What is practical application. Practical application for the implementation of the criteria and principles of a motivated judgment

Worldwide development of new types of energy and materials. Enormous opportunities are opening up in the field of rational use and introduction of nuclear energy. The future of energy is closely connected with the peaceful use of nuclear and thermal nuclear energy. The use of such energy sources as the radiant energy of the Sun in semiconductor installations and photocells, the use of the internal heat of the Earth, the energy of sea tides, etc., is finding increasing practical application. All this, taken together, along with the development of controlled thermonuclear reactions, will allow many times electrical energy compared to the current level of resources.

At the same time, it should be noted that a restrictive raw material policy is by no means the exclusive prerogative of the newly-free countries, and even more so its practical application is not limited to OPEC. On the contrary, the conservation of existing oil-producing capacities or the determination of the upper limits of their possible expansion in the administrative order are directly or indirectly characteristic of almost all large producers of hydrocarbon raw materials from among the developed capitalist states 8.

Without dwelling on the least qualified ways of using IS (leveling territories, turning into heat by burning), we note that of all the methods of processing mentioned in the special literature, the following four fundamentally different mechanical, under high pressure cryogenic and thermal.

Passive "acquisition of knowledge at school, without its comprehension, its practical application, contributes to the fact that university teachers spend a lot of time and effort on retraining students, shaping their holistic environmental thinking, knowledge. A revision of school eco-programs is required, strengthening them with a practical orientation .

At the Pan-European Conference on Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Protection, a special declaration was adopted on low-waste and waste-free technology, which stated "Waste-free technology is the practical application of knowledge of methods and means in order to, within the framework of human needs, ensure the most rational use of natural resources and energy and protect environment"

As we have seen, the technical capabilities of Japan in the production of products that meet the most demanding requirements are rapidly expanding. With its recent achievements, it has challenged the United States in such high-tech products as very large integrated circuits, fiber optics, thinking robots, speech recognition devices, carbon fibers, ultra-strong ceramics, and drugs used in the treatment of cancer. These products reflect the level of technological progress of the 80s. Over the course of the current decade, the Japanese have been particularly concerned about two problems: how the future of these areas will develop and whether Japan will be able to achieve such a high level of competitiveness in the world market to maintain leadership in the practical application and dissemination of relevant technical knowledge.

With this approach, it is obvious that the modern advanced technology, which will be widely applied during the 80s and gradually become the core of the technical development of the current decade, is primarily electronic technology that has reached the peak of its maturity.

Germany is a country of learning. Most of all, the Germans are trying to improve systems of knowledge based on deep analysis, careful organization and practical application of theory. Introduction to science in the UK is inseparable from the relationship between amateurism and personal growth in Germany, while scientific activity is perceived as a noble calling that requires the utmost devotion of those who have devoted their entire lives to it, researchers - servants of science. Therefore, scholarship and scientists enjoy the highest prestige in Germany and inspire deep respect.

The technical colleges usually held a subordinate position in the education system. As educational institutions designed for vocational training, they were opposed to universities, which were traditionally considered a place of initiation to higher knowledge. These colleges were for the most part considered secondary technical schools. However, as industry progresses, their importance increases, and their status is now not inferior to that of the university. Germany has achieved a balance in the development of science and technology, theory and its practical application.

Earlier, it was already told about how the direction of development of Japanese technology changed radically after the war. Instead of strengthening military power, it was placed at the service of civilian industry. Now that such progress has been made in the development of technologies for consumer and industrial goods, what direction should be chosen in the future Until now, Japanese technology has developed along the path laid down by the United States and Western Europe, with the main attention being paid to improving Western technology that has already received practical application. However, it should be remembered that Japan was a pioneer in the development of mass production of many products, including a transistor radio and an electronic calculator.

The current generation of technical innovations will become widely used for practical purposes throughout the 80s, the next - from the early 90s. The principles of devices that are now the object of industrial implementation (whether they are ultra-large integrated circuits, lasers, optical and carbon fibers or amorphous materials) were discovered more than twenty years ago, so numerous research and development results have already been accumulated here. It is these results that underlie the practical application of modern technology. In other words, by mastering the current generation of innovations, we are reaping the fruits of technological progress of several decades, continuous and progressive in nature.

When fifth-generation computers enter practical use, they will be indispensable in many types of human activity, including creative ones. One of the main areas of their application will be machine translation.

Forecasting possible oil and gas reserves based on a comprehensive assessment geological structure, of course, can produce more accurate results than, say, the extrapolation method. However, the practical application of the method of assessment based on the geological structure in the conditions of the capitalist system encounters serious difficulties, which is mainly due to the disunity geological survey and secrecy of geological data.

