Breastfeeding: Tips for breastfeeding moms. Is it possible to breastfeed a child with a high temperature Is it possible to feed a mother's child

If a breastfeeding woman is ill, doctors may recommend that she stop breastfeeding. Depending on the type and severity of the disease, refusal can be:

  • temporary or permanent;
  • complete (when it is forbidden to use even expressed milk to feed the baby);
  • partial (when it is allowed to use expressed milk without restrictions, but it is impossible to put the baby to the breast).

Absolute ban on feeding breast milk(it does not matter whether the child receives it directly from the breast or in expressed form) is the most categorical recommendation. In pediatric practice, such situations are relatively rare. These include, for example, HIV infection or an open form of tuberculosis in the mother. In the case of tuberculosis, a sick woman is a source of infection for others and must be and treated in a specialized hospital. In the first place in terms of the risk of infection is, of course, her child.

Not only these diseases themselves are not compatible with breastfeeding, but also the drugs used to treat them, which can have a negative effect on the baby's body.

Temporary cessation of breastfeeding in case of illness

Temporary refusal of breastfeeding may be recommended when the process of feeding is a difficult test for the mother due to her poor health. The reasons can be very different:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • pains of various localization;
  • heart diseases;
  • transferred operation, etc.

In such a situation, a woman may need medications that are not compatible with breastfeeding. At the same time, the mammary glands still need to be emptied by pumping, otherwise there is a risk of a new problem for a nursing mother - milk stagnation.

You can pump with your hands or with a breast pump. In both cases bad feeling women may require assistance from medical personnel. Pumping should be carried out according to the feeding regimen of the child - at least every three hours. It is also necessary at night.

Doctors may advise temporarily feeding the baby with expressed milk if the mother has pathological rashes on the mammary glands: for example, herpetic (vesicles filled with a clear liquid) or pustular (vesicles filled with pus). This recommendation applies to those cases where the area of ​​the nipple and areola is not affected.

It should be noted that more extensive rashes make it difficult to express and collect uninfected milk, and also suggest serious treatment for the mother, in which medicines can get to the baby along with milk, and this is undesirable for the baby.

Of course, different situations require an individual (taking into account the severity of the disease and ongoing treatment) approach to the problem.

For what diseases is breastfeeding allowed?

It must be borne in mind that breastfeeding or feeding the baby with expressed breast milk is possible with most common infections that are not severe in a woman.

So, acute respiratory infections (ARI), cytomegalovirus infection are not grounds for transferring a child to artificial nutrition.

With acute respiratory infections, in order not to infect the baby, a woman should wear a disposable mask during feeding, which can be bought at a pharmacy (a new mask is used for the next feeding!).

You can also continue to apply to the breast with urinary tract infections, toxoplasmosis and postpartum endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus). However, in these cases, undesirable medicines that the mother takes may enter the body of the child with milk. Then a temporary refusal of breastfeeding is recommended, first of all, not because of the disease itself, but to exclude the consequences of aggressive therapy for the health of the child. If such a threat exists, doctors try to prescribe medicines to a nursing woman that will not harm the baby. But in some cases this is not possible.

You can also breastfeed a child with hepatitis A and B, but in the case of the latter, the baby needs to be vaccinated against hepatitis B immediately after birth (it is performed on the first day of life, then at 1, 2 and 12 months). Hepatitis C is also not absolute contraindication to breastfeeding.

Chickenpox (chickenpox) in a mother requires an individual approach in deciding whether to breastfeed a child. The most dangerous situation is when a woman has characteristic rashes a few days before childbirth or in the first days after childbirth. At the same time, the mother cannot transfer the required amount of protective antibody proteins to her baby, since they have not yet had time to develop. If the child is properly prescribed prophylactic treatment (specific immunoglobulin against chicken pox), then breastfeeding may be allowed.

The presence of staphylococcus aureus in breast milk is not a contraindication to breastfeeding. This microorganism normally lives on the skin and can enter milk from the skin of the mammary glands or from the mother's hands when expressed. Its moderate amount in milk should not be regarded as a sign of breast inflammation, especially if there are no symptoms of mastitis (pain and redness of the breast, fever, etc.). The appointment of an analysis of breast milk for staphylococcus without an obvious reason is unreasonable.

