Chihuahua education and care. Chihuahua dog - proper care and diet

Having bought a puppy, you should not rush to take it home. It's best to do this early in the morning. In this case, the animal will more easily endure transportation and separation from the rest of the litter and the mother. It is recommended to transport the puppy in a large basket or open bag. Those around you who want to pet the dog must be stopped politely but firmly, since a sudden change of environment combined with the intrusive attention of strangers can greatly frighten the puppy. Dogs also do not tolerate traveling on an airplane or train very well. Having brought your pet home, first of all you need to let it out of the bag, give it the opportunity to fulfill its natural needs and get used to its new home. Finding himself in an unfamiliar place, a frightened puppy will most likely try to climb into some dark place and sit there. You shouldn't stop him from doing this. After offering the dog food and drinking water, it would be wiser to leave the room it has chosen to give it the opportunity to sleep after a tiring journey.

If the purchased dog is to be transported in a car, you need to make sure that the animal is not fed the day before: almost 50% of dogs do not tolerate car travel well. A puppy that has eaten a heavy meal will definitely vomit.

Getting used to the new home

If an adult dog is purchased, it is better for the former owner to personally bring it to its new home, since it itself will never go with a stranger. If you bought a puppy, then upon arrival home, after the animal has rested, you need to pick it up and walk with it around the apartment. You should always call the puppy by the nickname that was given to him, avoiding the names “baby”, “honey”, “kutya”, etc.

On the bedding for a new pet, you should definitely put some object familiar to it from its previous habitat: a toy or a piece of blanket. A familiar smell will help the puppy quickly get used to the new place.

As soon as the new pet gets comfortable in the house, you should start teaching the rules of behavior in the apartment. The dog must understand which of its actions will be approved and which will cause censure from the owner. First of all, this concerns the discharge of natural needs in the apartment. Then you need to let her understand that it is not good to take food from the bowl and eat it on the carpet in the room, chew shoes, dirty furniture, etc.

The pet must have its own place

It is necessary to take into account that if the owner nevertheless decides to punish the puppy for certain offenses, then this should be done immediately after the puppy has done something wrong, otherwise the animal simply will not understand why he is being punished and will grow up embittered and disobedient.

Under no circumstances should you punish a puppy with your hand, leash, or collar - he will begin to be afraid of the owner and these objects.

Dog grooming equipment

Before you bring a pet into your home, you need to acquire the equipment necessary to maintain it. Chihuahuas do not require much care. It is enough to comb it daily with a brush and wash it 1-2 times a year when it gets dirty. These dogs are very clean and tidy. The wool should be brushed with a soft brush, after which you can go over it with velvet or cloth.

It is also necessary to regularly trim the dog's nails and clean the dog's ears of dirt.

Chihuahuas do not require much space. However, this dog prefers to have its own house where it can hide. You can buy a ready-made house at a pet store. It is enough to clean the house once a week.

The drinking water bowl must be placed next to the feeding bowl, kept clean and regularly filled with boiled water.

The dog's feeding bowl must be stable so that the pet cannot tip it over. Do not use cracked plates or bowls with nicks or unevenness on the bottom to feed your dog, as the dog may injure his tongue on them.

While feeding, your Chihuahua may dirty the floor. You can avoid this by placing a wooden board with a cut hole for the bottom under the bowl of food.

Chihuahuas are very playful. As toys, they like to use sinew bones and balls, which are made of plastic or durable rubber. To prevent your dog from swallowing toys, they should not be too small. It is unacceptable to use wooden or soft objects as toys. They are easy to chew, and pieces of rubber, foam rubber and wood that get into the animal’s intestines can cause harm to the dog’s health.

Chihuahuas are quite smart and unpretentious. They can go to the toilet on a newspaper placed by the owner anywhere in the apartment. Thus, there is no need to walk them to relieve their natural needs. However, Chihuahuas love to walk, so it is still advisable to take them outside.

When going for a walk with your pet, you should always take a leash with you. At any moment it may be necessary to put the animal on a leash to avoid an unpleasant incident. This applies even to those cases when the dog is well trained and trained to return to its owner at the first call.

