All vitamins for pregnant women list. Vitamins for pregnant women by trimester

During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body - metabolism changes greatly, hormonal levels fluctuate, and the composition of the blood changes. A growing fetus receives nutrients from the mother’s body, so a woman’s need for vitamins and microelements increases by one and a half to two times. IN Lately The issue of vitamin deficiency in expectant mothers is quite acute, so doctors make every effort to ensure that preparation for pregnancy and taking the necessary medications begin at the planning stage.

Vitamin deficiency and consequences

Vitamins are needed not only for the proper development of the fetus, but also to maintain the health of the mother. Thus, a deficiency of any substance can lead to health problems in both the child and the pregnant woman. In the human body, vitamins play the role of enzymes, accelerating biochemical reactions. In addition, they take part in humoral regulation, performing the functions of certain hormones. Despite popular belief, vitamins do not serve as a source of energy and are not structural components of tissues. These compounds are important only for ensuring proper metabolism, on which the functioning of all internal organs and systems depends.

Pregnant women have been found to be deficient in at least three vitamins. This can lead to improper formation of internal organs in the fetus or health problems in the mother due to excessive withdrawal of substances from her body. The most common deficiencies are B vitamins, carotenoids and ascorbic acid.

Vitamins enter the human body with food, but it is believed that food cannot fully provide the required daily requirement. This is especially true for women during pregnancy. This leads to the need to take additional vitamins, particularly in the form of medications.

Particularly dangerous during pregnancy are conditions in which there is a deficiency of vitamin D, B6, and folic acid, as they can lead to irreversible consequences in the formation of the nervous system or bone skeleton of the child.

Vitamin deficiency in the first trimester is dangerous due to disturbances in the formation of the nervous system, as well as the development of fetal defects and even intrauterine death. It is during this period that the formation of all organs and tissues occurs, as well as important cell differentiation. In the second and third trimester, vitamin deficiency is less dangerous, but can lead to problems in the cardiovascular, endocrine or digestive systems.

The role of vitamins in fetal formation

  • Pyridoxine (B6). Together with other vitamins that belong to group B, pyridoxine takes part in nerve impulses. This vitamin is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the harmonious development of the child’s brain. In addition, amino acids are produced from pyridoxine and proteins are synthesized - the main structural component of the human body.
  • Folic acid (B9). Necessary for cell renewal processes, as well as for the proper formation of the fetal nervous system. With a lack of folic acid, neural tube defects, pathologies of placental tissue can occur, and the likelihood of premature termination of pregnancy also increases.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin). Necessary for the proper development of a fertilized egg. Vitamin deficiency can lead to miscarriage. Cyanocobalamin is also a coenzyme in many biochemical reactions, in particular the oxidation of proteins and fats, as well as the synthesis of amino acids.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). One of the most important vitamins for the fetus, pregnant woman, as well as ordinary person. Participates in the processes of tissue respiration, protects tissues from free radicals, strengthens the placenta. Necessary to prevent miscarriage and normal development of the fertilized egg. Prescribed to all women during pregnancy planning, as well as in the first trimester. Vitamin E deficiency can also lead to vision problems and hemolytic anemia. It is not recommended to exceed the dosage of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin A (retinol) provides antioxidant protection and is a structural component of cell membranes. Its deficiency leads to abnormal development of the fetus, as well as problems with the baby’s vision after birth.
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Necessary for the synthesis of collagen fibers, which are part of the structure of bones, cartilage and blood vessels. Vitamin C is known for its immunostimulating properties, as well as its ability to neutralize toxins. Vitamin deficiency increases the risk of infection viral infections and negative consequences for the baby.

The role of vitamins for a pregnant woman

  • Pyridoxine. The vitamin is involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency leads to anemia, convulsive syndrome, development early toxicosis, irritability, insomnia.
  • Folic acid. Necessary for stable functioning of the nervous system. If there is a deficiency, a woman may experience loss of appetite, increased fatigue and irritability.
  • Vitamin B 12. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and various biochemical reactions. Lack of vitamin leads to the development of special types of anemia, which negatively affect the condition of the bone marrow and nervous system.
  • Vitamin E. Takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, acts as an antioxidant. With a deficiency, muscle pain, weakness, and spontaneous abortion are possible.
  • Vitamin A. It is recommended to take the vitamin's precursor, beta-carotene, to minimize the likelihood of overdose. Vitamin A itself takes part in many biochemical processes in the body, and with its deficiency, vision problems develop, immune defense decreases, and the condition of the epithelium worsens.
  • Vitamin C. Reduces the fragility of blood vessels, prevents varicose veins, which often occurs in pregnant women. Improves resistance to infections, accelerates tissue repair due to participation in collagen synthesis. With a lack of ascorbic acid, bruising, stretch marks, and frequent colds occur.

