Mineral and land resources of the Republic of Dagestan. Alpine Dagestan: geographical location, relief, climate, interesting facts Geological structure of Dagestan


Dagestan is divided into foothill, mountain and high-mountain physical-geographical zones, each of which has different kinds vegetation.

The orography of Dagestan is peculiar: a 245-kilometer strip of foothills rests on transverse ridges that border Inner Dagestan in a huge arc. Two main rivers break out of the mountains - Sulak in the north and Samur in the south. The natural boundaries of mountainous Dagestan are: the Snegovoi and Andi ridges - up to the giant Sulak canyon, Gimrinsky, Les, Kokma, Dzhufudag and Yarudag - between Sulak and the Samur basin, the Main Caucasian ridge - in the southwest of both basins.

Inner Dagestan, in turn, is divided into a mid-mountain plateau-like region and an alpine high-mountain region.

The mountains cover an area of ​​25.5 thousand km², and the average height of the entire territory of Dagestan is 960 m. The highest point is Bazardyuzyu (4466 m). The rocks that make up the mountains of Dagestan are sharply demarcated. The main ones are black and argillaceous shales, strong dolomitic and weak alkaline limestones, as well as sandstones. The slate ridges include Snegovoi with the Diklosmta massif (4285 m), Bogos with the top of Addala-Shukhgelmeer (4151 m), Shalib with the top of Dyultydag (4127 m).


In the foothills and mountains, altitudinal zonality is clearly expressed in the distribution of soil and vegetation cover. On the plains, there are light chestnut soils, brown sandy loamy, largely saline, meadow-saline soils, in the floodplains of the rivers - alluvial; the vegetation is predominantly wormwood-saltwort and wormwood-grass. Chestnut and mountain forest soils are common in the foothills.


The climate of Dagestan, despite its diversity, can generally be classified as moderately warm, in the mountains it is moderately cold with more or less pronounced continentality, which manifests itself in significant annual temperature fluctuations in the lowlands, in the highlands in sharp daily fluctuations, as well as insufficient moisture. In general, the climate of Dagestan is characterized as dry and semi-dry, temperate continental.

The climate in the north and in the central part of Dagestan is temperate continental and arid, in the south along the Caspian Sea and in the Caspian lowland it is subtropical semi-dry.

The main factor in the formation of the climate of the whole of Dagestan is its location in the southern part of the temperate thermal zone and the influx of a significant amount of solar heat.

In the climate of Dagestan, there are sharp contrasts in different areas. In the mountains at an altitude of 3 thousand meters, the absolute maximum temperatures are 21-23°C, and in the north of the lowland, the air temperature can be more than 40°C. Precipitation in the lowlands does not exceed 400 mm, while in the mountains at an altitude of 3,000 m, more than 1,000 mm falls.


The territory of Dagestan is very favorable for the formation of a dense network of surface waters, which, however, are very unevenly distributed. The rivers of the republic are one of the significant wealth: they are a source of hydropower, water supply, irrigation and fishing. Since all sectors of the economy of the republic are connected with the use of water, often the lack of water has a negative impact on the degree of intensification of individual sectors.

Within Dagestan, there are four major river basins: Sulak, Terek, Samur and rivers of Piedmont Dagestan.

The rivers Terek and Sulak flow through the central part of the republic. In total, 6255 rivers flow in Dagestan (including 100 main rivers with a length of more than 25 km and a catchment area of ​​more than 100 km, 185 small and more than 5900 smallest). All rivers belong to the basin of the Caspian Sea, but only 20 of them flow into the sea.

Due to the dry climate, the north of Dagestan is poor in rivers. The available rivers are used for irrigation in summer and do not reach the sea.

The most abundant are mountain rivers, which, due to their rapid flow, do not freeze even in winter; they are characterized by comparative high water content and significant slopes.

It is planned to build three hydroelectric power stations on the Samur River and on its main tributaries. The waters of the Samur are also used for irrigation purposes: irrigation canals have been drawn from the river to irrigate southern Dagestan and neighboring Azerbaijan.

The main source of food for the rivers of the foothill (outer mountain) zone of the republic is spring and autumn rainfall. Summer precipitation, with the exception of showers that cause floods on rivers, is mainly spent on evaporation.

Until the end of the 20th century (80-90s), it was believed that Dagestan was poor in lakes. By that time, there were about 100 lakes, which occupied a relatively large area (more than 150 sq. km). But for last years Many new lakes have been discovered and described, mostly mountain lakes located in hard-to-reach areas. As a result, the number of mountain lakes alone increased to 155.

Lakes throughout the republic are distributed unevenly. Most of the lakes are located in the lowlands, there are fewer of them in the foothills, especially in the mountainous part.

On the lowland there are lakes of lagoon-marine origin, floodplain, estuary, located in the deltas and floodplains of the Terek, Sulak, Samur rivers. Suffusion lakes (hollows) are located in the arid regions of the Tersko-Kuma lowland. In mountainous areas, landslide-dammed, glacial, moraine lakes, as well as lakes of cirque cirques and mountain plateaus are more common. In Lowland Dagestan, the lakes are mostly drainless, while in Mountain Dagestan they are flowing. In the Piedmont and Lowland areas, the lakes are usually shallow, but they occupy a large area and become very shallow by autumn. Mineral springs Talga, Rychalsu, Asty, Makhachkala.


Of the minerals that the republic has, deposits of oil, combustible gases, sulfur, marls, quartz sands, and mineral springs are of industrial importance. The most famous deposits: oil and gas coast of the Caspian Sea; quartz sands - Karabudakhkent. Deficient types of mineral raw materials in Dagestan are building sands, bentonite clays, phosphorites, dolomites for glass production, for the identification of which exploration work is underway.

