Speech disorders in children of primary school age. “Correction of speech disorders in children and recommendations for teachers to overcome them

Chapter I. Bilingualism as one of the factors in the overall development of children in a modern school

1.1. Philosophical, sociocultural and psycholinguistic aspects of bilingualism.

1.2. General theoretical issues of bilingualism in the context of school education and upbringing.

1.3. The state of the problem of Yakut-Russian bilingualism in modern stage.

1.4. Pedagogical and psychological characteristics bilingualism among Yakut-speaking students.

Conclusions on Chapter I.

Chapter II. System of pedagogical conditions for correcting sound pronunciation in primary schoolchildren in conditions of bilingualism

2.1. The state of speech therapy services in secondary schools.

2.2. Modeling the interaction of conditions that provide correction of speech disorders in bilingual children.

2.3. Classification of didactic games for correcting sound pronunciation.

2.4. Analysis of the results of an experimental study to study the influence of pedagogical conditions on the process of sound pronunciation correction.

Conclusions on Chapter II.

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  • Formation of pronunciation in Bashkir children 6-8 years old with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment 2003, candidate of pedagogical sciences Kasimova, Elza Gumerovna

  • Features of preventing and overcoming dysgraphia in bilingual learning conditions 2011, candidate of pedagogical sciences Konstantinova, Albina Victorinovna

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Pedagogical conditions for correcting sound pronunciation in children of primary school age in conditions of bilingualism”

The relevance of the research problem is due to big amount speech disorders in children of different ages in regions with bilingual communication.

IN Lately There is a deterioration in the socio-economic situation in the country, accompanied by mass migrations of families of different nationalities. The number of children living in conditions of forced bilingualism and experiencing serious difficulties in mastering the Russian language is increasing; children who do not sufficiently speak Russian by the time they enter a Russian-language school. As a result, children experience difficulties in the process of schooling and often find themselves failing in all subjects.”

Living in an area inhabited by representatives of two or more nationalities, a child from infancy absorbs both languages ​​and uses them as native ones. But in cases where one of the languages ​​has priority, speech disorders arise that are associated with the sound structure of these languages. The peculiarity of our republic is that in the uluses the language of communication of the indigenous population is mainly the Yakut language. In conditions of migration, a child who ends up in another area, where the means of communication is Russian, experiences difficulties in verbal communication with peers and others.

Starting school entails a drastic change in the child’s lifestyle. As school workloads increase, schoolchildren have problems mastering school subjects. One of the most common reasons for the failure of primary schoolchildren is speech disorders, especially when aggravated by incomplete bilingualism.

The development of issues of teaching correct Russian pronunciation has exclusively great importance, since it is impossible to master the Russian language without the sound shell, which is its matter. In primary education, the leading role should be given to elementary theoretical knowledge, and the potential power of theoretical thinking appropriate to the age of primary school students should be used.

Childhood is the most favorable time for learning different languages. As a child grows up, his spontaneous, involuntary actions and innate ability to acquire language gradually lose power. Therefore, the closest attention is paid to the initial stage of language teaching, and the problems of the formation and development of correct Russian pronunciation for primary school students are the most pressing.

In this regard, pedagogical science is faced with the acute problem of revising and qualitatively transforming the content and structure of the correction process, namely, the process of correcting sound pronunciation in Yakut children at all levels of education - from primary school to high school.

Due to objective reasons, children with speech disorders cannot receive the full education that the school offers them. Deviations in speech development contribute to the emergence of a number of problems in the student in the psychological and educational areas: difficulties in communicating with others, perceiving educational information, the formation of self-doubt, and the consolidation of speech defects.

The problem we raise is also relevant due to the fact that modern full-fledged education is considered as a component of culture, its integral part. According to the famous Russian philosopher B.C. Bibler, “the vision of a person in the context of culture is an understanding of the individual in all his uniqueness, uniqueness and universality. The humanistic principle, which forms the basis of the educational process and is designed to perform a culture-creating function, contributes to the familiarization of the individual with universal human values ​​and, at the same time, develops a person’s individual culture through his awareness of his own uniqueness, self-worth and the possibility of creative self-realization of abilities through “communicative broadcasting.” Consequently, both the process of a person’s assimilation of cultural values ​​and the process of his self-realization is carried out through communication, and primarily through speech.”

Research recent years confirm the fact that the number of children is growing school age experiencing difficulties in mastering general education programs. Data from physiologists, psychologists and teachers indicate that among primary schoolchildren such children make up 20-30%. Among these children, according to annual data speech therapy examinations conducted by the author at school, bilingual children make up about 10-15%.

The categorization of bilingual children as a special typological group within the child population, the substantiation of the set of conditions necessary for their successful adaptation in the school environment, became the scientific basis for the formation of a separate direction of correctional and developmental education. Subject special attention teachers in the context of the implementation of this direction becomes pedagogical assistance to children in mastering educational activities. The development of the theory of educational activity and the conditions for its effective formation is actively carried out in modern psychological science.

While remaining relevant for modern schools, the problem of helping students master educational activities is especially acute in the system of correctional and developmental education. Children with speech problems, due to the characteristics that characterize them (reduced performance, learning ability, high fatigue), are especially vulnerable and dependent in the situation of educational activities; V to a greater extent than other children, they need pedagogical guidance in its formation, in the timely elimination of those developmental deficiencies that stand in this way.

The latter will determine not only their academic performance, mastery educational material provided by the education standard, but also the dynamics and development trends in general.

All of the above confirms the idea that today the problem of organizing pedagogical conditions for the correction of speech disorders in bilingual children is not sufficiently developed.

Insufficient attention to the importance of the activities of the speech therapy service in school prompted us to pose the following research problem: the creation in a modern school of pedagogical conditions for the correction of speech disorders associated with bilingualism.