To prevent deficiency of most of the most important vitamins, it is recommended to take complex vitamin preparations during pregnancy. They adjusted not only the qualitative, but also the quantitative composition, taking into account the special position of women.

Vitamin-rich foods

You can maintain the health of a pregnant woman and the harmonious intrauterine development of the fetus with the help of proper nutrition. It should be varied and include the main food groups (meat, cereals, vegetables, dairy, etc.) so that the woman receives all the necessary vitamins and microelements. Foods that are sources of vitamins are listed in the table below:

Vitamins according to pregnancy

The need for different vitamins varies depending on the duration of pregnancy and the processes that occur in the body.

In the first trimester, the main emphasis should be on the consumption of folic acid, vitamin E and ascorbic acid. During this period, the formation of the nervous system and the formation of internal organs occur, and the woman’s immunity decreases due to hormonal changes. These vitamins will ensure the full development of the embryo and prevent pathologies of the brain, vision and hearing. It is recommended to supplement vitamins during this period with microelements - iodine and zinc.

In the second trimester, there is a greater need for substances that will give the mother energy and the baby structural material for growth. It is recommended to take vitamins A, C, E, as well as vitamin D. Additionally, the need for vital microelements - iron, zinc, iodine - increases.

Prenatal vitamins

Almost all expectant mothers are interested in what vitamins to take during pregnancy. Pharmacies sell a range of vitamin supplements especially for the ladies interesting position. But which one should you buy and is it necessary? There is no agreement among doctors on this issue. There is an opinion that during the period of bearing a child, especially if it occurs in the spring-winter period of the year, the mother’s immunity is weak, foods contain few vitamins, and therefore taking supplements is mandatory. Proponents of evidence-based medicine claim that it is not necessary to take complex vitamins during pregnancy. And additionally, all expectant mothers only need to take 2 medications (microelements). This folic acid and potassium iodide.

Folic acid. Necessary for the development of the child’s circulatory and immune systems. A lack of this vitamin can lead to pathologies of the neural tube in a child, that is, to the birth of a disabled child. Folic acid is found in small quantities in citrus fruits, legumes, bread, yeast, herbs, etc. But even when consuming these foods, many people are deficient in this microelement. In this case, the vitamin is absorbed much better from tablets, that is, synthetically created. That is why women are recommended to start taking vitamins when planning pregnancy and continue taking them during the first two trimesters. It should also be noted that anticonvulsants and antimalarials can interfere with the absorption of folic acid. A woman is recommended to take 0.4 mg of the vitamin per day. If a woman has diabetes or epilepsy, the dosage should be increased by 2.5 times - that is, up to 1 g. If a woman has already carried/gave birth to children with neural tube defects, the recommended dose is 10 times higher - 4 grams per day.

Potassium iodide- this is the “iodomarin” familiar to our ears. A trace element necessary for good functioning of the thyroid gland. For preventive purposes, it should be taken by expectant mothers at a dosage of 200 mcg per day. It is recommended to take throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Another microelement that may be necessary during pregnancy is iron. It is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia, when hemoglobin in the blood is below normal precisely because of the lack of this microelement. This condition is dangerous for both the mother and the child, who in such a situation often suffers from hypoxia - lack of oxygen. Iron can be obtained from foods. Meat products, dried legumes, as well as any food cooked in cast iron cookware are rich in it (if you don’t cook in it, it’s not too late to start, because it’s very healthy).

These are the main vitamins for pregnant women, the deficiency of which can actually occur. Below we list all the vitamins and microelements necessary for women’s and children’s bodies, the approximate amount of them recommended during pregnancy, and what foods contain them.


Vitamin A. 1.5 mg per day. Overdoses can occur when taking a synthetic analogue of this vitamin, and this is dangerous, as it can lead to developmental defects in the fetus. To avoid a deficiency of this vitamin in the body, you should introduce the following foods into your diet (part of them is possible): green and yellow vegetables and fruits (peas, carrots, herbs, pumpkin, apples, apricots, tomatoes, sea buckthorn, etc.), fish fat, caviar, beef liver, egg yolk, fermented milk products.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Daily dose - 1.5 mg. Its deficiency occurs extremely rarely, since our everyday foods are rich in thiamine. Only tea and coffee can interfere with the absorption of thiamine from habitual foods. With a deficiency of vitamin B1, in severe cases, paralysis of the limbs, muscle atrophy, and disorders of the digestive and cardiovascular systems can occur. In case of an overdose of the vitamin (it can only occur with numerous injections of the vitamin), anaphylactic shock is possible. Thiamine is found in white bread, beans, cabbage, potatoes, milk, spinach and many other foods. Thanks to thiamine, the digestive, nervous systems and heart work smoothly.

