How old is Dmitry Maryanov. Dmitry Maryanov: cause of death, biography, personal life (photo)

He was only 47 years old. It is known that the artist became ill when he returned home from the dacha: Maryanov lost consciousness, and his friends called an ambulance. They canceled the call four minutes later, saying that they would take the actor to the nearest hospital on their own. However, the artist died on the way to the hospital. According to preliminary data, a blood clot broke off from him.

Dmitry Maryanov left a widow - a psychologist Ksenia Bik, who is 17 years younger than her husband, and a little daughter Anfisa. Since Maryanov did not like to talk about his personal life, few people knew about Ksenia, with whom the actor began an affair seven years ago. Many considered little Anfisa to be Bik's daughter from her first marriage, and only recently it became known that Dmitry was the biological father of the girl. Now Anfisa, judging by media reports, lives with her grandmother.

Dmitry Maryanov with his family

Note that Anfisa is not the only child of Dmitry Maryanov. The personal life of the actor, although he did not like to advertise it, was quite stormy. Dmitry Maryanov built his first serious relationship in his student years. Together with an actress Tatyana Skorokhodova he lived for three years in a hostel, but never entered into an official marriage. The second civil wife of Dmitry was a model Olga Anosova. From this relationship, the actor had a son Daniel. Shortly after the birth of their son, the couple broke up. The actor dated for several years Evgenia Khirivskaya-Brik And Olga Silaenkova. On the set of the Ice Age project, Maryanov met the famous figure skater, Olympic champion Irina Lobacheva. They also lived together for several years, but broke up without any stamps in the passport.

Not everyone could cope with Maryanov's love of life and his habits. The actor loved extreme sports and gatherings with friends, which not many of his chosen ones were willing to endure. “Unfortunately, not all friends pass the test of time, envy, women. By the way, I can't stand it when a woman says: I don't want these people to come here. How many times have I heard this dialogue: "That's it, I'm tired of these booze parties." - “Wait, dear, this is my life, my friends! ..” - the actor said in an interview.

Dmitry Maryanov and Irina Lobacheva

Thus, despite several serious novels in the life of Dmitry Maryanov, the only official wife of the artist was a psychologist Ksenia Bik. Maryanov and Bik met for several years and got married on September 2, 2015. The actor at that time managed to pass for an inveterate bachelor: at the time of his marriage he was already 45 years old. All that is known about Xenia is that she is 17 years younger than Dmitry and comes from Kharkov. Nevertheless, surrounded by the actor, they said that the couple was happy, and Dmitry was even more lucky than Ksenia. “I think that in this pair, not Ksenia, but Dima is more fortunate. Yes, the famous actor took a simple girl from Kharkov, but she cherishes and cherishes him, and this is a real gift of fate. It remains to be seen how Dima could have ruined his life if this excellent psychologist had not been around, ”said director Oleg Fesenko.

Dmitry Maryanov and Ksenia Bik

Dmitry Maryanov was an actor who treated the profession with all responsibility, and to himself - with a fair amount of self-irony. He accepted all the gifts and hardships of fate with a smile, and that is why many still cannot believe that the actor is no more. Maryanov's death was sudden - the artist had unfinished projects, the fate of which is still unknown. We decided to recall the most iconic roles that Dmitry Maryanov will remember the audience.

Kind and honest Alik Raduga in the film "Above the Rainbow"

In 1986, Dmitry Maryanov, who was still a schoolboy, had the chance to play a major role in two projects at once. The painting was the first Valeria Fedosova « Was was not", And literally a few months later the film "Above the Rainbow" was released. In the Soviet musical fairy tale based on the story Sergei Abramov the young actor played Alik Rainbow - a hardworking and honest boy with an excellent imagination, a true friend. It was for this role that Dmitry Maryanov was remembered and loved by several generations of viewers. According to the plot, the hero of Maryanov frees the Siren from captivity by the power of his imagination, and she, in gratitude, fulfills one of his wishes. Now Alik is the best high jumper - he goes to school competitions. But after Alik lied, taking the guilt of his girlfriend, he lost his magical gift. However, he did not give up and nevertheless won the competition, having achieved victory through hard work.