Breastfeeding with mastitis is possible and in most cases even indicated because it improves the drainage of the affected breast through the sucking process and does not harm the baby. First of all, this concerns uninfected (catarrhal) mastitis. In the case of purulent mastitis or the occurrence of abscesses (abscesses) in the mammary gland, the decision is made by the surgeon. Sometimes a temporary transfer of the child to adapted milk formulas is required.

The breast must be decanted at the same time, and a breast pump in this case is more preferable due to gentle pressure on the areola.

The admissibility of feeding crumbs with expressed milk with mastitis of the mother depends on several factors:

  • the extent of the lesion of the mammary gland;
  • quality of milk (first of all, the presence of pus in it);
  • the nature (aggressiveness) of the treatment of mastitis (that is, the compatibility of prescribed drugs with breastfeeding).

In most cases, the baby is temporarily transferred to infant formula, expressed mother's milk is not used for feeding him, primarily due to the use of drugs for the treatment of mastitis, which can harm the baby if it enters his body with milk.

After the end of treatment, the woman resumes breastfeeding. When exactly this happens depends on how quickly the drugs are cleared from the body. The doctor's recommendations in this regard are based on the information specified in the annotation to the drug. On average, 1-2 days after the end of medication, milk is considered safe for the baby.

Breastfeeding and mother's treatment

There are three groups of drugs:

  • categorically contraindicated in breastfeeding;
  • incompatible with breastfeeding;
  • compatible with it.

Special tables have been developed by which one can judge how intense the transition of a particular drug from the mother's blood into breast milk, and from it into the baby's body.

Obviously, the most optimal medicine for the mother is that which is not excreted with milk. For example, in the case of the well-known aspirin ( acetylsalicylic acid) the situation does not look so harmless: 60-100% of this remedy passes with breast milk to the baby.

It should also be taken into account that even with a minimal probability of penetration of the drug into milk, negative action the drug can be quite serious. For example, many antibiotics pass into milk to a limited extent, but cause tangible undesirable effects for the child. First of all, it is dysbiosis - a violation of the intestinal microflora.

It should be noted that not all drugs have data on their compatibility with breastfeeding. If there is no clarifying information for any particular drug, then in the annotation for such a drug, you can most often read the phrase "not recommended during lactation."

As a rule, in such situations, the decision is made by the nursing mother and the pediatrician observing the child. If the benefit of breastfeeding outweighs the potential (but unproven) harm from the possible ingestion of the drug into the baby's body, a choice is made in favor of continuing breastfeeding. Of course, such cases require careful monitoring of the health of the baby by physicians.

What can replace breast milk?

What if the doctors still forbade the sick mother to breastfeed?

Choice for alternative food. Currently, a wide range of adapted milk formulas is on sale for both full-term and premature babies. The pediatrician will help you choose the most suitable option for the baby.

When choosing an alternative, it is important to know whether the transfer of crumbs to artificial nutrition will be temporary or the baby, unfortunately, will no longer be able to return to mother's milk. The second option is typical for a serious pathology in a mother that requires long-term treatment (for example, with HIV infection, tuberculosis, or cancer).

If artificial feeding is a temporary phenomenon, then a woman should definitely maintain lactation by frequent pumping according to the regime - that is, at least 8-12 times a day. For children of the first months of life - once every 2.5-3 hours. Expressed milk is not offered to the baby and is not stored.

The pediatrician allows the mother to give expressed milk to the baby only in situations where it is dangerous to feed directly from the breast, but the milk itself does not pose any threat to the baby. For example, if a woman has herpetic rashes on the mammary glands or severe cough and runny nose.

Hi guys! I am with you, Lena Zhabinskaya! How many young mothers are around us, raising children of the same age! When asked if they planned for their sons and daughters to have such a small age difference, the women laugh it off and smile sweetly. Most of the time it just happened that way.

It is interesting that if for the body of mothers of artificial babies the stress in such a situation is not too great, then for mothers of babies it is tangible. Is breastfeeding allowed during pregnancy in this case? Doctors and breastfeeding specialists know the answers to these questions.