Vitamin B2 (riboflamin). The norm during pregnancy is 1.6 mg per day. This vitamin has a direct effect on the thyroid gland and beauty. Vitamin deficiency leads to hair loss and thinning, and splitting of nails. With a deficiency of vitamin B2, a woman may experience photophobia and severe pain in the legs. Seborrheic dermatitis, neurological diseases, cataracts, etc. are exacerbated. Animal livers, yeast, mushrooms, many varieties of cabbage, buckwheat, and milk contain this vitamin. An excess of vitamin B2 is not as dangerous as an overdose of vitamin A. The excess is quickly excreted in the urine.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). The recommended intake during pregnancy is 2.2 mg. Pyridoxine is a kind of accelerator of the metabolism of amino acids and fats, improves brain functions. Vitamin deficiency manifests itself in disorders of the central nervous system: convulsions, dizziness, fainting. Pyridoxine is contained in many foods, for example, walnuts, hazelnuts, carrots, strawberries, liver, fish, legumes, cereals, etc. The absorption of the vitamin decreases when smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Vitamin B12. During pregnancy, the body's daily need for it is 2.2 mcg per day. Deficiency of this vitamin (symptom - tingling and numbness of the fingers, neurological disorders) occurs extremely rarely, only in strict vegetarians (they need additional intake of the vitamin in tablets) who do not consume animal products at all. When B12 is deficient, certain types of anemia can occur. To avoid vitamin B12 deficiency, eat meat, liver and kidneys are especially recommended.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Take 60 mg daily. Ascorbic acid deficiency is rare. All vegetables and fruits contain ascorbic acid, but in different concentrations. Highest concentration vitamin C in cherries, rose hips, red bell peppers, parsley, black currants, sea buckthorn. Not so long ago, it was believed that vitamin C strengthens the immune system, and taking it additionally during a cold helps to heal quickly. However, this version has not been confirmed by research.

Vitamin D The recommended dosage for expectant mothers is 400 IU per day. If a person experiences a long-term deficiency of this vitamin, he is more susceptible to cancer and osteoporosis. Hypervitaminosis occurs rarely and is caused by the simultaneous intake of large doses of calcium along with a calcium-fortified diet. Vitamin D is produced by exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Therefore, a deficiency of this vitamin rarely occurs in the warm season. Useful advice- be in the fresh air, in the shade before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m. It's enough. From food you should eat fatty fish in small quantities, butter, cheese, dairy and fermented milk products, mushrooms. Vitamin D deficiency is a problem for all vegetarians. They need additional vitamin intake during pregnancy.

Vitamin E The norm during pregnancy is 10 mg per day. Previously, it was believed that its deficiency provokes miscarriage, premature birth and preeclampsia. But studies have not confirmed this. But there is information that if it is deficient, a newborn may have hemolytic anemia - premature destruction of red blood cells, a rare pathology. Vitamin E is found in animal proteins and fats.

Vitamin K The norm during pregnancy is 65 mg per day. Vitamin deficiency may cause bleeding. And an excess can lead to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Vitamin K is found in green leafy vegetables: different types cabbage, spinach. And also in cereals, milk, eggs, olive oil, meat. And in some fruits such as banana, kiwi, avocado.

Vitamin PP. Niacin (nicotinic acid). The norm during pregnancy is 17 mcg per day. The vitamin helps fight bad cholesterol and has deintoxication properties. Deficiency occurs due to illness gastrointestinal tract, sudden weight loss, prolonged stress, cancer, thyroid dysfunction. This vitamin is found in fish, nuts, and poultry.


Calcium. Its norm for a pregnant woman is 1000 mg per day. Deficiency rarely occurs with adequate nutrition, and supplemental vitamin intake is recommended only in extreme cases. Calcium plays a big role in the formation and strengthening of the child’s skeletal system, mainly in the third trimester of pregnancy. There is a connection between calcium and vitamin D. A lack of the latter negatively affects the absorption of calcium. Calcium, contrary to popular belief, is found not only in dairy and fermented milk products, but also in most vegetables and fruits; there is a lot of it in cheese (including feta cheese), sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds. But there is little in legumes, bread, beets, carrots. Calcium deficiency can manifest itself, for example, in the deterioration of teeth during pregnancy, if they are properly cared for.

Sodium. Its deficiency can only occur with strict diets, fasting, vomiting, and diarrhea. With prolonged sodium deficiency, a woman may experience seizures and other neurological disorders. Salt contains sodium. But despite this, you should not consume a lot of salt. Adding salt to food should be kept to a minimum, since salt is present in almost all foods on our table.