Dmitry Maryanov in the film "Above the Rainbow"

Tenth-grader Pasha in the film "Dear Elena Sergeevna"

The role of Pasha in Eldar Ryazanov's psychological drama "Dear Elena Sergeevna" Dmitry Maryanov played when he was 19 years old. The picture is an adaptation of the play Lyudmila Razumovskaya and tells of the lost youth of the 80s. Ryazanov shot his film at the time of the easing of censorship, but even then the film shocked the audience with its plausibility and cruelty. In the story, four teenagers show up at their school teacher's apartment under the pretext that they want to wish her a happy birthday. In fact, they are trying to get the key from the teacher to the safe where the exam papers are in order to correct the mistakes in them and enter the university. At first glance, spoiled and cruel teenagers appear before the audience, but each of them has his own line, which conscience does not allow to cross. Pasha is one of the last to surrender: and although the teenager normally perceives the pogrom in the teacher's house, there comes a moment when he realizes what meanness his friends are capable of. But Pasha is unable to prevent some things - he is locked on the roof.

Lovelace Vadim in "Love" by Valery Todorovsky

Colonel Nikolai Savelyev in the mini-series "Cordon of Investigator Savelyev"

In 2012, Dmitry Maryanov again played a representative of law enforcement agencies. In the drama mini-series Cordon Investigator Savelyev"He got the role of a colonel of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, who is about to retire in order to resolve the accumulated personal and family problems, but the boss artificially delays the signing of the report. Saveliev leaves for his small homeland - in the provincial town of Stepanovsk. Here, on the forest cordon named after him, far from noisy Moscow, Savelyev hopes to comprehend his life, but reflection is continually interrupted by the need to unravel the numerous cases regularly thrown up by his superiors, acquaintances and friends.

Dmitry Maryanov

Businessman Mark Shakhin in "The Game of Truth" - a film based on the play in which Dmitry Maryanov played

" Playing the truth" - a picture shot by Viktor Shamirov - most accurately and vividly shows the theatrical work of Dmitry Maryanov. The tape was staged based on the play "Independent Theater Project", in which the artist played. The plot unfolds during the gatherings of three former classmates who once again gathered in the apartment for memories and strong drinks (they are played by Dmitry Maryanov, Gosha Kutsenko and Konstantin Yushkevich). At some point, the student love of all three characters appears in the picture - the businessman Mark, the car dealer Gennady and the unsuccessful physicist Anatoly. One caveat: Maya has been in a wheelchair for the past five years. The only way not to quarrel is to play the truth. But innocent questions minute by minute reveal the ins and outs of the distant past, because of the details of which friends start a fight.

In addition to the main roles, Dmitry Maryanov had a lot of episodic appearances. So, the artist was known as a member of the famous " Quartet I": in the films" Radio Day"And" Election Day"The artist played DJ Dima. The role of De Saint-Luc in the costume drama based on the novel by Alexandre Dumas père The Countess de Monsoro also became recognizable. Throughout the life of the artist, it was precisely the endless thirst for activity that attracted him, and it is not surprising that Maryanov also gained success on television and in the theater. On the REN-TV channel, he hosted the program “ Eyewitness: Most shocking", and before that there was a similar project" catastrophes of the week on the TV-6 channel.

Dmitry Maryanov also took part in the Channel One project “ ice Age with figure skater Irina Lobacheva in 2007 and 2009. In the theater, Maryanov began to play after graduating from the Shchukin school. Immediately after receiving his diploma, he was accepted into the troupe of the Lenkom Theater, where he performed roles in such performances as " The Bremen Town Musicians», « Juno and Avos», « Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro"and many others.

On September 2, the wedding of Dmitry Maryanov took place in Moscow. A happy event happened in the life of Dmitry Maryanov. Dmitry Maryanov: “I think fifty-fifty. Among the guests were Maryanov's colleagues in the sensational performance “Ladie's Night. Only for women”, Nonna Grishaeva, Georgy Martirosyan and others.

Dmitry and Xenia also had something to surprise the guests. Celebrity biographies, star news, interviews, photos and videos, star ratings, as well as a feed of events from celebrity microblogs on By the way, Maryanov himself already calls the baby a daughter. What are you, I have been going to this for 45 years, ”Dmitry replied, but before that he managed to joke, looking at the door:“ Let me out! As his wife, Maryanov chose a girl of a non-public profession who would not try to compete with her husband. Dmitry has repeatedly admitted that home comfort and care are very important for him.

