How much to ferment cabbage under oppression. foods that won't make you feel better

It is difficult to imagine a more affordable, cheap and tasty dish than sauerkraut, which is indispensable in winter. This material will help you choose the right variety, properly ferment and preserve the finished product, observing all the rules and technology.

Which cabbage is better to choose

Cabbage is fermented in almost every home, regardless of whether they have their own garden or buy vegetables on the market. But not every cabbage is suitable for sauerkraut. In order not to be disappointed with the result of labor and the taste of the final product, you should carefully approach the choice of a vegetable. For fermentation and salting, varieties with medium and late ripening periods are suitable, which have enough dry matter and a denser leaf mass. Early varieties do not meet these criteria and are not suitable for fermentation.

Important! If you choose between benefits and taste, then it is better to use cabbage fresh.

Heads of cabbage should be chosen large, dense, and not loose (the tighter the forks, the whiter and more tender the leaves inside), white in section (this indicates the presence of more sugar, which affects the fermentation process during fermentation), the taste of the head of cabbage in fresh should be sweetish and crispy. The stalk should also be elastic and juicy. When choosing cabbage in late autumn, you need to make sure that it is not frozen.

Mid-season varieties for pickling:

Late varieties for fermentation:

Hybrid varieties are also popular when choosing for fermentation, the selection of varieties is aimed at obtaining larger heads of cabbage:

You can also ferment red cabbage. It has a coarser fiber and a bitter taste.

What is the best time to brew

It is advised to ferment cabbage in two terms - in autumn and winter.

Did you know? If, when tying a head of cabbage, put a cucumber on the ovary between the leaves, it will grow and remain fresh until spring.


As soon as the harvesting of mid-season and mid-late varieties of vegetables begins in the fields, the first stage of fermentation of cabbage begins. Varieties of medium ripening can be fermented from September, but the finished product should be stored in a cold room. At the first frost, medium-late varieties can be fermented. By this time, the amount of sugars in them will increase, which improves the quality of fermentation and the taste of the product.

in winter

Late varieties are suitable for long-term fresh storage. But heads of cabbage that are not intended for storage are recommended to be processed 2-3 months after harvest - in November or December. During this time, sugar accumulates in the leaves, and they become more juicy. If such varieties are fermented earlier, the finished product will acquire an unpleasant odor and a bitter taste.

Sourdough Features

There are two types of sourdough cabbage:

  1. Salting- pour brine at room temperature. This method is easier and salting is faster.
  2. fermentation- passes without salt or with its minimum content.

Did you know? To enhance the fermentation of cabbage, put a slice of rye bread on the bottom of the container, covering it with leaves.

Preparation of vegetables for fermentation occurs in the following order:

  1. cleaning- remove the upper green leaves and cut out the stalk, which can be used if the cabbage is grown on its own plot without the use of chemicals.
  2. shredder- chopping with a knife or shredder. The chips should not be very thin, otherwise the product will be soft.
  3. - load the chopped mass into the selected and prepared container not to the top, in such a way that the juice does not flow out in the first days of fermentation. The loss of juice leads to a deterioration in the quality of the finished product.
  4. Rammer- the cabbage laid in the container is slightly compacted until the juice appears.
  5. Adding salt- each layer of cabbage is added with coarse salt, evenly distributing its amount by the number of intended layers.
  6. Installation of oppression- at the end of the laying in the container, the top layer is covered with large cabbage leaves, a clean cloth napkin and oppression is established.

There are several types of sauerkraut:

  • shredded- chips no more than 5 mm;
  • chopped- chips no more than 12 mm;
  • whole head- whole forks are sprinkled with shredded or chopped, and a cross-shaped incision on the stalk will allow the head of cabbage to pickle faster.

The main ingredient in sauerkraut is carrots. It can be grated or cut into strips. Grated carrots will turn the cabbage orange, and chopped will leave it white. A pleasant color and unique flavor to the finished product will be given by additional components: red cabbage, beets, sweet bell peppers, chopped apples, dill and caraway seeds, bay leaf. The addition of horseradish root will make the cabbage crunchy.

Important! Vegetables should be prepared as quickly as possible, as even a short storage of peeled forks leads to the destruction of sugars and vitamin C on the surface leaves.

Which container is best for pickling

Before fermentation, you need to carefully prepare the container. At home, glass jars, enameled buckets and pans (without damaging the enamel), ceramic and wooden containers are useful for salting. The ideal wooden container is oak, birch, linden, worse - spruce. Do not use plastic containers, stainless steel and aluminum containers.

How long should ferment

The first signs of fermentation are bubbles of gas and foam on the surface. They need to be removed. This technique should not be neglected, because otherwise the taste of the finished product will deteriorate. To remove gases from the inner layers, it is necessary to make punctures twice a day with a smooth wooden skewer to the bottom of the container. Punctures are carried out until the unpleasant odor disappears.

Vigorous fermentation takes place within 5–6 days at a temperature of +18…+21°C. Such a temperature regime contributes to the preservation of vitamin C and the suppression of microbial processes by the rapid formation of acid. After the end of this period, the containers must be moved to a cool room to slow down the fermentation processes.
Cabbage fermented at +21°C has the best taste qualities. Already by the fifth day, it acquires the optimal ratio of acid and sugar, which gives it a pleasant salty wine taste. With further fermentation, the cabbage acquires a sharper taste, which can be described as sour-salty.

At temperatures below +18°C, the fermentation process slows down and lasts up to 1–2 months. At high temperatures (about +30°C), warm fermentation will end in a week, but the quality of the resulting product in terms of color and taste will be inferior to the product of long fermentation.

Important! The content of vitamin C increases from the outer leaves towards the center of the fork and reaches its highest value in the stalk.

