Russian language in international communication. Russian language - the language of interethnic communication What is the language of interethnic communication

State state-financed organization vocational education Republic of Mordovia “Ruzaevsky Railway Industrial College named after A.P. Baykuzova"


at the All-Russian practical conference

"Russian language in the dialogue of cultures"

on the topic: “Russian language in interethnic communication”

teacher of Russian language and literature

Bikbaeva Linara Kasimovna

All people on our planet can speak. They speak different languages, but in any language the main task remains to help understand each other when communicating. Without language, the development of society, science, technology, and art is impossible. Language is the main means of communication. It serves to express thoughts. You must always express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively, which is something you need to learn. L.N. Tolstoy said: “To handle the language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly.”

The Russian language is the language of the Russian nation. By studying the language, we study the culture and history of the country. The Russian language first appeared in its modern form in the 19th century, during the era of A.S.Pushkin , since he is the founder of the modern Russian language, which we speak and which is understandable to everyone.

Russian is the official language Russian Federation. It serves all spheres of human activity in Russia: it processes all documentation and conducts teaching in all educational institutions.

Russian language is the language of interethnic communication of the peoples of the USSR

The Soviet Union was a multinational state. More than 130 languages ​​were spoken in our country. All national languages ​​had equal rights.
“Among the equal national languages, the Russian language acted as the language of interethnic communication between the peoples of the USSR.

All nations and nationalities of the USSR voluntarily adopted the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication. Knowledge of the Russian language, along with the native language, served to bring all nations and nationalities together into a single Soviet family - the Soviet people.

As a means of interethnic communication, the Russian language helped solve the problems of political, economic and cultural development of our multinational country.

The Russian language helped the peoples of the USSR to join advanced social ideas and the riches of Russian and world scientific thought and culture.
The Russian language played the role of an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, served the mutual enrichment of national cultures, since works of fiction of all nationalities were translated into Russian.
Many national writers and poets of our country: Kyrgyz Chingiz Aitmatov, Abkhaz Georgy Gulia, Azerbaijani Chingiz Huseynov, Uzbek Raim Farhadi, Kazakh Olzhas Suleimenov, Chukchi Yuri Rytkheu and others - wrote their works in Russian.

Interacting with the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR, the Russian language itself was at the same time enriched, improved, and developed. The vocabulary was especially enriched, reflecting the changes taking place in political life, in science and culture.

Russian language was the most widespread among other languages ​​in our country.

The little Chukchi was going to Artek. He asked his father: “How will I talk to a Georgian there? After all, I don’t know a word of Georgian.” “Don’t worry,” the father answered, you know a language that a Georgian can understand.”

The little Georgian was also going to Artek. He also asked his father:

“How will I talk to a Latvian there? After all, I don’t know a word of Latvian.” And his father answered him: “Don’t worry, you know the language that the Bashkir understands.”

Russian language as a means of international communication

peoples of the CIS

Our Motherland is still a multinational state. The Russian language, which was the main language of interethnic communication in the USSR, unfortunately, was not able to preserve its dialects in all the republics that gained independence, and in the 1990s, after the victorious procession of the “university parade,” Russian began to be actively squeezed out in some republics. As a symbol of Soviet totalitarianism, although in the 90s there was still a large Russian-speaking population there.

How does the Russian language feel today in the post-Soviet space?

I was born in the city of Baku. In Azerbaijan during Soviet times, not knowing the Russian language was considered bad manners. Baku residents even had a special reprimand: the obligatory “Yes!” at the end of any sentence.

Today in Azerbaijan there are about 150 thousand Russians, 378 Russian schools. All Russian TV channels are broadcast, local TV and radio broadcast programs in Russian. And yet the Russian language is slowly being pushed out of everyday life. In 2003, the translation from Cyrillic to “Azerbaijani Latin” began. Today priority is given to English.