The relevance of the study is determined by the need to resolve contradictions:

Between the increasing number of bilingual children and the insufficient theoretical and practical development of this problem;

Between availability in secondary schools speech therapy service and the lack of a system for working with bilingual children;

Between the need of bilinguals for correctional work to eliminate speech problems and the capabilities of the speech therapy service (staffing and their qualifications).

The search for ways to resolve these contradictions determined the problem of our research, which is to identify and substantiate pedagogical conditions that contribute to the elimination of sound pronunciation defects in bilingual children of primary school age. The formulation of this problem determined the choice of topic: “Pedagogical conditions for correcting sound pronunciation in children of primary school age in conditions of bilingualism.”

The purpose of the study is to develop and justify the need for pedagogical conditions that provide correction of the sound pronunciation of primary bilingual schoolchildren.

The object of the study is the process of correcting violations of sound pronunciation at the initial stage of education, focused on the development of bilingual abilities of children.

The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions necessary for correcting sound pronunciation in primary schoolchildren in conditions of bilingualism.

The research hypothesis is that effective correction of speech disorders, namely sound pronunciation, at the initial stage of education of bilingual children is possible if certain conditions are created:

Ensuring interaction between psychological and pedagogical services with an emphasis on speech therapy support for bilingual children;

Application of the principles of individualization of corrective action;

Introduction of integrated learning technology in the process of correction of speech disorders;

Using gaming technologies to create positive motivation for exercise.

The purpose, subject and hypothesis of the study predetermined the need to formulate and solve the following problems."

1. Study the philosophical, psycholinguistic, pedagogical, sociocultural aspects of bilingualism.

2. To establish and scientifically substantiate the influence of bilingualism on the speech activity of bilingual children.

3. Theoretically and experimentally substantiate the pedagogical conditions that influence the process of correction of speech disorders in primary schoolchildren in conditions of bilingualism.

4. To develop a technological model for the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the correction of speech disorders in primary schoolchildren in conditions of bilingualism.

To solve the problems and test the hypothesis, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature on the research problem; modeling; study of documentation of speech therapy services of educational institutions; studying the results of speech therapists’ activities in correctional activities; analysis of the content of correctional programs, manuals, reference books; theoretical analysis of advanced pedagogical experience in speech correction of primary schoolchildren; statistical processing and analysis of the results of a pedagogical experiment; survey, observation, conversation, interview, testing of students; systematization and generalization of research results.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study consists of:

Research into the prerequisites, conditions and patterns of speech development (J1.C. Vygotsky, J. Piaget, etc.);

Research on the problem of bilingualism (V.U. Vereshchagin, L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Gvozdev, I.I. Gorelov, Yu.D. Desheriev, K.Z. Zakiryanov, E.I. Isenina, A.R. Luria, M.M. Mikhailov, J. Piaget, D.I. Slobin, M.M. Fomin, L.V.

DR-) - theory of studying the stages of speech development (I.N. Gorelov, N.I. Zhinkin, E.I. Isenina, M.M. Koltsova, A.K. Markova, D.I. Slobin, D.B. Elkonin and others);

Studies of personality speech development in the context of the child’s general mental development (J. Bruner, A. Vallon, L.S. Vygotsky, A.R. Luria, S.L. Rubinstein, J. Piaget, etc.);

Research on speech as a means of a child mastering various types of activities (A.N. Leontiev, A.A. Leontiev, etc.);

Understanding the phenomenon of educational activity (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.N. Leontiev, V.I. Slobodchikov, D.B. Elkonin, etc.), revealing its specificity in comparison with other types of human activity ( V.V. Davydov,

D.B. Elkonin, etc.), an idea of ​​its structure and types (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, A.K. Markova, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin, etc.) .

Theory of a systematic approach to speech therapy work (M.Z. Akhiyarova, G.V. Volkova, R.I. Lalaeva, E.M. Mastyukova, V.I. Seliverstov, A.V. Semenovich, A.L. Sirotyuk, G. V. Chirkina, etc.);

Research into the process of teaching the Russian language to junior schoolchildren of Yakut nationality and the formation of Russian-Yakut bilingualism (V.M. Anisimov, N.D. Neustroev, P.N. Samsonov, M.M. Fomin, etc.);

Research on ethnopedagogical aspects of the development and upbringing of children (G.N. Volkov, N.D. Neustroev, A.P. Okoneshnikova, N.G. Samsonov, etc.); study of organizational and managerial activities of educational institutions (D.A. Danilov, E.S. Nikitina, etc.).

The experimental work was carried out on the basis of secondary school No. 2 named after M.K. Ammosov in Neryungri, involving 150 primary school students.

The study was conducted from 1999 to 2005 and included 5 stages:

1. Analytical and diagnostic stage (1999-2000): a study of first-graders from secondary school No. 2 in Neryungri in order to identify characteristics of mental development and determine the range of speech therapy problems.

2. Theoretical-orientation stage (2000-2001): development and selection of correctional programs in accordance with the developmental characteristics of students.

3. Constructive-modeling stage (2001-2003): construction of general approaches to creating pedagogical conditions that make it possible to effectively correct the speech deficiencies of bilingual children.

4. Constructive and implementing stage (2002-2004): implementation of developed correctional programs and recommendations.

5. Analytical and generalizing stage (2004-2005): general analysis of the results of the study, the effectiveness of the model, development of recommendations, preparation and publication of the results obtained in materials of conferences and seminars.

Scientific novelty of the research:

Pedagogical conditions for the correction of speech disorders in children have been identified

Bilinguals of primary school age;

The system of correctional and developmental activities in a secondary school has been scientifically substantiated and experimentally confirmed;

A technological model has been developed for the implementation of pedagogical support for students in the correction of speech disorders in primary schoolchildren in conditions of bilingualism;

Didactic games for correcting sound pronunciation in bilingual children are classified.