Practical application of movements" (1917).


Here, special emphasis is placed on words of practical application. It is not enough to believe in the Golden Rule. In order for it to bring real benefits, you need to learn how to extend it to all human relationships, apply it from day to day.

In the process of practical application, this system is subject to refinement and improvement.

The ministries and departments are organizing work on the practical application in the sectors they supervise of the USSR Law on State Enterprises (Associations), the speediest transfer of the main link to full cost accounting and self-financing.

In our opinion, we should dwell on another possible method of calculating depreciation - according to progressively decreasing rates, which is not very difficult for practical application and at the same time does not have the shortcomings that exist in the current depreciation rates, as well as in the linear method.

The proposed method is simple for practical application, provides the following advantages compared to the current method

Using the indicated values ​​of L "n in expressions (69) - (73), it is possible to significantly simplify the preparation of the initial data and thereby make the proposed formulas more accessible for practical use.

Due to significant shortcomings, the methods proposed in these works for determining the commercial drilling rate have not received wide practical application. Their main disadvantages were the complexity of the calculation and the need to collect a significant amount of data that are not available in the current statistical reporting; the impossibility of using them at all stages of the development of the plan - from the primary drilling enterprise to the association and the ministry; well depths

This method of calculation is the most justified theoretically and gives the most accurate results in practical application. But the matter is complicated by a number of circumstances. Firstly, the quality of most types of products, and, consequently, its level is formed more often not by one, but by several properties, and their significance in the formation of utility is different. There is a difficult problem of determining their significance. Secondly, the usefulness of a product is more often in a non-linear dependence on the value of properties (private qualitative characteristics), which means the variability of their significance. These difficulties are surmountable, but not always.

The use of such energy sources as the radiant energy of the Sun in semiconductor installations and photocells, the use of the internal heat of the Earth, the energy of sea tides, etc., is finding increasing practical application. All this, taken together, along with the development of controlled thermonuclear reactions, will allow many times electrical energy compared to the current level.

Progressive directions of rationalization of preparation of production are reflected in the manual. Their study by students and practical application in subsequent engineering activities will contribute to solving the problems of creating and accelerating the development of the production of new highly efficient equipment.

The product of the value of the volume of gas and the value of the gas pressure corresponding to this volume will be a constant value at a constant temperature. This law has practical application in the gas industry. It allows you to determine the volume of a gas when its pressure changes and the pressure of a gas when its volume changes, provided that the temperature of the gas remains constant. The more the volume of a gas increases at a constant temperature, the lower its density becomes.

However, the practical application of economic and mathematical methods in our country became realistic by the beginning of the 60s due to the emergence and rapid development of electronic computing technology. During these years, the first reporting and experimental planned intersectoral balances were built, the first problems of optimal development and location of production were solved, forecasts of individual economic indicators were calculated using the methods of mathematical statistics.

The book briefly outlines the essence of the ergonomic method, the objects, goals and objectives of this new field of knowledge, their relevance to the oil industry. The system methodology for studying complex biotechnical systems man-machine-environment (HMS) is considered on examples of its practical application. Man, his various activities, place and function in the dynamic structure of the HMS are studied in connection with the efficiency and safety of work, the structure and properties of the HMS.

One way to correct this situation could be the establishment of Nobel Prizes in the field of technology. The Nobel Prize in Engineering should be awarded to individuals or groups who first mastered an epoch-making technology or made an outstanding contribution to its practical application. Originality in this case should not be a matter of discussion. Evaluation of work should be based on KOEI-specific results, primarily on criteria such as the quality of work and the cost of the finished product or system. Both individuals and groups can be nominated for the award, but most awards must, of course, go to organizations, be they companies, research centers or other large collectives.

Nevertheless, after the creation of ultra-large integrated circuits, the progress of Japanese microelectronics became rapid. The transition to mass production of desktop calculators played a decisive role. The tube calculator, large enough and therefore unsuitable for desk work, was created in the UK (1960). But the practical use of such computing devices began a little later, in 1964, when the Hayakawa company (now Sharp) mastered the serial production of the first transistor calculator. Thus, the desktop minicomputer was an original Japanese product. Transistor calculator production was only 1,700 units in 1964, and then expanded at an exceptionally high rate. As early as 1966, Sharp replaced transistors with integrated circuits, and the size of the calculator decreased significantly. Not surprisingly, demand for such minicomputers skyrocketed, peaking in 1969-1970. It was the same boom, on the wave of which the sale of integrated circuits rapidly increased.