The territory of the republic is located within the North Caucasian oil and gas province and has significant hydrocarbon resources. The state balance takes into account 37 oil fields, of which 36 are onshore (under development) and one is on the adjacent shelf of the Caspian Sea. For natural gas (free and dissolved in oil), 43 fields are taken into account (42 onshore, 1 offshore), 40 fields are being developed.

Of the metallic minerals, the State Balance takes into account one complex copper pyrite deposit, Kizil-Dere, which contains, in addition to copper, also zinc and gold. There are common minerals - building stone (three deposits), limestone with reserves of 6.7 million tons, expanded clay raw materials (two deposits), etc. Production from them is insignificant.

The main problem of the mineral resource base of the republic, as well as mining enterprises, is a drop in production at existing ones and a slowdown in the pace of industrial development of new deposits. For a long time oil and gas deposits of the Inche-Sea, Kizil-Dere copper deposit, strontium Blue stones, Ekibulak molding sands, sea shells, brick clays, thermal, mineral and fresh underground waters have not been developed. In general, the potential of the subsoil of the republic is used inefficiently, especially in terms of very promising raw materials - oil, gas, thermal and mineral waters and etc.

Vegetation and animal world

The territory of Dagestan is distinguished by a variety of vegetation cover, depending on sharp differences in relief, climate, soils and other landscape elements. Most of the territory is occupied by alpine and mid-mountain meadows. Forests are less common: only 8% of the territory.

In the foothill zone, starting from a height. 600 m, where the amount of precipitation is higher than on the plain, meadows and forests are widespread. Birch, hornbeam, oak and other tree species grow in the forests on the northern slopes of Salatau, Andiysky and Gimry ridges. In the southern part of the foothill belt, beech-hornbeam forest is most common. A birch appears on the upper border, and alder, aspen, yellow rhododendron, etc. appear on the cut areas.

Starting from a height of 1800 m, subalpine meadows spread more and more, and from 2400 - 2800 m - alpine. Subalpine meadows are characterized by lush vegetation. With the transition to alpine meadows, the species composition of plants gradually changes and becomes poorer, the height of the herbage decreases. There are cuffs, fescue, clover, astragalus, blue scabiosa, blue gentians, pink rhododendron. At an altitude of 3200-3600 m, near the border with eternal snows, the vegetation is very poor. Mosses, lichens, and other cold-resistant plants predominate. Mountain and alpine meadows, occupying a large area, serve as summer pastures for numerous flocks of sheep.

In the intramountain part, woody vegetation is found in the most elevated places, where it is divided into forest islands. Pine and birch forests grow at the foot of the Betl plateau, pine trees grow on the northern slope of the Darada plateau, and a linden-birch grove near Chiragchay, east of the village of Richa. Relatively large areas of forest are found on the wetter northern and western slopes of the mountains. In the highlands of the upper Andean and Avar Koisu and Samur, pine-birch forests have survived to this day. The most wooded areas of the highlands are the basins of Khzanor, Dzhurmut, Mitluda, Kila, Saraor. The main forest massifs of the mountainous Dagestan are concentrated here.

The animal world is especially rich in the high-mountainous part, where there are unique animals inherent only in Dagestan. There are Dagestan tur, bearded goat, Caucasian deer, dark brown bear, Caucasian leopard. There are many birds in the mountains: snowcock (mountain turkey), Caucasian black grouse, stone partridge, eagles. In the inner-mountain part of Dagestan, more populated and less wooded, the animal world is poorer. Here you can meet various rodents, lizards, snakes. In southern Dagestan, a dangerous venomous snake, the gyurza, comes across. Trout is found in mountain rivers.

Nature protection and ecological state

Today, for Dagestan, the problem of a shortage of high-quality drinking water due to pollution of water resources as a result of human activity is relevant. The rivers Ullu-chai, Samur, Andiyskoye Koysu, Terek, Sulak are clogged with household and household waste, in some places they turn into garbage dumps. The flow channels become dirty; in floodplains are often carried out without a license and approval of the development of sand, gravel, stone. The atmospheric air in cities is in a particularly difficult and polluted condition.

The level of atmospheric air pollution has increased in cities, especially in Kizlyar, Khasavyurt, Derbent, Makhachkala, Buynaksk and in the villages of many districts. This affects the health of the population. Many enterprises violate the requirements of the laws "On the protection of atmospheric air in the Republic of Dagestan" (http://www.russianpeople.ru/ru/old/126738), "On production and consumption waste in the Republic of Dagestan" (http://www.russianpeople .ru/ru/old/129582). Possessing rich natural resources, Dagestan has serious environmental problems associated with the disposal of production waste, water disposal. In 2008, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Dagestan developed the "Waste" program in order to reduce the level of their negative impact on the environment.

In many cities of Dagestan, such as Yuzhnosukhokumsk, Kizilyurt, Dagestan Lights, Buynaksk, and villages of the Derbent, Kulin, Khasavyurt, Gergebil regions, unauthorized garbage dumps are located, which contributes to the pollution of soil, ground and surface waters, as well as atmospheric air when burning garbage. In cities, there are many emissions of harmful substances associated with the production of industrial enterprises. The situation is aggravated by the lack of waste processing plants and installations in Dagestan, as well as landfills for the disposal of toxic industrial waste and unsuitable pesticides. The issue of the lack of special equipment for waste removal is very acute.

No less relevant for Dagestan is the problem of water disposal, which is associated with the absence, overload of drainage networks or their deterioration. As a result, hundreds of millions of cubic meters of gas are dumped annually into the rivers of Dagestan and the Caspian Sea from the territories of villages and cities. meters of contaminated wastewater. Valuable fish species of the Caspian Sea are dying, thousands of people are being poisoned by the dirty waters of the Dagestan rivers.

In northern Dagestan (Kizlyarsky, Tarumovsky, especially Nogaisky districts), the problem of desertification of lands and pastures, which are a zone of distant pastures, is urgent, and 8-10 percent. already turned into open sands.