Theoretical significance

The concepts of “bilingualism” and the features of the development of bilingualism in younger schoolchildren in a comprehensive school setting have been clarified;

A technological model for implementing a system of pedagogical conditions for the correction of speech disorders in primary bilingual schoolchildren has been developed.

The practical significance of the study lies in the preparation of recommendations for parents, the development of educational and methodological aids for speech therapists and primary school teachers (Ammosova L.I. Correction and development of speech of bilingual children with SLI; Ammosova L.I. Didactic materials for classes on correction and development of speech children with NVAD). The following provisions are submitted for defense:

A system of pedagogical conditions (the creation of a school psychological and pedagogical service to support personal development, the formation of positive motivation for cognitive and speech activity in bilingual children, the development of a system of speech therapy services, including speech diagnostics, identification and analysis of problems with the subsequent formation of groups depending on speech disorders and the creation individual correctional programs, development of recommendations for teachers and parents in order to provide them with the necessary assistance), promoting the development of correctional and developmental activities of secondary schools with primary schoolchildren and the correction of speech disorders in primary schoolchildren in conditions of bilingualism;

Technological model for the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the correction of speech disorders in primary schoolchildren in conditions of bilingualism (the system of pedagogical support for primary school students, the structure of interaction of school services, the process of individualization of pedagogical support for the development of phonetic phonemic awareness speech).

The reliability of the research results is ensured by the methodological validity of the theoretical positions, the adequacy of scientific and pedagogical methods to the goals and objectives of the study, the representativeness of the experimental data obtained, their analysis and generalization. The theoretical principles and conclusions made during the study were confirmed by the results of experimental work, which showed the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model of speech therapy service, and the successful implementation into practice of a comprehensive school.

Approbation and implementation of the research results took place in the form of reports and speeches at seminars at the city and republican level (2001-2005), scientific and practical conferences in Neryungri (2001-2005), Yakutsk (2001) .), international conference “The Republic of Sakha and the international educational space: development prospects” (2001), discussed at meetings of the departments of pedagogy and methodology primary education Neryungri branch of YSU and PI YSU.

The research materials formed the basis for the educational and methodological manual developed by the author for speech therapists and primary school teachers, approved by the scientific and methodological council of the Institute of Technology (f) YSU (1999, 2000).

Structure of the work: the dissertation consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography, and appendices.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education”, Ammosova, Liliya Ivanovna

Conclusions on the second chapter

An analysis of the state of speech therapy services in secondary schools revealed the need to apply a systematic approach to solving the problem of bilingualism. The implementation of a systematic approach is embedded in the interaction of school services - psychological, speech therapy, social and pedagogical. The result of theoretical understanding of the real process was the development of a structure for interaction between school services.

A multidimensional study of the psychological characteristics of children with speech pathology from the standpoint of a systematic approach, ensuring an impact on the entire personality of the child and adult with a speech disorder, is, in our opinion, the highest priority approach to overcoming the shortcomings of sound pronunciation in Yakut-speaking students.

IN modern conditions The main goal of the speech therapy service in a general education institution is to develop a scientifically based system for correction of learning, correction of speech disorders in schoolchildren, as well as the prevention of speech disorders.

The main principle of the speech therapy service is the provisions of humanistic psychology and pedagogy about “accompanying” the child in the process of his development.

To organize successful speech therapy work, certain prerequisites were created, which include: the presence of a speech therapy service at school; scientific approach to speech therapy activities; a systematic approach to the study and correction of the defect, an individual approach to the correction process and monitoring of results; unity of goals and cooperation between speech therapy and psychological services in the process of supporting the student; formation of the correct attitude of the student and his responsibility in relation to his speech; support and assistance from parents.

During the experiment, a system of speech therapy support for bilingual children was created, which includes:

A system for diagnosing the phonetic, lexical, grammatical structure of the language;

Development and implementation of individual correction programs in accordance with the developmental characteristics of a particular student;

Selection of effective methods and techniques for developing speech skills.

The final examination of the speech of bilingual students graduating from primary school confirmed our assumptions that for children with speech problems it is necessary to create specific pedagogical conditions that would promote their speech development. According to our hypothesis, these conditions in our experimental study were:

An individual approach to eliminating speech therapy problems - the development of individual correctional projects that take into account all the developmental features of a given student, which made it possible to successfully correct speech problems caused by incomplete bilingualism;

The use of integrated learning technology in speech therapy classes, since mastering the sound structure of the Russian language largely occurs in the process of mastering vocabulary, grammar and spelling; in the same way as spelling work is associated with reading, grammar, spelling and speech development;

The use of gaming technologies, which makes it possible to take into account the age and psychological characteristics of primary bilingual schoolchildren when implementing a system of correctional and developmental influence;

Transformation of a second language from an object of study into a means of cognition and communication, since only in free communication do children acquire the opportunity to gain experience communicating in a second language; support of correctional and developmental work by an in-school medical, psychological and pedagogical council, which made it possible to consider speech defects from the point of view of various specialists.


In the process of improving the quality of education and upbringing, an important role is played by the psychological and pedagogical study of schoolchildren during their studies in primary school. The timely identification of the reasons for the educational lag of individual students and the choice of the most effective ways to eliminate these lags directly depend on its results. One of the common reasons for the failure of primary school students in general education institutions is various violations of oral and written speech, which often make it difficult to master correct reading and competent writing. Especially often, the educational lag of elementary school students is provoked by such a social factor as bilingualism.

The dissertation work presents in theoretical, methodological and practical aspects the conditions for improving the correctional and pedagogical work of objects of the educational process to overcome school maladaptation of bilingual students primary school.