The brightest moments of the wedding of Dmitry Maryanov

It is possible that her profession also helps her cope with the difficult character of the actor, because the bride is a candidate psychological sciences. Sometimes, as a personal consultant, Ksenia accompanies Dmitry on the set. And so, having lived in a civil marriage for three years, Maryanov decided for the first time in his life to reach the registry office. On the eve of the wedding, the groom arranged a bachelor party, and the bride - a bachelorette party. But the wedding itself, to which was invited, apparently, will be very fun.

Dmitry Maryanov got married: the 45-year-old actor got married for the first time

However, Maryanov did not make an official offer to any of these women. Before this solemn event, he was considered an inveterate bachelor - for a 45-year-old artist, this is the first wedding. The morning celebration was held in a narrow family circle and was modest. Yes, the famous actor took a simple girl from Kharkov, but she cherishes and cherishes him, and this is a real gift of fate. It remains to be seen how Dima could have ruined his life if this excellent psychologist had not been around, 45 years is the time for a midlife crisis.

The 45-year-old actor married his beloved Xenia. Watch the brightest moments of the celebration in the exclusive video on the portal! Approved the choice of Maryanov and his brother, Mikhail, who is very glad that Ksenia and her daughter from Anfisa's previous marriage appeared in Dmitry's life.

Movie stars celebrated the wedding of Dmitry Maryanov on a fishing trip

The relationship between the girl and Dmitry is very warm - the actor calls Anfisa a daughter. She made her hair sleek and adorned her head with a long, thin veil. Dmitri was wearing white trousers and a loose shirt of the same color. Before registration, the 82-year-old grandmother of the bride asked Maryanov if he had changed his mind about getting married. Among the invitees are friends and colleagues of Maryanov in the cult Moscow play "Ladies' Night", where he plays a stripper.

Maryanov does not have enough free time to properly prepare for the wedding with Bik. On the VKontakte page, beloved MARYANOVA shares spicy revelations. Maryanov's problems with appearance are connected not only with the fact that he has become a little fat, according to his relatives.

After breaking up with Irina Lobacheva, Dmitry began to go out with a pretty blonde named Ksenia. And, as he admitted, this time everything is serious. Dmitry's first true love is a classmate at the Shchukin school Tatyana Skorokhodova, a beauty with whom everyone was in love.

The adopted daughter of Dmitry Maryanov turned out to be his own

After parting, Tatyana left for her native Irkutsk, got married and gave birth to three children ... Another serious hobby of Maryanov is the former fashion model Olga Anosova. The couple broke up, however, Olga never prevented Dmitry from communicating with her son. The same one earned the fame of a womanizer, changing women like gloves.

Exclusive video from the wedding of Dmitry Maryanov

The actor met Ira on the set of Ice Age, their relationship lasted more than two years. The press even began to talk about the wedding, but this time something did not work out. Dmitry: “In different ways. Dmitry: “I remember one newspaper wrote a rather vile article that Maryanov changes mistresses every three years.

The truth about the wedding of actor Dmitry Maryanov is emerging only now

Dmitry: “For me, the degree of frankness depends on smart questions and comfortable communication with the interlocutor. Dimitri: “I don't think that's true. Dima Maryanov got out! The main character at the wedding was not so much the artist himself or his bride, but the 6-year-old daughter of Ksenia Anfisa. The child's father lived in Moscow and met with his daughter only from time to time. Despite Anfisa, for another four years I remained just a guest in Maryanov's house.

Prior to this, the couple had lived in a civil marriage for three years, but the lovers decided to officially register their relationship and invite all relatives and friends to the celebration. And her mother and 6-year-old daughter Anfisa came to support the bride. The newlyweds uttered solemn vows, exchanged rings, and then went to one of the country hotels, where they gathered the rest of the guests.

The actor will stay in the capital for only a day, after which he will return to the set. Another surprise was prepared for the bride and groom by the 6-year-old daughter of Ksenia Anfisa. Didn't change your mind?" - the 82-year-old grandmother of the bride asked the groom jokingly just before the registration.

Indeed, among the guests there are many movie stars, Maryanov’s colleagues in the sensational performance “Ladie’s Night. Only for women". As a result, a certified psychologist from Kharkov (and even with a Ph.D.) helped the actor overcome the fear of marriage.

I think that in this pair not Ksenia, but Dima is more fortunate. Dima is a strong personality, and his Ksenia is self-confident. She and her daughter from her first marriage came to our playground. The holiday turned out to be cheerful and noisy. The man is sure that the actor is very lucky with his beloved and urges his fans not to believe the rumors that he is too windy.

