The use of vitamin A in capsules orally. How to take vitamin A for maximum benefit to the body? Forms of release of preparations with vitamin A


Dull skin, the appearance of small wrinkles and age spots, diffuse hair loss, reduced rate of regeneration of the epidermis - all these nuances are often symptoms of hypovitaminosis A. They cannot always be eliminated only by correcting the diet: pharmaceutical preparations may also be required, and one of these is an oil solution with vitamin A. In pharmacies it is presented in several varieties. Which one to choose and how to use it correctly?

What is vitamin A in oil

Retinol comes in several synthetic forms - gelatin-coated capsules, hard tablets and an oil solution, which can be sold in ampoules or a large bottle. A solution of retinol acetate in oil is a transparent liquid with a yellow tint, devoid of pronounced taste and odor. This drug is highly concentrated and therefore requires caution when used. The composition is as follows:

  • The active substance is retinol acetate, the amount of which is 34.4 mg (equivalent to 100,000 IU).
  • Excipient – vegetable oil(sunflower) refined deodorized frozen.

Due to this composition, retinol in oil can be used not only externally, like all oil solutions available in the pharmacy, but also internally, as a food additive. In addition to the already mentioned retinol acetate, some manufacturers offer palmitate - this is the same vitamin A, only in a different form and is absorbed differently. It is impossible to predict which option will have a better effect on the body - it is individual, although pharmacists are inclined towards palmitate. If we compare between 2 varieties of oil vitamin A, the picture will be as follows:

  • Retinol acetate in oil - the base is a salt of acetic acid, which is easily obtained and therefore inexpensive. It is not physiological (not present in the body), it is formed during the breakdown of nutrients, therefore it is not completely absorbed by the body; a high dosage is required to obtain the desired effect. The activity of 1 mg of retinol acetate is 2907 IU of vitamin A.
  • Retinol palmitate in oil - the basis is a salt of palmitic acid (saturated, upon breakdown it forms unsaturated acids), which is physiological, so it is quickly and completely absorbed by the body. The activity of 1 mg of retinol palmitate is 1817 IU of vitamin A.

Beneficial features

Retinol belongs to the class of fat-soluble vitamins that are responsible for a large number of biological functions in the human body: if a person does not suffer from its deficiency, he has smooth, radiant skin, strong hair, and skin lesions quickly heal. Synthetic preparations (both acetate and palmitate) are complete analogues of the natural element and are used to restore its normal concentration in the body. Pharmacological actions vitamin A in oil:

  • Providing vision processes (photoreception), stimulating the synthesis of rhodopsin located in the retinal rods is one of the specific functions.
  • Regulation of mineral balance, control of the production of mucopolysaccharides, lipids and proteins.
  • Modulation of the process of differentiation of epithelial cells, stimulation of the process of restoration of mucous membranes and skin.
  • Normalization of the functioning of the endocrine glands and control of body growth through active participation in the synergy of somatomedins.
  • Beneficial effects on the immune system: stimulation of the division of immunocompetent cells and myelopoiesis, influence on the synthesis of interferon, lysozyme and immunoglobulin - factors that protect the body from infections and viruses.
  • Control of conduct and transmission nerve impulses, inclusion of sulfates in cartilage and bone tissue.
  • Antitumor effect on the body, not affecting neoplasms of non-epithelial localization.

Retinol hypovitaminosis is manifested by decreased vision (mainly “night blindness” - decreased visual acuity at dusk), atrophy of the corneal and conjunctival epithelium, degenerative-dystrophic processes in the genitourinary organs, respiratory system, and digestive system. Externally, a lack of this vitamin can be noticed by deterioration of the condition of nails, skin, hair, problems in the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and loss of body weight. Using vitamin A oil in either form (acetate/palmitate) helps:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • stimulate sexual functions (influence the production of hormones and sperm);
  • improve the regenerative properties of the upper layer of skin (epidermis);
  • increase superficial blood circulation;
  • even out complexion, eliminate age spots;
  • increase skin tone;
  • stabilize the central nervous system;
  • normalize liver function (by increasing glycogen levels).

The use of vitamin A in liquid form

All versions of retinol solution with oil are prescribed for conditions of hypovitaminosis diagnosed by a doctor, especially if oral administration is planned. The drug can also be used externally for prophylactic purposes, but for a short course. Official medicine and cosmetology have found a large number of applications for vitamin A - the oil solution is present in anti-aging creams that slow down the aging process of the skin, or is introduced into homemade masks, lotions and other mixtures. For medicinal purposes it is used for:

  • disorders of the liver and other gastrointestinal organs;
  • skin lesions and injuries;
  • problems of the urinary system;
  • lesions of the bronchopulmonary system.

In medicine

Oral and local intake of vitamin A for therapeutic purposes helps improve metabolic processes, strengthen the skeleton and immune system, and help cope with increased irritability and other problems of the nervous system. Doctors also recommend this remedy for the treatment of certain diseases of the liver (discuss with a gastroenterologist!) and lungs. Ophthalmologists consider it appropriate to use it for conjunctivitis, superficial keratitis, and dermatologists - for neurodermatitis, eczema, and hyperkeratosis.

In cosmetology

Restoring the skin, increasing tone, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands are the main properties of vitamin A that cosmetologists use. Externally, for the beauty of skin and hair, this product is recommended for use in case of the appearance of pimples and blackheads, the formation of the first small wrinkles, problems with the synthesis of collagen and elastin. Some cosmetologists advise using it to eliminate age spots and regulate blood circulation in the upper layer of the dermis.

Application for face

As a product that helps rejuvenate, moisturize, tone and cleanse the skin of the face, vitamin A in oil is very popular, therefore it is added to factory-made creams and acts as a component of natural homemade masks. You can mix it with vitamin E (also an oil form), if you do not suffer from oily facial skin, with herbal decoctions, and clay. Some cosmetologists even advise simply adding an oil solution to any face cream (1-2 drops per serving).