That is why they advise taking a break between pregnancies at least 2 or even 3 years. And that is why they recommend stopping breastfeeding as soon as a new little life is born inside a woman. And there are reasons for that.

Why is it recommended to stop breastfeeding in case of pregnancy.

It is also worth noting that such an early new pregnancy directly affects the woman. Which of the future women in labor did not want to sleep in the first or third trimester? With the first child, this desire was much easier to fulfill. With the second, it is often simply unrealistic. For example, when he constantly requires attention and needs guardianship and care because he is not yet able to serve himself.

Another point that almost all women who are pregnant with their second child and continue breastfeeding note is the handles. The baby constantly asks for her hands, but fear or complications makes a woman refuse him this pleasure. What is the result? Whims and screams from the crumbs. Shattered mental health and nerves at the limit on the part of my mother.

Add here imminent problems with lactation against the background of constant fatigue and the need to quickly wean the baby from the breast, and the answer to the question about the difficulties of a second pregnancy on breastfeeding will be as complete as possible.

By the way, the baby can also experience the negative manifestations of a new pregnancy. How? More on this in the next section.

What difficulties await the first child

Native, beloved, planned and still very small ... This is your baby. Is he ready to become a senior already at that age? Psychologists say yes, but they mention the great difficulties that will precede this. What is this about?

Early deprivation of breast milk.

First of all, about the same lactation. Any woman, without hesitation, will answer that breast milk is incredibly beneficial for the baby. It saturates it with all the necessary nutrients and ensures normal growth and development.

That is why you should feed as long as possible. Some, however, take this statement too literally and begin to wean from the breast as early as the age of 2 years. Meanwhile, the fact remains: breastfeeding is useful, but under the condition of a new pregnancy it is sometimes unrealistic due to contraindications.

Avoiding co-sleeping.

Another point is co-sleeping. Hand on heart, most women will say that after giving birth in the first months, or even later, they put the baby to sleep next to them. Just because it's more convenient. When he lies at his side, feeding is easier to organize, since there is no need to get up and run somewhere.

Needless to say, ever since my mother found out about her interesting position joint vacation is better to stop. Why so soon? Because this process in practice is delayed and again ends with cries and whims on the part of the baby and stress on the part of the mother.

Changes in breast milk.

Does pregnancy affect the composition and taste of breast milk? It turns out yes. Moreover, the visible influence is especially acute in the second trimester, when the baby can suddenly refuse to breastfeed. And you can’t explain to him that the sweetish life-giving moisture is incredibly useful.

At one point, he may just stop drinking it. Doctors say it's all about hormones. They affect both the taste and the amount of milk. True, not all children do not like changes. Some do not notice them, others continue to suck even an empty breast, just to communicate with their mother.

What about breastfeeding pregnancy

New pregnancy and breastfeeding is a hot topic of discussion in the medical community and beyond. There are even several myths around her, which are often successfully refuted. Judge for yourself.

Myth 1. About the deficiency of nutrients in the mother's body.

There is a myth that breastfeeding the first child at the same time as the second pregnancy is impossible due to the lack of vitamins and minerals that the fetus will experience. Doctors refute it, mentioning the amazing ability of the body to redistribute everything useful material, however, only if they are in reserve.

In other words, anemia in the mother, which is a consequence of iron deficiency, will result in fetal hypoxia and a constant decline in strength in a young woman. In the end, mother nature will, first of all, take care of the offspring, supplying them with useful substances, and only then - about the woman.

Is there a way out of this situation? Yes, and it consists in providing the mother's body with good nutrition. So that all vitamins and microelements arrive on time and replenish its reserves.

Myth 2. Higher risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

During breast sucking, powerful stimulation of the nipples occurs, which can lead to difficulties in carrying a pregnancy. And all because of the produced oxytocin, a hormone that provokes uterine contractions.

Meanwhile, we must not forget about the role of another hormone - progesterone, which is responsible for the production of milk and is intensively produced during lactation. It relaxes the muscles of the uterus and smooths out possible problem situations. True, it does this only until the 20th week, due to which, until this time, the uterus does not react in any way to the presence of oxytocin in the blood.

What happens later? Doctors say that the body adapts and produces less oxytocin, and its minimum doses are not able to somehow harm a future pregnancy. True, they still do not recommend taking risks.

