How you feel better. Top tips for wellness from yoga experts

The main indicator of a person's happiness is his well-being. We often talk about this, we are often asked about this by acquaintances, close people, doctors at their appointments. Has anyone ever wondered what it is?
- these are all our feelings of psychological and physical comfort from what is happening around and inside us, that is, from life itself. Our well-being is a qualitative characteristic (bad or good) of our actions in this life and of their results.
Since ancient times, a person has been looking for all kinds of means in order to improve his well-being, and only the wise men knew that it all depends only on our internal state and that it is decisive in everything, including our physical component.

Good and bad health of a person

Our mental balance is the basis of everything. If we thoroughly consider all diseases, we can see that at the heart of almost every one of them will be our internal dissatisfaction with the events taking place. Our grandmothers were right when they said that "all diseases are from nerves." Poor health of a person- this is, first of all, his feeling of helplessness and, as a result of this, low self-esteem. As a result, we begin to self-flagellate, blame ourselves for all mortal sins and devalue our lives. As a result, we fix all our attention on our failures, even the smallest ones. As a result, our immune system does not have enough strength (strength = attention) to cope with foreign elements constantly attacking us, and our body begins to get sick. Any disease lowers our vitality even lower, and so a vicious circle is obtained, or, to be more precise, a "descending spiral".
Bad feeling- this is not something that exists independently and for no reason, it is a consequence of some of our wrong actions, which we also assessed incorrectly.

Have you ever thought about the fact that our good health has a positive effect on our environment? Have you paid attention to the fact that, for example, we like to be in the company of a cheerful person or a calm person who, with his calmness, inspires us with confidence in tomorrow? In the company of such people, we ourselves begin to treat ourselves with respect and feel more confident, stronger. Such people in any team become leaders. When we feel good, we don’t even notice that we stop getting sick, catch colds, and even very serious diseases begin to disappear somewhere.

That's why feeling better- this is, first of all, a revision of many of their life principles, a change in their point of view on what is happening and their assessments of events. Respect and love for one's environment is the basis wellness and love for the environment begins with love for oneself. Stop blaming yourself for all mortal sins. Understand that victory or defeat is just your assessment and nothing more. Any failure is a life lesson that needs to be learned, and having learned it, we become stronger. That is life. And therein lies its beauty. There is not a single person on the entire planet who would not make mistakes and, in the end, the anatomy of life consists of trials, errors and their corrections. When you realize this, we guarantee that well-being will be your main companion in life.

Improving your well-being with Transfer Factor

As we have said, we must not allow bad feeling a person violated the immune processes in the body, which lead to the appearance of various kinds of diseases. These diseases then backfire, lowering your well-being even more. This circle needs to be broken.

It is best to restore the optimal course of immune processes with help. This drug has a unique algorithm for influencing our body. It immediately eliminates the cause of immune disorders, and does not fight their consequence - diseases. The causes of all immune disorders are structural changes in our DNA - " software"of our immune system. The transfer factor is based on molecules of the same name - carriers of immune memory. Once in our body, these molecules "correct" all violations in the DNA structure, thereby bringing our immunity to an optimal state. That's it! So simple and so effective .
If you are constantly feeling unwell - buy Transfer Factor, take care of your health and think about your life priorities. And we guarantee you: very soon you will feel great yourself and this state will prevail in your life.

Very often we begin to feel bad when we get very tired during the day, and at the same time we still sleep little. But there is another factor that greatly affects our well-being - this is what we eat. The influence of food on our body is hard to overestimate, since it is hard to overestimate the importance of fuel for a car.

During the day, we eat a lot of unnecessary substances, such as unhealthy fats and sugar. But what can you do, there are harmful components in almost any food. But certain foods can significantly improve our well-being, and even significantly

So, meet 10 products for good health and mood:

1 Dark chocolate.

A very large percentage of people love chocolate. And now there is another little reason to treat yourself to it more often. It is the daily consumption of dark chocolate, only in the amount of 50 grams per day, that allows you to feel much better psychologically.

2 Almonds.

This nut contains a lot nutrients useful for the body, and in particular, these are Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids, which help increase the metabolism in the body, and as a result, increase energy. Also, almonds contain magnesium and folic acid, which, and allow it to be prevented.

3 Swiss chard.

This vegetable is also full of folic acid, the lack of which provokes the development of depression in the body. In addition, there are a lot of natural vitamins and microelements in the leaf beet.

4 chicken eggs.

In ordinary chicken eggs contains the most useful protein for our body, and fatty acids. Protein helps our muscles recover from a busy day, while fatty acids increase serotonin levels, which naturally boosts our mood.