Instructions for use of vitamin A oil solution

The use of this product is practiced topically (local application or over a large area) and orally, as a food supplement, but always after meals. The therapeutic course, if it is not preventive home masks on the face or hair, should be agreed with the doctor in view of high concentration active substance. With long-term use of the drug orally, monitoring of blood biochemical parameters and the rate of blood clotting is mandatory. A few more nuances from the official instructions that ensure safe and effective treatment:

  • Do not take vitamin A in drops, capsules or other dosage form if you are being treated with tetracycline drugs.
  • If treatment with cholestyramine is carried out, retinol can be taken 4 hours after it or an hour before.
  • For problems with twilight vision, it is recommended to use retinol with riboflavin.
  • It is important to give up alcohol and nicotine during treatment, and supplement your diet with fats - they contribute to the correct and complete absorption of vitamin A.
  • If oral administration was carried out in large doses, withdrawal is carried out gradually, starting to reduce the amount of vitamin taken and the frequency of doses.

How to drink

Therapeutic doses and course of taking retinol acetate or palmitate should be determined by the doctor who has diagnosed hypo- or vitamin deficiency in the patient. The calculation of the dosage of acetate (as a form more accessible in pharmacies) is carried out based on the following data: 1 drop released from an eye pipette contains 3000 IU of the vitamin, and 1 ml – 100,000 IU. It is important to remember the following about single dosages:

  • adults should not drink more than 50,000 IU per dose;
  • Children over 7 years old are not given more than 5000 IU.

For children under 7 years of age, retinol acetate in oil is not prescribed, and if the pediatrician prescribes such a drug, he monitors the treatment process and independently forms a dosage regimen. There are also maximum daily doses: for adults this is 100,000 IU of vitamin (1 ml of solution), and for children school age– 20,000 IU (4 drops). Approximate therapeutic doses of retinol acetate for adults by disease:

  • Mild and moderate vitamin deficiencies – 33,000 IU per day.
  • Skin diseases - from 50,000 to 100,000 IU per day (in children 5,000-20,000 IU);
  • Hemeralopia, xerophthalmia, retinitis pigmentosa - from 50,000 to 100,000 IU per day together with taking riboflavin.

For children, for the treatment of rickets (in combination with other drugs), bronchopulmonary diseases in acute and chronic forms, collagenosis, acute respiratory diseases, 1 drop of solution is prescribed. In all cases, administration is carried out after meals, after 15 minutes. It is advisable to take the drug in the morning. If you bought a vitamin in oil, enclosed in a capsule, the dosage and principle of administration should be studied according to the instructions (often 1 capsule is prescribed in the morning and evening, after meals). The duration of the course of treatment is discussed with the doctor.

External use

The least number of purely contraindications has the local use of an oil solution of retinol, prescribed by cosmetologists and dermatologists. The drug can be used alone or as a component of a complex composition, but if it is mixed with something, the resulting result is used immediately - not stored. Before starting the therapeutic course, it is necessary to establish the absence of allergic reactions by dripping the solution onto the elbow or wrist. If urticaria symptoms do not appear within 24 hours, you can begin treatment. Be sure to read the following rules:

  • If the composition requires heating, do this before introducing the retinol solution there, be sure to wait until the mixture cools to room temperature, otherwise the vitamin will lose most of its beneficial qualities. It never mixes with boiling water - only with warm liquid.
  • Before applying a composition containing an oil solution of vitamin A, the skin of the face should be steamed by taking a hot shower (stand for 8-10 minutes) or taking a steam bath (lean over boiling water for 5-7 minutes). Afterwards, it is advisable to do a light peeling: this way all the active substances will penetrate completely and to the maximum depth.
  • The mask should be distributed in a thin, even layer along the massage lines, without affecting the area around the eyes and lips. If you are using retinol in oil alone, you can rub a couple of drops onto these areas, but only for 10 minutes.
  • The frequency of cosmetic procedures is determined by the nature of the problem, but masks or creams are mainly used 2 times a week, preferably in the evening, replacing the main care (store-bought products). The course consists of 10 procedures.
  • The exposure time of the care composition does not exceed half an hour: if a woman has oily or combination skin, reduce it to 15 minutes. – half an hour only for dry type.
  • It is advisable to wash off the mask with a warm herbal decoction (infusion of chamomile, calendula). Remove any remaining liquid with a napkin, applying it to your face rather than rubbing it.
  • For severely dry skin, you can make night nourishing masks, but the recommended dosage and frequency of procedures do not change: only the exposure time.

It is not the cosmetic use of retinol in oil that requires special mention, but the therapeutic use: for skin lesions and injuries. Gauze soaked in a solution is applied to a clean area (wash, remove moisture), or the skin is lubricated with a couple of drops. Be sure to make a standard gauze bandage on top. The frequency of procedures is up to 6 per day, the application period is 2-3 hours. This treatment is mainly prescribed for burns and frostbite.

Pregnancy and lactation

Only your doctor can tell you for sure whether women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should take this drug, since a surplus of retinol is no less dangerous for the baby than a deficiency. At the initial stage of pregnancy it is prohibited, later - according to indications, not exceeding the daily dose of 1 drop. Doctors even recommend starting to plan a pregnancy no earlier than six months or a year after long-term treatment with retinol, since the provitamin accumulates in the body and is consumed slowly. Its surplus can cause improper development of the child in the womb.

How retinol interacts with other substances

The main recommendation from doctors is not to use liquid vitamin A with other sources of retinol to prevent overdose and hypervitaminosis. It combines well with other vitamins, especially with tocopherol, thanks to which it retains its active form longer, is well absorbed, and exhibits an anabolic effect. A few more points of drug interaction:

  • When taking estrogens and retinol simultaneously, the risk of hypervitaminosis A increases.
  • Oral administration together with anticoagulants increases the likelihood of bleeding.
  • The anti-inflammatory effect of glucocorticoids is weakened when taking retinol.
  • Isotretinoin provokes increased toxic effects on the body.
  • Vaseline oil, nitrates, cholestyramide interfere with the absorption of vitamin A in the intestines.