Phosphorus. The recommended norm for all categories of women is 1000 mg per day. It is well replenished with familiar foods. Phosphorus poisoning is much more dangerous. Phosphorus is found in vegetables, fruits, herbs, and animal products (part of their proteins).

Zinc. The norm for pregnant women is 15 mg per day. Zinc deficiency can occur with additional intake of copper and (or) iron supplements. Zinc is very important in the first trimester of pregnancy, as it is a direct participant in protein metabolism and nucleic acids. We get zinc from bread, fruits, vegetables, honey, beef liver, some types of fish and many other products. The highest zinc content is recorded in oysters.

During pregnancy, the female body is forced to supply useful elements to both itself and the embryo developing in the womb. To maintain health and normalize the functioning of body structures during the difficult months of pregnancy, women are advised to take pharmaceutical vitamins designed specifically for pregnant women. It is extremely important to eat well and enrich the body when the construction of embryonic organs and systems occurs. Many women suffer from toxicosis in the first months of pregnancy and often experience vomiting, due to which they do not receive enough nutrients from food. As a result, a deficiency of many vitamins and minerals develops, leading to miscarriage.

Is it necessary to take pharmacy vitamins during pregnancy?

Medical experts disagree on whether or not patients need to take vitamin supplements during pregnancy. Typically, gynecologists recommend to patients not complex medications, but specific vitamins and mineral elements that are deficient in the pregnant body. And vitamin-mineral complexes are prescribed in special cases when the patient cannot provide herself with a nutritious diet, leads an unhealthy lifestyle, has bad habits, as a result of which he faces hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency.

But young mothers should remember that an excess of vitamins is just as harmful as a deficiency. Therefore, you should not take multivitamins without consulting your doctor.

Pharmacy vitamins are prescribed to women:

  • unable to provide themselves with adequate nutrition;
  • previously suffered a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy;
  • who gave birth to a disabled child;
  • over 30 years old;
  • having hypovitaminosis or mineral deficiency.

Only a gynecologist can prescribe vitamin and mineral preparations. Vitamin complexes are usually recommended in winter. During the summer months, when you can buy inexpensive fruits, vegetables and berries, pregnant women do not need to drink synthetic vitamins.

What vitamins are important in the 1st trimester?

Immediately after conception, the need for useful substances ah for the female body increases significantly. But many gynecologists do not prescribe pharmaceutical drugs to patients in the first trimester; they believe that good nutrition and a calm lifestyle are enough. It is better to drink vitamin complexes after the 12th week of gestation, when the reserves in the female body are already depleted nutrients, and the growing embryo requires more and more nutrition.

The first trimester is the time when the female body should be sufficiently provided with folic acid, tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid and iodine. These substances have the following positive effects on maternal and fetal organisms:

  • folic acid (B 9) prevents abnormalities in the development of the nervous system and other serious defects in the embryo;
  • retinol (A) ensures the complete formation of nerve fibers; without vitamin A, the formation of visual organs and skeletal tissues is impossible;
  • tocopherol (E) prevents miscarriages, participates in the formation of placental tissues;
  • ascorbic acid (C) strengthens the mother’s immune system, helps the mother’s body resist infectious agents, thereby reducing the likelihood of miscarriage;
  • Iodine is necessary for the full formation of nerve structures and endocrine glands.

What vitamins are important in the 2nd trimester?

From the 12th week, the embryo begins to actively develop, the most important organs and systems for life are built. In order for the baby’s body structures to form correctly, during the 2nd trimester one cannot do without iron, iodine, and calcium.

  1. Iron. Reduces the risk of anemia, which is a common problem in pregnant women. The trace element is part of the structure of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood throughout the mother’s body and supplies it to the child.
  2. Iodine. It is also necessary for early stages, and in the middle months of gestation. Significant for the construction of skeletal tissues of the embryo. With iodine deficiency, the mother's metabolism is disrupted, obesity appears, and the child after birth has problems with mental development.
  3. Calcium. Participates in the construction of bone tissue, the renal system and endocrine glands of the unborn child.

What vitamins are important in the 3rd trimester?

The last months of pregnancy are the most difficult for the mother. The baby moves and pushes in the womb, the round belly causes discomfort, makes it difficult to move during the day and sleep in a comfortable position at night. An actively developing fetus requires sufficient quantities of beneficial compounds, especially ascorbic acid, calciferol and magnesium.

  1. Ascorbic acid (C). Ensures proper functioning of the immune system, weakened during pregnancy. It is especially important to take vitamin C for women whose last months of pregnancy occur during seasonal viral diseases.
  2. Calciferol (D). Prevents rickets in children and ensures proper construction of skeletal tissues. You can get the vitamin not only from food; the substance is synthesized in the skin under the influence of solar radiation. Therefore, if the third trimester occurs in the summer, then the young mother is recommended to take walks on sunny days, but not at noon, but in the evening or morning, when the sun’s rays do not harm the skin.
  3. Magnesium. This macronutrient prevents premature labor.

