Anastasia Strizhenova is the daughter of Ekaterina Strizhenova. The eldest daughter of the Strizhenovs celebrates a linen wedding with her family in Turkey

This is a wonderful and very popular actress of both theater and cinema, and also a TV presenter of the Good Morning program on Channel One. For many years now, she has been giving the viewer positive emotions, both with her roles and with the help of the morning program.

Beautiful girl was able to achieve heights with the help of her talent and, of course, the desire to succeed. Only luck and more new roles await her ahead. She already has 47 successful roles in films and constant work in the theater, where she reveals herself not only as an actress, but also as a person.

Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Strizhenova

The actress was born on March 20, 1968, which means this moment she is 49 years old. With a height of 168, she weighs only 53 kg, which allows her to have very feminine and most importantly graceful forms.

A beautiful actress always exudes calmness and confidence, even looking at her photos you can see in her eyes a strong core and self-confidence. Height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Strizhenova, this request will not cease to interest her audience and true fans.

Biography of Ekaterina Strizhenova

A girl was born in Moscow. From childhood, theatrical talents and a creative personality were noticeable in her. The maiden name of the actress is Tokman. In addition to her, the family also has an older sister. When the girls were only 8 years old, their father died. It was a terrible loss for the family, but thanks to a strong moral mother, they still had a happy childhood. Mom never lost heart, she was the real sun of this family and, of course, did everything for her children.

From childhood, talents for creativity were visible in Catherine, so at the age of six, her mother gave her to the famous Kalinka ensemble, which in the future will bring the girl real creative education and success. In the ensemble they were always kept in strictness, they even monitored who and how much gained extra pounds over the holidays. From that moment on, Katya monitors her weight very much, not allowing herself to overeat sweets. This is how children's upbringing allows a girl to be in great shape even now. Together with the ensemble, she visited many cities, they performed not only on ordinary stages, but even on television.

The biography of Ekaterina Strizhenova shows us that a talented person is talented in everything. At first, she danced beautifully during her childhood, and from the age of 16 she became an actress. Although she could be seen on television from the age of five, since she has taken part in various children's programs since childhood. The girl played the 9th grader Tanya Kornilova in the melodrama "Leader" by Boris Durov. The main male role was played by the future and only husband of Catherine.

Higher education the girl received in Moscow, namely, she studied in the direction of the director. But even during her studies, Catherine took part in the filming and has already become a well-known and beloved actress by the public. Ekaterina discovered her talent since childhood and it is worth saying thank you very much her mother, for not losing heart after the death of her father and giving the girls a happy childhood, after which they were able to achieve real heights.

Personal life of Ekaterina Strizhenova

As you already know, Ekaterina met her future husband on the set of the film, during her film debut. The actors were constantly together, the shooting made them very close and they fell in love. A year later, after filming, the couple got married. In an acting career, it is rare to find such spontaneous marriages and, moreover, such happy ones. And a year after the marriage, the actress gave birth to her first daughter, Nastya.

The personal life of Ekaterina Strizhenova is truly happy. Their strong marriage has been going on for many years and, of course, the actors are not going to disperse. As Catherine herself says, of course, they also have quarrels, misunderstandings and other worldly moments, but the main thing is love. They love each other very much, so all adversity just passes by this couple.

Family of Ekaterina Strizhenova

A happy family Ekaterina Strizhenova consists of 4 people. loving husband, Catherine herself and two beautiful daughters: Nastya and Alexander. The first daughter was born when the parents were still very young, but they gave birth to the second daughter just at the turn of the century. Ekaterina says that it was intentional, and she wanted this for a long time.

But, however, initially they wanted the second child to be a boy, but the birth of a daughter did not upset the young parents in any way and they are proud of their daughters. This family is the strongest of all Russian cinema. For many years they are together and just continue to move on, holding hands. They set an example for many Russians, showing what love really should be.

Children of Ekaterina Strizhenova

The children of Ekaterina Strizhenova live no less interesting and good childhood than their mother. They are surrounded by the care and love of both parents. And they also have the opportunity to fulfill all their dreams, because caring parents always try to follow and fulfill the desires of their children.

Another interesting moment in the life of this family was the birth of a second daughter, when Father Alexander wanted to be present at the birth and even showed masculinity. The medical staff thought that he, like all fathers, would faint from what he saw, but it wasn’t there, because Alexander held firm and, after birth, was the first to take the baby in his arms.