The purpose of this work was a theoretical and practical study of pedagogical conditions for correcting sound pronunciation in primary schoolchildren in conditions of bilingualism. As a result of the implementation of the assigned tasks, we were able to develop and experimentally test the effectiveness of a technological model for the implementation of pedagogical conditions that enhance the process of correction of speech defects in primary schoolchildren in cases of bilingual education.

In the process of theoretical and experimental research, the assigned tasks were solved. An analysis of the sociocultural, philosophical and psycholinguistic aspects of bilingualism showed that, despite the widespread interest in the problem, there remains a large number of unresolved issues in this area.

Bilingualism is considered as a factor that accelerates the emergence and development of a child’s ability to understand words and speech. Based on the fact that the plasticity of the physiological basis of speech development is preserved only up to the age of seven, the role of timely organization of correctional work in the first grade of a general education institution increases.

During the experiment, it was established that for the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental process the following conditions are necessary:

Application of integrated learning technology (an innovation is the use of elements of verbotonal methodology);

The use of gaming technologies in the correction process;

Transforming a second language from an object of study into a means of cognition and communication;

Support of correctional work by an in-school medical, psychological and pedagogical council.

Theoretical analysis of the problem allowed us to assert that the tendency in the development of the personality of a primary school student, which is determined by his desire to speak competently, is possible thanks to the comprehensive work of the speech therapy service. Psychological and pedagogical work speech therapist, aimed at developing the unity of the emotional, intellectual and volitional sides of the personality and based on the characteristics inherent in human nature, allows us to observe with our own eyes the changes occurring not only in the student’s speech activity, but also in his personal sphere, namely, the ability to communicate , learn, develop. Therefore, under favorable conditions for correcting his sound pronunciation, he becomes an employee and colleague of the teacher, and his behavior contains the main characteristics cognitive interest: positive attitude towards the world around you, passion, responsibility towards the subject of your interest.

The work also examines the features of bilingualism in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), determines the influence of bilingualism on speech disorders of primary schoolchildren, and linguistic analysis presented speech errors, the linguistic roots of these disorders are determined. The relationship between psychology, pedagogy and speech therapy and the totality of their influence on the personality of a primary school student are considered.

The second chapter of the work confirms the validity of the hypothesis put forward that for effective correction of speech disorders it is necessary to create certain pedagogical conditions.

An experimental study of bilingual students of primary school age showed that some children have speech therapy problems with sound pronunciation, underdevelopment of phonemic perception, lexical-grammatical structure and coherent speech, which, according to our assumption, is the reason for the lag in educational activities.

These include:

1. Linguistic reasons - the interfering influence of the phonological system of the native language.

2. Psychological and phonological reasons - absence special work on the development of phonemic hearing, associated with the perception and reproduction of the sound of Russian speech, without which it is impossible to create a stable stereotype of pronouncing a Russian word; the influence of internal speech in the native language on the process of mastering the sound system of the Russian language.

3. Pedagogical reasons - insufficient development of methods for teaching Russian pronunciation to bilingual children, insufficient qualifications of a certain part of primary school teachers.

To implement the program to support bilingual children in the educational environment, the following pedagogical conditions were created:

Application of integrated speech therapy sessions;

Application of gaming technologies;

Support of correctional and developmental work by an in-school medical, psychological and pedagogical council;

Transforming a second language from an object of study into a means of cognition and communication.

The goals and objectives of the study have been completely resolved, the research hypothesis has received its theoretical and experimental disclosure.

The validity of the put forward provisions and the reliability of the results obtained are determined by the rigor of the conceptual apparatus of the study, the definition of the subject area and objectives of the study; analysis of the achievements of pedagogy, psychology and speech therapy; using a set of methods that correspond to the purpose of the study; monitoring of results and representativeness of the experimental data obtained, their quantitative and qualitative analysis.

The problem under study is multifaceted, so further research requires questions of use computer technology in the speech therapy space and their role in the development of full bilingualism, the readiness of the teaching staff to work with bilingual children.

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“Correction of oral and written speech in children of primary school age with impaired phonemic perception”

The result of the annual examination of preschoolers-future first-graders and observation of first-graders in adaptation period have shown that many children have different kinds speech defects and delays in general development.

Violation of the speech activity of primary schoolchildren entails not only insufficient development of oral and written speech, and speech as a combination of speaking and understanding, when impaired, can be the basis for a decrease in communicative and cognitive activity. In addition, speech disorders can be accompanied by deviations in personality formation. Such children are distinguished by distractibility, lack of confidence in everything, and increased physical activity.

Primary school teachers and many parents of children of primary school age are well aware of the problems associated with errors in reading and writing. In the first year of study this is most often: omissions, substitutions, rearrangements and repetitions of letters and syllables; ignoring endings or syllables in words.

The occurrence of persistent and repeated “ridiculous mistakes” is not based on the child’s personal characteristics (“he can, but he doesn’t want to”), but on serious objective reasons: the immaturity of mental and phonemic processes, the lexico-grammatical aspect of speech. This is a problem (“he wants, he tries, but he can’t”).

Such students often experience disturbances in auditory and visual attention, perception and memory, and difficulties in switching from one type of activity to another. A modern lesson includes a variety of types of work: students listen to the teacher’s explanation, answer questions, independently complete tasks, solve logic problems etc.

If auditory attention and memory are not formed, students experience significant difficulties when switching from one type of activity to another, have difficulty retaining 5-6 words in memory, and find it difficult to reproduce a sentence of 4-5 words. For them, writing from memory based on auditory knowledge is practically inaccessible perception. Students do not perceive well the teacher’s speech addressed to the whole class.

Lack of formation of visual attention, perception and memory prevents correct reading. Children make a large number of mistakes when copying, find it difficult to find errors when checking their written work, and do not know how to use tables, posters, samples, data on the board or in the textbook.

