How to make a chocolate drink. Recipes for making hot chocolate at home with photos and useful properties of the drink

Do you know that if it were not for the entrepreneurial spirit of the British, the whole world would never know what bar chocolate is and would continue to enjoy the magical drink in its almost original form? In 1846, Joseph Fry cast the world's first chocolate bar, and this was the beginning of the decline of the divine drink. And today, few people can boast that they have tried hot chocolate. Drink bags don't count! It's about the real drink of the gods.

It was actually considered as such - the Olmecs, Mayans and Aztecs prepared a strange concept modern man a sacred drink that only a select few could drink. It was prepared like this: cocoa beans were roasted, ground and mixed with cold water by adding hot chili peppers. It turned out a truly atomic mixture, the drink is not for everyone! Chocolate in its usual form became popular after the Europeans "slightly" improved the recipe: hot pepper was replaced with sugar, and the drink itself began to be heated for better solubility of the ingredients. Moreover, until the 19th century, hot chocolate was not only a delicacy, but also a medicine.

However, enough history, because we are on a culinary site, which means that we are interested in the recipes and subtleties of preparing this divine drink. Just let me remind you of the undoubted benefits of chocolate (in any of its manifestations). Chocolate contains many different biologically active substances: vitamins A, B1, D, C and E, antioxidants, flavonoids, potassium and calcium salts. Hot chocolate improves mood, increases vitality, increases efficiency, stimulates mental activity, improves memory, helps to cope with depression and can even be a means of preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system. Unlike bar chocolate, hot chocolate contains less sugar - good news for slimmers!

And now the subtleties and tricks. The most important product from which you will prepare a drink that warms your soul and heart is chocolate. You can follow the tradition and try to make real hot chocolate from crushed cocoa beans, like the ancient Mayans, but it is much faster and easier to make it from ordinary bar chocolate. Chocolate should be chosen only of the best quality, without fillers and all kinds of additives such as dyes, preservatives, GMOs and other chemicals. You can use regular dark or milk chocolate bar, special cooking chocolate or cocoa powder. In any case, this ingredient should be of the best quality, because it is he who gives the taste and aroma to your drink.

The liquid base of hot chocolate can be cream, milk, or water. Chocolate on water is lighter, but tastes fresher, so it needs to be seasoned well. Hot chocolate with milk or cream tastes better, but it also has a lot more calories. A mixture of water and milk is optimal: chocolate in such a mixture dissolves better and turns out to be lighter and more delicate.

Almost anything can be added to hot chocolate. Egg yolk, sour cream or starch give the drink thickness and make it more satisfying. Alcohol and spices saturate hot chocolate with a unique taste. Cognac, rum, liqueur, cinnamon, vanilla, ginger, cardamom, chili peppers, fruits, dried fruits, ice cream go well with chocolate. Each of these products makes your drink unique.

The method of making hot chocolate can be described in a nutshell: "melt and stir." Melting chocolate must be very careful and careful, not allowing it to boil. The safest way is a water bath. To do this, a saucepan or a heat-resistant bowl with pieces of chocolate is placed in a pot of boiling water, and the entire structure is placed on the stove. Fire is the smallest. Chocolate should be stirred with a wooden or silicone spatula until it is completely melted. Be careful not to get water in the chocolate - it will just curdle. Never overheat chocolate! If you decide to make hot chocolate with egg yolk, then make sure that the mixture does not boil, otherwise all your work will go to waste. Pour the yolk in a thin stream, stirring constantly, into the warm chocolate.

In general, nothing complicated and supernatural. Choose a recipe to your liking and try to make the drink of the gods. In the winter cold, rich fragrant hot chocolate will warm you and fill your heart with joy.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

200 g dark chocolate,
50 ml milk.

Break the chocolate bars into pieces. Heat milk to 50°C. Put a saucepan with milk in a water bath and gradually pour in the chocolate. Stir the chocolate constantly until it melts. Heat well, but do not boil! Pour into ceramic cups and serve with a glass of cold water, as the taste of this drink is very rich.

Hot chocolate "Fragrant"

Ingredients for 6 servings:
250 g milk chocolate,
700 ml milk
300 ml 20% cream.

Pour the cream and milk into a saucepan, place over medium heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat, add finely chopped chocolate and stir well with a whisk until it is completely dissolved. Pour into thick-walled cups and serve.