Stages of investment cycle modeling. model building, parameter estimation, practical application for decision making, optimization and forecasting. Interface, factual and procedural knowledge.

25. The results described in the previous few paragraphs have been verified in practice using a program written for DEUCE. In order to compensate for the expected bad conditionality of the matrix B, double-precision fixed-point arithmetic was used in the calculation process.

Two sequences were calculated from the relations

where it was chosen so that the Initial matrix A had elements of only single precision and, when formed, the scalar products were accumulated exactly with rounding after summation; this only required multiplying double precision values ​​(62 bits) by single precision values. Since the original A is used all the time, we can take full advantage of the null elements it can contain. Equations

then solved using ordinary double-precision fixed-point arithmetic, and finally the coefficients

characteristic equation were calculated from the relations

using double precision floating point arithmetic.

Attempts have been made to reveal, as in § 21, a linear dependence on the early stage; in this case, all elements less than some prescribed number were replaced by zeros. (In this case, it is convenient to normalize even if double-precision floating point is used all the time.) In order to cause a linear relationship, I also tried to pre-multiply the original vector by A several times so that the initial vector had small components in the eigenvectors corresponding to smaller eigenvalues.

In general, my experience with these methods was not very successful, and I abandoned their use in favor of calculating the complete system of vectors in all cases. The results obtained in practice are as follows:

(i) For a diagonal matrix with an initial vector, the characteristic equation had 13 correct binary digits in the most accurate coefficients and 10 in the rest. We could expect such an inaccuracy, since the condition number is C of order . Using the initial vector (23.7), we obtained the most accurate coefficients with 15 correct binary digits, and the rest with 11. All the derived equations are completely useless for determining eigenvalues ​​(see Ch. 7, § 6.)

(ii) For a diagonal matrix of order 21 s, at the initial vector, the coefficients of the computed characteristic polynomial had at least 30 correct binary digits, with some coefficients and being much larger. This is equivalent to defining eigenvalues ​​with approximately 20 binary digits.

(iii) For the layout, the computed characteristic equations corresponding to several different initial vectors were unrelated to the correct equation in any way.

Practical use

If you can feel this force in the spine, for example, in the region of the sacrum, then feel how it opens the vertebrae that are welded together by tension.

The vast majority of people have lower back problems. Why? Because in the fourth lumbar vertebra we record the denial of our own sexual impulse due to the fact that it is considered dirty and sinful, and the refusal of sex, and in the fifth, respectively, the inability to receive pleasure from life and from intimacy with the opposite sex (see. table in the book "The Path to Freedom. How to change your life"). Our strength is written in the sacrum.

Having completely or partially abandoned our own sexual impulse, from enjoying life, from our own strength, we tense up and squeeze this area with muscles and ligaments. The vertebrae and sacrum are tightly adjacent to each other and begin to erase the discs. And then it's a matter of time. Pain in the sacrum - these are the first swallows. In my opinion, there is no need to say that tensions in this area of ​​the spine affect the condition of the rest of the spine and the health of the whole organism as a whole.

If you, standing up straight or sitting straight, will be able to feel the force that rises up the spinal column, then you will also feel how your vertebrae, for example, in the sacrum unclench, and the pain goes away. The vertebra presses on the vertebrae, and all together they press on the ground, and the Force of Life rises back, which opens the vertebrae, forcing them to take the correct position.

If you practice for a few minutes a day - as much as you like - then after a while the spine will begin to line up on its own and take the correct position. Your own Life Force will gradually correct it and make it what it should be by nature.

The more you relax and sink to the ground, the stronger the reverse flow of the life force will be. It is necessary to descend to the ground in the literal and figurative sense - this will help you soar above the ground.

Imagine that you are suspended on lines so that your feet barely touch the ground. The vast majority of people live their lives in this state. You do not stand on the ground, there is some invisible layer between your soles and the ground, which consists of fears of being and living in this world.

Imagine that you are moving in such a suspended state. What will be your movements? Some people walk on tiptoe, others walk half-bent, others, putting their foot down, immediately want to tear it off, etc.

And how do you walk?

What layer do you have?

When a person puts his feet firmly on the ground, he gains strength and freedom to move and act in life. Because life appears in it.

You can also push up from the floor or rise from a squat using this backforce. Usually a normal person, doing some exercises with the body, overcomes gravity, and in our case, you descend using gravity and rise using the force of lightness - the Life Force. It's very easy, try it.

Joints can be treated with the help of the Life Force. Feel how they press on other joints and all together press on the ground, then you will feel the reverse Life Force that will begin to heal them.