In Kazakhstan, according to the Constitution of the republic, the Russian language is the language of interethnic communication. It is spoken by more than 10% of the population, and there are four million Russians in Kazakhstan. The President of Kazakhstan addresses his people in two languages ​​- first in Kazakh and then in Russian. In half of the schools, education is conducted in a mixed language, in a quarter - only in Russian, 18% of television and radio programs are broadcast only in Kazakh, 34% only in Russian.

The Russian language was given to the newly independent states not as Russian, but as Soviet; the language of the USSR and the language of the Soviet people. In this function, the Russian language manifests itself in two main qualities.

Firstly, the “Soviet language” took on the role of the language of interethnic communication within the new independent states. Secondly, it acts as an age-related (generational) means of communication. Thus, the need for the Russian language will naturally decrease as the “Soviet” generations decrease.

Today, the Russian language still plays the role of a language of interethnic communication. The Russian language in a number of CIS countries continues to be used in business circles, financial and banking systems, and in some government agencies. The majority of the population of these countries (about 70%) is still quite fluent in it.

However, the situation may change dramatically in a generation, as the process continues (in Lately it has slowed down somewhat, but has not stopped) of the destruction of the Russian-speaking space, the consequences of which are beginning to be felt today.

The place of the Russian language among the languages ​​of the world

“And we will save you, Russian speech, great Russian word…” - these are the words of the poetess Anna Akhmatova, which have not lost their relevance for several decades. The prosperity of national culture directly depends on the people’s attitude to their history. The Russian language has come a long way in development. Today, thinking about the international significance of the Russian language, just look at the statistical data. More than 250 million speakers from all over the world - a more than impressive figure.

Currently, it is becoming problematic to find a single means of communication for 250 countries. Every citizen treats the cultural heritage of his state with honor and prefers to speak exclusively in his own language. For the world community, this complexity was eradicated with the approval of the so-called world languages, which include Russian. Today it is a means of communication on television, airlines, and trade. Of course, the great importance of the Russian language is due to the fact that it is spoken by millions of people from different parts of the world. Every intelligent person would consider it an honor to quote the great thoughts of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy and other leading writers of Russia.

Studying the Russian language contributes to the mutual exchange of experience between peoples, introducing them to cultural achievements in our country and to world culture.

IN different countries ah, they study Russian, which has become a language of international importance, along with English, Spanish, and Chinese.

Documents of the United Nations are published in Russian; International agreements and treaties on important issues are written in it. life issues cooperation between peoples globe. Interest in the Russian language is associated with the desire of people from different countries to become more familiar with the culture of Russia, its science and technology, and the way of life of Russian people. Thus, the Russian language has global significance.

The global significance of the Russian language is manifested not only in the wide spread of its study in modern world, but also in the influence, primarily of its lexical composition, on other languages. The Russian word satellite, already included in the dictionaries of many languages, became known and understood by everyone. Following the word satellite, other words and expressions related to space exploration began to be used in the languages ​​of other countries: lunar, soft landing, lunar rover, astronaut, cosmodrome. The Russian language also introduced the word orbit into international wide use (from Latin orbis - circle, wheel, wheel trace) in the expressions put into orbit, put into orbit. New words associated with the space age have become so firmly established in the everyday life of a number of countries that they have begun to be used both as proper names and as common nouns. Along with “cosmic” words, Russian words reflecting different sides life of a new, socialist state. Even a new term has entered linguistic science - Sovietisms, i.e. words borrowed from the Russian language during the Soviet era. And how many new words entered other languages ​​during the years of perestroika!

Each language is a whole world. Language is not only a subject for study, but the living soul of a people, its joy, pain, memory, treasure. It should evoke in each of us ardent love, gratitude, and reverent attitude. The language of everyone, even the most small people, is a whole world full of charm and magic...

There is no language that does not deserve respect. Not only large but also small nations live on earth. Each of them has its own language, which is dear to children, like the voice of a mother, like the bread of their native land.

I love the Russian language, but I also love my native Tatar. I want my language to live and develop. Once upon a time, the writer K. Kuliev said very precise words:

“Respect and love for the Russian language, which I have spoken for many years and which I admire as I continue to study it, does not at all prevent me from loving speech - the language of my mother.”