Add spices or fruits to hot chocolate and surprise with a new taste!

Ingredients for 6 servings:

200 g dark chocolate,
700 ml milk
300 ml 20% cream,
2 cinnamon sticks.

Combine milk and cream and bring to a boil, but do not boil. Coarsely crush the cinnamon sticks in a mortar and put it into the milk. Let it brew for 5 minutes, strain, add chopped chocolate and mix thoroughly with a whisk.

banana hot chocolate

Ingredients for 4 servings:
100 g chocolate
900 ml milk
2 bananas
a pinch of cinnamon.

Peel bananas and cut into pieces, break the chocolate. Pour milk into a saucepan, put bananas and chocolate and put on a slow fire. Stirring constantly, bring almost to a boil. Once the chocolate has melted, remove from heat. Beat the mixture with a blender until foam appears. Pour into glasses and sprinkle with cinnamon.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
100 g dark chocolate,
60 ml 22% cream,
zest of ½ orange
sugar, ground chili pepper - to taste.

Melt chocolate with cream in a water bath. Add zest, mix, add sugar and ground pepper. If you are preparing chocolate with pepper for the first time, then be careful with pepper, 1-2 pinches will be enough to start.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
100 g milk chocolate,
200 ml milk
200 ml coconut milk
2 tbsp Sahara.

Combine both types of milk and bring to a boil. Add sugar, remove from heat and add chopped chocolate to the milk mixture. Stir with a whisk until chocolate melts and pour into mugs.

Chocolate and coffee are an inseparable pair. They complement each other perfectly.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
120 g dark chocolate,
250 ml espresso coffee,
700 ml milk
3 tbsp vanilla sugar.

Boil milk and remove from heat. Combine 500 ml of milk with coffee, add 1 tbsp. vanilla sugar. In the remaining milk, add 2 tbsp. vanilla sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from heat, add chopped chocolate and stir until completely dissolved. Combine chocolate milk and coffee-milk mixture and beat with a blender.

Brazilian hot chocolate

Ingredients for 2 servings:

125 g dark chocolate,
500 ml milk
100 g sugar
60 ml strong coffee
250 ml of water.

Boil the water, remove from heat, dip the chocolate into it, broken into pieces, and stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Heat the milk to a boil and stir in the melted chocolate. Add sugar and very strong hot coffee, put on a slow fire, and preferably in a water bath, and stir until all the sugar is dissolved.

Hot chocolate coffee drink with cardamom

Ingredients for 2 servings:
50 g dark chocolate,
70 ml strong coffee
½ stack milk,
1 banana
1 tsp Sahara,
3 boxes of cardamom
a pinch of nutmeg.

Melt chocolate in hot milk, add sugar. Cut the peeled banana into pieces, put in a blender, add chocolate milk, cardamom grains and a pinch of ground nutmeg. Shake, pour into glasses and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

Thick hot chocolate

Ingredients for 6 servings:

200 g bar chocolate,
1 liter of milk
1-2 tbsp Sahara,
2-3 tbsp no starch top.

Dilute starch in 1 glass of milk. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, put on medium heat, add sugar and chopped chocolate. Heat, stirring constantly, until chocolate is melted. Then pour in the milk with starch, mix well and heat until the mass begins to thicken.

G hot chocolate with sour cream

Ingredients for 2 servings:

1.5 tbsp cocoa powder
1 stack sour cream
2 tbsp Sahara.

Mix sour cream with cocoa powder and sugar until smooth, put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Do not overheat - as soon as bubbles appear, immediately remove from heat. Pour into thick-walled cups.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
4 tbsp cocoa powder
150 g ground almonds,
1 liter of milk
1 tbsp starch,
6 tbsp Sahara,
1 egg
½ tsp ground cinnamon,
a pinch of nutmeg.

In not in large numbers milk stir cocoa powder, sugar, starch and a raw egg. Heat the remaining milk to a boil and add the chocolate mixture to it. Cook, stirring, over low heat, 2-3 minutes. Add spices and ground almonds to the finished chocolate, mix and pour into cups.

200 g dark chocolate,
500 ml milk
1 tbsp Sahara,
30 g cocoa butter,
1.5 tbsp without starch top,
1 sachet of vanilla sugar.