As a result of intensive development of natural resources, incl. violation of the hydrological regime of soils (decrease in the level of groundwater), there is a degradation of relict (rare, but in the past widespread) and oak forests in the Samur delta, as well as in the Kizilyurt and Kumtorkalinsky districts on an area of ​​20 thousand hectares. Ecological disaster zones have already been identified in Dagestan: the Kizlyar pastures, the Black Lands, the Agrakhan Bay, Mount Tarkitau - a natural monument (1994), the Kaitag forests. Almost the entire territory of flat Dagestan is under the influence of wind erosion.

Of the 7 million hectares of the Black Lands and Kizlyar pastures, 1.5 million hectares fall on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan. Of this area, almost 550 thousand hectares are subject to desertification, and 130 thousand hectares are heavily affected.

Map of the Republic of Dagestan

3. Regional environmental state and non-state organizations.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Republic of Dagestan is an authorized republican executive body that, within its competence, manages, regulates and controls in the field of nature management and protection environment.

Committee for Ecology and natural resources Republic of Dagestan(http://www.rosvlast.ru/bd_free.aspx?fid=833484)

367005, Makhachkala, pl. Lenina, 1

All-Russian public organization, the purpose of which is scientific and environmental education work on specially protected natural areas of the republic and the development of environmental culture in secondary general education and higher educational institutions among students.

Committee for Water Resources of the Republic of Dagestan

Address: Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala and Makhachkala city district, A. Akushinsky pr-kt, 19th line

Greens. Russian Ecological Party, regional branch

Address: 367015, Makhachkala, Imam Shamil avenue, 37/10

4. Resources of partner libraries in the region.

5. SPSTL resources for this region.

1. D7-91/98316

Dagestan Scientific Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Caspian Institute of Biological Resources.

Ecological problems of the Caspian lowland: Collection of articles / Dagestan Scientific Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Caspian Institute of Biological Resources. - Makhachkala, 1991. - 142 p. - B.c.

Dagestan Republican Council of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (Makhachkala).

Problems of the social ecology of Dagestan / Dagestan Republican Council of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature (Makhachkala). - Makhachkala, 1992. - 200 p. - B.c.

3. Ustarov, R.M.

Tire repair production as a source of environmental pollution (based on the Republic of Dagestan) / R.M. Ustarov // Bulletin of the Astrakhan State technical university. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 92-93. - Bibliography: 2 titles. (Code in the database R3479)

4.Assessment of degradation and desertification of the soil cover of the northern plains of Dagestan / N.V. Stasyuk, G.V. Dobrovolsky, Z.G. Zalibekov and others // Ecology. - 2004. - No. 3. - S. 172-178. - Bibliography: 23 titles. (Code in the database U1770)

5. Svetlichnaya, T.V.

Some aspects of the environmental safety of drilling operations in the Dagestan section of the Caspian Sea / T.V. Svetlichnaya // Oil, gas and business. - 2004. - No. 7. - S. 47-49. - Bibliography: 11 titles. (Code in the database U1707)

6.The current state of environmental problems of Dagestan and the Caspian Sea / R.M. Huseynov, Sh.I. Ismailov, M.R. Karibov and others // Engineering Ecology. - 2005. - No. 4. - S. 3-10. - Bibliography: 15 titles. (Code in the database R3152)

7. Gadzhieva, T.A.

Natural-anthropogenic environmental factors and their influence on the state of the respiratory organs of the population of the Republic of Dagestan / T.A. Gadzhieva, D.G. Khachirov, R.S. Izmailov // Bulletin of the Dagestan Scientific Center. - 2005. - No. 20. - S. 70-75. - Bibliography: 11 titles. (Code in the database U2907)

8. Novruzaliev, Sh.N.

Ecological aspects of the development of viticulture in the Derbent region of Dagestan / Sh.N. Novruzaliev, B.U. Misrieva // Winemaking and viticulture. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 24-25. (Code in the database U2748)

9. The influence of environmental quality on the incidence of cancer in the population of the Kulinsky district of Dagestan / A.G. Gasangadzhieva, G.M. Abdurakhmanov, E.G. Abdurakhmanova, T.O. Ramazanova //Problems of regional ecology. - 2006. - No. 4. - S. 27-30. - Bibliography: 7 titles. (Code in the database R3352)

10. Gadzhieva, T.A.

Agrochemicals: environmental risk factors, their use and long-term biological consequences in rural areas of the Republic of Dagestan / T.A. Gadzhieva // Bulletin of the Dagestan Scientific Center. - 2006. - No. 24. - S. 70-75. - Bibliography: 21 titles. (Code in the database U2907)

11. The state of environmental components and morbidity malignant neoplasms in the Laksky district of the Republic of Dagestan // Problems of regional ecology. - 2006. - No. 6. - S. 57-60. - Bibliography: 5 titles. (Code in the database R3352)

12. Gasanova, A.Sh.

Phytoplankton community of the Dagestan region of the Caspian Sea in new environmental conditions / A.Sh. Gasanova //South of Russia: ecology, development. - 2008. - No. 2. - S. 47-51. - Bibliography: 8 titles. (Code in the database U3736)

13. Shakhmardanov, Z.A.

Ecology and nature protection of Dagestan / Z.A. Shakhmardanov // News of universities. North Caucasian region. Natural Sciences. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 116-117. (Code in the database U1299)

14. Akhmadova, G.F.

Usage information technologies for environmental monitoring industrial centers Republic of Dagestan / G.F. Akhmadova, B.M. Kuramagomedov //South of Russia: ecology, development. - 2009. - No. 2. - S. 20-24. - Bibliography: 4 titles. (Code in the database U3736)

15. Gazaliev, I.M.

Assessment of the state of the environment in terms of oil and gas production in Dagestan / I.M. Gazaliev, Z.M. Alibegova //South of Russia: ecology, development. - 2009. - No. 3. - S. 80-84. - Bibliography: 2 titles. (Code in the database U3736)

16. Bashirova A.A.

Assessment of environmental safety in the Republic of Dagestan / A.A. Bashirova //Regional problems of transformation of the economy. - 2008. - No. 1. - S. 194-201. - Bibliography: 3 titles. (Code in the database U3393)

18. Eldarov, E.M.

Ecological problems of possible emergency outbursts at the Aksai anti-flood reservoir (Republic of Dagestan) / E.M. Eldarov, Z.V. Ataev //Ecology of urbanized territories. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 48-50. - Bibliography: 6 titles. (Code in the database U3478)

19. АР00-858

Abdulgalimov, A. M.