Side effects

Locally, the drug is well tolerated, but if applied to areas affected by skin inflammation, exacerbations may occur with long-term treatment (longer than a week) inflammatory process against the background of an immunostimulating effect. Symptoms weaken and disappear on their own and do not require additional treatment. Long-term oral administration leads to hypervitaminosis and provokes the following adverse reactions:

  • drowsiness, weakness, irritability, loss of concentration, increased fatigue;
  • visual disturbances, convulsions, insomnia, increased intraocular pressure;
  • photosensitivity;
  • pain in the epigastric region, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea;
  • polyuria;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • temperature increase;
  • menstrual irregularities due to fluctuations in hormonal levels;
  • formation of orange spots on the feet, palms, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, subcutaneous swelling, itching, rash, dry skin;
  • joint pain in the lower extremities.


External use can be practiced even in children; doctors call the only serious contraindication to it the presence of skin diseases with active inflammation in the area that is planned to be affected. In the presence of hypervitaminosis A, it is also undesirable to use the drug topically and orally; other contraindications are relevant only for oral administration:

  • hypersensitivity to any of the components medicine;
  • nephritis in acute and chronic form;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • children under 7 years of age;
  • obesity;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • lesions of the hepatobiliary system.

It is recommended to use oil with vitamin A with caution in people suffering from liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis (any stage), and having an excess of retinoids in the body. Long-term treatment is not recommended for nephritis, renal failure, and bleeding disorders. In elderly people, the use of the drug should be done under the supervision of a physician.


The cost of all oil retinol options does not exceed 150 rubles, but the bottles are small and the volume varies. Palmitate sells for 80-100 rubles. for 10 ml, and acetate can be bought for 70 rubles, but it will already be 50 ml. If you decide to order the drug from a cosmetic company catalog, it may cost significantly more. An approximate picture of prices for pharmacies in Moscow:


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Vitamin A in oil: application and beneficial properties

Many people have heard about the benefits of fat-soluble vitamins A and E, but not everyone can answer with confidence why tocopherol and retinol should be taken together, what are the indications for their use, how to properly take vitamins A and E in capsules... All these questions today will give answers “Popular about health”.

Retinol - health benefits

Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin. In the pharmaceutical industry it is available in capsules. How is this substance useful?

Retinol plays a huge role in the body. It increases resistance to infectious diseases, skin infections, Promotes better skin regeneration in case of burns, strengthens nails and hair, bone tissue, improves visual acuity.

Indications for use

Who should take vitamin A periodically? What health problems indicate its deficiency in the body? Indications for use:

1. Rickets.
2. Skin rashes, skin pigmentation.
3. Brittle nails, dull hair, hair loss.
4. Frequent colds, respiratory diseases.
5. Vitamin deficiencies.
6. Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
7. Loss of twilight vision.
8. Migraines.
9. Weakness.
10. Diabetes mellitus.

In fact, this element is a participant in many processes occurring in the body. Therefore, it is recommended for all people to take it periodically. But how to do this? What is the dosage regimen?

How to take vitamin A capsules correctly?

The main thing you need to know is that retinol is always taken in pairs with tocopherol. This substance protects retinol from oxidation and promotes its better absorption. The second rule of use is that you must not exceed the dose. An excess of a substance is dangerous, as is its deficiency.

If you are not sure whether you need to take a course of retinol, consult your doctor. It will determine whether there is a need for this substance in your body. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a dosage regimen and indicate what dosage to follow.

General consumption rates are indicated in the instructions for the drug:

1. Children are prescribed 350 mcg of the substance (10,000 IU).
2. Teenagers – 600 mcg (20,000 IU).
3. Adults – 900 mcg (30,000 IU).

Vitamin A is most often sold in capsules. Each of them contains an average daily norm substances for an adult. To maintain immunity and beauty of skin and hair, it is recommended to take no more than one unit of vitamin per day in capsules. This is how to take vitamin A correctly. In addition, the drug should be taken after meals (every quarter of an hour) once a day, swallowing the capsule and washing it down with water. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, as well as the duration of the course of treatment. According to the instructions, the intake standards are as follows:

1. For severe vitamin deficiency, eye and skin diseases - from 33,000 to 100,000 IU per day.
2. For preventive purposes – 33,000 IU per day.

The maximum daily dose for adults is 100,000 IU. It is important to know that vitamin A is removed from the body slowly, it tends to accumulate, so exceeding doses and drinking it unnecessarily is dangerous.

Indications for use of tocopherol

Tocopherol is a substance accompanying retinol. When paired, these components have a stronger effect on the ability of tissues to regenerate, enhance the body’s immune responses, and have a beneficial effect on overall tone. It is shown when:

1. Menopause.
2. Planning pregnancy.
3. Dermatoses.
4. Sexual dysfunctions in men.
5. Epilepsy.
6. Myopathies.
7. Muscular dystrophy.
8. Overwork.

Tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant and can be prescribed for general weakening of nonspecific immunity as a supportive agent.

How to take vitamin E correctly?

You cannot take tocopherol for a long time without a doctor’s prescription. High doses of the drug can contribute to the development of vitamin deficiency A. Capsules with the substance are available in various dosages - 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg.

The average daily dose of this substance for adults is 100 mg. In case of acute vitamin deficiency, the dose is increased to 200 mg per day. The average course of therapy is 4 weeks. If necessary, after a three-month break, treatment is repeated. The capsule is swallowed with water after meals.

This drug is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. People with acute myocardial infarction and cardiosclerosis should not take tocopherol. An overdose of tocopherol is harmful to health.

Aevit is a preparation containing both vitamins

Since it is correct to take vitamins A and E in pairs, it is advisable to use preparations containing two substances in one capsule. For example, "Aevit". Each pill of this drug contains 100 mg of tocopherol and 100,000 IU of retinol. You should take the medicine one capsule daily 15 minutes after meals.