List of vitamin preparations for pregnant women

Today, pharmacies sell a large number of vitamin and mineral preparations for young mothers. It can be difficult for pregnant women to choose the optimal remedy from the complexes offered by pharmacists.

To make your choice easier, the table below provides a list of names and prices of the most popular and high-quality drugs, divided by trimester.

name of the drug


average cost, rubles


Lady's Formula Prenatal Optima

second trimester

Vitrum Prenatal




Solgar Prenatal Nutrients

Bellybar Prenatal Chewable Vitamins

third trimester

Complivit Trimester 3

Multi-tabs Perinatal

Great Britain

Great Britain

Pharmaton Matruel


The above drugs, according to medical experts, are the best and safest pharmaceutical sources of beneficial elements for expectant mothers. But each complex contains an individual amount of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, before using a specific drug, you should consult with your supervising physician.

The best vitamin complexes for the first trimester

From the first weeks of bearing a child, the mother’s body needs a certain amount of useful substances, especially microelements. Useful elements strengthen the immune system, help the female body prepare for upcoming changes, and prevent the risk of spontaneous abortion. Vitamin complexes for the 1st trimester are produced in such a way as to have a positive effect on the formation of the placenta and the formation of embryonic tissues.

Below are the names and descriptions of the best vitamin supplements for women going through their first trimester.

  1. Elevit Pronatal. This drug is most often prescribed to patients in the 1st trimester. The great advantage of German capsules is their high content of folic acid (0.8 mg). The composition also contains optimal quantities of retinol, tocopherol, compounds B 3 and B 5, biotin, iron, zinc and other trace elements. You should drink one capsule per day. The drug ensures the correct formation of the embryo in the womb and reduces the risk of miscarriage. The only negative is that the capsules are expensive.
  2. Femibion ​​1. This drug is deservedly in second place in the ranking. The ingredients are formulated to provide maximum benefit to the mother's body up to 12 weeks of gestation. A complex with iodine and nine vitamins ensures the correct formation of embryonic structures, reduces the manifestations of toxicosis, and improves a woman’s well-being. An important component is metafolin, an easily digestible analogue of folic acid. Take 1 tablet per day. Based on numerous advice from gynecologists, patients buy the Austrian drug.
  3. Mom is complimentary. Regular budget vitamins of domestic production, suitable for both pregnant women from the first months of gestation and breastfeeding mothers. Especially recommended for patients with overactive thyroid gland. The tablets are produced containing all the substances important for the body in the 1st trimester, but without iodine. The tablets contain ascorbic acid, tocopherol, retinol, vitamin B9, calcium, and zinc in optimal concentrations. The vitamins are small and therefore easy to swallow. The disadvantages of the drug are the lack of iodine and side effects: allergic reactions, diarrhea, worsening toxicosis.
  4. Lady's Formula Prenatal Optima. High-quality American vitamins recommended during the period of preparation for conception and in the first months of pregnancy. The drug is characterized by a well-selected composition, including iodine. But it does not contain calcium. The active components not only tone the mother’s body, normalize emotional condition, but also have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair structure and nail plates. The downside is the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

The best vitamin complexes for the second trimester

In the second trimester, the active formation of vital organismal structures of the unborn child occurs. The embryo develops muscle fibers, bone tissue, and many internal systems. During this period, young mothers need to take vitamin preparations for the proper development of placental and embryonic tissues, to improve their own well-being.

The highest quality and most popular pharmacy complexes are listed below.