Mix starch in a glass of milk. Heat the remaining milk in a small saucepan, add the chocolate broken into pieces, reduce the heat and stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Pour milk with starch in a thin stream, stirring constantly, put cocoa butter and vanilla sugar. Heat the resulting mixture, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Adding good alcohol will only benefit hot chocolate. True, it will not be a children's drink at all!

Ingredients for 2 servings:

200 g dark chocolate,
400 ml milk
4 tbsp brandy,
4 tbsp Sahara.

Bring the milk to a boil, reduce the heat, put the broken chocolate into the milk and stir until the chocolate dissolves. Remove from heat, add brandy and sugar, stir. Pour into thick-walled cups and garnish with chocolate chips.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

150 g dark chocolate,
2 tbsp cocoa powder
600 ml full fat milk
4 tbsp chocolate liqueur,
4 tbsp Sahara.

Boil milk, add cocoa powder and chocolate pieces. Stir until chocolate is completely melted. Add sugar and beat until foamy with a whisk or mixer. Pour into cups 1 tbsp. chocolate liqueur, top with hot chocolate, garnish with grated chocolate.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
100 g milk chocolate,
2 tbsp cocoa powder
250 ml 30% cream,
400 ml milk
60 ml Irish whiskey.

Whip half the cream until fluffy. Heat milk with chocolate, stirring until chocolate melts. Add cocoa to chocolate mixture, bring almost to a boil. Remove from heat, add remaining cream and whiskey. Pour into warmed thick-walled glasses, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Ingredients for 6 servings:
50 g cocoa powder
1 liter of milk
180 g sugar
6 egg yolks,
100 ml of rum,
400 ml of tea.

Stir cocoa powder in a small amount of milk, add to the remaining milk. Brew strong black tea. In a separate bowl, beat the sugar with the yolks, then slowly, stirring constantly, pour in the milk and cocoa, put on a slow fire or a water bath and heat until thick. Pour in the tea and rum, stir and serve hot.

With hot chocolate, you can serve meringue, marshmallows, whipped cream or light crispy cookies. In general, there is no question of dieting ... Hot chocolate is a delight. Treat yourself!

Larisa Shuftaykina

The basis of the recipe is chocolate, so the final taste of the drink depends on its choice. Everything is simple here: choose a quality bar with a cocoa content of at least 70%. Some sources recommend brewing a drink only from such chocolate and serving it in small portions, like espresso, but we understand that not everyone is able to appreciate the pronounced bitterness of dark chocolate. To sweeten the drink, you can simply add a little sugar, but it is better to mix the base dark chocolate with milk chocolate: let the first make up 70% of the drink, and the second, respectively, the remaining 30%. If you are making chocolate for children, the proportion will probably need to be changed to equal to make the chocolate sweeter.

Often, part of the chocolate is replaced with cocoa powder in order to reduce the fat content of the finished drink, but if the issue of fat content in hot chocolate is not fundamental for you, stick to classic recipe which we present below.

Milk or cream

Here, as with chocolate, it is better to mix both. The main thing, again, is to determine the correct proportion. Cream is added to chocolate in order to make the texture of the drink more creamy and silky, but adding it in large quantities means turning hot chocolate from a drink into a dessert, and an indecently fatty dessert. That is why heavy cream in the recipe takes up less than a quarter of the total volume of milk.


Speaking of hot chocolate, we should not forget about a variety of additives, the most popular of which are "sweet" spices - cinnamon and vanilla. You can add spices to ready-made chocolate, or you can warm milk with a cinnamon stick or vanilla pod before adding chocolate. Slightly less popular nutmeg, which is sprinkled on top of chocolate, and a pinch of cayenne pepper.

Be sure to add a small pinch of salt to the finished chocolate in order to emphasize the sweetness of the drink.

A variety of liqueurs and strong alcohol are also welcome in the recipe in small quantities.

Marshmallow, whipped cream, chocolate chips and sugar powder, we recommend leaving for decoration.



  • 450 ml of milk;
  • 70 g dark chocolate (70%);
  • 30 g of milk chocolate;
  • 75 ml cream (33%);
  • ¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • marshmallow;
  • a pinch of salt.