The leash is made of durable leather. Its length can vary (from 1 to 2 m), and its width is usually 0.6-2.5 cm. At one end there is a loop into which, for convenience, you can stick your hand; at the other end, the leash is fastened to the harness. The harness should fit tightly around the animal's body without squeezing it. A tag with the dog owner's address is attached to the harness.

IN winter time Chihuahuas love to curl up under a blanket or rug next to their owner, pressing their little body against him. For walks, they happily dress in insulated overalls and blankets.

You should only put shoes on your dog if absolutely necessary.

Chihuahuas rarely get sick, but it is necessary to visit a veterinarian to have their baby teeth removed. The fact is that getting rid of puppy teeth is very problematic for this breed. If the teeth are not removed in time, the dog’s bite may deteriorate, and the teeth will grow crooked and very ugly.

Walking rules

Until the puppy has received its first vaccination, under no circumstances should it be allowed to run on the ground during a walk. The animal can relieve its natural needs either on the balcony or in the cat litter box. A small puppy gets tired quickly. If during a walk the owner notices that his dog is tired, he needs to pick him up.

Chihuahuas love to go for walks

Chihuahuas love to move. During a walk, you should give her the opportunity to run on flat ground or slides and jump, but if it is cold and damp outside, it is best to limit the dog’s walk to 10-15 minutes.

You should not allow your dog to bark at passers-by; you should also avoid walking near children's playgrounds.

Under no circumstances should you let your animal off a leash near the roadway. During a walk, the dog can be let off the leash only if it has firmly learned and quickly follows the owner’s commands.

Dog's place

A dog's place is an area designated for its rest. Place plays a very important role in the process of raising a puppy. You should not change it unless absolutely necessary, this will complicate the learning process. If the puppy is tired, but for some reason does not want to use his bed, you need to gently but persistently force him to lie down in his place.

As soon as the dog appears in the house, you should immediately begin practicing the “Place!” command. You need to bring the animal to its bed and, after patting it, say the word “Place!” several times.

You should not allow your dog to choose its own place to rest. Feeling that they are inferior to her, she will subsequently begin to neglect the prohibitions and will, at every opportunity, climb onto her favorite sofa.

A dog's place is its territory, where it feels safe. The Chihuahua's house should be located in a quiet place that is not exposed to drafts and located far from heating appliances. Usually this place is the far corner of the corridor or closet. Animals are not allowed in the bathroom or kitchen.

Instead of a house, you can make a bed from a wooden open box, in one of the sides of which you can cut a hole so that the puppy can climb inside. For the same purpose, you can use a large, stable basket with low walls. It is best to use an oval basket, which, unlike a round one, will save space. The bottom, as a rule, is covered with tightly fitted, smoothly planed boards and multi-layer bedding. In the absence of a basket or box, you can put a small rug on the floor, which is easy to clean and protects well from drafts. Sometimes beds are made from rag or straw mattresses covered with thick fabric.

Bed for Chihuahua


Caring for a Chihuahua's coat is very easy. It is recommended to brush your dog regularly and bathe it occasionally.

The detergent used to wash your dog should not dry out the skin. If there is no special zoo shampoo, you can use a regular one, but intended for dry hair and containing a rinse aid. You can also use baby shampoo without dyes or strong fragrances.

No matter how well your dog is groomed, tangles will still appear in his fur from time to time. They are especially common in the groin, under the arms and around the hocks. If immediately after bathing you treat these areas with cosmetic oil, the coat will become more elastic, the skin will become soft, and the likelihood of tangles will significantly decrease.

Combing wool is a regular procedure. Of course, little puppy The coat is very short and sparse, so many owners prefer not to waste time combing it. This position is largely erroneous and does not inspire approval among experienced dog breeders who know that a puppy’s coat needs daily care.

Chihuahuas do not require extensive grooming

You should not use a comb to groom small puppies, as its hard, sharp teeth can seriously injure the dog’s delicate skin. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire a set of hard and soft brushes designed specifically for caring for the coat of puppies.

Only when the dog reaches 3 months of age can the brushes be replaced with combs.

The dog must be groomed with a frequency determined by the rate at which it becomes fouled. Haircut can be full or partial (hygienic).

The fur around the anus is clipped solely for hygiene purposes. In this case, the tail is given a wedge shape, and the groin area is cleared of tangles.