They say that Dmitry Maryanov met Ksenia Bik three years ago in heaven, or rather on an airplane. Actor Dmitry MARYANOV, who recently celebrated his 45th birthday, has been popular with girls since his youth. The actor and inveterate bachelor Dmitry Maryanov and his chosen one, 29-year-old Ksenia, have just signed in the Kutuzovsky registry office of the capital. By the way, recently a colleague of Dmitry Maryanov, 49-year-old actor Valery Nikolaev, married 30-year-old gymnast Elmira Zemskova.

Name: Dmitry Maryanov

middle name: Yurievich

Place of Birth: Moscow

Cause of death: discover

Burial place: discover

Growth: 182 cm

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Eastern horoscope: Rooster

Activity: theater and film actor

Dmitry Maryanov is a Russian actor, known for the productions of the Lenkom Theater, cooperation with the creative association Quartet I, roles in the films Above the Rainbow, Dear Elena Sergeevna, Radio Day, Personal Life of Investigator Savelyev, Bouncer" and others.

Dmitry was born into a simple working-class family: his father, Yuri Georgievich Maryanov, was a garage equipment master, his mother worked as an accountant (she died when the actor was 37 years old). From an early age, he went in for sports - first swimming, then, as he said, "tired of tiles" and began to go to the boxing section.

From childhood, Dmitry was an outstanding personality, his creative way he started while still a schoolboy. Not without the help of his parents, seventh-grader Dmitry, who was fond of choreography and acrobatics, entered the school at the Theater on Krasnaya Presnya, which is located in the Khlynovsky dead end. Special attention in this institution was given to the basics of performing arts.

After graduation, Dmitry became a student at the Shchukin Theater School. During his student years, Maryanov took an active part in the activities of the small, but very original theater "Scientific Monkey", was one of the members of the team of writers. He graduated from college in 1992, after which he was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Lenkom Theater.

In 1986, the Odessa Film Studio invited a promising actor to play a supporting role in Valery Fedosov's youth film "Was not." Actors Dmitry Kharatyan and Alexei Zharkov were on the same platform with him. This role was the actor's debut.

In the same 1986, he already played the leading role in the bright youthful musical "Above the Rainbow". Maryanov's character, Alik Raduga, did not look like a typical hero of that time: he dressed strangely and had a haircut, but it was this unique style that ensured the growth of the young actor's career.

Successful, there was also a role in the dramatic film by Eldar Ryazanov "Dear Elena Sergeevna" (1988). The tape came out as the opposite of "Above the Rainbow" - a cruel psychological picture about schoolchildren, by hook or by crook trying to get the keys to the teacher's office (Marina Neyolova) in order to gain access to their exam papers, received ambivalent reviews. But no one had any doubts about the skill of the novice actor, who played the role of Pashka, the clever Olympiad, who takes part in the siege of Elena Sergeevna's apartment. After the premiere of the picture, the status of a rising star of cinema was fixed for the actor.

Maryanov justified this title: in 1991, together with Yevgeny Mironov, he played one of the main roles in the film “Love”, in 1993 he shone in Sergei Ursulyak’s melodrama “Russian Ragtime”, he was remembered for his secondary, but bright roles in the films “What a wonderful game” , “Funny things - family matters”, “Countess de Monsoro”, “Snake Spring”. In the early nineties, he also appeared in the video "Walks on the Water" by Vyacheslav Butusov's group.

At the same time, the actor was able to combine filming with service at the Lenkom Theater under the direction of Mark Zakharov. He participated in many sensational productions, including the rock opera "Juno and Avos", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "The Barbarian and the Heretic", "Royal Games", as well as the play "Two Women", for the role in which he in 1998 was awarded the Yevgeny Leonov Prize.

In 2003, the actor left Lenkom. According to some sources, Dmitry, without warning anyone, did not come to the performance, his mobile phone did not answer, and the management had no choice but to delay the beginning for thirty minutes and introduce another actor in place of Maryanov. When Dmitry showed up, Mark Zakharov immediately signed a dismissal order. Soon after that, Dmitry was accepted into the cast of the Independent Theater Project.

Many viewers know Dmitry Maryanov from the comedy Radio Day and the role of the eccentric DJ Dima.