Understanding how to properly drink any vitamin supplements, very important. Some people, without the knowledge of a doctor, stuff themselves with various complexes, not understanding the danger of an overdose. If there is no shortage of these components in the body, then you should not consume them, as they, having accumulated in the body, lead to health problems. For example, an excess of tocopherol in the body threatens the formation of blood clots, and an excess of retinol leads to poor vision, brittle nails, cracks in the skin, and causes pain in the bones. Who needs such problems?

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin (retinol) that promotes normal growth and development of the body. It improves the immune system and promotes rapid regeneration of the skin epithelium. Vitamin A rejuvenates the body, protects the skin from aging and ultraviolet rays. Retinol promotes the production of glycogen in the heart, liver, and muscles. It has a beneficial effect on the visual system, the activity of the thyroid gland, sweat and sebaceous glands.

It is known that everything useful should be in moderation. Let's look at how to take vitamin A so as not to harm your body.

Instructions for use of vitamin A

  • Compliance with the daily dose. For men it is 1000 mcg per day, for women 800 mcg. For the treatment of diseases associated with hypovitaminosis - 3000 mcg per day. It's best to get retinol from foods that contain it, rather than in pills.
  • It is necessary to take vitamin tablets only in case of acute deficiency in the body. This should be done under the supervision of a doctor. And under no circumstances should you exceed the dose.
  • The drug in tablets or capsules should be taken with meals; liquid vitamin A can be added directly to food or juice.
  • Vitamin A must be taken in courses with a break of several days.
  • Aspirin, sleeping pills and laxatives make it difficult to absorb retinol.
  • For better absorption by the body, along with vitamin A, it is recommended to take vitamins B, C, E and minerals: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium.
  • It is prohibited to take during the course alcoholic drinks, it is also recommended to refrain from smoking.

These are the main criteria for how to properly take vitamin A. You can learn about the use of other vitamins from the article

First, you need to determine whether a person has a deficiency of vitamin A. Vitamin A in the body is responsible for the functioning of the immune system, the condition of the skin and healthy vision. Therefore, the first symptoms of vitamin A deficiency may be deterioration of vision, especially at night, pain and pain in the eyes; so-called “goose bumps”, when the skin begins to dry out, especially on the elbows, knees and heels; the body's overall resistance to colds and infections has weakened. All this may signal that a person does not have enough vitamin A. However, it is not recommended to make a diagnosis on your own; in any case, you need to consult a doctor.

A doctor may prescribe vitamin A in the following cases: to strengthen the immune system; for various skin diseases; to protect the skin from the sun and premature aging (vitamin A is included in many cosmetic preparations for a reason; cosmetologists call it the vitamin of youth); to prevent the development of malignant tumors (it has been experimentally proven that vitamin A increases the body’s resistance to cancer, while a lack of this vitamin in the body increases the risk of cancer); for supporting good vision and to improve overall eye health. After a doctor determines that a person suffers from a vitamin A deficiency, it is worth deciding whether it is possible to compensate for this deficiency by adjusting the diet and adding foods containing this vitamin.

Vitamin A pure form(retinol) is found in animal products. This is beef liver, fish liver, butter(not salted), eggs (yolk), cream. However, it should be borne in mind that all these products contain quite a large amount of fat and cholesterol. Therefore, they should be used with caution, especially for people on a diet. To reduce your cholesterol and fat intake, but still get a dose of vitamin A, you should eat foods containing provitamin A (beta-carotene). Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A already in the body. Foods rich in beta-carotene include yellow vegetables and fruits (carrots, apricots, both fresh and dried, peaches, pumpkin), white cabbage, sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts, all types of salads, greens, broccoli.

In medicine, vitamin A is available in several forms: vitamin A in capsules, tablets, dragees, oil solutions, solutions for oral administration and for intramuscular injection. Vitamin A for preventive and therapeutic purposes is taken orally in the form of tablets, capsules or solutions 10-15 minutes after meals. When treating as necessary (severe disease, impaired absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract), the doctor prescribes intramuscular injections, while the vitamin A solution is heated to the person’s body temperature. For long-term treatment of skin and eye diseases, it is advisable to alternate injections with oral administration. The dose and form of the vitamin should be prescribed by a doctor. Pregnant women and children should be especially careful with dosages. Also, you should not use it together with drugs containing calcium, since vitamin A weakens their effect.

The recommended amount of vitamin A per day is 5000 IU (international unit, 1 IU is equal to approximately 1 milligram). This is the norm, quite sufficient to maintain health. At the same time, it is recommended to receive a third of this dose from retinol, that is, products of animal origin, and the remaining part from products containing beta-carotene ( fresh fruit and vegetables). During treatment, depending on the severity of the disease, daily doses range from 10,000 to 100,000 IU per day. The maximum permissible single dose should not exceed 50,000 IU, and the daily dose should not exceed 100,000 IU. Since vitamin A is fat-soluble, it dissolves rather slowly and can accumulate in the liver to toxic levels. That is, unlike many other vitamins, vitamin A is not excreted from the body and its excess can lead to hypervitaminosis.

Signs of excess vitamin in the body are as follows: lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting. Signs of toxicity also include cracking skin, brittle nails and hair loss. And seriously exceeding recommended doses of vitamin A for a long time increases the risk of developing a disease such as cirrhosis many times over. Therefore, vitamin A should be taken with caution. The use of such a seemingly harmless drug as vitamin A can cause serious harm to health. Therefore, even preventive intake of vitamin A is best agreed with your doctor.

It is one of the essential substances for the human body. Its absence negatively affects the functioning of many systems and organs. There is peeling of the skin like fish scales, a decrease in visual acuity, sometimes ending in the onset of “night blindness” (when a person sees poorly at dusk), and a rapid accumulation of fatigue even with minor exertion.

Vitamin A intake standards for children, adult men and women, pregnant women

Depending on your gender, number of years, general health, the rate of retinol intake will vary, so we will give only the average values. For more accurate data, you should contact your doctor, who should write out specific recommendations for use.