In order to get a full haircut, the dog is taken to a special hairdressing salon for dogs or a specialist is invited to your home.

A hygienic haircut involves partial removal of hair on the paws, around the anus and ear holes.

When processing paws, the hair around the pads, between the toes and in a circle slightly above the claws is cut short so that when running and walking the coat does not come into contact with the ground. If the hair on the paws has not been trimmed for a long time, debris begins to stick to them, which, accumulating between the toes, can cause lameness. Moreover, a dog with paws overgrown with long hair looks extremely unkempt and loses the ability to move quickly.

Long hair around the ear canals irritates the skin of the ears. As a result, the animal begins to scratch its head and ears with its paws.

Dirt trapped in the ear canal is a major cause of ear disease, and scratches caused by claws almost always become inflamed, so the hair in these areas should also be trimmed regularly.

What's in the article:

Today will share with you how caring for a puppy differs from an adult dog and will advise you on what to do in unusual situations.

Basic care rules: Chihuahua puppy

Before bringing your pet home, you need to prepare various things in advance to care for it:

  • A cozy place to sleep and relax. This could be a bedding area or a house;
  • Feeding station with two bowls (for food and drinking water);
  • At first, you can purchase a playpen so you can leave your dog unattended;
  • Toilet;
  • Various toys;
  • Rubber brush and various coat care products.

Caring for a Chihuahua puppy is not difficult. During the first days of your pet's stay in the house, try to closely monitor him. This is necessary so that the dog can get used to its new home.

It's easy to toilet train your dog. It is enough to carefully observe your pet after feeding and sleeping. When the puppy starts to get nervous and look for a secluded place, take him to the litter box. Be sure to praise your little friend if he did well. When your puppy goes to the toilet in the wrong place, scold him. But this should be done immediately, so that he understands why you are so indignant.

Also need a puppy to pick up correctly: one hand on the chest and the other on the stomach. You should not put him on the bed with you, since he will not be able to jump off on his own. Any height, even the most insignificant in your opinion, for a puppy, can result in dislocations and fractures.

Caring for a Chihuahua is not that difficult, but you should always remember the risks of injury for a small, curious dog!

How to care for a Chihuahua dog

Let's consider the main points that should be given special attention:

Despite the fact that Chihuahuas seem small and defenseless, they have a very difficult character, so they need to be kept strict and trained daily. Do not forget about it. Otherwise, they will subjugate and keep in fear all the inhabitants of the house, including pets.

What to feed a chihuahua

Until the age of six months, the dog needs to be fed four to six times a day. After a year, this can be done two to three times a day. At first, the pet should be fed the same way as its previous owners or breeders fed it. Later you can switch to ready-made food or natural food.

The site will tell you what you can feed your Chihuahua and what products you need to make up your pet’s diet:

  • Beef, veal, chicken (without skin and fat);
  • Offal no more than once a week and only for adult dogs;
  • Various cereals;
  • Fermented milk products – low-fat;
  • Vegetables and fruits, both raw and after heat treatment;
  • Eggs, no more than once a month.

What cannot be given:

  • Pork or other fatty meat;
  • Smoked meats;
  • Sweets;
  • Fermentable foods: cabbage, beans, beans.

If you prefer to use finished products, then it is better to take premium or super premium food as a basis: ROYAL CANIN, EUKANUBA, PURINA, HillS, Pronature, PRO PLAN, PRO PAC, Nutro.

  • Get a “dog” first aid kit, it is simply necessary when there is a small, nimble friend in the house.
  • How to feed a Chihuahua puppy what if he has an intestinal disorder? Prepare and give this “medicine” to your pet: 5 drops of valerian and 1 drop of iodine per 50 grams of water.
  • If your pet is choking and coughing, which in most cases is normal for this breed when overexcited, then try to calm him down first. You can massage the bridge of your nose or open your mouth and press on the root of your tongue, this will relax you a little and open your throat.
  • During a strong fright, the dog may have a heart attack: it falls to the floor with its paws up and throws its head back. Don’t panic, you need to give an injection of cordiamine or sulfocamphocaine, and then rub and wrap your pet to warm and calm it down.

A well-groomed little friend will give you endless joy from communication and spending time together. Take care of yourself and your little friend.