Three to five minutes of work with the Force of Life - and fatigue, fog in the head will go away, and lightness will appear in the body. The Force of Life can treat organ prolapse, it can relax and heal the pelvic organs. She can do everything.

Now the expression "roof rides" is very widely used. Those who are engaged in their own spiritual growth are especially familiar with this state. If at the moment when the "roof" begins to move out, you sit down on a chair (spine is straight) and you feel how your feet are pressing on the ground with the whole area, and your seat is pressing on the chair, the "roof" will stop its movement and gradually fall into place. Sit like this for a while. Feel ONLY gravity how she presses through her legs to the floor and through her buttocks into a chair. Mother Earth has always saved us from all sorts of misfortunes sent by the mind, and she will help in this case too.

If, in a sitting position, you switch your attention to the reverse flow of the force of lightness and follow it to the waist, the lumbar vertebrae will begin to unclench.

I recently read in one of the newspapers that a certain man developed his system of healing from diseases using the force of gravity - this force he calls life. People with a sick spine recover after a few sessions, the essence of which is to lift heavy weights. Grannies, who never lifted more than five kilograms in their lives, begin to lift tens and even hundreds of kilograms. From radiculitis, lumbago, and other diseases of the spine, there is not even a memory left. He has his own school in Moscow and opened a branch in Samara, as far as I remember. He claims that gravity is life, but I say that the force of lightness is the Force of Life. Truth comes to our country in interesting ways, doesn't it? And how differently she presents herself!

But back to our topic. If you remember, I have been saying throughout all my books that you need to descend to the Earth, to live on it, that you can feel paradise here on Earth. If you can feel the counter force - the force of lightness - that occurs when you descend and press down on the ground with your own weight, this will be the best indicator that you have at least partially been able to connect with the Earth and Life. The feeling that arises when you connect with the Earth and Life is pleasure, and the reward is the Power of Life and the ability to act, to enjoy your own creative power.

From the book Secrets of Female Dowsing author Susanna Garnikovna Isahakyan

From the book Cancer is not a sentence, but the most serious reason to change... author Konstantin Vladimirovich Yatskevich

From the book CAESAREAN SECTION: Safe way out or a threat to the future? by Michelle Auden

From the book Human Bioenergetics: Ways to Increase Energy Potential author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

From the book The Power of Stone Pyramids ( healing properties minerals) author Yuri Alekseevich Revinsky

author William Walker Atkinson

From the book Occult Healing author William Walker Atkinson

From the book Oriental massage author Alexander Alexandrovich Khannikov

From the book Strelnikova's famous breathing exercises author Svetlana Valerievna Dubrovskaya

From book Emergency help with injuries, pain shocks and inflammation. Experience in emergency situations author Viktor Fyodorovich Yakovlev

From the book Practical System for the Return of Life author Vladimir Vasilievich Zhikarentsev

From the book Respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova. Paradoxically, but effective! author Oleg Igorevich Astashenko

From the book Longevity Rules. The results of the largest study of centenarians by Dan Buettner

From the book My baby will be born happy author Anastasia Takki

From the book Kostoprav. Healing practices of the Magi author Valentin Sergeevich Gnatyuk

From the book The Formula of Absolute Health. Breathing according to Buteyko + “Baby” by Porfiry Ivanov: two methods against all diseases author Fedor Grigorievich Kolobov

Empathy is the sixth sense of a person, the ability to intentionally feel, read emotions, feelings, sensations and states of one’s own and other people, as well as understand information from one’s subconscious. It can be put differently: empathy is the ability to realize the taste of energy, born to all living things.

An empath can directly read, feel the attitude of a person:

  • to oneself;
  • to any other object;
  • to your work;
  • to your home;
  • to your family;
  • to your life;
  • to God.

I think the meaning is already clear that an empath can consider an attitude towards anything and anyone. How can this be applied in everyday life? We all want to know the attitude of other people, near and far. With the development of empathy, this becomes available. No daisies or gypsies with cards are needed.

This ability will be very useful for heads of firms, as well as personnel managers. Empathy will help you feel the attitude towards the work of your staff. As for active sales: you yourself understand that the seller who feels the client can change the direction of his behavior on the go in order to more successfully promote his product.

This is the first practical application of empathy.


Psychosomatics (ancient Greek - soul and body) is a direction in medicine (psychosomatic medicine) and psychology that studies the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases. Within the framework of psychosomatics, relationships between personality characteristics (constitutional features, personality traits, behavior styles, types of emotional conflicts) and one or another somatic disease have been and are being investigated.


