 green).

Remember the first word in the piglets' song. (NAM) Make a diagram of the word US. Name the first sound in the word. (N) What is he like? (consonant, voiced solid) What color circle will we put first? (blue) After the sound N in the word NAM, what sound is heard? (A) What is he like? (vowel) What color circle should we put second? (red) What is the last sound in the word NAM? (M) What is he like? (consonant, ringing, hard) What color circle will we put third (blue) How many sounds are in the word NAM? (There are three sounds in the word) What color is the circle left? (green). What sounds do we represent with green? (soft) What word will you get if you replace the hard sound N with a soft НН? (YUM).

Result: The piglets give you these sweets in bags as a thank you for your help. Did you like our fairy tale? After class you can eat candy, just don’t forget to wash your hands, we’re not pigs. The lesson is over, thank you everyone.

Masks-pendants of piglets (Naf, Nuf, Nif)

Models “Zvukariki” (vowel sounds) with magnetic handles

Screen with pockets for diagrams used during the lesson

“Snowball” with candies for sound analysis of words


1. Preschool programs educational institutions compensatory type for children with speech impairments. Correction of speech disorders / Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V., Tumanova T.V. M.: Education, 2010.

3. Three little pigs. S. Mikhalkov.

Summary of the organized educational activities on teaching literacy in the preparatory group
Topic: “Literacy”

1. Correctional and educational:
- To consolidate children’s knowledge of sounds - vowels, consonants (hard, soft); -Improve the ability to distinguish all sounds of the native language by ear and pronunciation, continue to learn to distinguish vowel sounds.
- Strengthen the ability to determine the place of sound in a word. Strengthen the ability to divide words into parts (syllables).
-Comparison of pronouns in gender and number.
2. Correctional and developmental:
-Develop children's logical thinking, attention, and phonemic hearing.
-Develop correct speech in children, improve it as a means of communication.
3. Correctional - educational:
-Nurture independence in children, show interest in preparing to learn to read and write, be a friendly interlocutor, and treat benefits with care.
Materials and equipment: recording of nature sounds, phonogram of the song “We Lived at Grandma’s...”, fanfares; illustration with the image of a king, a model of a clearing, a demonstration syllabic house, cards with animal silhouettes; small toys for play: doll, frog, cube, cat, puppy, bear, duckling, cow, spider, airplane.
Methodical techniques:
gaming - the use of surprise moments.
visual - use of cards, toys.
verbal - questions from the speech therapist, children's answers, instructions, generalization.
Health-saving technologies: finger gymnastics, music therapy, physical education minute.
Integration of educational areas: " Speech development", " Physical development", "Socio-communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
Children with a teacher-speech therapist enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.
-Children, look how many guests we have today for class. Let's say hello to them.
The children answer.
-Today I received a letter by email. Everyone is invited to an extraordinary journey through the country “Gramoteyka”, where you can not only learn a lot of interesting and entertaining things, but also show off your knowledge.
-Children, do you want to go with me to this country? (children’s answers).
-We will follow the path of knowledge and stay with the king of the country “Gramoteyka”. A surprise awaits you at the end of the journey.
-And to get to this country, what do you think we should be like? (children’s answers)
-Smart, quick-witted, brave. For every word you say, we take a step forward.
So, we are on the road of knowledge. This path will be difficult and long. And before we go there, let's do finger gymnastics.
Children performing finger gymnastics “House on the Mountain”:
On the mountain we see a house (use your hands to depict a house)
Lots of greenery all around (wave-like movements of the hands)
Here are the trees, here are the bushes (show trees and bushes with your hands)
Here are fragrant flowers (show the bud with your fingers)
The fence surrounds everything (show the fence with your fingers)
Behind the fence is a clean yard (stroke the other with one palm)
We open the gates (use brushes to show how the gates open)
We quickly run up to the house (we run the fingers of our left hand along the right)
We knock on the door - knock-knock-knock (knock on the palm of your hand with your fist)
Someone is coming to knock on us (put your palm to your right ear)
We came to visit a friend and brought a gift (push your hands forward, as if presenting something)
2. Vowels and consonants.
Music is playing.
- Guys, what do you hear? (sounds). That's right, we hear sounds. You know,
The country of Gramoteika has its own sounds.