First, heat 150 ml of milk, remove it from the heat and prepare the chocolate ganache by adding chocolate pieces to the milk and melting them while stirring.

Pour the remaining milk and cream into the saucepan, then add the cinnamon and a pinch of salt.

Heat the drink, but never boil it. Pour chocolate into mugs and arrange marshmallows on top.

What could be better on a cold winter night than sitting in a cozy chair and watching a movie with a cup of hot chocolate? This excellent drink will fill you with a charge of vivacity and energy, and also help to warm up.

Recipe 1

Ingredients (for 2 servings)

  • Fatty milk - fifty milliliters.
  • Dark chocolate without any fillers - two hundred grams (2 ordinary bars).


Perfectionists may say that chocolate at home must be cooked in a water bath. And in general, you can’t use slab chocolate, but cook, as in coffee shops, from cocoa beans. But if you can't find them, or are they out of stock? Don't worry, buy good chocolate Don't just save.

Without unpacking the chocolate, break it. Heat the milk to fifty degrees. After that, pour the chocolate little by little and stir at the same time. You need to stir until the chocolate melts, but do not boil.

If you want chocolate to keep its temperature, then you should pour it into ceramic cups that have thick walls. If you want to admire the color, glass goblets are suitable. And you can make foam with a cappuccinatore from a coffee maker.

The drink turns out to be quite sweet and rich, in this case it is worth pouring a glass of water. This will help to reveal the taste of the prepared drink and finish it with pleasure.

Recipe 2


  • Potato starch - two to three tablespoons (without top).
  • Sugar - one to two tablespoons.
  • Milk or bitter chocolate - two hundred grams.
  • Milk - one liter.


Dissolve starch in one glass of milk. Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan, put on medium heat, and then add chocolate and sugar to it. Heat until chocolate has melted. Then add starch with milk, mix thoroughly and heat until the mixture begins to thicken. Remove from heat and serve hot.

French chocolate

For four cups of water, you need one hundred grams of dark chocolate, which must be broken in advance. First, dip the chocolate into a cup of warm water, and as soon as it melts a little, put it on a small fire. Once the mixture is smooth, add three more cups of water. Now, over low heat, bring to a boil, while stirring (this will take about ten minutes). Remove from heat, whisk with a whisk and serve hot. Add sugar to taste.

Viennese chocolate

Started the same as french recipe, but you should add two or three more fresh yolks, mix well, put on a burner with a small fire and wait until the mixture thickens, just do not wait until it boils. After that, while hot, pour into cups and add one tablespoon of “cream fresh” (similar to homemade thick sour cream, you can replace it with it).

mexican chocolate


  • Vanilla extract - one tablespoon.
  • Cinnamon - three sticks.
  • Chocolate - forty grams.
  • Milk - four hundred milliliters.


Pour cinnamon, chocolate into a saucepan, pour milk and heat until chocolate dissolves. Take out the cinnamon sticks and pour in the vanilla. Whisk until foam forms. Serve in cups.

Austrian chocolate


  • Cinnamon sticks - to decorate.
  • Powder - to make hot chocolate.
  • Heavy cream - four tablespoons.
  • Milk - one and a half cups.
  • Cinnamon - one second teaspoon.
  • Chopped zest - one orange.
  • Chopped chocolate - one hundred grams.


In a small saucepan, put the cinnamon, zest, chocolate, add three tablespoons of milk and start melting over low heat, while stirring. Pour in the remaining milk and bring to a boil slowly while stirring. Whip the cream in a mixer until thick. When hot chocolate is ready, pour into mugs. In each of them put a cinnamon stick and one tablespoon of cream.

Creamy hot chocolate


  • Cream - one second glass.
  • Vanilla extract - three-fourths of a teaspoon.
  • Milk - three and a half glasses.
  • Boiling water - one third of a glass.
  • Salt - one pinch.
  • Sugar - three-fourths of a glass.
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder - one third of a glass.


Pour a pinch of salt, sugar, cocoa into the pan. While stirring, pour in boiling water. While stirring, bring everything to a boil (this will take about two minutes), it is important to watch so that it does not burn. Add three and a half cups of milk and heat, but not to a boil. Remove from heat and pour in vanilla. Divide everything into four cups, add cream and cool a little before serving.