  • For men – 1000 – 1200 mcg (60-80 kg weight)
  • for women – 700 – 1000 mcg (45-70 kg of weight)
  • for a pregnant woman – 1000-1200 mcg
  • children from 12 to 17 years old – 700 – 1000 mcg
  • children from 3 to 11 years old – 400 – 700 mcg
  • children under 3 years old – 300-400 mcg

How to determine vitamin A deficiency?

If you encounter:

  • general loss of strength;
  • insomnia;
  • unexpected dandruff and itching of the scalp;
  • pain in the eyes, dryness of the eyeball;
  • vision began to decline;
  • frequent colds

It is likely that you should go to the doctor and get vitamin A capsules.

Be healthy and don't get sick!

Many people have heard about the benefits of fat-soluble vitamins A and E, but not everyone can answer with confidence why tocopherol and retinol should be taken together, what are the indications for their use, how to properly take vitamins A and E in capsules... All these questions today will give answers “Popular about health”.

Retinol - health benefits

Retinol is a fat-soluble vitamin. In the pharmaceutical industry it is available in capsules. How is this substance useful?

Retinol plays a huge role in the body. It increases resistance to infectious diseases, skin infections, promotes better skin regeneration in case of burns, strengthens nails and hair, bone tissue, and improves visual acuity.

Indications for use

Who should take vitamin A periodically? What health problems indicate its deficiency in the body? Indications for use:

1. Rickets.
2. Skin rashes, skin pigmentation.
3. Brittle nails, dull hair, hair loss.
4. Frequent colds, respiratory diseases.
5. Vitamin deficiencies.
6. Problems with the musculoskeletal system.
7. Loss of twilight vision.
8. Migraines.
9. Weakness.
10. Diabetes mellitus.

In fact, this element is a participant in many processes occurring in the body. Therefore, it is recommended for all people to take it periodically. But how to do this? What is the dosage regimen?

How to take vitamin A capsules correctly?

The main thing you need to know is that retinol is always taken in pairs with tocopherol. This substance protects retinol from oxidation and promotes its better absorption. The second rule of use is that you must not exceed the dose. An excess of a substance is dangerous, as is its deficiency.

If you are not sure whether you need to take a course of retinol, consult your doctor. It will determine whether there is a need for this substance in your body. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe a dosage regimen and indicate what dosage to follow.

General consumption rates are indicated in the instructions for the drug:

1. Children are prescribed 350 mcg of the substance (10,000 IU).
2. Teenagers – 600 mcg (20,000 IU).
3. Adults – 900 mcg (30,000 IU).

Vitamin A is most often sold in capsules. Each of them contains the average daily intake of the substance for an adult. To maintain immunity and beauty of skin and hair, it is recommended to take no more than one unit of vitamin per day in capsules. This is how to take vitamin A correctly. In addition, the drug should be taken after meals (every quarter of an hour) once a day, swallowing the capsule and washing it down with water. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor, as well as the duration of the course of treatment. According to the instructions, the intake standards are as follows:

1. For severe vitamin deficiency, eye and skin diseases - from 33,000 to 100,000 IU per day.
2. For preventive purposes – 33,000 IU per day.

The maximum daily dose for adults is 100,000 IU. It is important to know that vitamin A is removed from the body slowly, it tends to accumulate, so exceeding doses and drinking it unnecessarily is dangerous.

Indications for use of tocopherol

Tocopherol is a substance accompanying retinol. When paired, these components have a stronger effect on the ability of tissues to regenerate, enhance the body’s immune responses, and have a beneficial effect on overall tone. It is shown when:

1. Menopause.
2. Planning pregnancy.
3. Dermatoses.
4. Sexual dysfunctions in men.
5. Epilepsy.
6. Myopathies.
7. Muscular dystrophy.
8. Overwork.

Tocopherol is a powerful antioxidant and can be prescribed for general weakening of nonspecific immunity as a supportive agent.

How to take vitamin E correctly?

You cannot take tocopherol for a long time without a doctor’s prescription. High doses of the drug can contribute to the development of vitamin deficiency A. Capsules with the substance are available in various dosages - 100 mg, 200 mg, 400 mg.

The average daily dose of this substance for adults is 100 mg. In case of acute vitamin deficiency, the dose is increased to 200 mg per day. The average course of therapy is 4 weeks. If necessary, after a three-month break, treatment is repeated. The capsule is swallowed with water after meals.

This drug is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. People with acute myocardial infarction and cardiosclerosis should not take tocopherol. An overdose of tocopherol is harmful to health.

Aevit is a preparation containing both vitamins

Since it is correct to take vitamins A and E in pairs, it is advisable to use preparations containing two substances in one capsule. For example, "Aevit". Each pill of this drug contains 100 mg of tocopherol and 100,000 IU of retinol. You should take the medicine one capsule daily 15 minutes after meals.

Understanding how to properly take any vitamin supplement is very important. Some people, without the knowledge of a doctor, stuff themselves with various complexes, not understanding the danger of an overdose. If there is no shortage of these components in the body, then you should not consume them, as they, having accumulated in the body, lead to health problems. For example, an excess of tocopherol in the body threatens the formation of blood clots, and an excess of retinol leads to poor vision, brittle nails, cracks in the skin, and causes pain in the bones. Who needs such problems?

Retinol acetate: instructions for use and reviews

Latin name: Retinol acetate

ATX code: A11CA01

Active substance: retinol

Manufacturer: Polysintez (Russia), Pharmaceutical Factory of St. Petersburg, OJSC (Russia), Marbiopharm, OJSC (Russia)

Updating the description and photo: 13.08.2019

Retinol acetate – vitamin A.