“Vowels stretch out in a ringing song
They may cry and scream
IN dark forest call and shout
And rock Alyonka in her cradle,
But they don’t know how to whistle and grumble.”
- What sounds is this poem about? (about vowel sounds)
-That's right, it's about vowel sounds, they can sing.
-Go to the chairs, take the letter and sit down. (the letters are on the chairs).
Come up to me one by one and name the sound that your letter represents. (Children come up to the teacher, give the letter, name the sound, and the teacher puts the letters on the board).
-You know, you and I just wrote the words of one song. Listen, I'll sing it. The teacher sings a vowel song to the backing track “We lived with grandma...”
-Now let’s sing together (sings with children without musical accompaniment)
-Well done guys, you sang the vowel sounds well.
-What sounds can’t they sing? (children's answers: consonants).
-That's right, consonants.
The speech therapist reads a poem:
“And the consonants agree
Rustle, whisper, whistle
But they can’t sing.”
-Well, let's move on.
3. Didactic game"We settled in the house"
- Children, we need to move the house into apartments. In the 1st window we will place objects by which we can say that “she is mine”, in the 2nd “it is mine”, in the 3rd “he is mine”, and all “They are mine” will come through the door
- Well done guys, you completed the task. Now we can move on. We have not yet reached the country of Gramoteika, but the king himself is already meeting us.
-Let's stand up and greet the king. (girls curtsey, boys bow.)
-What sound does the word “king” begin with? (children's answers)
- Our king loves to wear shoes and slippers. Listen to how the king is walking in shoes now.
The speech therapist pronounces firmly [K], stamping the heels of his feet.
- What do you think the sound [K] sounds like? (firmly)
- And now the king has put on slippers, and the steps sound soft [K"].
The speech therapist softly pronounces the sound [K], stepping with his toes.
- Let’s now all show together how the hard sound [K] and the soft sound [K] sound.
The speech therapist, together with the children, pronounces the soft and hard sound [K] alternately, conveying it in movements. While completing the task, the speech therapist monitors the correct execution of the children’s movements.
4. Playing with toys.
- The king’s favorite pastime is playing with toys in the clearing.
- Go to the clearing and sit near the toy you like.
- Guys, do you know that in the clearing the king plays only with those toys whose names contain the sound [K].
-Place toys in the clearing whose names contain the sound [K] and explain where this sound is located: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word.
During the task, the speech therapist asks the children.
- Why did you take this toy? (because the name of the toy contains the sound [K].
- Where is the sound [K]?
When choosing a toy and placing it in a clearing, the child explains his choice.
- why didn’t you put your toy down? (because there is no sound [K] in the word “airplane”.)
- Right!
- Well done, the king liked the completion of this task, so we can move on.
- Look, we have come to a pyramid of syllables
The speech therapist reads a poem and distributes cards with pictures of animals to children
"The sad animals stand
They want to get into the house
But they don’t know: How? Where?
Help, kids!
This magical pyramid has several floors, but no one lives on them yet.
- Let's help distribute the animals in this house on floors so that on the first floor there are animals whose names consist of one syllable, on the second - from two syllables, on the third - from three syllables.
- who is on your card? How many syllables are in the word "lion"? (child answers)
- What floor do you think we should put this animal on? (1)
- Why? (the word “lion” has 1 syllable).
Then each child approaches the house with his or her card, places it on the desired floor and comments on his choice. At the end, together with the children, we summarize the task.
-Guys, who lives on the 1st floor? (animals whose name consists of one syllable). And on the 3rd floor?
- Well done, guys, they placed the animals correctly on the floors.
-It's time for us to hurry up.
5. Physical exercise.
“Our king stretched, arms to the sides,
On the fist and on the side
Left hand up and down
Right hand up and down
Bent to the left, bend to the right
Arms to the sides, elbows bent
And the shoulders rotate
Hands down, inhale through your nose,
Exhaled through the mouth"
6. Game “The letter is lost”
- We again cannot get to the country of “Gramoteyka”, because there is a new obstacle on our way. Look, there are words written here whose first letter is missing. we need to find her.
The words are written on the board: plate, chair, dishes, fish, jacket, cupboard, spoon, giraffe, fork
- Well done, now we can move on.
7. Sound analysis of the word.
- Look, there’s some kind of letter here again. It asks you to solve a riddle. And we need to do a sound analysis of the word.
At the edge of the forest
on the track
the house is worth
on chicken legs. (hut)
After the children analyze it, music sounds and the children find themselves in the country of “Gramoteyka”.
8. Result of OOD
- Children, where have we been?
- What they were doing?
- What did you like most?
- What tasks would you like to repeat again?
Children are awarded “Young Literacy” medals. The speech therapist thanks the children for their work.