5 Oatmeal.

No matter how trite it may sound, but it is oatmeal that is an excellent source of slow carbohydrates, and therefore it is best to have breakfast with oatmeal. So you charge yourself with energy for the whole day, and it is very slowly consumed by the body.

6 Asparagus.

This product, like leaf beets, contains a huge amount of folic acid, the lack of which provokes the development of depression in humans.

7 pumpkin seeds.

Also, a depressed mood and unwillingness to do anything creates a zinc deficiency in the body. Eat at least once a week 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, and you will be spared from it.

8 Flax seeds.

With the help of flax seeds, we replenish the insufficient amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in the body, and as you know, they affect our mood and mental state. With their lack, stress develops and subsequently develops into depression.

9 Natural honey.

You can talk about this product for a very, very long time, and it actually has a huge amount of useful qualities. Read how And in our case, honey just perfectly raises the energy level in the body, and allows it to work at full speed. A tablespoon of honey can give you new strength with increased mental work much better than a cup of coffee!

It is not simple physical activity but philosophy and way of life. With all the popularity of yoga practitioners, there are not so many real industry experts. One of the apologists right attitude and a competent approach to yoga are the masters of the health and beauty center "White Garden". Especially for the site, teachers and spouses from India, Chandana and Mahesh, shared the secrets of nutrition and well-being, and also spoke about the peculiarities of the lifestyle of Russian women.

The 5 essential ingredients for good health:

1. Every person needs daily exercise or at least minimal physical activity (walking, 15-minute morning workout). If you do not move, you will not avoid problems with metabolism.

2. Diet should become a way of life. But not starvation, namely a healthy diet. Give preference useful products from the region where you live. Eat seasonal vegetables and fruits.

3. Master meditation. Even if you are not proficient in meditative techniques, you can do this simple technique every day - sit comfortably, find an object or point in your environment and concentrate your attention on it. Try not to be distracted by anything for 20 minutes and stare at this point while maintaining even deep breathing. This is a kind of reboot for the brain, which calms nervous system, reduces stress and feelings of anxiety.

4. Try Unproductive work style activity. We are talking about any occupation that can be completely meaningless and have no specific purpose. But the process itself should be pleasant and bring you satisfaction. It could be your hobby. It is very important to find time for your favorite activities!

5. Smiling is very important. If you smile more often, you will definitely feel better.

3 most effective exercises for women's health:

1. Downward Dog Pose is an asana that improves circulation and stretches the muscles of the back, arms, and thighs. yoga for women's health must include this asana. To assume the pose, get on all fours, straighten your knees, and lift your buttocks. Take a few steps forward with your hands. Should be an angle. Breathe deeply and evenly. Maintain this position for a minute.

2. The “candle” (“birch”) pose is an asana that has a beneficial effect on the body when the veins in the legs expand, and also normalizes the function of the thyroid gland. This pose is especially beneficial for those who wear high heels. Lying on your back, lift your legs up until they form a right angle with the plane of the abdomen. The knees should be straight. Bend your elbows and grab your pelvis from below. Raise your torso as high as you can so that it forms a straight line with your extended legs. Transfer the body weight to your hands, resting your elbows on the floor. Try to arch your chest closer to your chin. Lower your chin into the neck recess or rest it against upper part chest. In this position, move the center of gravity of the body to the shoulders, head, and back of the head. Stay in this position for 1 minute while maintaining even breathing. You need to exit the pose slowly and carefully - first lowering the pelvis, and then the legs.

3. Closed corner pose. This asana aims to open the pelvis. She regains mobility hip joints and improves blood circulation in the lower abdomen, tones the kidneys, prevents problems with the lower back, strengthens the uterus and bladder. Sit on the floor with your back against a wall. Bend your knees and spread them apart, bringing your feet together. Try to move your feet as close to you as possible. Lean against the wall with your back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and sacrum, but at the same time maintain the natural curve of the spine. Breathe evenly and calmly. Do not strain your stomach - it should be soft and relaxed. No need to press your knees to the floor with force. Full pelvic opening comes with practice.

On the peculiarities of nutrition and lifestyle in Russia:

Nutrition, well-being and lifestyle are directly dependent on climate. In Russia, and in particular in Moscow, there is not much sun, and due to its lack, a deficiency of vitamin D is formed. In this regard, the inhabitants of Russia may experience muscle weakness, irritability, insomnia, depression, poor dental health and problems with joints . To make up for the deficiency of this vitamin, you need to eat right. The following sources of vitamin D must be present in the diet: parsley, egg yolk, caviar, cheese, fish oil, butter, dairy products, fatty fish (herring, mackerel, halibut and cod liver), seafood. And of course, as soon as the weather is fine and sunny, you need to go for a walk in the fresh air.