When to put oppression

Oppression is a special object of a given mass, which is placed on top of fermented vegetables as a load. Cabbage must be fermented under oppression. The weight of the load must be such that the contents of the container are completely covered with brine. The amount of oppression can be adjusted depending on the amount of juice released.
At the beginning of fermentation, the load may be large for better juicing. Then the load can be reduced. Cans filled with water or clean pebble stone (in no case calcareous) are suitable as oppression. Metal objects cannot be used as oppression.

Where can you store

To preserve the quality and taste, the optimal storage temperature must be maintained at the level of 0 ... + 2 ° C, while it will be possible to maintain the chemical composition at the level of the end of fermentation. A cool basement or cellar can provide such a temperature. If there are no such conditions, then you can store it in the refrigerator or on a glazed balcony, or ferment cabbage in small portions to eat it faster. At elevated storage temperatures, the acidity of cabbage decreases, and it loses its elasticity.

Important! As the shelf life increases, the quality of the product deteriorates. So, the amount of vitamin C after 7 months of storage is halved from the original content.

How to determine readiness

As soon as the release of gas and foam on the surface has ended, and the juice from the cloudy has become transparent and light, we can assume that the cabbage is ready. You can verify this by tasting the product. Readiness is indicated by a crispy sour-salty refreshing taste.

How long can you eat sauerkraut

Looking at the containers where fermentation is taking place, the question arises when you can try the product. If the fermentation process takes place in a large container, then 6 days are needed until ready. In a three-liter jar, this process will be 2 times faster.

During the initial fermentation, cabbage has not yet acquired the taste and aroma of the final product. In addition, the nitrates contained in it turn into nitrites, so the taste of such cabbage will not bring any pleasure or health benefits.

Possible problems with fermentation

To get the perfect fermentation product, you need to know about possible errors and how to fix them:

  1. The appearance of foam- a natural process at the beginning of fermentation, requires only timely removal.
  2. bitter taste- when preparing raw materials, green leaves were left, protruding foam was not removed.
  3. Dark and light layers- uneven distribution of salt when the layers are salted, in places with a large amount of salt, the cabbage becomes dark.
  4. Flabbiness- not enough salt. The best proportion is 200 g of salt per 10 kg of prepared raw materials.
  5. Slime- violation of the temperature regime of fermentation, the addition of iodized salt, excess sugar or carrots, chemicals in vegetables.
  6. Pink color- excess salt, loose compaction, the product acquires a musty taste.
  7. film on the surface- low storage temperature. It is necessary to remove and wash the cloth and oppression.
  8. Mold- moldy fungi and yeasts develop on the surface under the influence of oxygen. The top layer must be removed and discarded. Leaves of horseradish laid on the surface will help to avoid the appearance of mold.
  9. tough cabbage- badly dented, excess salt, slight oppression.

With the onset of cold weather, the most common winter snack appears on the tables - sauerkraut. So that the final product does not bring disappointment, it is necessary to follow the technology of fermentation and storage. In this case, sauerkraut will be a pleasure both as an independent snack and as an ingredient in the preparation of second and first courses.

Greetings, dear readers!

Today I will tell you how sauerkraut properly, relying on many years of experience in this delicate matter.

For sauerkraut, it is better to take varieties of cabbage of late and medium ripening, for example, you can use the varieties Midor F1, Anniversary F1, Gift, Menza F1, Turkiz, Judge 146, Krasnodarskaya1.

I have many sauerkraut recipes in my arsenal, each of which has its own original flavor.

First you need to remove the green and damaged leaves, then cut out the stalk and chop. Of course, you can chop cabbage with the help of special means of modern household appliances, but I always follow the old-fashioned traditions and do it manually using an ordinary chopper and a wooden trough.

It is very important when pickling cabbage to correctly observe the proportions:

Recipe 1: "With carrots"

For 10 kilograms of slaw, I add 350 grams of chopped carrots and 180 - 200 grams of coarse table salt. Never use fine iodized salt for any workpieces.

Recipe 2: "With apples"

For 10 kilograms of slaw, I add 1 kilogram of apples, cut into halves, remove the cores with seeds, and 180 - 200 grams of salt.

Recipe 3: "Northern"

For 10 kilograms of chopped cabbage I take 350 grams of cranberries and 180 - 200 grams of salt.

Recipe 4: "Original Taste"

For 9 kilograms of slaw, I take 500 grams of apples, cut into halves and with the core removed, 1 kilogram of chopped carrots, 10 grams of cumin and 160 - 180 grams of coarse salt.

Recipe 5: Fragrant

To 10 kilograms of slaw, you need to add 350 grams of carrots, 180 - 200 grams of table salt and 5 grams of bay leaf.

To sauerkraut properly, it is necessary to protect it from contact with air, since when air enters, the amount of ascorbic acid decreases during fermentation. And the presence of ascorbic acid is the most important moment for obtaining high-quality and tasty sauerkraut.

Watch a video about it. how to ferment cabbage in an oak barrel (Site

Cabbage with the additives discussed above must be mixed and placed in tubs, barrels, pots, buckets. After that, it is necessary to close it from above with whole washed cabbage leaves, then cover it all with a white boiled cloth, and then with a podgnet (preferably wooden) circle. From above it is necessary to put oppression (load), which by weight is approximately 10 - 15% of the weight of the cabbage laid in the container. As oppression, you can use any load (stone, bucket or pot of water). Then all this must be covered with plastic wrap.

In the room where the cabbage is fermented, the first 4-6 days, you need to maintain a temperature of 17-20 degrees. Then the cabbage will turn out to be of high quality, it will contain more sugar and a small amount of volatile acids, vitamin C will be better preserved in it.

When the period of active fermentation ends, it is better to place the cabbage in the cold - 0 - (-2) degrees. At this temperature, the development of mold, which is formed only with the access of oxygen, is delayed. Mold decomposes lactic acid and as a result, the quality of our sauerkraut deteriorates.

You can also ferment cabbage in polyethylene bags, which are placed in pots and barrels. With this method, only cling film bags can be used.