  1. Vitrum Prenatal. This vitamin complex is designed to compensate for the lack of beneficial compounds during pregnancy. The drug is universal, suitable for use throughout the entire pregnancy period, but is most often prescribed in the second trimester. This is due to the fact that the composition contains iodine, magnesium and iron - substances that you should definitely drink until 27 - 29 weeks. Folic acid, biotin, calcium, manganese and other useful elements enhance the protective abilities of the maternal body, normalize the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, and ensure the full formation of embryonic organs and systems. 1 capsule per day is indicated. The downside is that the capsules have a specific smell, so they can cause nausea.
  2. Femibion ​​2. This Austrian vitamin preparation is very popular and is constantly included in the list of doctors’ recommendations for patients experiencing the 2nd trimester. The complex is sold in capsules and contains the ideal set of useful components for this stage of pregnancy. The composition contains iodine, metafolin, group B compounds. All substances are collected taking into account the optimal daily dose required for wellness mother and proper development of the embryo. You can take the drug in both the second and third trimesters. The capsules are quite expensive, and this is their only drawback.
  3. Pregnavit. Good German vitamins with folic acid, tocopherol, retinol, iron, vitamin C. Iron and folic acid are in optimal concentration, preventing the development of anemia. There is no iodine. Disadvantages - the presence of synthetic additives, the possibility of developing allergies, excessive gas formation and other side effects.
  4. Centrum Materna. A high-quality complex in which useful elements are ideally combined, including iodine. The active components are not only beneficial for the child, but also improve the condition of the mother’s hair, skin and nails. The downside is the high cost.
  5. Solgar Prenatal Nutrients. An American complex that perfectly combines quality and price. The composition contains all the necessary natural ingredients in optimal concentration. According to the instructions, 4 tablets are taken per day. Disadvantages: large, difficult to swallow tablets, high cost.
  6. Bellybar Prenatal Chewable Vitamins. American chewable vitamins recommended for women who cannot swallow pills due to a gag reflex. The composition contains folic acid and beta-carotene in optimal quantities, but does not contain iodine and some other trace elements.
  7. Lonopan. Russian vitamins, including vitamins, minerals, plant extracts. In the morning you should drink 2 green tablets with iron and iodine, in the evening – 4 white tablets with calcium. The dragee has a pleasant taste. Minus - one package is designed for only 2 weeks of use.

The best vitamin complexes for the third trimester

In the third trimester, you should start taking medications that normalize the physical and emotional state of the mother, preparing the body for the upcoming birth.

Listed below are good vitamin complexes for expectant mothers, suitable for the 3rd trimester.

  1. Alphabet Mom's health. A tablet drug that helps you get through the last months of pregnancy more easily. Inexpensive tablets are produced taking into account the compatibility of the active substances. The white tablet is based on calcium and vitamin D, the yellow tablet is based on antioxidants, with selenium, magnesium, zinc and other minerals, the orange tablet is based on vitamin B 9, iron and organic acids.
  2. Complivit Trimester 3. Cheap domestic vitamins, characterized by a balanced composition. The drug, which has a rich mineral set, improves physical state mother in the last months of pregnancy, relieves swelling, reduces pain in the joints. 1 tablet per day is indicated. The tablets have a sweetish taste.
  3. Multi-tabs Perinatal. A good vitamin complex, suitable for both pregnant and breastfeeding women. The concentration of ascorbic acid, iron, magnesium is low, and iodine is absent. The course lasts 2 months. The drug can give side effects in the form of an allergic skin rash, disruption of the digestive tract, aggravation of toxicosis.
  4. Emfetal. A good tablet complex that includes everything important components. The tablets are small and easy to swallow. The course is designed for a month. The tablets are taken 2 times a day, morning and evening. Side effects include allergies and nausea.
  5. Pregnakea. English drug for pregnant and lactating women breast milk mothers. Contains 11 vitamins, 5 mineral elements, optimally selected for the woman’s body in the last months of pregnancy and after childbirth. The composition does not include calcium, as it does not allow iron to be absorbed. Therefore, calcium supplements must be taken separately at other times of the day. Side effects are nausea and allergic reaction.
  6. Pharmaton Matruel. The drug includes 11 vitamins, 8 minerals, omega-3 fatty acids. The components are optimally selected for women preparing for motherhood or already breastfeeding. The capsules have a chocolate flavor. 1 capsule per day is indicated.
  7. Falvit Mama. Polish vitamins for pregnant and lactating women. The composition contains all the substances that help a woman endure the last months of pregnancy without complications. An additional component is cranberry extract. 1 tablet per day is indicated.

Vitamin standards for pregnant women

A pregnant woman's daily intake of vitamins should remain within normal limits. The optimal dosage per day is:

  • retinol (A) – 0.8 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) – 10 mg;
  • calciferol (D) – 0.01 mg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) – 70 mg;
  • thiamine (B 1) – 1.5 mg;
  • riboflavin (B 2) – 1.6 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) – 2.2 mg;
  • folic acid (B 9) – 0.4 mg.

All vitamins can be consumed both from food and from pharmaceutical preparations. But during pregnancy, folic acid must be taken in tablets, even if the diet is complete.

Prices, reviews, composition of vitamins for expectant mothers

Women preparing to become mothers need to monitor their diet very carefully and choose the right vitamins. You need to take care in advance to strengthen your immunity. Unfortunately, modern technologies manufacturing and processing of products leave almost no chance of getting all the necessary elements from food, even when organizing proper nutrition during pregnancy. This problem can be solved with the help of vitamin supplements.

It is impossible to definitely name a specific brand of vitamins. The best vitamin complexes are preparations intended directly for expectant mothers, where the content of microelements is maximally balanced taking into account the needs of a pregnant woman. In the previous article, we described the composition and daily intake of vitamins for pregnant women. This time we have prepared a comparative analysis for you vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies.