Miscarriages that occurred at the very moment when the first, so to speak, the eldest, child was breastfed, doctors do not take into account. According to them, up to 30% of all pregnancies, unfortunately, expect such a sad outcome.

Myth 3. Medicines that are prescribed to the mother during pregnancy harm the baby.

This myth remains a myth simply because the number of drugs is incredibly large. Many of them, which are allowed during pregnancy, are also allowed during breastfeeding.

Doctors know about them, so they always prescribe only proven and safe ones.

Is it possible to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy and when it should be stopped

In general, doctors do not forbid a future mother to feed a child during pregnancy, if there is no evidence for this. They simply mention that a young woman needs to take tests in a timely manner in order to identify possible changes in her body associated with a deficiency and nutrients, as well as listen to her body.

As a rule, there are no difficulties until the 20th week. After, with the appearance of training contractions, breastfeeding will most likely have to be stopped.

Also, mothers will be advised to refuse breastfeeding in other cases, namely:

  • if she had a history of premature birth;
  • if there was a miscarriage;
  • if there was bleeding.

Meanwhile, these factors are not final. The age of the mother, the presence of chronic diseases also matters. Moreover, doctors look at the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy, the state of health of a woman.

How to alleviate the situation

In order for a new pregnancy not to become a problem, the mother needs to make a decision about the continuation of lactation together with her doctor. If he advises leaving everything as it is, it is important to take care of organizing a balanced diet.

We must not forget the importance of sleep and rest. This rule, rather, needs to be conveyed to other family members, who now have to help the young woman in everyday life.

And most importantly, you need to take care of yourself, because even a banal cold with, which will entail taking medication, will certainly affect not only the baby, but also the unborn child.

The second pregnancy is a blessing! Enjoy it. And save the article to your wall in social networks, and also subscribe to blog updates. I, Lena Zhabinskaya, tell you: “Bye-bye!”

It seems to many young mothers, and even their close relatives, that if a nursing woman is sick, the baby must be immediately weaned and accustomed to mixtures. It is believed that the child will catch a cold next, and the milk will “burn out” - frankly deteriorate. This opinion was refuted by pediatricians.

When the mother becomes ill, antibodies are produced that fight the virus. Fragments of a neutralized virus and antibodies are transferred to the child with mother's milk - this helps to strengthen his immunity: the baby's body begins to develop its own protective reaction against viral diseases. If you transfer the baby to the mixture for a while, then he can really get infected from his mother, and his body will have to fight the virus on its own, without the support of antibodies.

Nothing will happen to milk either high temperature Mom. It will not deteriorate, will not “turn sour”, will not become harmful to the baby. But expressing milk and boiling it is useless, in this case nothing useful will be passed on to the child. Mothers got sick at all times - nothing happened to humanity for thousands of years because of spoiled breast milk. Weaning a baby is required only in rare cases, in which viral diseases do not apply.

Treating a cold while breastfeeding

A young mother makes sure that nothing harmful gets into her baby's milk. When treating a cold while breastfeeding, only sparing measures are required. It is not recommended to use strong antibiotics or medicines, which have a whole list of contraindications. Moreover, you should not use those medicines on which it is written in plain text that you cannot drink them while breastfeeding.

In the treatment, non-drug remedies can help - a cold is not as terrible as it might seem while you are sick with it. You can apply:

  • aromatherapy and foot baths;
  • herbal teas and decoctions;
  • onion drops for the nose;
  • inhalation;
  • the old fashioned way to breathe over potatoes.

Personal prevention will be required: it is recommended to wear a gauze bandage when feeding and interacting with the baby, wash your hands more often and ventilate the room. For a child, the likelihood of becoming infected by airborne droplets is much higher than when breastfeeding.

It is impossible to engage in drug self-treatment. All drugs must be agreed with the doctor. If the mother needs complex treatment, then the doctor himself will recommend switching to artificial feeding and will also tell you when to return the baby after the bottle to the breast. In most cases, this will not be required: the less often a mother uses artificial feeding, the stronger her child's health becomes.