Finally, you have learned sauerkraut properly and made the first "fermented" barrel, but you do not have the opportunity to create conditions for long-term storage. In this case, the canning method will help:

Sauerkraut should be carefully examined, the brine should be poured into a separate bowl and a 2% salt solution should be added to it. Then you need to put the cabbage in jars to the "shoulders" and close them with lids. If you use liter jars, then they need to be heated for 20 minutes, three liter jars - 25 - 30 minutes. Then the banks need to be rolled up. Such cabbage will be stored at room temperature for a long time.

And now the recipe for classic sauerkraut in jars from Yulia Minaeva (Channel "In the garden or in the garden").

I wish you all the best!

To the question Tell me, how much cabbage should be fermented at home? Some ferment it for 3-5 days, and some are given by the author Natalya Dubinina the best answer is Strongly temperature dependent. Here's what the industry guide writes about this.
Cabbage is chopped, mixed with salt, placed in a vessel and pressed down with oppression. Then she is allowed to ferment for a week at a temperature of 16 ° (from 15 ° to 20 ° - from one day to a month). It is better to store sauerkraut at a temperature close to zero, more precisely from 0 to 2 °, after removing the released gas by piercing or pressing it so that it does not taste bitter.
Almost as soon as she stopped gurgling, she is ready.

Answer from Choir[guru]
temperature dependent. I determine readiness to taste. when it costs a week, when 3-5 days.

Answer from able-bodied[guru]
I cut the cabbage into strips, my husband passes the carrots through a rotary grater, add salt and carrots to the chopped cabbage, grind until juice is formed, periodically I test for salt, the juice should be a little saltier than necessary. You can add Antonovka cut into slices. I mix everything in a large plastic basin, it is possible (better) in an enameled bucket. As the container is filled without reaching the edge, 15-20 cm, put a large plate or lid, a jar or saucepan of water on it. Leave at room temperature, usually the next evening foam begins to appear. Here we are not lazy and regularly (3-7 times a day) we pierce the cabbage with a wooden one or you can use a metal stick-fork, removing the oppression, the air comes out from the lower layers very actively, well, the smell is appropriate. I usually ferment cabbage in 3-5 days - the brine becomes transparent, I lay it out in jars and in the basement of the garage. The mother-in-law in her house made cabbage differently, they have a large barrel in the underground, she kept everything there, alternating with small kachans, cut into halves and quarters, but there the cabbage is completely different in taste, because it is salted at a different temperature.
You can add a little bit of sugar to sauerkraut before serving - it greatly improves the taste, well, onions, lingonberries, butter and who are used to something.
Sauerkraut in a jar
My recipe is simple - shredded cabbage, and grated carrots, fill a 5-liter jar and pour boiling brine in the proportion: 1 liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cereals salt and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar sand. I pour the brine so that it covers the cabbage.
I put the jar on a plate so that there is where to merge the juice. On the trail. I pierce the day. spatula and almost on the 3rd day the cabbage is ready.
Sugar can be replaced with honey.

Answer from chevron[newbie]
thanks for the advice.

Answer from Daria Samson[guru]
You can see here:
in detail and accessible, what is for what, and how to make the whole thing tasty.

Answer from Maxi[guru]
Cabbage will ferment for 3-5 days if it is poured with boiling water in a small amount (for example, in a 3-liter jar). To do this, chopped cabbage with carrots is salted, garlic, pepper, lavrushka are added (optionally), all this is put into a container, poured with boiling water and left for fermentation.
Traditionally, cabbage is fermented in a cold way, when cabbage prepared with additives and salt is placed in a container, tamped very tightly, covered with a clean cloth and a wooden circle, on which the so-called. oppression (clean cobblestone scalded with boiling water). The oppression should be such in weight that the juice that comes out of the cabbage covers it completely. Fermentation will really be up to 3 weeks. Periodically, in the process of fermentation on cabbage, it is necessary to rinse the fabric, circle, stone with cold water, clean it from the perishable top layer, if there is one, pierce the cabbage through with a clean stick.
Cabbage must be taken for fermentation of a necessarily winter variety, otherwise it will be soft and tasteless.

Answer from ***Northern***[guru]
I brew for 3 days

Answer from Anna[guru]
as soon as you put the cabbage, it will begin to separate the juice, at this time you need to pierce the cabbage to the bottom with a stick (carbon dioxide comes out), and after a few days this juice starts to "leave" and the top of the cabbage seems to dry up .... that's it, it's ready, close and in the fridge

Answer from Irinka[guru]
I keep it at home for three days, it can’t be longer, otherwise it will turn sour! Then I take it to the loggia. We're testing in a week!

Answer from Inga[guru]
from 3 days to a week, depending on the quantity and container. in which salt

Answer from Oksana Vershinina[newbie]
When laying salt 250 g per 10 kg. cabbage (2.5%). Fermentation of cabbage begins on the 2-3 day. every 3-4 days pierce to the bottom to remove gases. Optimum temperature + 18 + 20gr. Fermentation ends in 10-12 days, depending on the volume.

Answer from Fluffy cat Nataly[guru]
Everything written above is correct! And here's the trick - it all depends on the volume. The larger the container in which you ferment, the longer the fermentation time. If in jars, it will ferment quickly, in 3 days. And if there is a large volume (in a 40-liter enameled barrel or pan), then up to 3 weeks is needed!

Answer from Yotarushka IzVergil[guru]
Whoever likes it. I have a barrel at home for a week and a half. After to the balcony.
I also read that it is necessary to ferment cabbage for storage in October. Ideally on Thursday, on the new moon. Then the cabbage supposedly turns out excellent!

Answer from Vera Omelianenko[newbie]
In glass jars, cabbage is fermented for 2 days at room temperature (if more, it will peroxide). It is necessary to pierce 2 r per day so that air comes out and make sure that there is always juice (brine) on top. On the 3rd day, remove to a cold place.