Daughter of Ekaterina Strizhenova - Anastasia Strizhenova

The eldest daughter was born when Catherine was only 18 years old, but at the same time, the young mother was exemplary and from the very birth the baby took care of her on her own. The daughter of Ekaterina Strizhenova, Anastasia Strizhenova, recently received a diploma from an art school student, and now she is studying at the Institute of Advertising.

She did not follow in the footsteps of her parents, and perhaps this is only for the better, because fame and constant work on the set takes a lot of time and nerves. But at the same time, it is worth noting that Nastya is a very smart girl and success is clearly ahead of her.

Daughter of Ekaterina Strizhenova - Alexander Strizhenova

The youngest daughter of Ekaterina Strizhenova, Alexandra Strizhenova, was born at the turn of the century, as planned by her parents. And they named her, as is already clear, in honor of her father. Sasha has been an athlete for a long time. She did gymnastics with Irina Viner at the Olympic Reserve School. But still, on the advice of her parents, she decided to abandon big-time sports and no one knows what the girl will do next.

But playing sports gave her a strong character and, of course, a royal posture, which is so important for every girl. In any case, Sasha also did not follow in the footsteps of her parents and she still has a whole, interesting life ahead of her.

Husband of Ekaterina Strizhenova - Alexander Strizhenov

At the moment, the husband of Ekaterina Strizhenova, Alexander Strizhenov, is also a famous Russian actor, but still in more he pays attention to the profession of director and screenwriter. He was born into a family of famous actors and decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents.

It is generally accepted that he made his acting debut in the same film as his wife, but he still appeared in small scenes on television before. He has already participated in more than 20 successful films. And he also became a screenwriter for 2 successful films and a director for five equally successful ones.

As already mentioned, after participating in the ensemble, the girl had a hardened mind about her appearance, and she always followed her weight and appearance. Therefore, even at 49, she is in great shape and she does not need any plastic surgeons, her photos in underwear appeared on the Internet, and you can see her figure.

True photos of Ekaterina Strizhenova before and after plastic surgery cannot be found, because the actress never turned to plastic surgery for help.

Many can envy her appearance, because at 49 not everyone can look so beautiful. But in order to have such an appearance, it is necessary to take care of yourself from childhood, starting from adolescence, you should start playing sports and preferably choose healthy food. Sports and proper nutrition should become your way of life, then at 50 you will look beautiful and younger than your years. Although, it is worth noting that not so long ago, information appeared on the network that the actress had recovered and the request:

began to appear on the network more and more often. But we, as her fans, know that if this happened, then not for long, maybe just the winter holidays went too well.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Strizhenova

Her life is filled with many interesting projects and events that you can follow on the actress's Instagram. She uploads only the brightest and funniest photos there. Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Strizhenova will allow fans to get to know their idol better and, of course, see his life “from the inside”.

The actress, as expected, even has a personal website where you have the opportunity to find out her biography, filmography and upcoming projects. Ekaterina does not hide her life and gives fans the opportunity to enjoy new information about her everyday life.

Well-known TV presenter, mother of two daughters, wife of director and producer Alexander Strizhenov and just very beautiful woman told why she is against civil marriages, how she managed to organize a dream wedding for her eldest daughter, and why she started doing charity work.

- Ekaterina, do you have a trusting relationship with your daughters?

“I like to think that my daughters are quite frank with me. At least they know I'm good at keeping secrets. I have never been a dictatorial parent, but at the same time, when necessary, I can ask in all severity. Nastya is already an adult, lives separately, but still enjoys spending holidays with us. I think that says a lot, because as kids grow up, they often withdraw and want to spend time with their friends, not their parents.

- What was strictly forbidden for girls in your family and for what they could be punished?

- At home, especially at the table, we are forbidden to be with gadgets. We turn everything off, otherwise it turns out that our communication is depreciated. It means that it is more important for you to let unfamiliar people know what you live and what you think about than to devote more time to relatives and friends.

- Ekaterina, what difficulties did you encounter at the birth of your daughters?

- When our first daughter was born, Sasha and I were very young students. But what a joy it was! Our parents helped us, so we were able to pass the exams and graduate from the institute. But at that time there were no diapers yet and every day you had to wash, boil and iron a sea of ​​diapers. I breastfed Nastya for up to a year, and Sasha bathed her daughter and walked with her. He is a very touching father - our real support, our leader! At that time, there was a fashion: a man works, writes, for example, a dissertation, and a woman “in exile”, raises a child in some dacha near Moscow, and in rare moments free from a career, he visits them. So, at least, many of my girlfriends lived. But Sasha and I tried to be together and when we wanted to go somewhere or go, we just put Nastya in a basket and took it with us. Years passed, Nastya first asked for a dog, then a cat, a bird, then she began to dream of a brother or sister. And when the eldest daughter was 12 years old, the youngest, Alexandra, was born. Many of my colleagues considered the birth of a child at this stage of their career a disastrous step, but I continued to breastfeed and went to work. When my daughter was 2 months old, of course, I had to give up new roles and tours in favor of the family, but these are some minor episodes compared to the happiness of motherhood.