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Fundamental advice for breastfeeding mothers about breastfeeding

SARS or a cold in a nursing mother - Dr. Komarovsky

The common cold is an extremely unpleasant and very common disease that can happen to anyone. A nursing mother is no exception, and colds do not bypass her. It is especially likely to get the disease in autumn, winter and early spring, in the midst of an influenza and SARS epidemic. What to do with a cold nursing mother?

Feeding the baby

Most women who are expecting a baby are determined to breastfeed their baby. Some young mothers plan to breastfeed their baby at least up to 6 months, others intend to continue lactation up to 2 years, as recommended by WHO. In reality, not all women manage to feed their baby for at least the first few months. And the point here is not at all a lack of milk, but the wrong organization of breastfeeding. What causes women to switch their child to artificial formula?

One of the common reasons why a baby begins to receive formula at an early age is a cold. The determination to breastfeed a child until self-weaning disappears as soon as a young mother is faced with an illness. Fear for the health of the baby, the need to take medications makes women curtail lactation. Is it really necessary?

The most important question that worries every young mother: is it possible to continue breastfeeding a baby with a cold? Many women fear that during feeding, the baby will receive all the dangerous bacteria with milk and immediately get sick. Some nursing mothers even leave the baby for dads and grandmothers until full recovery. Such tactics do not make any sense and only lead to the creation of a tense situation in the house. What should a nursing mother do with a cold?

Modern pediatricians and breastfeeding experts say: with a cold, you can breastfeed your baby. If the mother is sick, she does not need to stop lactation and transfer her baby to the mixture. With mother's milk, the baby receives not only all the necessary nutrients. Protective antibodies are also passed through breast milk to help fight infection. These antibodies are produced in the woman's blood and are passed into the baby's blood in finished form. As a result, the baby at the most early stages disease receives powerful protection from viruses and bacteria. In this regard, breast milk works much more effectively than all known immunomodulators, protecting the baby from most respiratory diseases.

Feed your baby on demand - this will increase his chances of getting all the nutrients in full.

It is noticed that children who are breastfed get sick less often than their peers who receive an artificial mixture. But weaning in the midst of a cold can adversely affect the condition of the child. The baby's body is fighting hard against the infection, and here it creates additional stress. The child begins to get sick, and protective antibodies no longer enter his blood. Babies who are switched to formula during their mother's cold get sick more severely and for longer than those who continue to receive milk throughout the illness.

Forced weaning

It happens that a nursing mother is forced to stop lactation for objective reasons. The following situations can lead to this:

  • taking medications that are not compatible with lactation;
  • the serious condition of the woman, not allowing her to breastfeed the baby;
  • purulent mastitis against the background of the underlying disease;
  • hospitalization of a woman.

Such situations are not typical for the common cold and indicate the development of serious complications. In this case, the woman has no choice but to transfer the baby to the mixture. Can I return to breastfeeding after recovery?

Experts assure: nothing is impossible. All the while a woman is undergoing treatment, she needs to regularly. Pumping should go at least every 3-4 hours without a break for the night. At the same time, the milk is poured out, and the child receives an artificial mixture.

Many children, having got used to a bottle, refuse to breastfeed in the future. Can this be avoided? Yes, if you feed the baby with a special soft spoon. The handle of the spoon is shaped like a small bottle into which baby formula is poured. For the entire period of feeding with the mixture, it is not recommended to use pacifiers - the child also gets used to them quickly enough.

Child safety

Most pediatricians recommend that a sick mother wear a disposable mask when feeding. Using a mask somewhat reduces the risk of infection of the baby, but does not give a 100% guarantee that the baby will not get sick. The thing is that viruses and bacteria begin to stand out long before the first symptoms of a cold appear. A nursing mother does not yet know that she is sick, and her child already has every chance of becoming infected. In this regard, the use of a mask after the onset of obvious symptoms of a cold does not make much sense.

The good news is that antibodies in the mother's body also begin to be produced quite quickly. The baby receives protective substances along with milk in the earliest stages of the disease. This in particular explains the lower incidence of colds among breastfed children.

Some women, fearing for the health of the child, express and boil breast milk. Under no circumstances should this be done! Boiled milk loses all its useful substances, including protective antibodies. The risk of catching a cold after boiling baby food is not at all reduced.

How can you protect your child from a cold?