Open literacy lesson in the preparatory group

Target: introduce the image of the letter Vv.
Tasks: clarify the pronunciation of sounds (в) (вь); introduce the position of sound in a word; teach to hear and distinguish sounds by softness and hardness; improve children’s ability to reason, clearly expressing their thoughts; strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables; make sentences and “write” it graphically; conduct sound analysis; develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, fine motor skills; cultivate initiative, independence, and activity.
Materials and equipment: blue, green, red flags; blue, green, red squares; learned letters; blue, green, red lids; syllable table; individual cards with pictures (lion, owl, wolf), a card with the image of the letter “Вв”, simple and colored pencils; notebooks; letters and numbers.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.
Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to our lesson today. Let's welcome them.
I love my kindergarten
It's full - full of guys.
Maybe there are a hundred of them, maybe two hundred.
It's good when we're together!
Repetition of covered material.
Educator: Guys, what is a letter? What is sound? What sounds are there? How are vowels different from consonants? What types of vowels are there? What types of consonants are there?
What colors represent vowels and consonants? (frontal survey).
Educator: Guys, the wind scattered all the letters. We need to arrange the letters by sounds. A table with a red flag collects letters representing vowels. The green flag table collects letters representing always soft consonants and always hard consonants. The blue flag table collects letters representing hard and soft consonants. (children work at the blackboard).
Educator: Everyone completed the task. Well done!
Didactic game “Catch the sound”
Words: wind, bicycle, vase, pitchfork, wolf, wave, lion, sparrow, broom, spring, fork, oars, volcano, hair, crow, jam. (children lay out the sound ladder in pairs).
New material.
Educator: What do all the words have in common? Let's say them. How do we pronounce these sounds? When we pronounce it, what do our lips and teeth do? tongue, air stream? The lower lip approaches the upper teeth, between them there is a small hole through which an air stream comes out, the upper lip is raised. If a stream of air encounters an obstacle, what does that sound mean? (this is a consonant sound)
Does our voice sing when we pronounce this sound? What consonant sound is this? (this is a consonant voiced sound)
Does this sound have a “soft brother”? (there is a soft sound [v"])
Characteristics of sounds. The sounds [v-v"] are consonants, there are hard and soft, voiced.
(children bend their fingers). Who has the sounds [v-v"] in their last names?

Introducing the letter Vv. What elements does a letter consist of? What does the letter look like? What do we write with a capital letter?
Prescription in the air. Writing on the palm.
What is the topic of the lesson? What are we going to learn?
Reading according to the syllabic table.
Finger gymnastics
I'll go to school soon.
I'll find friends there.
I will learn to read, write, and quickly count correctly.
This is the kind of scientist I will be,
But I won’t forget my kindergarten.
Work in a notebook.
Educator: Write the capital and small letter B. Emphasize those letters that you wrote beautifully.
Work on individual cards (number of syllables, position of sound in a word, sound analysis)

Who is cold in autumn
Walking around gloomy and hungry? (wolf)
Flies all night -
catches mice.
And it will become light
flies into the hollow to sleep. (owl)
Strong, menacing and beautiful,
He shakes his mighty mane.
And how he growls! No, not in vain
He is the king of the animals! (a lion)
Physical exercise.
We are funny cuties (hands on the belt, swaying)
Miracle dolls, tumblers (continue to swing)
We dance and sing (squat)
We have a lot of fun jumping and clapping)
Making sentences from the given words. Sketching a proposal diagram.
There are strips on the table. Each strip has a word written on it. Children work in groups. Children put words in the correct sequence to make a sentence.
1. Spring has come.
2. Children are playing on the street.
3. Sasha and Egor are watering the trees.
4. Clouds are floating across the sky.
5. The sun is shining brightly.
6.Natasha and Sveta are collecting leaves.
Educator: Well done, guys, now draw a diagram of your proposal.
(children draw diagrams on the board).
Game "Decipherer".
Educator: The wind mixed up all the letters, if we collect them correctly, we will get a word.
(children work in pairs).
Summary of the lesson.
Educator: Did you like the lesson? What new and interesting things did you learn? What task caused difficulty? We have an encrypted word left on the board. Let's read it. Well done!