To put it simply, most human diseases (or rather, everything except poisoning and injuries) are psychosomatic diseases. At a minimum, there is such an opinion, I will not say that this is 100% true, but see for yourself the global nature of the issue. And this means that the negative emotional states of a person and his negative personal relationships form diseases in him. A person who owns empathy has the ability to track all these negative manifestations, even if they are hidden at the subconscious level. In the effectiveness of this way of working with myself, I was convinced by a personal example.

This is the second practical application of empathy.

Theme of setting and achieving goals in life or fulfillment of desires

This theme is also extremely popular for many modern people. The main essence of the topic is the correct formulation and setting of goals, desires. An empath can feel the harmony of a desire or goal with the outside world. The next part of working with desires and goals is a test for non-resistance of the subconscious. The empath feels it too.

This is the third practical use of empathy.

Theme of Spiritual Growth

You yourself understand that it is based on harmony, that is, the harmonious state of a person. Which is achieved through harmonization inner world and external. This is a direct theme of empathy, what is what, and the empath feels disharmony a mile away.

This is the fourth application of empathy.

Theme of Energy and Energy Practices

Subtle bodies, chakras, curses, evil eyes, envy, energy connections with people, living and dead - all this can be felt, and with sufficient training, an empath can literally see.

This is the fifth practical application of empathy.

  • Empathy is the sixth sense of a person, the next stage of development and evolution.

Based on what opportunities and qualities open up when mastering the sixth way of perceiving the world, I think the statement that empathy opens up the possibility of one's own development will be quite appropriate, if not to say that it is very difficult to do this without empathy. Perhaps I will stop here, although experienced empaths can write many more ways and options for using empathy.

This article is written because many simply do not know how and where to practically apply what they have - empathy.

Esoteric secrets to the site

There are people - ardent skeptics. Or those who believe in God. There is a person who does not care, he does not argue, does not prove. He has no time - he works, improves himself. What is esotericism? Religion? Faith in God? In people? To the supermind? Or maybe in yourself? Many do not think about such things, and when they think about it, they do not find answers to their questions.

Esotericism is secret knowledge that is not available to people who are ignorant of magic, mysticism, and the occult. At least that's what they used to be. Knowledge and skills that everyone could not have. Only the chosen ones.

Having read various tapes on the Internet, you can get only scattered data and a weak idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat esotericism is. Only by deciding to change yourself and your life in better side, having gathered strength and completed a course of video seminars built by specialists so that everything falls into place, you can succeed.

The concept of esotericism and why you should not be afraid of it

Esotericism is a huge section human life helping to find oneself through the knowledge of the world. Its study is not given to everyone. It's not just religion or science. This is the same thread that connects all the nuances and aspects of the ordinary world and the area of ​​unknown magic that surrounds us.

The very first such secret society was the Pythagorean school. It was divided into ordinary and esoteric. Her secret part took a lifelong oath not to disclose what the members of the society were taught. And what kind of knowledge they received there, humanity still does not know. Now the esoteric is not hidden from everyone. There is available information presented in video seminars or master classes. Why are people afraid or unwilling to touch the unknown and explore the unknown areas of their own lives?

Consider the main criteria for human unwillingness:

  1. Many do not want to learn a new religion. In fact, esotericism is not only a religion, although it is closely related to it. It helps to reveal oneself and one's own hidden inner potential. Yes, there is religion here - faith in yourself and the world around you.
  2. Lack of faith in the ability to change your life. Thought is always material. And desires are always fulfilled. Everything is possible - you just have to believe and go through this difficult path to knowledge.
  3. Reluctance to acquire new knowledge, as there is already success in personal life. Esotericism makes it possible to gain success not only in one area of ​​human activity. It allows you to balance all the criteria that are extremely important. To achieve the desired and the most intimate comprehensively.
  4. Fearful attitude to the concept of magic. It is worth noting that the unknown is not only magical. It's just unfamiliar. After passing the seminar, it becomes clear that what is often considered magical is what seems incredible, impossible.
  5. Lack of free time. Naturally, it takes a lot of time to get through the training. But in the future, the hours spent will pay off handsomely. Life is balanced, everything falls into place and everything happens in its own moment.

An already established branch, science, like psychology, has long reckoned with esoteric opinion. He resorts to her methods. Favorably refers to the practice of secret knowledge.

What gives esoteric knowledge?

Why is it believed that esoteric knowledge is not given to everyone? Only the chosen ones? Because not everyone is ready to say goodbye to the old world, three-dimensional space, a sense of the shaky stability of their lives. Each person is the smith of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best.