When phonemic perception is not formed, children find it difficult to master syllabic and sound-letter analysis. In the written works of such students there are a large number of various errors:

Passes (huge city - “huge proud”);

Not completing letters and syllables (pilili - “drank”);

Extension of words with extra letters and syllables (deep - “goloboka”);

Rearrangements of letters and syllables within a word (sometimes “igonda”);

Gross distortion of words (on a hunt - “to die”, brave - “habab”);

Continuous spelling of words (he climbed a tree - “on the forest”);

Arbitrary division of words (jumped on a branch - “jumped on a branch”), etc.

If phonetic hearing is not developed, students find it difficult to differentiate the phonemes of their native language. This manifests itself in the form of a mixture of letters in terms of sonority and deafness (jumping - “jumping”, grandmother - “daddy”), in acoustic-articulatory similarity (odorous - “packing”, funny - “shmesnaya”).

When auditory perception is not formed, children learn the rule, but cannot use it when writing. Some students do not hear stressed and unstressed vowels, so they find it difficult to select test words. So, for the word “pulled”, the test words “pulled”, “pulled”, “pulled” are selected; to the word “grass” - “blade of grass, “blanch of grass.”

If phonemic hearing is not formed, students make mistakes when selecting test words to check a paired consonant. The words “pillar, basin” are accompanied by the words “pillar, tasik”. Besides, the right choice The test word is hampered by poor vocabulary and lack of linguistic flair. On the one side. Children simply don’t have enough words, and on the other hand, instead of related words of the same root, they use similar-sounding words as test words, for example: oar - “having fun”, informed - “spring”, rosehip - “fizzle”. Therefore, knowing these rules does not help children.

That is why correctional methods that ensure the development of speech in all its components (vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech, phonetic-phonetic processes) and allow children to prepare for literacy at the preschool stage are now becoming especially relevant.

Work on the development of phonemic perception and the development of phonemic hearing must be carried out in the following areas:

1. Identification of sound pronunciation defects and their correction.

2. Testing phonemic hearing.

3. Development of phonemic representation.

Identification of sound pronunciation defects and their correction

To check if your child can pronounce sounds, you can play the game “Name the Sounds.” An adult asks the child to name the first sound and the last in words, for example:

Both consonant sounds are “light”;

The first consonant, the last vowel is “stern”;

The first sound is a vowel, the last consonant is “turkey”;

Both sounds are vowels - “riding”

If the child copes well with the task, pronounces all the sounds correctly, and when he makes a mistake, he corrects the mistakes himself, then everything is fine. If he copes with the task with difficulty, often makes mistakes and does not notice his mistakes, obviously his phonemic awareness is not developed, and he needs help.

Rudenko V.A.,
teacher speech therapist

Municipal general educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 9" Usolye-Sibirskoye


Methodological development

on topic: How to sing choirs effective method corrections

sound pronunciation defects in young children

school age


Ryabtseva V.V.

music teacher



The problem of the development of children's speech is of great interest to specialists in various fields of knowledge: psychologists, teachers, linguists, physiologists, and music workers. This problem is especially significant; according to statistics, only 10% of newborns are born completely healthy. The remaining children have various microorganic lesions or severe pathology. A separate category consists of developmental anomalies accompanied by speech impairment, which also entails developmental delays. Children with speech underdevelopment should be given timely help to correct defects in sound pronunciation.

Statistical data from domestic researchers indicate that 25-30% of children have pronunciation defects preschool age(5-6 years old), in 17-20% of school-age children (grades 1-2). In older students, pronunciation defects account for no more than 1%. This indicates that temporary impairments occur that are overcome during the speech development of children and in the process of schooling.

In speech therapy, there is such a thing as “dyslalia,” which means a violation of sound pronunciation with normal hearing and intact innervation of the speech apparatus and is one of the most common sound pronunciation defects in primary schoolchildren.

The reasons for its occurrence are biological and social. The general physical weakness of the child due to somatic diseases, an unfavorable social environment that impedes the development of the child’s communication, limited social contacts, imitation of incorrect speech patterns, as well as shortcomings in upbringing, when parents cultivate imperfect child pronunciation, thereby delaying the development of his sound pronunciation.

Among the violations of the pronunciation aspect of speech, the most common are selective violations in its sound (phonemic) design with the normal functioning of all other utterance operations. The “pronunciation side of speech” or “pronunciation” covers the phonetic design of speech and at the same time the complex of speech motor skills by which it is determined. This includes the skills of speech breathing, voice formation, reproduction of sounds and their combinations, verbal stress and phrasal intonation with all its means, in compliance with the norms of orthoepy.

Often, children experience muscle tension in their articulation organs during a conversation. This also has a negative impact on the process of sound pronunciation formation.

When the motor function of the articulatory apparatus is impaired, subtle differentiated movements of the tongue, lips, and jaw suffer; because of this, sounds, especially in the flow of speech, sound blurred. The dynamics of movement are disrupted. Movements become sluggish and slow. The speed of switching from one articulatory movement to another is impaired. And the clarity of sound pronunciation depends on the switching speed. In this case, individual sounds ([р], [л]), a group of sounds ([ш], [ж], [ч], [ш]) or several sounds may suffer: sonors ([р], [л], [ n]), whistling ([s], [z], [ts]), hissing ([w], [zh], [h], [sch]), etc.

Formation correct pronunciation in children - this is a complex process; the child will have to learn to control his speech organs, exercise control over the speech of others and his own.

Children's mastery of speech sounds is associated with the process of interaction of various analyzers. These are, first of all, auditory and speech motor analyzers. The visual analyzer takes part in the development of speech, but this participation is not decisive.

The interaction between the auditory and speech motor analyzers is as follows. For the emergence and development of speech under normal conditions, hearing is required. But the auditory function itself in children is to a certain extent dependent on the degree of speech mastery. The auditory discrimination of speech sounds depends on how clearly they are differentiated in the pronunciation of the perceiver.