Methodology of statistical analysis and forecasting of socio-economic and environmental processes in the Republic of Dagestan: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics: 08.00.11 / A. M. Abdulgalimov. - M., 2000. - 42 p. : ill.

Bibliography: p. 37-42(44 titles)

GRNTI 06.91 34.35

UDC 338(470.67)(043) 574(043)

Abdurakhmanova, A. G.

Environmental problems and prospects sustainable development socio-natural complex of the Republic of Dagestan [Text]: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Cand. biol. Sciences: 03.00.16, 08.00.01 / A. G. Abdurakhmanova. - Makhachkala, 2003. - 28 p.: ill.

Bibliography: p. 27(6 titles)

GRNTI 87.35

UDC 502.131.1(043)

21. D8-92/12403

Problems of social ecology of Dagestan [Text]: collection / Comp. and resp. ed. U.A.Radjabov. - Makhachkala: [b. and.], 1992. - 199 p. - Comp. decree. on the back tit l. - 1000 copies. - C. contract.

One of the most picturesque republics Russian Federation- Dagestan. This name appeared in the seventeenth century and means "country of mountains." This is the land of reserves, a corner of amazing nature.

Diverse Dagestan

The geographical position of the Highland Dagestan is the northeastern slope of the Caucasus and the southwest. This is the most southern European part of Russia. The length in length is 400 km from north to south. Latitude - about 200 km. The coast lines of the Caspian stretch for 530 km. The border of the republic is two (in the north) and Samur (in the south). The population is heterogeneous and consists of many nationalities.

The territory itself is divided into three parts, natural characteristics which are very different from each other. 51% of the entire republic is lowland. The northwestern and southeastern ridges, which are separated by depressions and valleys, occupy 12% and are called the foothills. Alpine Dagestan is 37% of the republic. The mountainous territory is a transition from large plateaus to narrow peaks that reach 2500 meters.

Dagestan arc

Almost half of the republic - It is worth noting that most of the highlands of the meadow type. There are more than 30 peaks that have crossed the 4,000-meter mark. And dozens of mountains, the footage of which almost reaches this mark. The total area of ​​mountains is 25.5 thousand km². Therefore, the average height of the republic is 960 meters above sea level. The highest mountain is Bazarduzu, its height is 4466 m.

The rocks, the basis of the mountains, are clearly divided into regions. The most common are black and dolomitic and alkaline limestones, sandstones. Snow Ridge, Bogos and Shalib are shale.

The foothills, 225 km long, cut into a transverse ridge, thus forming a stone wall that wraps around the inner high-mountainous Dagestan. It is there that the largest influx of guests-travelers.

The tourist routes of Dagestan pass through the mountains, which are the decoration of the region. Colorful peaks, picturesque ridges, a grid of mountain streams and passes of all levels of difficulty are the main places of pilgrimage for adventurers.

mountain weather zone

The climate of the republic depends on the soil zone. The territory where it is more than 1000 meters is mountainous. This area occupies about 40% of the entire territory of the republic. Despite the difference in the surface, the climate can be classified as temperate continental.

High-mountainous Dagestan is characterized by striking temperature differences in indicators compared to the lowlands. At an altitude of 3000 meters, the temperature does not rise above 0 ° C throughout the year. The coldest month is January, its indicator fluctuates from -4 °С to -7 °С. There is little snow, but it can cover the ground throughout the year. The warm month is August. Summers are cold on the peaks, but warm in the valleys.

Precipitation is uneven. Most of the rain falls from May to July. Thunderclouds pass frequently. Downpours can drag on for several weeks. Precipitation fills the rivers, and they demolish bridges and wash out paths.

river system

The relief of high-mountainous Dagestan contributed to the emergence of a dense network of rivers. About 6255 rivers flow on an area of ​​50,270 km². But here it is worth noting that most of them have a length of over 10 km. High-mountainous Dagestan gave rise to the two largest rivers of the republic. Sulak breaks out of the mountains in the north, and Samur - in the south.

Different peoples used to call Sulak "sheep's waters" or "rapid streams". Its length is 169 km. This is the owner of the largest canyon in Russia. Its length is about 50 km. The maximum depth is 1920 meters. The Samur was formerly known as the "Chveher River". This is the second river of Dagestan. Its length is 213 km.

In general, 92% of all rivers are mountainous, the remaining 8% flow in the lowlands and in the foothills. The average current speed is 1-2 m/s. In floods, the speed increases. Rivers are replenished mainly with melt water. The exception is the river Gyulgerychay.

Each of the rivers belongs to the Caspian basin, but only 20 of them flow into the sea. Before the Caspian, deltas are formed, which annually change their directions.

Wealth of the mountainous region

Dagestan is divided into three geographical zones, each of which has its own characteristics.

The foothills are a place of chestnut and mountain-forest soils. On wide plateaus and slopes, mountain chernozem is found. There are steppe, forest and meadow mountain lands.

The lowlands are used for agricultural purposes. The mountainous area is replete with forest plantations (more than 10% in total). The forest is made up of oaks. In the southern regions, a purely beech-hornbeam forest. Birch and pine trees are found in the interior. The plateau is a pasture for flocks. The poorest part of the mountains are the peaks. Only cold-resistant mosses and lichens survive there.