Release form and composition

Dosage forms of Retinol acetate:

  • drops for oral and external use 3.44% and 8.6%: oily liquid from dark yellow to light yellow in color with a transparent structure, without rancid odor (10, 15, 30, 50 ml each in dark glass bottles or 10, 30 or 50 ml in bottles with a dropper cap, 1 bottle in a cardboard box);
  • solution for oral and external use, oily 3.44% and 8.6%: transparent dark yellow to light yellow oily liquid without rancid odor (10, 15, 30, 50 or 100 ml each in dark glass bottles or 10 ml in a dropper bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack; 10 ml (3.4% solution) in a polymer bottle, 1 bottle in a cardboard pack);
  • capsules: yellow, spherical, free of mechanical impurities and streaks; the contents of the capsules are an oily liquid from light yellow to dark yellow in color, there is no rancidity in the odor (10 pcs. in a blister pack, 1-3 or 5 packs in a cardboard pack; 25 or 50 pcs. in dark glass jars , 1 can in a cardboard box).

1 ml of drops for oral and external use 3.44% and 8.6% contains:

  • active substance: retinol acetate (including butylated hydroxytoluene and peanut oil) 100,000 International Units (IU) and 250,000 IU, respectively;
  • auxiliary components: butylated hydroxyanisole, sunflower oil (refined deodorized sunflower oil).

1 ml of solution for oral and external use, oily 3.44% and 8.6%, contains:

  • active ingredient: retinol acetate 100,000 IU (34.4 mg) and 250,000 IU, respectively;
  • auxiliary components: frozen, refined, deodorized sunflower oil, grade P.

1 capsule contains:

  • active substance: retinol acetate solution for oral and external use, oily 8.6% – 0.132 ml (33,000 IU);
  • auxiliary components: refined deodorized sunflower oil;
  • shell composition: glycerin (glycerol), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (nipagin), gelatin, quinoline yellow dye (E-104).

Pharmacological properties


Retinol acetate, vitamin A, is a necessary component for the normal functioning of the retina of the eye, which binds to the opsin pigment to form rhodopsin visual purple, which provides visual adaptation in the dark. Vitamin A is also involved in the processes of bone growth, embryonic development, regulation of division, differentiation of the epithelium (stimulates the reproduction of epithelial cells, rejuvenates the cell population, suppresses keratinization processes), and ensures normal reproductive function. Vitamin A is a cofactor in various biochemical processes.


Vitamin A is quickly absorbed from the duodenum, jejunum and other organs gastrointestinal tract in the presence of bile acids, proteins, fats and pancreatic lipase. Normally, less than 5% is bound to plasma proteins. With excessive consumption of food with vitamin A and overcrowding of the liver depot, the connection with lipoproteins can be up to 65%. Hyperlipoproteinemia may also increase the amount of vitamin A bound to lipoproteins. Vitamin A, released from the liver depot, forms a complex with retinol-binding protein, in the form of which it is found in the blood. Small amounts cross the placenta and into breast milk. The equivalent of the two-year requirement of an adult is deposited in the liver, not in large quantities- in the kidneys and lungs. Mobilization from the depot requires the presence of zinc-containing substances.

Vitamin A is metabolized in the liver. It is excreted by the kidneys, and the unabsorbed part is excreted through the rectum.

Indications for use

The use of Retinol acetate is indicated for vitamin A deficiency, hypovitaminosis and as part of complex therapy:

  • eye pathologies: hemeralopia, retinitis pigmentosa, xerophthalmia, eczematous eyelid lesions, keratomalacia with concomitant vitamin A deficiency;
  • diseases and skin lesions: ulcers, ichthyosis, psoriasis, hyperkeratosis, tylotic (callous, horny) eczema, subacute and acute stages of eczema, neurodermatitis, burns, frostbite, erosion, cracks, wounds.

In addition, oil solution for oral and external use and Retinol acetate capsules are used as part of complex therapy:

  • seborrheic dermatitis, skin tuberculosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases: gastric ulcer and duodenum, erosive gastroduodenitis;
  • colds and infectious-inflammatory (including chronic forms) diseases (including measles, dysentery, tracheitis, influenza, bronchitis).

Also, Retinol acetate capsules are taken in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, and drops are prescribed as part of the complex therapy of atopic dermatitis.


  • spicy inflammatory diseases skin;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • hypervitaminosis A;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • pregnancy period;
  • age up to 7 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

With caution, only after consulting your doctor, you can use Retinol acetate for liver cirrhosis, alcoholism, viral hepatitis, renal failure, and in old age.

In addition, caution should be exercised when prescribing the solution and capsules to patients with heart failure of degrees II and III, or with nephritis.

Instructions for use of Retinol acetate: method and dosage

The use of Retinol acetate is carried out only under the supervision of a physician.

Drops for oral and external use 3.44% and 8.6%

The drops are taken orally after meals, 10-15 minutes later.

  • mild and moderate degree of vitamin deficiency: adults - 11.35 mg (33,000 IU), which corresponds to 0.33 ml drops with a concentration of 3.44% (13 drops from an eye dropper or 10 drops from a dropper cap) or 0.13 ml 8.6% of the drug (5 drops from an eye dropper or 4 drops from a dropper cap) per day;
  • eye diseases: adults - 17.2-34.4 mg (50,000-100,000 IU), which corresponds to 0.5-1 ml drops with a concentration of 3.44% (20-40 drops from an eye pipette or 14-28 – from a dropper cap) or 0.2-0.4 ml with a concentration of 8.6% (8-16 drops from an eye dropper or 6-8 from a dropper cap) per day; children (taking into account age) - 0.34-1.72 mg (1000-5000 IU), which corresponds to 0.01-0.05 ml of the drug 3.44% (1-2 drops from an eye pipette or 1 drop from dropper caps) or 0.004-0.02 ml of the drug with a concentration of 8.6% (1 drop from an eye pipette or from a dropper cap) per day;
  • skin pathologies: adults - 17.2-34.4 mg (50,000-100,000 IU), which corresponds to 0.5-1 ml of 3.44% of the drug (20-40 drops from an eye pipette or 14-28 from dropper caps) or 0.2-0.4 ml drops of 8.6% (8-16 drops from an eye dropper or 6-8 from a dropper cap) per day; children - 1.72-6.88 mg (5000-20,000 IU), which corresponds to 0.05-0.2 ml drops of 3.44% (2-8 drops from an eye dropper or 2-6 drops from a cap droppers) or 0.02-0.08 ml of the drug with a concentration of 8.6% (1-4 drops from an eye dropper or 1-2 drops from a dropper cap) per day.