- What is the relationship between Anastasia and Alexandra now? Do they manage to maintain a close relationship, despite the difference in age and the fact that they live in different countries?

- They have a very warm relationship, they constantly communicate via Skype and phone. Nastya now lives in New York. But we try to celebrate holidays and important events together, and we ourselves often go to her place.

- Ekaterina, when and how did you find out that your eldest daughter had a serious relationship with a young man?

- Nastya and Petya met when for the first time in our lives we flew to rest without Sasha's dad in Tenerife. I let my daughter go to a disco at a nearby hotel, where Peter and his parents were resting. There Nastya and Petya met, then for some time they talked, called up. And for the first time we saw Peter only 2 years later, when he called for his daughter to our house in new year's eve to take Nastya to her friends.

- Ekaterina, you are categorically against civil marriages, which you talk about both in an interview and in the “They and Us” program, which you host with Alexander Gordon. If Anastasia decided to live in a civil marriage with Peter, how would you react?

We discussed this because everyone modern people live together. And Nastya, being abroad, can do anything. But I was just telling her: “Nastya, if you start living together now, then why get married?” Our girls often do not waste time and quickly come with their young men with a toothbrush in their purse. But Nastya has another model before her eyes - our marriage with Sasha. Hence the responsibility to choose your other half. They dated for 5 years before getting married. Let's see how everything goes - life will show. No one is immune from parting, but now they are happy! Whenever possible, we fly to visit Nastya and Peter. And I see that they are family.

- How did the future son-in-law ask for the hand of your daughter?

- He asked for the hands of our daughter very modern way Skype (laughs).

- Winning the favor of the bride's parents is a difficult test for the groom. Did your son-in-law succeed immediately or did he have to win your favor?

- When I first saw Petya, everything immediately became clear to me - he is so similar to Sasha in his youth! And Sasha did not take this relationship seriously until the children got engaged. It was probably difficult for him to realize that Anastasia had already grown up. I told him: “After all, you don’t want your daughter to be attached to us all her life?” Peter is a very independent person, he received an excellent education and is building a career. But the main thing is that he loves Nastya very much. And we are glad that, despite the fact that the daughter is so far from home, she is in good hands. Although we miss her very much.

Victoria Andreyanova, sister of Ekaterina Strizhenova, and Peter, husband of Ekaterina Strizhenova's daughter
Photo source:

- Ekaterina, you were preparing for the wedding. What was the most difficult and what difficulties did you have to face?

- It was very troublesome - we spent six months preparing. But at the same time, they themselves received great pleasure, trying to give the children an incredible memorable holiday. We coordinated every step with them - I even had to fly to New York to choose fabric samples for the wedding dress with Nastya. By the way, my sister, fashion designer Victoria Andreyanova, sewed it. And when we were choosing a cake, I traveled all over Moscow and tried all possible fillings. I get better just by looking at sweets, so can you imagine what a sacrifice it was? (laughs). I had to give up filming in an interesting film project, take a vacation a week before the wedding in order to devote myself entirely to preparation. But it was all joyful and very pleasant chores and one of the main events in life for me and Sasha. And the main award was the words of Anastasia and Peter - "It was the wedding of our dreams!"

- Ekaterina, are you already discussing future motherhood with Nastya, giving some advice, somehow preparing for a future role as a certified psychologist?

- As a certified psychologist, I can see some points that need to be corrected, in my opinion. But as loving mother I refrain from unsolicited advice.

- Ekaterina, as for your youngest daughter, what will Alexandra do during the holidays? How will you spend this summer?

- Alexandra is now engaged in "Todes". She has a period of active training, recently there was a big concert. June 6 was my dad's birthday, and this event became the main event of June. Soon Alexandra will go to New York to visit Anastasia, and then to a sports camp. She was already in this camp last year, it's a wonderful place. The Internet is turned off there, and all gadgets are taken from children. Everything is done so that the child communicates, and does not sit at the computer in in social networks. Children perform various tasks, they are engaged. Last year I saw Sasha, like a squirrel, jumping from one tree to another, rafting, playing tennis. All geared towards sports, socializing and learning in English. When Alexandra returns to Moscow, if everything goes well, she will go to Orlyonok, to the special detachment of Todes. As a child, I myself was in both Artek and Orlyonok, and these were my best memories, when you can make not virtual friends, but real ones, express yourself, enjoy communication. On August 10, we will have grandfather's anniversary, and on this day Sasha will be in Moscow. For the most important family celebrations, we always try to gather with the whole family.