Maria Bruslik - especially for - a site for those in love... with themselves!

Small dogs are considered the most convenient to keep in an apartment. They do not take up much space and will feel quite comfortable even in a one-room Khrushchev house. There is less hassle with them, and your miniature pet will not chew your sofa or laptop. So people are trying to buy a smaller dog for their apartment. Who is considered the smallest dog among us? – Of course, adorable chihuahuas! It is not surprising that the demand for puppies of this breed is quite high.

However, those who believe that a baby sneeze is akin to a living toy and there will be no problems with it at all are mistaken. Well, feed it, train it to the tray - and that’s it! Keeping a Chihuahua, of course, cannot be compared with caring for a Labrador or even a Shih Tzu, but there are also some exceptions to general rules Don't wait either.

Any dog ​​needs food and water, a secluded place to rest, attention and affection from the owner. Chihuahuas can also suffer from fleas and allergies, get distemper, or catch a tick in the park. And the pet’s small size requires owners to special attention and caution in handling.

Puppy in the apartment. And the things are intact, and the baby is safe

What is the main reason why people most often refuse to buy a dog? – The fear of one day not recognizing your own apartment! All these horror films about damaged furniture and torn wallpaper, and you just recently made repairs... But I also want a dog! A small sneeze seems so harmless. Well, what can he do?!

Are you scared? But forewarned is forearmed! You can avoid such incidents. Firstly, toys will always come to the rescue. Secondly, try to play more with the baby and give him enough attention. Well, everything that you absolutely want to protect from curious chihuahua teeth needs to be removed, and what cannot be removed must be wiped with a piece of fresh chili pepper.

Also remember that the size of the dog increases the risk of injury to the ward. And this applies doubly to puppies. Curious and nimble, they can fall from a height, drop something on themselves, and you need to take care in advance to secure your apartment to the maximum before the baby appears in it.

For the same reason, you should not play with your puppy on sofas and beds. Place him on chairs and tables. And also leave any electric wires and included electrical appliances.

How quickly will he be toilet trained?

The issue of cleanliness is another subject of headache for Chihuahua owners. But of course! Such an expensive laminate, and here there are puddles! We need to do something about this urgently! Moreover, it is written all around that dogs of this breed very quickly get used to the tray.

In fact, it all depends on you. If the problem of cleanliness is more than relevant, it means that even before the baby arrives in the apartment, find out exactly how and where he goes to the toilet from the breeder and at first let everything be exactly the same for you. Also, be sure to ask the seller for a piece of dirty diaper from the puppies’ toilet and put it in yours.

If the breeder kept the Chihuahua in an enclosure or the puppies lived in a small room, then toilet training him in a large apartment will be a little more difficult. He simply will not immediately find his way around such a large area and will not always immediately find the diaper or tray you offer. In this case, you will either have to limit his territory to one room for a while, or leave diapers (trays) in all rooms. Over time, you will gradually move all these “toilets” to one place convenient for you.

Don’t forget to also take your baby to the toilet after sleeping and feeding and always reward him if the dog has done everything correctly. But be prepared for the fact that, at best, you won’t be able to completely forget about puddles until your baby is four to five months old.

What do owners most often forget?

When giving preference to Chihuahuas, future owners are often guided by the idea that they will not need to constantly walk the dog. For example, in rain and frost, and you won’t just have to get up an hour earlier every day. No, of course, everyone is determined to walk their pet, if not every day, then every other day or always in good weather, but in practice this is very quickly forgotten. As a result, the dog spends most of its life within four walls.

Owners of sneezes do not always remember about proper nutrition. Especially when choosing a natural menu. And the dog’s very modest portion is to blame. Just 50-60 grams per day! You can also feed your dog meat and pamper it with treats! Naturally with the best intentions.

Meat is, of course, wonderful, but a purely protein diet is fraught with serious health problems for your pet. Therefore, never forget to give your sneeze seasonal vegetables, rice, oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt (kefir), fish, and sometimes the yolk of a chicken egg.