The last project with Dmitry Maryanov, which was released during his lifetime, was the series "Bouncer". A 4-episode melodrama "Yellow Brick Road" was in production, where Dmitry played the main role, as well as a spy film "Operation Muhabbat".

The first wife of Dmitry (civil marriage) is Tatyana Skorokhodova. The actor met her while studying at the Shchukin School. Student marriage lasted about 2 years.

The second wife (civil marriage) is model Olga Anosova. In 1996, the couple had a son, Danil.

In 2007, on the set of the Ice Age TV show, Dmitry Maryanov began a relationship with his partner Irina Lobacheva, who had just parted ways with Ilya Averbukh. After that, Irina told many times in an interview that her personal life had finally improved, that she had finally met that very only person, but she did not plan to marry for the 2nd time in the near future. Dmitry found common interests with Irina's son, Martin, and she, in turn, established good relations with Maryanov's son Danya. In 2009, they again took to the ice together as part of the same program.

At the party in honor of the celebration of the forty-fifth anniversary of Gosha Kutsenko, Dmitry came with a new girl - Ksenia. The age difference between the lovers was seventeen years, which did not become an obstacle for Dmitry's first trip to the registry office in his life. In September 2015, they exchanged rings, and a little later they announced that Ksenia Anfisa's daughter was Dmitry's own.

Dmitry Maryanov preferred extreme sports - diving (he dived under the ice on Lake Baikal) and riding a motorcycle. The actor also fell in love with roller skates and horseback riding and even rode a skateboard.

“Motorcycles are a thrill, a feeling of freedom that is similar to what you experience when riding a horse”

On October 15, 2017, Dmitry Maryanov died suddenly at the age of 47. It was noted that the actor was resting in Lobny near Moscow, at the dacha of friends, when for no reason he lost consciousness. Ambulance could not come to the call, as reported in the means mass media, "for technical reasons". He was taken in a private car, but they did not have time to deliver him to the hospital. The cause of death of the actor was called a detached blood clot.

During the investigation of the death of the actor, it turned out that Maryanov did not rest with friends, but was treated for alcohol addiction in the Phoenix private suburban rehab. And, according to experts, Dmitry could have been saved - on the morning of that fateful day, he complained to the clinic's specialists of back pain, while he had rapid breathing and profuse sweating - all these are symptoms of blockage of the artery. However, the workers of the rehabilitation center thought that the actor had an alcoholic psychosis.

On October 18, Dmitry Maryanov was buried at the Khimki cemetery, at site No. 18 near the forest. Hundreds of people came to see the actor on his last journey. After the funeral, a wreath with a strange inscription was found on the grave of the actor: “We will live with you in a small hut” (a line from the song of the Nautilus Pompilius group) with a laconic signature “Yours”. Who brought it was not known.

Twelve days after Maryanov's death, forensic experts issued a new verdict - the cause of the actor's death was not a blood clot, but blood loss caused by a rupture of the iliac vein wall.

The popular Russian actor Dmitry Maryanov, who died yesterday, October 15, 2017, was a very sought-after artist. Fans can't believe his untimely demise.

The funeral of actor Dmitry Maryanov, which will be held on October 18 at the Khimki cemetery, will be available to everyone. This was reported to the Moscow agency by his agent Alevtina Kungurova.

“Farewell will be held at the Cinema House on October 18 from 11:00 to 13:00. Then there will be a funeral at the Khimki cemetery - everyone, not only relatives, will also be able to go to them, ”she noted.

The cause of death of the 47-year-old actor was heart problems - thromboembolism. The actor felt weak at a dacha in the suburbs. Throughout the day, he complained to friends about general malaise, disturbing pain in his legs and back. When in the evening Maryanov fell and lost consciousness, the comrades hurried to call an ambulance, but she was in no hurry. They had to go to the nearest hospital in their own transport. Alas, the actor died in the car. The cause of death was a detached blood clot.

Dmitry Maryanov, alcoholism: the actor was treated for addiction

Meanwhile, unknown details from the biography of 47-year-old Maryanov were revealed. It turned out that a few weeks before his death, the actor agreed to undergo treatment in a private clinic for alcoholism. He was sent here by his young wife. The relevant data was provided by a friend of the late artist on condition of anonymity.

“As far as I know, his wife identified him in a private clinic,” said a friend of Maryanov. - IN Lately he drank a lot.