And how relevant are the words of the Uzbek poet Sabir Abdullah:

If you want to beat fate,

If you are looking for joy in a flower garden,

If you need solid support -

Learn Russian language!

He is your mentor, great, mighty,

He is a translator, he is a guide.

If you storm the keys of knowledge -

Learn Russian language…

Gorky's vigilance,

The vastness of Tolstoy,

Pushkin's lyrics are a pure spring

They shine with the mirror image of the Russian word.

Learn Russian language!


“Russian language as a means of interethnic communication”

Subjects of the project: students, teachers, parents, library, social partners of the MKOU “Gymnasium No. 5 named after. A.A. Aliyev" Kizilyurt

Content block of the project passport

Block description

Project abstract

The project is aimed at strengthening and expanding the possibilities of using the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication, improving the quality of in-depth knowledge of the Russian language, and developing civic competence using the Russian language.

The project is dedicated to the Russian language as a powerful means of interethnic communication, friendship, and unity between the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of the project, a number of events are planned to arouse interest in the study of the Russian language and literature through a system of master classes on the culture of speech, a competition in Russian calligraphy, a correspondence competition of presentations “My Pushkin”, an exhibition dedicated to the Russian language and A.S. Pushkin, public readings of poems about the Russian language “Revived Lines”. During the course of the project, problems in teaching Russian as a non-native language will be identified and proposals will be made to solve them.

The Russian language is the national language, the exponent and custodian of the spiritual culture of the Russian people.

As a means of interethnic communication, the Russian language helps solve the problems of political, economic and cultural development of a multinational country - Russia. This language plays the role of an intermediary between all the languages ​​of the peoples of our republic, serves the mutual enrichment of national cultures, since works of fiction of all nationalities are translated into Russian.

Today, the Russian language is not only a means of communication between the peoples of Dagestan, the peoples of Russia and beyond, it has become for us important factor the flourishing of our national cultures. Dagestanis through the Russian language directly became familiar with Russian fiction, scientific and socio-political literature.

Through the Russian language, our peoples began to study the works, cultural monuments and literature of other peoples, both in our country and around the world.

Finally, through the Russian language, the Russian and world readers became aware of the best works of Dagestan writers. In conditions of multilingualism (there are fourteen written state languages ​​in the republic), only the Russian language is capable of being a language of interethnic communication.

    In Dagestan, the Russian language serves as a factor of consolidation, bringing together all Dagestan peoples into a single multinational people, which received its confirmation in the Constitution of the Republic of Dagestan.

2. Description of the problem

Citizens of Russia understand the importance of the Russian language as a way of consolidating the peoples of our country, but today indifference, selfishness, cynicism, and disrespect for the state language are widespread in the minds of young people. This causes concern for the future of Russia, but the fate of the country fully depends on the development of society, the basis of which is the generation of young people. According to L.N. Tolstoy, “a person’s morality is visible in his attitude to the word.”

The problem is recognized as a discrepancy between the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities in the subject “Russian language” and the expected results enshrined in various government documents. Analysis of the regulatory framework that determines the status of the Russian language, the features of its state legal support and ensuring the rights of citizens to use it, the specifics of the functioning of the Russian language in the national republics of the Russian Federation, consideration of fundamental documents in the field of language policy, such as the laws “On the languages ​​of peoples” Russian Federation”, “On the state language of the Russian Federation”, “On education”, Government Resolutions “On approval of the rules for the preparation of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies and their state registration”, “On the procedure for approving the norms of modern Russian literary language when using it as the state language of the Russian Federation, the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation”, “On the creation of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Russian Language”, “On the federal target program “Russian Language” for 2011 - 2015” (Government Decree of June 20, 2011 . N 492 “ON THE FEDERAL TARGET PROGRAM “RUSSIAN LANGUAGE” FOR 2011 - 2015” (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/02/2012 N 281), the personal self-awareness of teachers of the pedagogical community of the Russian language and literature requires the organization of activities to find means of changing the situation. I believe that the main means at this stage can be a gymnasium that purposefully works to solve the problem.