The living nature of high-mountainous Dagestan is unique. Dagestan tur, noble Caucasian deer, roe deer, bezoar goat live in this territory, there are leopards. Many researchers are amazed at the world of birds. Ulars, kekliks, alpine jackdaws and eagles consider the highlands the best place to live.

Ecology and nature conservation

The pride of the region is nature reserves and natural parks. Every year more and more territories are under state protection. The wealth of the earth needs protection and care. Preserving the uniqueness of flora and fauna is the main task of the current government.

But today there are serious environmental problems in high-mountainous Dagestan. The biggest one is dirty sources of drinking water. Harm is caused by human activity. Once clean rivers are drowning in a mountain of household waste. Mineral theft and deforestation are no less harmful. The air is polluted by factories and plants. Poor waste management system.

The biggest danger for these magnificent places is the negligent attitude of local residents to nature. Do not forget that the whole of Dagestan is located on a mountainous territory. Indiscriminate deforestation leads to the fact that the slopes are destroyed. Every year the process of erosion only intensifies. Therefore, the country may soon completely change its appearance or even disappear.

Oil and coal mining

Deposits of oil and gas, sulfur, marls, and quartz sands are of industrial importance.
Minerals (raw materials) of Dagestan have not yet been fully explored. The mountainous and, above all, high-mountainous zones of the republic have been especially insufficiently studied. However, the already available data allow us to speak of significant reserves of a number of minerals. Oil and gas fields are of paramount industrial importance. According to current estimates, the total recoverable resources of oil and gas condensate are 161 million tons, free and associated gas - 255 billion m³. Of these, the explored reserves of industrial categories are: for oil and gas condensate - 10.4 million tons, for gas - 44 billion m³ The maximum level of oil and condensate production was reached in 1970 (more than 2 million tons), but subsequently due to deposits of the South Sukhokumskaya zone, its production is constantly falling, reaching in 1993 the level of 400 thousand tons.
Oil production is carried out in the Makhachkala region, the Yuzhno-Sukhokumskoye and Izerbash fields, and gas production is carried out in the Dagestan Lights and Dzulak. Oil refining Makhachkala refinery. The development of the Dimitrovskoye field (gas production will be 950 million m³ and oil 55 thousand tons per year), the Agachbulak gas condensate area is underway. In gas production, a different trend is visible: the level of production is growing and due to the development of the large Dimitrovskoye field, it has reached 890 million m³. Growth in gas production is also predicted for the future. The republic connects special prospects in the development of the oil and gas industry with the development of the offshore oil and gas field Inchkhe-Sea, located near the city of Izberbash with preliminary estimated oil reserves of 4.9 million tons and gas of 15.7 billion m³. But estimates of recoverable oil reserves vary from 2.1 to 3.0 million tons. Oil produced in the republic is of very high quality: low sulfur content (up to a maximum of 0.1%), high, up to 90%, light-boiling content (up to 350 ° ) fractions, which makes it possible to obtain a maximum of high-quality gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel with simple distillation.
There are coal deposits in the Khiva region. Previously, in the 1940s and 1950s, the Arkhitskoye deposit was mined, which was then curtailed; at present, its use is possible to meet republican needs. The thickness of the seams is 0.6–1.5 m, the depth of occurrence is insignificant.

Extraction of ferrous and non-ferrous metals

The Republic of Dagestan has deposits of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, non-metals and building materials. Ferrous metals are represented by siderite iron ore deposits, of which the largest are Prisamurskoe and Prisulakskoe. The iron content ranges from 5 to 15%. An important feature of siderite ores of Dagestan is the absence of such harmful impurities as sulfur, phosphorus, as well as easy processing and fusibility, which is important for obtaining metal by a domainless method. In addition, they can be used for the production of mud weights used in well drilling. The ores that occur in the north-west of the republic also contain about 3% manganese.
Of the deposits of non-ferrous metals, the largest copper-pyrite deposit Kizil-Dere in the North Caucasus may be of the greatest interest. This underground deposit contains four types of ore: chalcosite, copper-pyrite, zinc-pyrite, sulfur-pyrite. Balance ore reserves are estimated for the first three types of ore (48.6 million tons), off-balance reserves only for copper and sulfur pyrite ores (9.6 million tons). The ore contains, in addition to copper, zinc and sulfur, also many related elements: cobalt, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, silver, gold, indium, bismuth, tellurium, apatite, rutile and occasionally beryllium. The deposit is located in the valley of the Kizil-Dere River (water flow rate is 0.6 cubic meters per second), which, together with the Akhtychay River, will be able to provide the necessary amount of water in case of organizing mining production.
In addition to copper, a number of polymetallic (lead-zinc-copper) deposits have been discovered in the mountains of Southern Dagestan, but they are located in remote areas and have not yet been sufficiently studied. There are a number of deposits of mercury ores in the strata of shale and sandstone rocks of the Suleiman-Stalsky, Magaramkent and Kurakh regions. Khpekskoye is considered the most promising of them.
In the central part of the foothills of Dagestan, there are deposits of strontium ores "Blue Stones", the reserves of which are estimated at 94 thousand tons of strontium oxide. The ore, although relatively poor, but easily enriched, with a very low content of harmful impurities, the enrichment technology has already been studied in the laboratory. This deposit has not yet been fully explored, but we can already talk about the construction project of a mining enterprise that would produce either celestite concentrate or strontium carbonate and technical strontium for domestic use and the world market. Of the metal resources of the republic, it is impossible not to mention the above-mentioned rare-metal underground industrial waters.