The doctor determines the duration of treatment individually.

When treating ulcers, burns and frostbite, it is recommended to simultaneously treat skin lesions with an oil solution of Retinol acetate. To do this, apply the drug to the previously cleaned surface of the lesion 5-6 times a day and cover it with gauze. The frequency of lubrication as epithelization and scarring progress is reduced to 1 time per day.

Solution for oral and external use, oily 3.44% and 8.6%

Retinol acetate solution is taken orally, 10-15 minutes after meals (early morning or late evening).

  • mild and moderate severity of vitamin deficiency: adults - up to 33,000 IU, children over 7 years old - 5,000 IU per day;
  • eye diseases: adults – 50,000-100,000 IU per day with simultaneous intake of 20 mg of riboflavin;
  • skin pathologies: adults - 50,000-100,000 ME, children - from 5,000 to 20,000 ME per day. When treating burns, frostbite and ulcers, in addition to oral administration, local applications with the drug are prescribed, which are applied to cleansed affected areas 5-6 times a day during the acute period of the condition, then as healing progresses, the frequency of procedures is reduced.

A single dose should not exceed 50,000 IU for adults, 5,000 IU for children, 100,000 IU and 20,000 IU daily, respectively.


Retinol acetate capsules are taken orally after meals late in the evening or early in the morning.

  • vitamin deficiency of mild and moderate severity: 1 pc. (33,000 IU) per day;
  • eye pathologies: adults – 3 pcs. (100,000 IU) per day in combination with 20 mg of riboflavin;
  • skin diseases: adults – 3 pcs. (100,000 ME) per day.

The maximum daily dose for adults is 100,000 IU.

Side effects

During therapy with Retinol acetate, the development of hypervitaminosis A and allergic reactions is possible; with prolonged use, the risk of intoxication increases.

Symptoms of hypervitaminosis A:

  • adults: drowsiness, headache, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, facial flushing, gait disturbance, pain in the bones of the lower extremities;
  • children: skin rashes, fever, vomiting, drowsiness, sweating.


In case of acute overdose in adults, after 6 hours the following symptoms of hypervitaminosis A develop: lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness, double vision, nausea, vomiting, severe headache, irritability, diarrhea, bleeding gums, dryness and the appearance of ulcers on the oral mucosa, peeling lips, skin (especially palms), increased intracranial pressure, confusion.

Symptoms of chronic intoxication: bone pain, loss of appetite, dry oral mucosa, cracks and dry skin, vomiting, gastralgia, increased fatigue, hyperthermia, asthenia, severe abdominal pain, headaches, pollakiuria, nocturia, polyuria, photosensitivity, irritability , the appearance of yellow-orange spots on the palms, soles, in areas of the nasolabial triangle, hair loss, convulsions, hepatotoxic phenomena, oligomenorrhea, portal hypertension, intraocular hypertension, hemolytic anemia, the appearance of changes on bone radiographs.

Acute hypervitaminosis in children is characterized by excitement, anxiety, insomnia during the first day, drowsiness, signs of suffocation, vomiting, fever up to 39 ºC, protrusion of the large fontanel.

Treatment: drug withdrawal and symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

Retinol acetate should not be used in combination with other multivitamin preparations containing vitamin A to prevent hypervitaminosis.

For adults, the daily requirement of retinol is 0.9 mg, for children – 0.4-1 mg.

For nursing women and children living in the Far North, it is recommended to increase the dose by 50%.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

According to the instructions, Retinol acetate is contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Use in childhood

Retinol acetate is contraindicated for use in patients under 7 years of age. When treating children over 7 years of age, the drug should be used with caution.

For impaired renal function

In case of renal failure, the drug should be used with caution.

For liver dysfunction

In case of liver cirrhosis, Retinol acetate should be used with caution.

Use in old age

When treating elderly patients, the drug should be used with caution.

Drug interactions

With simultaneous use of Retinol acetate:

  • oral contraceptives – help increase the level of vitamin A concentration in the blood plasma;
  • glucocorticosteroids, salicylates - reduce the risk of unwanted effects;
  • colestipol, cholestyramine, neomycin, mineral oils - reduce the absorption of the drug (it may be necessary to increase the dose of retinol acetate);
  • isotretinoin – increases the risk of toxic effects;
  • calcium preparations – reduce their therapeutic effect, causing the risk of developing hypercalcemia;
  • Vitamin E – causes a decrease in the storage and use of vitamin A in the liver, drug toxicity and absorption; taking high doses of vitamin E can reduce vitamin A reserves in the body.


Analogs of Retinol Acetate are: Retinol Palmitate, Retinol Acetate solution in oil, Retinol, Vitamin A.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep away from children.

Store at temperatures: drops and solution – up to 10 °C, capsules – up to 25 °C, in a place protected from light, protect capsules from moisture.

Shelf life: drops – 3 years; solution and capsules – 2 years.

Hello my curious friends. Does your diet contain retinol - aka vitamin A? This is an incredibly useful element, and I intend to convince you of it today.

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble element that belongs to a group of substances called retinoids. It plays a key role in maintaining healthy vision, nervous system function and healthy skin. Like all antioxidants, this element is involved in reducing inflammation by fighting free radicals.