Hot Chocolate Recipe by Laura Bush

Mix six tablespoons of sugar with six tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa and a pinch of salt. Add two and a half cups (approximately 600 milliliters) of milk and heat. Add one-two teaspoons of vanilla, two and a half low-fat cream, and, if desired, a pinch of cinnamon powder. Bring everything to a boil. Stir and pour into cups. Top with grated orange zest, cocoa powder and whipped cream.

Video lessons

Drink and dessert! Hot chocolate is a delicacy for the whole family, it can be easily and quickly prepared for the joy of home.

Cool down. Chill the chocolate in the refrigerator before making hot chocolate. The room temperature chocolate will start to melt too quickly and it should be firm when you add it to the milk.

Use cream. For a thicker drink, use cream. Remember, if the drink seems too thick for you, you can add a little water.

Do not bring to a boil. It does not matter if you use cream or milk, do not bring the drink to a boil. Chocolate will lose its properties and the drink will no longer be so tasty.

Add vanilla. By adding a teaspoon of vanilla, you get a wonderful taste. Everyone who tries your drink will ask for the recipe. But keep it a secret! Let them figure it out...

Let the drink brew. After the cooking process is completed, let the drink brew. Leave it for 10 minutes, let it cool down a bit. So it will be more saturated. Then warm it up over low heat.

Whisk. Slightly whisk your drink with a whisk to create foam. So you make it more gentle and pleasant. The taste will be just extraordinary!

Decorate. Add whipped cream, cinnamon, candy, melted caramel, small marshmallows, or whatever you like.

Recipe 1: simple chocolate bar hot chocolate

chocolate- 100 g (one standard chocolate bar, without fillers)
milk - 400 ml
granulated sugar - 50 g
vanilla sugar - to taste

Rub the chocolate, pour half of the hot milk and grind until a homogeneous mixture. Add sugar and, constantly stirring, pour in the rest of the milk. And that's it - the chocolate drink is ready.
To diversify a rather boring hot chocolate recipe, you can put cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg to taste. You can also add it to hot chocolate. butter and decorate the drink with cream, nuts, cocoa powder.

Recipe 2: Hot Chocolate with Cornmeal

Milk 500 ml
Corn flour 1 teaspoon
Chocolate black 70% 120 g
Sugar to taste

1. Heat the milk over medium heat to a timid boil, make the fire very minimal and pour the chocolate broken into small pieces into a saucepan with milk (before that, it is better to put the chocolate in the freezer for a couple of hours: after the cold it gives a more delicate taste). While stirring the contents of the saucepan, bring the drink to a homogeneous state and a timid, gurgling boil.

2. Add sugar and thicken with cornmeal. So that it does not clump, it is useful to first drop a little hot liquid into a tablespoon with flour, turn the contents of the spoon into gruel, and only then thicken the rest of the chocolate with this gruel.

3. Pour the finished chocolate into cups and serve immediately.

Recipe 3: Peppered Cocoa Powder Hot Chocolate

cocoa powder - 3 teaspoons
milk - 2 cups
granulated sugar - 5 teaspoons
vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon
red (preferably cayenne) pepper - to taste
or chili pepper to taste
In principle, you can do without pepper. But in general, real hot chocolate should be with pepper. Otherwise, it's just a variation of cocoa.

Mix cocoa powder with sugar. Heat the milk, but do not bring it to a boil, and gradually, stirring constantly, add sugar and milk to it. Then put vanilla sugar and pepper. Hot chocolate is ready.

Recipe 4: Butter and Cocoa Powder Hot Chocolate

Take 4 heaping tablespoons of cocoa powder, 4 tablespoons of butter, 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar and any amount of drinking water (the consistency of the drink will depend on it).

Melt the butter in a saucepan or small saucepan. Mix cocoa with sugar, pour into butter and mix. Then add water and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. You can start with a small amount of water and then increase it for more liquid chocolate. For flavor, you can add vanillin or replace sugar with vanilla sugar.

Chocolate icing for cakes is prepared using the same technology - if you wait until the boiling mass becomes thick enough. You turn off the fire immediately after the drink boils and pour it into a cup.

Recipe 5: Hot Chocolate with Potato Starch and Chocolate Bar

From the indicated amount of ingredients, 4-5 servings are obtained.