About proper breathing techniques:

How to breathe correctly? Calm, measured and conscious breathing with the stomach or diaphragm is the basis of yoga. When you breathe with your belly, your lungs are fully engaged and your body is better oxygenated. It is important to always breathe through the nose - this improves brain function. In addition, it is advisable to breathe as slowly as possible and try to exhale longer than inhale. Yoga masters in one minute can do only two long breaths and exhalations without holding their breath. If you are stressed and in an anxious state, then the alternate breathing technique will help you calm down. Bring your right hand to your nose, bend your index and middle fingers, and close the right nostril with your thumb, take a deep and calm breath through the left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the ring finger and exhale slowly through the right. This is one cycle. Repeat 10-15 times and you will feel how negative emotions and stress go away.

The most effective types of yoga:

Yoga is a single holistic system. Despite the differences in approaches, all types of yoga are focused on the main thing - creating harmony in the life of each person, the unity of the body, mind and spirit. This is what each of us is trying to find in life. First you need to decide why and why you want to make yoga an element of your lifestyle - was it an urgent recommendation from a doctor, or did you want to follow the experience of someone you know, or is it your conscious choice. Then it is worth visiting several yoga centers and visiting different teachers. Based on your impressions, you will understand what is right for you and what meets the expectations of this practice. There is no other way.

On ways to maintain peace of mind and overcome stress:

The only way to deal with stress is awareness. To live consciously means to understand that each person is the creator of his emotions, his condition and his happiness. Mindfulness is a very deep and complex topic, but there are fundamental principles on which it is built. For example, if some unpleasant situation happened in your life (failure at work, quarrel with loved ones, bad news, etc.) and, accordingly, this caused you negative emotions, you don’t need to “cherish” them and think about what happened again and again. Look at the situation from a different angle and ask yourself the question - not “why did this happen?” But “why?”. Stress is a faithful companion of those who cannot get out of a depressed state. We need to realize that we live life once, every moment in it happens once. What happened is in the past. It is necessary to live "here and now", not regretting what happened, and not worrying about what COULD BE tomorrow. As soon as this awareness comes, you quickly “depart”, calm down and, thus, maintain peace of mind.

Everyone is different and what is good for some may not be good for others. Listen to yourself, follow your feelings after a particular meal. Your body will tell you what is best for it. And of course, you need to follow the main rules of nutrition:

Eat only when you feel hungry

Do not eat incompatible foods at the same time (fats / proteins / carbohydrates)

Cook and eat fresh food(not canned, not semi-finished products)

Don't eat when you're nervous, on the go or in a hurry

Don't eat heavily at night

Try to eat a variety of foods that provide all 6 tastes (sweet, salty, sour, spicy, astringent, and bitter).

Have you ever wondered what well-being is and what it depends on? After all, this is one of critical factors determining the quality of our lives. If I may say so, then the well-being of a person is a holistic expression of the unity of the state of bodily and mental processes.
A person's well-being affects working capacity not only in favorable, but also in difficult, critical moments of life. A person's well-being is a consequence of a real idea of ​​the value of our actions, of our significance for others. A person's well-being depends on what we ourselves think about ourselves, whether others believe our self-esteem. A person's well-being predicts a person when and to what extent he should be active, whether it is possible to rely on others or only on himself. The well-being of a person reflects not only the spiritual range of a person, but also his temperament, state of health, style of activity and communication with others. People who are in good health create an atmosphere that not only disposes, but also obliges those around them. When a person's well-being is normal, it does not press or limit our actions. For good health, favorable conditions are needed wherever a person works and visits.
You can even deduce some factors on which a person’s well-being depends:
-relationships with people;
-accumulation in gene memory;
- internal state of a person;
- human worldview.
We will dwell a little on our physical component. Everyone understands that as well as good is largely due to the health of the human body. If a person is sick, then he will feel bad health, if a person is healthy, then good health does not leave him. These are common truths from the category: "It is better to be healthy and rich ...". But few people also understand quite such a simple thing: all health and therefore well-being of a person depends on the state of his immune system.
The immune system of a person is his shield from all kinds of external aggressors, and therefore if a person’s immunity is not in order, then there is no need to talk about health. Often the person himself does not even suspect that his immune system has been "jumping" for a long time and he gets sick and gets sick, his poor health continues to overcome him and he gets sick even more. It's like a vicious circle.
In today's difficult times, it is hard to find a completely healthy person. After all, a person is dependent on everything: on ecology, on nutrition, on the psychological atmosphere in the environment. That is why, more and more often, poor health of a person is gradually becoming the norm of life. And we no longer suspect that in fact our natural state is good health, you just need to know how to return it.
Feeling better can be achieved in different ways. For example, our diet has a lot to do with improving our well-being. Now we will list some of the many foods that have a beneficial effect on our improvement in well-being:
- oranges;
- honey (good in the fight against stress);
- leaf lettuce;
- milk, cottage cheese, yogurt;
- red fish;