Mining of non-metallic ores

Of the non-metallic ores in the Republic of Dagestan, there are sulfur deposits, but the most promising of them are located in mountainous areas that are difficult to develop. In the Akushinsky, Tabasaransky, Levashinsky and Suleiman-Stalsky districts, deposits of phosphorites and saltpeter are often found. Rock crystal deposits have been noted in the high-mountainous part of Dagestan. In the Lower Cretaceous deposits of Dagestan, stretching in a strip from the Sulak River to the Chirakhchay River, sands, clays and limestones containing glauconite (sedimentary rock containing potassium) are widespread. In some places, in separate layers of sandstones 3–5 m thick, the content of glauconite reaches 40–50% of the total mass of the rock. The reserves of glauconite sands in individual deposits of Dagestan amount to tens of millions of tons. The most promising for industrial development are glauconite sandstones occurring in the Tabasaran region. Proximity to the road, rather large grains of glauconite itself, easily amenable to enrichment - all this creates good prerequisites for organizing the extraction of glauconite concentrate.
In the south of Dagestan there are basins of the Arablyar salt mines, there are about three hundred of them. Each contains a layer of salt topped with mother brine. The salt in the pool is white, but sometimes pink and even yellow. According to the general mineralization, the water belongs to highly concentrated brines of the sodium chloride-magnesium type. Not far from the village of Rukel there are two salt mines. Salt was mined here by natural setting on the bottom of the pool in the summer from saturated solutions. The bulk of the salts are sodium chloride. Experts believe that associated production of bromine, boron and magnesium salts is possible. There are a number of salt lakes on the Caspian coast, the water of which is saturated mainly with sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. The largest and most salt-rich lakes are primarily Aji, Big and Small Turali. The waters of the Caspian Sea in their own way chemical composition can serve as a basis for the development of the sulfate industry.

Construction Materials

quartz sands High Quality lie almost on the surface at the Severnoye field. The reserves of sand on it are so great that they are able to provide glass raw materials not only for the republic, but for the entire North Caucasus. In addition to it, there are four smaller deposits. The republic has practically unlimited reserves of saw limestone (the main deposits are in Levashinsky, Akushinsky, Khunzakhsky and Derbent regions), rubble stone, gravel (lower reaches of the Sulak, Samur, etc.), molding sands, dolomites, cement raw materials. Limestone reserves (for lime) can fully meet the needs of the large chemical and construction industries for many years to come. Gypsum reserves are very significant in the republic (Gunibsky, Khiva, Untsukulsky, Gergebilsky and other regions), and at the Gimrinsky deposit there are reserves of building gypsum - alabaster. Building sands are available on the entire coast of the Caspian Sea. Large reserves of clays and loams can be used for the production of bricks, expanded clay, ceramic products. In the south there are also coloring and heat-resistant clays, as well as raw materials for the production of porcelain.

We want to get away from the model according to which the republic needs to be constantly fed, we want to move on to a new model - a model of development.

Ramazan Abdulatipov

The Republic of Dagestan is rich in mineral resources: oil and gas, coal and oil shale. According to geological exploration data and expert estimates, recoverable reserves of oil and condensate amount to about 14 million tons. The largest copper-pyrite deposit in the North Caucasus is located in Southern Dagestan. Exploration of minerals in Dagestan, systematically carried out during the years of Soviet power and almost completely stopped after the collapse of the USSR, showed the presence in the bowels of the republic and other deposits, including precious metals. Today, the new leadership of Dagestan considers it necessary to invest in the exploration and development of new oil and other mineral deposits, which will serve as the basis for the growth of the republic's economic well-being.

Oil Mountains

The first information that oil deposits could be found in Dagestan appeared in the second half of the 19th century. Geologists have repeatedly reported the presence of oil in four places in the coastal zone of Dagestan. But only in 1936 in Izberbash one of the drilled wells gave a fountain of oil. And since this year, exploration has intensified, followed by oil production in the republic. A total of 52 oil fields were discovered. They, in turn, brought to life new cities - Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk, Dagestan Lights, the city of Izberbash began to grow actively. The number of oil wells has reached 220. Makhachkala residents remember several wells where oil was extracted within the city.

In total, about 40 million tons of oil have been produced in Dagestan. Thanks to the oil and gas industry, the existing and new industries of Dagestan developed, and social infrastructure expanded. The volume of oil production grew until 1970, when 2.2 million tons of oil were produced, and the maximum volume of gas production was 1.6 billion cubic meters. The depletion of old wells began, and funding for the exploration of new deposits was frozen. And oil production began to decrease every year. By the end of the 90s, about 360 thousand tons of oil were produced in Dagestan per year, and in 2013 - only 149 thousand tons of oil and 27.5 million cubic meters. m of gas, while the republic needs 500 thousand tons of oil products, which corresponds to 4 million tons of oil.

Today, 38 oil fields are flooded by 70-90%, that is, they are practically depleted. Without an integrated approach to the exploration and development of new deposits, the oil and gas industry in the republic may disappear. Today, 76 oil wells are in operation, but there are no gas wells. It is impossible to increase oil production due to high degree depletion of deposits, high accident rate in the operating fund, high water cut in wells. Workover drilling rigs are worn out. No new wells have been put into operation since 1984.

The division of the association "Dagneft" into OAO "Dagneft" and OAO "Dagneftegaz" with the subsequent transformation of the first into OAO "Rosneft-Dagneft" did not give any economic effect either for the association or for the republic. In 2012, the Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, together with employees of OAO Rosneft-Dagneft, developed a strategy for the development of the energy sector in Dagestan until 2035. But without funding from a major oil company and without state support, these plans are not feasible. And the implementation of the strategy will allow increasing the volume of hydrocarbon production to 15 million tons per year, as well as creating up to 5,000 jobs.

Oil reserves and

industry development prospects

Potential oil reserves in the territory of Dagestan - about 280 million tons, which is close to the reserves of Syria and the Republic of the Congo. These are data with a very low degree of exploration of the initial potential resources: on land - 30%, and at sea - less than 1%. In the water area of ​​the Dagestan shelf of the Caspian Sea, according to forecasts, there are 450-500 million tons of standard fuel. The most promising is the offshore oil and gas field Inchkhe-Sea on the shelf of the Caspian Sea near the city of Izberbash. According to geological exploration, oil reserves there amount to 4.9 million tons, gas - 15.7 billion cubic meters. m.