He suggested that problems with alcohol addiction could play a cruel joke. It is possible that Maryanov's heart was weakened precisely because of such an addiction.

Biography of Dmitry Maryanov. Childhood and family

Maryanov was born in Moscow on December 1, 1969. He grew up in a simple working-class family, where his father was engaged in garage equipment, and his mother acted as an accountant.

As a child, the artist was a very active boy. During his school years, he attended theater classes, and also went to dances, acrobatics, swimming, football, sambo, and gymnastics. Despite such a huge number of interests, acting attracted the teenager most of all. In 1992, he became a graduate of the B. V. Shchukin Theater School, entered the troupe of the Lenkom Theater and took part in the Independent Theater Project.

Growing popularity of the emerging artist

The artist received his first role in 1986 in the youth film "She Wasn't", filmed by the Odessa film studio. On the same set with young talent, such popular now, and then novice actors as Alexei Zharkov, Dmitry Kharatyan and others worked. The fame of the young performer was brought by the films “Above the Rainbow”, where he played the main role - a charismatic, unlike others, schoolboy, as well as the films “Dear Elena Sergeevna” by Eldar Ryazanov and “Love” by Valery Todorovsky.

The talented actor immediately fell in love with the audience. Hardworking, able to play characteristic and textured characters, the artist did not go unnoticed by the directors. Began Golden time performer. He was bombarded with offers of roles. In 1994, he played in the social drama Coffee with Lemon, in 1995 - in the film What a Wonderful Game, in 1997 - in the feature television series The Countess de Monsoro and the thriller The Serpent Spring. Thanks to these films, the status of a "star" was finally fixed for the actor.

Dmitry Maryanov: what films did he star in, filmography

In 2004, Dmitry Maryanov received a leading role in the action movie "Fighter". In the crime drama, he played the marine Maxim Palladin. During filming, he performed most of the stunts himself, without the help of stuntmen. A tall, strong and physically strong actor, of course, secured a special type of characters performed. Basically, these are people with an uncompromising character, courageous and open, regardless of profession.

After Dmitry Maryanov received wide recognition, in most films he was offered leading roles. So, the artist played the main characters in the films "The Lion's Share", "Obsessed", "Fathers", "How to Marry a Millionaire", "Listening to Silence", "Night Guest", "Husband on Call" and others.

IN last years he agreed to appear only in those films, the ideas of which he considered special and non-trivial. At the same time, he might not be interested in very profitable financial offers. The filmography of Dmitry Maryanov is 83 works in 82 projects.

Personal life, wife and daughter of Dmitry Maryanov

The personal life of the actor was filled with numerous novels and hobbies. Therefore, Maryanov gained a reputation as a conqueror of women's hearts and a ladies' man. The first serious love happened to the actor in his student years, when he met Tatyana Skorokhodova. The artist courted the girl for a long time, met for several years, but then the couple broke up, as the girl wanted a serious development of relations, and Maryanov wanted to take a walk.

In 1994, the actor met fashion model Olga Anosova. They lived in a civil marriage for several years, the couple had a son, but the young people did not legitimize the relationship and broke up without creating a full-fledged family.

The actor has repeatedly said that it is difficult for him to find a soulmate, because there is no such woman who can endure his endless shooting and absence from home, periods of crisis at work, numerous fans. But on September 2, 2015, Dmitry Maryanov married Ksenia Bik. The six-year-old daughter of his wife, the actor called his biological child. He surrounded his family with care and attention, tried to give his wife and daughter as much time as possible.

By now, Ksenia Bik has published the latest photos with the artist on social networks, and also decided to show fans a video made from frames of one film where the artist starred. The song "Airports" by Elena Vaenga is also used in the recording. This composition is symbolic, as the future spouses met on the plane.

In the last photos, the son of Dmitry Maryanov is a very adult young man - he is already 21 years old. The first mention of the boy in the press appeared in connection with the next marriage of his father and Kharkiv woman Ksenia Bik. Then all the journalists discussed the relationship of the son of Dmitry Maryanov, so strikingly similar to his famous dad in early youth, with his new family - see photos in the article.

boy childhood

Daniil Anosov was born in 1996 in a civil marriage of the famous artist and model Olga Anosova. The boy's parents met in 1994 and lived together for some time. Mom worked as a leading model in the famous All-Union Fashion House on Kuznetsky Most.