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 200 g chocolate (bitter or milk)
  • 2–3 tbsp (without top) starch (potato)

Dilute starch in 1 glass of milk.

Pour the rest of the milk into a saucepan, put on medium heat, add chocolate.
Heat up until the chocolate has melted.

Then add milk with starch, mix well, heat until the mass begins to thicken.
Remove from fire.

Serve hot.

Recipe 6: How to Make Hot Chocolate in the Microwave

milk 3.2% ¾ cup
vanilla sugar ¼ tsp
ground nutmeg 2 pinches
chocolate 50 g

Hard chocolate bars appeared much later than thick hot chocolate, the recipe of which has changed over the centuries. For example, the ancient Aztecs added hot hot peppers, due to which the spicy liquid became bitter in taste.

The Spaniards in the Middle Ages first came up with the idea of ​​​​adding sugar instead of spices, thanks to which the drink acquired the taste familiar to date. Today, you can make thick hot chocolate at home. Even a novice cook can cope with the task.

Benefits of hot chocolate

Hot chocolate (especially thick), like its counterpart in bars, has a lot of useful properties. Due to the content of serotonin, it stimulates the release of endorphins in the body - hormones responsible for pleasure. Thanks to such complex chemical reactions a person’s mood rises, the work of the brain is activated, irritability, anger and aggression disappear.

The chocolate drink contains rare vitamins and microelements that normalize the work of the heart, improve memory and vision. Scientists have proven that the risk of heart attack and stroke is three times lower for those who regularly treat themselves to their favorite dessert. Perhaps health is the best argument for indulging yourself in the pleasure of enjoying a rich taste.

Best Recipes

On the shelves in supermarkets you can see a huge number of chocolate drinks in powders like MacChocolate. Such mixtures are quickly diluted in boiling water - and a delicious treat is ready to eat. Of course, speed is a significant plus, but if possible, it is still recommended to try homemade desserts.

Firstly, they have a natural composition, and secondly, it is possible to experiment with different tastes and achieve the desired result by calculating the proportions. At first, it is advisable to stick to the exact amount of products, but later you can add something of your own. Since there are a great many recipes, we will focus on the most popular and simple. It is important that with their help you can make hot chocolate with a thick consistency, which positively affects its taste.

With marshmallows and cream

To create an exquisite thick drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  • bitter chocolate bar;
  • 0.4 l of milk;
  • a teaspoon of vanillin and cornstarch;
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid honey;
  • marshmallows (marshmallows), whipped cream.

The cooking process looks like this.

  1. Dilute starch in 100 ml of milk.
  2. The remaining milk is slightly heated, but do not boil, add honey, vanillin and chopped chocolate.
  3. Enter starch, boil.
  4. Decorate the thickened liquid with cream and marshmallows.

Such a tasty and appetizing delicacy is suitable even for diabetics, because it does not contain sugar in its raw form. Thanks to a special recipe and the presence of an antioxidant - gallic acid - dessert is a preventive measure in the treatment of diabetes.

Express drink

This is the easiest recipe, for the preparation of which you only need a pinch of sugar, 65 ml of milk and a bar of dark chocolate.

  1. Grind the tile in a food processor or just by hand, breaking it into small pieces.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan, put a bowl of chocolate on it.
  3. As the dessert is heated, gradually pour in the milk.
  4. Stir until the chocolate is melted and the consistency is smooth.
  5. Pour into cups.

If you want to add spicy notes to a thick drink, you can use natural flavors such as cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg. In order for them to better connect with hot chocolate, it is better to put it back in a water bath, heat it up a little, add seasonings and remove from heat.

With Irish Whiskey

Before making hot chocolate this recipe, you need to collect the following products:

  • 60 ml Irish whiskey;
  • 0.4 l of milk;
  • 120 g milk chocolate;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 260 ml cream (30% fat)

Step-by-step instruction cooking looks like this.

  1. Grind chocolate, add to warmed milk, wait until the dessert melts.
  2. Pour cocoa into a saucepan with milk and chocolate, stir, do not bring to a boil, turn off the heat.
  3. Mix whiskey with cream, add to the chocolate-milk mixture.
  4. Before serving, the glasses need to be warmed up, poured into them a fragrant thick drink.
  5. Garnish with whipped cream and grated chocolate if desired.