Keeping a Chihuahua also requires compliance with a number of hygiene rules, namely regular care of the dog’s coat, ears, eyes and teeth, as well as trimming its nails. And if everything is not so bad with the last point, then the owners of sneezes very quickly forget about the rest. Especially if the dog is not bothered by anything. But if you want your dog to continue to be fine, don’t be lazy and clean his ears once a week, if necessary, wipe his eyes with chamomile infusion, and comb your pet (even smooth-haired ones). And also look into his mouth. Perhaps tartar has formed there or the gums have become inflamed. Or maybe your sneeze has already lost its first tooth?

But you shouldn’t wash your dog with shampoo very often. Although many apartment owners do the exact opposite. But what if he sleeps in the owner’s bed! However, overuse of washing common reason skin problems, fragility and hair loss, as well as a decrease in the pet’s overall immunity.

As you can see, everything is not so complicated and the Chihuahua is really a very comfortable dog for an apartment. A little persistence in education, a little theoretical training, plus minimal adjustments to your usual lifestyle - sufficient conditions for the comfortable existence of the dog and its owner.

The first vaccination is given at the age of 2-2.5 months.
The second at the age of 3-3.3 months. (3 weeks after the first)
Next, revaccination after 1 year.
10 days before vaccination, the dog should be dewormed. It is given by “Drontal” - the product is sold in pet stores. (One tablet per 10 kg of dog weight)
There is a puppy in your house:
The puppy must have toys, but those that he cannot swallow or tear.
Remove all electrical cords and items that could be swallowed or damaged by him.
Until you have completed all your vaccinations, keep your puppy away from outdoor shoes.
If there are other animals in the house, do not leave them alone with the puppy until you are sure that they get along.
Do not leave him alone on a sofa or chair; if he falls, he may suffer a fracture or dislocation.
For the same reason, do not allow small children to handle the puppy.
It is strictly forbidden to pull rags, toys, or sticks from the puppy’s mouth; this can lead to deformation of the jaw.
Accustoming to cleanliness:
Place newspaper where your puppy will relieve himself. Watch the puppy carefully, as soon as he starts running in circles, pick him up and take him to the newspaper, if he does his business, praise him, you can give him a treat. If this happened in another place, soak a piece of newspaper in his urine and place it on the newspaper of the “toilet”, let him smell it, praise him. Gradually the puppy will get used to the place allocated to him. Under no circumstances should you poke his nose at your faults, don’t hit him, don’t yell at him, he’s still small and doesn’t understand everything (remember yourself at 2-3 years old, it probably wasn’t very easy with you either). And most importantly, remember that the dog has the most developed food instinct, therefore, with treats and affection, you can teach it everything basic. Rudeness only causes a response and misunderstanding of the owner by the dog.
From 3 months, accustom your puppy to a collar and leash. 2-3 weeks after the second vaccination you can go for a walk.
Buy your Chihuahua a “bed” sold at a pet store, Chihuahuas love to sleep in “beds”, although they love sleeping in their owner’s bed, under a blanket they love even more.
Caring for a Chihuahua is simple, brush it 1-2 times a week, wash it if it gets very dirty. After a walk, dirt from the paws and belly can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth. Many Chihuahuas are well trained to “walk” at home.
Wipe your ears as they become dirty.
Wipe away the discharge inside the eyes with a cotton swab.
Feeding a Chihuahua:
A puppy, like an adult dog, should always have clean and fresh water!
Products used for feeding:
Cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt.
Rice, buckwheat, rolled oats (not often), 4-grain cereal.
Stewed and boiled cabbage, carrots (can be given raw), zucchini, pumpkin.
Apples, apricots, peaches, grapes (in moderation).
Boiled and raw beef (low-fat varieties), boiled chicken. Sometimes you can give boiled heart or lung.
Low-fat boiled fish.
Dry dog ​​food.
When feeding your puppy dry food, he should always have water!
You cannot give:
Sausage, fat, spices, sweets
Under no circumstances should you feed fatty meat, pork (in any form), raw fish, or raw poultry.
Boiled, tubular, chicken, fish bones.
Food should be at room temperature, it should not be hot, cold or sour! 15 minutes after the puppy has eaten, remove the bowl.
Feeding rates depend individually on the puppy. If he has eaten his portion and licks the bowl thoroughly, then increase it next time. If there is food left and the puppy has a large, swollen belly, reduce the portion.
Puppy aged 1.5-3 months:
Feeding 4 times a day (If it is not possible to feed 4 times, then one feeding in the morning, the second after you arrive and the third before bed)
See products above. Meat at this age is given only boiled, finely chopped.
Puppy aged 3 – 5 months:
Feeding 3 times a day. We introduce raw, scalded with boiling water, finely chopped meat into the feeding. You can give small pieces of cheese as a reward. Reducing dairy products.
Puppy aged 5-9 months:
Feeding 2 times a day. We give raw meat.
Puppy from 9 months of age:
We feed 1 or 2 times.
Sometimes you can give raw bones, sugar.
The meat is served with boiled vegetables and cereals, all of which is sprinkled with a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