The official language in our country is Russian. But this does not mean that other languages, for example, Avar, Kumyk or Chechen, are somehow worse. However, what is a citizen of his Fatherland inextricably linked to? With the Motherland, with its history, culture, traditions and, of course, with the language. The purpose of raising M.V. Lomonosov saw the education of a citizen whose main qualities are “selfless service to the Motherland, hard work, high morality. It is impossible to raise a citizen without love for one’s history, native language and literature.”

I conducted a sociological survey “Language is the basis of citizenship” in different social groups: schoolchildren, parents and school graduates, residents of the village of Novy Sulak. The survey results showed that all respondents knew which language is the official language of the Russian Federation and are confident that the Russian language plays a consolidating role in society, but 81% made spelling errors, 29% believe that there is no need to know the norms of the Russian language. This is due to the fact that the formation of an attitude towards the Russian language as a value and the wealth of our people is problematic.

Preserving the language, taking care of it further development and enrichment is a guarantee of the preservation and development of Russian culture, therefore every citizen of the Russian Federation, no matter who he works, no matter what position he holds, is responsible for the state of the language of his country.

Who owns the Russian language?

The Russian language is the national heritage of all peoples of the Russian Federation. Our state is proud of each of the languages ​​spoken by its citizens and strives to preserve them.

According to the population census, representatives of over 160 nationalities live in Russia today, and each of them has its own language, unlike the others. The Russian language is the state language, it is very important to understand how acute the problem of development, preservation of the Russian language, protection and struggle for its purity is for us and for all civil society. This will help strengthen the national character, patriotism and citizenship of our people. Caring for the Russian language is one of the components of the national idea. The Russian language is not only an opportunity to be heard and understood in any, most distant, corner of our country, it is also a linguistic picture of the world as a dynamic entity, reflecting linguistic intervention in reality. Appreciating and treating the state language with care is a responsibility and component of citizenship of a Russian.

3. Objective of the project

Preservation and protection of the Russian language, its popularization as a means of interethnic communication to solve common political, economic, cultural, social problems, strengthening friendly ties between peoples living in the territory of Novy Sulak;

Forming an attitude towards the Russian language as a value of life, as a means of preserving the culture of a Russian citizen;

Fostering the responsibility of the younger generation for preserving the integrity, wealth and purity of the state language, and therefore the Fatherland as a whole, through the creation of the youth movement “Heirs of the Russian Language”;

Improving the quality of educational skills, linguistic, cultural, and civic competencies of gymnasium graduates.

Project objectives:

1. Develop a sense of personal responsibility to future generations for the preservation of the Russian language.

2. To form ideas about the Russian language as the language of the Russian people, the state language of the Russian Federation, a means of interethnic communication, consolidation and unity of the peoples of Russia, a means of preserving the culture of a citizen of Russia.

3. To attract the attention of schoolchildren, youth and the general public to the problems of language culture.

4. To develop civic competence among the younger generation.

5. Ensure the vital activity of the youth movement “Heirs of the Russian Language”

    Finding ways to solve the problems of teaching Russian as a non-native language, improving speech culture.

    Unlocking a person’s creative potential through familiarization with Russian calligraphy and the creation of creative works

    Involvement of representatives different generations, nationalities to the heritage of A.S. Pushkina, M.Yu. Lermontov, poets, composers of Pushkin’s era through participation in the competition “Love, appreciate and know the Russian language...”

Research methods:

    analytical reading;

    search, contextual analysis;

    study of monographic publications and articles;


    questionnaire, survey.

Project product

Group projects (abstracts and presentations)

Project object:

Language, its history, development, problems.

Project subject:

Project activities aimed at increasing interest in the language, as well as organizing search and research activities with students.

Didactic goals of the project

Formation of independent work skills.

Formation of creative abilities.

Development of cognitive activity.