She was very popular at that distant time - her photographs often flashed not only on the covers of popular Russian publications, but also flaunted on the pages of the best European fashion magazines. The beauty has repeatedly starred in the videos of Russian performers, whose popularity was gaining momentum in the nineties.

Dad wasn't ready for serious relationship at that distant time, therefore, Maryanov and Anosova did not officially formalize their relationship. Yes, and Dmitry did not want to give his baby his last name - apparently he did not want to bind himself with obligations to the newborn. Proud Olga did not ask him about this, relying only on her own strength and the help of her parents.

The appearance of a child made its own adjustments to the relationship of a young couple, Dmitry did not want to grow up at all - he could come home in the morning after a violent party with friends. Helping a young woman take care of baby there was no talk.

As the former model, and now the successful owner of her own advertising agency, Olga Anosova, recalls, she got tired of such irresponsibility very quickly, and Maryanov was put out the door along with her simple belongings.

The boy grew up with his maternal grandparents, since Dmitry Maryanov helped his eldest son financially (see photo below).

Photo: Daniel with dad Dmitry Maryanov

He went to a prestigious school, participated in various circles. Communication with his father was minimal - at that time Dmitry worked a lot, actively participated in all kinds of shows. The boy learned about his dad's personal life only from newspapers, which with enviable regularity discussed not so much Maryanov's acting abilities as his next girlfriend. On rare pages on the Internet, where there is information about former women actor, we managed to find only a photo of the son of Dmitry Maryanov with his mother Olga Anosova, the pictures with the eminent dad could not be found.

Although the woman has repeatedly expressed that she never forbade her son to meet with his father and tried to maintain friendly relations with her ex-husband. They even called up, from time to time, with Maryanov and discussed their amorous affairs.

The wedding of Maryanov and Ksenia Bik

In 2015, the artist presented his common-law spouse to the press as a legal half - all newspapers and magazines were full of photos of a young couple, in which Dmitry Maryanov's son, Daniil Anosov, is not. Then the yellow press attacked the artist with criticism about his forgetfulness and cool celebrity relationship with his eldest child. No comments on this matter from outside young man nor from his father's side followed.

PHOTO: Wedding of Maryanov and Ksenia Bik

A little later, Maryanov's former girlfriend Irina Lobacheva, in a scandalous interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, said that her son was friends with the first-born of a former lover and even attended the same sports section with him. Whether this is so is not yet known.

Father's death and future legacy

After the sudden death of the artist, the press again started talking about the adult son of Dmitry Maryanov, whose photo could not be found in open publications. Since the man did not leave a will, all his movable and real estate can legally be divided between the first child, daughter Anfisa and widow Ksenia Bik. But Daniel has not yet made his claims to his father's wealth, and the actor's widow does not comment latest rumors on this occasion, the loss is too heavy.

We remind you: a message about the sudden death of a popular performer of many roles, stuntman, athlete and biker Dmitry Maryanov appeared in open sources on October 15, 2018. The man died due to thromboembolism and internal bleeding in a closed clinic "Phoenix" during a rehabilitation course to combat alcohol addiction.

Over the past two years, the actor has been repeatedly examined in various clinics for progressive thrombosis. Shortly before the start of classes with psychotherapists in Phoenix, Maryanov was given a special filter that was supposed to catch all blood clots and prevent blockage of the pulmonary or cardiac arteries. He regularly took special drugs that thin the blood.

Unfortunately, unskilled actions of the employees of the closed clinic led to Maryanov, who assured the artist's wife that the house behind a blank fence was equipped with everything necessary to help a patient with such a diagnosis. She was not allowed to meet with her husband when the woman came to pay for the course of treatment, convincing that Maryanov’s complaints about bad feeling caused by his unwillingness to get rid of a bad habit.

On this fact, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case, as a result of the investigation, it was possible to prove the guilt of the Phoenix employees and the narcologist who gave the artist a referral to this rehabilitation center. Therefore, Lobacheva's accusations, expressed in an interview with Maryanov's young widow, caused a lot of indignant responses in the press.

Actress Lyubov Tolkalina told reporters that Ksenia was a real guardian angel for her colleague and friend, their relationship could always only be envied. The woman noted the sincerity and disinterestedness of Xenia in relation to the deceased spouse.

Tolkalina believes that Bik will definitely share everything that she got from her husband with Dmitry Maryanov's son Daniil Anosov and his mother. Today, the artist's family refuses to comment on any rumors about this.