As it turned out, Sasha baptized the son of her older sister Anastasia. Now a 17-year-old girl can call herself the baby's godmother.


The christening became known after Sasha posted a photo of the baby and very touchingly signed the picture. “My little nephew, my first godson, my great love,” the girl said (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved hereinafter - ed.).

The photo shows the boy sleeping in a portable crib. Unlike many stars of domestic show business, the Strizhenovs do not hide the face of the child. The picture perfectly shows the tiny nose and the covered eye of the crumbs, but it is still difficult to say who the boy looks like.

Recall that in April 2018, the eldest daughter of Catherine and Alexander Strizhenov Anastasia became a mother. She gave birth to a boy. Nastya decided not to be smart with the name and named the baby in honor of her husband Petya. “Mom and Dad, thank you for giving me such an incredible life. And yes, happiness loves silence, but I want to scream about love today,” Strizhenova wrote on the social network after giving birth.

Ekaterina Strizhenova once bore the surname Tokman, but as soon as she was 18 years old, she changed it to Strizhenov.

Ekaterina and Alexander met when they were 14 years old, this happened fateful meeting on the set of the film "Leader" in 1984. Unless one of the witnesses of these nascent feelings could imagine what a strong union this childish love would develop into.

Alexander Strizhenov in those days was a rare handsome man: tall, blue-eyed, slender blond, he played one of the main roles in the film "Leader", a guy who held the lead in the class until the arrival of the new one. But Katya got the role of a Komsomol organizer, a girl who was seriously carried away by a newcomer, her heroine Tanya began to follow him like a ponytail. A love triangle formed. Only the newcomer does not seem to care about the Komsomol leader Tanya, he is passionate about deciphering the ancient language of one of the American tribes destroyed by the conquistadors.

Ekaterina, at that time not even Strizhenova, but Tokman, was just beginning to blossom. But even then, her breasts were more than the third size. Alexander Strizhenov fell for Katya, but then he did not know what a rare beauty his chosen one would become. Only a couple of years passed, and by the time of his marriage, Katyusha had turned from a wild, shy deer into a luxurious, sexy, alluring, graceful doe woman. From the age of 14 until the age of his bride, Alexander Strizhenov stubbornly asked for the hand of Catherine from her mother (the girl's father died when she was 6 years old). A serious guy, most young men just need to swear and leave the girls, and Alexander Strizhenov is a specific guy, he doesn’t throw words into the wind, and despite the fact that he grew up in a famous family, he could major and burn to the fullest. At the time of this writing, namely in 2018, Ekaterina and Alexander Strizhenov turned 50 years old, they have been married for 32 years. The Strizhenovs had two daughters. Anastasia was born a year after the wedding, and Alexandra is 12 years younger than her older sister. Everything happened in the family of Catherine and Alexander Strizhenov, but in spite of everything, it is clear to the naked eye how much they love each other. Alexander himself admits that each time he discovers his wife anew. Either she will stand on skates and win a standing ovation from sophisticated spectators and the highest scores from the jury, then she will begin to sing, then she will skillfully play a new role. Alexander looks and every time he thinks about how lucky he is with his wife!

In this photo, the parents of Ekaterina Strizhenova, as you can see, our heroine looks more like her father.

And such Ekaterina Strizhenova was in her youth.

In this photo, the Strizhenovs with their youngest daughter Alexandra.

In this photo, young Alexander Strizhenov.

In this photo, Ekaterina Strizhenova with her older sister Victoria Andreyanova, who is a talented designer, many of the outfits worn by Katyusha were created by her.

With younger daughter Alexandra Strizhenova.

In the photo, Ekaterina Strizhenova with her beloved husband.

In these photos, the Strizhenovs with their eldest daughter Anastasia.

Ekaterina Strizhenova with her daughters Alexandra and Anastasia.

The youngest daughter of the Strizhenovs is very similar to her grandmother Lyubov Strizhenova (her father's mother).

In the photo, Soviet actress Lyubov Strizhenova is the mother of Alexander Strizhenov. In 2008, tired of the worldly bustle, she went to the monastery.