This folk tradition has survived to this day. They make sauerkraut, of course, according to the "grandmother's" recipe, while few people delve into the essence of the process - well, cabbage sour itself and sour. To the question: “why this way and not otherwise?” with a high degree of probability they will answer you that, they say, it is supposed to be so, so it is accepted. It's time to decipher these "supposed" and "accepted" and consider in detail the technological steps of the sauerkraut process.

- How fermentation occurs -

To start the fermentation process, you need heat, salt, special bacteria and sugar. The last two "variables" are already present in the product itself, we just need to create the conditions necessary for the reaction and add salt. To do this, chopped cabbage is salted, slightly kneaded, and then placed in a jar, covered with a clean cloth and oppression is placed on top. On the one hand, this cunning design creates an anaerobic environment, on the other hand, it performs the function of a press.

Natural sugar promotes the release of lactic acid, which contains the very bacteria that catalyze the reaction, and salt helps draw juices out of cabbage. In a natural brine with an acidic environment without access to oxygen, they begin to develop rapidly, and all harmful bacteria die. Salt should not be too much, as it slows down the fermentation process, but not too little, otherwise the cabbage will be too soft. The golden mean is 20-25 grams of salt per 1 kg of cabbage.

- What is the role of oppression -

In the process of fermentation, a particularly thin straw will somehow float to the surface. However, without brine, it quickly deteriorates, so a piece of cloth, whole cabbage leaves are placed on top of the shredded cabbage, or the circle is adjusted to the size of the container. In any case, the design of the press must be thought out so that the cabbage is always closed and under pressure. If mold appears on the surface, it is removed, and oppression and cabbage leaves / fabric are washed and doused with boiling water.

- Why do we need sugar and other additives -

One of the essential components of fermentation is sugar. A certain amount of sugar is already contained in the cabbage, but if you increase its amount, you can speed up the fermentation. This can be done in two ways: simply by adding a little extra sugar, or by adding chopped carrots, turnips, beets and other vegetables to the cabbage. When using other vegetables, we not only increase the content of natural sugar, but also change the taste characteristics of the final product. So, a few crushed apples will make the cabbage taste sweeter, radish will give it a sharpness, and if you lack a spicy note, you can add ginger, garlic or hot pepper. You can also achieve a play of contrasts with the help of spices and seasonings, such as juniper berries, fennel seeds or coriander.

- How much to sour -

Cabbage is kept in a warm place for 2-3 days, depending on the temperature, and then moved to the cold to slow down microbiological processes. The optimum fermentation temperature is 17-20 °C. If it is higher, you need to have time to remove the cabbage in a cold place: at a high temperature, the reaction will proceed faster, and the cabbage may simply peroxide. When fermented at low temperatures, bitterness may appear in the taste.

During active fermentation, foam and gas are released. From time to time, the foam must be removed and the gas released by piercing the cabbage several times a day with a long knife. If this is not done, the cabbage will have a bitter taste, and mold will begin to form due to the foam. The fermentation process ends after about 15 days.

- Best before date -

In the refrigerator, in a tightly closed jar with a sufficient amount of brine, cabbage is stored for 1-1.5 months. With longer storage, sooner or later the cabbage begins to deteriorate. Its too sour or bitter taste is not so terrible - such cabbage can be thrown into cabbage soup without fear, as a change in texture and color. If the cabbage has turned brown or pink, or feels slippery to the touch, don't hesitate to toss it in the bin. Sauerkraut prepared for the future should not be idle in the refrigerator - include it in the daily menu, so the product does not even have time to deteriorate.

Well, I didn’t succeed in making sauerkraut, sometimes it was dry, sometimes it was somehow bitter for many years since I left the cabbage to translate like that) marinated with anything and according to different recipes, it turned out delicious, but I still want to learn how to sour! there are a lot of recipes on the internet, everything seems to be simple, but I’m already afraid) in general, those who know who makes sour themselves - how do you do it ???? what spells are you using?


Today we tried cabbage, delicious, but I over salted it a little)
I will experiment further)
thanks to all!

The most important thing is to constantly pierce the jar of cabbage to the bottom (just be careful! do not damage the glass bottom). You need to start piercing already from 8 hours of fermentation. For example, in the morning they chopped and rammed it very tightly into a jar, and by the evening you can already pierce it with screwing movements. I pierce the meat pounder with the wooden handle.
You do this:
Take about 4 kg - 4.5 kg of WHITE (not green!) cabbage and 1 carrot per 3 liter jar.

Shred and sprinkle with salt. 2 tablespoons of rock salt with such a good slide for 4 kg of cabbage.
You don’t need to grind anything - all the juices will mix in a jar.
Fermentation requires microbes that you have on hand. Therefore, we take a dry jar and begin to lay the cabbage with our hands, carefully tamping it there with our fist (do not damage the jar). We impose cabbage and With effort we crush everything, then the next portion of cabbage with carrots. Then the juice will already stand out if you cut the cabbage into thin strips. Maybe there is not enough juice at first - it will stand out a little later.
We fill the jar to the very brim, cover with gauze or nothing and put it in a bowl - the juice will flow out in the process.
It sours for 2-3 days (depending on the temperature in the room, if it is high, then fermentation will occur faster). We pierce the 1st time after 8 hours, and then we pierce and look at the bubbles - if they still appear. then the cabbage has not yet cooked and fermentation is in progress - it is sour. Pour the liquid that can escape from the jar back (if there is where to fill it, the juice should be absorbed), the cabbage should still ferment with this juice.
After 3 days, close the lid and put in the refrigerator.
I was in a hurry and put the jar in the fridge early. After 2 days I arrived, opened the jar and saw bubbles there - that means I haven’t finished fermenting yet. I added salt a little on top and left it on the table in the kitchen for another day, piercing 3-4 times a day. for the gas to come out. Then back to the refrigerator. The cabbage turned out great. So don't be afraid - it turns out you can correct it.
Juice is very necessary and its availability depends on the variety of cabbage. You can add some water. As advised below, but I have not tried it. Usually I will so that the juice will stand out by itself.