Younger schoolchildren (especially first and second graders) still have poor speech proficiency. Speech involves the use of linguistic units and the rules of their functioning. The load on the child’s central nervous system increases. When increased demands are made, “disruptions” in nervous activity may occur with the appearance of stuttering.The teacher must be well aware of the critical periods in the development of the child’s speech and take them into account in his work. Critical periods in the development of speech: when the most intensive development of certain parts of the speech system occurs, in connection with which there is an increased vulnerability of the nervous mechanisms of speech activity and the risk of disturbances in its function.

There are three critical periods in the development of speech function.

The first (1-2 years of life), when the prerequisites for speech are formed and speech development, the foundations of communicative behavior are formed and the need for communication becomes its driving force. Any, even seemingly insignificant, unfavorable factors operating during this period can affect the development of the child’s speech.

The second critical period (3 years), when coherent speech develops intensively, there is a transition from situational to contextual speech, which requires great consistency in the work of the central nervous system(speech motor mechanism, memory attention, arbitrariness, etc.).

The third critical period (6-7 years) is the beginning of the development of written speech.

Of course, everyone knows that a special science deals with the correction of sound pronunciation defects - speech therapy. However, expanding the scope of choral studies, we believe that choral singing can be used as a correctional tool, with the help of which the child’s vocal apparatus is strengthened, memory, attention, thinking, emotional responsiveness and ear for music are developed.

Choral singing is an organizing and guiding principle; the perception of speech and music is carried out by a single analytical system, therefore the shortcomings of the speech perception system can be compensated with the help of musical perception. After all, choral singing is an art that combines music and poetry.

Singing in a choir during music lessons in secondary schools, in choir studios, etc. As a rule, it comes down to teaching a child basic vocal and singing skills, developing a beautiful voice that sounds uniform across the entire range. Education is conducted traditionally, without taking into account the speech capabilities of children who have pronunciation defects.

As you know, conveying poetic text to listeners depends on the diction of the singers. Numerous tips on correcting diction are given in various singing manuals. However, these tips are only about certain particular aspects of pronunciation, without revealing the general patterns of this phenomenon.

E. Caruso once complained about the poor diction of singers: “many singers, unfortunately, neglect good diction,” he wrote. - Listeners often do not understand the language in which singers sing on stage and are content only with what they know in general outline content of the works." Much time has passed since then, but the situation has not changed for the better.

Singing is not called vocal speech for nothing. A significant advantage of the human vocal apparatus - this living musical instrument - is that this instrument is a speaker. The word in singing conveys to the listener the content of what is being sung. The word (in singing) is what, music is what Stanislavsky said.

The main criterion for achieving good diction in a choir is the full assimilation of the content of the work being performed by the audience. The melody in the song is inextricably linked with the lyrics. Meanwhile, in choral performances it is very often impossible to make out the words. Such singing cannot be considered artistic. Clear pronunciation words is an indispensable condition for good choral singing.

The formation of good diction in the choir is based on properly organized work on pronunciation.

The sound-producing organs are the lips, tongue, jaws, larynx with vocal cords, and teeth. All this is called the articulatory apparatus.

In children of primary school age, the articulatory apparatus often works weakly, it is constrained and clamped. A serious obstacle to working on articulation is tense movements of the tongue and sedentary lips. The vocal apparatus is very fragile. The voice is in its earliest stages of development and continuous growth.

The acoustic features of speech sounds, which make it possible to distinguish them from each other by ear, are determined by the features of their articulation.

Consonants in singing are formed in the same way as in speech, but are pronounced more actively and clearly. It is well known that the formation of consonants, unlike vowels, is associated with the appearance of some kind of obstacle to the flow of air in the vocal tract.

The basic rule of diction in singing is the rapid and clear formation of consonants and the maximum length of vowels. This is ensured, first of all, by the active work of the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, mainly the buccal labial muscles, as well as the tip of the tongue.

Like any muscle, they need to be trained with special exercises.

Articulation when singing differs in many ways from ordinary speech. In general, singing articulation is much more active than speech articulation. During speech pronunciation, the external organs of the articulatory apparatus (lips, lower jaw) work more energetically and quickly, and during singing, the internal organs (tongue, pharynx, soft palate), and the work of the articulatory organs during singing occurs slowly due to the stretching of vowels.

Thus, when singing, the singer’s voice-forming apparatus simultaneously solves two problems: on the one hand, it works as a speech apparatus, providing the necessary phonetic clarity of speech sounds, and on the other hand, as a musical instrument, determining the necessary singing timbre of any sound at any pitch.

Synthesizing the experience of speech therapists and choir teachers, I used a set of exercises aimed at achieving optimal speech development in primary schoolchildren during choir classes. When starting choral singing lessons, I took into account not so much the children’s voices, which were just beginning to take shape, as their speech.

In the first lessons we discovered the following shortcomings: defective consonants, loudness, weak musical memory, timidity, excessive mobility. I took all this under observation to eliminate them as quickly as possible. Work to correct defects in sound pronunciation was carried out systematically, the pedagogical process was equipped visual material, full of games.

The sequence of correctional work varied according to the nature of the children’s sound pronunciation defects. The clarity of phonemes strongly depends on the articulatory mobility of the tongue, and with targeted work and careful attention to the child’s speech, the mobility of the tongue becomes quite good.

At each lesson, in preparation for singing itself, I used exercises to relax the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, speech therapy chants, and tongue twisters. The selection of works was made in accordance with the phoneme that we are practicing in this lesson. And, of course, they used a playful form of activity, where the expressive recitation of a poem to music gradually turns into singing.

A year later I got amazing results. Almost all the children in the choir spoke clearly and correctly.