In the photo, the Stizhenov couple with their youngest daughter Sashenka, as well as with Oleg Strizhenov, a famous Soviet actor, father of Alexander Strizhenov. Also in the photo you can see the third wife of Oleg Strizhenov - Leonella Pyrieva, she is not Alexander's mother.

Ekaterina Strizhenova in her youth.

Do you know what the youngest daughter of the Strizhenovs does? Whom did their eldest heiress marry? If not, then we recommend reading the article from beginning to end.

Parents love story

Alexander Strizhenov Tokman (maiden name) met in 1984 on the set of the film "Leader". At first they annoyed each other. But soon they developed a mutual sympathy. At that time, Katya was 16 years old, and Sasha was 17. Young lovers spent a lot of time together, made plans for the future.

In 1987, Catherine and Alexander got married. Shortly before this, the couple got married in one of the churches near Moscow - Intercession Holy Mother of God.

The eldest daughter of the Strizhenovs

In April 1988, the famous TV presenter and her husband became parents for the first time. Their charming daughter, who was named Anastasia, was born.

The girl has always been surrounded by care and attention from stellar parents. They tried to provide her with the best: beautiful clothes, expensive toys, and so on.

After graduating from high school, Anastasia went first to the USA, then to the UK. The girl received a prestigious education. Parents are proud of her success and believe in the bright future of their blood.


In 2008, in New York, Anastasia met a handsome guy, Peter Gerashchenko. They both studied in this city. A young man, who is 2 years older than his chosen one, beautifully looked after her. The couple walked through local parks, visited cafes and took a lot of pictures. Soon Nastya introduced her lover to her family. Catherine and Alexander liked the guy very much.

In 2011, Petr Gerashchenko received a diploma of graduation from the university. From now on, he could consider himself a professional financier. The guy quickly found a well-paid job. After that, Petya proposed to his beloved. Our heroine agreed. Her parents didn't mind either. But they had one condition - the wedding would take place when Nastya finished his studies. The girl went to the UK for an internship. There she spent almost 1.5 years. Several times a month, Anastasia flew to New York to visit her fiancé. And in the spring of 2013, she was awarded the long-awaited diploma. The couple then began preparing for the wedding.


The celebration was decided to be held in Moscow. The bride flew to the Russian capital a month before the wedding, and the groom - 3 days before. Each of them was worried about how everything would go. But the parents of the young did not let their children down.

On August 9, 2013, the daughter's wedding took place. First, Nastya and Peter got married in the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, located near the city of Odintsovo near Moscow. They took a few photos for memory and launched white doves into the sky. All this looked very touching.

Next, the couple drove a snow-white Rolls-Royce car to a restaurant on the lake in the Moscow region, where numerous guests were already waiting for them. Especially for Nastya and Petya, a marriage was held. The lovers settled down under a snow-white arch decorated with flowers. After they uttered the secret word "yes" and exchanged rings, all the guests began to congratulate them. The newlyweds were showered with rose petals. All this took place against the backdrop of operatic music.

The girl had two dresses (for wedding and official painting). These outfits were created by designer Victoria Andreyanova, and part-time Nastya's own aunt (mother's sister).

Now the young couple live in New York. They fly to Russia only on holidays.

Information about the youngest daughter

In 2000, Ekaterina and Alexander became parents for the second time. They have long dreamed of a son. But a girl was born again. She was named in honor of the pope - Alexandra.

From the age of 3, the youngest daughter of the Strizhenovs attended the rhythmic gymnastics section. Her coach was the famous Irina Viner. The girl also studied dancing in the ballet "Todes". In their early years Sasha managed to try herself as an actress. She starred in two films of her father - "Love-carrot" (2007) and "Yulenka" (2009). She also appeared in the film directed by Z. Roizman “Everyone has their own war” (2010).

In October 2016, the Strizhenovs' daughter, Alexandra, made her debut as a model. She became one of the participants in the Bella Potemkina brand show, organized as part of Moscow Fashion Week.

A 15-year-old girl walked the runway in a fluffy snow-white dress. Massive earrings and a black belt successfully complemented the outfit. Sasha confidently kept on the podium. Her gait was well practiced. Of course, the girl was worried, but she did not show it. She wanted to make the best impression on the people gathered in the hall. And she succeeded.


Now you know what Alexandra Strizhenova (daughter of Ekaterina Strizhenova) does. She has a good chance of building a successful career in the modeling industry. The eldest daughter of a famous couple, Anastasia, is happily married. Alexander and Catherine are looking forward to when she gives them grandchildren. We wish this wonderful family financial well-being and creative prosperity!