Development of communication skills.

Formation of critical thinking.

Methodological objectives of the project

Learn to work with various sources of information, express thoughts briefly and scientifically.

Demonstrate the connection of the Russian language with other sciences.

Learn to draw conclusions, argue and prove them.

Teach students to use information correctly.

Develop self-education skills;

Develop teamwork skills;

Develop the ability to formulate a problem and find ways to solve it;

Develop self-control skills.

Target groups for which the project is directed:

schoolchildren, parents, teachers, residents of the village of Novy Sulak.

Project implementation mechanism

A person’s personality includes such components as knowledge (includes knowledge of spelling, orthoepic and punctuation norms of the language), motivational (awareness of the need for competent Russian speech when applying for a job, in a career and in Everyday life) and communicative activity (communication in Russian and its use in everyday life, scientific and professional spheres) .

At each stage of personal development, the most significant tasks are the education of a citizen and a patriot, the formation of a sense of patriotism through the development of love and respect for the language, literature and values ​​of national culture.

This project consists of two stages. The first of them will be implemented on the basis of the MKOU “Gymnasium No. 5 named after. A.A. Aliyev" Kizilyurt. In the future, it is planned to repeat the activities of this stage on a city scale.

Stage I “Russian language “as an ecological disaster zone”:

Conducting a sociological survey “Language is the basis of citizenship”;

Literary competition among students in grades 5-9 “Whoever loses their native language will be left without a homeland”;

Interschool Olympiad “Russian is my second language”;

- “The Russian language is the national heritage of the Russian state, of every true citizen of the Fatherland!”;

Publication of a number of articles on the problems of the culture of Russian speech and preserving the integrity of language and society in the newspaper “Kizilyurt News” and “Teacher of Dagestan”;

Distribution of leaflets “Speak correctly!” (spelling cards);

Creation and functioning of the group “Heirs of the Russian Language” in social network educators and/or info lesson;

Stage II of the project “You still don’t know Russian - then we’re coming to you!”:

Involvement and training of activists, dissemination of project ideas in the process of this training;

Creation of a coordination group “Alive as Life” on the basis of the resource center - MKOU “Gymnasium No. 5 named after. A.A. Aliyev" Kizilyurt

Discussion of the question “Know Russian, why?” in the format of direct dialogue with students and parents and residents of the village;

Creation of a blog to discuss the state of the Russian language in the village;

PR campaigns “Our strength is in unity!”, “You may not be a linguist, but you must be a citizen!”;

Conducting a photo shoot for young people “We’re filming against the backdrop of Pushkin, friends...”;

Organization of the event “Gift for a newborn - the first book in life.”

Methods and forms of project implementation:

1) Carrying out social campaigns and events in defense of the state language;

2)Uniting the younger generation into the youth movement “Heirs of the Russian Language”;

3) Organization and holding of an interschool Olympiad and competition among schoolchildren “Russian is my second native”;

4) Creation of a project website;

5) Conducting a number of flash mobs;

6) Discussion of the problem in the newspaper “Kizilyurt News”;

7) Conducting PR campaigns;

8) Organization of trainings on the culture of the Russian language;

10) Development of teaching aids.

Project implementation schedule

Stage I : September – December 2018

Stage II : 2019

Expected results

1. Increasing the interest of the younger generation in the ideas of the movement;

2. Creation and operation of centers: “Unified language - strong country”, “Alive as life” (on the basis of the MKOU “Gymnasium No. 5 named after A.A. Aliyev” in Kizilyurt);

5. Program and content of trainings “Russian language for students - parents”

6. Methodological subscription (a series of consultations on the Russian language for everyone).

7. Implementation of the idea of ​​​​forming an interactive Russian language service.

8. Inclusion of students and teachers in the study of the Russian language within the framework of the scientific and social program for young researchers “Step into the Future.” “S.I. Ozhegov repeatedly repeated the idea that experimental research and a permanent service of the Russian word are needed. Surveys of the state of norms of the literary language, analysis of current trends and forecasting of the most likely paths of development - these are the aspects<…>“reasonable and objectively justified normalization” of the language constitutes an important part of the activities of the speech culture department today.” We allow ourselves to add: not only the departments of speech culture, but, first of all, the citizens themselves, students, their parents, residents of the village of Novy Sulak.