But, as we have already said, a healthy immune system provides us with good health. Therefore, in order to improve well-being, we
We recommend transfer factor. This is a universal immune corrector of natural origin, which has absolutely no side effects, no age restrictions. Transfer factor is the drug that will give you good health for many years, because the best drug to maintain the immune system and therefore your health, we do not know.
But remember that good health, as well as poor health, is, first of all, your attitude to life, or, more simply, it is your assessment and nothing more. Remember that life is beautiful in any of its manifestations and there really are no reasons for frustration.

The application of transfer factors in a variety of life situations is described in great detail on the corresponding page of this site.

Everyone dreams of waking up refreshed and energetic. But the reality is quite different, and most of us have a hard time opening our eyes. Modern life passes at high speed, and not everyone manages to cope well with the level of stress that piles on us during the day. Prolonged fatigue is the cause of many diseases and. But who, if not us, is able to change the situation in order to feel a surge of vivacity again.

Physical exercise and a normal eight-hour sleep perfectly help with this. BUT proper nutrition stimulates the body to excrete more energy, which will help to cope with most stresses. Consider proven strategies that will increase our energy.

Add Omega 3

Research conducted by nutritionists has shown that daily consumption of omega-3 fatty acids leads to increased levels of concentration and energy. Therefore, it is desirable to include at least one source of such a substance in the diet. It can be found in fish, seeds, and tree nuts. Omega-3 supplements are now available. Although they are useful, they cannot replace good nutrition.

Get ready to eat

The amount of sugar in the blood is responsible for the amount of energy in the body. Therefore, a long abstinence from eating leads to fatigue and hunger. If nothing useful for a snack is prepared at hand, then the unhealthy will be used. To prevent this from happening, you need to prepare some nuts or dried fruits in advance. They will help to satisfy hunger and replenish the amount of sugar. You can also eat yogurt, berries and some fruit.

Drop strict diets

Diets aimed at restricting the body in calories, in the end, only bring harm. When a person receives less energy through food, he immediately experiences fatigue. In addition, the body turns on the process of energy conservation, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism. As a result, the desired weight loss occurs much more slowly. And if at this moment a person begins to eat more, then the weight is gained faster. The optimal solution for this issue is to eat as much as the body needs.

Nutrient rich foods

Many vitamins and nutrients are needed by the body for a full metabolism. If a person eats improperly, eventually he is overcome by fatigue. Therefore, when eating, you should give preference to foods with a high nutritional value. It can be nuts, fruits, legumes, vegetables, grains. On the other hand, eating artificial sweets, fatty foods, refined breads will give the body a lot of calories, but not nutrients, which will eventually lead to obesity and fatigue.

Drink more

In order for the human body to function normally, it is necessary to monitor the water balance. Only in this case it is possible to speak about cheerfulness and vigor. In this case, it is better to give preference to purified and mineral water, and try to avoid juices and sports drinks. IN summer time It is recommended to carry a small bottle of water with you.

Don't Forget Antioxidants

They help the human body resist harmful chemicals. An increased amount of the latter leads to fatigue and a variety of diseases. Most antioxidants enter the human body through plant foods. Therefore, it is best to use vegetables and fruits that have a rich color in food.

Caffeine - alert or tired?

When drowsiness or fatigue appears, some people resort to a proven remedy - a cup of coffee. Immediately after this comes cheerfulness and a boost of energy. But the effect produced is temporary. At the end of it, fatigue and a feeling of hunger come. This is due to the fact that the body was stimulated by caffeine, but did not receive any nutrients to replenish energy reserves. In addition, the constant use of coffee leads to addiction and creates unnecessary problems. Therefore, it is better to replace it with green tea, which contains not only caffeine, but also antioxidants.

Be sure to have breakfast

As tempting as it is to skip breakfast, it's best not to. For the human body, it serves as a kind of start for normal metabolism. In addition, breakfast provides the necessary energy for effective work. In order to get a boost of energy in the morning, you need to give preference to fruits, cereals and cottage cheese in your diet.