23.10.2016 10:15:27, don't be afraid - the main thing is practice

How to make sauerkraut at home.

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Sauerkraut - homemade in own juice

Head of cabbage - 2-3 kg. Carrots - 2-3 pieces (small or 1-2 large) Salt to taste or 15-25g. (1 tbsp without a slide or slightly) per 1 kg. cabbage

Sauerkraut for men

Sauerkraut is a food product familiar to Russian people. There are many recipes for its preparation and each of them is good in its own way. Sauerkraut is used as a side dish, as an independent dish, used as a component for individual dishes (salads, soups, etc.). Cabbage contains substances useful for the body in large quantities, which are stored in it throughout the entire shelf life. What is in sauerkraut? When Doctors Recommend Drinking Juice...


I pour brine into a 3-liter jar (for 1 liter of water 2 tbsp with a slide of salt, boil and cool), put shredded cabbage with grated carrots in a jar, stuff it so that the brine is on top for two days, you can make punctures several times, then in the refrigerator and you can eat. Very simple and tasty, it turns out crispy. Put the jar in a plate, the juice runs away a little.

I forgot to write that when foam appears, you need to pierce the cabbage (I do it with a long knife), as if turning it. And don’t put a crust of bread in jars, it is needed only at the time of fermentation. shove it, then there will not be enough air for fermentation, or you will have to pick it several times a day. It is more convenient in a saucepan.

teach sauerkraut!!!please!


Shred cabbage (take winter varieties, then it turns out not soft) - about 4 kg goes to a 3-liter jar, 1-2 carrots on a coarse grater. All this is mixed with salt to make it salty. You stuff all this tightly into a jar, if there is not enough juice, then add boiled cooled water. Keep it at room temperature for three days. Without a lid, so that hydrogen sulfide comes out, for the same purpose, every day you pierce the cabbage several times with a knife to the bottom of the jar and upset it. And try it. Once you like it, put it in the fridge. Everything.

shred cabbage,
grate the carrots on a coarse grater, salt (I don’t remember exactly, by eye).
The whole thing is good to crush with your hands and under the press for a couple of days.
Then remove the press, loosen everything, make such deep holes with your hand so that bitterness comes out, cover with cheesecloth and stand like that for a couple of days, occasionally loosening. Everything is like.
But in my opinion, it is still impossible to ferment now, the so-called. suffocating days. It seems in November somewhere, I need to check with my parents, so if necessary, I’ll tell you tomorrow. Or maybe one of the girls knows :)
Good luck!

in connection with the protracted excessive culinary impotence, I ask for help. Share skills, secrets and tricks in the simple business of sauerkraut. What do you ferment it in, in what dishes? Do I need to strongly "zhumkat" it with my hands, how much to put carrots. When, how and with what to pierce it and when to put it in the refrigerator.


unfortunately you didn’t eat mine :(, but sour milk is really tasty :). I'm just trudging from the process :) Somehow I wrote here, it seems last year, I'll find the link, I'll throw it.
I don’t put sugar, I sour it in an enameled bucket.

I don’t squash at all, I cut, I interfere with carrots, for a 4-liter pan tightly stuffed with ready-made chopped cabbage - 3 large carrots. I breed 3 tables in 1 liter of cold water. tablespoons of salt without a slide and pour cabbage with this brine, under the yoke of a day for 3 in warmth, then I pierce it with a wooden stick several times, as soon as it stops bubbling, I put it in jars and in the refrigerator.

I ask you to throw a recipe at me, proven, salted cabbage, what-what-how much, I don’t want to buy from my grandmothers, I want my own, otherwise I can tomatoes, eggplants, I can, and a lot of things, but I don’t know the proportions of cabbage: (((Thanks to everyone in advance.


ferment cabbage according to the usual recipe, and not lettuce, it’s still early, after 2-3 weeks you can. If you are interested in early ripening (ready in 3 days), then I’ll throw it off tomorrow.

You mean sauerkraut? I'll try to write, only my proportions are very time-tested and, therefore, in terms of measures of my great-grandmother :)
Cabbage for salting is only winter varieties (as a rule, "Slava", it has not yet gone on sale, it will be by the end of October). On a bucket of shredded cabbage, a large bowl of grated carrots (2.5 deep plates) and 2 handfuls of rock salt (Grind No. 1). If the salt is simple, fine, then it should be smaller, about 1.5 handfuls. Salt should not be iodized! Mix all this on the table, do not rub strongly with your hands. Fans add 2 more cups of cranberries. Then pour into a bucket (enamelled), close with gauze, press down with your hands so that the juice comes out and press down with a load (if there is no special circle, then with a large plate with a can of water on top). Let it stand in the kitchen for 3 days, 2 times a day you need to pierce it to the bottom in several places (close the door before the procedure, since the smell on day 2 is already very cabbage :)). Then put it on the balcony, after tasting the juice: it should be sour. If not, let it stand still :) In principle, you can eat already on the 5th day, but cabbage acquires real readiness after 3 weeks, when all biochemical processes end.

The human intestine: what happens in it due to antibiotics and preservatives


And on TV there have already been many programs about the benefits and harms of homemade yogurts. Therefore, in the store I buy regular yogurt without additives for myself and mix it with berries in a blender. It’s a pity, but my child doesn’t like this

Thanks a lot for the article! I periodically drink purchased yogurts, although I know that there is very little benefit in them compared to homemade ones ... but now I’m finally convinced that I need to start cooking myself!