What is esoteric - answers to the site

To transform yourself. From within. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us. Esoteric practices give people not only knowledge. They help to feel the surrounding space. Start thinking differently than before. Wake up one day and realize what is happening. What you need to do to be successful in your desired industries. Understand that the world is not three-dimensional. He is generally limitless. Consciousness is omnipotent.

Why does a person come to esotericism?

Different paths can lead to this or that knowledge. Events, people, chance? In any case, esotericism appears in a person's life when it is needed. The reasons may be different:

  1. Search for new, unprecedented sensations. When it becomes boring, the world loses its attractiveness, others do not bring their former joy. Esotericism will help you look at everything in a different light, see something new and believe in a miracle.
  2. Search for a method of treatment. When conventional medicine fails. When the pills didn't work. And we are talking not only about habitual diseases, but also about constant depression, about the disease of life itself, when, no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve his goals. The man turns in despair. And esotericism, magic, rituals help to heal.

Esotericism and magic are ancient sciences. This is knowledge accumulated over many years and centuries. This is a great wisdom that can be comprehended by anyone who really wants it. And help yourself overcome difficulties. Let go of gravity and be free. Achieve results and be happy.

It is easier to say what esotericism is, as follows. This is an attempt to explain the complex structure of the visible and invisible world and the processes that take place in these worlds and affect a person, his actions and even fate. Almost everyone has heard of the extraordinary experience of altered consciousness. Most modern commercial practices for achieving financial success, the practices of fulfilling human desires or shaping events are built on this principle.

Esoteric practices are aimed at achieving a sustainable expansion of human consciousness, which would allow for a more perfect perception of the world. In a narrower, applied sense, all esoteric teachings are aimed at studying the inner world of a person, his hidden abilities and developing specific techniques for self-realization and spiritual development. There are esoteric currents in all world religions, although there are many independent esoteric systems.

There are theoretical worldview systems that consider only the spiritual development of the individual through the accumulation of special knowledge and meditative practices. There are currents aimed at achieving the final result with the help of rites, rituals and other things. These include the occult, which involves the use of magic, appeal to the unrecognized forces of spirits, natural forces and the inhabitants of parallel worlds. An interesting attitude to the question of what esotericism is among representatives of religious systems. For example, there is an opinion that any esoteric practices are prohibited by Christianity, and the appeal to such knowledge or practices is regarded as grave sin for which there are harsh penalties.

But such an attitude of the church does not stop those who see esotericism as a means to solve their life problems. This state of affairs, in our opinion, is also due to the fact that the official church imposes a strict ban without explaining the real possibilities of esoteric practices. At the same time, there is a huge number of specific rites related to the so-called church magic, which are available for review and are widely used. It is useful for a modern person to know the answer to the question: “Esoterica - what is it?”, As this is an opportunity to learn more about one’s internal structure, nature and the world around. Knowing about the esoteric methods of cognition, a person will not be afraid to make mistakes, and problems will not seem to him an insurmountable obstacle to happiness.

MOU Dergaevskaya secondary school №23

Related report:

"Practical application of student-centered learning in primary school»

Prepared by the teacher primary school Bobrova E.V.


School is the one social institution where each child can reveal himself as a unique, inimitable individuality. The child himself is not yet aware of his capabilities, the path of his own development is not yet clear to him.

The main and very responsible task of the school is to reveal the individuality of the child, to help it manifest itself, develop, settle down, gain selectivity and resistance to social influences. This requires not an isolated, but a single, but heterogeneous educational environment, where any child could prove himself without fear of being rejected. The disclosure of the individuality of each child in the learning process ensures the construction of a student-centered education in a modern school.

It is no secret that children come to school with different levels of preparedness, development, and opportunities. Therefore, teachers need to organize their work in such a way as to obtain the desired result with minimal time costs. Therefore, we settled on the introduction of the principles of student-centered learning into the educational process. The idea of ​​conducting lessons in the mode of student-centered learning belongs to I.S. Yakimanskaya. But her theories are relevant to teaching middle and high school students. This system was not adapted to the elementary school, but the primary school teachers were very interested.

The recognition of the student as the main acting figure in the entire educational process is, in our opinion, personality-oriented pedagogy.

Student-centered learning is a type of learning in which educational programs and the learning process are aimed at each student with their inherent cognitive characteristics.

Goals student-centered learning:

    develop individual cognitive abilities each child;

    maximize the use of the individual experience of the child

    help a person to know himself, self-determine and self-actualize, and not form predetermined properties

Student-centered learning creates, in our opinion, the best opportunities that contribute to the development of the student's personality through learning activities.