The Russian language continues to be a means of communication across vast territories that include both Europe and Asia. It is the state language of Russia, the status of the Russian language in the Russian Federation is determined by the Law of the Russian Federation on the Russian language. The leading role of the Russian language in the Russian Federation is determined by its social functions - it is the language of interethnic communication and a means of uniting the peoples of Russia, the native language of more than 80% of its citizens.

The state takes care of the preservation of the Russian language and literature.

And in conclusion, I want to quote L.I. Skvortsova “Nowadays, the Russian language is undoubtedly intensifying its dynamic tendencies and entering a new transition in its historical development. Now, of course, it is too early to make any predictions about the paths the Russian language will take, serving the development of new forms of consciousness and life activity. After all, language develops according to its own objective internal laws, although it reacts vividly to various kinds of “external influences.”

That is why our language requires constant close attention and careful care - especially at the critical stage of social development that it is experiencing. We as a whole must help language discover its original essence of concreteness, definiteness of formulation and transmission of thought.”

“Society is confused, society is split, and without the Russian language and Russian literature we cannot find a way to each other,” says Natalia Solzhenitsyna, president of the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Russian Charitable Foundation.

    Take care of the Russian language and literature! This is our national pride.


    Vvedenskaya L.A. Russian language and culture of speech: a textbook for universities. - 30th edition. – Rostov-n/Don: Phoenix, 2011.

    A.L. Arefiev. Russian language at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. (Electronic resource). - M.: Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing, 2012.

    K. Chukovsky “Alive as Life”, Ed. "Young Guard", 1962

    L.I. Skvortsov. Ecology of the word, or Let's talk about the culture of Russian speech, 1996

    Federal Law on the Russian Language.

    Federal Target Program “Russian Language for 2016-2020”

    National program for the support and development of reading for 2007-2020.

    Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation.

Internet resources:

Consultant Plus .



Survey on the topic “Popularization and preservation of language and literature”

    What place do the Russian language and literature occupy in modern society?

    Name the functions of the Russian language.

    Do you think there are problems in the field of Russian language and literature? Which?

    Do you read books?

    Why is interest in reading declining in society?

    Explain the reasons for the state's attention to the functioning and preservation of the Russian language and literature.

    What policy is the state pursuing to strengthen the position of the Russian language and literature in the modern world?

    What organizations, periodicals, and television programs work to popularize the Russian language and literature?

    In your opinion, what measures should be taken to save the social status of the Russian language and literature?

Russian language is the language of interethnic communication

The importance of the Russian language is great. This is explained by the fact that it acts in different conditions both as the native language of the Russian people, and as the state language of the Russian Federation, and as one of the world languages ​​of communication in the near and far abroad.

“World languages ​​are some of the most widespread languages ​​spoken among themselves by representatives of different peoples outside the territories inhabited by people for whom they were originally native.” (“Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Philologist.”) In determining the composition of world languages, the number of speakers of it is taken into account both in the country where native speakers live and abroad, authority, the role of the country of this language in history and modernity; the formation of a national language with a long written tradition; established norms, well researched and described in grammars, dictionaries, and textbooks.

World languages ​​cover international spheres - diplomacy, world trade, tourism. Scientists from different countries communicate on them, they are studied as “ foreign languages"(that is, as a compulsory subject in universities and schools in most countries of the world). These languages ​​are the "working languages" of the United Nations (UN).

The official world languages ​​of the UN recognize English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Hindi. Any document at the UN is distributed in these languages.