Summing up the results of our work, it is important to note that with young children it is necessary to work hard on consonants, which they develop very gradually, since the clarity of phonemes directly depends on the articulatory mobility of the tongue and with targeted work and careful attention to the child’s speech, the mobility of the tongue becomes sufficient good. A set of speech therapy and vocal-choral exercises can be one of the ways to solve the problem of correcting pronunciation defects in children of primary school age. The use of such exercises for correcting pronunciation defects for a long time will entail the correct formation of the pronunciation side of speech - a complex process during which the child will learn to control his speech organs.


    Anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of hearing and speech / Ed. IN AND. Seliverstova - M.: Vlados, 2001. - 224 p.

    Beltyukov V.I. On the acquisition of speech sounds by children. - M: Education, 1964. - 90 p.

    Gorodilova V.I., Rau E.F. Correcting pronunciation deficiencies in schoolchildren. Issue 3 - M: State educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, 1952. - 198s.

    Morozov V.P. Secrets of vocal speech. - L.: Nauka, 1967. - 204 p.

    Ovchinnikova T.N. On the issue of nurturing a child’s voice in the process of working with a choir // Musical education at school. - M.: 1975. - Issue 10. - P. 17 - 23 p.

    Ovchinnikova T.S. Workbook No. 1 for the teaching aid “Singing and Speech Therapy.” - St. Petersburg: Karo, 2005. - 120 p.

    Stulova G.P. Development of a child's voice in the process of learning to sing. - M.: Vlados, 1992.-150 p.

    Rybkina T.V., Shevereva T.G. Let's learn to sing. - Tula: Tula Music College named after. A.S. Dargomyzhsky, 1999. - 26s.

Correction of speech disorders in children of primary school age should be carried out systematically in combination with the work of a speech therapist and psychologist.

When correcting speech disorders in children of primary school age, it is important:

Individual correctional work in establishing the correct sound pronunciation goes through the main stages of training: preparatory (practice of preserved sounds, vowel sounds, complex articulatory gymnastics) - production of sounds (from easier to complex) - automation and differentiation as sounds are staged (isolated, in syllables, words, sentences, phrases). Speech correction should be carried out in parallel with psychologist classes, in which targeted work is carried out to correct mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination, perception.

This area of ​​activity is aimed at the development of phonemic processes; developing the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound-syllable structure of words using the letters and terms learned by this time in class; automation of delivered sounds, consolidation of sound-letter connections. This will allow students to develop readiness to perceive certain spellings, the spelling of which is based on a complete understanding of the sound composition of the word. The main principle of correctional and developmental education for children with speech disorders is simultaneous work on all components of the speech system (16, p.69).

In the process of correcting speech disorders, it is necessary to fill gaps in the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students' speech. This area of ​​activity will make it possible to clarify the meaning of children’s words and enrich lexicon both by accumulating new words related to different parts of speech, and by developing in children the ability to actively use various methods of word formation; clarify the meaning of the syntactic structures used; develop and improve the grammatical design of speech by children mastering word combinations, the connection of words in a sentence, and sentence models of various syntactic structures.

Filling gaps in the formation of coherent speech is a system-forming direction in the correction of speech disorders in children of primary school age. When implementing it, it is possible to develop skills in constructing a coherent statement, programming the meaning and semantic culture of the statement, develop logic, precise and clear formulation of thoughts in the process of preparing a coherent statement, in the selection of linguistic means, form practical ideas about the text, skills and abilities to analyze the text, improve skills and skills to carry out such statements in the process of dialogue as messages, incentives to action, obtaining information, discussion, generalization, evidence, reasoning.

The basis of the teacher’s activities in correcting speech disorders in children of primary school age is the development of phonemic hearing and improving the pronunciation abilities of students, which will allow:

Form phonemic perception, skills of sound-syllable analysis and synthesis;

Improve the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

Develop coherent speech;

Form spatio-temporal ideas and concepts;

Develop visual perception, speech attention and memory;

Improve coordination of small movements of fingers and hands;

Provide assistance to students in mastering writing and reading skills, taking into account individual characteristics;

Create a basis for successfully mastering spelling skills (11, p. 100).

Therefore, the teacher needs to carry out targeted work to develop phonemic hearing and improve the pronunciation capabilities of students, using special tasks based on verbal and non-verbal material. The order in which such tasks are included in the work is regulated by the sequence of formation of phonemic processes in ontogenesis and can be represented as a set of successive stages:

the first stage - improving auditory perception, sense of rhythm, auditory-verbal memory;

At the first stage, the teacher can use the following types of tasks:

After listening, invite children to identify and name non-speech sounds (for example, household noises, street sounds, school sounds, musical instruments etc.);

Alternate the nature of actions or change the direction of movements, focusing on the volume or change in the tempo-rhythmic characteristics of the sound signal (drum, tambourine, clapping);

Remember and reproduce the rhythmic pattern as accurately as possible by clapping, tapping or sketching;

Listen to a series of sounds (for example, drum beats) and determine their number (show the number, clap the same number of times);

At the second stage, the content of the tasks becomes more complex and speech sounds are included in the work, with which children are asked to perform the following actions:

Remember and reproduce without errors a series of sounds (or syllables, words), starting with two or three elements and gradually increasing their number to six or seven;

Select the word given by the teacher from a number of words that differ in one sound;

Find words that sound similar;

Find an extra syllable (differing in one sound) in the syllable row;

Guess the vowel sound from silent articulation.

The third stage of work is directly aimed at developing in students the skills of analysis and synthesis of the sound and syllabic composition of words.