8 reasons to drink sauerkraut juice

1) Sauerkraut and its juice are a real storehouse of vitamins: a good dose of vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamin K and a very rare and valuable vitamin U, also known as methylmethionine. These products are also rich in minerals: iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iodine, potassium, phosphorus and others. With proper fermentation, all vitamins are preserved, and the fermentation process itself additionally enriches the product with organic acids (lactic and acetic). 2) In the process of fermentation, ...


It seems that cabbage is gas-forming .... interestingly, maybe not sauerkraut, since it forms bacteria that suppress pathogenic microflora, a good article, I learned a lot of useful things for myself.

I didn't know sauerkraut was so healthy! Coming to visit her grandmother, she always refused to take her to a hotel. Prefer fresh vegetable salads. I thought they were more useful. Thank you! Live and learn!

Sauerkraut for women

This is not only a food product, but a medicine from the garden that helps get rid of many diseases, strengthen immunity and improve appearance. Due to the large amount of fiber, cabbage can cause increased gas formation, but you can neutralize this effect by drinking cabbage juice. Cabbage juice has long been treated for many diseases, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, upper respiratory tract, skin, beriberi. And beauties still actively use cabbage juice ...


And I, on the contrary, preferred a fresh cabbage salad. With vegetable oil, carrots, herbs. I thought this combination would be the most beneficial. Now I realized that sauerkraut can also benefit the body and my appearance.

Wow, I didn’t know that you can lose weight from cabbage juice, interesting) I love cabbage, I know that it is very useful for immunity, because there is a lot of vitamin C in cabbage, which is so important for our body, but it turns out that it is useful in general for the whole body and beauty.

10001 times I ask for a recipe for sauerkraut, but I know that they gave it more than once, but I actively put them somewhere, tasty and crispy. Please do not throw links. And I also know how to pickle cabbage and quickly salt


I salt in a three-liter jar according to an old recipe. It always turns out excellent crispy cabbage. Everything is very simple. Shred the cabbage and cut the carrot. For example, I like it to be cut larger, but it's all a matter of taste. Next, salt the cabbage to taste and mash a little until juice is formed. Close the jar tightly. Pour a tablespoon of honey over the cabbage and pour boiling water over it (as much as you like, usually it doesn’t fit much :)) Leave it for 3 days at room temperature, pierce it with a knife twice a day. After 3 days, the cabbage is ready.

for crunch, it is very important that the salt is not iodized, we always fried it (salt) in a pan, iodine is volatile and evaporates when heated. but this is if the bucket is salted more, and if the pan is “quickly eaten”, then you don’t have to bathe

Friends tell me the recipe for the best sauerkraut in your life, please. For some reason, I wanted to, I didn’t understand this product for 35 years, and now I really want to (not pregnant))). I tried everything in the store and on the market - well fu (((


thanks friends))) I will try the Ficus recipe - solely because of the small amount of salt. She keeps water in my body

I wonder if you add a mixture of Provence herbs, what will happen?))

Standard recipe (I always do this):
for 10 kg of cabbage
200 - 500 gr carrots
250 gr salt (rock, not iodized)
Chop, crush, put under oppression, put in heat. When bubbles appear, poke with a thin wooden stick. When the bubbles stop, then the cabbage is ready, you need to clean it in the cold.
Sometimes 25 grams of cumin or dill seeds can be added to cabbage - they prevent excessive fermentation.
I prefer to put cranberries, lingonberries, apples in ready-made cabbage before serving.

It's time to pickle cabbage. User Blog Ofigenia on

Cabbage in our country house grew magnificent this year. Neighbors gave me seedlings, I planted them, and all the cabbage took root without any extra effort. Grandmothers-neighbors, who go to each other to drink tea through my site, appreciated my efforts)) Winter has been late this year, November is abnormally warm. The chopped cabbage was lying in the cottage in the country, until last weekend I finally decided that it was time to pick up the cabbage, cover the roses and clematis, and sow carrots before winter. Today cabbage...

Preparing vegetable seeds for planting.

The quality of seeds plays an extremely significant role in growing a large and high-quality crop of vegetable crops in optimal time. A mandatory requirement is that the composition of the seeds be of the same variety, at least 90% germination and completely free from various impurities of other crops. The role of culture maturation time. Let's take for example: early cabbage is planted according to the rules 50-60 centimeters in the aisle and 30-40 centimeters between plants. It reaches maturity in 60-70 days...

Sooner or later, but it happens to almost every woman.

Cabbage pie:) For the dough: 250 gr. cottage cheese (any fat content) 125 gr. butter (room temperature) 2 eggs 1 tbsp. sugar 2 cups flour 1 tsp baking powder + 1 yolk and 1 tbsp. milk (for smearing) For the filling: 1 kg. cabbage 10-15 gr. butter 4 eggs Boil dill 1. Finely chop the cabbage, add water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and leave to cook under the lid for 25-30 minutes. 2. Mix cottage cheese, eggs, sugar and softened butter well until ...

Do you do seasonal harvesting?

Poll from user Jasmin Autumn preparations Do you make seasonal preparations? Yes No What are you preparing? vegetables fruits berries mushrooms something else :) Current results Other polls Polls on the site


especially for those who have tried it ;)
our sauerkraut :)
take white cabbage, chop and mince, add coarsely grated carrots. We stack tightly in 3l. jar and fill this amount with brine (6 glasses of cold water, 2 tablespoons of salt). Leave for 2 days at room temperature, periodically pierce with a fork. After 2 days, drain the brine, add 100 g of sugar, boil, remove the foam and pour it back into the jar, right on the cabbage. When it cools down, you can already eat. I store in the hall or on the balcony. Minimum effort and delicious :)

this year, probably for the first time, it happened so massively for me to cook something for further eating :) Apparently because there will still be a pantry with a rack;)
at the moment we have 18 liters of lecho (hello to the recipe from the culinary conference)
4 liters of cabbage according to two recipes from mom
and 2 liters of jam + 3 liters of apple compote thanks to Charlie ;)
oh, I also remembered, I have a kilogram of sun-dried tomatoes that fit in a jar of 300-400 grams :) a strange thing. also tried it for the first time.
and you?