  1. Frequent ventilation of the room.
  2. Daily wet cleaning.
  3. Air humidification (you can purchase a special room humidifier).
  4. Use of an ultraviolet germicidal lamp indoors (10 minutes 4 times a day).
  5. Frequent hand washing throughout the day.
  6. Regular walks with good health.
  7. Cleansing the baby's nose with saline solutions.

Breastfeeding mother treatment

Treating a cold during lactation is not an easy task. Many familiar medications prohibited for use in nursing mothers. Products that pass into breast milk can harm the baby and slow down its growth and development. What can be taken for a cold during lactation?

  • Non-drug therapy.

Bed rest until the temperature returns to normal, healthy sleep and rest - this is what a nursing mother needs to quickly restore strength. To reduce intoxication, doctors recommend drinking as much liquid as possible. It can be pure water, weak tea, berry fruit drinks or fruit compotes. It is better to refrain from sugary juices and carbonated drinks until recovery.

  • Medical therapy.

High body temperature is not very characteristic of the common cold. Thermometer values ​​for SARS rarely exceed 38 degrees. It is not necessary to bring down this temperature. If the fever continues and the temperature stays around 39 degrees, you can take antipyretic drugs. When breastfeeding, paracetamol is allowed for use. Ibuprofen is used with great caution. Analgin for nursing mothers is prohibited.

Salt solutions can be used to cleanse the nasal mucosa. You can spray in the nose every two hours throughout the day. Salt solutions facilitate nasal breathing, cleanse the nose of pathogens and speed up recovery. With severe nasal congestion, you can use vasoconstrictor drops that are allowed during lactation.

Local antiseptics in the form of tablets and sprays will help relieve a sore throat. Before using any drug, you should make sure that it is allowed for lactation. Gargling with decoctions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus) gives a good effect. Mucolytics and antitussive drugs are used only on prescription.

In most cases, a nursing mother can easily cope with a cold at home. If the condition worsens, as well as in the absence of the effect of treatment within 3 days, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Breastfeeding for a baby, no doubt, is much better than artificial. However, it happens that a young mother doubts whether it is possible to breastfeed a child? Is it safe? It is about a situation where in a breastfeeding mother rises temperature. Can whether to continue breastfeeding and treatment? "Mom's cheat sheet" will tell you.

Situation No. 1: I am breastfeeding, the temperature has risen to 37-38. What should I do?

The first thing a mother who is breastfeeding a baby needs to do is to find out the cause of the fever. Feel free to call the doctor at home. Modern mothers are used to searching for information on the Internet. Well, while the ambulance is coming, let's try to determine together what's wrong with you. So, temperature 37- 38 in a nursing mother may occur for the following reasons:

1. Nursing mother got sick with a cold or SARS . Most common cause why the temperature rises, exactly up to 37-38 degrees (and even higher). And here it is curious to know such a feature female body: Together with milk, the baby will receive antibodies produced by the mother's immune system, as well as nutrients that will help the baby overcome a cold. That is, it is possible and even necessary to breastfeed a child with a cold and SARS, experts say.

How to treat yourself and protect the child from the disease?

Antiviral antibodies in the human body are produced on the 5th day of illness. That is, the body is able to cope with this disease itself. Mom's task:

  • eat according to your appetite
  • drink a lot,
  • ventilate the room often (viral particles lose their activity in clean, cool, humid air),
  • irrigate the nasal mucosa saline solutions.

And to protect the child from infection with the virus, it is recommended:

  • breastfeeding with a mask
  • regularly irrigate the baby's nasal mucosa with saline solutions or droplets (they are now available even for babies marked 0+),
  • ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning of the room (viruses, as you know, love dust).
  • do not stop breastfeeding the baby so that, together with milk, the baby receives immunity to mother's illness.

Antiviral and antibacterial drugs are not allowed while breastfeeding. If the mother does not accept them, you can continue to feed the baby. Then the mother's milk, which produces antibodies to viral infections will protect the baby. If the mother uses drugs that are contraindicated during breastfeeding, at the time of admission, you should stop breastfeeding and switch to the mixture. The transition must be very careful not to cause allergic and other adverse reactions and the baby.