Rating of the most popular vitamins

  • Elevit Pronatal
    • Pros: suitable for the first trimester, does not cause allergies and nausea, is often prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage, one of the most modern vitamin complexes for pregnant women;
    • Cons: quite expensive, does not contain iodine, large tablet size;
    • Cost: a package of “Elevit Pronatal” of 30 capsules will cost you around 500-600 rubles, and for a package of 100 capsules, expect to pay 1300-1500 rubles.
  • Alphabet “Mom’s Health”
    • Pros: inexpensive, microelements are grouped according to mutual compatibility, tablets are small and easy to swallow;
    • Cons: these vitamins must be taken in divided doses 3 times a day, so there is a risk of forgetting to take one of the servings;
    • Cost: one package “Alphabet Mom’s Health” contains 60 tablets and costs on average from 300 to 400 rubles.
  • “Vitrum Prenatal Forte”
    • Pros: in addition to vitamins, it contains minerals - iodine, including;
    • Cons: Due to the high iron content, dosage must be carefully monitored;
    • Cost: a pack of Vitrum Prenatal of 30 tablets will cost 350-450 rubles, a pack of 100 tablets can be purchased from 850 to 1100 rubles.
  • “Sana-Sol for pregnant and lactating women”
    • Pros: contains all the necessary microelements, which are grouped according to mutual compatibility;
    • Cons: due to the fact that these vitamins must be taken in divided doses 2 times a day, there is a risk of forgetting to take one of the servings;
    • The cost of a package of “Sana-Sol for pregnant women” of 60 tablets is about 500-600 rubles.
  • “Complivit Mama”
    • Pros: cheap, contains microelements;
    • Cons: possible side effects, a large number of negative reviews;
    • Cost: one package of “Complivit Mama” will cost only 100-200 rubles.

We hope that after reading the article, you yourself will be able to answer the question of which vitamins are better and choose the ideal vitamin complex for yourself.

Features of the second trimester

In the second trimester of pregnancy (from 13 to 26 weeks), the most active growth of the baby occurs. All the internal organs of the child are already formed, he is gaining weight well, which will not slow down the impact on the woman’s figure. Due to significant progress in fetal development, a woman may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

From the point of view of pregnancy, the 2nd trimester is considered the safest. However, the body needs an increased amount of nutrients, it's time to reconsider your diet.

The most essential vitamins and substances

What vitamins do you take in the second trimester?

Name Benefits for the woman’s body and fetus
Vitamin E Necessary for the normal formation and maintenance of placenta activity. Participates in the normalization of metabolism, reduces the risk of premature birth. It also improves the condition of the skin and hair, and helps avoid stretch marks on a growing tummy.
Vitamin C Necessary for strengthening the immune system of the expectant mother. Reduces vascular permeability, reduces the load on veins and capillaries. Plays a special role in nutrition smoking women, since in this case the risk of infection in the fetus increases.
B vitamins B1 (thiamine) improves the absorption of carbohydrates, reduces the manifestations of late toxicosis, and helps avoid hypotension. B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for the formation of blood cells, it is good prevention anemia. Lack of B2 in the fetus can cause growth retardation. B3 (niacin) in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy helps fight insomnia and improves amino acid metabolism. B6 (pyridoxine) is involved in the synthesis of fetal growth hormone and reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. B9 – folic acid in the second trimester normalizes the activity of the nervous system and is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. B12 (cyanocobalamin) stimulates metabolism, normalizes the growth and development of the fetus.
Vitamin D In the second trimester of pregnancy, it is needed for the absorption of calcium and is involved in the formation of the skeleton and cardiovascular system of the fetus. Also reduces the risk of rickets in newborns.
Calcium Pregnant women need this mineral, because from the 12th week accelerated growth of the fetus begins. Calcium is needed for the normal development of the baby’s musculoskeletal system. If a woman lacks calcium, her teeth can decay, bone fragility increases, and osteoporosis progresses.
Iodine It is better to take during the 1st and 2nd trimester. This element is involved in the formation of the baby’s skeleton and affects his mental development. For an expectant mother, iodine is good because it reduces the risk of obesity and normalizes metabolism.
Iron You should also take iron supplements during pregnancy. This element is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin, proteins, and the prevention of anemia. Iron deficiency can cause uterine tone and premature birth.