Knowing what vitamin A is good for, you can protect yourself from developing many serious diseases. This element takes part in the following processes:

  • Forms a special pigment in the retina - rhodopsin. Thanks to this substance, the eyes are sensitive to light signals. If rhodopsin is present in sufficient quantities in the body, adaptation of the eyes to lighting occurs quickly.
  • Increases the production of proteins in cartilage and joint tissues, which ensures their renewal and growth. This is why vitamin A is so important for a young, growing body.
  • Ensures the normal condition of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and nose. Thanks to this, the intestines, lungs, and stomach are protected from infections.
  • Strengthens the work of the sympathetic-adrenal system of the body. The essence of this function is this: after foreign bodies enter the body, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline. If retinol enters the body in sufficient quantities, it contributes to the production of large amounts of adrenaline.
  • Provides strength to dermal fibers. The condition of the skin depends on the elasticity of such fibers, so vitamin A is simply necessary for facial skin.

In cosmetology, the vitamin is also used for acne. It is also important for hair and eyelashes. This element strengthens hair follicles and accelerates hair growth.

Deficiency Symptoms

People with fat malabsorption are very susceptible to developing vitamin deficiency. The most common health problems that cause element A malabsorption include gluten sensitivity. This also includes leaky gut syndrome, autoimmune reactions, inflammatory bowel diseases, etc.

Element A deficiency has become a public health problem in more than half of all countries in the world. This problem is especially common in Africa and Southeast Asia. It primarily affects young children and pregnant women in low-income countries.

The following signs indicate a lack of vitamin A in the body:

  • Premature skin aging. Peeling and follicular thickening of the skin are observed. Keratinization of the dermis occurs when epithelial cells lose moisture and become hard and dry. Such phenomena can occur on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, urinary tract etc.
  • Vision is impaired. Moreover, this problem may have different sides manifestations. One of them is xerophthalmia or “dry eye”. Another manifestation is keratomalacia or melting of the cornea. In addition, conjunctivitis may occur. Not receiving enough retinol can lead to the development of night blindness.

  • Hair becomes brittle and dull. Lack of retinol in the body leads to early gray hair.
  • Nail growth slows down. They begin to peel and break.
  • Respiratory infections. This happens because the body's immunity is weak due to a lack of vitamin A.

What does vitamin A contain?

He meets two different types: active and beta-carotene. The active form comes from animal products and is called retinol. It is directly used by our body.

The other type, which we get from fruits and vegetables, in the form of “provitamin A,” is called a carotenoid. These substances are converted into retinol after food enters the body. For example, a type of carotenoid such as beta-carotene must first be converted into the active form A so that it can be absorbed by the body.

Research has repeatedly shown that retinol, as an antioxidant, is very important for good health. Nutrition experts recommend getting most of your vitamins from food. Eggs, milk, liver, carrots, and yellow or orange vegetables are common foods that are high in vitamin A. Foods that contain high amounts of vitamin A are listed in the table below. The percentage is given at a consumption rate of 900 mcg.

Remember that retinol is heat stable. However, during cooking, boiling and canning, about 15-30% of vitamin A is still lost.

This element is also destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. And oxygen reduces its content in the product. Therefore, long-term storage of food in air leads to a partial loss of retinol.

Instructions for use

The daily intake of vitamin A depends on age and gender. Below I have written down the data with the official dosage adopted in Russia.

For children:

For adults:

Most people get enough of the vitamin from their diet. But if you are diagnosed with a deficiency, your doctor may recommend taking additional supplements. You can buy this drug at a pharmacy. Liquid Aevit is sold here, in capsules and ampoules. In addition, the pharmacy sells Retinol Acetate and Retinol Palmitate. The price depends on the form of release and dosage.

The formula of the drug varies slightly. Therefore, a doctor should select a pharmaceutical supplement and describe how to take it. He will also tell you the name of the drug that is optimal in your case. The doctor knows best how to take the drug correctly so as not to harm your health.

Additional vitamin A is needed for:

  • strong physical activity;
  • after x-ray irradiation;
  • during a period of intensive growth;
  • in too hot climates;
  • due to prolonged exposure to a computer or TV;
  • excessive stress, etc.

Side effects - overdose

High doses of element A may actually do more harm than good. Excessive consumption of additional supplements can lead to jaundice, nausea, loss of appetite, irritability, vomiting and baldness. Overdose is rare, but still. If you are considering taking vitamin A supplements, be sure to consult your doctor.

If you are using supplements that contain vitamin A, look at the amount of the element in one dose. And make sure it's appropriate for your gender and age.

Symptoms of a vitamin A overdose include dry skin, joint pain, vomiting, headaches and confusion. Due to increased intracranial pressure, severe headaches and even confusion may occur. In addition, gastrointestinal upset may occur.

Health Benefits of Vitamin A

This element is very important for the full functioning of individual organs and systems. It also helps prevent the development of certain diseases.

Moreover, retinol protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals. This slows down the aging process and maintains elasticity for a long period of time. Retinol also protects the skin from aggressive ultraviolet exposure. It evens out the complexion, fights inflammation, and smoothes out wrinkles. Therefore, this vitamin is extremely important for the face.

Interaction with other drugs

Retinol has “friends” and “enemies”. Knowing them by sight, you can prevent a deficiency of this element. Thus, a lack of vitamin E impairs the absorption of retinol. Therefore, a balanced intake of these two components is important.

Zinc deficiency is also bad for the body. This situation makes it difficult to convert vitamin A into its active form.

Mineral oils dissolve fat-soluble substances. This includes retinol. With constant intake of mineral oils, vitamin A, passing through the intestines, is simply not absorbed. Therefore, the body experiences a shortage of this element.

Vitamin A supplements may interact with some birth control pills, blood thinners (such as Coumadin or warfarin). Retinol is detrimental to acne medications (such as Accutane) and drugs used to treat cancer.

You should not take retinol and alcohol at the same time. This duo will kill your liver. You should not take cholesterol-lowering drugs and vitamin A at the same time. Because they are incompatible and this may interfere with the absorption of retinol.

With long-term use of tetracyclines and vitamin A, hypertension develops. Therefore, such a duet is dangerous. The combination of retinol + glucocorticoids is fraught with antagonism.

I am sure that today’s article has helped you take a different look at vitamin A. It turns out that so much depends on this element. Therefore, they cannot be neglected.