Saturday pickups. User's blog Menumashka on

I cook cold snacks on the weekend for the whole week. These are our favorite recipes for adults and children, and for unexpected guests, and for the festive table. Roasted bell peppers 12 large peppers Juice of half a lemon 1 tsp. salt 1 tbsp. sugar 3 tbsp. olive oil Peppers bake at maximum temperature in the oven for about 20 minutes (until they start to darken). Remove, put in a bag, close tightly and leave to cool completely. Peel off the skin, carefully pull out the middle, collecting ...

Folk wisdom is reflected not only in fairy tales and riddles, in proverbs and sayings. The experience that has accumulated over the long centuries of the existence of the Russian people has resulted in numerous folk remedies, many of which are very effective ... In case of burns, it is recommended to put a piece of raw pumpkin, or a potato cut in half, or an aloe leaf, or smear this place with honey. Also, with a burn, infusions and decoctions of Veronica, oak bark, ivy, calendula, St. John's wort help ...

I usually chopped cabbage-carrots, salt, sugar, spices (peppercorns and lavrushka). I crumpled the cabbage well, mixed everything, put it in an enameled / glass / wooden bowl, covered it with a cloth and put it under pressure, at room temperature. Every day I rinsed the rag, pierced the cabbage so that the air came out, and after 3-4 days you could eat. The disadvantages of this method are the lack of proportions and a long wait :))) As for the proportions, this time I was completely dreary, it just seems that ...


Last year, a "grandmother's recipe" was given here.
Very smart and tech.
I've always looked forward to it, I guess.

No "mashing" cabbage. You also need to protect your hands. Cabbage juice with salt is just an explosive mixture for them!

Shred cabbage with carrots.
Making a pickle:
For 2.25 liters of water 125 gr. salt. Dissolve the salt (I boil for this, but only then you need to cool). Then you take a handful of cabbage with both hands, dip it into the water, and do not squeeze your hands to squeeze out the brine. On the contrary, it is necessary that he "envelop" all the cabbages.
And put it in a container for salt (preferably something enamelled).
When all the cabbage is processed, pile oppression on top and leave it warm for 3-4 days until cooked. Every day, remove oppression, pierce cabbage in several. places to release mustard gas, and again under oppression.

When ready, transfer to a jar and refrigerate.

In fact, a beautiful cabbage comes out. Both crispy and soft...
And it doesn't get any easier than getting ready.

Thanks a lot to whoever gave the recipe. Just a light at the end of the tunnel.
And what kind of way: "Knead to give juice." Here, sorry, whoever thinks. It seems to someone that the juice has already been given, and to someone that they still need to knead and knead ...

sugar seems to be already added to fermented

Cabbage contains tartronic acid, which inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into fats in the body. Finally, cabbage is rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract and helps to eliminate cholesterol from the body. When preparing cabbage dishes - salads, soups, etc., it should be remembered that as a result of the content of active substances, cabbage contributes to bloating and flatulence, which sauerkraut is deprived of, which contains almost as much vitamin C as lemon. Sauerkraut is called "northern lemon". The medicinal and dietary value of sauerkraut is due to the fact that when sauerkraut is sauerkraut, some of the vitamins (C, B2, PP) and other bioactive compounds pass into saline. According to many experts, sauerkraut brine is even healthier than cabbage itself. For example, regular intake of warm...

In ancient times, fires were fought with the help of hooks, shovels, hooks and buckets - means, to put it mildly, not very effective. More technologically advanced ways of saving from a fire are available to a modern city dweller, however, we remember them most often when it is already too late.

Trouble :-) The mother-in-law went on a "cruise", but promised to come back with an inspection - to try our sauerkraut. And I sowed a piece of paper with her recipe: -(((((There was a week left before the return of the mother-in-law. Save! :-)))


My recipe is for 2.5-3 kg of cabbage - 1 liter of brine (2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of dill seeds), 300 g of carrots, mix cabbage with carrots, tamp in saucepan or jar, pour hot brine. If in a saucepan, under oppression, if in a jar, put a leaky nylon lid into the jar. Often pierce the cabbage with some long thing so that the bubbles come out, then it will not be bitter. Done in a couple of days. For some reason, hot brine doesn’t cook for me, it crunches

10/25/2001 12:09:41 PM, Nata*sha

Help me please! I love stewed cabbage very much, but I don’t want it to turn out well. Here I am again sitting over a head of cabbage and thinking how to defeat it.

The hot time for sauerkraut is September-October. At this point, the cabbage is poured with juice, finally ready for the processes of canning and salting. In winter, sauerkraut is the most pleasant and vitamin product that the garden can offer us and its good harvest.

What is good about sauerkraut?

The advantages of sauerkraut are the sea. And its main advantage is not at all that with the help of sourdough you can save an excellent crop of cabbage for the winter and spring. At one time, sauerkraut saved many nations from scurvy and other diseases associated with a drop in immunity.

Sauerkraut, in addition to the high content of vitamin C in it, has a huge amount of other useful vitamins, trace elements. For example, vitamin B6 in it helps food to be absorbed more quickly. Obviously, therefore, in winter, nutritionists are happy to prescribe sauerkraut to their patients as a side dish for protein meat and fish dishes.

Nicotinic acid contained in sauerkraut stimulates hair growth, improves their condition, strengthens nails, and helps to normalize the functioning of internal tissues and organs of the human body.

In addition to many vitamins, sauerkraut contains minerals that are most important for life support and maintaining normal health in humans, such as iron, magnesium, zinc, potassium and others.

Nutritionists also love sauerkraut for the large amount of fiber in it, for the low calorie content of the product (the most interesting thing is that fresh cabbage is even more caloric than sauerkraut), and also for the presence of valuable tartanic acid in it, which blocks the conversion of food into subcutaneous fat.