Content in student-centered learning - not only subject knowledge and skills, not only ways to solve typical subject problems, but also methods, mechanisms for self-change, self-development of students; at the same time, the process of movement towards self-development of students is important, i.e. valuable process of acquiring knowledge and skills.

Being engaged in a student-centered learning system, the student:

    gets the opportunity to look at himself "from the inside" and "from the outside", compare himself with other students, evaluate his actions and behavior, learn to accept himself and others as a whole, and not as a combination of good and bad character traits;

    develops willpower, because, sometimes acting contrary to his desires and interests, he learns to control himself through constant influence on educational (and therefore life) situations, controls his needs, learns to control his thoughts and use speech wisely;

    learns to overcome their own emotional barriers that hinder the adoption of a strong-willed decision, require coercion to work;

    develops the ability to quickly make decisions, allowing you to concentrate your willpower not on choosing one over the other, but on thinking about the positive and negative properties of the chosen solution;

    satisfies his needs for self-realization, raising the status, in creativity, communication, knowledge, power, love, security, since student-centered learning is based on the technique of satisfying needs and encourages the student to certain behavior;

    learns productive communication by achieving harmony with the environment;

The lesson was and remains the main element of the educational process, but in the system of student-centered learning, its function and form of organization change significantly. With this system of education, a significant proportion of the study time is devoted to the independent work of students, so the entire educational process is divided into two blocks - lecture and practical.

At lessons-lectures, the teacher explains the new material.

AT primary school The lecture has a problematic developmental character. In the course of the lecture, problems, tasks and assignments are posed, as a result of which the students come to the desired conclusion (under the guidance of the teacher). During the lecture, the teacher asks students questions, the answers to which are analysis, synthesis, generalization of the information received. The lecture is based on the interaction between the teacher and the student. At the end of the lecture, a summary table is drawn up on the topic, in which all the existing knowledge of the students is collected. This stage in elementary school can be carried out as a consolidation or test of the theoretical level. The form of work is chosen by the teacher: work in pairs, groups, individual work. The activities of students can also be different: graphic dictation, test, protection of models, didactic games games are competitions...

In the practical part of the lesson, students begin to implement their student-centered curriculum.

In all cases, when students answer, the mark "unsatisfactory" is not used, since according to this technology, the student has the right to make a mistake and the possibility of correcting it.

A person-centered plan can be of several types.

A student-centered curriculum is drawn up for the subject, which indicates:

    the name of the topics or sections of the course;

    time frame for studying topics or sections;

    concepts, terms, rules that the student must operate;

    individual Additional tasks the student, taking into account the zone of his proximal development;

    learning outcomes obtained by the student.

Each student, depending on his abilities, desires, well-being, advances according to the curriculum, passing each level of tasks, determining his own pace of assimilation educational material in the subject, according to the plan, thereby creating conditions for movement along the collective educational route in accordance with their individual characteristics.

A student-centered lesson consists of several stages:

    The motivational-target stage, which will include an emotional and psychological attitude, the identification of basic knowledge, the definition of the topic of the lesson, goal setting.

    The operational stage, which consists of theory testing, independent work and reflection.

Consider the distribution of tasks by levels.

In student-centered learning, there are three levels of tasks:

    Reproductive - 1 level

    Algorithmic - Level 2

    Creative - level 3 and an additional task.

After completing the task of each level, a qualitative and quantitative reflection is carried out, aimed at identifying emotional state students and their level of knowledge.

In the traditional learning paradigm, indicators of successful learning include:

    final annual marks;

    marks for administrative tests, examination marks;

    comparative analysis of academic performance;

However, these indicators are aimed only at determining the level of subject knowledge and skills of the student. Consequently, in most schools, teachers organize the educational process with only one goal - to transfer certain knowledge, to form subject skills, without taking into account personal development children.

An alternative to the traditional method of assessment is the “additive assessment”, which is based on a minimum level of general education, the achievement of which is mandatory for each student. The result obtained by the student is compared with his own results and, thereby, the dynamics of his intellectual development is revealed. The main criterion used by the teacher is individual, personal, when a person is compared with himself yesterday, which makes it possible to see individual successes or their absence. The criteria for higher levels are built on the basis of what is achieved above the base level and the system of control tasks.


    thematic control;

    the completeness of the verification of the mandatory level of training;

    openness of samples of verification tasks of the mandatory level;

    assessment by addition method (total assessment = sum of assessments for each level);

    higher marks for achievements above the base level;

    no negative evaluation;

    the opportunity to refine and submit the material;

    a reserve of time for revision is provided;

    the help of a teacher and a consultant during the performance of independent work is possible;

    students are given "keys" to test tasks;

    a list of accounting and control is kept for each;

    final grades are set based on the results of control lessons.