The Chihuahua is a sociable and affectionate dog breed. She needs a caring, loving owner who knows how to care for a Chihuahua.

Necessary accessories

A small pet may need:

  • a couch or a cozy, secluded house
  • two bowls: for water and food
  • toilet
  • toys – small and not very small so that the Chihuahua cannot swallow them
  • comb - brush, various hair care products

Caring for a Chihuahua is not difficult. With proper care, she will be healthy, cheerful and energetic. It is necessary to prepare the house for the arrival of the baby.


For a Chihuahua you need to purchase a bed or a house. So that he feels protected, and it is comfortable for him to sleep and just relax.
You need to choose a lounger made of durable material, a small basket or a cradle. For a more enclosed, cozy space, your pet will need a special house. The offered range of housing is very diverse; you can always choose a model that will suit your baby. A soft blanket or rug should be placed on the bottom.


Bowls for Chihuahuas should be selected according to the size of the baby. Small, preferably metal ones, they are easy to wash, and bacteria do not accumulate in them.


To prevent your furry friend from damaging the floor or covering, he is toilet trained. This could be a tray with low sides, in which it is better to put paper, it will attract the pet’s attention. If he goes to the toilet in the wrong place, he should be scolded.
The second option is the street. During walks, you should not keep your pet busy with games; first of all, he must take care of his business. He needs to be praised after every action, he will understand why he is taken outside. Walks should be 2-3 times a day, after each meal.


You should choose toys for your four-legged friend. Dogs of this breed love to play. For games, it is better to purchase squeaking toys that can be torn and chewed. So that she can take them in her mouth, but not swallow them.

Grooming products and accessories

Chihuahuas should be groomed regularly; they are very clean. Short-haired dogs are brushed 2 times a week, long-haired dogs 3 - 4 times. You can comb it with a comb or a soft brush, depending on the length of the coat.


It is better to wash your Chihuahua with dog shampoo. Shampoo should not be used on people. It causes dry skin, dandruff and eczema. After taking a bath, the baby is dried and dried with a hairdryer.
When washing, it is better to avoid getting water into your ears; you can close the ear canals with cotton wool swabs.
After vaccination, you should not bathe your dog for 7 days.
You can bathe a short-haired friend 3-4 times a year, if she is not dirty, and long-haired dogs once a month.


It is imperative to choose the right food so that the nutrition is complete. It should be specialized, not ordinary and random.
Proper feeding for a pet is 2 - 3 times a day. When they overeat, they quickly gain excess weight, which can have a negative impact on health. On the one hand, decorative breeds are not picky about feeding, on the other hand, they are prone to overeating.


Feeding a Chihuahua has its own characteristics; the diet must be carefully planned. It must contain: meat, offal, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. As well as dairy products, vitamins and minerals.
You cannot feed dogs of this breed food from the table, it is toxic for them.
The baby's nutrition should be complete and balanced.


Chihuahuas' baby teeth fall out naturally; a dental examination is required. If they do not fall out in time, the bite may deteriorate.
Babies' teeth are susceptible to tartar formation. Dental care involves brushing weekly with a special toothpaste to eliminate bad breath and prevent plaque from appearing on the teeth. To ensure that your pet doesn’t have problems with his teeth, it is recommended to visit the veterinarian every time, examine the dog’s mouth, and take care of his teeth. important point in keeping a Chihuahua.


The claws of dogs of this breed grow very quickly, it is recommended to trim them regularly with a nail clipper.