So from all sides, sauerkraut is suitable for nutrition for all family members, it will not only saturate, but also heal. Therefore, all fresh cabbage that was not eaten at dinners in the fall should be fermented in a smart way and not spare time for this, since in winter you will thank yourself for this work.

All housewives have a lot of favorite recipes for making salted, or rather sauerkraut. These tips will be useful, most likely, novice housewives. But they can correct the actions in the experienced kitchen.

The most delicious sauerkraut is always obtained in a wooden barrel or tub. Alas, today not every house has such a tub, therefore, for lack of a better one, you can ferment in enameled dishes or glass. You should not ferment in plastic, and in no case should you ferment cabbage in an aluminum container, since its walls, when in contact with the acid of the product, can release harmful elements into it.

Watch the amount of salt when fermenting. The lack of salt makes it soft, not crispy, and if there is too much salt, it will give the cabbage the wrong taste, and beneficial lactic acid bacteria with an excess of salt from cabbage are lost.

The most rational amount of salt for every 10 kilograms of cabbage will be 200 grams, no more. Do not chop all the cabbage for sourdough. Cut some heads of cabbage into halves, quarters and put them between the layers of chopped cabbage. By the way, in such quarters and halves, and even in a whole small head of sauerkraut contains more vitamins than in chopped.

Do not wash cabbage before eating. You are washing away most of the vitamins from it. Just squeeze lightly and put on a plate as needed. You can stew sauerkraut, just keep in mind that it loses many of its beneficial properties in the process. Let's not talk about the fact that its boiling vitamins and minerals contained in it generally kills.

A proven way to ferment cabbage in brine

A personal recipe for fermenting cabbage in brine (for many years I have been preparing cabbage for the winter only this way and nothing else - readers, of course, can use their recipes for fermenting cabbage).

For each three-liter glass jar, you will need about 2 kg of cabbage (late, which is suitable for canning), a couple of carrots, 3 leaves of parsley, cumin, garlic chopped in plastics, black peppercorns, but you can do without them.

The brine is prepared separately. In every one and a half liters of water (just somewhere on a jar), 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt are poured. Salt is not iodized! The brine must be boiled and cooled to room temperature.

Chop the cabbage in a convenient way, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Cabbage and carrots with chopped garlic, caraway seeds, parsley, pepper should be mixed carefully. You don't have to shake cabbage!

The cabbage is transferred to a jar. You don't need to press hard on her. Lightly tamp and fill with cooled brine to the very top. We cover the jar with gauze and put it in a plate or bowl on the kitchen table. A plate is needed so that the juice flowing from the jar during the fermentation of cabbage does not spill onto the table.

Cabbage should stand on the table for 2-3 days. The optimum temperature in the room for its preparation is 20 degrees. In heat and cold, cabbage ferments badly. After 3 days, cover the cabbage with a plastic lid and put it in the refrigerator. Cabbage can be fermented in a large enameled basin (without oppression!), also fill it completely with brine, and then transfer it to glass jars when it is cooked.

Sauerkraut is one of the favorite dishes in every family, especially in winter. Often we ask ourselves: how to make sauerkraut? Many people think that for this you will need a barrel or a trough, but, for sure, every housewife has a large saucepan - this is perfect.

Be sure to finely chop the cabbage - the dish will only benefit from this, and grind it thoroughly with salt - men's hands will not interfere with you here.

How much to ferment cabbage?

When preparing sauerkraut according to the traditional recipe, the fermentation time is 3-5 days in a warm room, then the cabbage is exposed to the cold. If you want to taste quick sauerkraut, then try the recipe with hot marinade. In this case, the cabbage will be ready to eat in a few hours.

How to cook sauerkraut?

The sauerkraut recipe is very easy and quick. I advise you to buy a shredder, the thing is always useful on the farm, and not only for making sauerkraut, but for cutting any other vegetables.


  • white cabbage - 1.5 kg;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 30 g.


Cabbage and carrots chop or cut into small strips. Grind with salt, add sugar. Fold in a saucepan, best enameled, and put under oppression for 5 days. Poke several times daily with a knife or wooden stick to release any accumulated gases and skim the top of the foam that bacteria release. Keep the pot in a warm place to speed up the fermentation process. After five days, the cabbage should be sweet and sour and crispy. Before serving, season with vegetable oil and finely chopped green onions.

Sauerkraut with apples

Traditionally, various additives go to cabbage: carrots, cranberries, apples, beets. You can make sauerkraut with apples by adding 3-4 apples during salting per 1.5 kg of cabbage. Apples will need to be pre-washed and, peeled from seeds, cut into slices. Cabbage will turn out sweetish and will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Sauerkraut with beets

When you add beets to sauerkraut, you get a very beautiful pale pink salad. And if you add garlic, you will please the family with a spicy and spicy snack.


  • white cabbage - 3 kg;
  • beets - 1 kg;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiled water - 1 l;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.


We clean the cabbage from damaged leaves and cut into squares. Peel the beetroot and cut into thin slices. Mix cabbage with beets and prepare the marinade: We heat one liter of water in a saucepan, let it boil and add black pepper, salt, sugar, bay leaf. Boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then add vinegar and boil for another minute. Pour cabbage with beetroot marinade, mix, put under pressure. We stand in a warm place for 3-4 days, then we transfer it to a bottle and send it to the refrigerator. Serve as a salad, pre-filled with vegetable oil.

As you can see, it is not difficult to cook sauerkraut, a little patience and vitamins, which this dish is so rich in, will appear on your table in winter. The benefits of sauerkraut are enormous: it has firming and anti-inflammatory properties, contains vitamin C, B, potassium, zinc, iron, lactic acid. In addition, sauerkraut is a low-calorie dish, and you can use it for cosmetic purposes if you make a face mask.