The teacher offers the children:

Select a given sound from a series of first sharply contrasting, and later similar acoustic and articulatory features sounds;

Select a given sound from the background of the word (first, vowel sounds in a strong position are highlighted, i.e. at the beginning and middle of the word under stress, later consonants are plosives at the end, and fricatives at the beginning of the word);

Find the common sound in words;

Select words with a given sound from the text;

Come up with words with a certain sound yourself (come up with any words; come up with words - names of animals, names of birds, etc.);

Distinguish sounds in words that are similar in sound or articulation;

Determine the first and last sounds in the word named by the teacher;

Determine the place of a given sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of the word);

Determine and name the sequence of sounds in a word, their number, the place of each sound in relation to the others (before which sound, after which sound is the given sound);

Choose words with a given number of sounds;

Determine the number of syllables in the proposed words;

Come up with words with a given number of syllables;

Group pictures depending on the number of syllables in their names;

Add different sounds and syllables to the same original syllable so that new words are obtained each time;

Divide the named words into syllables, syllables into sounds;

Transform words by adding or changing one sound, rearranging sounds;

Compose words of different sound-syllable structures from letters of the split alphabet;

Make diagrams of words and, conversely, match words to the schemes proposed by the teacher;

Establish the relationship between the sound and symbolic composition of words (correlate the word and the image of the object; enter familiar letters into the diagram of the word; determine the entire word by individual letters), etc. (9, p.86).

Work with children carried out in the specified sequence creates conditions for the successful development of sound pronunciation. In turn, this will help clarify ideas about the sound composition of the language, and help consolidate the skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis. (3, p. 89)

Reading and retelling the text;

Writing stories.

During the lessons of the linguistic cycle, the teacher continues to teach literate writing through self-determination students write spelling patterns and solve the spelling problems necessary for this; correction and development of spatio-temporal concepts in children with various written language disorders during the transition from primary to secondary school.

By implementing these areas of correction of speech disorders, children of primary school age will know and apply this knowledge in practical activities:

Signs of vowels and consonants;

Two ways to indicate soft consonants in writing;

Studied parts of speech, their lexical and grammatical features;

Graphic design of capital and lowercase letters, in accordance with calligraphy standards;

Signs of phrases and sentences, main members of the sentence;

What are cognates?

The concept of “text” and its characteristics.

Do a complete sound-letter analysis of words;

Carry out a syllabic analysis of words: divide words into syllables, determine the number of syllables in a word, highlight a stressed syllable and a stressed vowel;

Identify roots in words with the same root, select words with the same root;

Check unstressed vowels and paired consonants at the root by changing the number and selecting words with the same root;

Practically use various methods of word formation;

Write prepositions with words separately;

Based on two criteria - meaning and question - identify parts of speech: nouns, adjectives, verbs;

Correctly use new words in sentences of various syntactic structures (establish a connection between form and meaning;

Isolate sentences from continuous text;

Make sentences from words and phrases;

Find the main members of the sentence;

Answer questions in writing;

Place punctuation marks at the end of a sentence depending on the purpose of the statement and intonation;

Convey: the essence of the exercises performed, the sequence of mental actions performed in a detailed statement;

Determine the theme of the story, the main idea, sequence and coherence of sentences;

Make a plan for a coherent statement;

Select linguistic means that are adequate to the intent of the statement;

Formulate and ask questions independently;

Answer the question posed in a complete sentence (9, p. 90).

Speech formation is one of the main characteristics of a child’s overall development.

But increasingly, children with speech disorders are entering educational institutions: alalia, aphasia, dysarthria, dysphonia, bradylalia, tachylalia, stuttering, rhinolalia, dyslalia, dysgraphia. Their main symptom is the presence of persistent specific errors.

Younger schoolchildren with speech disorders study in classes of correctional and developmental education, so it is necessary to talk not about the disorder, but about the difficulties of mastering speech.

During speech development, children must master several subsystems of their native language: phonetics, grammar, pragmatics.

As a rule, a child with speech disorders is very critical of his pathology, but one of the main dangers that speech disorders pose is inhibition of intellectual development, because speech is one of the main intellectual tools. Severe forms of pathologies of speech organization include dysarthria, alalia, anarthria, caused by speech disorders associated with organic damage to the central nervous system.

In domestic science, two classifications of speech disorders are used: clinical-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical. Speech disorders in children of primary school age are heterogeneous in terms of development mechanisms and can be observed in various forms of oral speech disorders. Common signs include a late onset of speech development, a poor vocabulary, agrammatisms, pronunciation defects, and phoneme formation defects. It is important to take into account the fact that at low speech activity the child’s general cognitive activity suffers. Speech with speech disorders is not a full-fledged means of communication, organization of behavior and individual development. In some cases, children with speech disorders develop pathological personality traits and neurotic character traits. When correcting speech disorders in children of primary school age, it is important:

Give students a motivational mindset;

Carry out sound pronunciation correction;

Develop phonemic analysis and synthesis;

Apply lexical and grammatical exercises;

Develop coherent speech, non-speech processes, fine motor skills, reflective analysis.

Classes with a teacher should be conducted on the basis of an individual and differentiated approach to fill gaps in the development of the sound side of speech.

In the process of correcting speech disorders, it is necessary to fill gaps in the development of vocabulary and grammatical structure of students’ speech, evidence, reasoning.

The basis of the teacher’s activities in correcting speech disorders in children of primary school age is the development of phonemic hearing and improving the pronunciation abilities of students; the teacher needs to carry out targeted work on developing phonemic hearing and improving the pronunciation abilities of students; the first stage is improving auditory perception, sense of rhythm, auditory-verbal memory;

the second stage is the development of phonemic perception and the formation of clear phonemic ideas;

the third stage is the formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills.

Correction of speech disorders in children of primary school age includes 6 areas of teacher activity:

Development of phonemic hearing, analysis and synthesis;

Differentiation of phonemes that have acoustic-articulatory similarities;

Differentiation of letters that have optical similarity, word composition;

Coordination, management, work with text;

Reading and retelling the text;

Writing stories.