Now let's return to the issue of organizing independent work of students. As we have already said, children are offered tasks of several levels of difficulty.

Level 1 Quests is the base standard. This is the level of reproduction, highlighting the main thing, acting according to the model, according to the algorithm, repeated repetition. Tasks of the reproductive level ensure the obligatory assimilation of educational material corresponding to the "satisfactory" grade. The content of this level of tasks includes questions: who? what? where? when? and describing, retelling, formulating a theorem or concept, working with a map or reference book, performing practical exercises or experiments. Tasks of this level must be completed by each student and move on to tasks of the second, higher level.

Tasks of the second level are aimed at developing schoolchildren's skills to generalize, recognize, apply, implement and correspond to the assessment of "good". Typical questions for this level are: why? why? as? what is the point? how to use? and tasks containing the possibility of giving examples, compiling a supporting outline, etc.

To compose tasks, the teacher, first of all, uses questions and tasks placed to the paragraph or topic in the textbook. In this case, it is not necessary to rewrite the tasks in the plan, but it is enough to limit yourself to indicating the number of tasks and exercises, as well as the page of the textbook where they are placed.

Interacting with students during the lesson, the teacher is not afraid of wrong answers; involves all students (and not just the good ones) in the work; discusses all statements, selecting from them the most relevant knowledge to the scientific content.

However, it must be remembered that the same task is perceived differently by individual students. And what is easy for one may be difficult for another. How to be in this case? It is necessary to think over this issue in advance and prepare a special box for students - help, in which there may be an algorithm for working on a task, the necessary rule is indicated.

At the same time, one should not despair if children do not accept such consultation cards at first. Here you need time to adapt to help, you need to teach children how to use assistive devices.

At the same time, it is necessary to observe the measure in providing assistance so as not to develop a sense of dependence among students.

The practice of work shows that the presence of various aids allows you to consolidate knowledge and form the necessary skills and abilities of students. In this regard, the educational side is also essential. The use of cards with help instills confidence in low achievers in their abilities, helps to form a positive attitude towards independent work in the classroom and at home, as well as towards learning activities in general.

Tasks of the creative level are aimed at developing schoolchildren's independence and critical thinking, research skills, a creative approach to studying educational material and correspond to the "excellent" mark. These can be tasks to compare, systematize, solve in different ways, find a logical error, explain the reason, justify your attitude, prove why, is it really; list advantages or disadvantages, give arguments or counterarguments, write a test on a topic, write and defend an essay on a problem, prepare and conduct a conversation or lecture, etc.

Stage 3 - Reflection. As already noted, reflection takes place after checking each completed level. At the end of the lesson, the children themselves analyze their work, identify difficulties and shortcomings, set a goal for the next lesson, give recommendations to those who did not cope with the proposed tasks or made mistakes in their implementation, mark their mood in the lesson using a color chart.

At this stage, children choose homework.

Homework- this is the same form of organization of the educational process, like a lesson, and not an appendix to the lesson.

The importance of doing educational tasks at home is that they develop the student's independence of reasoning and actions. Although he works in accordance with the instructions of the teacher and according to the textbook, he acts individually and independently, which contributes to the development of thinking, helps to consciously master the material. In student-centered learning, it is necessary to individualize homework in accordance with the cognitive abilities of the student and his academic success. For a lagging or underachieving student, an easier task strengthens his strength, builds confidence. A more difficult and complex, creative task for well-performing students contributes to more intensive mental development.

While doing homework, students have the right to choose the level of the task.

The development of differentiated tasks both in the classroom and at home is based on a systematic study of the difficulties that students experience in mastering the material, studying gaps in their knowledge, in-depth analysis of their current independent work, a clear classification of errors. Certainly, shortcomings in the development of individual students must also be taken into account: unstable attention, slow pace of work, level of speech development, etc. Knowledge individual characteristics students allows to ensure the most appropriate nature of the educational activities of each student in the process of doing homework. Therefore, when offering homework with a focus on the average level of preparedness of students, one should also select tasks that require additional semantic loads, a creative search for the right solutions; as well as in the lesson, provide for certain measures of assistance (sample solutions, algorithms, memos, a drawing or a drawing, an auxiliary question, etc.). Since the lessons of student-centered learning assume the possibility of choosing homework, it is very important to teach the child to determine the level of his abilities, to see his difficulties.

Finally, let's try to comparative characteristic traditional learning and student-centered approach.

Types of training