Drug rating

Which prenatal vitamins are best to take in the 2nd trimester:

Drug name Reception features and main components
Complement for 2nd trimester The composition includes vitamins A, B, C, D, rutin, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iodine, lipoic acid and other substances. Available in tablet form. Take 1 tablet per day after meals.
Alphabet Mom's health The composition includes 13 vitamins and 11 minerals (calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, iodine, zinc and others). The daily dose is three tablets of different colors. They contain optimally balanced substances that combine with each other. There should be 4-5 hours between taking each tablet. Drink during meals.
Vitrum prenatal Contains vitamin A, B, C, D, calcium, iron, zinc. A significant drawback is that it does not contain iodine, it will need to be taken separately. Drink 1 piece per day after meals.
Multi-tabs Prenatal Vitamins for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester. The composition includes vitamins A, B, C, D, calcium, iodine, iron and other minerals. Take 1 tablet once daily with meals.
Femibion ​​Natal Care Inexpensive and good vitamins. The drug contains vitamin A, C, E, PP, B vitamins. The composition includes iodine, biotin, iron. Take 1 tablet daily with meals.
Elevit Pronatal A complex of vitamins for pregnant women, it includes 12 vitamins, 8 micro- and macroelements, biotin, and plant extracts. You need to take 1 tablet per day 15 minutes after meals.

Food Sources of Vitamins

List of natural sources of vitamins and minerals:

  • E (tocopherol). Contained in vegetable oils(olive, corn, sunflower, sea buckthorn, flaxseed). Vitamin E is also found in greens, tomatoes, nuts, dried fruits, legumes, and cereals. It is found in small quantities in meat, offal and milk.
  • C (ascorbic acid). The main sources of vitamin C are: citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn, sweet peppers, cabbage, carrots, lettuce.
  • D (calciferol). Contained in fish oil, cod liver, sardines, salmon, herring. Vitamin D can also be obtained from dairy products and eggs.
  • B vitamins. Most are found in products of animal origin - meat, offal, dairy products. Also sources of vitamin B are cereals, green vegetables, and legumes.
  • Calcium. To obtain calcium, pregnant women should include eggs, dairy products, and all types of cabbage in their diet.
  • Iodine. Significant amounts of iodine are found in seafood, dried figs, seaweed, iodized salt. It must be borne in mind that heat treatment destroys iodine.
  • Iron. IN large quantities iron is found in meat products, cream, sour cream, protein chicken eggs. Its sources are also apples, pomegranates, persimmons and other fruits.

Reception features

Important features of taking vitamins:

  • In the 2nd trimester, the expectant mother should receive at least 100-200IU of vitamin E. An overdose of tocopherol is dangerous. This is a fat-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in the body. High doses of drugs can cause allergic reactions and oxygen starvation in the fetus. The first symptoms: headache, nausea, pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • The norm for vitamin C is 90-100 mg. With an excess of ascorbic acid, a pregnant woman may feel fatigue, nausea, frequent headache. High doses may worsen diabetes or cause kidney stones. The excess has almost no effect on the baby, since the placenta carefully filters out the excess.
  • Vitamin D should be consumed in a dosage of 400-600 IU. It is synthesized when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet light. Hypervitaminosis can be accompanied by cramps, joint pain, and dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). In case of an overdose, insoluble calcium salts can be deposited in a woman’s body, the concentration of urea in the blood increases, and blood pressure rises.
  • Iodine during pregnancy should be consumed 150 mcg. Iodine is quite toxic and can cause miscarriage or thyrotoxic crisis. Main symptoms: thirst, cough, tachycardia, enlarged thyroid gland, dizziness.
  • Calcium should be taken 800-1000 mg per day. An overdose can cause calcification of the placenta.
  • The optimal dose of iron is 30-60 mg. If you have anemia, your doctor may prescribe additional medications. During pregnancy, an overdose of iron can provoke premature birth, increased blood pressure, and preeclampsia. Obvious signs of overdose: glandular taste in the mouth, nausea, lack of coordination.
  • An overdose of B vitamins is rarely recorded, since they are water-soluble and are easily excreted from the body in the urine. However, you should not abuse the drugs.

It is necessary to take vitamins in the second trimester of pregnancy as prescribed by your doctor. Best time reception – first half of the day. You need to drink them with clean water. You should not take pills on an empty stomach. Be sure to follow the prescribed dosage.

Only a doctor can determine whether there is a need for pharmaceutical vitamins and dietary supplements based on the tests performed. You can take vitamins only in the specified dosage, following the manufacturer’s instructions. The drugs are especially indicated in the following cases:

  • If a woman is malnourished or suffers from severe toxicosis.
  • If you have previously had diseases associated with a lack of vitamins or minerals (for example, anemia).
  • If there is a history of interrupted pregnancy or pathologies in fetal development.
  • Under unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions.

Multivitamins for pregnant women should be taken wisely, since hypervitaminosis can negatively affect the development of the fetus and worsen the well-being of the expectant mother.

If nausea, dizziness, skin rashes and other unpleasant symptoms occur while taking vitamin preparations, you should stop taking vitamins and consult a specialist.