If the baby is transferred to artificial feeding during the illness, this can adversely affect the mother's condition. If the breast milk is not sucked out by the baby, the young mother may develop mastitis, or the milk will slowly disappear. An infant who will be bottle fed may not want to breastfeed again later. In this case, if the mother has breast milk, the child will have to be transferred to an artificial mixture.

Thus, if the mother has a fever due to a cold, then she can breastfeed the baby.

2. Lactostasis (milk stasis), mastitis is the second most common reason why the temperature of the nursing mother has risen. Is it possible continue in this situation. breastfeed the baby?

Even if the baby suckles well at the breast, often too much milk can be produced at the beginning of lactation. Red spots appear on the chest, milk flows poorly from the chest, it becomes full and hard, like a stone. Body temperature often rises to 37 - 38 degrees. Milk collects in the lactation channels, presses, blockage, stagnation occurs.

It is very important to put the baby to the breast often so that there is no stagnation. And if stagnation has formed and all the signs are obvious, it is necessary to feed more often than usual, about once every 1 to 2 hours. In this case, the position from under the arm is ideal, when the baby massages that side of the chest, where stagnation most often occurs. The baby will help the mother recover.

Between feedings, it is useful to apply a chilled leaf of white cabbage to the breast. It's old and effective method relieve swelling and inflammation in the chest. The sheet is torn off and lightly beaten with a kitchen hammer and put into a bra. After 1.5 - 2 hours, the leaf is removed before feeding. More details in the article.

Mothers often take a rise in temperature with lactostasis for ARVI or flu, they are slow to see a doctor, which only aggravates the situation.

Meanwhile, if the stagnation does not go away, the redness and temperature do not subside, this can lead to mastitis. And this is a more serious and painful problem. In fact, mastitis is a neglected lactostasis (milk stasis). That is why it is so important to consult a doctor at the first signs of milk stagnation. In advanced cases, the doctor will prescribe the necessary antibiotics that are safe for the baby and compatible with breastfeeding.

And against pain and temperature, paracetemol, simple and safe during breastfeeding, will help. Experts believe that the composition of milk after taking it remains the same.

So, with stagnant milk, you can breastfeed the baby, since the milk ducts must be emptied regularly. But this is possible only if there is no chest purulent discharge. After feeding, the remaining milk must be expressed.

3. Stress, menstruation. Sometimes it happens that a young mother's temperature rises against the background of stressful situation or on the background of menstruation. In this case, you can also continue to feed the baby with mother's milk. But if the mother's temperature rises above 39 degrees Celsius, then it must be brought down. After all, mother's milk at a high temperature in the mother "burns out", and the baby refuses it. Medicines also pass to the baby along with the mother's milk, therefore, mothers cannot take antipyretic drugs containing aspirin - aspirin cannot be taken by babies. To reduce the temperature, a nursing mother should use drugs only based on paracetamol.

4. Herpes. On the lips, for example. What to do? Try not to touch the child with this place, wash your hands more often, protect the baby from contact with the focus of the disease.

Situation number 2: the nursing mother is seriously ill, the temperature. Can antibiotics be taken?

1. The cause of the temperature can be diseases that require treatment antibiotics. Such diseases pose a danger to both the mother and the child. The attending physician, if the disease has just begun or its course is quite mild, may prescribe antibiotics to the mother, which will not interfere with the breastfeeding process. In modern medicine, there are a number of antibiotics that are safe for breastfeeding. Only the attending physician has the right to prescribe them. Some types of anesthesia are also compatible with breastfeeding. In any particular case, whether the mother can continue to breastfeed if the temperature rises and any serious illness is detected, the doctor should decide.

2. Mom is seriously ill and cannot breastfeed the baby for some time. What to do in this case? If the mother is in the hospital or undergoing chemotherapy, you need to wait until the course is over. To prevent the milk from disappearing and there was no stagnation, it is important to express milk regularly. Then it will not disappear and later it will be possible to return to feeding.

There are situations when a nursing mother needs special treatment that is incompatible with breastfeeding. The doctor prescribes medicine and recommends switching to artificial feeding. You don't have to feel like a criminal. The child needs a healthy mother, so it is better to follow the recommendations of the attending physician. Children grow up on mixtures, the main thing is that a healthy and joyful mother is nearby)