The Russian language has become a generally recognized world language since the mid-twentieth century. Its global significance is due to the fact that it is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, in which the greatest fiction. Russian is one of the Indo-European languages, related to many Slavic languages. Many words of the Russian language have entered the languages ​​of the world without translation. These borrowings from or through the Russian language have been observed for a long time. Back in the 16th-17th centuries, Europeans learned through the Russian language such words as Kremlin, tsar, boyar, Cossack, caftan, hut, verst, balalaika, kopeck, pancake, kvass, etc. Later, the words Decembrist, samovar, sarafan, ditty, etc. As evidence of attention to changes in the socio-political life of Russia, words such as perestroika, glasnost, etc. have entered the languages ​​of the peoples of the world.

The richness of the Russian language and the literature created in it arouses interest in this language throughout the world. It is studied not only by students, schoolchildren, but also by adults. In order to provide assistance in teaching the Russian language outside our country, the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPR5IL) was created in Paris back in 1967. MAPRYAL publishes magazines and methodological literature in our country for foreign teachers of Russian language and literature, and holds international Russian language Olympiads among schoolchildren from different countries.

Traditionally, the language of interethnic communication is the language through which the language barrier is overcome between representatives of different ethnic groups within one multinational state.

The emergence of any language beyond the boundaries of its ethnic group and its acquisition of interethnic status is a complex and multifaceted process, including the interaction of a whole complex of linguistic and social factors.

The beginning of the spread of Russian language among representatives of other ethnic groups coincides, judging by the data of comparative historical linguistics and chronicle information, with the development of new territories by the ancestors of Russians; This process developed more intensively in the 16th-19th centuries. during the period of formation and expansion. state, when the Russians entered into various economic, cultural and political contacts with the local population of a different ethnicity.

In Russia, Russian was the state language.

Reliable statistical data on the knowledge of the Russian language by the non-Russian population of the country as a whole and the breadth of its use in interethnic communication in Russia is conclusive. 19 – beginning 20th centuries No.

However, the ratio of the volume of functional load Russian. language as a state language language and other national languages ​​in various fields, data on the study of Russian. language in Russian-native (according to the then accepted terminology) schools and other educational institutions in certain regions of the state, written evidence from contemporaries and some other materials confirm the use of the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication, although the level of proficiency in most cases was low.

The second period is characterized by features that are due to the change in national language policy in the USSR to different stages his existence. After 1917, compulsory state registration was abolished in the country. language.

In 1919, the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR “On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR” was adopted.

in accordance with the Crimea, “the entire population... between the ages of 8 and 50 years, who cannot read and write, is obliged to learn to read and write in their native language or Russian at will.”

Originally Russian. language was not a compulsory subject in schools with the national language of instruction: its spread as a language of interethnic communication was objectively facilitated by cultural, educational, economic and socio-political transformations in the country.

However, those that existed in the 20-30s. rate of spread of Russian language among non-Russians. The population of the country did not satisfy the needs of the centralized state for a common language of interethnic communication for all citizens.

In 1938, a resolution was adopted by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks “On the compulsory study of the Russian language in schools of national republics and regions.”

Since 1970, materials from the All-Union Population Censuses have contained data on the number of non-Russian persons. nationalities fluent in Russian. language as a second (non-native) language.

Between 1970 and 1989 this number increased from 41.9 to 68.8 million people; in 1989 in the USSR as a whole the number of non-Russians. nationalities fluent in Russian. language, amounted to 87.5 million people.

From ser. 80s, when Russian. the language continued to perform the function of a language of interethnic communication, attitude towards Russian. the language in this capacity began to change. Some politicians began to call the Russian language “the imperial language”, “the language of totalitarianism”, “the language of the occupiers”; in the resolutions of certain conferences on national-linguistic problems (for example, in Ukraine, 1989) national-Russian. bilingualism has been described as "politically harmful" and "scientifically untenable".

During this period, in the former union and autonomous republics, an officially prescribed narrowing of the spheres of functioning of the Russian language as a means of interethnic communication began, a significant reduction in the number of hours allocated to the study of the Russian language in national schools, and even the exclusion of the subject “Russian language” from school and university curricula.