Attempts to start full-scale exploration and development of the Dagestan sector of the Caspian Sea shelf were made at the end of the 2000s. The then President of the Republic of Dagestan, Mukhu Aliyev, signed agreements with the Lukoil oil company and Gazprom OJSC, and even a large oil and gas field was discovered in the Caspian on the Central structure, 150 km east of Makhachkala, but the matter did not go beyond exploration. And there, low-sulfur oil was discovered, the reserves of which are estimated at more than 500 million tons and about 92 billion cubic meters. m of gas.

In order to start from scratch work on exploration and production of oil, in the Republic of Dagestan it was decided to establish the State Oil and Gas Company of the Republic of Dagestan OJSC with a 100% share of the republic in authorized capital in the amount of 10 million rubles. The head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, deciding to create a new enterprise, determined for him the main directions of attracting investments in the exploration, development and production of oil and gas in the republic, as well as organizing the sale of petroleum products.

In May 2014, within the framework of the XVII International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg, Ramazan Abdulatipov and the President of the Open joint-stock company « Oil company"Rosneft" Igor Sechin signed an Agreement on cooperation between the republic and OJSC "NK Rosneft" for 2014-2018. The main directions of the agreement are in the field of exploration and production of oil in the territory of Dagestan and the Dagestan sector of the Caspian shelf, the implementation of the program for the supply of oil products to the republic and the development of the social infrastructure of Dagestan, including the construction kindergarten in Yuzhno-Sukhokumsk.

In order to implement the shelf development program, a working group was created, including representatives of Rosneft Oil Company, the Institute of Geology of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Industry of Dagestan, which identified the most promising areas of the Dagestan sector of the Caspian shelf for the purpose of further geological study.


Mineral exploration was carried out many times in Dagestan, but for some reason it was carried out haphazardly and selectively. Some high-mountainous regions of the republic have been studied quite well, some have not been studied at all. This is due to the fact that since the middle of the 20th century, the emphasis has been on the search for ore raw materials, and raw materials containing metals are usually located in the mountains, where the search was carried out. There is an urgent need to do reconnaissance in the foothills of Dagestan.

Employees of the Institute of Geology DSC RAS discovered the prospects of quartz sandstones over an area of ​​more than 500 square kilometers for titanium, zircon and noble metals- gold, platinum and silver. Enriched quartz sand can serve as a raw material for the glass industry, including for the newly created JSC Caspian Sheet Glass Plant.

The development of the largest copper deposit in the North Caucasus, Kizil-Dere, in the Akhtynsky district, was among the five priority projects selected by the North Caucasus Development Corporation. CJSC Russian Copper Company won the auction for the development of the deposit back in 2006, but has not yet taken any steps. The start of work will require significant costs for supplying electricity, creating infrastructure and ensuring environmental safety.

Gold reserves of about 300 tons have also been explored in the area of ​​the village of Kurush in the Dokuzparinsky district of Dagestan. To clarify the boundaries of the deposit and the volumes in it precious metal, 150 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget in 2014. Before starting the development of a deposit, it is necessary to conduct a geological and industrial assessment of the subsoil, and then allocate a site for licensing.

Thermal waters

In Dagestan, work has been carried out for a long time to study geothermy - thermal waters and the possibilities of their use in the energy sector, in heating greenhouses and residential buildings. These issues are dealt with by the specialists of CJSC Dagburgeothermia and the Institute of Geothermal Problems of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The first application of geothermal waters is the use in residential buildings for heating and as hot water. Even when the first oil wells were installed in the 30s of the last century in the Izberbash region, instead of oil, some wells began to produce hot water, which, according to the conclusion of specialists from the Kislovodsk Research Institute of Balneology, turned out to be a mineral treatment and dining room in terms of its parameters. With the expansion of the city, this water began to be used for the domestic needs of citizens, primarily supplied to taps as hot water and for heating, without building expensive boiler houses for heating. cold water and saved a lot of money and resources.

The wells were operated by oil workers, and water was supplied to the city steadily until the crisis began in the oil industry of Dagestan. Oil wells began to be shut down, and Dagneft handed over the wells with thermal water management of "Dagburgeothermia", and then to the branch of "Geoekoprom" LLC. Only three out of 11 wells are working today, but the water in the city is already of poor quality, muddy, with impurities of sand and silt, since the wells are in disrepair. Repair work on the reconstruction of the well, the replacement of worn pipes require funding, which is currently not available. The problem increases with the growth of the population of Izberbash.

An important task is the extraction of valuable components from mineral thermal water brines. Specialists of the Institute of Geothermal Problems of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed a project for organizing the extraction of rare components from hydromineral thermal brines. Lithium, burnt magnesia, edible salt and other minerals can be mined from the brine. Geothermal heat can be used for greenhouses, as well as creating a mini-factory for the production of lithium batteries and accumulators.

Construction of a pilot-industrial module with a capacity of 1500 cubic meters. m / day and extraction from a solution of valuable metals and mineral salts will make it possible to obtain marketable products worth 160 million rubles a year. The cost of the module is about 90 million rubles. The reserves of the geothermal field in Dagestan make it possible to build 10 such modules and bring the volume of marketable products to 1.5 billion rubles a year with the corresponding economic effect.

The exploration and extraction of minerals - oil and gas, ores and minerals, thermal water and shale sand - is known to bring good profits and stimulate the development of related sectors of the economy. The main thing is to start this work!

Said Ninalalov

The Republic of Dagestan- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the North Caucasian Federal District.

Area- 50.3 thousand sq. km.
Length: from north to south about 400 km, from west to east - about 200 km.