Ears and eyes

A Chihuahua's eyes may become watery and crusty. This is the norm. Remove by carefully washing the eyes with a cotton swab moistened with water, tea or a special lotion. You should wash your eyes carefully, without causing pain to your pet or his eyes.
If dark spots appear under the eyes and they do not go away, you need to purchase special gels, powder or crayons at the pet store.

These products will help discolor the hair under the eyes. They are cosmetic products and are not used to treat eye disease. Taking care of your eyes is not difficult - the main thing is to do it on time, then problems will definitely not arise.

Your pet's ears should be checked daily for dirt. Remove it with a cotton swab moistened with water or ear cleaning fluid. If there is an unpleasant odor coming from your ears, you should immediately consult a veterinarian, this may be a sign of illness.


The Chihuahua is an ancient, robust breed. It is simple and does not require expensive maintenance. With good, proper care, dogs of this breed rarely get sick.
The main thing is to know how to properly care for it, walk it on time, feed it, engage in training and leisure, and properly care for the coat.

If a pet gets sick, it is immediately shown to a veterinarian, who will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Babies must be vaccinated against possible diseases that can be avoided. Before vaccination, worms are expelled.

Smell from the mouth

Why does a Chihuahua's breath smell?
Many small dogs have an unpleasant odor. Bad breath may be a consequence of a disorder. To get rid of this problem, the baby’s teeth are brushed weekly, and various additives are added to food and drink during feeding.
Chihuahuas should be given treats containing chlorophyll, it will cleanse the digestive system and eliminate bad breath.
Add solid particles to the treat, they clean plaque, which is the cause of the odor.
You should mix anise, dill and parsley, mint oil, drops of echinacea, myrrh, and sage into your food; these additives will help neutralize bad breath.

Basic moments


The Chihuahua breed does not tolerate cold weather. When walking, they need to wear warm clothes. Heat can also harm them; sun exposure must be monitored at all times, otherwise they may suffer from heatstroke.
It is better to walk your pet on a harness rather than on a leash, due to the peculiarity of the body structure.

It is not recommended to keep Chihuahuas in families with small children. A child may accidentally injure a pet while playing. Babies have very thin bones that can break if they fall from the sofa onto a soft carpet.


Despite short stature and fragility, Chihuahuas have complex personalities. Education with them must be carried out daily and kept strictly. They have sufficient courage and can get into fights with dogs of other breeds.

Chihuahuas behave friendly in their family. The owner is chosen by the one who spends the most time with him.
Training and raising a Chihuahua is a long and lengthy process. You should devote time to this, every day, and train your pet to distinguish commands. The education process cannot be left to chance.

Chihuahuas are easy to train, quickly learn the lessons of education, and understand what is required of them. They must understand that their position is subordination, and the boss is the master. When the baby understands this, there will be no more problems with her. She will learn the lessons of education, become submissive and obedient.
If something goes wrong, you should find the reason. The entire training process should be based on the encouragement and reward that the pet receives for the correct action.

How to care for a Chihuahua - don't:
icon-angle-double-right leaving the Chihuahua unattended and in a closed car;
icon-angle-double-right allow her to bark often, you should scold her for barking for no reason;
icon-angle-double-right Allow your pet to pick up something from the ground during walks. He may poison himself, choke, or get an infection.
icon-angle-double-right The result may be bad breath or long-term treatment.

icon-arrow-circle-right always give your pet clean water, there should be enough of it in the bowl;
icon-arrow-circle-right feed your pet at the same time;
icon-arrow-circle-right the Chihuahua's house or bedding should be located away from drafts;
icon-arrow-circle-right if the baby is caught in the rain, she should be dried and warmed;
When feeding, offer your pet to chew on an apple, a carrot, a cracker, or a piece of unsalted dried fish.

First aid

If it does, it doesn't mean she has a cold. Coughing can occur as a result of overstimulation if she chokes on saliva. She should be calmed down and everything will pass.
Some dogs may snore while sleeping. This is a common occurrence for them.
For your pet, you need to have a first aid kit with medications in case of a minor illness.
Chihuahuas thrive in a small apartment with plenty of entertainment and toys. They pay attention to education and all the necessary conditions have been created for them. ( 2 votes, average: 5,00 out of 5)