Conducted in the early 90s. Sociolinguistic studies in a number of CIS countries indicate recognition by most of society of the fact that in modern times. At this stage, it is impossible to solve the problem of interethnic communication without the Russian language.

A feature of the third period is the functioning of Russian. language as a means of interethnic communication not only in the Russian Federation. but also in a group of sovereign states. The Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation performs numerous and varied functions in society, which determines social necessity its study by the entire population of Russia.

In the 21st century, the Russian language retains its position as the language of interethnic communication in the CIS countries due to the historically established traditions of its use by the population of these countries.

Linguistic aspects of studying Russian. languages ​​as a means of interethnic communication are characterized by certain specifics. Expanding the ethnic base of Russian users. language as a non-native language, the functioning of Russian. language in a foreign language environment leads to the appearance of phonetic, grammatical, lexical and semantic features in it.


2012-11-25T21:16:49+06:00 Culture of the peoples of BashkortostanEthnic studies and ethnography Russians RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION Traditionally, the language of interethnic communication is the language through which the language barrier is overcome between representatives of different ethnic groups within one multinational state. The emergence of any language beyond the boundaries of its ethnic group and its acquisition of interethnic status is a complex and multifaceted process, including the interaction of a whole complex of linguistic and social factors. Start...CULTURE OF THE PEOPLES OF BASHKORTOSTAN Dictionary-reference book

Multinationality - characteristic ethnic groups of Russia

Our country, Russia, strictly speaking, is not a state of only Russians or Russian-speaking citizens. This is a country in which numerous nationalities and peoples live and communicate in their national languages. Each of these languages ​​is a separate task not just for preservation, but also for improvement and development. The same applies to national cultures.

But how then can we ensure interethnic communication between these people groups if each of them predominantly uses its own national language? It is precisely this kind of contact in a huge multinational state that the Russian language must cope with, of course, in addition to the tasks of communication between Russian people themselves.

Common usage of the Russian language

Russian has always been the official and state language of the country, when it was an empire, when it was a Union, and now when it is simply Russia.

This language

  • used in diplomatic, legal, cultural communication,
  • on it we convey to the world all our achievements,
  • We conduct our office work on it (in most regions of the country).
  • National media broadcasts are conducted in this language.

Of course, difficulties arise periodically regarding the interaction of Russian and national languages. They are determined by the desire for isolation not only at the territorial, but also at the linguistic level. It is obvious that such phenomena narrow development and close the prospects for improving both interethnic contact itself and the maturation of national cultures themselves.

It seems that it would be right to simultaneously develop and study national languages ​​and the Russian language, while preserving national traditions and Russian culture.

Interpenetration of languages

The relationship between Russian and national languages ​​is interesting - the mutual influence and influence of Russian and national languages ​​is noted. This phenomenon is classified as interpenetration and is called interference. As an example, one can observe the emergence of phonetic systems of the Russian language of other national languages. This is usually obvious when a person who is not a native speaker speaks Russian (i.e. speaks with a different level of accent.)

This trend of using Russian as an interethnic means of contact also leads to the emergence different types bilingualism, when a person’s speech consists of national Russian vocabulary and phonetics. And such prospects, in turn, determine qualitatively new and intensive, complex and multifaceted connections and relationships between Russian and other languages ​​of our country.

What do you think is the attitude towards the Russian language among people of different nationalities in our country?

The relations that existed between the central government and the local population in the Soviet Union were often perceived as expansion. The same applied to the Russian language. Now, when in many ways everything has not yet been established, but is only being formed, a negative attitude towards the center leaves its mark on the attitude towards the Russian language. In a favorable economic situation, peoples will understand that it is more convenient to communicate with a state like Russia, and in a state like Russia, to speak the same language. Without a doubt, Russian has always been and will remain such a language.

What linguistic formulas are preserved when non-Russians communicate in Russian?

These are, of course, linguistic formulas of national linguistic etiquette (greetings, addresses, etc.), as well as interjections and expressive words of the native language that convey the feelings or attitude of the speaker to the event that excited him.

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