Population- 2,737.6 thousand people (2010 data)
Population density - 54.4 people. per 1 sq. km.

Capital the city of Makhachkala.

Geographical position.
Located in the northeastern part of the Caucasus.

in the south - with Azerbaijan;
in the southwest - with Georgia;
in the west - with the Chechen Republic;
in the northwest - with the Stavropol Territory;
in the north - with the Republic of Kalmykia;
from the east it is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea.

Dagestan is divided into three soil-climatic zones:
- flat area. Its height above sea level is 28 - 150 m. It occupies almost 43.3% of the territory (2.35 million hectares);
- foothill zone. Its height above sea level is 150 (200) - 850 (1000) m. It occupies 15.8% of the territory (.84 million hectares);
- mountain zone. Its height above sea level is over 850 (1000) meters. It occupies almost 40% of the territory (2.12 million hectares).

The climate on the plains is dry, continental. Winters are snowy, summers are hot and dry. The average temperature in January is from -5 in the north to +1 in the Caspian lowland (near the Samur delta), in July +25. Precipitation is 200-400 mm per year.

In the foothills, the climate is more moderate and humid. The average January temperature is -2, July +23. Precipitation is 350-450 mm per year.

The climate is moderately cool in the mountains, warmer in the basins. The average temperature in January is from -4 to -7, in July +15 +20. Precipitation is 600-800 mm per year.

Vegetation period 200-240 days.

Water resources.
6255 rivers flow in Dagestan, including 100 rivers with a length of more than 25 km. The largest of them are Terek, Sulak, Samur with tributaries. All rivers belong to the basin of the Caspian Sea, but only 20 of them flow into the sea.

Due to the dry climate in the north of the republic, there are few rivers, their waters are used for irrigation. Therefore, they do not have a drain. The Terek and Sulak rivers flow in the central part of Dagestan. The Sulak River accounts for half of all hydropower resources in Dagestan; the Chiryurtskaya and Chirkeyskaya hydroelectric power stations are located here.

In the south of the republic is the Samur River. It is the second largest river in Dagestan. The area of ​​its basin is 7.3 thousand km². When flowing into the Caspian Sea, the Samur breaks up into branches and forms a delta. The waters of the Samur are also used for irrigation purposes: irrigation canals have been drawn from the river to irrigate southern Dagestan and neighboring Azerbaijan.

The relief of Dagestan is peculiar: a 245-kilometer strip of foothills rests on transverse ridges that border Inner Dagestan with a huge arc. Two main rivers start in the mountains - Sulak in the north and Samur in the south. The natural boundaries of mountainous Dagestan are: the Snegovoi and Andi ridges - up to the giant Sulak canyon, Gimrinsky, Les, Kokma, Dzhufudag and Yarudag - between Sulak and the Samur basin, the Main Caucasian ridge - in the southwest of both basins.

Inner Dagestan, in turn, is divided into a mid-mountain, plateau-like region and an alpine, high-mountain region.

The mountains cover an area of ​​25.5 thousand square meters. km, and the average height of the entire territory of Dagestan is 960 m. The highest point is Bazardyuzyu (4466 m).

Vegetable world.
According to the structure of the surface, Dagestan is characterized by vertical zonality, which divides it into two regions: North-Dagestan and Mountain-Dagestan.

Mountainous Dagestan is characterized by a change of vertical vegetation belts: dry-steppe, forest-meadow-steppe, subnival and nival. Almost all types of vegetation are represented here: pine-birch, beech and oak forests in the mountains, liana forests in the southern part of the Primorskaya lowland, meadows, semi-deserts, upland xerophilous vegetation.

Wild fruit trees and shrubs, valuable fodder, medicinal, essential oil and ornamental plants are widespread on the territory of the republic. In addition to plants of the temperate zone, many plants grow in Dagestan. southern cultures: grapes, apricots, peaches, figs, pomegranates, almonds, Japanese and Caucasian persimmons, kenaf and much more.

Dagestan has no equal in Russia in terms of the diversity of its vegetation and climatic zones: from the subtropical forest at the mouth of the Samur River, deserts and semi-deserts in the north of the republic to high mountain tundras and glaciers.

Animal world.
In the animal world, there are typical representatives of the Asian steppes and European fauna, there are endemic species: the Dagestan tur, the Caucasian snowcock, the Radde hamster, the North Caucasian weasel, etc.

In the floodplain forests and floodplains of the deltas of the Terek and Sulak, European red deer have been preserved, roe deer, jungle cat, and wild boar live. Of the birds - Caucasian pheasant, hazel grouse, Caucasian black grouse, a lot of waterfowl (ducks, geese, swans, herons).

About 300 species of birds and 92 species of fish live in the republic. These are carp, bream, pike perch, catfish, pike, trout. Until recently, the Caspian Sea was rich in fish resources.

Deposits of oil, combustible gases, sulfur, marls, quartz sands, and mineral springs are of industrial importance.

Of the natural attractions, the world's largest free-standing dune Sary-Kum (located on the territory of the Dagestan Reserve) and the only subtropical liana forest in Russia in the Samur delta, as well as the Sulak Canyon with a depth of up to 1500-1600 m, stand out.

Dagestan reserve.
The Dagestan Reserve was organized in January 1987 on two sites with a total area of ​​19,061 hectares, to preserve in its natural state the most typical section of the Kizlyar Bay for the northwestern coast of the Caspian Sea, as well as to preserve a rare natural formation - the Sarykum dune. A special role is given to the study and protection of an important migration route of valuable hunting and commercial and rare species of birds, their nesting and wintering places.

Derbent State Museum - Reserve.
The city of Derbent is a city-museum under the open sky, which received in 1989. the status of the State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, covering an area with protected zones, equal to 1439 hectares. The Derbent Museum-Reserve includes about 150 monuments of federal and republican significance.